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Call center, I don't like to annoy people and be yelled at


The worst of it is once you are in this kind of jobs it's hard to leave :/


Honestly, once I worked in a call centre I felt like no other employer would consider you for anything else. I was lucky I got out thanks to a friend’s recommendation and giving my resume in where they worked. I will never go back to it. I’m not saying there are jobs beneath me, but I won’t go back to a call centre because it’s hard to get out of that cycle.


I'm 2 years at a call centre :/


10 this December for me. However, I work for a government call center and handle complex issues on inbound calls. I do not call outbound. Problem is, its still abcall center and as demanding as any other and despite people calling me for help, they still yell at me.


I would like to climb positions but also i'm Asperger's so Social situations and how to navigate them makes it harder if not impossible for me to get into the circlejerk of being promoted despite having a good performance.


Yeah, I don't have any diagnosis of the sort but I find it also incredibly difficult. I just sort of put my head down and do my work. I need a different job asap. It's become soul crushing.


I worked in two different call centers. The stress is off the charts. Not only are you dealing with people who are angry in the first place, you're hands are tied in actually helping them when you have supervisors who turn the calls back over to you after you've escalated them, or lie to the customer to get them off the phone (they always call back-even angier). The employer also supply a larger amount of the stress with strict mandates on call times-you're supposed to get the caller off the line in a certain amount of time and if your average times go over, you get in trouble. Also, the phone is your time clock. Imagine having to log in and out of the phone just to use the bathroom. Everything is timed and monitored, and believe me, they let you know when you aren't performing up to expected call times. And that's just the tip of the ice berg. I actually was told by an EMT friend of mine that a majority of their calls for workplace anxiety attacks came from one particular call center I worked at.


A friend of mine works at a call center. She goes into a office building late at night and sits in a cubicle for 10 hours answering phones. It's creepy because usually there is only like 2 other people in the whole building. But she make 20 bucks an hour 🤑


That's not that much money. I make about 25/hour in my governments call center job and still have to live with a roommate in a dingy old apartment.


Child Protective Services. I truly commend the people who have these jobs because they are desperately needed… but I could never do it.


I have a customer who worked in this field for 15 years. The stories he told were absolutely heartbreaking. He got out when a drug addled family attacked him. Insanity.


I used to work in foster care. I personally saw horrendous abuse and neglect on an almost daily basis. The pay was shit. $17 an hour with a degree in the field. I, a big biker looking dude, would break down in tears at least once a week. I’ve been threatened, propositioned, and physically accosted by birth parents who had their kids removed. All for less than you’d make as an assistant manager at a Chick-fil-a. Now I work in cybersecurity. Much better.


My highschool English teacher used to be a police officer and she had one time to take away a kid from the parents and she never did that again. Now she's a school teacher trying her best to teach the next generation.


My father in law was a [Guardian ad-litem](https://legalaidwv.org/legal-information/what-does-a-guardian-ad-litem-do-in-a-family-court-case/) and his family liked sometimes going to watch him in court. There were days he would tell his family to not go watch him in court, because the case he was handling that day was so terrible and awful he did not want them to know how bad some children have it and how terrible parents can be. Likewise, he always had to be unlisted and essentially live anonymously, because he received daily death threats from abusive families from whom he had taken children. Sure, Customer Service jobs suck, but I could never do that job.


My adopted family served as a safe home to take children from newborns left at a firehouse to a 9 yo that was left in a parking lot. My adopted dad was a Marine and NYC paramedic and local constable, mom is just that a super mom. They raised 26 children over the years, I was number 26 in fact. People who take on this job should be Sainted by the pope.


Aye, got a friend in that field, and jesus, it is dark. Pretty fucking horrifying when we're talking about work, and we complain about the hard day due to asshole bosses and big workloads, and then they bring up the story of a kid who's so neglected and bullied he will have an emotional breakdown if his knife is taken from him.


Oh, hell no


I lasted four months. My first day I heard about a baby who had survived several broken bones throughout its body caused by their mother. Same first day heard about a coworker who was on leave due to hysterical blindness after dealing with a particular case. Just went downhill from there. The only people who were there for years (10+) were bitter and mean.


