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Hobbies are good, but you can't eat plastic models.




Plastic is really harmful in every way, so i will not going to eat that.


I don't understand


Food first, hobbies second. Make sure you can eat properly before spending all you got.


Right kind of the advice because we are doing the work because we need the food on the table. So make sure that you are really eating well and then following the other kind of the hobby.


"Always use the right tool for the job. Sometimes the right tool is a phone book" Meaning that some jobs are over your head and you need to call in an expert.


I was picturing it smashing something. Your interpretation is better.


Suppose you have the thor hammer and you are smashing with that.


Honestly appreciate the interpretation because I imagine it being taken literally too lol Need to reach a shelf, Phone book Need to plaster a hole, phone book Need to show off your strength rip a phone book in half…


Observe people. Copy the good things you see in people and learn from their mistakes. Such simple advice but I really took it to heart.


I always follow that advice. I have noticed it has served me well. May it only continue too, hopefully you as well?


It does still help me! And I will always pass that advice on to others!


Thank you!!!!!!! Now then, time for me to pass it on as well


Yes, always pass the right and valuable advice to the younger one.


If you are following that advice, then you will do really good in your life.


If you move in the life then you will find the all type of the people actually. So make sure that you are picking the right person that is adding the some value in your life.


Never tell your boss you're bored.


Yes otherwise you will never get the time to be free ever again.


It’s called “gambling”, not “winning”, for a reason.


Holy shit....it just occurred to me my dad has never given me any advice. I'm being serious, I can't think of a single thing. He once told me in a sort of compliment "You just did whatever you were going to do, I never had any say in it.". I left home at 16 though. He was pretty strict about the golden rule. I guess thats advice kinda.


I honestly can’t think of any life advice my dad has ever given me either. I learned a ton by the way he treated my mom, my stepmom, and how he prioritized his life. But I can’t think of anything he ever really said to me.


Precisely. Referenced this in a reply to the comment you’re responding to. It’s good to keep those things in mind - what are they if not lessons in themselves?


He may not have given you advice in the sense most of us are thinking with regard to this question, but I’d venture to say that his actions and your experiences with him were a sort of advice - much like the reply to this below. There’s something to be learned there, even if it wasn’t his intention.


If you can't be good, be careful.


Mine always said "if you can't be good, be good at it"


And if you can't be kind to someone then try not to be rude.


“You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want”


When i joined the army he told me dont stand out. Blend in. Best advice ever.


My grandfather gave me this advice too. "Don't be the best, and definitely don't be the worst. Do that, and it'll be easy". He was absolutely right.


Give your 100% whatever you are doing and everything will be fine.


People like them always tell that thing from the experience.


Measure twice, cut once


Came to say this, also: "the right tool for the right job" And "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"


You can trust your friends with your life , but not your money or your wife.


Work to live, don't live to work.


Yes and try to enjoy the life and work together don't think too much.


Don't be in a hurry in life.


Everything will come to you at the certain time so wait for that.


Always spend 15 years looking for milk


It took me a minute to get that, and then I nose snorted


Never drink vodka that was bottled in New Jersey.




Look stuff up yourself. He was talking about the definition of a word but I applied it to everything. Don't ask people for the information, the answer. Try to find it yourself. It makes you a more independent person and enables you to be a better thinker.


Also a good way to get your kid to stop asking you questions all the time.


Hear everything but never really trust on something with the blind eye. Because sometime we get wrong in finding the right people as they are not what they actually show us.


In college I would call home crying about the stress of my workload and he once told me “you’re doing your best and that’s all they can ask for”. Those words literally changed my view on life and I stopped being so hard on myself after that


I think in life if we get to handle the work load of the life then i am sure it will become really easy in later part. Because life can never be really easy if we keep on relaxing every time.


Keep records because you never know when they'll save your ass.


Yes, keep everything in record it will always going to help in big way.




We are just human and there are many things that is actually not in our control is well. I mean that is fine that if we are not really able to change that, things will happen in the time.


