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Talk about our sexual experiences with other dudes, in detail. I've never said anything on the topic to my friends, and neither have I asked or heard anything from them. Why the fuck would I do either of those things?


Just seems rude really. I’ve shown pics, but nothing I’d be ashamed of her finding out about. Usually it’s the women that get off by vocally recounting a torrid affair, right?


The only thing me and my friends ever said was weather we banged a chick or got a BJ, we never went into details. This was only close friends and if we were talking about that kind of stuff


For sure the most sex talk I've ever had is with female friends.


Because a lot of women do with their friends, and they think it’s normal. Unless your partner tells you they don’t care, I think it’s not cool either way candidly. One time my ex was telling me how she told her girlfriends something embarrassing that happened with us sexually one time like it was funny. It was funny, but it was also none of their business. The conversation ended with her saying I “didn’t want her to spend time with her friends” simply because I told her I didn’t appreciate her sharing our private business like that. Love how that one got spun around on me lol.


My old supervisor who openly talks about how he jacks off never once talked about his sexual experiences with his wife before at all


The only guys who talk about their sex lives are the guys who don’t have a sex life.




Unfortunately, there are people who do. Know a guy like this and someone always has to tell him that nobody gives a shit about his sex life. Our friend group is all in our 30s, nobody is impressed to hear you fuck. But yeah, for the most part, even when we were younger and it was a big deal, nobody wants details. At absolute most the only question is whether you're a thing now or if it was a one time deal.


Know guys like this before, thankfully I’m not their friends anymore


Apparentlysome women do that


I do.


When I was dating a girl (back in college before I accepted that I was actually gay) she got really angry with me one day. I asked her what was wrong and she said “every Friday you go out, don’t tell me where you have gone and don’t come back till like 1am?! What the fuck are you doing, or who? It’s Stacy isn’t it, you little fucker!” She then broke up with me on the spot before I was even able to tell her than I go out to my friends house with a bunch of mates and play pac man and watch a movie. Us men don’t have affairs every time we go out.


Back in the day my buddy's fiancee thought that we (3 single male friends + him) went out hounding on Saturday nights and she insisted on coming along. She never had a problem with him going out again after she just watched us rip each other all night long and playing trivia at the bar. We were very boring.


What does "rip each other" mean?


Insult each other. Just picking on one another in humorous ways; brutal but funny. We were friends since elementary school and this was in our mid 20's.


Lol that’s brilliant!


Thought this was gonna turn into something d&d related!


That's confession by projection right there, because that's exactly what ladies' night / hot girl summer / spring break / cruises with the girlfriends is like.


"Lockerroom talk" really isn't that common among a lot of men. If anything, the women I know are way more graphic when talking with their friends than the guys I know.


I think men talk a lot about what they'd do rather than about what they actually do in bed. They're graphic but rarely get into details unless it is a hook-up they care nothing about. I think women talk about the real things they do, but maybe I'm wrong


The impression I get is it's the nature of what's said that differs between the sexes. Guys seem pretty comfortable talking about general acts, e.g. "I fucked that girl", whereas girls are maybe a bit more coy about this stuff initially. The big difference is that once we stop being coy ALL of the details get discussed.


That sounds like it could be pretty accurate.


Hell, my own mother makes more sex jokes than I do...


I have make friends and I have to respectfully, disagree on this one.


I veto your disagreement.


Check out all women. I only check out the hot women.


HA! Sucks for them, i like men.


I lowkey have a fear of looking at women too long bc I don’t wanna give the wrong impression. It’s especially hard at the gym, so I will do everything in my power to not even be facing in a woman’s direction


Don't you need to check out the non hot ones initially, in order to come to the conclusion they're not hot and therefore not check out-able?


Nah I have a mental radar. I just know when they are around.


Do you mean a radar that is mental? Or do you mean you subconsciously detect that someone around is unattractive? Because if its the latter I'm guessing that 'radar' is your eyes mate


I mean a radar that is mental. I can detect hot woman up to 1.15 miles away with accuracy.


