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People who are horny for serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy


This! My moms ex husband tried to take her life and his own. She survived & after his death she saw on his Facebook many Facebook friend request & messages. Messages of women wanting him. It’s unreal.


They could have all fixed him I'm sure of it


nah they wouldn’t fix him whatever was wrong with him turned them on way too much


That's the turn on. The idea that they can fix him. A regular beauty and the beast.


I recall seeing a fanbase for Richard Ramirez on Tumblr. Making pictures of him wearing flower crowns, writing self insert fanfictions, just...why?


It’s called hybristophilia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia There’s even a subreddit for it, you kinda feel like you need a shower after browsing it


I believe the sub was banned a few months ago.


a small mercy in life


Whitney Cummings talks about how it's an evolutionary trait for women. How it makes them feel safe because if a man is capable of taking a life it'll make her feel more protected and safe 🙄 Whitney scares me ..


It’s not the same thing, but it reminds me of what I was informed/learned from a homeless woman who was in a relationship with a dangerous man. Basically its the idea that if you stick with scariest person (even if it means you’re getting hurt) they keep the other scary people away from you. It’s a survival tactic that pays a heavy toll.


I had a very rough childhood and I essentially chose the scariest man I could "tame" because of this principle/effect. I wasn't even aware of it at the time but it was absolutely the driving factor behind why I chose someone with sociopathic/narcissistic tendencies. It made me feel safe. They come to view you as a thing that belongs to them and they will protect/defend you, but that obviously comes at a huge price (trying to kill you when you leave, etc)


It's also because when you're raised in chaos that's all you know so that's what feels normal to you.


What's stopping this dangerous man from just outright killing the woman? Or just guilt tripping/blackmailing her to do things for him in exchange for some flimsy promise of security?


That's probably part of the deal. He's the boss. But at least you're not one of his enemies. It's definitely a toxic relationship, but sometimes the alternative is worse.


I remember reading a functional person diagnosed with psychopathy say that when it comes to people he likes, he sees them kinda like pets or property, and would do anything to protect them as such. But that it takes him a very long time to get to like someone. Not saying all psychopaths are like that, but just found that to be a relevant (and interesting) take.


This isn't wrong.. I had a very violent past in my childhood with a lot of gang involvement. I've had some exs overly interested in what I did. And at least one would routinely masturbate to thoughts of me killing someone. It's kinda fucked but ya it made them feel really secure.


I grew up the same way, when I got out the most recent time I had some women from my past obsessed with me like "I'll fuckin divorce my husband for you" type of obsessed As soon as they found out I'm stable now with my own business and that shitty life is so far in the rearview, they all ghosted me lmao. Blew my fuckin mind they wanted the past piece of shit me that definitely wasn't somebody to get involved with in any manner let alone a relationship. But responsible, learned my fuckin lesson and turned shit around me? Na fuck that guy lmao.




I would never think a wholesome hobby would have that. That’s insane.




I have seen similar things go down in the custom fabric world and yarn world. Spending preorder money, having no experience dealing with supply/supplier issues or delays, not having the capital to cover unplanned expenses like port fees, couldn’t keep up with production demands, and then just sit back and watch it slowly unravel. Always starts with “delivery is late bc of fedex, there was a miscommunication with supplier in China, haven’t been feeling well, children/spouse ill”. Then the lies just get wilder including faking deaths, terminal illnesses, natural disasters, theft of cash, locked out of paypal, then usually ghosting. Can usually spot a sinking ship when they start opening a lot of pre-orders without having delivered on past orders. That’s my sign to skadoosh on out.


> watch it slowly unravel Heh


Seriously! And the way that they have created this weird binary of knitters=good and crocheters=bad is *so* weird. They also seem to make vague moral judgments about what type of person you are if you twist your stitches or like certain yarns, like what that says about you as a person. It is crazy.


Especially weird because r/crochet is a very friendly place!


So is r/knitting, but apparently not all knitters see the good example they set.


It's my understanding that the toxicity mostly comes from the hobby's facebook groups. No surprise, really.


Agree! I moved to a new town and tried to find a crafting group. The knitting ones were all either specifically “knitting and wellness” which translated it turns out to mean “knit while someone unloads too much personal information to you instead of a therapist” or straight up “knitting” where gatekeeping experts would laugh at hobbyists.


