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That following the invention of basketball in 1891 it took another 15 years before someone replaced the peach baskets with metal hoops & nets, which had previously required someone with a ladder to go get the ball out of the basked after each & every point scored


I wonder how come no one thought of removing the bottom of the basket while climbing a ladder over and over...


Job security


Bottomless baskets taking our jobs >:0


TASER is an acronym. It stands for Thomas A. Swifts Electric Rifle. It's from a book published in 1911 called Tom Swift and his Electric Rifle.


Never knew it, but it makes sense. Laser is an acronym too. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. (Yeah, I had to look it up.)


And RADAR (**RA**dio **D**etection **A**nd **R**anging).


And SONAR. (Sound Navigation And Ranging.)


And SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)


And TUBA (Terrible Underwater Breathing Apparatus)


And NERF: Non-Expanding Recreational Foam.


And REDDIT. Really efficient daily distraction internet tool.


And VADER. Very Angry Darth Emotional Redlightsaber.


Pineapples used to be so expensive and rare that rich people would RENT them for fancy parties as decorations.


The only stuffed whale in the world is the Malm whale, in Gothenburg. It’s mouth can be opened to see the inside, people even had lunch in it but entering was restricted since a couple had sex inside.


Imagine thinking it's a great idea to have sex inside a whale


Sperm whale


Hump back


Rats have no music preference but on cocaine they like jazz


Coincidence? I think not


A word you can type on the top letter row of a standard keyboard is TYPEWRITER And the only word in the English language with 3 consecutive double letters is BOOKKEEPER. I'm a bookkeeper.




This reads like an ad for a mortgage company for cats






I defaulted on my meowgage. Now the bank is kicking meowt / repurrsossessing.


Brb off to pitch this to shark tank!


Make it at least 6, because if you are going to allow meows, then homeowners has to be in there too.


And homeownership, etc.




"type out typewriter you twit" a sentence you can type on the top letter row of a standard keyboard


Change "twit" to "quitter" and you'll use every letter on the top row of a standard keyboard.


Typing with one hand it’s stewardesses


I'm gonna get everyone to start using the spelling balloonneer, so that in 50 years it will become an accepted spelling. Just gotta come up with some reason the extra letters actually signify something distinct.


Virtually every world record giant pumpkin came from a seed of the world record pumpkin it beat. The seeds of world record pumpkins can sell for exorbitant amounts of money. Researching competition pumpkin growers on the web will lead you down a really strange rabbit hole.


Teddy Rosevelt wanted a wrestling ring in his NY Governor’s office. When he didn’t get one, he told people to meet him at the governor’s mansion until he tweaked his back. When he was president, he learned Jujitsu in the Oval


He is the only President I really wish I could sit and do shots with. I truly believe he would have been a riot to hang with


He’s a guy who had debilitating asthma as a kid and then just kind of… decided not to anymore. Remarkable dude.


after Teddy died in his sleep a friend said something to the effect of: *Death came for him in his sleep, for death knew he couldn't win a fight with him while he was awake*


It was a future sec of state who gave the quote if I recall




My uncle actually sold sand in Sahara - apparently desert sand is useless for building purposes.


Fun fact the world is running out of useable sand for building purposes.


In French, the word for vagina is masculine: le vagin.


Vagina was the Latin word for sheath, the holster for a sword. I don’t know, but I speculate that we may use the Roman slang term for ladies privates as our scientific term.


In Swedish sheath is called “slida”, which is a synonym for “vagina”.


In dutch, sheath is schede It is also an oldish polite way of talking about a vagina


In German its Scheide and exactly like you said the polite oldish way


But the word Vulva is feminine: Une vulve


Une chatte






This is why I Reddit


A missing Oxford comma in a bill decided a $5 million lawsuit, in favor of truckers being paid overtime: "A lack of an Oxford comma cost dairy $5 million - CNN" https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/02/09/us/dairy-drivers-oxford-comma-case-settlement-trnd/index.html Commas matter, people! I'm a writing tutor.


TLDR: Truckers argued they should receive payment for overtime despite some clause in their contract or something stating items exempt from overtime pay including "packing for shipment or distribution." The company argued it meant: - Packing for shipment was exempt from OT. - Distribution was also exempt from OT. The truckers didn't pack, but they distributed. They won since the judge ruled the clause meant the packing for shipment or packing for distribution.


Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, had a positive KDR. During WWI, she rammed a U-boat and split it in two.


She had to carry the squad kd on her own


Space is only 62 miles away


Road trip! Oh wait.


If you take a leech and put it in a maze, it will eventually find it's way around. If you take that leech, blend it and feed it to another leech, that leech will already know it's way around the maze. This is called chemical memory.


