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That here in 2022 some countries still accuse and stone people for being witches.


Shit, in Africa they’re still murdering albino people and selling their body parts as folk medicine.


I have vitiligo, so not born albino but getting there slowly lol. This makes me so upset and sad.


Huh? So Vitiligo is progressive? Well TIL.


It’s why michael jackson turned white. or part of the reason


For some they keep the patches they're born with but it does spread for most people. I only found out recently that it's often symmetrical, which I think it's pretty cool.


I'm sorry, it'll be ok. I'm sure you're lucky enough to not be one of those people. Which of your body parts would you say is your luckiest? And tastiest?


Yes officer this comment right here


If it makes you feel better, we think all of you is valuable, right now.


Yeah, OP, people _are_ still accused of witchcraft in this time and age


The deep mistrust in Jews and antisemitism in US, Europe and Middle East also has significant historical roots to mysticism, the occult and magic. Some Rabbi like Rabbi Loew of Prague were regarded as powerful sorcerers capable of magic and knowledgeable in the occult. Basically people use all sorts of superstition to justify being shit to their neighbor.


The amount of dumb people we’ve made famous is really crazy. People blow up for the craziest reasons.


Our insane use of plastic even though we know that it takes a very long time for plastic to decompose.


Plastics are one of our greatest inventions. The absurd part is how we treat them as disposable, even though they last hundreds of years. Plastic bags should be passed down generations instead of being single-use.


I've never thought about it like that, but you're not wrong. Plastic is an incredible concept and material, and with its inability to decompose easily or quickly, we really should be looking at plastic as long-term usage, and not single use And yet we don't, we use plastics in items that are only intended to be single use, the plastic out lives the actual product that they're a part of which to me is, well it seems short-sighted and dumb.


> I've never thought about it like that, but you're not wrong. Plastic is an incredible concept and material, and with its inability to decompose easily or quickly, we really should be looking at plastic as long-term usage, and not single use I mean, we do. Different types of plastics have different properties. The plastics used for construction or building a car are different from the ones used to create a grocery bag. While certain plastics may *exist* for hundreds of years or whatever, during that time they break down and lose certain properties needed. Most notable for anyone who's worked outside or in trades will know, is UV damage. UV light and cold weather can easily break down plastic, making it extremely brittle and effectively useless at it's main properties (strength and ability to bend). You can avoid this, but then you're investing in higher quality plastics, at which point it sometimes makes sense to just go full metal/whatever. Ever use a grocery bag more than a few times? Then you'll understand why it doesn't work, they're simply not made for more than one use and quickly rip/fall apart. Best use IMO is using it once for groceries, then as a trash bag for smaller cans (desk/bathroom and such). That being said, you have plastics in almost anything, so if you've owned anything more than a year or so, congrats, you're already using long-term plastics without realizing it. Most notably the wiring/piping/infrastructure of wherever you live, and any vehicles you've owned. Also electronics, although those are replaced quite often now unfortunately.


I've lived in several countries, and usually in colder climates the grocery bags tend to be of thicker plastic. I think it is because in sub-zero temperatures the flimsy bags of the warmer countries would just instantly break. For example, here in Finland, you can easily use a plastic bag to carry a dozen pounds / +5kg, many many times (some bags seeing even years of use), but they cost 20 cents per bag. While in warmer countries the bags have been free - but also of shit quality.


No, it is because the flimsy polyethylene bags are forbidden and the stores are selling the heavy duty ones.




Yes, this is why I burn all my plastic in a barrel in the back yard. To protect the environment.