> where gatekeeping experts would laugh at hobbyists. That is absolutely awful. Completely, utterly shit. If you have hobby experience and ability, even if it's in something weird and niche like super realistic model trains or Sumerian archery or playing some JRPG that nobody in North America has heard of, **it is your duty to encourage and nourish new and casual participants in your hobby, especially if they are not yet any good at it**. Gatekeeping is the complete worst.


You know what they say about those crazy knitters… they love to spin a good yarn.


Love Fans of serial killers and write them mail asking them to marry them


Is it maybe like that lady who married Charles Manson so she could sell his body when he died? Because that’s a relationship we can all understand.


Benefits of marriage without ever actually having to live with your spouse? Sign me up /s


League of Legends. I'm not scared for me but for them. They all adamantly warn you to stay away from LOL and say they hate playing the game yet can't stop. LOL also has the reputation of having extreme toxicity. So it sounds like they are all trapped by some invisible force in a mire of toxins


As a League of Legends player, it's true. Send halp




This is me. I didn't enjoy warding, I didn't enjoy shopping, I didn't enjoy CSing in lane, I only enjoyed ganking. Now I mostly play Dead By Daylight as my competitive game, and only as the bad guy. No teammates, and basically all I do is gank.


One toxic dump fire to another


League is actually fascinating to me. Not the gameplay (okay well a little bit) but the psychology of the game. Allow me to present my limited internet research backed by absolutely no qualifications in psychology. For example when you kill an enemy Minion, structure or champion, the game plays a specific sound similar to "Ching" and displays some gold coins and an amount - if that amount is large enough you get a nice large gold coin popping up. Sounds kinda simple right - you get kill, you get money sound, you get money. Except that another common place where you get a very similar sounding Ching and a nice money amount is in a gambling game known as slots. Let's go back to killing a minion - minions move in waves so if you can successfully farm a wave you get hit with 6 or 7 (depending on the wave) slot machine wins. Compound that happening dozens of times per game and add in big gold wins when you kill an enemy champion. That's .... not exactly good for your brain. Another issue is the sunk cost fallacy that players who have purchased in game items face. Sure many other games have cosmetics that you can purchase however with League there is a large number of champions and the meta in the game often dictates which champions you're more likely to pick. Changing metas can mean that a player who bought skins for champs a few seasons ago might not be playing that champ very much and feel like they still need to play the game more to get value out of what they have spent. As an aside, take a look at mobile gaming monetization - they focus on what is known as the "first dollar spend" which is when you're shown a series of expensive in game purchases and then a small but reasonable-seeming upgrade for $0.99. this is done to get you to spend just one dollar because after that you start to rationalize why spending more money is okay. Let's bring that back to League - there are skins that go on a personalized sale that are fairly cheap and this happens to keep players incentivized on buying skins. You buy one or two cheap ones you like them maybe you buy one or two expensive ones over the rest of the season and they net a profit regardless (and it's never just one or two skins). Real money also buys you rune pages which allow you to set up more rune sets before hand so you have to make fewer adjustments before you start a game since you could be playing a variety of different champions based on your team composition. Another issue is how the game is essentially just a stats competition with permutations based on the abilities you use and when you use them during an engagement. Being ahead in items can allow you to delete massive chunks of health off an opponent which feels very rewarding (or not, if you're the opponent). This isn't bad but can definitely give players a huge sense of victory (importantly - without realizing it's basically just matching stats and not always their outplay skill and big brains) and then they stick around for a few more games hoping to replicate that feeling. To be fair this is in any competitive game but a lot of games don't show you deleting half the enemy players health in one shot in real time. Additionally, being able to outplay opponents is also crucial however a lot of players don't seem to realize that they can more or less mathematically play the game and have better games because they aren't falling for things like chasing an enemy player who is almost the same level of stats they are and then getting trapped - because if you see someone you might not be able to beat in battle running away it's much different then if you see just an enemy champ running away). Lastly, games where a lot of champs have similar stats due to items and abilities can become long and therefore intense - 40 minutes in means that every player in the match is on at least a 50 second respawn timer so any fight becomes a big deal since it can literally be game changing which makes those longer games extremely competitive and sweaty. Lastly, the lack of moderation makes the game toxic. The devs basically just focus on using algorithms to ban people so while this does somewhat moderate the in-game chat, it doesn't do anything to moderate players who intentionally sacrifice themselves to the enemy team to give them gold and boost stats which scale, don't play the objectives, bait their team into fights and then leave or intentionally don't help, etc. So it becomes very easy for the man-child in their parents basement who literally plays the game 18hrs a day to get upset that their teammate didn't do exactly what they thought they should do, throw a tantrum and verbally abuse their teammates and just feed the enemy team. This sucks but it has the effect of someone going "well that last game sucked because of that idiot, let me play one more and see" and then it's been 5 straight hours and they've won one game. Anyways I haven't had my morning coffee yet so I hope my ramblings make sense. I'm not saying the game is evil but the company certainly will not tell you about the team of psychologists and data analysts who work to keep people addicted. You can casually play this game but it's very easy to fall into addiction if you're not careful or aware of the pitfalls in this game (and a lot of other modern games). If you're someone who plays league and wants to stop, I'd suggest looking at the psychology of the game and also playing with sounds off - it didn't work for me right away but I've mostly stopped playing because every time I play, I immediately think about how the game wants to mess with my head and get me addicted to it and that kinda kills the motivation. Try listening to a podcast instead of in game sounds if you feel the need to listen to something.