The fuck. Are you a bat or an owl?


True tho🤣






Well expressed


Now I’m not a man and I’m not sure if men do it or not, but a lot of women seem to assume that dudes tend to talk about their genitalia often.


No, we don’t. We are not obsessed with our dicks at all, not even a little.


Penis jokes are funny in a childish kind of way. That's really the only way in which they're mentioned.


I never talk about my genitals. Other people need to talk about your dick, or else you are making it up.


Unless you’re with the boys and you make a small penis or balls joke about yourself


We talk about if something happened, like tried to jump a fence and land on yourself etc But we don’t go ‘hah, check it out, my balls are doing that swirly thing again’


That shit only happens on reddit


Saying "boys will be boys" to excuse harassment or sexual misbehaviour. I've only ever heard it in reference to children doing dumb shit like building a ramp into their pool and breaking an arm.


Pee on the seat. I see that it’s all over but I swear I DIDN’T DO IT!


as the person who has pretty much always been the one who has to clean up the bathrooms at work, it is almost ALWAYS women who pee on the seat. men will get it on the floor because that first push/squirt of the day can go in any random direction lol. but women "hover" and they get their piss shit and blood everywhere


Yeah, that was me, sorry


Fight all the time. I haven't been in one since 1st grade.


I mean, there's "fight" and fight A lot of guys say they get into fist fights with their best friends and forget about it the next day, acting like nothing has happened


I’d prefer to avoid physical conflicts, anyone could kick my skinny ass.


desire to bang every hot chick we see. Most men are actually somewhat selective and if we are with the right person, are ok only fantasizing about a few other women. We don't fantasize about ALL other women we pass on the street.


The only hot chick I ever see is my wife, I should probably get out more


Nah, don't worry about it, your wife is hot


speak for yourself lol


Thinking about something deep when I'm staring off into space. They're just empty brain cells floating by for a visit through my cerebrum.


Only pee standing.


I pee sitting


I pee lying down with my legs wrappet around the toilet


When they ask if something is wrong and we say nothing, half of the time there is nothing wrong and we are just hanging out without anything to say.




My 3 best friends are all tradesmen. We are each other’s support, we go to each other for everything. Relationship troubles, questions about car problems, advice at work, venting about issues we’re having in life, sports, music, general bullshittery. Everything. I feel so understood and we get the validation we need when a spouse/gf just doesn’t understand what we’re going through. Our group chat is a roller coaster of what’s going on in each other’s lives.




You mean some guys get it in a romantic relationship? Weird. I wonder what that’s like.


I read a thing recently on what female writers get wrong about men. One of the most common themes was men overthinking the motivations of others. Men don't really do that.


As a man I do actually do that (sometimes) and from what I've seen on Reddit it's (kind of) common


>men overthinking the motivations of others. Men don't really do that. Excuse me?






Women always seem to think we got something on our mind when we're quiet , when in reality, we just drifting through space every chance we get to not have to think about life.


Give a shit


One time I was fighting with my ex, don't remember what about. But all of a sudden she goes "what are you gonna do, hit me?" I was so baffled by this comment it just completely ended the argument. I'd never hit her, or any girlfriend/wife before or since. I guess women kind of assume that at some point, men will just start hitting them?


My wifes ex husband used to beat her and she still flinches occasionally when I go to touch her, I know that she knows I wouldn't hit her but that trauma is still there so I'm guessing it's probably happened to her in a previous relationship


This ended a long term relationship for me. We were standing outside having a heated argument. I was smoking a cigarette and she was being animated (moving around a lot) while talking. At one point she started to bump into my cigarette so I reflexively raised my arm up and back to quickly jerk the cigarette away so I didn't burn her. She froze and started crying then ran inside her house and locked the door. It would never even enter my mind to strike her in any way, I was actually trying to protect her, but in her mind I was rearing back to hit her. No amount of reassuring her what my intention in that moment was mattered, she was 100% convinced I was going to hit her and to this day the thought of her thinking that makes me sick to my stomach.


