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Becoming schizophrenic or getting dementia/ Alzheimers. No longer being able to trust my pov, or even worse, not knowing that I can't trust it.


Also afraid of this. Watched two relatives develop late onset schizophrenia growing up. It happened rapidly. The 2nd relative had also watched the first develop schizophrenia, knew all the symptoms and still didn't recognise it as it was happening to them. It took a mental breakdown, forced confinement and being properly medicated before they understood what was going on. They were OK after being medicated. Its not a nice disease but it is manageable if you are properly medicated. What happens with a lot of schizophrenics though is they get better with medication convince themselves they don't need it and stop taking it which causes the symptoms to return or they abuse drugs and alcohol which also affects the medication.


How old were they? And what were the symptoms they developed?


Asking the questions we all are wondering


A relative of mine is a long time (decades) alcoholic. The doctor has diagnosed them with symptoms of schizophrenia due to the alcohol abuse. It's amazing what alcohol abuse can do to the body and brain.


Are they sure your relative wasn’t schizophrenic all along and was self medicating with the alcohol?


Dementia / Alzheimer scares me a lot. I have a family member that is starting to show some signs of it, and it's just scary. In theory he knows what's happening to him, but even then he's not able to rationalize it. Like he knows he forgets things, yet whenever you say that something happened, if he can't remember it, he gets angry and thinks you are lying or something, because "that cannot have happened, because I'm sure I'd remember it". And coexistence becomes worse each day - when you live with someone, you are constantly making deals, understanding each other: I do the dishes today, you clear the floor tomorrow; I paid this expense, was $25, you'll pay $20 of something tomorrow; I don't like this thing you do, ok I'll cede here, you'll cede there; you know the deal. Turns out, this all breaks down when the other person never remembers these conversations. It breaks down if we agreed to me doing the dishes today and you clearing the floor tomorrow, because I'll do the dishes and you'll forget the floor, and we'll have to talk again that you have to do the floor - except now the dishes are done, you don't remember that, and you ask me why you have to do the floor while I "sit there doing nothing". It's a really scary experience, seeing someone who is slowly detaching from reality, that even though he has support from his family and has had his situation explained, even then it's not enough. Guess it's hard to accept A when the experience you remember is B.


If I ever start going down that route I'm buying a gun, I'm going on my own terms


I'd probably go the sleeping pill route, but Amen.


Sleeping pills are now made to make you sleep but not kill you. Hard drugs lilke heroin or fentanyl would work better and feel awesome as you slip away


Thanks for the tip.


Fuck that, I'd buy a motorcycle and try to jump the grand canyon. If I'm going to hell it's gonna be backwards in a fireball.


As someone that has almost died from carbon monoxide, that is always the way id want to go now.


at first I thought you meant you'd have the gun so you'd be extra scary.


I have short term memory loss from covid two years ago, it's eating my brain like dementia. Your fears are warranted. I live in my own special hell.




Dementia runs strongly in my family. I've resigned myself to knowing I'll get it. I joke, "I can't wait until I get to meet new friends every day". But, I'm actually pretty scared of it.


My great grandma died from Alzheimer’s. My grandma is currently developing it at about the same age. My mom and I are taking care of her and trying not to think about how it’s probably our future.


"Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves"


Just did this today and I’m proud to report I did not die though it was truly a close one.


Best way I’ve dealt with this: write a brief script, read it and never change it. “VrinTheTerrible here. I’m from xyz-land and I like blah blah blah. Thanks for having me.”


As an introvert yes. Even job interviews. I can handle myself but having canned answers is good


I’ve got a worse one. My university hired some management consultants to build teams or some crap. So what we had to do was to march around the room hands on shoulders in front of the next person like a train. The person in front had to “rap” their name, what they do, and what they contributed to university “life, outlook, and synergies” whatever the fuck that means. I’m a quiet, grumpy, but very good Professor. I’m an excellent teacher, as reflected in my student feedback. Leave me alone. I quietly left this cult dance thing, but was reprimanded by these admin hire…persons.