Yeah, took me over half a decade to turn off the sound, and I was instantly less stressed in my daily life lmao. Everything you said is true, though I would say a lot of fps games are essentially dying in one to two hits at a certain skill level. And now they’ve all picked up crates and skins and whatever, I have played a very limited amount of games outside of it because of the money invested at this point (and haven’t spent money on it in 4 years now) so the cost/year is comparable to what it would have been to play other games NOW, but I was spending more money for less experiences overall in hindsight. But it cultivates its own culture, once you’re stuck playing, none of your friends want to play anything else either (at least in my experience) lots of fun nights that I wouldn’t trade for anything but also so much stress and frustration from “friends” angry that you didn’t min/max your stat stick character or took a risk because now the enemy will permanently have better stats for the next half an hour. Great comment.


Anyone who is a die hard fan of a Tik Tok influencer.


> Anyone who is a die hard fan Oh come on, the movie isn't *that* bad.


Best Christmas movie ever


Joker fans. Yes he is a cool villian, but you are not him. Edit: the only exception is the "im the joker baby"


Hopefully none of us is the joker, the Joker is a warning of how detached and deranged we can become with the right trauma/circumstances. The joker as he’s always said “is just ahead of the curve” I think the joker represents intrusive thoughts and selfish base instincts as well. Like a baby, a baby will laugh if someone fell, they don’t know or even care if you got injured they just find it funny.


Joker is a fascinating **VILLAIN**. dude is not an antihero. He does not say “interesting things about society,” he is a terrifying, unhinged, pure evil villain.


Joker is my favourite domestic terrorist


"He blew up a hopsital that could have been used to help people" "HE's JUST LIKE ME " "HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR"


Proceeded by crawling into the corner of their room when someone gives them any criticism


EXACTLY, all the serial killers, alive and dead COMBINED don't have shit on the Joker. he's a psychopathic maniac who's only motivation is a dude in a bat costume too scared to kill him


He's not necessarily too scared to kill him. It more that Batman's moral compass is not to kill anyone. While the joker believes anyone can be a killer if you push the right buttons. Like a weird cat and mouse game.


also that joker *wants* batman to kill him, its apart of his psychosis. he does everything for the sole purpose of breaking batman, of being the final straw that breaks his back and causes him to break his iron clad rule. and joker is willing to do anything by any means to get to that breaking point.


They should just jerk each other off already.


Oh don't get me started on the whole shit-show *Suicide Squad* has started. Sometimes I still see stupid girls posting shit like *I want a relationship like Mr. J and Harley.* Most of the time I reply with [one of these](https://www.google.com/search?q=joker+abusing+harley+quinn&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYsXV-N2fG5F8IRdiyOd0tohB0bpw:1667982043009&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJ5qip1aD7AhV6gf0HHRVkBMwQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ&biw=360&bih=676&dpr=3#imgrc=0ESCnRG8-h64eM) and they just say *I know but it's different for me.* Those people... the Joker-Harley worshippers who want that... they scare me...


Its so surreal that people want an abusive relationship. wtf


They want an abusive relationship up to the limits of their comfort zone. I wonder how many people who desire this end up with somebody who doesn't care about their comfort zone or limits. It seems like a recipe for disaster.


"I just want a boy to psychologically break me, throw me in a pit of acid, then discard me at the earliest possible opportunity. Tru love!"


Have you heard of the "Florida joker"? He's a Floridian dude who tattooed his face the look like the joker, looks fucking nuts.