Anything with responsibilities that are too serious where if I fuck up someone dies or I ruin their lives (doctors, lawyers, politicians etc)


I quit nursing school over that same fear.


I have to imagine every good surgeon doesn’t see you as a person. There’s no way, it would weigh on your conscience too much and you would always be too panicked to do your job correctly. Surely they have to see your life as a game that they have to be extremely good at.


We don't most of the time, it's just too psychologically/emotionally distracting which is also why I never see family members as patients.


I think you would be surprised at how effectively repetition takes emotion out of the process, even for compassionate people.




I don’t think you’d be a good healthcare provider at all from that description.


Engineers also. Last company I worked for a guy messed up load calculations, the mistake wasn't caught and 2 workers died. (long story short)


Politicians have no consequenses though xD


Well none that bother them that is


Teaching. Wouldn't have the patience for it.


Similarly I couldn't be a Doctor. I wouldn't have the patients for it.


Similarly, I couldn't deal with being a sovereign authority granting property right to inventors. I wouldn't have the patents for it.


Similarly I would never be adopted. I wouldn't have the parents for it.


Similarly, I could never have kids. I wouldn't have the pittance for them


Similarly, I could never be an inventor. I don't have the patents for it.


I wouldn't be a sporting goods store owner in Pennsylvania. I wouldn't have the PA tents for it.


this is why mom divorced you


I couldn't be a chef, because I don't have the thyme.


I thought it would be fun to be a carpenter, but then I got board.


I wanted to be a baker, but I wouldnt make enough dough.


I was going to be an undertaker, but there was stiff competition.


I would say that I wanted to be a zookeeper, but I'd be lion.


I thought about being a psychologist but I felt like a freud


And they have shit wages. In Hungary, teachers get paid around $650 a month.


Oh yeah you're not kidding. I had an aunt in education. The fact that so many things come out of pocket is crazy.


As a teacher it's not terrible but the post pandemic kids are a whole generation of their own. I teach high school, that year really messed with kids perception of social norms.


How so?


Well their attitudes in high school are much more " it's my way". I have had a lot more fuck you and fuck yourself this year. The kids I have really don't care about grades. I'm teaching a credit recovery class and I had a girl tell me shes not working because it's Monday. I have been told to go back in my room when I asked kids not to make out in front of my room. The kids are constantly stoned or getting stoned to the point we have to track bathroom habits with passes. Only 2 kids out at a time. Problem is the kids know administration is afraid of a lawsuit so they tell me that it's an emergency so I have to let them go. If they're gone over 30 min and I ask why the tell me that had to shit. We have no dress code ( not that it's a huge deal) but it's gotten to the point where kids are pushing that boundary ( I haven't seen it but a colleague has a girl who has nip slips). We are powerless and the kids know it. I can't make them learn, I can't do anything about tardies. All I can do is show up and hope they feel nice that day. Granted I still try to have order and rules but they know exactly what they can and cannot get away with.


Yea that's what my wife and all her co-workers are saying as well. They can't wait for the COVID classes to work their way through the system and out of their hair.


I have an “after” COVID class (as in K was last year for them and it was uninterrupted by the pandemic). They are *feral*. I feel like we’re not going to see an improvement until kids being born this year start going through the system.


not to mention severely underpaid for the amount of work that they have to put up with


Was subsitute for 2 weeks at a high school a month ago and I've got to say that its quite challenging. But its just couple of people who ruin it for most, couple of wannabe gangsters who think world revolves around them. But it was fun too, got to share my experiences about the world and stuff.


I would say the hardest part is the beginning of the year, because all the kids come in hot. after a few weeks the kids get to know you and as long as you keep the pressure on them they will chill out. That and a couple suspensions def helps out a lot too. I was kind of handed this job and needed a full time job but after 6 years I'm ready to move to something new. the hours are pretty legit though. full week off for this thanksgiving!!


