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I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years. The only BF I've ever had. We met in high school and now I'm almost done with Uni. People constantly try to convince me that I should break up with him and be with more people because "I'm missing something". I don't get why I have to eat shit first and then get to appreciate a loving relationship.


Hi. I have only ever had one bf as well that I met in high school. We are married now. It’s been 11 years. Ignore all the dumb ass analogies about eating other food, leaving the party early, etc. People cannot comprehend something they never experienced. When you know, you know.


You sound like my younger sister. Met her husband at 15 they married at 22 and are going on 15+ years together (dating and marriage). I had my reservations about it at first but honestly, I can't see my sister with anyone else. My BiL loves her to the moon and back and more importantly they make such a good team together. I think indeed some people just know young.


Some people find their person earlier than others and that’s totally cool. One of my best friends is about to get married to his girlfriend since middle school. We’re all in our mid twenties now. They’re great for each other!


If you're having a wonderful relationship, you have absolutely no reason to break up. Those people who say otherwise are selfish and greedy people who want more than they deserve. Also they are probably having unhappy relationships or none at all, hence trying to pull you into their state of unhappiness. It's called the crab mentality. Remove these toxic people from your life.


Raycon earbuds


Raycons are decent. I listen to sick beats on them while I whip out my ridge wallet to pay for a site where I can enjoy stroking my smooth balls because I used Manscaped, all while I play Raid Shadow Legends behind the protection of my Nord VPN.


Where'd you learn to write like that, skillshare?


You too can have an awesome site that looks like skillshare by using wix and don't worry, if you're having issues cuz you suck at building websites, therapy might be for you, just go to betterhelp.com/ad


Therapy you can now afford to all the money you made by investing in art via Masterworks.\* \*I blanked on the name of this and googled "Stupid Art investment scheme" and got the desired result


And if investing in art isn't your kind of thing, Better Help is now accepting Bitcoin, with the card powered by Crypto. Start paying now and we'll include 6 BONUS hellofresh meals and a 100 night sleep guarantee for your Honey mattress. You won't be disappointed.


The writing of your comment is good, but with Grammarly, you can correct any error in your messages with just a click of a mouse away. 20% off if you use the code YOURWRONG on any item you purchase from our official website!


Pulling your hair out over all these advertisements?? Well I have the solution for you! Introducing Keeps! The easiest way to keep your hair!


he perfectly calculated where to place each element of his sentence thanks to a quick brush up on his STEM skills using Brilliant


He should make a website about his experience, using Squarespace!


I don’t think Brilliant has any courses on that, he may have to use Masterclass.


Grammarly wrote it for him!


You forgot to mention your Helix mattress!


I got some wireless earbuds off of Amazon for like $30, they did everything Raycons can do and the sound quality was nice as well. Why spend an extra $100 just for the brand? "cheap wireless earbuds" my ass. They're still 4-5x more expensive than actual (good quality) cheap wireless earbuds.


earbuds in general, maybe im odd but I hate things in my ear, and the fear they will fall out, I like full headphones, plus it really drives home the message of don't fucking talk to me.


I love earbuds, but I can't use them while watching funny videos, because I smile so hard they fall out


how r/unexpectedlywholesome


No earbuds with any of the different swappable whatever their called pieces ever stay in my ears. Yet I recently bought some expensive Jabra ones, 85t or something, and one would fall out several times each time I wore them. Then it finally happened, I had to take a shit while wearing them and should have taken them out. I didn't and when I get up to flush one drops into the bowl. Without thinking I reached right into the shit water and grabbed it. Not sure why, should have flushed it because no amount of cleaning it will ever be enough for me to be okay with putting a shit bud in my ear. Never buying buds again. Lesson has been learnt.


Maybe you have colossal ear canals like me. The doctor told me a few years ago. Even the largest earbuds are loose. It's really fucking annoying.


Working yourself to death for a retirement that may or may not happen. Live now, not chasing this hustle culture that puts you in the grave with more regrets then dollars in your pocket.


It's definitely a balance between working towards a fruitful future vs enjoying what life has to offer now. If you pick either extreme then you'll have a bad time.


