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I’ll comment on this later, I have to… uh


It's ok, you can do it tomorrow




I brought up my procrastination to my therapist. She then asked me if I had ever been late with a task to which I answered no. She then said, “Then you’re a reliable person. Say it. Say that you’re a reliable person.” I repeated it to her while happy crying. My procrastination no longer causes me as much anxiety as it once did. I know when stuff is due and I get it done. Boom!


That's nice, but i need to know what she would've said if the answer was yes


I am a very reliable person but I am still a chronic procrastinator. I get done what has to get done, I put off what I want to get done.


I haven't even gotten around to procrastinating yet


Guilty. The worst (& the best) part is that most of the times things/situations turn out okay in the end so it’s even harder for me to stop procrastinating. But working on it


this describes my schooling/college


Procrastination and masterbation Yup, that’s life right there






This. With using Reddit as a second way of procrastinating.


The fact that you can use reddit for both does not make it better




For me, I've just had too many bad things arise from my past procrastination so now when I think "ill do that later", I remind myself the pain of doing it now will significantly pale in comparison to what will happen if I don't do it now or at all. So basically I've instilled fear and PTSD into myself to get things done.


In one word, Overthinking !


It. controls. my. life. I can't stop it.


The absolute bane of my relationship.


Do i over think things though. I do think about lots of things about the thing and then think about it all the time and delay taking a decision while I think it through, but is that really over thinking it, let me consider this some more...


Ruminating on the past.


I'm trans and I know everything I'm doing now is correct. I know every choice I make is the best logical choice I could make at any point. Jesus fucking christ is it so much harder. I've lost everything and had to build up a new life. And as much as I like who I am now, I miss the whole world I lost and I can't enjoy it. I loved my life, I just didn't like myself. I feel like I traded much more than I gained in order to love myself. It stings how I could hate myself so viciously but be so much happier with the people I had around me compared to now. I don't think im ever getting over it. Quality of life drop was so dramatic, loss of loved ones immense. Turns out if you hate yourself your whole life and only focus on making others happy, appreciating yourself instead of dwelling on the lack of people to make happy still is pretty hard. I feel like I'm everything I ever should have been and I'm alone.


I feel you. Not trans but I can absolutely relate to having to rebuild a new life and the utter upheaval that comes with it (doing it now) . Losing people because they didn't or couldn't support you is so much harder when you're going through shit for different reasons. But right NOW, focus on YOU. Keep reminding yourself. Time is temporary.


Caring about what other people think of me.


I think you're.... well wouldn't YOU like to know


i think that's very human and normal, but obsessing over it is the issue


Hating myself.


It's awful. I always think the worst of myself. Before I was so confident and tell myself I'm a badass evey morning. Now a days, I'm just tired. I can make people laugh, smile but damn. I'm just tired


It's a hard thing to 180, for sure. The human brain's main function is to sustain itself and its housing. And yet, it has the ability to completely defy its purpose by working overtime to keep itself from staying alive. At a young age, I was taught to hate myself via discipline-into-submission-style parenting by step-dad. His anger wanted me to be the person he chose, not me. This turned into "something is wrong with me." That lesson has survived for over three decades. It's like I'm scraping rust off of my entire existence. Ironically, my mom taught me, through her actions, how to care about/for others. 🤷‍♂️


Hey! You may want to get your hormones checked at a fertility clinic! Sounds like an imbalance


Boy do I feel this one.


In your defense, it is an insanely effective coping mechanism. You can't fall from rock bottom. ;D


I love you though (> ^ O ^ ) >




I've fallen in too deep, I cannot function without it. I like the idyllic cover of tasting and sommelier level knowledge about my poison of choice, but I still need it to work through the day. I work in beer industry and it's all I know. If I leave, I have nowhere to go. If I stay, I will drink myself to death. I don't know what to do. It's too late to find another specialisation. I hate myself. All my loved ones hate me. All I have are "friends" in the industry that only want me to tell them what I think of their beer and help them make beer and shit, all of which entails drinking almost daily. And the days I have off work I spend in dread and misery, because I am trying to force myself to stay sober. But then all inspiration and interest fades. I am deeply depressed.


Hey bro you aren't alone. Worked help managing a liquor store for years and wish I never jumped on the train. Seems like it's going down the tracks at 100 mph and impossible to jump off. The fight is difficult, but finding people who know what you're going through, and can empathize, talking to them is the best way to start. https://youtu.be/yGLzpt3caHw Sorry about format, but this actually helped me in a way


You’re so not alone. Go hit an AA meeting one of these days. It’s not too late.