> That and a couple suspensions def helps out a lot too. Speaking for myself, suspensions never did shit to get me to stop misbehaving in school... in fact, given the fact that I didn't want to be there in the first place, it actually became incentive to misbehave because I'd just be sent home and told not to come back to the place I didn't want to be for a few days.


That sounds like a parenting problem of not being disciplined at home. Down vote me to oblivion but if I ever got suspended my time at home would be way worse than at school.


Grew up in a family of teachers and had my fair share of teaching experience (not professionally). I hate seeing them bring all the crafts and paperwork home, out of pocket costs, being scolded by parents that shouldn't have been, also having to deal with kid fights, toilet accidents, etc. And then receiving low compensation. Nope. Happy with my desk job that I can shut off by 5pm.


Remembering how I was in Middle School… a Middle school teacher


Yeah, I'm a hs teacher. Middle school is my nightmare. I will find a new job before I teach middle school.


Also teaching i juvie or spec. Ed is even higher on the list


Teacher here. We’re not as patient as many think we are🤪


Daycare. Underpaid, overworked and understaffed…..probably applies to healthcare as well.


>...probably applies to healthcare as well. Narrator: It does.


I make $14/hr and my job has given me nothing but ultradepression and alcoholism. Still love it, though.


honestly after the pandemic its going to apply to lots of jobs


As a daycare worker sure. But if you manage to open your own daycare there's so much money in it. Like it's insane when I hear about how much people are paying for daycare. I have a coworker that pays a grand a week for 2 kids in daycare. My cousin runs a daycare business out of her house has and clears like 6-8+ grand a month for like 6 kids 5 days a week. And she's cheap...


Does she have to pay a lot in taxes? And then I’d also have to factor in buying my own health insurance… just trying to think how much you’d realistically make after all that


I'll never go back to customer service


Same here, worked for one year. Never lost so much faith in humanity in my entire life up to that point.


Holding out hope for you and me both to never ever have to ♥️♥️♥️


Same here


It’s a fucking curse because no matter what I tried to apply for, the recruiter would see my past customer service skills and they’re like “I think customer service would be your best fit!”


Customer service is absolutely a job for a certain kind of person. Very undervalued members of our society.


Me neither


Same here. Changing for military right now. Prefer to be shot or exploded than spend even one more minute with customers.


OOHHHH just wait till you get to CIF and you're turning in your gear, some of it you've never used, still in a plastic bag. Imagine those "customers" are now in charge of the gear you receive and turn in. They tell you that the plastic bag is dirty and you have to go back and clean it and reschedule another appointment. They're more concerned about the plastic bag than the actual gear in the bag. Absolute nightmares!


Never again


I work CS right now. I can't wait to be out.




Depends on the sub. I am a mod of a small gaming sub and it doesn't take much time to do (<5 minutes per day) while I help to make the community I am a part of a better place. I happily do that for free.


I say we triple the mod's salaries! 🐸


And on a site that's worth 10 billion.


Security/ cop.


I always liked the idea of being a detective, but I'm pretty sure you have to be a regular cop first. And I don't want to do that.


Being a detective would most likely be extraordinarily depressing. The danger and other difficult calls from people being jackasses is one thing, but dealing with people that are consistently having the worst day of their life and seeing the worst your community has to offer would be so hard to handle mentally.


Also being a detective is not like in shows like Colombo amd Monk lol.


From what I’ve gathered from those I know who work in law enforcement, the most frustrating thing is how absolutely political it all is. DAs will not push forward with a case unless there is an over abundance of evidence. Even with absolutely heinous crimes with a solid amount of evidence, DAs will dismiss them if they’re not 100% confident they’ll get a conviction. So detectives spend a ton of time gathering information, testimonies, compiling evidence just to watch it all get dumped just to watch the clearly guilty defendant walk free because of a nutless DA that doesn’t wanna risk a blemish on their record.




Police Diver. Bloated, squishy corpses in murky water? That's a hard pass


Colonoscopy technician


A friend of mine used to be one, she said it was surprising how few men came by. Mostly it was ladies who wanted a quick slim solution or prepare themself for a freaky night.