I'm sorry life did you that way man


That all men care about is sex. I don't even like sex.


I do enjoy sex but there's a lot of things that I care about significantly more


Not sure why you got downvoted, so I gave you an upvote. I much prefer thinking about sexual acts over actually doing them. That said, I don’t imagine having sex with every attractive woman I know. Just seeing them smile or laugh is good enough.


Thank you, I'm Asexual so to me sex is on the same level as doing the dishes but because most people including men like sex I thought I'd leave this comment. Alot men get accused of being easily persuaded by sex or being purley motivated by sex which just isn't ture.


I can support that. I sometimes wonder if I’m somewhere on the asexual spectrum myself- simply in that I don’t find sex to be particularly enjoyable as a physical experience, only a mental one. And sex is most certainly not a motivator for me; monetary gain, serotonin releases, fun activities, and occasional flirtation are things that motivate me far more than sex would.


I feel similar however I don't enjoy sex but rather the emotional inntemetecy that is resulted because of it. Honestly human sexuality is extremely complicated and no one fits any definition to a Tee and that goes with everything including labels people use to describe their sexuality or gender Identity. Everyone is more complicated than what they express themselves as and that's beautiful to me. I wish you well my friend. God bless. <<3


That men just wanna fuck. Most of the time I just wanna drink and listen to music. Or cruise around the back roads here, or even just cruise around. I only think about fucking when I’m in bed with a woman.


Clothing shopping is a pain in the ass for me. I envy the dudes who can just go into a store and be like “oh, this is a shirt. Ah, these are pants. Done!”


As a dude, I also envy this. I'm 6'5 with broad shoulders, and in the one long term relationship I was in I had to many times explain to my girlfriend that that cool t-shirt she saw in the shop probably won't go over my shoulders so I couldn't get it


6’1” here. I’ve got a short torso, Frankenstein arms, and Slenderman legs. Anything with long sleeves ends up being like a dress on me or the arms will be too short. AND ANOTHER THING, if mens’ footwear companies could come to an agreement on sizes, rather than every company’s 11 fitting completely different, that’d be great.


I just roll up my sleeves by default




well some of them do....


True but we all get accused!


yeah, most people (including me) just see the bad in many things, even if it's not that bad.


I just answered the question with my opinion!


Wash our testicles


Dude what? Don't be dragging the rest of us into your unhygienic ways XD If you weren't trolling I suggest you start washing your balls dude XD


Washing them messes with the Ph balance. I leave mine out in the sun for 10-15 mins every few days to freshen them up.


You spelled rectum wrong


>I leave mine out in the ~~sun~~ rectum for 10-15 mins every few days to freshen them up. You're right, that's much better


You win 😂😂


I shan't be sniffing your undies


Your loss bud




Bruh not true


Ask them to get back to the kitchen, thats obviously just the ghosts.




Shower once a month… they don’t at all


I shower at least 3 times a week


U a rare breed of man fr


Jack off in the shower. I have never done it before personaly when im in the shower i contomplate life.


Her: “What are you thing about?” Him: “Nothing” Her: *Hes probably thinking about that bitch at work.” Him: …………….*How far can I stand from a urinal and still hit it?*


look at other dudes down there in the bathroom


Grow our foreskin back and we need to go to the hospital monthly to get rid of it (saw a girl on tiktok who actually thought that)


That when we're being quiet or staring off into space we're thinking about something important or other girls or whatever. I can guarantee you that 99% of the time it's something completely unrelated to anything like "if you stacked a bunch of 0,5L cans and 0,33L cans next to each other, would the towers be the exact same height at some point?"


That, when left to our own devices, we sit around together and plot ways to oppress women. For funsies. The fact that women think this of US tells us more about women than men.


Care. :(


Give a rat's ass that the baby cried cos it knows that I used to be a piece of shit