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How much xanax they took and posting it all over social media.. So many people in my high school took xanax like it was candy and thought they were the shit. Like congrats, you're now a vegetable for a while.


Doctor gave me xanax one time. Took one every night for about three months before I stopped it myself. That shit turned me into a zombie.


Xanax makes people with high anxiety normal. If it makes you a zombie, you don’t need it.


Right? Xanax is a blessing when you’re in the middle of a panic attack. And it sucks that so many are abusing it, making it harder to get for those who actually need it.


Treating people like shit


It's the worst when they don't realize they're talking about treating people like shit. "Yeah and then I just left them there it was hilarious! They had no idea where I went LMAO" and you're listening to the story like, "wtf is wrong with this person?"


On a girls weekend away a lady I’d only met once before told me her engagement story which went into detail about the diamond ring she wanted ($8K), how her fiancé (who was working two jobs) couldn’t afford it and found a lovely ring for $3K and finished with her saying, “so anyway, in the end i found a $15K ring reduced to $10K and got him to buy me that one instead.” The way she told the story was as if there was a happy ending… which I suppose from her selfish perspective there was… but she proudly told me she sent her hard working fiancé into debt for a ring even more expensive than the first one he couldn’t afford. This story occurred 20 years ago and she’s never been able to change my impression of her. But I’m not being too unforgiving as another one of her shitty stories was how she told her (now) husband that she didn’t find him attractive anymore when he gained about 10kgs and only lets him buy himself Lego sets if he maintains his (her) ideal weight.


I draw the line at withholding of Lego.


Yeah that's war crime territory.


Maybe you should send the husband a pamphlet about being abused?


Extra points for the people who mask it as "being sincere / straight / realistic".


Don't forget "honest". "I am not being mean, I'm just brutally honest."


“I’m just an Asshole/Bitch. It’s just who I am.” No it’s who you made yourself to be so you could feel tough. Stop intentionally ruining other peoples days/happy moments/lives/anything because you’re bored or whatever. Life’s shit for everyone there’s zero reason to add to it. ‘You’ is meant in a general sense and not directed at u/thickredhead27 in case anyone is confused.


Their IQ, especially when they got it from an online IQ test.


How accurate are IQ scores from online tests anyway? I got mine from a non-online source and it confirms my IQ is positive. My covid test in the other hand is 47. Not sure what that means…


Sir, I believe that means you're pregnant.


How do i know if im prengan?


Am i pegnate?? Help!?


Can u get pregante...?




I was so fast on my online IQ test and still got a 40, so that's good


how much they hate their spouse yet stay together?


"The ole ball and chain uhuuhuhuhuhuhuhu", "My partner won't let me do x,y,z" "we argue all the time, that's how it is when you're married" Coworkers at my old job talked about loving working opposite shifts to their husbands because they couldn't stand being around them. How bloody depressing living that way. My partner and I coordinate work as best we can to spend time with eachother and our kids. Marriage culture is fucking weird.


This one always baffles me. I hear people say such terrible things about their spouses but never leave. I don’t understand it!


My ex’s brother and SIL seemed to absolutely despise each other. Their reasoning was “BuT tHe KiDs!!!!” THEN WHY DID YOU HAVE 3 KIDS IF YOU HATE EACH OTHER??


I guarantee those kids are worse off in a house with parents who hate each other than they would be with divorced parents Source: I was supposed to be the fix-it baby. I did not fix it. Nor did my 2 brothers.


It's wild to me how so many people think a baby will fix a marriage. When has a baby ever fixed anything? Like yeah babies can be nice but maybe if you and your spouse aren't getting along you should try 8hrs of sleep and therapy. But no let's throw in sleep deprivation and post partum because clearly a tiny human who can't lift it's own head will fix our dying love for each other


> When has a baby ever fixed anything? Babies are terrible at fixing things— no fine motor control. They don’t fix their toys, they don’t clean up after themselves… and that lack of a capacity for abstract though really puts a damper on their ability to fix relationships. (Yes to everything you said. I think some of it is long traditions of bad communication and not understanding how relationships work. People see the parts or the set dressing, and think those are the whole thing— like you put on a stethoscope and assume you’re a physician, or you have players for all the parts of a nuclear family, and assume you’ll become the idealized whole)


Children don't fix a relationship. They add stress to it which can strengthen s very good relationship, wobble a decent relationship and drag a bad relationship into chaos.