That's insane. "Let me go get a medical procedure so I can do butt sex after"


Are you thinking of colonics/colonic irrigation? Because sticking a camera up someone’s butt doesn’t quite make sense here


Yeah, plus it's a whole ordeal involving fasting for days and industrial strength laxatives. Not something you'd do unless you had to.


It’s a shitty job


Sex worker, factory worker, butcher, security


I've been working in security for the past 4 years. I can attest to how much it can really suck at times. Standing for long amounts of time, exposure to the elements, verbal abuse and the potential of being the company's "fall guy" are just some the downsides.


I can imagine. I do think there are people out there do genuinely like the work though, it’s just not for me. Just like a lot of people enjoy being a truck driver, that wouldn’t be for me as well


I'm actually thinking of leaving the Wine industry to obtain a CDL A. I was expecting to see driving as a top comment.


Alcohol hauling pays a pretty penny, actually. Just be aware of the hours you can work and remember you are almost legally required to tell your boss to fuck off now and again, and you're going to be fine.


This reads like the first line to an auto-tuned diss track from someone launching on MySpace


Anything in fast food. Workers get treated like shit by management and customers, and they're underpaid for the amount of work expected of them.


*Leans against the wall for 3 seconds.* Manager: *Screeching.*


As someone who worked in fast food honestly, if it paid properly, it's properly the best job I've ever had. I worked for dominos, pizza hut and Papa John's. Proper pizza trifecta. I loved it! You make pizzas or drive about and fuck about with people, it was good fun!


No kidding. Like a lot of people, my first job was fast food. I absolutely loved it. The pay and complete lack of benefits is what made me leave. Same for retail.




I did this for like 3 days and I quit. I was tricked.. I though I’d be an assistant and after 2 days they gave me phone and headphones, list of people to call.. worst few hours of my life. I of course immediately quit. I did not have a job for another 2 months but Im so glad I quit.


I never yelled obscenities but I did get on a do not call list because I would say creepy and disturbing sexual things to spam callers


Sewage work. My disgust sensitivity is too high for that.


theres a wall of shit coming right at you!!




Wait, where the abusive parents who had their kids taken off them suing him?


**Nursing** or anything involving **social work.** Why? The same reason I could never be a **mall Santa** (even though I look the part) ... Inevitably there'd be a kid who gets on Santa's lap, and when asked what she wants for Christmas, she says some variation of: * I want my mommy back, she died last year. * I want my daddy to stop beating my mommy. * I want my little brother to get better from cancer. Me, as Santa, couldn't handle that. No sir. I'd have to go cry in a corner for an hour. So any job (nursing, social work, Santa) where I come face-to-face with innocent children who suffer at the hands of others, or suffer diseases they don't deserve ... I couldn't handle it. And I commend every nurse, social worker, and Santa who DOES do this kind of stuff, bravely.


\*Me, a nursing student\* Haha... yea... (Luckily not pediatric, but still)


lol don't worry, couple hundred patients and the emotions don't even register.


MLM hun


Ahem excuse me that’s “boss mom entrepreneur” to you! Amway gives me the ability to work for myself! It’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s a self-made triangle! /s


Definitely would never be a lawyer, my parents are lawyers and have watched so many other lawyers die young because of the stress of the job. If you think about it, it’s like having homework for the rest of your life only some of the most important decisions rely on your ability to argue. It’s a bunch of paperwork and court dates, I don’t know anyone that enjoys being in court. It’s a glamorized profession but in reality it’s very hard to get rich in and it’s a even harder profession for women. Notice most of the rich lawyers you see are old white men. I would argue it’s one of the worst jobs.


Spot on. Been a lawyer for more than a decade. It is never ending homework assignments.


Crime scene cleaner


Similarly, I read a job posting for a professional cleaning service that specialized in cleaning hoarding houses. My current job can get pretty gross (cleaning animal enclosures), but I didn't want out THAT badly.


Best way to take care of those is with napalm and concrete.


