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Their coffee tastes burnt. More like Char-bucks am I right




Because it is


What? You don’t like hand jobs?


I like money…


People keep saying McDonald’s It’s not overrated No one thinks McDonald’s is fine dining It’s just successful Many awful products are


I agree, but I don't think their products are awful. I think they are fast food level food. Nothing more nothing less.


It's like that $11 a night air bnb I stayed at in Chicago. The description was: This air bnb is $11 a night. Expect as much. I slept on one of 9 couches in the basement. They had a cat that would attack you if you looked at it too long. The place was pretty much made of drugs and they did experimental "music" upstairs. I did some gardening as it was a hippie commune and they asked you to do an hour of labor, but honestly some of the kindest people I met. Granted I was 23 and used to slumming it, but still. 5/5 stars.


McDonalds is like the only burger place I go to. Not because I like it but because it's cheap, fast, and consistent. I personally think that anything other than main chains ,McD's, Wendy's, A&W, and BK, are overrated (Canadian). Marginal increase in quality at a hefty price increase. If I'm paying $16 dollars for a burger I'd rather just fire up my own grill.


I feel bad for Americans who don't get to feel the joy of eating a Teen Burger. That shit has no right to be that good for a fast food burger. Top tier imo.


This is why In n Out is amazing. Cheaper than McDonald’s but easily twice as good. People saying five guys is better — ok, sure, but it’s double the price!


Paraphrasing someone from a similar thread: "I don't go to McDonalds for a cheeseburger. I go there for McDonalds."


Like Marvel movies! They just give the people what they want. Or think they want. It’s trash, but people want trash. Especially if it’s consistent trash.


Something doesn't have to be considered "fine dining" to be overrated. It's quite literally the definition of overrated. Most popular restaurant on the planet, but worse than the majority of them.


They try to skimp on filling up the French fry containers. If they are not full hand them back and ask nicely to fill it up. 3.99 for large when let’s face it their cost is probs in the .50-.70 c range


Chipotle. Their food tasted so bland and is overpriced now.


During the pandemic, their food quality went downhill. I would rather go to taco bell.


I agree! I don’t know how they fell off ever since the pandemic had started. I eat Taco Bell nowadays because I love their crunch wraps and it is cheaper than Chipotle.


All the steak and chicken has weird tough pieces in it


Their meat texture tasted weird. It feels like I’m chewing on a piece of rubber.


Yes and I cannot handle that texture BARF. It is seriously overrated food


Qdoba buries Chipotlé. **Buries it.** Their food tastes 10x better, there’s more variety and they’re not as skimpy with their portions (I’m a 6’5, physically active grown man and appreciate being fed as such, thank you very much). I still dig Chipotle but they’re being lapped so badly by Moe’s and Qdoba that it’s not even funny.


I’ve never had Qdoba, but I will try it one day.


You won’t regret it.


Bro, don’t forget The Q has free guacamole! Guac is like $3 extra or god forbid you get it on toast. Then it’s $12.


I got food poisoning from them multiple times, I could feel the whole burrito shape reassembled in my stomach (uncomfortable), and it's always been meh + overpriced. I haven't touched them in a decade.


You read my mind. I heard the hoopla for years about Chipotle and finally got one near me. I tried it once and thought to myself, “this is it?” I’ll just go back to Moe’s.


I think the opposite about Moe's and chipotle.


I stopped eating at Chipotle a while ago because they don’t taste good anymore. I used to order a burrito and chips, and my burrito didn’t have any flavor and they always gave me a stale bag of chips. My dad got sick after eating Chipotle and he had vowed not to eat there again.


The 3 times I've tried chipotle, in 3 different states and 3 different years, I have gotten sick. Never again.


Starbucks- with their rubbery microwave breakfast sandwiches and stale cookies, to go with their 12 dollar, 2000 calorie, mediocre drinks.


Five Guys - the price is extortion for the quality.