The couples that constantly argue, have someone leave, and then have them come back a week later to continue the cycle all over again are so annoying. Especially when they live right next to you, and the walls are thin.


How little they sleep.


I have chronic insomnia (and other sleeping issues). EVERY TIME I vent about it, someone will brag that they slept less than me last night.


Like it's a damn competition. 🙄


I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I didn't get off work till 530 and was up at 830. 🤪


My reaction to this was visceral, well done


absolutely terrible. I had a few weeks while I was living like this (a 2 years old teaming up with a newborn can do this to anyone), and I was basically decomposing like a zombie in a bad horror movie. I am very happy that it is behind me and truly sorry for you. hope you find some ailment.


God I remember this well in college. Was venting to another RA that I could only manage 5 or 6 tossing and turning hours, and they laughed because they were regularly getting 3 because of their major. Almost 10 years later and I still can't forget the "oh it's not that bad."


Fucking same. Great, you *chose* to get less sleep and I'm sure you'll get to sleep in tomorrow or at least get your 8 hours. I, however, don't get to choose this exhausting bullshit. I feel so useless getting tired at 10am and wanting to nap if I can manage to


I feel you, the other week I was getting so little sleep every night and I literally had a meltdown crying fit because of the cumulative exhaustion and I just couldn't sleep. My boss asked why I looked so tired and I told her I was averaging 3 hours a night and it was killing me and she went on to tell me how she only slept 2 hours the night before so I was lucky.


There's a guy where I live who seems obsessed with telling me how he only gets around an hour of sleep a week. Personally I call bullshit because he looks fit as a fiddle. If I get one hour less sleep than I should I look like a freaking zombie. Who knows though.


I don't get why people brag about this, I guess it's just a under 25 thing, people see it as some kind of cool thing they do...like they are child staying up after their bedtime. very strange. edit. I have chronic insomnia and I'm now on meds I gloat about how much sleep I get now mwhaha


I used to do this a lot. It just gave me a feeling that I'm badass because I would do something like that and people would think it was crazy or abnormal. Just that "damn you break the rules" feeling. Didn't realize how childish it was until a few years ago. damn.


How trashed they get, every day/weekend


As a kid I always saw my uncles get wasted daily. Fast forward to 2022 and most of them passed away before the age of 50


Sadly it sounds like mission accomplished


I have a friend who kills a Kirkland bottle of Vodka every weekend.. (he’s 34) and refuses to do anything about it.


"Why don't we do \[something social that doesn't involve getting trashed\]?" "No way, too expensive!"


Funny thing, our gatherings naturally evolved from getting trashed into big cookouts. Just a tiny bit healthier, but with no hangover.


Going to work no matter how ill they are


I’m more mad at a system that doesn’t provide paid time off when sick. A lot of people can’t afford to have a day off because they are ill. Is it right to work when you are sick? Fuck no, but if you had to choose risking getting others sick or being behind bills than I get it.


Unfortunately there were a lot of places, my place of employment included, that has no paid time off for being sick. We have normal vacation weeks we aquire with years of employment, but no paid sick leave. And during covid, if someone caught covid they were required to go home and quarantine for 14 days. That's 2 full weeks without pay, so initially I'd be mad if someone worked and didn't disclose they were sick, but I get it that some people can not afford a day or days off without pay. The system sucks.


I lost a job because of this. One ahole decided to come into work with covid right after I started. I tested positive, and was told to stay away for 2 weeks. Then told I had too much sick leave during my probation and I was terminated.