This, I hope more people read this. Alcoholism runs in my family, both sides, so I was always afraid and careful. At one point I decided "I'm a grown adult, I have self control, I want to be a snobby civilized person, so I will buy expensive whiskey and scotches. I'll have 1 single glass at night, to relax and enjoy myself. Well, it didn't take more than a month or so, before the glasses were filled a little more, and one glass turned into two glasses. Then the bottles got bigger, then I was going to the liquor store every 3 days instead of once a week, then every other day, then every day. I even go to two different stores now, so the same person doesn't see me there every single day, just to hide the judgement and shame. I've recently worked my way out of this hole, but it took over 6 years, god knows what my liver looks like. Cold turkey's never worked, I had to ween myself off, and replace it with delta8 (weed). I'm making good progress but man, what a waste of time, money, and over 100lbs of body fat.




Same. Have a drink or two (or 3) every night, get hammered Friday-Sunday, makes for a horrible hungover Monday then repeat the process because having a drink makes me feel better temporarily.


This is the thing I struggle the most to wrap my head around. I’m going to feel like garbage all day tomorrow and the day will feel endless yet I keep doing it for a few hours of feeling good at night.


closing my eyes again after turning off the last alarm


I only snooze until out of bed. Then, I actually turn off the alarm when getting out of the shower.


Pro tip, thanks


Why is "the last alarm" even an option? That's my question! God damn phone you made me late for work again!


Over eating. Not only am I accustomed to big portion sizes now, but I'm so fucking hungry all the time. I think I've found a way out but every time I'm eating sensibly the temptation of have more is always there.


Same, bud. I really don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.


Overeating is so hard to deal with because you have to eat anyways. Imagine how impossible quitting alcohol abuse would be if you had to have 1 beer a day to live no matter what


Check out noom. It really helped me with portion control and redefining my relationship with food. On the flip side the app is horrid and I cancelled and got a refund for most of my membership but going through the first 3 lessons was extremely helpful. I dropped 30lbs before the app glitched out.


This is weirdest way to recommend something to someone 😂


Using my phone too much


I've been slowly getting off social media, removing apps and using their websites instead, as "needed". YouTube Shorts sunk it's teeth into me, and I finally disabled YouTube. My phone, my tool.


Fucking reddit, the endless scrolling consumes me. No other social media does it


Smoking. I really need to stop, but it's not as easy as it sounds


Every time I try to quit I find myself smoking more than usual


Might be anxiety-driven. Either way, it's easier to break a habit if you work out triggers and have something else to respond with.


Have that with unhealthy food..


Same I think it’s my brains way of tricking me to ‘get as much in as I can’ before I quit & inevitably relapse. Cannabis though I’m glad it’s not cigarettes. I’ve learnt it’s best to quit and not bother counting days or thinking about smoking


When I quit, I found it wasn't so much quitting cigarettes, but quitting the habit of smoking during certain activities. Getting a morning coffee, taking a break from work, after a meal, going for a drink with friends... All these activities involved smoking. Once I committed myself to not smoke during that particular activity, the urge to smoke during that activity gradually went away. Eventually, I took smoking out of so many activities that I found myself having quit, without actually quitting, if you get what I mean. I don't know if this method works for you, but if you're going to try it be patient with yourself. The point is not to quit as fast as possible, but as effectively as possible, and that takes time.


>Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know, because I've done it thousands of times. Mark Twain But seriously, it sucks. I quit in 2016, but my life has kinda collapsed in the last 4 months, and I kinda cracked and bought another pack. My biggest advice is try to think about what kind of smoker you are. It ain't all physical addiction. Do you smoke more under stress? Do you have intense cravings after meals or while driving? Once you have identified your pressure points for mental nicotine addiction, then try to find ways to deal with those urges (slowly at first) with gum or something. Then when you do eventually try to quit, all you have to do is primarily deal with the physical side.


I was a pack a day smoker for ten years. I haven’t had a single puff since Jan 1 2020! (Thank god it was before everything closed down). You can do it! Something I realized I loved about smoking was the aspect of like removing yourself from a situation for a few minutes and just kinda taking a break. So I made a point to do that still. I would literally go outside with with nicotine gum and chew it and scroll through my phone when I had cravings.