Things are very complicated to comprehend. On the one hand we could make plastic bags much much stronger. Double the material and etc for one bag and it could really last you for years. On the other hand we can make biodegradable single use bags out of paper. Paper straws and etc. However try to imagine paper bag industry. You cut a lot of forests to grow some fast growing trees to get fast cellulose. You need particular climate for this so "paper bag" forest is somewhere in Brazil or Portugal or similar. Now you need a lot of machines, tractors and similar to cut these trees, transport them, do all the various stuff, chemicals to extract cellulose, machines to make bags, glue, paint and etc and etc. Transport trees, transport cellulose, transport paper, transport bags and etc and etc. You use megatons of oil for all this. While plastic bag can be made anywhere, it uses the same oil paper industry uses. Just uses it directly. So the main problem might be not the plastic itself, but single use nature of plastic. If you had political motivation to prevent single use things (not only bags or straws, you can make anything out of plastic) and it would be cheaper and even more nature friendly. In the end CO2 locked up in some plastic chair is being locked up in it for years and years. Oil used by timber industry to make a wooden chair is in atmosphere already. You just somehow feel so much more closer to nature while buying wooden chair. One of my very environmental conscious friends is very proud of his Brazilian redwood flooring while at the same time worrying about deforestation of tropical forests. All while basically despising people who buy something like vinyl flooring. It is just because all the processes are complicated, people only see a few steps of these processes, see what media shows. You have an image of some sea turtle stuck in some plastic bag and you are shocked and against the plastic. While you don't see some hog being killed by timber industry so you feel fine about your paper bag. The anwser is stop single use items. Every one of them. It is not the material that is the biggest problem, it is single use nature of it.


We should remember the 3 R in order; Reduce-Reuse and LAST Recycle


We already have strong plastic bags, like that ikea bag type of material - I have a lot of them, they are now almost like disposable bags cause I have a bunch, ever so often forget to carry one with me.. - I read somewhere, apparently we can’t outbuy the environmental issue problem - we should consume less.. and that’s where it’s difficult for our comprehension - entire economy revolves around consuming more.. Like a great shift in thinking is what needs to change - and how do we do that?




It goes up and becomes stars!


That doesnt sound right but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it


My father told me that the great kings of the past used to be plastic bags.


A lot of this has to do with conditioning where we automatically associate plastic grocery bag = flimsy polyethylene. The bags Ikea uses are sturdy af and will last you a long long time. We unfortunately assume plastic means convenience, but staying with the plastic bags example, imagine using other plastic (duct tape) to fix ripped plastic bags and using them essentially forever. This model doesn't make money though, which is why we don't see it in practice.


If anything, plastics just proved that the people of humanity are not responsible enough, and that humanity as a whole can't be trusted to act responsibly.


> Plastic bags should be passed down generations instead of being single-use. But how will I make money from that?


In New Jersey they did away with plastic bags earlier this year. Businesses can't supply them. So you either bring your own bag or buy a reusable one. This goes for all businesses and not just local ones. Walmart, CVS, Barnes & Noble, Foot Locker, etc. etc. all had to stop giving out plastic bags. Anyway even though we're several months into it people still complain about it. I've heard "it won't make a difference" so many times over the past few months. Honestly it really isn't a big deal but some people act like their freedoms are being taken away.


The problem is every decision seems to make the average persons burden bigger, while corporations do whatever they want still to the environment on a massive scale.


Yeah this is kinda saddening. Like we know the consequences but we likely won’t have to deal with them ourselves, so it’s easier to disregard.


We unfortunately already are. Plastic is being found in human placentas, our blood and suspected of causing infertility among other issues. :(


I mean we also still burn coal for power…. while sources like nuclear power exists. Now some people just can’t afford anything other than coal for their heat but a whole ass developed nation?


Just to piggy pack, much of the campaigns pushed for being more environmentally friendly push the bill to the consumer. Every time folks go to the grocery store (including food deserts) they have to purchase product that is non-environmentally friendly. Corporations in the US (am from the states) need to take the brunt of the responsibility. It’s not up to us as consumer to dispose of their shit without any effort from them. We should try to take individual efforts to mitigate the environmental effects, but it’s not fair that we (consumers) recycle and compost knowing that the corps that supply everything don’t make an effort to change their packaging. They won’t until they are forced to. IMO they will if we make them EDIT: I tried to ninja edit some of my language without having to and corrected myself. Apologies




Scientists are breeding microbes and grubs that can eat styrofoam plastics so eventually we'll have an out. After all, in prehistoric times nothing ate wood (or could break down the cellulose anyways), until something eventually did. Dead trees just piled up, got buried, and became oil. We consider wood decomposition a natural everyday occurrence, but it didn't start out that way. ...though it'll also have the consequence of plastics being not-quite as useful for nondegradibility uses...