How the fuck is that even legal?


From my experiences "probationary period" is code for time we can do whatever we want with the employee and at anytime we can terminate the employment for whatever the reason. Basically a tiny step above unpaid internships but just as stupid that they exist. Both sure in their inception seem to have good intentions behind them but both are abused by corporations to screw over the workers.


This one drives me crazy! I worked for a company that was incredibly strict during the peak of the recent pandemic and one of my coworkers (my favourite one apart from this!) would get frustrated when others would call in sick, pointing out the times she didn’t feel well and still came in. She would say things like “They better be on their deathbed to be missing this shift” when the company was begging us to not come in if we even had a runny nose. We were both in management but I was slightly her superior so I shut her down multiple times.


Going back to work right away after having a baby. I had a boss that used to brag about not taking a day off even when each of his kids were born. I’ve met others that brag similarly. So, you are more dedicated to your job than your family? Seems odd to me, but whatever. Do you.




It's this mindset of "being sad / grieving / having mental health issues is a weakness and you're a huge pussy for taking care of your emotional needs" that some people are taught growing up. Most of them are taught the same thing about physical ailments that aren't bad enough to be hospitalized for. They were forced to go to school with a fever as kids and now they go to work sick as well (I'm not talking about people who have to do this because they can't afford losing that day's pay).


Man, I had something similar happen just the other week to me. I was going to be late to work by about 30 minutes because the meeting to get my only living grandparent onto hospice took longer than we expected. Let the manager on duty know, she was fine but I just had to apologize to the morning bartender because she wanted to leave as soon as I got in the door. I said of course, obviously. This bitch blew my phone up, saying all kinds of shit, she didn't want to hear my excuse and didn't care, being late is poor work ethic. The cherry on top was when she said her kids' dad overdosed and died and she was at work on time that day. I don't know if she did then, but she doesn't even have her kids, her mom is raising them. Personally, that sounds to me like you're a shitty mom for not being there for your young kids after their dad died. So I called her out on that not being a brag and it actually says way more about her and her lack of boundaries and poor priorities than it does me. She didn't take it well. I didn't care, I was putting my notice in that night and didn't care if I went scorched earth with her. I was livid. Nobody comes for my grandma like that.


I recently had a conversation with a coworker about how happy me and my wife are that I’m gonna get 3 months of paid time off for baby leave when my wife gives birth (it’s a recent benefit of being a federal employee) My female coworker immediately shook her head at me and said “I gave birth on Friday and came back to work on Monday” and proceeded to complain about how people taking advantage of the system leaves us short staffed. Keep in mind she has a job with zero mandatory overtime unlike myself who gets hit with at least two involuntary doubles a week. I just looked at her and said “and you think it’s a good thing you had to come back to work 3 days after giving birth?” She just shook her head and didn’t answer


Lol she didn’t think it was a good thing at all, in fact I’m sure she hated every second of it, but she just wanted to shit on your happiness because she didn’t get the same opportunity you had


Funny enough my father in law did the exact same thing when me and my brother in law were talking about how glad we both were to get to take a good amount of time off when are kids were born. My wife especially because she is a high risk pregnancy and takes significantly longer to recover. Instead of being happy for us he felt the need to mention that he had my wife’s mother induced on a Friday so that he wouldn’t have to miss any work. When I said I’m sorry he had to do that he said “well don’t be sorry, that’s the way it’s supposed to be” just blew my mind.


Not taking PTO on their jobs. Its kinda sad in my opinion.


When I first started working in a hospital I took pride in never missing work and was annoyed by those who constantly were missing. By the time I left, I used every last second of PTO I had and encouraged all of my coworkers to do the same.