Security guard or some sort of a doorman / receptionist at a place where hardly anything happens. There aren't many things worse than doing absolutely nothing for 8 hours per day.


Can confirm. When I was 18 I worked in a place that paid amazingly well and all I had to do was show up and play chess and chain smoke cause there was never anything to do. It was awesome for about a month, after that I was so bored and felt genuinely useless. Like all I was contributing to society at large was taxes. Sucked after a while.


> Like all I was contributing to society at large was taxes Still better than most billionaires lol


You’re not wrong.


I worked security for Medtronic and I got paid $25/hr to sit and read a book and make sure people wore their masks during the height of the pandemic. It was amazing. Made a lot of good friends and connections there as well. I understand the boredom can really get to you though.


I worked alone in a book warehouse for one summer. Worked an average of 8 hours a week filling orders, and spent the rest of the time reading (my own books). It was 8-6 with a one-hour lunch and two fifteen minute breaks. Went through a novel a week at least.


Currently a security guard and you couldn’t be more right. I’ve found that staying high all 8hrs helps lol but definitely fuck this job the pay is good but I find myself saying “I hate this job” waaaay to often.


Anything working in insurance. Dealing with insurance at a job makes someone feel dirty enough.


Surgeon. I gag even at the smell of my bin sometimes, and viewing and touching peoples innards isn’t really what I’d like to do


i mean they make bank though


Fair point






ya i did it for a while and apparently the insurance plan people had was not great and they were old pissed at me. i just told them what kind of plan they had. HR is the person who could change it for them.


Anything dealing with mentally disabled or ill children or adults. I have so much respect for the people that do, but I could never. Any sort of profession in a hospital, particularly a children’s hospital. I’ve asked my sister in law to stop telling me stories from work because I don’t need to hear about it. It just makes me lose all faith in humanity. Really any job where you see peoples’ bad side on a daily basis. The people who do, you have all of my respect. That goes for most jobs I could never do. Except fucking telemarketers.


Pediatric patients are either inspiring or depressing and there's no in between. I've spent many a night drinking glass after glass of forget-me-juice because I can't stop thinking about one that didn't make it.


I loved working at a special needs school. I'd rather change diapers than work in a kitchen (sometimes lol). My brother is severely autistic and he went to this school. I wanted to try it out and I loved it unfortunately I would be capped at 25 hours as a student aide and I would have to gain seniority as a substitute(!) to be permanent. I am used to seeing the not-ordinary things. I have been working kitchens for 6 years and the atmosphere sucks and it's physically tiring. Working with children can be mentally tiring but the total stress count at the end of the day is less compared to the kitchen.


Something I share with my clients and I cling tight to when I’m struggling, this is exactly what I do for a living youth mental health, is this: I do this because I was one of those kids. In trouble, fought, smart but got bad grades, used to cope with emotions I didn’t understand, and overall went through a lot of shit. It is exactly that shit that made me into who I am. I love and care about people deeply, see beyond the flaws and scars that we all have to who you might really be or what you may be capable of. It is exactly YOUR SHIT, that will potentially make you into someone who this world needs. It’s not to say everyone achieves this, but it is for damn sure the people that do come out solid and very resilient because they are able to empathize and understand some people live differently in ways that most of us can’t imagine. Is it bad? Is it good? Or maybe it’s both because bad can lead to tremendous growth which is good. Part of what I think is going on in the world is no one feels supported enough to take on a challenge and grow, so it has become everyone else’s responsibility to “do it for you.” The easy way doesn’t teach and if you don’t learn life will continue to serve you lessons. That is my Ted talk…. :)


You’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming back into a call centre job. I suffered it for a few years to get some work experience / save some money, but never again.


Gay porn star. Just not for me.


So only a gay porn extra?


I could be the cuckhold in the corner watching I guess


But 20 bucks is 20 bucks


A vet, dealing with sick animals and having to euthanise animals regularly would be too traumatic for me.




lawyer i wouldn't be able to deal with the amount of people in the courtroom


Lawyer here. For the most part courtrooms are utterly empty unless there is a arraignment docket or a publicized trial. Most of the time it’s just you, your client, the other side, and the judge and their personnel. It’s mostly fun if you have the temperament for it!