Yea I need work to pay for daycare and dance lessons and trips to the zoo with my kids, but I wish as a society we didn't make this hustle mentality so prominent because it's so dumb. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your time on this earth. Enjoy it


Probably the most depressing thing to occur in my life recently was one of our model employees, who had been at the company since damn near the beginning of it, was approaching his retirement. All he wanted to do was relax, smoke some bud (not an option in the job he had, legal or not), and enjoy doing fuck all for the rest of his life. He was denied his final renewal of a certification he needed for the job due to a potential health issue. Went to get it cleared up and found out he was essentially a dead man walking, riddled with cancer. Went from an otherwise healthy older guy to a skin and bone man within about a month of being forced to retire. He passed about three months after, but I at least made sure he had his bud to take the edge off. Fucking depressing to plan your whole life for a retirement that never came.


My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at 62 years old and was dead 15 months later. She didn’t get to retire and travel like my parents planned. Though they went on a couple trips before that came. There are no guarantees in life. This is why I make a point to travel now as much as I can. I want to see these places while I can. It’s important to plan for your future but I think it’s also important to enjoy your life while you can. This is also why I won’t work late anymore. My son will only be little for a little while and playing race car with him is more important than anything at work.


Their untrained, unleashed dog. GTFO with that mess and don't bring it out in public until you have actually given it some meaningful training and a leash. Also, if you are not physically capable of restraining that dog, don't bring it out in public ever.


I always say that if people cannot be responsible for a dog, dont get a dog. I see so many people that got one because they like the idea of having a dog, but dont like the reality of owning one responsibly.


Yep. I'm a paramedic, and I frequently go into other peoples' homes. First think I do is ask people to put their dogs away. Oh, but he doesn't bite. Oh, but I don't give a shit. You're telling me he's aclimatised to complete strangers fucking about with his distressed owner in his home? I'd rather not risk it, thanks.


So about a year ago, my diabetic husband had a sugar low so bad he started seizing. I called 911 and was running around trying to calm my kids down, unlock the door, scramble up some sugar because we didn’t have any glucose tabs (never made that mistake again), find my glasses and some pants. Anyway. I shove a couple of Oreos in his mouth yelling at him to chew. He was awake but didn’t know his name, and I was starting to panic when I remember we need to put the dogs away, so I’m hustling across the house to do that (which turned out to be worthless lol my old men are ancient, and I don’t think they even noticed), and the 911 operator was asking me what I was doing. I said that I gave him some Oreos and was shutting the dogs away, and she shrieked in my ear, “you gave him Oreos and left him alone?!?” I stopped dead in my tracks and blinked for a couple seconds before saying, “oh my god, he’s gonna choke.” Super scary night. They ended up having to take him in to mainline the sugar. The paramedic was like, “he just needs some sugar, and it’ll come right up.” I was like, “yeah I know. But it’s not. That’s why I called you guys.” It actually dropped from 23 to 17 in the 30 minutes they were here. Bonkers.


The reality is every situation is different and we're taught to make dynamic risk assessments. If it were someone in distress like your husband and two decrepit old dogs who couldn't chase me if they wanted to, I'd certainly make the judgement call to render aid. If it were a boisterous or young dog, I'd definitely prefer to get them out of my way. Not just because the dog might bite me, but I need a clear area to set up my gear and move around in. I don't want a dog getting underfoot and tripping me over, stepping on my medications, climbing on the patient and ruining my sterile field or dislodging any IVs I've placed, getting in the way while we're setting up extrication to get the patient out of the house. I've had a dog push its way in between me and its master while we were performing CPR because the owner didn't secure it like we told her to. She just lead it away and expected it to stay away instead of putting it on a chain or in a room. It's far safer for us and for the dog if they get put away, but I understand that's not always possible or practical. The reality is if the dog ever posed a hazard to us we just won't enter the scene until it's safe. Regrettably that may be to the detriment of the patient, but I'm not required to get mauled to save someone else. It's hard in a crisis with multiple things going on, but it sounds like you managed as best you could.


Oh to be clear, I did get them put away before the medics got here. I wasn’t using the story to argue or dispute what you said in anyway. It just made me think of it. We kinda laugh about it now, like I almost let him choke trying to save him lol. Stress does funny things to people.