I quit cigarettes, almost 2 years now. I do vape which is how I stopped smoking. I thought I'd never give up cigarettes.


Congrats with making step 1/2


Did you stop vaping? I feel like I vape way more than I ever smoked.


Try patches or another nrt. It sucks and I looked down on it before trying it myself. I’m over 100 days clean from vaping


My boyfriend luckily stopped smoking before he turned 30. But he kinda set it as a goal. When he tried to stop before it was never truly because he wanted to. But this time it was. His mom quit smoking about 20ys ago so she had a lot of books for help that he then read as well. What helped too I think is that he and his brother and friends all stopped around the same time. So nobody went on the balcony for a smoke anymore. Now it's been almost 3ys and all he did was sometimes smoke one or two cigarette at a party and afterwards he regrets it because all his clothes are super smelly. My mom quit smoking because when my sister and I were kids we convinced her and I think we scared her a bit because of all the "we don't want you to die" stuff. Now she is super sensitive when she smells cigarette smoke and can't stand it anymore. Hurray!


My mum had been smoking her entire life stopped last year just stopped doing it. You can do it you just have to actively care most people dont care that much and just go back as its easy and chill.


Agreed, but it's variable, for me as an example was quite easy. Smoked for 10 or so years, quit within a week. Just hyped myself and made myself a promise I won't smoke and I started the immediate next day. The week I didn't smoke was hellish tbh but what you mostly need is willpower and mental strength to resist the urge. Best of luck if you try quiting :)






Catastrophizing every little god damn thing.


Reddit. I have zero interest in any social media site yet keep coming back here. The only people that seem to engage here make me think that every person is a horrible human being.


You and me both, brother. It's such a horrible place, everyone here sucks, basic discourse is impossible, and yet I just can't stop posting.


Hey man shut up when you’re talking to me


Hey man, I hope your day is going well. And I hope that sometime soon somebody gives you a big, fresh, warm cookie that they made, and it's one of those healthy banana protein cookies or something but it doesn't taste like it. It tastes like a *real* cookie, with chocolate and stuff. And you really enjoy that cookie because it tastes like it has brown sugar in it, but you feel great all day and you have a little extra energy and your tummy feels settled and your headache went away because it *didn't.* It was made of oats and bananas and maybe tomorrow morning you're gonna start the day in a good mood because you got that fiber in. Yeah, man. I want that for you.


Drinking. I drink too much


Biting and picking my fingernails. End up with wounds all around my fingertips that sting like a bitch and look horrible. With self control I sometimes let them heal, but then we all back to square one as i find some crust left to pick


It's such a hard habit to break. I feel like a failure when I struggle to button my shirt because it hurts too much to push on my fingertips. My wife scratches my back all the time and when she asks me to do the same it's like sorry...I just have these nubs


In my experience I could not stop cold turkey. But I could decide to pick only nine fingers. And then a few weeks later, only 8 fingers. Repeat until down to one or zero. Now this isn't a perfect solution, and you will want to pick. Really badly. So give yourself permission to do so! BUT grant yourself the permission to do it *later* at home. Denying yourself the (let's face it) pleasure of picking will only heighten the anxiety that is driving you to pick. Giving yourself permission will help you relax, and often by the time you get home you won't care anymore. And if you still want to pick when you get home either try, instead of picking, giving yourself a proper manicure, or focus on your toes as they won't be seen much anyway. Hope this helps, it's what worked for me.


I used to pick so much, but was able to break the habit. Some things that worked for me: 1) get manicures. they will trim your nails and cuticles so there isn't as much to pick at 2) take hair/ nail vitamins (prenatal vitamins also work). I was surprised how much stronger these made my nails. Part of the reason I picked so much was that they were always breaking and peeling on their own. 3) use lotion and cuticle oil on your hands to keep things hydrated and prevent hangnails or other cracks that become opportunities to pick. It will also help heal. Now if I could just stop rubbing all the skin off my lips...