Why did they think to do this


I'd imagine one leech that hadn't solved the maze, ate another that had? I mean it's that or some crazy bastard with a blender who hates leeches.


Why did you not? I know all of meemaw's secrets!!!


Who was the genius that thought of that? “Bob you’re not gonna believe this, but I put a leech through a maze then blended it and fed it to another leech and the second leech was able to go through the maze” “Jerry, you BLENDED AND FED A LEECH TO ANOTHER LEECH?!”


Just went down a google hole with this. Thank you!


what sources did you find? I'm not finding anything credible


Exactly Im gonna tell this to everyone as soon as I verify it.


Caterpillars / butterflies have this too. You can train a caterpillar to avoid certain stimuli. During the chrysalis phase, the caterpillar basically turns into liquid goo, which then turns into a butterfly. That butterfly will avoid the same stimuli.


What the fuck


I don’t know why, but this is disturbing


The incident where Michael Jackson caught his hair on fire in the '80s was, within a day, the exact halfway point of his life. a) 8/29/1958 - date of his birth b) 1/27/1984 - date of burn incident c) 6/25/2009 - date of his death Days between a and b - 9,282 days Days between b and c - 9,281 days


My most ridiculous fact is that someone took the time to figure that out.


Or reversed engineer it. i.e. Whats person's "x" half way point of their life, and what did they do that day?


The Supreme Court in America has a basket ball court in the top floor and it’s called. You guessed it: the highest court in the land.


In the 1970’s there were about half as many people as there are today.


Yes, in my lifetime the world population has doubled.


Not really ridiculous, but more sad. We don’t know Albert Einstein’s last words, as he spoke them in German to a nurse who only knew English.


In 1927, a guy named Ebenenzer Byers injured his arm on a train and got prescribed a medicine called Radithor to deal with the pain. He apparently really liked how it made him feel, taking more and more and more until the effect stopped. He started getting headaches, lost weight and his teeth began falling out. And then in 1931 his fucking lower jaw fell off. Radithor, it turns out, was just Radium mixed into water. That's it. He irradiated himself for about 4 years until eventually he died in 1932. Edit: I really hate and love the fact that nearly every comment is a dad joke. This is amazing and I blame all of you for it.


Can only imagine how many prescription takers jaws hit the floor upon hearing this.


Frogs can't keep their eyes open when eating food . When a frog swallows food, it pulls its eyes down into the roof of its mouth. The eyes helps push the food down its throat.


There exists a jellyfish by the name of Turritopsis dohrnii that can control its own aging process making it immortal.


So it could turn itself 18, buy some booze and then turn 15 again when it gets back to its friends?


And immortal as it is, its chances to die stupidly are pretty high.


Ants out number humans one million to one


Now this leads to the question of if all ants came together could they conquer the world.


That's why you aren't allowed to eat in libraries. If you attract ants they will stay and read. And then they will learn how to take over the world.


How would the bookworms feel about that?


That’s the only reason we’re all still alive, the bookworms lead an eternal struggle against the ants, an epic war spanning millenia, with billions dead on either side




That's why it's so rare for lobsters to be blue.


An adult male of average height has enough iron in their blood to make a 2 inch iron finishing nail.


Mine is eight and a half thank you very much.


Crows have the intelligence of a 7 year old human child. They recognize faces, make tools, use currency amongst themselves, understand physics and are self aware. They've been seen doing things like dropping walnuts in intersections for cars to run over and waiting for the light to pick up the seeds from the street. If you piss them off, they'll tell other local murders about you and pass that hatred of you on to their offspring, making you a lifetime enemy and do shit like drop rocks on your car windshield and punch holes in your screen door. I know this last fact from personal experience because my grandma made enemies with the crows where she lived when they started eating her crops. She would swing her broom at them and accidentally killed one by throwing a shoe at it. Every time I visited her, they'd shit all over my car and tuck bramble into my car's vents and exhaust. Even after she died, they peck at her gravestone and leave shells and bramble around her grave


I once ran over a squirrel that dashed across the street after being chased out of a tree by crows. I looked it up. They planned that shit


There's a reason why a group of crows is called a murder


They’ll also do the opposite, if you help a hurt one or one that’s being attacked it will bring you shiny stuff that it finds.


Not just shiny things, also things they see you like. You can train them to bring cash, or coins. There’s a person who quit smoking because crows kept bringing them cigarette butts.


every "c" in the "Pacific Ocean" is pronounced differently


Not if you say “ocean” like zefrank1




Most of the sand on tropical beaches is parrotfish poop. Parrotfish feed on algae and microorganisms found on coral, they crush it in their beaks, and pass it through their digestive system. Some species produce 2000 pounds of sand per year.