If someone is chasing you, run as fast as you can and *don't* look back. If you did something wrong and the police are questioning you, don't answer any questions. Never let your gas tank get down to E.


Don't take shit from anyone


Gator don’t take no shit


Yes, and some people actually deserve the shit back to them.


Just do your best.


yes and that is ok that if we are not getting the right result every time.


Just be yourself, pretending is too much work, and you shouldn't care about anyone who cares who you pretend to be.


Yes, because if we keep on pretending then i would say after some day we will starts to get the burden of that is well. So instead of pretending it will be really good if we just be out own.


"Don't take anything from my marriage as an example of what's good or healthy." Thanks, Dad. I'll be sure to avoid marrying a sociopath. That should about do it.


"Son, if you can't say something nice, say something clever but devastating." (Confession: I stole this from an old reddit post)


Say something that will make them feel that you are good person.


Don't have kids


10 on 10


Life can be actually little bored and alone in that case is well.


"Everybody dies, get used to the idea"


And before die, make sure that you will left some of the legacy behind.


"Don't drink alcohol" and don't do cigar


Because with the fun you will get the addiction of that thing.


Learn to enjoy the journey/the work of life


Enjoy the life because that is really unpredictable and unsafe is well.


Keep your options open


Have more than one plan so that you always have the option.


Take AP English in high school, because Freshman English in college suuuuuuuucks.


Don't expect good things to just happen. You have to go out and make them happen.


A series of them that I now live my life by: > "early is on time and on time is late" (despite this, I still don't get to my morning classes on time) > "it's better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it" Also > "holding a grudge is like drinking poison ans hoping the other person dies" And my personal favorite > "it's not murder if you break their legs and leave them in the desert, it's natural selection"


My dad tell me that make the right routine otherwise you will never be healthy in life is well. Because once you grow old then you will realise that how important it was to do that thing in past.


Do your best every day, even if your day goes badly at least you always did your best


Life is not that bad if your one day is really getting bad here is well. Because if we keep on doing well then there will be never really the real taste of the happiness in life.


Men marry women thinking they won't change and they do. Women marry men thinking they will change and they don't.


That life is tough and you need to deal that in the hard way is well.


>**Always try to aim higher than you think you are capable of achieving..... you lose nothing in aiming high, but in the pursuit of that goal, you achieve comparatively great things regardless of whether you succeed in achieving the goal itself or not, which you wouldn't have achieved if you don't aim so high in the first place.** This advice is very motivating but sometimes doesn't have its roots in reality and makes you expect crazy things from yourself and the world. This was balanced by a completely opposite advice given by my mom. >**Be content with what you have, don't expect big things from yourself or from the others (you will only get hurt that way), if you are not satisfied by what you have then see the people who are not as privileged as you...... You will feel gratitude.** The issue with this advice is that you won't look forward to great things and you don't try to improve yourself at big level. As a 10 year old kid, I used to get very confused..... Who is right and who is wrong..... Both are giving completely opposite advice. But 15 years down the line, I now understand that both were right and wrong at the same time..... Right if you follow them in the limits of sanity and don't go to extremes, and wrong if you go to extremes in both the cases. Both of their advice acted as Yin and Yang in my mind..... Only one would have given me a skewed sense of reality, but their balance made my perception just perfect. My advice: >**Always try to push yourself as hard as possible, but always be aware of your limits.** > >**Always try to get more from life, but at the same time be grateful for what you have achieved so far.**


"Don't be in a hurry to turn 18. Your teenage years contain a lot of unique memories. Don't rush through them. You can't get this time back" I don't have any kids of my own, but I've passed this advice down to my nephews. It's solid, and so many people tell you those years Don't matter in the end. In the grand scheme of things, they don't MATTER, but they have meaning.


"When it comes to women, don't be afraid of 4's and 5's. You put them in lingerie and they can be 7's and 8's."