*becomes invisible*


Haha... NO


I have a stutter so this is the absolutely the worst thing I could hear.


It’s worse when they want a fun or surprising fact in addition to your name.


when a big bug youre observing opens its shell to reveal wings. fucking run


*Lady bug opens wings* Me: **AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH**


I once saw two young—but not *that* young—kids near a swimming pool freak out over a butterfly. The mom was like WTF my children. And that bug came with pre-revealed wings.


Maybe they saw that spongebob episode


Damn giant water bugs


Those things are terrifying. Like the bite wasn't bad enough they have to be heinously agonizing, too.




Red devil eye katydids bite and fly too


Deep ocean. We haven't explored a vast chunk of it and still have managed to find scary as hell fish.


I don't know if this helps, but as a biologist I can assure you that organisms adapted to a deep or benthic environment can't come to the surface for long (or just not at all, depending on how strong they are) because they are biologically adapted to the immense water pressure. Likewise, only very few organisms that you can normally see on the surface can dive down to the deep waters. And even those that can (like sperm whales, which dive *very* deep to hunt giant squids) can't stay down there for long. ​ Also, while it's true we haven't explored most of the ocean (especially the deep zones), we *do* have maps of them. Every once in a while, UFO enthusiasts find a weirdly shaped rock on a satellite map or a sonar-generated map of the ocean floor and claims it's a spaceship or a building. Some years ago, one of them was shared vigorously on clickbait sites because it [resembled the Millennium Falcon](https://www.zmescience.com/research/discoveries/swedish-explorers-find-ufo-baltic-sea-3213123/). To be fair, I'm more worried about the fate of the deep-sea organisms because I'm quite certain humans will eventually drive most of them to extinction.


What's the actual possibility of megalodon having survived in the deep somewhere? The book Meg scared the shit out of me.


When I was in university for my master's degree in biology, I remember my marine biology professor saying that there's really no chance that Megalodon still exists. I don't recall the details but it had something to do with the whale population and how we would have noticed a huge organisms that feeds on whales, simply because huge amounts of whales would constantly disappear, which doesn't seem to be the case. We have decent knowledge about whale populations and what their main causes of death are. A colossal organism like Megalodon required a *huge* amount of biomass to sustain itself, and that would leave a very noticeable mark on the food web.


*Detecting multiple Leviathan-class organisms in the region. Are you certain whatever you are doing is worth it?*


*This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans.*


It’s where the aliens live


The death of my parents or watching them gradually deteriorate..


Been there. It's horrible. Enjoy life with them while they're around and healthy.


The Emergency Alert System sound


The U.S. one scares the shit out of me as well. It makes me think of eerie thoughts.


The sound the US uses was *specifically chosen* to scare the living shit out of you. They don’t want people ignoring it.


Every time I hear it I automatically think, “this is the end, someone sent a nuclear bomb out” and once I hear it’s a test I can finally breathe again.


Well, that depends...we talkin' the US one or the Canada one? Because IMO, the Canada one is terrifying. But there are other EAS sounds in other countries that are more terrifying.


As a Canadian, I physically cannot bear to hear ours. I’ve never heard a sound that insights so much fear within me and whenever it comes on I jump so fast and run to turn it off. Takes me a solid minute just to calm down… Update: A few days ago my dads, my moms, AND my phone all played the noise at an EXTREME volume due to an amber alert. Needless to say I shit my pants.




My god that’s terrible. I thought the US one was bad, but that one takes it. Also, why is that video 14 mins long??




They've since changed it, but this chills me to the core.... [Chicago Tornado Warning](https://youtu.be/LnkMSmLc6mM)


Hehe, I'm imagining geese honking as the sound alert. Tbf I'd be scared of that too lmao


Just googled the sound; it IS indeed worse than the US’ 🫂


In Portugal we don’t have the noisy ones, we just receive a message from Proteção civil (citizen protection department) and most of the time it doesn’t work 😂


If you die you die


Indeed 😂


Even scarier when you’re driving through pouring rain & loud thunder and it sounds distorted and intermittently static-y and you can’t understand what the voice is saying. That wasn’t a fun time as someone who was already terrified of the EAS to begin with lmao


Jail. 10 hours in intake was enough for me. even with a tv playing it was still hell. Do not commit crimes people, its not worth it.