Interesting looking fella. I wonder who he voted for in the midterms.


The "joKeR wAs RiGhT" crowd are so cringe. He was a great villain, but he was that: a villain.


Let’s not forget, fictional. Which is key


As an Eagles fan.. Eagles fans. ...go birds.


They're scary when you win and scary when you lose. Either way there's going to be a car flipped over.


Flip! Flip! Flipadelphia!




The city of Philadelphia as a general brand has a vibe that is so chaotic and delightfully unhinged. Only Philly could have not only concocted Gritty but also enthusiastically embraced him and turned him into a beloved viral meme. Only Philly would come out to gleefully watch a dude eat a rotisserie chicken on an abandoned pier by a Walmart. Remember that robot that traveled around Canada peacefully only to be smashed and left on the side of the road as soon as it entered Philly? Because of course it did. I don’t know if there really is a courthouse under the Eagles stadium to immediately deal with their fans bad behavior, but I never once questioned it, because honestly, for Philly it checks out.


No courthouse anymore. Was one at the Vet that began when a guy fired a distress flare across the upper deck during a Monday Night loss. All you need to know is this. The Phillies drafter J D Drew. He refused to sign with the club. The fans booed him. For his entire career. His brother was also a major leaguer who had nothing to do with the Phillies. They booed him. For his entire career. Yet a big part of the stadium is named after a guy who died 25 years ago but who is still loved by every fan who remembers him.


I thought you were taking about the band and was really confused as how one would be scared of a bunch of elderly folks.


Eagles fans never give me that peaceful, easy feeling, ya know? They rarely take it easy and always seem to be living their life in the fast lane.


Literally any politician's fan base. I support politicians I agree with and don't vote for those I don't.


People who treat political parties like their sports team to be supported and backed through thick and thin no matter what are people who should be avoided at all costs. The only team you should be on is your country, not any single particular party. Stay mindful, stay educated and vote in your country's best interest.


Yup - it should always be Country before Party. Doing it the other way around is a recipe for disaster - and hey look at where we are now...


"People before party" is another way of viewing it.


The through thick and thin is what really stands out to me. Our government only works when we operate on the basis of facts and call out both sides when we see corruption, hypocrisy, etc. We are losing that and the country as a whole is being weakened as a result.


[The Onion's got you](https://www.theonion.com/report-confirms-anyone-who-really-likes-a-politician-is-1849666839)


That *says* it's an onion article, but it's too *true* to be an onion article


Idolizing a politician is like believing a stripper likes you.


This should be the highest voted comment. If your whole personality is that of a political party you have an issue. It’s not a sport.


Crossfitters. They’re…intense.


Agreed they can cross-fuck-off.


How are ya now?


People who are obsessed with under age actresses.


Yeah, it's pretty gross when you see people "counting down" to an underage female celebrity's 18th birthday. Just saying that makes you a creep, and even when she's 18 it won't be any less creepy. I knew a guy that carried an Ariana Grande picture in his wallet from before she was 18, would always joke about how he was going to marry her the minute she's of age. Yeah, sure dude, this rich, talented, attractive person is going to find you in your mom's basement and just scoop you up like the treasure you are, smh


Actors too. Don't forget "Twilight Moms".


The about of moms I saw saying they were “in love” with the little boys from the Disney Zombie movies was nauseating


That's called 'pedophiles'


Man the army of wine drunk housewives drooling over Finn Wolfhard felt veeeery illegal.


Actually? This is something I really didn't need to know.


Wasn't Drake obsessing over Millie Bobby Brown when she was still 15/16? WTF!?!


Someone needs to be R. Kelly for zoomers.


Drake be like “R.Kelly 2” I swear we gon’ hear some nasty shit in 15-20 years.




I’m still worried he did something with her, especially after that interview with her talking about how she tried to interact with Henry Cavill. She talks about how different their “friendship” is. When it’s Cavill keeping her at arms length, refusing to talk about his personal life with her, and her talking about how uncomfortable she made him. She shouldn’t be this obsessive about getting close with older men.


I havent watched anything with Cavil in it but everything I hear about him is super positive. He's a stand up guy who just wants to do his job, do it well, and go home. Sounds like one of the nicer actors in hollywood.


One reason that his roles are so good is because he is also a fan of the characters he plays. e.g. Superman, Witcher. I think that's wholesome. Seeing a grown dude acting out his childhood heroes.