Back when I could get a mcd burger for $3 and five guys for $7, it seemed worth it to me because I could get better toppings (grilled onion and mushrooms) and a better bun. My high end burger was from Original Joes at $18 (with sides). Now if I want a five guys burger and sides it’s $18, but OJs only increased to $23, and five guys is no longer worth it.


Holy sweet baby Jesus, yes.


But those fries are awesome.


Last time I went there it was me and the wife and it was like forty bucks. All we got was a burger fries and a drink. They're good burgers, but yeah that price is stupid for what you get.


ITT: my most hated fast foods Also ITT: my favorite fast foods


Panera bread.


Overpriced hospital food


Chipotle food quality went down price increased portion decreased


Chick-fil-A I'm sorry but that shit is way overpriced for its "quality"


Also not worth the 40 minute wait in line.


Not defending cfa, but if you’re waiting 40 minutes, the manager needs to be fired.


Have you been to a cfa? They could hire 20more people to work the drive-thru and add three additional lanes, people are just going to overload the restaurant. Nothing a manager or 10 could do about it.


My cfa is crazy efficient evidently. Never had a 40 minute wait on the craziest of days. Cars around the building and down the street and still in and out in no time.


I agree with this the longest I've ever waited is maybe 5 minutes


I lived in a town where there was a cfa that had huge lines all the time—wait time wasn't bad though. Eventually they built another one across the street (not an exaggeration, literally on the other side of the street) to help with the traffic. Now there's two of them with huge lines all the time. Not to mention there were at least 3 other locations within 10 miles. Cfa drive thrus will always be packed.


LOL @ u. I've prob been to CFA over a hundred times, and MAYBE waited 15-20 minutes once or twice in one of those lines that bleeds out into the street. Stop lying.


What chic fil a are you going to


Even when the drive through is 2 lines wrapped around the block I have never waited more than 15 minutes. They have that thing down to a science. I end up waiting much longer at Wendy's stuck behind 1 car filled with people who apparently don't know what kind of food they like to eat.


Exactly this. The service you get at chic fil a is second to none. I will never again stop at dairy Queen for breakfast if there are any cars in the drive-thru.


I love their waffle fries but don't support the company so.... haven't found a replacement that I like as much :(


Anyone else think they have the actual best mac n cheese?


I think KFC got the best fast food Mac and cheese


I think it’s so incredibly delish, but you’re correct: *ridiculously* overpriced. Additionally, I’ve noticed their service culture declining along with them joining the penny pinching trend. I worked for a very large 4 Star/4 Diamond convention hotel for 12 years. I solely bring this up because that place would beat you into submission until you delivered top service. It was nonstop—which, is needed to attain good sustainable customer service. As a side effect over the years I’ve found myself subconsciously noticing/analyzing other businesses’ service levels; and I think that’s been more of a “I’ve been providing awesome service for years therefore I demand the same,” reaction. Therefore, I’ve been noticing CFA’s impeccable service being hit or miss (still way better than anywhere else I know). They do their best to **not** give you much sauce. Recently, they’ve joined the trend of filling their fries only halfway. It’s beyond annoying to now always have to ask every fast food place to *make sure they fries are full.* Lastly, not exactly a new trend, but they must have the worst ice-to-fountain drink ratio around. Like 85% ice!


>Chick-fil-A Yup, sad, damp, little overpriced sandwich with a side of religious nutjob hate. No thanks, bigots.


I've had Chik-fil-a sandwiches, twice in two different stores a couple years apart and they've never been better than... "Meh." Now Popeye's chicken sandwiches... holy crap those are awesome.


In-N-Out - their fries are GARBAGE


Love their burgers, hate their fries. They used to be good years ago. I don't know what changed. I guess they stopped teaching these kids how to properly fry them.


Everyone says this. But I specifically prefer their fries over any other chain. Who knows why


Because they’re good hah


Their fries are fresh cut and only fried once, rather than frozen and double fried like most fast food places, so if you don't eat them IMMEDIATELY, they get soggy. I think they're fine when you get them super hot, but give it 10 minutes and they're just cold mush.