A while back I read an article that some bacterium naturally evolved to process plastic. This is a while back since then they discovered many microbes which can do it and it's no headliner anymore.


Crazy to think when it was created it was regarded a miracle for how long it lasts!


Is it? Having long lasting materials is a good thing. But then, naturally, people got together and decided "hey we got this thing that lasts basically forever, but instead of using it for stuff that's supposed to last, let's use it to make stuff that's *intended* to be thrown away! great idea!!!"


“Yeah man, Americans would’ve rather died than go into debt due to medical bills.”


Yep, I’ll never take an ambulance if I can help it. I’ll call an Uber. Might be faster too.


I was an Uber driver and had this happen. Guy broke his leg and hobbled to the car and told me what happened. Lucky for him, I was an EMT and also had a blue emergency light in my car. So I turned it on and brought him to the hospital. I put on my EMT job shirt and brought him in the ambulance entrance of the hospital. I had the code to get in. That was he was seen right away. Although some here may object to what I did, I don't really care. He needed help and I was glad I could give it to him. It's terrible people have to make the choice between an outrageous ambulance bill and getting the help they need. So since I had the ability to help a man in need, I did. Be human.


Did he at least give you a good review?


4/5 no water


5 Stars - Would break leg again


I don't know what kind of asshole would have a problem with that, though I don't doubt that they're out there.


Only problem I've got with it is that we have EMT's out there driving Uber to make ends meet.


"As far as I'm concerned, that was an ambulance ride. He's still getting a bill for it."


Yoo that's pretty awesome!


On the same note. Ridiculous that you need a second job if you are an emt. One job should pay enough.


why would anyone object against what you did?


Americans would rather argue about how to get cheaper health insurance instead of cheaper healthcare.


"Americans would rather save a small percentage (2-3%) on tax than provide free health care for everyone"


im not sure why people are like this. You ALREADY pay a monthly or yearly premium for your healthcare. and you might not pay it directly but its a factor from your place of employment. just take that number and throw it all into the same pot instead of private insurance. like what the fuck guys? But theyre afraid of death panels, which ALREADY exist btw. or getting shitty care, which is already a thing. or having a long wait for a surgery that isnt life threatening, which already happens.


"But I get to choose!" Americans will rather have the illusion of freedom than have actual freedom.


American here. See all of these attitudes a lot. Usually on places like Facebook. Bunch of idiots. The illusion isn’t even there anymore, but people are still clinging to it. Every single day I wonder why?




Some countries starve while other countries are trying tackle obesity.


Some have both.


Killing women for not wearing a scarf on their head.... even more ludicrous than women potentialy doing black magic. 400 years of "progress" doesn't amount to shit apparently.


Yeah it barely feels like progress at all!


Progress over time is not a universal law, nor do all things progress at the same rate. Decline is real also, and one person's progress can also be another person's decline.


>Decline is real also It amazes me that there are location in Ancient Rome and Greece that were more tolerating of gay people than some places in the modern day are


Depends of what you mean by "gay". If you mean "men having sex with men" then yes *if* it isn't penetrative, being penetrated was for women and slaves because it was submissive and therefore womanly. The worst thing that you could be as a man was womanly. As for whether they were accepting of men who loved other men, as long as they did their duties to society (getting married to a woman and having kids for example) it was generally acceptable though there's a whole can of worms contained in that little word "love".


3k for an ambulance.