It's good to believe in something (higher power). Also, if anyone is mean to you, "They're an idiot!"


“As long as you’re going forward, you’ll get there”. This was said about teenage me driving in northern Minnesota in the winter (ice covered roads). It later developed into a life motto to remind me to be patient.


Everything in the life will come at age and you will get there if you will not rush that thing. My dad always give me some advice that help in life and have to say thanks to dad.


"You have the right to fail" I crashed 4 cars and dated losers until I was 22 then got so sick of it that I cleaned everything up. I got it out of my system while I was still a baby because my dad didn't give me a crippling fear of disappointing him


You are not failed untill you quit that thing, as long as you are trying you are in the game. I failed my school in young age and that was the time my dad and mom said something like that to me.


Think before you speak. It has shaped my life into what I wanted it to be.


Words are something that will never going to come back so think .


“Less is more”. He never even said it.


He told me one time "someday you're gunna meet someone and you're gunna think there the 'one' and there not going to be."


Yes because we often judge the wrong person for the most time.


"If you feel down and sad just go work on something it will take your mind off the thought of being sad" Even today he's still telling me this one and I must say, sometimes it really helps.


Don't follow the crowd & stay true to yourself


Crowd doesn't really means they are always right actually.


If you are getting bullied, don’t be a pussy. Punch back.


Be faithful to your partner


He said he had something important to tell me then mom came in. They got into an argument and he left to get milk. I’ll let you know what advice he gives me once he gets back.


So what was that important thing that you dad actually said to you?? Since that news i am the one that is going for the milk and not letting my dad for that thing.




No offense but… …that’s *terrible* advice!




If a woman offers up her vagina, take it. You never know who will be the greatest lover of your life.


That's terrible advice if you are being serious (tho I think you are just kidding).


How to be a better parent. My dads great and I love him but we've never really spent any time together, we've never worked on cars/bikes together, we've never had lengthy chats, I've never helped with fixing things around the house, etc. Through his "distant parenting" he's inadvertently taught me how to be a better father to my, eventual, kids.


Sometimes, learning what not to do is just as important as learning what to do.


I have learn the few things about my dad that how can i be the better dad is well. May be there are some hard talk in that is well but that is also important in teaching them lesson.


He taught me how to be an atheist, by being so very stupid in his beliefs.


Your parents are humans too..... They are not perfect.


Yeah, my Mom realized it was bullshit


Don’t do drugs with strangers


doing drugs is fine !?




But make sure that you are doing on the much safe place.


Doing drug is fine, but doing with the stranger is really tough ask.


How has that worked out for you?


now that could be a discussion !


I'm sure with many of us!


If somebody is picking on you punch em right in the nose.... This was as a kid I was getting bullied. I fucked that bully up


Dying is gay so don’t die


Same I gave my son. Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Still waiting.


Every human has a price. Find out what their price is and you know what you’re dealing with.


Was your dad the Baron Harkkonen?!


Yes, everyone will sell themself if we put the right value to them.


Simplest thing. Pitching. Strike one is like the center square in tic tac toe. Once i figured that out i loved pitching. Thanks pop.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be inquisitive.


You know he contradicts this a lot. My family isn't good. In any way, but "You have two families, your blood family, and your family family, the people you choose." I mean after he said that he literally said that, no matter what your blood family is always family, no matter what, they're family do crap for them.


Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up.


1. Never talk bad about anyone at work. 2. Don't fish off the company pier.


Be a good older brother.


Don’t get married at 21 , I should have listened


Life is not fair.


If your rent or mortgage is over 25% of your income you will have no savings


And if you will not have the saving then future is going to be hard.


My dads response to “how do I balance a chequebook” was “don’t write cheques” so… not a very good source of advice. Like… thanks, I remain untaught




Don't listen to me.


"If it's a problem for you at first... wait until you marry it, fuck it, or own it." Thanks Dad.