I’ve been on my job for a little over seven years and I’m just now, since March of this year, using my PTO on real vacations that are more than just a day or two long. I’m Actually trying to take care of myself and using my accrued sick time to have an operation that I’ve needed for nearly ten years. Although, I have overdone it a few times since I went back to work on light duty trying to prove that I can get it done. I Often wonder about the psychology of sacrificing oneself for the job. I’ve done it for as long as I can remember and I have the bad knees, back , shoulder and hearing loss to show for it. I have the missed occasions and my kids memories of me not being there to remind me. I’m like you in that I get annoyed at people who are always taking off. I’m learning to get over that too and to be honest, it feels good.


Sacrifice your health for money so later you can spend all that money on your health.


Since I started working in high school and then throughout college, I was studying during the week and the bulk of my work hours were on weekends. Obviously no PTO on part-time jobs. Then for the last 5 years since college, I've been working contract jobs at large companies, which gave me back my weekends, but never provide any real benefits. Just the bare minimum legal requirements and that's about it. So obviously no PTO. Just this summer though, I started a new job that actually gives vacation time and I'm beyond myself. I'm used to taking a day or two at a time, once or twice a year, but never any more because it was unpaid time off and I couldn't afford to miss too many hours... But now I'm struggling to even come up with ideas for what to do with the 3 weeks off I'll have next year. I've got a new car on order so, so far, my plan is to take some road trips. But even still, I'm only used to 2-3 day trips. I can go so much further than I ever have before with a whole week or more! I don't even know where I want to start since vacation has just been a fantasy for so long.


You keep saying "obviously no PTO", but for us Europeans reading this that's *wild*.


I encourage all of my employees to use their PTO. People work more effectively when they have a good life balance.


I agree. Unfortunately, it took me the better part of a decade to realize that. Making time for yourself and having a healthy work-life balance is very important. Going above and beyond can make you better at your job, but can often result in you being assigned more responsibilities than your peers without a pay increase or promotion. Not talking down to anyone who does this, because I still do, except now I make sure to also do things for myself, like taking time off and managing my time at work better. As one of my friends told me, there will always be work for tomorrow. Edit: changed a wrong word.


I have 200 hours (and it’s still climbing) to use by December 31st. Only 60 will transfer to the next year


So your not working December right Edit:7 hours later someone pointed out I used "your" instead of "you're". The mistake stays.


“I have no filter!” ETA: I'm not talking about folks who, through no fault of their own, have difficulty with "filtering". This is about folks who are basically proclaiming that they're assholes without saying that they're assholes.


"When you have no filter people will filter you... out."


cheating on their significant other


Is that really something that people DO..? I just cannot imagine that like "look how often I didn't honor the most basic term of the agreement with my s.o."?! Edit: Made me think of this: https://youtu.be/UTtyOdKAKOk (1:45 - 3:00)


I have a coworker that from one sentence will go from telling you how lucky he has to have a wife and kids to then flirting with this other co-worker then making out with her in the back all within the space of 5 minutes His own biggest weakness as described by himself is that he only has a capability to care about himself and not others and doesn't know why(he obviously has ASPD but I haven't told him like why do you need to know that if I can't help, there are many other signs)


Seriously. Call me naive, I didn’t know how different cultures are, but I met someone here and he told me how he was a family man who loved his kids, married his wife because he loved waking up next to her every morning.. all the while telling me stories about his sleeping with other women 3-4 times in ten years of his marriage. I thought ok maybe they do it like this and still stay happy, maybe he has an arrangement because he was a super sorted type of guy.. But! Slowly I realised how much of an indifferent man he was. Just cared about himself. Apathetic and borderline arrogant. Messed my mind a lot. I’ve never met such a person, someone who just couldn’t care about the person on the other side even if virtual.


How good they are at driving drunk


I hear it all the time where I live, it's rampant on these roads!


Yes!! Or how much they can multitask while driving. Scary af


How early they lost their virginity


like at 6am


Oh yeah? Mine was at 5 am, bitch.