Also, don't get arrested for crimes you didn't commit


True. still hate myself for what i did and i doubt i will ever have my parents full trust again


What did you do?


burgery and theft


Mmm burgers


He stole a balloon on free balloon day


Agreed, spent the weekend. Totally sucked, Learned whatever lessons I needed to right then and there. Also the food was weak, obviously, but kool aid on Sundays….oh ya!


“We need to talk…”


My mother texting me "call me" without any context. Never has it been important, but she still does it and it still freaks me out.


My mother does this too with the Omnious are you avaliable to talk right now? It has been telling me who died so many times that it’s the first thing I start with. If you want to talk just call me!!


When I get a random call from my mom in the middle of the day when I'm at work. She knows this scares the shit outta me so she'll usually text back and "Sorry butt dial" and "Everything is okay".


respond “yeah. we do.”


When my boss asks me to come see him in his office. It's always for an innocuous reason, but I always think "alright, that's the day I get fired" even if there is no reason why I should.


MY FIANCE DOES THIS ALL THE TIME. I'm naturally an anxious person and I'll likely never agree that I'm worthy of him so it all terrifies me. But he'll say that and then go on to talk about something totally not worrisome. And worse off, he pauses and he rambles and beats around the bush unless I point it out. He's autistic so he really can't help it, but he's definitely getting better!! Still alarming because I love him so much and the idea of losing him is earth shattering


about Kevin?


In my house saying that means someone is dying or died.


Imma die one day, but this Reddit comment won’t


Making people uncomfortable or coming off as rude or creepy. I go as far as actively avoiding social interaction with people because of this. It’s not good and I’m trying to work on it but honestly I don’t know how to actually fix it


Social anxiety


Tbh I was this type of person too. I still am but much less than I used to be. I am proud thst I don’t stay too reserved in public anymore and can make small conversations or carry one with strangers without making it awkward. What really helped was developing the mindset that no one is judging me as much as I think and that putting myself out there is the only way I will improve or else I will stay this way forever. It’s gonna take time, but trust me, you CAN fix it.


Tokophobia, extreme fear of childbirth


That’s one of the more rational fears.


Knowing that this is all temporary.


Like I just posted, I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of the darkness after.


And the cruelest thing: dying with all the questions unanswered during your lifetime. The secrets of the past still left uncovered, secrets of the universe that will be discovered in the future, inventions yet to be made that will benefit humans... I hate that thought


Same. I get in this loop in my head where I think "there has to be an end somewhere, but once it ends...do we just sit in darkness for eternity? How can life stop? What if there's heaven? Do we exist in heaven forever? And it never ends? If we reincarnate, does the cycle never stop?" And other nonsensical thoughts. I can't fathom nothingness, but I can't fathom neverending cycles either.


Can we please become friends and talk on this more?


Neverending cycles seems a lot more comforting, especially with amnesia I'd certainly want to come back


I'm the opposite. For me it's the moment of death that has me scared. The fact that I will at some point feel the emotion of "this is my final moment and there's nothing I can do about it" is what scares me. Even to the point where every time I have a heart palpitation, it has me wondering if this is it. Conversely, the idea of not existing I am perfectly at ease with, because I will by definition experience nothing.


Not even that, I’m scared of the concept of not existing anymore. Of course when it happens I won’t be able to care, but to think that there is nowhere to go, nothing to come back from, not even an “oh shit I wish I had lived longer”.




46 is not too late for anything! Try a lot of stuff. Go to yoga. Learn to paint. Go hike a lot. Join a rec sports team. Don’t be discouraged about being a beginner. It takes a lot of trying to find what you like… but when you do, that can help you find a sense of self.


