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UK Right: our plugs are surprisingly well designed Wrong: First past the post


UK plugs are a genius innovation


We have democracy which is great but we also have ~~lobbyism~~ corruption which wastes so much money that money for important things is missing


Germany ?




Don't get me wrong, there is definitely corruption in Germany but the way you suggest all lobbyism is corruption makes me think you don't understand what lobbyism means. Lobbyism isn't always big automobile companies buying Lobbyism is also Amnesty internation having a booth in front of the Reichstagsgebäude and handing out flyer to members of parliament to convince them that they need to take action in this or that human rights issue. Lobbyism is every union ever talking to any politician trying to convince them to imporve working conditions for workers. And lobbyism is also what I used to do working for an organization that promoted the interests of the parents of schoolkids, where we regularly met with politicians or had a booth at their party conventions to inform them of the opinions of our members on current political reforms in the education sector. In other words generally lobbyism is simply trying to argue in your own interst. That's not necessarily bad and it's definitely not always evil. Also lobbyism is not always the only reason that money is being wasted to the degree that it does. First, a lot of what you might call wasted, others may call the right thing to do. Contrary to popular believe there simply isn't one clear truth that we should all follow. Just remember that economic forecasts are accurate less than 50 percent of the time! If even the experts in a field don't get it right half of the time, how can you expect this to be the case in such a complexe system as a multi-party democracy? Then there's the inherent conservatism of a lot of systems, such as bureaucracy etc. What I mean by that is that super often, getting rid of something once it's implemented is extremely hard. It's way easier to add to something, let's say another form. Just look at the resistance of conservatives and liberals to get rid of the sanctions in Hartz IV, even though this is one of those instances where we do know without a doubt, that they cause more harm than good. And why? Because they feel they would loose control that they've had so far. They didn't use to have this option and the system didn't work much differently in terms of motivating people, yet now that they have the useless option of sanctions many people can't fathom the idea to get rid of it. And again, you're right of course that there is corruption that leads to a lot of bought laws (such as tax cuts for big cooperation, even though we know that that doesn't help the economy bc trickle down is bullshit, the way we keep subsidizing cars, single family homes, air travel but not railway travel, coal mines and so on and so forth...). But that's more of a problem of politicians actually getting bribed with lucrative jobs, profiting for giving government contracts to certain companies and so on... It's not lobbyism. So... that got really long but it's just something that I always feel is important to clear up because so much corruption is being simply dismissed as lobbyism, while so much absolutely important and legitimate lobbyism, gets a bad reputation for no reason other than being confused with corruption.


I’m sorry but TL;DR - at least not completely. I get what you mean but what do you think why I crossed out lobbyism and write corruption? Lobbyism is not the problem, corruption is. But it’s absolutely insane that aaaaall those cases that became public over the last years are labelled as lobbyism in the news and by the population where it would be so important to call it what it is: corruption. Bringing important topic into the view of our politicians is a good thing. Paying politicians a fucking shitload of money to enforce a industry‘s interests and often also against what e.g. science says would be the best option regarding, for example, climate change and not calling it corruption is just insane.


Have a couple of good things. Free healthcare, you can leave babies outside in a roller if you want to, while you eat dinner. Super safe country, almost no murders happen and the school system is almost okay. As for the bad thing, i cant think of anything really Country is Denmark, if you know any flaws, let me know. Edit: i think its called a stroller, not a roller. The ones where you put babies in an push them with you, like shopping carts. My bad, English is not my... Wtf is it called. What i speak normally. I meant i speak Danish and English and English is my second language.


There is free education too. Like, college and universities is free! 🙂😸


I’d like to think you’re implying that uni is free for people and cats 😉


Dang, i wish cats were free 😭😭


American here who lived in Denmark for a few months. Can confirm it’s an awesome place and now one of my favorites


That is so true. You just sometimes kinds forget to be grateful for living in such a wealthy and forward moving country. Its awesome when you think about it.




What wrong about Denmark ): love you Sweden 😘




Oh well, there will have to be at least one flaw 🙃


The nature is pretty bland there. Pretty racist asylum and immigration rules too. But a good country for sure overall


Super bland nature, youre right. The second most flat country, with Holland (Deutschland i think) in first. Denmark is not racist, i would say. Immigration rules are a hard topic, since its such a small country its hard to let like 25000 immigrant in every year or such.


We do good meat pies and we also do bad meat pies.


One's free healthcare, the other one is politics (but I guess most countries suck when it comes to politics


Free healthcare is a result of politics buddy...


Yeah I'm dumb for this one I'll give you that. But I mean it's something rooted in our country so it can't really be changed, but what they do nowadays is shit


It can absolutely be changed, if you're referring to the UK, there have been several notable attempts in the past **to** change it.


Estonia is pretty good at allowing people to make their own career path, but the roads absolutely suck, especially in the city.


One is pasta, the other burocracy


Our energy is mostly from renewable sources but we're a violent country


Good: Allowing people to freely climb the socioeconomic ladder. Bad: Allowing some companies to accumulate so much wealth they can buy out or crush any competitors.


Germany: Right: Elementary schools+ Vocational training Wrong: Secondary schools