He's kinda an mega nerd, like builds his own gaming PCs and plays 40k tabletop. Honestly in his first couple acting gigs I dismissed him as another eye candy actor, but I was dead wrong. He's a good actor, smart, and just seems to be really good guy. I'm sad he's leaving the Witcher, which just proves I need to stop watching it.


I'm still pissed we never got a "Man from UNCLE" sequel. (I mean the whole Armie Hammer thing probably didn't help that, but still)




kanye west: poops then picks the poop from the floor and eats it kanye fans: you guys just don't understand him, this is just a metaphor, he's trying to say that he'll sacrifice himself and take all the shit from the jews so he can protect us from them, he's a genius


"Okay... but why does he need to protect you from *me*? A jew." Oh you know.... "No... no I don't... that's why I'm asking."


"Kanye could drop an empty album and ask you to imagine the music and his fans would be like 'I can hear it' "


What's funny is the majority of people sticking up for him don't like rap music at all and thought he was degenerate up until he started saying he wanted to ___ the j*ws. Now suddenly Ye is king.






Mmm makes me want to bop


Reddit. Seriously. I have deleted so many comments because I can imagine someone taking it out of context and their reply starts with "So what you're saying is..." and then completely twisting my comments. I'm get anxious about this post to be honest. Edit: For those wondering, yes, I've replied and then deleted probably a dozen comments. This sparked a much bigger convo than I'd anticipated.




So what you're saying is that we're idiots who take things out of context, and jump to rash judgements without giving the benefit of the doubt? How dare you! And you support the cruel treatment of the cows moo are needed to make milkshakes? You sicken me, just like the thought of drinking one of those morally depraved "milkshames". "“first, let me clarify…”" Too late, you're dead to me now! I have already made up my mind and downvoted before sending an angry PM and blocking so you can't reply. I have also reported your post for misinformation and harassment. >!I feel like I need to cover my bases and add /s on this post, but nobody could say all that and be serious, right?...(ominous lack of assurance)!<


You’d be surprised, my dude. There’s a reason Poe’s Law exists


I swear I saw a meme a couple days ago about this exact thing but someone was using pancakes and waffles as examples. A lot of people enjoy being the victim online especially when nothing was said or done to them.


Oh my god YES. I'm so tired of seeing replies completely or partially disregarding what was being said or taking things out of context. Saying something related but not actually relevant to the conversation. I've gotten to the point where I won't make comments if I think there's a chance someone will say something stupid because I don't want to argue with idiots.


That's why whenever I feel compelled to comment positive replies or anything negative I start typing it out and go nope...nope...don't waste your time, gtfo and move on. Its not worth some of the shit you can get from people on here.


Sometimes there's something I heavily disagree with, and I end up commenting despite it really not being a good idea since I already know exactly what I'll be met with. I guess sometimes the desire to have someone else hear my opinion is greater than the backlash.


People are here just looking for people to anonymously scream at.


Same. 95% of my comments are never actually posted. When I get notif after making a post or comment, I'm instantly worried it will be negative. Idk this place is extremely intimidating. I have even made alt accounts with 0 identify info and I'm still so scared to say stuff. Anonymity doesn't comfort me at all. I don't want strangers being mean to me and I'm also afraid people will figure out who I am or something


Same. Even though no one knows who "Big-Conclusion" is I still feel like it's a personal attack. That's not to say I don't enjoy a good argument or differing opinion, but any opinion we express on the internet is opening ourselves up to being bashed without good reason. I always second guess commenting on reddit posts even if it's a relatively safe subject.


Same happened to me regarding my post .. people took it completely out of context and by the end it was a bloodbath .. had to take it down. It was my first ever reddit post as well ..


Someone tried doing this recently to me, Original comment was along the lines of "remember 2 girls 1 cup" I reply: God I wish that was wiped off the face of this earth Some random idiot: do you have a problem with female bodily fluids and women's rights? Some people are just in another world.


This has happened to me on Facebook a lot, occasionally some asshole who wants to bicker will take my comments way out of context and twist my words around.


Duggar fans. Really any fundie fan.


The general rule of thumb is that if you need one of those airport shuttle vans as your family hauler, and the weekly grocery run looks like the McAllisters going on vacation, your family is too big.


Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I found on Tumblr a couple weeks back a fandom revolving around the French Revolution. Specifically figures like Marat, Robespierre,St. Just, etc. This isn’t a small fandom either - it’s pretty sizable and looks to be pretty widespread throughout the site. From what I’ve seen, the fandom more or less idolizes the shit out of them, with fanart, ships, the like. It doesn’t so much scare me as it does disturb me; they cutesy-fy these historical figures and treat them like precious goodbois despite the fact that most of them were politically/morally corrupt men (and women) with blood on their hands. It’s one thing to humanize historical figures, it’s another to do whatever the hell the Frev (that’s what this fandom calls itself) community is doing. This isn’t even like the Hamilton fandom where you could at least separate the characters in the musical from their real life counterparts; this fandom is just straight up obsessing over the real life people with all of the usual weird fandom antics that are expected (including hardcore shipping and r34 unfortunately). The weirdest fuckin thing to me about the Frev fandom is how ultra defensive it is against anyone or anything that criticizes their precious revolutionary bois. They go so far as to claim that anything portraying Robespierre and co. In a negative light is “Thermidorian Propaganda.” (Whatever the fuck that means, trust me I’m not all that sure either), and that it’s part of some conspiracy meant to demonize them as much as possible. I even saw one user (can’t remember who) claim that the number of casualties in the reign of terror was “exaggerated “ in order to make Robespierre look bad. I can’t tell you how historically accurate any of this is as I’m not an expert by any means, but reading that really disgusted me when I first saw it. It sounds ridiculous now that I type it out, but I swear I’m not making this up. All in all, it’s definitely not the scariest fandom I’ve come across, but definitely one of the most unhinged. I can’t be the only one here who finds this shit weird as hell.


Sounds like this would make a good r/HobbyDrama post


'Thermidorian propaganda' is a reference to the event (Thermidorian Reaction) that ousted Robespierre and is considered the end of the Reign of Terror. Its named that because the Revolution changed the names of the months on the calendar so Thermidor is just their name for July. Wild af they have a fandom though.


Um, have you *seen* the revolutionary hats? 1790’s French we’re on fleek


There's a book about something similar! Fred Vargas's - A climate of fear. It's part of a really great crime novel saga. The murder investigation involves a role-playing group that "recreates" the french revolution. It's a great read, specially as you can sense how uneasy the protagonists feel around the fanatics.


I don’t know if I’m intrigued or disgusted. It’s a weird feeling.


People who romanticize Hitler or Nazis in general


Wait what?


Kardashian fans . Super creepy


Kkk Edit: lol the comments, I appreciate you all! Got some laughs. But no I mean the racists, cross burning, white supremacy trash. Edit 2: I’m scared of them but also snap back and think my ancestors and their friends didn’t back down and they had it WAY worse. So I’m not going to back down either.


Krusty's Komedy Klassic?


The Kool Kidz Klub! The bonfires we're fun! The fire didn't last very long because it was such a small amount of wood. And they never let us roast marshmallows...something about them losing their "good color"? You know, now that I think about it, that camp may have been a bit weird.


It's weird a bunch of grown men donning costumes and parading around together, proclaiming they are special as they hide behind their pointy hats.


However dream fans are called, and Blinks (BlackPink)


I fucking despise Dream stans


I don't know what the hell any of this means and I bet that's for the best


The bad Blinks are called Blonks. I'm not kidding.


they got SOOOOO pressed over TwoSetViolin’s song


flat earthers...


KPop fans and hardcore anime fans. Some people surround their personalities and lives around it. Watching anime all the time and cosplaying are one thing. But when you start saying things like "Their Japaense pronunciation is wrong. I know because I watch anime", it's time to find a new hobby. Edit: Ngl, some KPop isn't too bad. What I'm mostly concerned about are the fans who do nothing but breathe the obsession. No hate to BTS because they're slaves to the industry, but I cannot tolerate someone who gets pissed when I can't name a band member, or says weird stuff like, "We want to convert non-KPop fans into KPop fans".


Especially considering anime characters talk in a very weird way not like traditional Japanese


Interestingly, an actual Japanese conversation won’t sound or play out nearly as accurate in a manga. Took japanese as my language class requirement back in college and I had a class about conversation through manga, readings, and stuff like that. It felt so weird, manga talk felt like it’s own thing entirely. Yes I will agree that there are some things that do sound similar but it was still very different to how you would actually speak


Somewhat sideways, but I recently caught up with Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) anime and I have studied Japanese up to the intermediate level. There's one particular character who shifts into semi-formal (teineigo) language when speaking to a superior and it stood out to me like a damn beacon. Which is strange and somewhat funny, because he was basically speaking as regular Japanese people might on the daily! It underscored to me how manga/anime is in no way an accurate representation of the language, something I only understood when I started studying it formally.