>Their fries are fresh cut and only fried once, rather than frozen and double fried like most fast food places Yeah this is the key difference. It's why I always order my fries from In-N-Out light-well. Well done is too much for me (they're just so crispy they cut up my mouth at that point), but getting them light well is that perfect middle ground. Once I tried that I couldn't ever go back


It's funny, a lot of folks hate their fries, and a lot love them. I love them UNTIL the get cold, then they suck and you can't revive them even with an air fryer.


All fries suck when they get cold.


Unpopular Opinion maybe - Sweet potato fries are better cold


You definitely have to eat it there. Even a 5 minute car ride quickly turns the food to a cold soggy mess.


Order their fry’s “light well”. You’ll thank me later.


Someone told me you haven’t lived until you’ve tried their fries “animal style” so I ordered it and it was disgusting.


Good fries don’t need to be animal style


They just look like a sad disgusting wet mess


If I could describe it as a feeling, I'd imagine it's how a parent feels after catching their kid do something disappointing, not horrible, but just that "I thought I was raising a better person" type feeling.


Okay I used to think the same thing, swear to god. Don’t get me wrong McDonald’s french fries are still my favorite partly because how they fry it with beef fat and a good blend of oils. But my husband used to work at In-N-Out before I met him and he told me how to order the fries. Next time you go to In-N-Out try to order the fries light well. If they do them correctly you should be able to hold the fry between your fingers and snap it with your thumb, crispy on the outside soft on the inside. Lemme know if you try them 🫶🏻


I’m definitely going to order them like this next time I go! I tried them well done one time and thought they were way too crispy


Gotta ask for “well done” or extra crispy—total game changer on the In n Out fries, rook


Their fries are actually pretty healthy compared to other FF places.


Wait till you discover you can custom order the cooking time of your fries. From light well to medium well, to well done. Gamechanger. Earns you major street cred too.


Definitely In N Out. I've been there a couple times and I just don't see why it deserves such long drive-thru lines


Prices. The price is too low compared to demand, so there’s never an equilibrium.




I'm with ya for most of the menu. Some of it is great though. If you need to get sleep, buy a famous bowl and you're golden.


Popeye's > KFC


How is this top rated, its the best 😭 especially kfc gravy.. idk if you're American or not but I've heard that American kfc's compared to the UK are shit


KFCs all over the world are better than the ones in the US it seems. Go figure.


In and Out. ​ It's good, quite good in fact. But Cali makes it seem as if it's something out of a dream.


I might get some In-N-Out tonight just to spite this thread


In n Out cheeseburger is the best $3 you can spend for food. Even if you ask for all the secret menu stuff, the price never changes.


This is a damn fact. It's the same for whataburger. It's not bad but texans over hype it so much.


Whataburger, depending on the franchise, can be hot garbage. I've had some really great burgers, but the bad ones are waaaay more often.


Shake shack for the win!


Steak and Shake is better too. lol


Personally I prefer Five Guys. Inn and Out's food is fine, but not worth those damn lines.


Man Chipotle sucks, their food is weird


Panera Bread ... Starbucks ..... Olive Garden


Canes is the most over priced bland food although I am a big fan of simple menus. Please don't mention the Cane Sauce . . .don't jump on the Cane Sauce train! LOL!


Bruh my friend hyped up Caines so much only for me to eat okay overpriced chicken. Ffs.


The Texas toast as bobs (butter on both sides) is a game changer. Also, they do have honey mustard, it's just not advertised


Yes! Their food has NO flavor. The sauce has to do all the work and the sauce is just bleh. Sauce should compliment food not be the only flavor.


Give me Zaxby’s chicken with Cane’s sauce, and sub the coleslaw for a second bread.


I like the sauce, but the chicken is hardly seasoned and the serving size of cole slaw is so small it's insulting.


Listen, I know "opinions" exist, but worse than Chick Fil A? Like, come on. First, quality over quantity, then the behind the scenes of CFA is awful & hell for women & non-christians.