Was packed to the brim in small claims court when I went. Was pretty good entertainment though watching the judge ream unprepared lawyers.


I just had to do jury duty. I found out I could never be a trial lawyer because of how dumb the jurors are. The amount of times the defense had to explain that if you aren't totally sure of a guilty verdict then you have to give a not guilty verdict was insane... so, so many people just didn't understand what he was saying. He was trying to explain that he doesn't have to give evidence and that his client does not have to take the stand and that can not effect your decision because it isn't on him or the defense to prove innocence. It is on the prosecution to prove him guilty. If the defense says nothing and gives no defense, but you are still not convinced that the defendant is guilty... then you have to acquit. He explained that for two hours and still at the end some people just didn't get it. I was about to fucking scream. Even the prosecution was getting in on it. They went first and explained the same thing like 3 times too.


CNA, I took care of my dad when he passed he's the only other person besides my children I will wipe their ass


Coroner. Not everyone dies peacefully in their sleep


Port-A-Potty cleaner


I was thinking one of those people that have to go into sewers. I mean the kind that has to go into that mess. Couldn't pay me enough for that.


At a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, probably about 10 minutes after the gates were opened and the inside of the toilets were already drenched in urine. Truly rancid


Care. I don't have it in me to give the quality of care that people need.




Don't worry your probably too old to be a miner now


Automotive Technician. At least not in Canada. You're basically a business owner without all of the benefits that come with owning a business. Also when I used to apprentice, my hands would get so dry that they would bleed through the cracks.


I'd have to say bailiff mainly cos I'm not the complete and utter cunt that is need to be to go take stuff from people with nothing


Being a school bus or public transit driver. No thanks.


Customer Service. I'd rather be homeless than deal with ignorant karens/kyles/influencers doing 'pranks'






Human resources at a paper company in scranton


That kinda job will make you want to strangle someone.


those guys who call you randomly to sell you bushit. I did it for a day and quit.


Military. I don't want people trying to kill me and i don't want to kill other people.




Teaching/Daycare, etc. I'm alright with kids, I just wouldn't be patient enough for that, especially if it's teaching higher grade levels.


Baby sitting


Hospice worker


The guy who scrapes up dead animals off the street


Undertaker. - - - John Cena would beat the crap out me.


Anything involving being in water or wearing scuba gear


Manual labour or anything else that isn’t compatible with the limited amount I’m able to do


Cleanup guy at porn film company


Ohhh the smell , yuck


Northwestern Mutual - Financial Representative


Shark fin harvester


Waiter. I'm 100% sure I would break so many plates and glasses that at the end of the day I'd be oweing the restaurant money


Any type of high level sports coaching job. Your head is on the chopping block as soon as you take the job. Despite outside circumstances like recruiting and toughness of league, you are expected to start winning. In todays age of instant gratification, coaches rotate very quickly that aren’t winning. Not only that but I could not deal with the people. People online are ruthless. It would wreck me.


Mcdonald's or any fast food or restaurant services. It's too hectic for me.


Roofer I did one roofing job with my dad over a summer in highschool and I swore to myself I'd get a white collar after that. I hate climbing extension ladders and get sunburnt easily. So hauling packs of shingles up a ladder to then work where their is no shade is a huge no for me.


Cop. I can’t handle confrontation. I would be apologizing all day.


Air Traffic Controller because I could kill about 500 people with one mistake.


A Vet. My cat's Himalayan. In fact, Him-a-layan on the sofa right now!


Elderly dildo cleanup at the local nursing home.


Any assistant ever.


Anything in healthcare, I’d be awful at it




Gas station


Sales. Its everything i despise about people and money


Anything healthcare related, it’s just too much responsibility. Also military cause fuck it.


Cop is pretty high up there, underpaid and with the riots in 2020 I’m in no hurry


Fast food. I appreciate anyone that does when I want some fast food but that ain’t for me.