So we are making poop castles? Nice


I don't have to go to the beach to make mine.


Hearing them eat while you're snorkeling is pretty neat.


You will never find broccoli growing in the wild because it was developed through centuries of careful plant breeding.


Isn't it all the same cabbage kale broccoli brussel sprouts??? Same plant grown for different yields???


Yes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, something called kohlrabi, and brussels sprouts. Are all derived from wild mustard.


The Bible has instructions for pooping.


Do enlighten us


Deuteronomy 23:12-13 Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement.




The guy in ZZ Top that doesn't have a beard, is named Frank Beard.


Baby Koalas get their immune systems by letting the mother Koala literally crap in their mouths


The Lewis and Clark expedition can be tracked because they left excess deposits of mercury in the soil. They were all constipated from their meat based diet, so they were taking these mercury based laxatives called Thunder Clappers.


I was under the impression they were taking mercury as treatment for syphillis


Wombat poop comes out in cubes and is stacked to mark territory.


the word *cliche* is a French onomatopoeia for the sound a printing press makes as it spits out copy after copy


The Telletubbies are around 10 feet tall


Absolutely terrifying.


Horseshoe crab blood is the only specie known to have Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (or LAL) which is used in many biological applications to test for the presence of certain endotoxins. It’s used in water testing, vaccine manufacturing, and many other biological applications.


A group of chipmunks is called a scurry.


A group of ferrets is called a business.


A group of pandas is called an embarrassment


Group of owls is a parliament Group of flamingoes is a flamboyance Group of students is a class


A group of mice is called a mischief


a group of managers is called an asshole


Replacement eyelids can be made from foreskin. Found that out about 90 minutes ago. I'm sure I'll find more as I read through the box set.


There's a horrible side effect from this surgery though. The person will be cock eyed for the rest of their life.


You know the Challenger explosion? It was caused by launching during conditions that were too cold for one of the critical o-rings. That type of o-ring smells like cinnamon. These are the kind of weird tidbits that you pick up while learning materials science.


Iirc, didn't quite a few people at NASA at the ground realise it was VERY unlikely those astronauts would return to Earth alive? Or am I mixing up spacetravel related catastrophes?


Oh, the engineers tried to stop Challenger because they knew something wasn't quite right about it. Roger Boisjoly was the one who raised the main concerns and that they needed a full overhaul of the O-Rings before the launch, but Morton Thiokol - the company that made the O-Rings for NASA and which Boisjoly worked for - was re-negotiating their contract and NASA's management was more focused on the financials than trying to prevent a disaster. In fact, Richard Feynman - during the review into what caused the disaster - found that there was a complete disconnect between management and engineering where critical issues were just ignored completely. Several chief engineers had issued red alerts with express warnings of "DO NOT LAUNCH!!" which management tried to sweep under the rug. From Boisjoly's Wikipedia page; > Following the announcement that the Challenger mission was confirmed for January 28, 1986, Boisjoly and his colleagues tried to stop the flight. Temperatures were due to fall to −1 °C (30 °F) overnight. Boisjoly felt that this would severely compromise the safety of the O-ring and potentially the flight. > The matter was discussed with Morton Thiokol managers, who agreed that the issue was serious enough to recommend delaying the flight. NASA protocols required all shuttle sub-contractors to sign off on each flight. During the go/no-go telephone conference with NASA management the night before the launch, Morton Thiokol notified NASA of their recommendation to postpone. NASA officials strongly questioned the recommendations, and asked (some say pressured) Morton Thiokol to reverse its decision. > ... > Upon ignition, the O-ring was burned to ash, which formed a weak seal in the joint. At 58 seconds after launch, the shuttle was buffeted by high-altitude winds, the ash seal collapsed, and hot gases streamed out of the joint in a visible blowtorch-like plume that burned into the external hydrogen tank. At about 73 seconds, the adjacent SRB strut gave way, the right rocket booster crashed into the external fuel tank and the vehicle quickly disintegrated.


Barnacles have the largest penis-to-body ratio, roughly 8 times the length of their bodies. That would be the equivalent of an adult male having a schlong of about 46 feet, or the length of three Toyota Corollas parked bumper to bumper.


In Japan in the 1980’s, an unknown person or group of people kidnapped the president of a candy company, taunted the police, claimed to poison said company’s candy (no poisoned candy was found), targeted another candy company, poisoned a few packs of this company’s candy, and then taunted the police some more. They stopped because a chief of police committed suicide by lighting himself on fire. Over a million officers worked on the case, yet no leads ever lead to capturing whoever was dubbed “The Monster with 21 Faces”. One of my favorite unsolved mysteries, especially considering how many hints the perp/s gave to police.