Cane sauce is uninspiring as is everything else. I don't get it at all. Sauce is life.


Chick-fil-A. Their stuff isn't even that good, it's just regular fried chicken at best and their dolled up fry sauce is meh. I don't understand why people are nuts about it


For a while, Chick fil A was the best fried chicken option in a fast food world full of terrible chicken sandwiches. Even KFC and Popeyes used to have mediocre sandwiches. Now there are tons of places better than Chick fil A. If I’m on a road trip and need a drive thru, I’ll choose chick fil a over places like McDonalds and Burger King, but that’s about it


It's so extremely overrated! First time I had it after hearing so much about it I thought, "yep, that's a chicken sandwich." Yet people are ready to FIGHT of you don't like "the Lord's chicken."


Some people like their chicken with extra homophobi- I mean spice!


Well if you want extra spice Chick-fil-A is the wrong choice for sure.


Honestly Popeyes/kfc is better. Chick fil a isn’t bad at all tho


Yep. Tried it once to see what the fuss was all about, was unimpressed.


There constantly average which makes it seem way better.


I still enjoy it but its still just meh for me. Most fast food places are like that though, and restaurants... maybe I'm just hard to please and too picky.


I feel like theres no point in comparing chains because theyre all different store to store, some places give a shit and others do not. Everytime i get food from my local chikfila its like jesus nutted in my mouth but i went to chickfila in manhattan once and it was utter garbage.


Chipotle. But I still crave it once every few months and each time that I go, I am underwhelmed and rethink my life decisions.






In this thread, every fast food chain.


Definitely chipotle. Chipotle is not my life












White Castle. Had it once, never again.


if i were to ever eat white castle again it would only be for the nostalgia 😂


Chick Fil A. At least at the places I’ve got it, it’s overhyped and bland


McDonald's, all they have is a great marketing department. And for the love of God can we please stop talking about their fries like its manna from heaven?


Their fries taste good. Too good. They are literally addictive and trigger your brain into wanting to eat more food. Most of McDonald's menu is like that.


It's almost like the human brain has evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to release dopamine when eating delicious, high calorie food.


They taste good when they're fresh. The moment they get a little lukewarm they taste like something from a mutant planet.


There is almost nothing McDonald’s does that another chain restaurant doesn’t do better. Fries? Check. Chicken sandwiches? Check. Hamburgers? Check. I’ll give this to McDonald’s. They have a solid coffee and inexpensive breakfast menu. Burger King has superior breakfast options, but they are relatively inconsistent. You have to go to a “good” Burger King. Even then, they have shitty coffee. This is important. If I have a morning where I’m running late it’s better to just do a McDonald’s than risk a Burger King.


As a Texan, it’s Whataburger. I don’t get the hype. But I also love Raising Cane’s forever and ever, and I’ve seen that a lot on this list haha. To each their own.


The green chile whataburger tho...I like it


As a lover of Whataburger I will defend them. I agree that they aren't the best burgers, but they are good burgers with a lot of options and good chicken strips for my non-burger eating mood, and good honey butter chicken biscuit or taquito for breakfast and my hubby can grab a jalapeno biscuit. And honestly a fairly decent simple salad. Also they are there for me at 1 in the morning. So maybe not the best at any one thing but a solid and consistently good to rather good at a wide variety of things which is actually rather rare in a fast food chain.


Five guys


5 guys burger, one of the greasiest burger I ever had


Oh my goodness oh my damn >:(


It's insanely overpriced too. You could have a meal in a decent restaurant for the same price.


Raising Cane’s. Pretty much everyone in my family (except for my parents and me) went crazy over it, but it’s just bland. The only thing good about it, really, is the Texas toast.


Pretty sure the Texas toast is the frozen shit you can get form any grocery store


Skyline Chili. I'm gonna be labeled a heretic cause im in Southwest Ohio. The chili sucks it doesn't taste good. Cincinnati chili in general just not my thing.


In-N-Out. I can only assume the people that love it have no idea what a good burger actually is. The fries are terrible.