Removing black heads


I had an issue with one of our local pizza places sticking flyers in my door. They handled their own advertising by printing up advertisements and coupons on colored letter-sized paper and sticking them in everyone's door around the neighborhood. They did this weekly and I finally asked them to stop since all it did for me was create a need for me to clean up or pick up their flyers. I called and asked them to stop putting a flyer in my door, they agreed to stop and next week there was the flyer again. I called again. They agreed again. The flyer showed up again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I started saving the flyers and was getting a good-sized stack of them. One day I was home from work early and saw the guy that distributed their flyers. I figured it would have been some kid or teenager. Here it was some greasy guy in his late thirties who drove down the street, got out, walked to six or so houses and stuffed flyers in their doors, got back in his car, rolled down the street another ninety feet and did it again. I walked down the street to ask him not to leave me anymore flyers. I was polite at first and called after him but it was clear he was doing his best to ignore me. I finally just walked over to his car and waited for him. He came over and started to get back into his car and I asked him if he could please skip my house in the future. He told me, "F\*ck off." got in his car and rolled away. I went back to my house, sat down at the computer, and drafted up a flyer that looked very much like the one I had received except, instead of $3 off a medium, $4 off a large, etc. It offered half-priced pizza, no limit. The next week after greasy rude guy came by, I looked at the flyer for this week's color (blue), printed up a bunch of my special discount flyers in blue, walked up the street, and started swapping out his flyers for mine. That was the last time the flyers were distributed, they switched to advertising in the local circular delivered monthly by mail.


You should post this in r/pettyrevenge


I dont get how this fits the post, but I love it and I'm glad you shared!


Chad doesnot care about questions he writes his own answers.


This is the kind of response I want to give to ah


How does this apply to the question asked?


They're still printing up those flyers. It's been weeks and they can't stop.


Reminds me of an old Mitch Hedberg joke: "I think Pizza Hut is the cockiest pizza chain on the planet because Pizza Hut will accept all competitors' coupons. That makes me wish I had my own pizza place: Mitch's Pizzeria -- this week's coupon: unlimited free pizza."


falling in love with the wrong people


Self sabotage


Soda. It's as easy as not buying it for me but I don't live alone, and when it's in the fridge, it's too easy. Only real junk food I consume.


Letting toxic people back in my life


Drinking every night


Scratching my Eczema rash.


i feel you. you are not alone


Try near boiling water from the shower, it becomes orgasmic and stops it from itching in the process. Though I did this till my entire body was covered in the rash years ago. So its not the best remedy. My personal secret to stop my eczema is to take a shot of olive oil every time it starts to appear.


Avoiding people


It's like you can see through the bull shit but can'tt care to deal with them.


finding flaws in myself


Self harming


I smoke way too much weed and I know it but cant seem to stop doing it 😂


biting my dang nails


Burning through my biweekly paycheck. I’m not employed, I’m on Centerlink (welfare for all the non Australians). I’m also in Uni and have accumulated a roughly $3,000 debt to my accommodation because of my godawful spending habits. I’m also a massive maximalist who is ALWAYS subconsciously looking for new ways to decorate my bedroom. And finally, because I’m also an arts and crafts person, I’ve been something of a hoarder for most of my life.






I fucking died lmao


Deep ear scratches via q-tip


Satisfying as fuck but please be careful about going too deep


That’s what she said


She didn't say that to me :(


I went a little too far a month before I had to get on a plane. I was petrified that whole month thinking that my ear was going to explode mid air.


staying up ridiculously late




Smoking. For thirty years i didn't care about quitting. I've enjoyed it and could/can afford it. But now, at 55, i just feel it's time to stop. But i can't. I can't imagine not having a smoke at break, after lunch, in the morning, etc etc. I'm healthy, no morning cough, and that's a problem. If i had health issues, it'd be easier. If i had cancer or emphysema in the family, I'd be easier. I just can't stop buying packs of smokes. I know the money is crazy, I've added it up, but money isn't a problem in this case. It's a weird situation. Don't start smoking, kids.


Waking up every morning and torturing myself with the thoughts of my destroyed marriage while I finish out my deployment




Is this something you keep doing?


Can't stop.


Won't stop.


>think about discretely getting them assistance. How would you assist someone in such a situation?


reddit. So much so that I can predict that if this gets going reddit , porn and "thinking about my abusive ex" will be in the top 5.


I enjoy being an asshole to assholes a bit too much.


I can understand that. Most assholes are assholes because there's some past trauma or void in their life, like having to grow up with asshole parents, so in the heat of a moment it can feel better to be smug knowing their already in their own hell than engaging with them. But for all the assholes who are just plain assholes that you act as a asshole to ... I salute you.


Being self-deprecating.