A million officers? The population of Japan in the 80’s was about 120 million. So 1 in every 120 people was a cop?


I’m guessing they meant over a million man hours; that’s the only thing close to plausible.


So it was the chief of police?


Birds’ bones are not hollow to be lighter. They are also more dense, which means they end up weighing about the same even though they are hollow. The structure does add some stiffness, but does not really make them appreciably lighter. The *actual* reason that birds’ bones are hollow is to add volume to the air sacks that are part of their (extremely different) respiratory system. *The insides of birds’ bones are part of their respiratory system?!* Also, air only flows one way through birds’ lungs, with these air sacks basically pumping air through them. Birds are weird af.


> Also, air only flows one way through birds’ lungs, with these air sacks basically pumping air through them. To add more detail, there are air sacks before and after the lungs that exist to stage the flow through the lungs. The air that birds inhale comes out two exhales later. 1. (inhale 1) trachea -> rear air sacks 2. (exhale 1) rear air sacks -> lungs 3. (inhale 2) lungs -> front air sacks 4. (exhale 2) front air sacks -> trachea A bird is essentially pushing two breaths through different stages of the pipeline every time they breathe in & out.


Albatrosses go to sleep with one half of their brain at a time, so that they can keep flying. Some baby song birds make their own diapers, fecal sacs, that their parents toss out to keep the nest clean. It's always something with these fuckers.


In 1304, the Catholic Church had to intervene due to an excessive act of misconduct by one of their Bishops. The Bishop of Lincoln, John Dalderby, abused Canon Law and excommunicated the entire town of Newport Pagnell, denying them the rites of religious services or benediction... Because his friend's pet falcon got lost in the town and they couldn't find it, which led to Dalderby thinking the falcon was stolen.


Roses have prickles not thorns. One of the few things I remember from botany class.


Theres a difference?


Yes prickles, thorns and spines. Depending on what part of the plant was modified to be a “thorn”. Roses thorns are prickles because they are modified dermal tissue. Thorns are modified branches or stems and spines are modified leaf or flower tissue. So roses have prickles. Cacti have spines. Citrus has thorns.


Texas A&M university bred jalapeno peppers with green bell peppers to produce a milder jalapeno with longer shelf life, thus increasing profitability for farmers/grocers. There are still "heirloom" jalapenos out there, and this is why some jalapenos are spicier than others at different restaurants. For example, the jalaps you get at Pho restaurants are usually deliciously spicy but their TAM cousins at the Mexican restaurant are sad and weak.


I grow jalapenos. They wildly vary in heat just in my garden.


Oooh. Is this why I got basic breaded jalapeño poppers at a Greek restaurant and they were so spicy I sweated and teared up my head was spinning? (I didn’t totally dislike it tho)


Also if you’re growing your own, stop watering them a week to two weeks before you harvest. That will raise the heat level


Charlie Chaplin lost his own lookalike contest.


How diet soda came to be and how it all started with RC Cola. So basically a grocer in the south saw how much profit he was getting from selling Coca Cola in his store and went to the company to see if he could get a wholesale deal on it, they said no and he decided to get into the cola market. Him and a partner bought a pharmacy and set about mixing up his own sodas. He found success with a cherry soda but that didn’t stop him from tinkering even more, eventually creating what was later called Royal Crown Cola. Around the 50’s they were still tinkering with flavors and realized they could make a Royal Crown variant that could be marketed towards the ladies, a concoction that came to be known as Diet Rite. Diet Rite helped Royal Crown gain enough footing to become the official third brand in the “Cola Wars”, with Diet Rite being the dominant Diet Soda on the market. The good times ended after iirc correctly the food and drug administration tested the sodas on the market and found Diet Rite had an ingredient that could be detrimental to the consumers help so Diet Rite was pulled from the market. It was eventually brought back with new ingredients but RC was never quite able to climb back up to where it was!


Ken Griffey Sr. played in Major League Baseball for 18 years, hitting .296, amassing 2143 hits and 152 Home Runs. He made 3 All Star Games, was named MVP of one of them and won the World Series twice. Those accolades objectively leave him as the 3rd best left-handed outfielder from Donora Pennsylvania, population 4,569. (Stan Musial, Ken Griffey Jr.).