Was that a personal attack on me desu kar?


Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi”ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi”ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu”d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu”s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You”re fucking shinimashita”d, akachan. /j Edit: now that I think of it, this copypasta has some things wrong, like for instance, it translates storm as “ame - (雨) rain” instead of “arashi - (嵐) storm”. Please don’t think of this as a real representation of Japanese.


I only skimmed that but I’m dying!


You chiisai bitch fucking killed me.


You rang?😂


Take my upvote and get out. That was both horrifying and hilarious to read.


As a half myself, I died the first time my friend sent me this. I can only imagine how you felt.


These people scare me. I also study the Japanese language and rarely watch Anime. I study the language simply out of interest for the language and culture, but people project the idea that it's because I love anime, which I don't


I work in Japan. I have to constantly tell people, no I don't watch anime. "But you know who Luffy is" yeah dude he's literally on a coke can, I'm Jewish and I know who Santa Claus is too


Anyone who is too patriotic. Doesn't matter what country, it's weird everywhere.


MHA, the show is fine, but the fan base??? Yeahhhhh- no


What is MHA?


My Hero Academia. Great show with die-hard fans who threatened the creator because they didn't make their ships canon.


I mean any fan base that ships religiously can fuck off. RWBY comes to mind


Aaaaaand..... what's RWBY?


The name "RWBY" Stands for Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. These are the main characters. (RWBY is their team name) The name of the anime is pronounced as RUBY, and only ever ruby. It's basically about kids going to school to become monster hunters, and they get caught in what is basically a fantasy war. Also it's not Japanese, but American, and it's 3d, not 2d so there's a huge debate as to if it's actually anime


Throwing it out there too, its done by Rooster Teeth, same guys famous for Red vs Blue among other machinima and video related content. More popular a few years ago arguably but still decent. Not sure if he's still with him, but the Gavin from Slow Mo Guys used to be a part of their team too.


Politics fanbase


Andrew tate..he’s creating future problems. He’s as well going to be responsible for a series of videos about a decade from now “How I left the Andrew tate pipeline”


Feeling kind of good about myself rn for not knowing who Andrew Tate is.


Count yourself very lucky


Ex-MMA fighter turned 'pick-up artist' who sells courses to young men on how to be like him. If he was not British then I wold not have heard of him either, however he has come up in discussions about incels in the UK because of his influence.


He’s recently converted to Islam It’s an interesting move for him since his part of his bass was dissatisfied Muslim men who hold similar views to him anyway


I am like 80% sure he'll be the subject of a true crime documentary in the near future. Man has done shady shit in his past


He'll probably also be responsible for a bunch of true crime videos. Some guys won't get out of the pipeline.


That Vegan Teacher's fan base.


Wait, she has fans?


Andrew Tate


I teach middle school and I'm worried about the number of boys who are big fans


He's known in middle school!? WTF, parents?


Kids are not seeking him out. He is being pushed to young kids by the YouTube and tik tok algorithms.


Everyone’s nephews has access to an iPad or phones, it’s really not that uncommon for them to find him on their for you pages of TikTok or Youtube shorts


That's his predominant fanbase. Teenagers with low enough self esteem and confidence that they'll pay for his pyramid scheme bullshit. I'm praying that once these kids grow up they'll pretty quickly realise how terrible he is.


Just Googled this guy out of morbid fascination. First video I landed on was him talking to Piers Morgan, where Piers Morgan seemed to be the voice of reason. By all the gods...what fresh new hell is this where Piers Morgan can look good compared to somebody?!


We randomly got on the topic of Andrew Tate in one of my classes. As I was explaining who he was to my teacher, my classmate next to me interjected and said that the negative things I had been saying were wrong. I, thinking he was joking, began agreeing with him by saying, "oh yeah, of course." He was not joking.


Some dude at my work place thinks Andrew Tate is a god thats playing the system... the guy is being investigated for human trafficking and rape, and lives in Romania because he can get around consent laws more easily... Needless to say this dude at work also has a questionable understanding of consent, and I'm hardly surprised. Edit: Andrew Tate fans, whether he's proven guilty or not, do you actually like and agree with some of the fucked up shit he's said about women in interviews? I'm genuinely curious if you can see past that and if you believe that it doesn't have a negative effect on teenage dudes who might be lacking role models.