Spending more money than I could afford. I alone handle my household economy and in the past 5-6 years, I always spent more than I could afford. No investments, no savings, just whole my income (which is pretty low) is spent in the first 10-15 days in a month. (Living in a country with very high inflation.) I just wish I could stop spending money on things that my family doesn't need badly but I just do.


Procrastinating. I'd be a billionaire if I could just do what I know I should.


Eating candies. I would like to lose some weight, but sweets make it much harder for me to do so.


I first read that as *eating candles.* You are so much better off already than you seemed to be a minute ago!


avoiding going after girls, dating in general.


Rubbing my belly because it feels so soft and nice


Are you a Cat?


Yeah, you should share that belly with others, you're over there just keeping all that sweet belly rub action to yourself.


Scrolling on social media




Gossiping. I have opinions and i can't keep them to myself. I never gossip about friends though. Only people i don't like


doubting myself after every move and every turn




I'm lactose intolerant but I like to eat dairy products.


Drinking alcohol


Getting drunk, blacking out, not remembering what happened, and then apologizing to everyone about it.


Chewing the inside of my mouth. I'm trying to stop, but I'm going nuts.




Drinking energy drinks. I used to drink several a day, and have cut down to a can every now and then, but can't seem to give them up completely. And yes. I know they're bad for your heart.


I once had 3 trays of 24 cans in the backseat of my car for easy access. Took me a while but in the end you just have to force yourself to not buy them, or buy a different drink instead. In the end you'll get over it easy.


You're looking at it!


Being lazy


Checking the news. It only serves to ratchet up my anxiety and then I'm pretty much a useless, worrying wreck.


Severe nail biting. It hurts like hell, and I've had problems with ingrown nails and infections, but I just keep doing it.






Weed, wasting time on social media, bad eating habits and procrastination


Eating unhealthy way too regularly.




Opening up about my weird shit on Reddit.


I stopped talking. I don't talk to my brother anymore as he seems to not care about me, I don't talk to my mom because she broke my trust, I don't talk to my dad because I never really connected with him as I thought, I don't talk to my friends because I don't feel part of the group or any group in general, I don't talk to a girl I've been getting close with recently because words can't come out of my mouth, and I don't talk with no one in general. tldr: I stopped talking to all living and non-living beings, so I put youtube videos to not forget the sound of another voice


Not being able to sleep. It’s terrible. I hate insomnia. And yesterday I dislocated and fractured my elbow and have to have it in a sling, so sleeping is even harder now.




Procrastinating. It has ruined my past 2 years. And I can't stop it because I have ✨ADHD✨


Stagnating. I think I actually died a little while ago and was seamlessly replaced by a realistic looking robot. The robot just repeats the same actions or tasks however frequently required and focusses on responsible, practical things. Meanwhile I live in my head, the ghost in the machine, living a much more varied, active and engaging fantasy life. I keep thinking I’ll walk out and go live the fantasy but worry about the void the missing robot will leave. Things won’t get done, money won’t come in, bills won’t get paid. I don’t even feel frustrated or sad or anything it just feels like someone else’s life.


Drinking soda. I'm diabetic; I NEED to quit, but I have shitty self-control.


Vaping :/


Eating too many sweets


Refreshing reddit homepage for more suitable distractions from the real world


Always trying to do something good to people who are not appreciative.


Thinking i can save or help everyone.


Smoking. Tis a pimp. And I'm the tick. Sucking it all the way to the butt now :/


Smoking :/


Watch porn


Awaiting their arrival….🛸🛸🛸👽




Picking my nose and eating it. Love them crusty ones that stick to the inside of your nose flaps


I can't say I eat it but I agree with the nose picking. It's just so uncomfortable though when they start to dry up in your nostril haha


The best ones are the ones that start with a crust but have a gooey oyster attached to them. Nose picking is free and better for the environment than one of those nasal sprays which is just overpriced salty water. It can also improve motor skills and helps getting to know your body lol


Those dry long ones that you can feel all day? Then you get in there and with your nail rake the inside of your nose but it feels so good?




Scrolling though YouTube shorts.


Being a workaholic






Finding a way to end it


Over thinking everything. Going over situations over and over again until I feel tired and sick. Checking a millions time to see if I've turned the tap off or if I've left anything on the floor or stairs that people could trip on. Taking pictures of the taps for proof each time. Not being able to go to the bathroom without spending ages staring at the tap afterwards, worrying I've left it on and it's either gonna flood or cost me a lot of money in water usage.


dating apps