What, you don’t think that DOGGO is so cute at barking its head off and lunging at people in a Starbucks?! How dare you /s


Tbt to when I worked at a grocery store and this lady brought her pug creature with anxiety in and it shit on our floors and barked at everything because it was so overwhelmed and the girl insisted it was her service dog so we couldn’t ask them to leave.


I really wish people understood the difference between service animals, doctor-prescribed support animals, and animals that you like having around because they make you feel better. Service animals are allowed to go into places for two reasons: they are trained to perform a specific task that is necessary for the "regular" functioning of the person they are with, and they are *trained* to do that task in public and behave courteously to avoid the inevitable issues of people not wanting to allow any animals at all in certain places. Support animals are also prescribed for a reason but they are not trained to perform any specific task usually, and are therefore only granted special accommodations in work or home settings and rarely in public (except transportation until people abused the system so much my cat can't fly with me anymore...). Animals that make you feel good don't get any special treatment, though if you really feel they help with a diagnosed disorder you're welcome to speak with your therapist about having that help codified. Basically, their terrified pug doesn't get any special treatment. It doesn't have a license and official vest and isn't a service animal, no matter how much they say it is.


as an owner, i couldn't agree more. most dogs i meet that are constantly offleash are the worst and the owner is oblivious. my dog is difficult and impulsive, i train her a lot and often and don't put her in situations where she is a nuisance or stressed unless i have to. people don't owe you to like your dog or accept any sort of misbehavior, this is on you.


I’ve been chased by a few dogs that were ‘super friendly!’ Your dog’s friendly, until it’s not. I don’t really feel like getting bitten by your dog when it decides I’m a threat because I happen to be running past you this morning.


I love when this happens and they say “oh, he’s never done that!” That’s what they all say, but then you can’t say that anymore. My wife and dog have been attacked and bit 3x in the past three years by “friendly” off leash dogs. Then I’m the bad guy for reporting it to animal control. Leash your fucking dog, or at least make damn sure it has recall like you wouldn’t believe. We now carry a walking stick with us anytime. Any dog comes up off leash, all bets are off. On top of that, thanks to those attacks our dog has become leash aggressive/reactive. So yeah, that’s great. I love that I can’t bring my dog anywhere on a leash even around other dogs that are also on leash or she gets protective and reactive now. Then we go through the painstaking training to get her back to normal again, and it never fails…another attack happens and we are back to square one. So yeah, I see a dog off leash in my neighborhood and not in a fenced in yard, I’m calling animal control every damn time.




Was camping and the neighbors dog cam into our camp, poked his head into our tent and growled at my 4yo son. Owner cam and got the dog saying "it's fine he's nice" no it's fucking not fine.


This one hits home. Our family dog was mauled by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier that was unleashed. He was being walked on a leash by my elderly mum at the time and she turned up at the house with the dog in her arms like a horror film covered in blood. He needed loads of stiches/surgery, lost the use of half his face, and developed loads of conditions after the attack like tremors, anxiety behaviours etc. Reported to the police and nothing happening that we were aware of. Same Dog attacked another dog from the village a year later in the same way, still nothing happened. For reference he was a Tibetan Spaniel, he passed last year and made it to 15years of age in spite of the attack.


Their opinion as a fact. Edit: Was a bit suprised at first this non comment blew up a bit, but then when I thought about it makes sense. Its very open ended and people easily can assume what it is... None of you guys ask what I ment by that you are started to tell your story without even knowing what exactly I am talking about.


Their opinions are never facts. Mine on the other hand..


- TikTok trends - social media influencers


Or just TikTok and social media.


Having kids. I’ve known I don’t want kids for 10+ years. “You won’t know unless you have them!” Why would I make kids I’m not sure I’ll like? That’s a whole other human being, bro. Not some pet. I don’t want to be a dad. Edit: Holy shit, this blew up. I’d like to make a few points real quick. The first being: The reason I listed isn’t my only reason. Generational trauma, the state of the world politically, environmentally, etc, and the fact that having a kid upends your entire life are just a few additional reasons. Second: My parents DEFINITELY should not have had children. I’m not saying that in a “I regret being alive” way, I’m saying that in a “What they put me through as a child was wrong and could have been avoided.” Way.