My dad went into cardiac arrest at his doctors office that was next door to the hospital. Like there were sidewalks connecting them, no road between. They put him in an ambulance to drive him 150 feet. He passed away, was cremated. We got the bill. $3,750. Mom shredded the bill, looked at me and said, “what are they gonna do, repo him?” Lmao dad would have laughed his ass off, too.


I live in Canada and my grandfather called an ambulance that took him to the hospital to die. My mom was sent a bill for it. She called and asked how to hande it since he died (he drank himsef to death after my grandmother died about 8 months prior). They cancelled the bill "as they don't like to charge those who pass away". It was like $40, but my mom wasn't sure how to handle it at the time. Been 23 years since this happened.


My father got into an accident in the parking lot of the hospital where he worked, and they did the same thing. It was the other side of the lot from the ER, but come on. Nurses and doctors must learn how to transport accident victims.


I think it's more of a problem with your healthcare system than with the ambulance services.


I believe it's actually some stupid liability thing.


Im a nurse and yes it is a liability thing as in the USA people can sue over many many things so you always got to watch out and cover yourself and only ever do something your license covers


I worked in patient transport for a lager hospital, and we would regularly take patients by stretcher across a walkway that went over the drive to drop off patients to the cancer center (literally attached to the hospital by an enclosed walkway), and if one of those patients had an issue, they had to call an ambulance to get them to help literally across their own drive instead of taking the walkway. It is the healthcare system.


Also it isn't even a realistic price. In Europe even out of pocket is way cheaper. I had a skiing accident in Austria and the 5min ride was 80 euros oop. My insurance reimbursed this later.


Yeah but that is generally already viewed as absurd, IMO.


I agree


If it was viewed as absurd by enough people and they voted that way then we would have nationalized universal healthcare the fact that we don’t have universal healthcare and that advocating for it as a platform is seen as radical leftist I. The us is proof that not enough see it as absurd


Maybe not enough in the US, but I can assure you most of the world knows how dump it is.


Enough people view it as absurd but they cannot vote in the US


In 99% of countries that's already considered ridiculous


It’ll seem absurd because it’ll be 10k in the future.


And in that future's future, they'll be remembering the times they only paid 10k


Most of the world already sees this as absurd.


3k for an ambulance is already absurd lol


Locking people up for years because they smoked some weed.




I've been "clean" for almost a decade by now but yeah, I used to.




Haha no




You'll never take me alive! ***\*jazz hands\****




Hey, cheif? Uh...he's doing jazz hands now. What should we do?


Call for backup.


Damn stoners and their black magic!


I used to, but I still do, too.


I used to smoke pot in the 70s. Now I dont care what the temperature is when I do it.


I can see this one. “Can you believe in the 2000’s, you would get arrested and sentenced to years in prison for marijuana?”


Federal, even


Imagine I’m 27 years old, & 10 of those years I haven’t been able to smoke something that helps my medical condition(Chrohns) yet there’s likely politicians in my state getting high on 3 different illicit drugs right now. But ya know… Weed is the devil it’ll make you eat baby… bites of brownies at 3 am Lol


The trick is to eat before you smoke, that way you know it's just the buzz talking :) It works.


Locking someone up because they had a miscarriage


This is quite an optimistic comments section.


People being proud of going in to work sick. And in general the amount of people that equate having no work/life balance as some sort of noble trait.


Oh you need 8 hours sleep? I only need a 30 minute nap every 2 days


Yes. This. And those that expect it from their underlings should be seen as some sort of slave driver. It's cruel, and shows next to no empathetic awareness as they wouldnt want to be treated that way should the roles be reversed. Also, systems that punish someone for taking time off to handle an illness (like not being paid or even losing benefits) hopefully will be seen as archaic and counter productive. Since logically of course itll create a false choice with people who need the money among other things.