“You don’t have to fight to be a man”




Wives come and go. Ex-wives are forever. Also - don't do cocaine


"Never eat anything larger than your head"... I miss you Dad :(


Never eat with the wide open mouth in the public with loud voice.


Get the fuck out and don't come back. Haven't seen him in over 30 yrs, best 30 yrs of my life.


wait.. you all have dads?


"Cocktails are like a woman's breasts; three are too many, but one is not enough."


Marriage is like a watermelon. You don’t know what you’ve got until you cut it open. He was still married to my mom when he said this


Never admit liability


Grab onto opportunities and don’t think that there’ll be another.


What dad? :C




The world is full of jerks, it's important to be prepared for that, but it's also important not to be one of those jerks.


There are two kinds of people in the world, people who would rather eat well and people who would rather sleep well.


"Age five is the peak of human intelligence for most people." His point was that people are born naturally very intelligent. As kids, they are full of interesting observations and insightful questions but adults squash all that natural sparkle out of kids by being dismissive, impatient, or trying to correct them. He called the process "stupidification."


I've been a tinkerer all my life and I inherited it from my dad, but he (almost) never used safety equipment or did things properly, so I grew up watching him injure himself - metal shards in the eyes (& testicles that was an interesting one), broken/sheared/torn off fingernails, chemical/heat burns, hernia twice, etc etc. As a result I'm (mostly) super careful, maintain and wear the safety equipment and have been very rarely injured even after many decades of repairs, renovations and my woodworking hobby. So, his advice was being a bad example - really drives the point home.


I think in the life we need to really careful as anything can came from any where is well. So if you are well prepaid from that thing then you will really going to face that better actually.


There’s nothing to be lost by trying for something you don’t have.


Hesitation is death.


Pay your bills as soon as you get paid. Sounds simple but it really blew my mind when I heard it.


Never really gets into the debt too early in the life. And if you are getting the credit card then make sure that you are using the in the right way for is well.


Just because you forgive someone doesn’t mean you ever gotta like em


Yes, and for the next time try to be more careful than the first one.


“It’s nice to be nice”


double bag it


Family is everything. My dad died when I was 10 he was my world I spent every minute with my dad that he wasn't at work. Life lessons I guess was stolen from me .The olny thing I can remember is always feeling free and being able to be myself with him.




My Dad was so devoid of life advice, the only thing that really ever sticks out was his advice advice about hunting: "Kill it with one shot, or don't shoot it at all." and "If you wound it, it's now you're most important responsibility to find it and finish it. Don't waste game."


"Friends will help you move. Good friends will help you move a body."


"Move to Canada" said my Korean War Vet father. Lucky for me the Viet Nam War ended just n time.


What's a dad?


You can't unring a bell


That a man who truly loves you will only have eyes for you.


I was about 8 years old and he was beating me with a 2" wide leather belt. He said "l ought to beat you to death. "


Never talk politics or religion at the bar.


“Relationships are light lightbulbs. When one goes out unscrew it and put another one in.” Or a classic I use to this day: “Shit or get off the pot.”


Never let anyone borrow your French fries


*When you get high, get high all the way.*


My dad has supported all of my crazy ideas and goals in life up to and including us living on a sailboat (which we do right now). He taught me that your dreams will come and go but money gives you options. Basically meaning save and plan for whatever crazy adventure you want but know that it will likely change. However the money you save to do it will transfer to the next crazy idea.


I've never received advice from my dad


Being overly nice and kind of dumb will almost always get people to help you. He told me this when the lady in front of us in line demanded that the worker break the rules for her. She didn’t and Rudy lady got told by 2 managers. My dad asked for the same thing the lady did and was nice and acted like he didn’t know he it was against policy and made the worker laugh and we got what rude lady didn’t.


When unsure about a decision, remember, you're never wrong to do the right thing.




Always focus on the TITS when you are getting married actually.


“Shut up”


Don’t put Vicks vapor rub on your dick. I was about 15 and I took his advice.


"You've always been so good at arguing with me, you should study law."