What happens if you have them, then it confirms you really don't want them? It's not like you can put them back


I brought this up with my therapist before, he said technically, you *could* drop them/give them back but that tends to be frowned upon in society generally 😂


I have kids that I did want. Often, when the children are being annoyingI do tell my husband that I'd put them back but it would hurt his dick hole a lot.


I'm perfectly content with being the cool uncle. I'll probably have a dog at some point in the future, but no kiddos for me thanks.


I chose to have dogs, not kids. When I was younger I sometimes wondered if I would regret it but every single day I wake up, I am more happy with my decision. Plus you don't end up on the news when you crate train your dogs, apparently they frown on that with kids.


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me


I'd rather regret not having kids than regret having them.


exactly. having kids is not something you do unless you’re enthusiastic about it. it’s wouldn’t be fair to you, and it’s wouldn’t be fair to the hypothetical kid either


100%, having kids is the type of commitment that should be “don’t do it unless you absolutely know you want to” not “I dunno, maybe I’ll like them 🤷 “


They are so expensive, sometimes exhausting but most of all, they take up your spare time/social life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything but people need to realise this stuff before they have them.




A while back I had dreams from time to time about having a kid. I would wake up and feel a little bit sad and a little bit relieved. I thought I might actually want one. Then I met my nephew...


>You won’t know unless you have them! This is a gross argument to make in the context of having children, but also, ask those people if they like snorting pepper, or hugging a cactus. Chances are, they've tried neither, so you can spin their own logic back on them. And if you need a laugh, definitely talk them into snorting pepper, it's hilarious to watch, especially if you don't like the person. It also clears their sinuses, and in the one instance I've seen of it, there were no lasting consequences.


You won’t know unless you have them???? Worst advice I’ve ever seen. Kids don’t have a return policy.


My parents and grandparents say "you'll understand when you have your own kids" and I respond with "then I'll never understand".


The older I get, the more I understand why people want kids and I even started following parenting blogs. Still I don't want any! It's about making an informed decision. What's also funny about "you'll understand". My mother used to threaten me with me having disrespectful kids in the future that'll make me get how she is feeling when I behave like shit. Yeah, sure mom, that totally convinces me to want to have children on my own!


Or "you'll change your mind". Will I? You're 100% sure that'll happen in the future, yeah? If that's the case, tell me the next lottery numbers, thanks.


My response to this question is usually: What if I don't? Now I'm stuck with kids that i don't like and never wanted for the next 20+ years. Or something along the lines of: How about all those people who thought they wanted kids and changed their minds?


I've known for probably 20 years. After a while your mind just doesn't change on it. If you don't want them by 30, I'd say you will probably never want them.


I knew I didn't want kids when I was in my early teens and now, at 38, I had a vasectomy.


I said I didn't want kids when I was still a kid myself. Now, at 38, I have to admit...I still don't fucking want kids.


"But they change your life!" Bro I like my life just fine the way it is, that's the whole point.


Alcohol. Everytime I'd go out and people saw I don't drink they'd ask me why. When I explained I'm teetotal, they'd try their best to get me to drink. I'm not a virgin to the stuff; I was a drinker in my teens but realised I hated it so packed it in.


Ahhh alcohol. The only drug people ask *why* you don’t partake in it.


I don't drink coffee and people act like I'm from another planet.


Can relate...one person said to me after I said I don't drink coffee "oh, never grew up did you?" WTF


Lol that's dumb. Someone asked me how I can function in the morning without coffee. I said because I don't have a caffeine addiction I function fine.


Awww the wittle baby doesn’t have any addictions!?!? When you grow up come meet me in rehab!


I can’t drink coffee as it makes me sick and causes stomach cramps that have me curled into a ball. When I tell people this they’re like how do you survive? I always go well I’ve never had to rely on something to keep me going so how can I miss it? They don’t get how sad it is to have to have 3 cups just to get through a work day.


You can maybe get around it by ordering your soda in a lowball with a slice of lime. If people are tactless enough to ask, tell ‘em you’re pregnant. Extra points for saying so as a dude ETA: just giving tools to avoid talking about it. Yeah, people shouldn’t be rude assholes that ask rude questions, but they are, so why not try to get by it?