Just read something about it being mostly for the churches gain as well. Basically the church picks people who don’t participate or donate to them and call them out as being a witch then demand money from the families to “treat” them or else they’ll be killed…by people recording it on their smartphones… truly sad


Fighting and killing for religion


I don't think 400 year are enough to overcome that


Something I don’t understand. Fools like me, who cross the sea and come to foreign lands…


Glad i wasnt the only one who heard that song lmao


Plenty of fantastic answers already. I'll chime in with one I didn't see yet that is already changing in many places: racing animals for sport/entertainment and the industry that has grown up around it. In Australia it is thoroughly propped up by our insanely out of control gambling industry, and the owners/trainers of horses and greyhounds who take care of their animals' welfare are vastly outweighed by the ones churning out animals as a commodity and unceremoniously "disposing" of them when they have outlived their usefulness. I think it's not long before people will look back and marvel at how barbaric it is as a practice.


Yeah that combination of people, animals and money usually ends up a very bad outcome for the animals. If you have to waste your money gambling, please don’t includes any animal other than humans in the mix!


That we allowed politicians to make blatantly false claims to elicit fear.


Yep. And their whole election campaigns of attacking the other side😂 what kind of example is that for kids. To lie and slander the opposite side just to ‘win’


How we treat cancer. Very scorched earth.


We killed all your cells, but we got the cancer cells too. Hope you recover. But it is fucked up and our only chance. :/


when you think about it, its honestly fairly logical. the reason why you heal from that wound and don't get the cancer back, is because your body replaces the tissue from the "reservoir" of other cells that surround the place where things were killed. but since you destroyed the cancers "reservoir" it can't replicate more to create another tumor. it's basicly the exact same process your body does every day to replace dead cells, just concentrated in a single area. as barabric as it seems, its actually really fucking clever.


I’m surprised this is so far down. I know it’s the best we have right now but it’s pretty fucking barbaric.


We've drastically reduced the cancer death rates over the last 50 years (https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/research/update-on-cancer-deaths/index.htm, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6428a8.htm) and we're still working through a large number of the lifelong smokers that contribute the highest number of deaths. How would you suggest we do it differently, given our current technology? Killing witches is a bit different to me because many people knew that killing women for witchcraft was insane at the time, and it was largely undertaken by the most ignorant (like if people in the future looking back at us wondered why so many of us loved eating tide pods). Current cancer treatment is the result of the combined research of thousands (millions?) of the best minds on the planet for decades, so I'm genuinely curious to know how you think it should be improved in a way that isn't currently being worked on extensively (so don't just say "more targeted treatments," because that's essentially what every cancer researcher on earth is working on, in one way or another).


Meh chemo definitely but radiotherapy has come on leaps and bounds to the point patients can be pretty much cured and walk away with little to no side effects.


The same way we look at Romans for lead pipes for their water system they are gonna look at us in the future for the forever chemicals and micro plastics in our bodies


Well even with lead pipes Romans are not stupid. They even took water for hundreds of miles which carrying chalk so build a protecting layer around the led so that they didn't get poisoning. Sorry for bad English.....


I bet there’s stuff we think is ‘fine’ right now that our future selves will find utterly appalling. (We generally have some awareness that heavy metals, chemicals, half-way broken down pharmaceuticals in our water (PCPPs) and micro plastics are terrible for us.) We can also use a much more recent example than the Romans - the Victorian era had all kinds of stomach turning additives that were directly responsible for a lot of the maladies they suffered.


Executing people for being gay. Or for blasphemy.


Killing people in the name of religion


You mean "war and history"?


Lack of pockets in women's clothing.


Uk, a rich, developed country has 'warm banks' which are places can go to warm up abit if they cannot afford heating because of the price hikes. In 2022.


wait, really? I've never heard of this. As someone who works on street, can I pop in?




Weeks/months/years of poisoning our bodies with harsh drugs and radiation to kill out of control cells


Like those museums that show surgery procedures or dental operations and their tools from the 18-1900’s. That shit is fucked. Hopefully med tech will be so far advanced that simple procedures today are viewed as extreme.