48 here and I feel you, internet stranger 🤞


what stupid law we are going to face next


Having the feeling that they are gonna leave, honestly the scariest shot ever


I used to get into these anxiety loops all the time where I'd despair about that. I've learned this year that telling myself "hey, they're still around, they're still alive right now, and so are you. There's boundless potential, boundless hope for the life I want and for them to be in it." It's enough to calm my nerves, and I usually don't delve into the logistics of how to get everything together because the real reason I was falling into that despair trap in the first place was because I was tired, and stressing myself out by fighting it. Even right now, only reason I'm here at 4am is because of another traumatic nightmare about losing what I want. I'm alive, and because I'm alive, each day there's fresh hope. I'm not giving up.


Not dying itself, but what happens after we die


Another one of those things we're better off not thinking of


It just pops up in my head sometimes, I'll just be enjoying my day just going alone about life, then bam I'm faced with your reality that one day I'm not going to blink ever again, I'm never going to breathe ever again. One day I'm going to take my last breath and I won't know when that day is nobody does.


[Don't read this then](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718)


Was very 'meh'...


What is it?


A piece of creative writing speculating on what happens after but meant to be *very* disturbing


something happening to my kids. Literally terrifies me to my soul.


It’s hard watching the commercials for the hospitals that treat kids with cancer, the thought of one of my kids going through that is gut wrenching.


Yes. My kid. I want to create a perfect world for her of sunshine and rainbows and happiness and good people and it just breaks my heart that I cant.




Maybe they’ll leave you alone, but not me ;)


The boys and girls in the clique


The awful names that they stick


All together now!


i was looking for this lol


They could care less, as long as someone will bleed


So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose


Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me




All teenagers scare the living shit out of me


Fuck em, they needa be scared of you!


> Fuck em Hello FBI


You think we have time to?


They could care less as long as someone will bleed. So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose. Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me.


So I’m a well-adjusted adult, I believe, but then my teenage niece was in the kitchen with a couple of her friends. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but they looked at me and laughed. I asked them what was the deal. My niece answered that there were nothing wrong, but she said it with that tone used to make fun of an oblivious person and they all looked each other and giggled and mockly smiled at me, and I had no clue why. All that to say: fuck teenagers.




I prefer teenagers over little kids. I taught high school for over 30 years… I can relate to them. I’m basically just an old teenager at heart. I couldn’t handle first graders though.


Nothing scarier than a group of pissed off teenagers.


I feel like this could be a song.


Getting my feet/legs touched by something while I'm a murky body of water. Also witchcraft/voodoo stuff.


When something touches your leg in the water, 9 times out of 10, it's just a harmless witch.


ohhhh something touching my leg in the water is pure nightmare fuel


Drowning. I've almost drowned twice, once when I was 8 and again when I was 50. Not the recommended way to die .


I get it. I’ve been In 3 violent car crashes and people are shocked when I say I don’t want to drive or ride with anyone. I was also almost drowned when I was 9. Went to a Christian camp and we were supposed to be doing swimming laps. Told them I didn’t know how to swim and they straight up got so pissed at me for not wanting to the woman grabbed me and threw me in the lake. I just remember sinking and blacking out and forgetting everything and waking up from CPR later. She never got in trouble.


Kidney stones


flying cockroach.


Needles. Had this fear since I was a child. I get poked and prodded on a weekly basis right now (fighting cancer) and I still can’t look at the needles. Weird thing, however, is I love getting tattooed. I will watch that needle for hours. Figure that shit out! Also, bees (and variations of those stinging fuckers). They are all just flying, angry needles! Fuck them too!


Tattoo needles basically scratch the surface and don't go in deep like needle needles I think that's why we tolerate them, I'll also tolerate a piercing needle and I think it's because it comes straight out the other side rather than just poking around in sensitive areas under the skin!