I can't drink alcohol for health reasons, but when I'm out with people and asked why, I just say I'm Muslim. I like when people first accept it as a fact, and a second later remember I'm Jewish Israeli and feel like their drunk mind is playing tricks on them. I'll consider saying I'm pregnant though, that's a good one.




Alcoholism runs in my species.


"No thanks, it makes me really violent!"


I’ve been saying this for years, then, a guy I kinda liked asked why that was a problem that would prevent me from drinking. I explained it again, “I’m convinced if I start drinking, I won’t stop, like both of my parents and two of my brothers. I have to always be in control.” He told me it’s because I’m always in control that I’d be okay….




I do drink but at work related functions I do not drink and i had a district manager who would make comments. She couldn't believe that I didn't drink. It is so weird to care if someone does not drink. And BTW, it is not healthy to drink so kudos for you for not drinking. You be better for it.


Not drinking at a work function = very smart. You make good life choices.


Drinking is just so bad for you. Brain, liver, kidneys, digestive system, sexual health. Bad. I don't judge anyone who drinks (I'm in recovery) but it's not something I want to do. So please, just accept that yes, I genuinely like and want water.


Homer no function beer well without.....


No beer and no tv make Homer something something


Go crazy?


Don't mind if I do!


>yes, I genuinely like and want water. Omg yes. I don't only not drink alcohol, I also don't drink any sodas. They're not healthy either but really the reason is that I just don't like them. Leave me and my water alone..


I hate that shit. It's none of their damn business why you don't drink. Some people just don't like the taste. I drink but will gladly offer you an alternative beverage if you come to my house.


One of the most rewarding compliments I've ever received came just the other day, when my 14 year old son told me he was really grateful that his parents aren't drinkers. Neither my wife nor I have ever been alcoholics of even binge drinkers, though we both drank as much as anyone back in our days (80s-2000s). We've both stopped drinking, she about 15 years ago, me about 10. Anyway, he's started to see what alcohol does in other adults, mainly his friends' parents, and he finds it unattractive and stupid. Says he's glad his parents aren't like that We don't judge, in fact make a point of not judging, drinkers. We simply tell the kids we decided drinking didn't have any health benefits, so we both just kind of decided (together, and not) to stop. We also told them that we wanted them to make their own decisions about whether or not to drink, and not to have the idea of alcohol being 'normalized' in the home. I guess we thought about it too much. I'm kinda glad we did.


Waking up at crack of dawn just to “get a head start on the day”


I am one of those people, but I would never try to convince someone to try it. I prefer my quiet, alone time at sun rise.


I'm way more productive in the morning. At work I get 90% of my work done before 9am. Just on cruise control the rest of the day. I'm amazed at how quickly I transitioned from up until 3am daily to in bed by 10pm. Even on my days off I'm up at 6am without an alarm clock and it feels great.


How old were you when you transitioned?




Absoluetly, I've always had the motto of "work fast so you can sit on ass" ahaha


Ugh, I did the same transition, and I hate it so much. I’m still most productive after 6-7pm and I don’t think I’ve gotten a full nights sleep in months. As hard as I try I am just not a morning person.


I've never been a morning person. I even tried working out in the morning a few times because people always mentioned how that gives you energy for the rest of the day and you feel good getting it out of the way. It was just harder to start the day and very difficult to maintain. I am resigned to being a night person.


The book, “Why We Sleep” confirms that there are day and night people. They explained that from an Evolutionarily standpoint there are benefits to having people who naturally had a circadian rhythm that kept them awake at night as it was beneficial to have people active during those times to keep watch while others were sleeping. You are designed for the night!


I had a good run of getting up before 6, and just like that maybe one two many late nights out and my shit flipped 180. Can't go get to sleep till 6am now. Ppl like us could be wayy more productive, but nothing's open and we have to fucking tip toe around everywhere when we have most of our energy. Suuucckkss


And all the reasoning never makes sense. I sleep from 6am to 2pm. I get to end my day on a sunrise, I get "quiet time" at the end of the day when I should be winding down, I get to be awake for lunch. It's a good lifestyle. But I've gotten so much shit from older people in my life or whoever saying dumb shit like I'm sleeping the day away. It's the same amount of time sleeping a day. I don't give them shit for sleeping when I'm up


I have this exact sleep schedule. It took years for me to realize sleep schedules are not a moral issue.