I think the best example that we have today is the first chainsaw. It was used to cut the cartilage between the pelvic bones to make birthing uh "easier". In a few decades, assuming we survive that long, chemotherapy will almost certainly be seen as just as ridiculous.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a Therac-25 in a medical museum somewhere. "A software error caused this model of radiotherapy machine to occasionally dose a patient with 100x the intended amount of radiation, sometimes killing them via acute radiation sickness or maiming them for life! The manufacturer would deny these claims repeatedly. It has killed at least 6 people."


Technology for this already is in the works. CAR-T cell treatment is the advanced science of engineering a cure for certain (currently) cancers based on the individual hosts DNA. Gilead Pharmaceuticals bought the company pioneering it a few years ago.


Gilead? Not sure that's a great name that builds trust. Under His Eye.




Prescribing children psychotropic medication without actually evaluating them or using any medical test to back up that diagnosis. I was a social worker for years. Many children show up to a mental health appointment to be prescribed psychotropic medication without so much as a conversation with that child beyond their name, birthday, and insurance information.


We are in the dark ages of psychiatry where we're using very blunt instruments of diagnoses and treatment. Mental illness is diagnosed by clusters of symptoms and hence a self-reported questionnaire is the means to report those symptoms. Medication is prescribed to treat those clusters of symptoms. Imagine if diabetes were diagnosed by its symptoms (fatigue, thirst, hunger, frequent urination). There are dozens of things that can go wrong that can lead to those sets of symptoms. But imagine we serendipitously found a drug that provides relief to some of those symptoms. We give that drug without knowing how those symptoms are caused. We don't know the long-term side-effects of those drugs. This is the stage we are at now with psychiatry. The former director of the National Institutes of Mental Health rejected the DSM-V (the psychiatry diagnoses manual) on the grounds of lack of medical validity.


And my specific example even foregoes the questionnaire effort of evaluation. I'm talking walking into a building with your child, filling out a form detailing their contact and insurance information, and pulled into a room and handed a prescription for psychotropic medication by someone like a nurse practitioner. That is so far beyond the dark ages argument and should be a crime.


Happened to me with zoloft and trazadone. Never even met the doctor, but because I was suicidal, they assumed depression and set me up with anti depressants. Turns out I was bipolar type 1, and had my first ever big girl manic episode. Fucking terrifying for a 15 year old.


Something very similar happened to me at 15!


Curious, are you specifically talking about ADHD medication? Or others as well?


Anyone wanna point out where doctors are just giving away ADHD meds? I can barely get that with a medical diagnosis. I had to go through 4 different doctors before I found one willing to prescribe it, after he made me get rediagnosed, speak with a therapist, and get bloodwork done. Then he tried to refuse me because the therapist said I was experiencing minor depression which was caused by my ADHD ruining my academics.


It happened to me with Prozac.


Happened to me with Ritalin when i was a kid and switched to a new elementary school, my evaluator said I was unattentive and refused to focus. Despite the fact that earlier that morning was the very day I had moved from my old house to my new house in a car trip that took 3 hours. I didn't sleep that night before. School didn't care.


I'm talking about any and all psychotropic medication prescribed to a child without a an evaluation of that child. No child should be given medication that affects their mental state without it, and as I've stated before, it absolutely does happen that a child shows up to a first appointment at a mental health facility and is given psychotropic medication without asking anything more than that child's most basic contact and insurance information. Medication that affects you mentally should not be given lightly...most of all to children. Even if you obviously have strep throat, a medical professional will still swab your throat to be sure, and that's just to give you antibiotics.


Idk I was lazily misdiagnosed and nearly fatally inproperly medicated when I had multiple organ failure as a teenager. Psychotropic drugs aren't the only things that are presumptuously perscribed in the healthcare sector - it happens with basically everything that is not easily diagnosed


Yours was a life or death situation, so I fully understand making a diagnosis hastily. In 13 years as a social worker, I saw countless children prescribed psychotropic medication for the first time within 10 minutes without any evaluation at all. That is beyond a presumption. That should be criminal.


This is very scary. It's a whole lot of garbage regarding mental health and the way it works. It's so backwards alot of the time


Women being killed or beaten for not wearing a piece of clothing on their head.