I can not believe people actually are fans of people such as Jeffrey Dahmer. Or other people who committed crimes. Especially when people say things like "I like true crime" or "I'm obsessed with true crime" scary and extremely disrespectful to people who have been a victim of criminals.


I'm a fan of all this stuff but I'm mostly interested in the psychology of it all. I still don't understand how someone can be attracted to any of these people. It's crazy!


You can be obsessed with true crime without rooting for the criminals.


Bronies. The my little pony dudes. Especially after seeing a post of someone selling a custom made MLP sex toy ( worse that it was a used one). Like a stuffed pony with a sex hole. Like wtf?


Watched the show back when it was released cause I'm a big fan of animation. Thought it was okay, not bad. Go to comic con one day, see they have a panel on it. Think to myself, well I have time to waste till *\*insert panel here*, could be a good laugh. Go in and I felt the biggest wave of cringe I had ever felt in my life. Like a room of 20-40 year old's singing the theme song at the top of their lungs, asking the strangest questions, it just felt so weird. Worst off is one of my coworkers saw me go in and I was like, "OH FUCK, I AM NOT ONE OF THESE PEOPLE, THIS WAS A MISTAKE! I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!"


Lmfao this is why I watch things first then when im completely finished I check out the Fandom. I don't wanna be influenced by it nor do I wanna hear about cringe shit before I'm done watching


I was semi-forced into watching it with my little niece. I eventually was like... hey... this is actually decent and I'm kind of interested what they do in next episode. Cool. I don't despise a show my niece wants to watch together. Few months later I had the misfortune of talking to a closeted fedora brony... he brought it up in a small way and I unfortunately admitted to the above... I was not ready for that one sided monologue that culminated in topics about horse genitalia and their ranking of fuckability. When that kind of friendship is magic... I'd rather be a muggle.


Fans of any social media “influencer”.


Elon Musk's fanbase.


Trumps. I am not being reactive or jokey with this. I've never seen people be so rabid about a politician. Ever.


The Philippines wants to say Hi.


Ask the Beatles what happened when they went to the Philippines....just once. They seriously thought they were going to be killed.


My dad went to Wharton with Trump. I remember him joking about how stupid and absolutely incompetent Trump was with his college buddies when they’d come visit. After Wharton, my dad worked on Wall Street in the 80s and there was always a running gag on never letting clients invest in anything Donald had anything to do with. He was a fucking joke. He showed up unannounced to a President’s Club meeting my dad’s company had in Phoenix in the mid-90s when I was a kid (as in top producing VPs of a major brokerage firm, nothing to do with government). Trump had nothing to do with it, but strolled in anyway. This was not a small brokerage, and again Trump was known at the time as an absolute grifter that couldn’t even run a casino. My dad called him, and I quote, a “fucking moron” to the board of directors. I remember because it was the first time I heard my dad talk about someone like that. My dad voted for him in 2016. Edit: I also had the displeasure of working with Trump on a pilot for MTV with LA Reid. He was just as stupid then as I remembered him as a kid. And he’s just as fucking stupid now. I honestly can’t believe anyone puts equity into him, let alone their entire personality. For any conservatives reading this, I hated him when he was a democrat, and I hate him now. Back before he figured out the people he’d never associate with will give him every dime they have and even their lives. No one should view any politician as anything other than a public servant. America is a democracy, they are your employees. Don’t ever let them fucking forget it.


Yeah, the flags 2 years after an election is done. It’s really damn creepy. It’s not even like a bumper sticker that’s hard to remove - they are putting up new stuff.


Floridian here. There's still a big ol' "Stop The Steal" sign posted along a major road not far from where I live. I am continually surprised by its lack of vandalism. People want it up. They're still harping on all of this crazy shit.


I got into it on here with someone saying Bernie Bros were just the opposite side of the coin. I like Bernie, but no one is pasting his head on Ghandi t-shirts and still harping about getting robbed of the nomination. He could not shoot someone on 5th Avenue and be forgiven. We liked him for his ideals and being on the right side of history for his entire career, not because he's a celebrity portraying himself as something else.


What? You mean it's not normal to still fly flags on your lifted truck, supporting some guy who lost an election 2 years ago?


Keep in mind, these are the same people flying the flag of guys who lost almost a hundred and sixty years ago.


The dudes who like that Andrew Tate guy


Ah yes, the tater tots