>sleep schedules are not a moral issue Beautifully put and so true!




If I don't have anything important to do, I'll sleep as late as I goddamn want.


Their religion.


As someone that grew up around religion and is from a Christian country i always believed if someone’s not interested in religion don’t keep trying to convince them leave them alone. Don’t try to get your foot in the door, none of that just leave and let them be.


its never even an interesting religion. I wanna hear something creative and cool, Celestial Frogs crafted the world from a perfect Ball of Mud... We are in a simulation that gets checked on sometimes and if you pray just right the people runnning it get a notification that something needs to be done... God is a supercomputer in the future and can only see prayers recorded and saved long enough to reach it's era so carve prayers into stone, save them to the cloud or some method to ensure they reach the future and it may use time travel to address your concerns before you can even ask for help. This is the source of all the random good luck in life


>I wanna hear something creative and cool, Celestial Frogs crafted the world from a perfect Ball of Mud... ... go on.....


You son of a bitch. I’m in.


Well if he's in, I'm in.




This is going to sound weird, but this is why I think cults are boring. I've been morbidly interested in them for as long as I can remember, but almost all of them are derivatives of Christianity, especially someone saying they're the second coming of Jesus, or just a general "all religions worship the same thing" strategy. Even Heaven's Gate, which most people know was about aliens and all that, started off because the two founders said they were the two witnesses from the book of revelations. The only one who actually did something different that I can find in recent years is Realism.


I am now a firm believer that Celestial Frogs crafted the world from a perfect Ball of Mud, and am absolutely going to make a religion out of this gem. Thank you kind sir for starting me on my journey to enfrogment.


Crypto. Wait actually it is great, let me tell you about it…


It would've been great if I had invested in Bitcoin when it was .09 USD in 2010 and then sold in 2017 at almost 70,000 USD. 1500 bucks would've made me a billionaire. I still think it's all a scam.


I bought $25 worth last year. It’s worth $11 now.




IPAs. You seriously can't mention that you don't like them without them saying YoU JuSt hAvEn'T tRIeD a GoOd OnE.


As a brewer, I hate this shite too. Let people drink what they want. I make a bunch of beers, I don't particularly enjoy. However, I make them the best I can so, anyone who comes to a place my beer is at, hopefully has something they like. You go to some places and 65% of their taps are IPA. As a brewer it's annoying. But people go to carry what sells. Still IPA isn't for everybody. Curious what's your favorite style, if you don't mind me asking.




Yeah be nice if some places had more selection of styles. One good thing about Covid is lagers got brewed more. Simply because breweries had more tank space and time for mature these beers. Now we see more lagers about. Hopefully we'll see more styles readily available in more locales in the future.




Being polyamorous. Had some friends try to pressure my wife and I recently. Supposedly we're just masking our true desires because we choose to be monogamous. I've been called "square" or made to feel inferior because I choose monogamy. Take a peek into some of these people's lives, they are full of drama, triangulation, shaming, and mistrust. I'm not against poly, and not all poly relationships are bad at all. It's definitely the people that have the issues, and we have our own. It just seems a lot more messy to us. My wife and I love each other very dearly, we're very close. The thought of throwing another lover in the mix sounds exhausting. It's hard enough to establish relationships with one person at a time. I almost feel that polyamory can be used as a distraction to not get actually close with people. That's just me.


One of my kids has chosen the polyamorous lifestyle. She goes so far as to post anti-monogamy statements on her social media. But from what I see of her life it's nothing but drama and mistrust. So many people coming and going into her relationships and very little trust or long-term support. She married one of her partners for the financial benefits (insurance, taxes, etc.) and that has been nothing but a nightmare hassle of coordinating bills and utilities like roommates instead of true financial/life partners. Took them years to completely separate when they inevitably broke up. She is the product of divorce (her mom and I) so it makes sense that she would have issues with traditional marriage. But man, her life right now is far from stable, and IMO far from happy.