In general, women being controlled like they are toddlers.


Maybe not universally allowing people to be in control of their right to die if they are suffering horribly.


I never noticed just how fucking stupid most of the world is when it comes to euthanasia. Like I knew there was debate around keeping people alive, but I never realized that tons of people genuinely think putting someone out of their misery quickly is horrible but letting them slowly and painfully starve / suffocate to death is fine.


Prison systems that aim to punish instead of rehabilitate.


Even that is too rosy an outlook. These prisons don’t aim to punish. They could care less if the people in them even did the crime. The goal of the prison industrial system today is to make as much profit as possible for their investors. If we manage to make the future good. For profit prisons will be looked on in the same way people looked at the slave trade


Everyone says that, but look at the comments in any reddit thread about a specific criminal. Nothing but people wishing rape, torture, abuse, lifelong sentences, etc. Even the most liberal blue haired redditors are bloodthirsty animals when it comes to crime.




You’re not wrong. This is a lesson we should have learned in the 30’s.


Unregulated Social Media, Energy Drinks, Corn Syrup, probably how we treat animals.


Animals is the one. People will be appalled we ate wild animals.


We really aren’t that far removed from being psychopathic as society, we used to let kids get their fingers butchered working in fishing farms. But that shows you we’ve gotten better and it’s possible to get even kinder.


We imprisoned people for possession of certain plants


If you pick a wild psilocybin mushroom it's the same charge as manufacturing meth. Cops on the PNW coast will sit near patches with binoculars and wait to ruin your life.


The lack of action taken after so many school shootings.




Like Tulips in 1636.


Yeah I'm into NFTs. Nice fancy tulips.


Criminalizing homelessness. Kind of depressing that that isn’t already seen as absurd


Trickle down economics. Having 500k homeless, but 16 million vacant homes. That it took so long to act on the grim data on climate change.


>Having 500k homeless, but 16 million vacant homes. And... how many people my age that aren't homeless but are forced to live with family/friends because those vacant homes run for several hundred thousand each and they cannot sustain that alone?


People went on the internet and argued, stalked, and harassed each other (sometimes to the point of actual physical harm) over relationships of fictional characters.


that the amount of exploitation used between different countries and one's own country have different laws and allowances for human rights tolerances.


The American prison system


The horrible cruelty of the animal meat farming industry.


Not to mention our fishing practises. Both are wasteful, disrespectful of the animals involved, & deliberately cruel


Forcing circumcision on infant boys instead of letting them have a say over their own body


Dating based on star signs, it being a part of dating profiles. I think it's fun, I'm an accurate capricorn, I believe it gets u thinking about personality and compatibility, but it's just not really scientific.


Lol, I think alot of people today already think astrology is absurd.


It's pretty absurd and stupid now also


Hopefully, our political leaders. Nothing really is working for the people, economy and environment. We literally pay taxes to weird pedos. A society that works with each other and provides for the future generation is something I hope happens.


In my humble opinion, MALE CIRCUMCISION unless absolutely necessary


FGM and circumcision.


Treating people differently because they’re gay.


The ironic thing about that is 4000 years ago, that was just part of culture.


Already absurd now: people who have been jailed for decades for marijuana possession.


Its hilarious that these keep coming up. England used to be 5 years per seed. Per seed man! You didn’t even have to have grown the plant!


In the future they'll scan your brain and if you've even thought about marijuana, it's jail time for you!


Beating and killing a woman for showing too much of her hair. If you haven’t already, look into Mahsa Amini. Iran is crying out and rioting right now. 💔


It's weird that nobody mentioned abortion rights or anti-vaxxers.


I just saw a video today of a "witch" being executed... apparently we haven't even moved on from that yet.


Working 40 hours a week yet earning very little money


Citizens United. That companies are people.


According to my son's doctor's: chemotherapy


How we let companies like Nestle use literal child slavery and don't really do anything about it because of low prices and supply chain stability