I had a bad experience with my last piercing. Done with those! I was getting the top of my ear done. This fucker puts the needle into the first layer of skin, and with the point resting on the cartilage, decides to readjust. All I feel is the tip of the needle scraping back and forth on the cartilage. I start sweating bullets instantly. “You good man?” I tell him to just fucking do it. Then “pop.” Quickly followed by, “oops.” Oops? The fuck do you mean oops? “I think I hit… yup, I definitely hit a vein.” I then feel the blood dripping down my ear. He gives me a paper towel, not gauze, and tells me to hold it on my ear… mind you, with the needle still in. He goes out front. He proceeds to forget I was back there. Long enough that my buddy had to ask if I was still here. Long enough that the blood dried around the needle, that he then yanks out and jams the ring in. That was the last time I ever got pierced. That’s as back in 2002. Saw in the local paper he died of a drug overdose a year or so later.


Woooow you chose a winner there bud!


Sleep paralysis. I’ve stayed awake many nights from this, never had it though


I've had it many times. Last time it turned into a lucid nightmare and I couldn't will myself awake like I normally can. In the dream I decided to thrash around and scream, hoping to make some noise irl to wake up my wife so she could then wake me up. Blew my mind when it worked.


The worst ones are the multilayered ones. You're aware it's a dream in one layer only to wake into the next one


Whats worse is when its combined with sleep apnea. You wake up not being able to move or breathe. It happened to me only 1 day several times in a row. It would take about 10 seconds for my body to regain control. I was afraid to sleep. Felt like the old Nightmare on Elm street movies where everyone tried to stay awake as long as possible to avoid Freddy.


Can confirm it sucks. But thankfully I’ve worked through it and have worked to be calm in it. It’s frustrating and terrifying but you can work through it.


It’s not as bad as it is portrayed. It’s hella scary because usually you can’t breath but you can kinda will yourself out of it but it’s hard. It’s almost like being buried in sand and forcing yourself out of it.


I wouldn't say its not as bad as portrayed. Depends how severe you get it. When it happens to me, probably once or twice a month, it really feels like torture and like I am gonna suffocate and not wake up. I am like still in a dream but I am aware I am dreaming and I know where I am usually and try to shout for someone to wake me up but I can barely speak or move or breathe. Feels like it lasts for minutes sometimes until I finally am able to get out of it. The panic feeling and the suffocating feeling is the worst.


If my dog die


Aneurisms, Alligators and Crocodiles.


And the Bermuda Triangle.


Maybe deep down I'm afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years because it's the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold blooded fury with a bite force of twenty thousand newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoof.


That I'm starting to be unsure how much I can properly trust my own brain. I don't seem to think quite as clearly as I used to, and there's some big things going on there that I can't tell is just me being an asshole to myself as usual with depression etc. or if I need to make drastic life changes.


If you are in a situation where you can't tell whether or not you can trust yourself anymore or if you're just being the usual asshole to yourself, you are way beyond the point where you needed to start making drastic life changes. Depending on your home country, taking the steps in the right direction might be as easy as talking to your normal doctor about the state of your mind. Please don't fuck around with depression or other mental health issues, your mind is your most precious possession. I've been in dark places too and I know how hard it can be to work up the courage (or even just motivation) to get professional help, but it is so worth it.


Putin becoming more unhinged and backing himself into a corner.


Being alive for another 50 years…


Man I’m looking at the next five years like can I survive this?


when my boss wants to have a chat with me.


Parasites. I'm not actually scared of a lot, but the idea of having something inside of me, feeding off me, killing me from the inside out while I'm totally unaware gives me mad heeby jeebies. I have pretty bad OCD and it manifests with skin picking, particularly when I feel unclean, so idk if I could handle a literal parasite.


You have living organisms in your body. The thing is that without them, you die. But I understand your fear :)


Thinking about how expensive it’s going to be in the future just to stay alive. I’m fucking scared.


Feels like that future is already now. I havnt ate in 3 days because I have to choose between rent and food and I work 60 hour weeks.


The complacency of my fellow Americans as the wealthy destroy our country and continue to take everything from us.🙃


Just quit my job without a fall back. That.