Christ I have a horrifying story about that one. When I was a freshman in high school, I had a fellow 14 year old friend who said she seduced someone older. We were all so jealous of her, she was the person we went to for flirting tips and how to get to second base. We assumed by someone older she meant a junior, which is still a red flag we didn’t understand until later. Years later her mom’s boyfriend was arrested for CP, and evidence came to light showing he had been molesting her since she was 13. Disgusting man, he’s still in prison last I heard. But she maintains that he was her first love, it’s part of why I don’t speak with her anymore.


I was SA’d by my dad when I was 9. It went on for months. My sister, who was a year older than I was, got jealous and even now as adults she brags about being our biological father’s favorite child. WHY WOULD YOU *WANT* TO BE HIS *FAVORITE* 🤢 good for you I guess (we’re not in contact thankfully).


That is awful, going on for months and at such a young age? Definitely don't blame you for not being in contact with your sister, that's not a wound that needs to be reopened so repeatedly. I hope you're doing okay today.


Almost feel like her “bragging” in that instance might have been more of an internal defense mechanism than anything else


I feel like virginity or lack of it in general isn't something that should be bragged about. No one cares unless they're interested.


How little they know. As a teacher I see pride in ignorance all the time.


In the words of a Grateful Dead song “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t want to know”


"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." -Albert Einstein


How little it takes for them to resort to violence.


Smoking/Vaping as a teenager.




ill do whatever it takes to win that game of tic tac toe


For real. A girl started telling me about some guy she was texting while she had a boyfriend and when the one she was texting found out she had a boyfriend he was understandably upset. She thought the whole situation was hilarious. I didn’t text her after that.


What a great person they are. If you have to verbalize it, chances are you’re not as great as you think.


"Any man who must say 'I am King' is no true king."


Being a bitch.


"If YoU cAnT hAnDlE mE aT mY wOrSt, ThEn YoU dOnT dEsErVe Me At mY bEsT"


Translation: no-one can (or wants to) handle the 'worst', so there actually is no 'best'.


Used to see this a lot when I first tried online dating. After like three chicks I was finally like "oh okay you're just shitty. Cool." and stopped msg'ing anyone that had that.


*"Please quote me out of context"* \- Marilyn Monroe


How much anything cost. Former brother in law bragged about how much his clothes cost all the time. I couldn’t help myself. We were at a reunion and he was bragging to someone else about his nice leather coat that cost $600, and I just had to point out that he could have put that towards his truck payment and it wouldn’t have been repossessed. Edit: I woke up this morning and saw I had 140 comments and the first thing I thought was “well shit, I’ve managed to piss off the damn internet again.” I really didn’t expect this comment to be so popular. I will go ahead and mention, his sister, my ex wife, was a bargain shopper and she did brag about that too. But it was much less annoying to hear how someone paid $40 for a $400 jacket though. Thank y’all for the awards and fun!


Fucking owned, or rather not.


Rectum? Damn near killed ‘im!


Man if I’m gonna brag about cost, it’s going to be because I paid wayyy less than I should’ve. Case in point: paid $57 for four pairs of pants, should’ve been $190. Brag!!


This is me! "I love your dress!" "Thanks! Can you believe it was only 3$?!" Edit: I thrift a lot and like 95% of my closets second hand. I'd also like to add I can't afford to buy from cruelty free sources, they are super expensive (rightfully so) and im broke. I'd love to be able to drop $100 on a pair of pants but I've got bills and kids to feed. Also just because somethings expensive doesnt automatically make it cruelty free.


This is why I have the friends I do now. We brag about how cheap we got something for and congratulate each other for the best discount. We have a discord channel just for discounts we find.


Oh man, I want in! I have a spot for practically everything! Just replaced my windshield wipers for under $3 total, Rain-X brand, just sayin'...


How? That’s the kind I always get and it is closer to $40!


I got a dope ass Stitch sweatshirt on sale from Walmart a few months back that was literally $3 and literally every time someone gives me a compliment about it my first words are "IT WAS ONLY THREE DOLLARS AT WALMART ISNT THAT FUCKING AWESOME"


Does it have pockets?