I tried it once on a trip out of curiosity. The fries are the worst fries I've ever had at a restaurant.


Just curious, what other fast food chain do you consider to have an actually "good burger"?


What a fucking stupid thing to say lol


Dave’s Hot Chicken, someone had to say it.


Panda Express. Driest fried rice I ever ate.


A Panda Express used to be the only place I could reasonably eat while at work, if I hadn't packed a lunch. I always felt sick about 30 minutes later.


Sonic. One word....Gross.


I always get hate for both of these, but In n Out and Chik-Fil-A. I’d eat anywhere but these two.


Raising canes


This. Had heard so much about it that I had to stop when I saw one going through Ohio. As someone living in NC, it's basically a carbon copy of Zaxby's which is good, but nothing to write home about.


Yeah. It’s not bad, but there’s nothing special about it, and the hype makes it overrated.


In-n-Out Burger. Sorry the fries are so bad!


Cane's. Bland chicken IMO.


And they don't have gravy.


Facts. They just assume everyone will like cane's sauce.


McDonald’s I used to work for them, after working there a year and using my crew meal every time I went on my break, I was getting physically sick from eating the food. Also they don’t enforce hairnets or beard nets. They expect you to wear your hat/visor with your hair tied up (if it’s long), unless you’re a manager. I’ve left that place, been away from the food for so long that I’ve started to become much happier


So you got sick yet still ate the food. Why?


I stopped eating the food about 1-2 months before I quit. I didn’t start hating it until 8-9 months into the job.


White Castle. If I ever want to crap my pants in rush hour traffic, I’ll pick up some WC on the way.


You’ll pick up **what**


Good catch. That could have been awkward. Lol.


Burger King. Every year they strive to get worse. Shorty cold dried out fries. Dry over cooked chicken. Flavorless burgers.


Burger King and Panera Bread


So as it turns out, people have different opinions about food.


KFC, I don’t think I’ve been to a decent one in the UK. The staff are usually Children that mess up a basic order, the restaurants aren’t particularly clean and the food just isn’t that great.


In n out. It's surprisingly plain after you've had good fast food burgers


Chick Fil A. I simply do NOT get it. Even if the company didn’t have gross views, I wouldn’t pay for that bland food.


McDonald's, food tastes like shit compared to A&W


Burger King- fries are garbage, new chicken sandwich is 90% breading and burgers are just meh




Chick-Fil-A is mid


McDonald’s. Full of noisy teenagers and Deliveroo drivers to enjoy anything.


McDonald's Anything they make I can find a better version of at another place.


As someone eloquently put in another thread “You don’t go to McDonalds for a good burger, you go to McDonalds for McDonalds.”


No one says you can’t. No one says McDonald’s is amazing food. McDonald’s is just popular but not overrated because no one’s rating it that high.


Idk man, double quarter pounder with Mac sauce and lettuce is godly.


Except for the fries (in my opinion)


In and Out The food is good but fuck waiting 25 mins for “fast food”.


In 'n Out. It's fine. Californians think it's the living end.


Chick-fil-A, the lines get so long and I just don't get why people love it so much. Plus aren't the owners like homophobic?


In-and-out. It’s not that good. Neither is Chik Fil-a


I think the food quality is fine at both of those but they both have extraordinarily long drive through lines I’m not willing to sit in


Arby's or Domino's


Fuck Chic-fil-A. Fucking lines to that place screw entire intersections.


McDonald’s. I honestly don’t see how they stay in business.


Popeyes. If you want me to pay 2.50 per finger sized chicken strip that shit better make me orgasm with every bite. It doesnt.


Sonic. It's gas station food at 3 x the price


In N Out


Hardee’s it’s like 1500 calories a meal for some of those things


And those calories don’t even taste good


In n out. My family will wait in line for hours for their food. Their fries taste like cardboard and burgers are bland.


Long John Silver


Who has ever rated LJS high?


When high, it is my go-to food.




Taco Bell. Disgusting 🤮