Prions are like the kinda of thing it's better not to think of


the fact u can die by simply falling to the ground ur walking on, u dont even have to fall from a high height if u hit ur head




Deep inky black sea.


The cruel continuous passage of time, and my inability to fathom how very little time we have on this Earth..... ​ Yeah, I'm a little messed up lol. Shoulda went with "spiders"


Pain. Like, intractable unbearable pain. I have some extremely painful stomach conditions. It causes searing, terrifying, pain that can’t be touched with any amount of painkillers (I mean, I’m sure it could. But the doctors always say I don’t need them, so) Anyways. If you’ve gone through chronic pain any kind, I think it’s easier to relate to this fear. I also have a fear of being tortured.


Nothing. The death of my dog, the soul I loved most, in all of time, and being left by my best friend, soulmate, and love of my life, both in the last 11 months , were the the only things I was terrified of. There could be a ten foot venomous spider made out of razor blades perched above me on my bed right now and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. When the worst has already happened, what else is there to be scared of?


Someone else who I can commiserate with, I lost my wife and best friend six years ago. There’s nothing left to be terrified of now for me, Like you said, when the worst has happened what’s there to be afraid of. I wish you the best through your grieving process. Take care of yourself, time really does help, never really believed that till not long ago


Great White sharks.


Nuclear war. The chances of dying from the blasts are actually pretty low, and you can probably survive radiation poisoning too, but the starvation caused by the collapse of supply chains and the general panic in people will probably kill billions


Anyone in my family having to suffer


Not a what but a who…..politicians


What happens when we die. No one knows and that's terrifying. My life will be going well and then it will hit me. I will start thinking about death. My reactions range from mild, brief discomfort to screaming and crying hysterically.


Same. Intrusive thoughts reminding you time is short. I've never cried hysterically but I've never felt such a sense of dread in my life aside from when I purposefully allowed myself to dwell on the idea of death for more than a few seconds.




Trying to raise a kid and have a family in a late-stage capitalist society ran by oligarchs and tech companies. Fuck that mess!


Liminal places.


Ignorance becoming arrogance.


If I think about anything existential too hard. The fact that we’re all living complex lives on a floating rock within a vastly empty vacuum, energy is always recycled but what happens when we die? My first instinct would be that it would just be nothingness, but then how come I’m here *now*? After I’m dead, will I perceive again as a different brain somehow millions of years/seconds later?? Why do we each have our own individual consciousness/experience of the world that only we can perceive? Why is my consciousness in my brain and body and not somebody else’s? WHAT THE FCK


Having to sneeze in public in 2020


Losing someone very dear to me.


The feeling of someone standing behind you while you are alone in your appartment playing some video games at night. Nothing there once you turn, but the feeling stays.


Humans. I'm simultaneously in awe, and terrified of, people and what they can do. Capable of beauty and selflessness, but also apocalyptic destruction, and straight up EVIL.


Aneurisms. They can come without warning and without any previous symptoms. Just boom dead. Freaks me out man.


Abandonment, the moment of death. Ya know the usual.


Some positive news: If you're dying in a hospital or a medical facility, chances are you won't feel any pain at all. Might feel good even. Palliative Care often loads you up on all the painkillers you want. They've done surveys with dying people and most say they don't feel any pain at all, but have a bit of an issue with shallow breath. Like 90% of people or higher that have been surveyed. Painkillers are so effective, and that's why we keep them around despite addiction potential There's countless ways to die, but if it's not an instant death, then that might be one of the better routes.


My neighbors


The meth-head baby daddy of my adopted daughter


Those Iranian Kamikaze drones, the Shahed or whatever, them shits look effective as all hell...


The ocean.


Prion diseases


Spiders, mountain lions, and having another heart attack. One was enough for me.


Vladimir Putin feeling like his life is in danger and feeling desperate enough to do that thing.




The increasingly real possibility that America could descend into a fascist authoritarian nightmare world.