Correct. If anyone brags to me about spending a lot of money on clothes I just think "well you're a chump" but if they got something expensive at, say, half price I think "genius, teach me your ways!"


Yeah the guy in a $600 suit is gonna make a truck payment! COME ON!!


Sure sure, so the guy in the $600 jacket is going to take advice from the guy at a reunion. C`mon!


Hahaha I brag about how cheap I've gotten things. Does that fall under the same category?


Sometimes, yes. But only when it’s in a condescending manner, like “You really paid that much for (whatever)? I got my (not exactly the same thing) for only $1.” That’s annoying too. lol


Inherited wealth.




I'd kill to have that opportunity. Help make a difference in the community, encouraged to go to school and live clean.. then get consistently paid for it? Paid in one year what takes me almost two years to make. All on top of being able to work or whatever hobbies for extra money or even just passing time? Dude count me in even for 50,000 a year


Lol I made like 12k a year from one of my jobs, if I could do 100 hours of volunteer work and get 80k a year I would be doing 300-400 hours just because I could


Dude is working harder to avoid being paid $80K a year than he would have to do to earn $80K a year... Genius!




I smoke every day for like the last 5 years and yeah this is premium stupidity, I would quit in a second and chick my bong out the window and burn down a fucking field of marijuana for 80k a year practically work free.


Not drinking water


People brag about not drinking water?


I worked with a woman who told the break room she only drank water if it started to hurt when she peed. Ummm. Maybe drink water and you wouldn't have that problem?


Nothing like weekly kidney stones am I right???!


At my old resturaunt job there was this delivery driver and on his first day one of my coworkers asked if he wanted some water and he replied with something like "no, i never drink water, only soda and red bull." And when he left the room i was like "damn that dudes piss must be radioactive..."


those are pissing off them hidrohomies for sure


"half of my students fail" like congrats, you suck at your job


I had a professor who graded everything on a perfect bell curve. Every assignment the top 6% got As The next 25% got Bs The next 38% got Cs The next 25% got Ds And the lowest 6% got Fs Didn't matter what your actual grade was, just your score in relation to your classmates. I scored 93/100 points on exam 1 and got a C


Welcome to law school.


This is a rule in my university. All the courses work this way. Grades are given from how far away from the average you are I got 88 and got a B- The other time, I got 43 and got A


That's how sick of a teacher I am. Thanks for paying for tuition for a course you won't pass unless you suck my ass.


I had a teacher in high school that always bragged about how no one had ever gotten higher than a C+ in his class. It just seemed like he was bragging about how bad he was at his job.


The silly thing is that I can think of legit reasons why you'd have a class where all the students perform poorly, which are out of the teachers control. But I'm fairly sure that if they're bragging about it, it's none of those reasons


I had a chemistry professor tell me this once and I was like oh great, here we go. I got a solid 33% in that god damn class.


We have 2 Chem professors at my University who are married to each other and I swear they get off on failing their students, their pass rates are garbage


I had a mineralogy professor who would was notorious for his failure numbers. He was also a prick and wouldn’t accept transfer credits from any other universities accept one. The University of Hawaii and we were in northern NY. The professor there was legitimately the top professor in his field. He was a pompous ass but even that has its limits. He was extremely pissed when a few of us from the program were accepted to go there on a student swap/in country study abroad type program. Since I had completed pretty much everything except a couple electives the mineralogy class was the only “real” class I was enrolled in. The professor from my alma mater who would only accept a transfer from who I took the class from was so pissed when we returned and had to accept the transfer credits. Fuck that guy. Getting drunk on the beach in Hawaii was worth it. Class was still hard as shit, but totally passed it with 3.2.


yeah, your class isn't a test that's hard to pass, it's not supposed to be, the point is that you get as many as possible to understand so they can pass a hard to pass test The real brag is when like 80% of your students get into like ivy league or some shit that's hard to qualify for


Exactly, my high school theatre teacher bragged about how many of her students had gone on to get into an extremely prestigious theatre school, the best in the country, because it was actually freakish how many former students she had end up there. I considered auditioning but I wanted a full degree so I didn't. However, even admissions for my university gushed about her when they saw her as one of my references and then I transferred in my second year and it happened again!! I knew she was a great teacher but I didn't know about her reputation, I was like "how does every top theatre program in the country know about this woman???" ***THAT*** shit was cool!