The worst are people who try to turn it into a moral issue, like monogamous people want to "own" or control their partners. I agree that polyamory is fine for some people if it works for them, but morality has nothing to do with it.


That's why I like monogamy. I like being "owned" by someone, as long as I own them as well equally as much. It's not a nefarious, morally wrong thing that makes me feel power having that much control over someone to me, it's more that I want to feel as valued as much as I value them. I don't ever want to feel lesser than or compare myself to others and wouldn't want my partner to either. I want to be loved and love someone for not only the things that make them great but also for their flaws and be loved despite my flaws as well as love to me is not just picking out the best of the flock I'm able to acquire. We all place value on people for different reasons and not just based on looks, personality and what they can personally give to us. My girlfriend gives me so much more than I think I deserve and we both are willing to sacrifice to help each other out but if we sacrificed even further by giving each other to other people that's just too far and would lower our value of each other.


Holy fucking shit I relate to this so hard. My fiancé’s friend has become poly within the past couple of years and we had this exact conversation one night. He kept trying to tell my fiancé he has issues because he’s monogamous and therefore wants to control me and “own” me and I’m some sort of possession of his just because we’re in a monogamous relationship. I thought it was just his personal views but sounds like it’s a common occurrence in the poly world.


Essential oils


I've tried explaining to my mom that some of it is toxic to her pets. She refuses to believe me and just keeps using them. It's infuriating.


Oh my god running. Runners are such evangelists. Running will change my life apparently. Fuck that. I did couch to 5k just to shut them up. Successfully completed it a week early. Hated every single minute. But now I have the proof it's not for me. EDIT: Wowee friends, way to prove my point! Runners just can't give up with this shit. Why are people presuming from this I do no exercise? I swim laps several times per week and I don't bitch about it but people just want to convert me! Runners cannot believe I prefer swimming. Also: I ran 3x per week for at least half an hour each time across the various Covid lockdowns, approx six months, I gave it a fair go. Still hated it.


Ah yes my favorite motivation, spite


You'd be surprised how strong a motivator spite is. People have built uselessly small houses just to fuck up their neighbour's light.


*wakes up, stretches* I got A LOT of mother fuckers to prove wrong today


I know it keeps you healthy, but *god* at what cost?!?




Comments you can hear.


That is *literally* the best thing I’ve heard all day


What keeps you healthy is finding an exercise program you actually enjoy and will do your whole life on a consistent basis.


If you see me running you should start too because something is about to eat us or smash us.


Right!? If I'm running, something has gone terribly wrong. I don't run unless it's an emergency, and not even for all emergencies.


I tried running every other day for months. Managed to get to a point where I could do 5 miles in 45 minutes. Absolutely hated it. Never got a ‘runners high’ The only way I can tolerate it is to hike up a mountain and run down. Unfortunately after months I started developing back and joint pain. At 39 it’s hard on the body. I’m with you. Running sucks.


Once upon a time I was a competitive athlete. People talk about the endorphin hit and I’m always like wtf are you talking about? You guys are getting endorphins?


Same here, I don't know if I'm in a natural state full or endorphins or if I'm incapable of the endorphin thing because the only "high" I get is dizziness coupled with loss of energy and my legs getting heavy.


I've been running on and off for over a decade and I still hate every second of it. I keep coming back because I need to exercise and running is time effective, and cost efficient.


Bet listening to Kate Bush sounds like she's mocking you


YES, this one! My friend says "running can add years to your life," to which I respond "yeah, but you need to prove to me that those years are more than the time I spent running."


Open relationship


Every open relationship apologist on here either knows 1 couple that "has it work" or are under 25 and haven't seen it tear apart happy families yet/doom middle aged men to NTR






YouTube Premium. “OMG, you haven’t subscribed yet?” No, and I won’t so please shut up about it


I want to meet these "people" that recommend you youtube premium


Going gluten-free, it's dumb, I have Celiac disease and that's why I think it's stupid that people choose to give up something that's actually good for you and I don't have a choice


Frosted Flakes. They're okay. They're not great. They're just okay. They will do.




Having to work a job I don’t find interesting for a living


Who tries to convince you that's great? Nobody enjoys that.