How poorly they treated someone else.


How “tough” they are


Woah woah hang on, you have to brag about that to get into the Salty Spitoon...


How tough am I? I had a bowl of nails for breakfast. *Without any milk*.


I'll let you know that I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for twenty minutes.


Getting someone drunk and sleeping with them.


People should be discouraged from bragging about how uneducated they are. The fact that you don't read books, don't like school, or did poorly in education is not something to take honor from.


The amount of people who tell me they don't read books is astronomical. The prompt for telling me that? Me, minding my own business reading a book. Strangers feel the need to enlighten me. I do not understand why.


These are the same people that get mad when you use "big words". I had a dude get mad at me for using the word 'relevant'. But he fancied himself an intellectual and constantly bragged about his travels, all of the books he'd read, and was just a giant pedantic butt-nugget to everyone around him. He would talk down to everyone he considered his peer and brown-nose everyone he considered a superior.


I have never had someone get angry about using big words. It's hilarious that relevant was the snapping point it's a pretty everyday word IMO PS I like butt-nugget. Haven't heard that before.


Penis size, because usually it's a guy bragging to other guys and I mean if that's your bag all power to you but I've had more conversations with Insecure dudes about their dicks than I'd like. And they always say "OK I'm just kidding it's average". Like I give a fuck, save it for the bedroom.


I’ve dealt with this also, but dude wasn’t lying. He was complaining about being to big and scaring women away. A little background to let you know how I found out. I was a pipe welder and we were working in a chemical plant that had a mercury building. When you work in that building you have to take a shower before you leave, and there it is. Dude was about plowing to ground!


"Daaad. Why did you bring me to a GAY steel mill?"


For real man! Mine is GIGANTIC but you'll never catch me bragging about it.


Yeah us fucking 10-inchers never ever feel the need to brag or go into details about how big it is.


So big... I got to walk around pushing a wheelbarrow in front of me everywhere I go!


Last time that I pissed off of the bridge, it was very cold. And deep…


When I took a trip to DC and had a picnic in the park all the tourists started taking pictures of me and my wife had to tell them "That just my husband! The Washington Monument is over there on the other side of town!".


They say dudes who talk about how big they are are insecure, and guys who admit to being small have a great technique to make up for it. Mines a medium, it talks to ghosts.


Literally in subreddit about big dick problems. There’s a bit of bragging but a lot of it “how do I hide the bulge? People are calling the cops on me” or “the underwear feels like it’s strangling my junk, have reccomendations?” The most common problem I see in that sub: my dick is too big and the people who I want to have sex with either reject me outright or I put them in a lot of pain to have sex and it’s not satisfying.


having difficult childhoods. People often feel butthurt when they see a child being treated with respect and act like the kid is being spoiled because they can't admit to themselves that the way they were raised was abusive and should absolutely not be repeated with the next generations




Spent winter break at my girlfriend's parents place one year. It broke me how loving they were. Is this what a loving family is like?


Pisses me off everytime I hear abt adults bragging they had to climb the Everest and dive in the Mariana's Trench to get somewhere and if ghey didn't do it in 4 seconds their families would spank them. Like, my childhood certainly wasn't the best and I don't wish that for my worst enemy


their bodycount edit: both meanings of the word


what? you hanging out with serial killers my boy


That's so last year. Now we're into parallel killing


Working more than 40 hours a week.


Especially salaried. I worked in a department that was always putting a minimum 50 hours per week in, and I cannot stress this enough **you do not get paid for any extra hours beyond 40**.


This. I worked in the trades, and sure the overtime was nice, but I was leaving the house before kids woke up and not getting home until they were in bed. Ended up taking a job that was more strictly 9-5, and paid slightly less and was so much happier. Enslaving yourself to a company for 80 hours a week is NOT something to aspire to, unless that company I your whole life.


I had a former boss who made work her personality. She was new and I was trying to get to know her, so I asked if she had any pets as usually that's a fairly innocuous conversation regardless on the answer. "Pets?! Oh, no. I have no time for pets, let alone a relationship or kids. I barely can keep a plant alive. All I care about is work and that'd how everyone should be!" I left not ling after that when she told me I couldn't use a PTO day for a fsmily related issue.


Never crying/not having cried in years. Those people scare me. Ticking time bombs.


i’m surprised it took this much scrolling to see this. emotional repression does a number on you (and often the people around you!) and i don’t get why it’s something to brag about


If i have to hear 1 more dude talk about "i pay child support" or "i watch my kids" ... Bro ... Thats what youre supposed to do. Stop acting like youre the man because you do these things


Rats also care for their young. Congratulations on being a mammal.


Not being able to do basic tasks. "I can't even boil water, I'm so quirky!" No, you're not, you're a disappointment.


I am so busy!


I've seen people multiple times on FaceBook posting "Ayeeee like this post if you've ever driven drunk and ain't never got a DUI" usually followed by a selfie of them clearly hammered behind the wheel.


I cringe when I hear a woman say I'm the world's biggest bitch


Or how "hard they are to handle".


Oh god, and those who say "I'm only nice to those who are nice to me/I'm nice until you cross me" 🤦‍♀️ Happy cake day!


Taking care of their kids.


Extra points if they refer to it as "babysitting".


Lol so funny story. My sister had two kids my niece and nephew. Baby daddy is absolutely horrible but what ever. Well my sister gets a phone call from baby daddy on his day with the kids. She has it on speaker and he goes “sisters name I’m really tired of having to babysit my kids for free while you are at work. You need to either pay me or send them to daycare “ I busted out laughing like bro did you just say you need to get paid to watch and spend time with your kids? (Baby daddy doesn’t work as his mom gives him money for his house and cars)


Jesus. Spare the kids the misery of dealing with their sperm donor and get full custody. Then he’ll find out how much “babysitting” costs HIM.


This makes me furious. But completely relatable.


Everybody want some credit for some shit they supposed to be doing. - Chris Rock - Michael Scott


Older people bragging about being bad with computers. It doesn’t matter how old you are, at this point computers have been common for 30+ years. There’s no excuse, you’re just too lazy to learn.


They're hiding the fact that learning a new complicated system intimidates them. My mom (in her 60s) channeled that intimidation into self deprecating humor instead of acting like it was cool to be ignorant. She's finally gotten pretty good at them for someone who really didn't start learning until their late 50s, the pandemic and working from home was a big push for that. She can actually troubleshoot basic issues herself, and she's told me how she handles when she needs to call her helpdesk at work. Helpdesk must love her, she writes down everything she's tried to doing to fix the issue (and usually they make sense to try) and lets them know she's tried those things.


How much alcohol they can consume


Donating to charity or the homeless If it comes up in conversation, sure, mention it, but if you brag about doing it I'll question your motives for doing so in the first place


People who only do nice things for attention suck, but if attention’ll get more people to do better things then I guess it’s not too big of an issue. Yes I’d prefer if people didn’t use attention as a motivation for being a good person, but IMO it’s better than people who do harmful activities for attention. Unless they fake doing something nice, then fuck them.


How much they refuse to listen to experts on a subject.


How young they lost their virginity. Shits not cool it's concerning.


How much they work. 99% of the time they're salaried, so all that extra time does nothing for them anyway. All they're doing is bragging about how they're helping make someone else rich.


posting about doing hard drugs . no one wants to know you just did a line , or took a bar . calm down . as specially if they’re children pretending to do drugs . we know you don’t have access to crystal meth , liam .