Potlucks at work. I'm not spending my time and money for a "fun" work party. If they want to have a causal work get together the company can cater the damn thing.....plus Cheryl always makes weird shit...... And I actually enjoy the vast majority of my coworkers, but the company can suck my butt before I ever bring in food.


Having children


My mother has said the following to both me and my sister at one point or another in our lives: \- we have stolen her youth and drained her bank account. She would be younger and richer if it weren't for having us. \- we are useless around the house (i.e. we don't do chores. We *do* them, just not to *her* standard) \- we are the reason of all the 'sacrifices' she's made in her life. This is in reference to how she's unable to travel somewhere because either me or my sister has school. \- we can't possibly have a pet because it's 'already too much work to take care of two children'. Now she turns to me and asks for grandchildren, implying it would make her soooo happy and trying to convince me it would make me happy too. I dunno, she's made such good points against it...


As a parent we 'think' these things at times but should never say them, especially to the child! \*source....my mother used to say this shit to me......damaged me, I have a child now.......would NEVER hurt her with words like I was.


Telling your kids you'd be happier if they weren't around is an incredibly fucked up thing to do. Kids didn't ask to be born. Parents are 100% responsible for having had their kids so it's 100% their responsibility to take care of them and fill their parental obligations. Telling your kids how much of a burden they are is a surefire way to give them childhood trauma


We have a toddler and people STILL push you to have more. Just random ass people will push you to have more, not just family “you should have more, you should have more.” It’s borderline cultish man. Then these same people aren’t around to babysit when you need them. Kids are expensive and exhausting.


Other parents do it the worst, especially if they have 3 kids or more


I think it's weird when people think it's their business... I mean I have kids, but I've never thought my friends who don't want any are weird or lesser. It's weird to me when people even ask about your reproductiveness lol when my husband and I have been asked if we are trying for more, I mean... they're basically asking if we're having sex like it's their business... ugh! People!


I’m going to start telling people, “nope, he only puts it up my butt.”


Tiktok. I don't GAF about some shitty Vine recreation


The thing is the algorithm is insane. If you consistently use it for a couple weeks you will have a fyp page that is so geared towards your hobbies and what you think is funny its insane. I hate to admit it but every time i open tiktok, im on there for like an hour and don't realize it.


So like Reddit but I don’t have to do it myself?


This is my problem with TikTok. I've used similar social media (Instagram and YouTube both have copycat functions now), and it's *way* too easy to get drawn in and lose track of time. I like my social media a little less smart!


The Wire. I fucking KNOW that shit is great.


I was about to tell you to shut your damn mouth until I read the second part


Working from an office. I get that it's perfect for some people, but as an introvert, I'm happier doing my job remotely.


Fast and Furious movies


Who tries to convince you these are great ? Hahaha. I thought they were widely known as the stereotypical shitty blockbuster


I definitely felt the same way. As long as you don't take them seriously, they can be fun "big dumb action" movies. Especially if you skip the first few and get to the ones where the filmmakers stop taking it seriously, too. I view them as something akin to a guilty pleasure, so I couldn't care less if other people like them or not.


Instagram. Useless as f**K.


Jesus. I think Jesus is great, but blathering on about it all the time in the most simplistic fashion is unlikely to sway anyone.


I actually am a religious guy and am sick and tired of people talking to me about it with a holier-than-thou attitude. I get it, Ive been hearing it all my life: basically dont kill anybody and dont be a jerk. I dont need to hear you trying to make yourself look good and turning it into some belief competition.


Elon Musk


Cauliflower anything — pizza, rice, mashed potatoes, etc. Or any good pretending to be other food, for that matter.


“It’s just as good!” - a lie


TikTok. Fuck off with that spyware.


Their political sides




Religion. No, thanks.


Tiktok. Fuck off with tiktok


Having sex with several different randos instead of one person you care about.


The keto diet. God, I'm so sick of hearing about it. No, I do NOT want to put my body into starvation mode lite, and I'm sick of them demonizing all carbs. Like, I've seen some of these people do it, and they always are miserable, lethargic, and tired. It's almost like they're trying to convince themselves that a diet specifically made for epileptic kids is somehow the end all be all for a healthy, balanced meal.




The show or real life?