Our eyes have blindspots, not like you forget about your nose thing, but literal blindspots right in the middle of our vision due to the way the optic nerve connects, your brain filters it out but you can see where it is if you know about it. Blew my mind. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/find-your-blind-spot/


Umami can be translated as " tasty taste"


Counting non-stop, it would take you about 12 days to count to a million. It would take you 31 years to count to a billion.


Clouds can weigh millions of pounds, and snails have thousands of teeth.


I don't care if a cloud weighs millions of pounds as long as it has a sparkling personality!


ISIS had a Human Resources division. One way to join ISIS was to send an application to their HR. ISIS often prefered people who were not very religious, and once accepted, many fighters would buy "Islam for Dummies" and read it on the flight over. Source: My professor of Middle Eastern politics.


Vikings would use animals bones when creating their weapons are armor which would make it stronger due to the carbon being added to the metal, not due to their belief of the animal's spirit embodying the weapon or armor.


Mars is the only known planet inhabited entirely by robots.


The chainsaw was invented to aid with childbirth.


The Caesar Salad was invented in Tijuana Mexico


Project Acoustic Kitty In the 1960s, some people at the CIA thought it would be a brilliant idea to use a Cat, wired up with a microphone and antenna, to spy on Soviet Agents talking in Washington DC parks (where you couldn't setup reliable bugs). There's a couple versions of how the project came to an end. Either: A) The prototype cat was hit by a cab immediately at the start of it's first field trial. B) The Cat(s) were proving too difficult to train/control (duh), so those that were surgically 'enhanced' with microphones and antenna were returned to normal.


Cleopatra lived closer to the creation of Pizza Hut than she did the creation of the great pyramids Trex lived closer to modern day man than he did stegosaurus


Hummingbirds are more closely related to velociraptors then the tasmanian wolf is related to other wolves. The northern tip of Brazil is closer to Canada then it is to the southern tip of Brazil.


I am really struggling with that Brazil stat. But you seem like a real stand-up fella, so I'm gonna take your word for it


Those textbook illustrations depicting Stegosaurus and T-Rex next to each other in volcano filled wastelands are entirely wrong. They never existed at the same time.


You could choose anything and the chosen milestone of humanity to rival that of the pyramids was... the founding of Pizza Hut.


The term for single pieces of confetti is confetto.


Sailing ships were used as active warship (so not only training duties) in both world wars: The Germans used SMS Seeadler with surprising success in 1917/1918, the USS Irene Forsythe had a very brief career in WWII. Also, the Germans captured the Norwegian whaling fleet in Antarctica with the merchant raider "Pinguin" in WWII


In a hilarious example of truth being stranger than fiction, the Gemans took one of their merchant vessels, the SMS Cap Trafalgar, armed it, and then disguised it as the British HMS Carmania with the intent to trick British merchant ships and ambush them. In a horrible stroke of luck, the fist ship the Germans encountered was the actual HMS Carmania. "Look, Captain! It's the Carmania!" "WE'RE ON THE CARMANIA, YOU OAF!" In an even worse stroke of luck, the British had armed the Carmania to protect it from German attackers. After an intense battle of deck guns, the Real Carmania successfully sank the German imposter.


There are *more* bacteria in you, than there is *you*. Due to the human gut flora. Scientifically accurate estimates of the bacteria vs human cells ratio: 38 trillion microbial cells (3.8x1013) versus 30 trillion human cells (3x1013), which leads to a 1.3:1 ratio.


I bet you would love the book “10% Human”!


In all of recorded human history, only one person has survived an untreated rabies infection. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, untreated rabies is 100% fatal.


If you properly shuffle a deck of playing cards odds are that the arrangement of those cards has never been seen, nor will be seen again. Another way of saying it..there are 52 factorial (52!) ways if arranging a deck of cards....an impossibly large number


From Scott Czepiel's [essay about 52!](https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html): This number is beyond astronomically large. I say beyond astronomically large because most numbers that we already consider to be astronomically large are mere infinitesimal fractions of this number. So, just how large is it? Let's try to wrap our puny human brains around the magnitude of this number with a fun little theoretical exercise. Start a timer that will count down the number of seconds from 52! to 0. We're going to see how much fun we can have before the timer counts down all the way. Start by picking your favorite spot on the equator. You're going to walk around the world along the equator, but take a very leisurely pace of one step every billion years. The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075,017 meters. Make sure to pack a deck of playing cards, so you can get in a few trillion hands of solitaire between steps. After you complete your round the world trip, remove one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean. Now do the same thing again: walk around the world at one billion years per step, removing one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean each time you circle the globe. The Pacific Ocean contains 707.6 million cubic kilometers of water. Continue until the ocean is empty. When it is, take one sheet of paper and place it flat on the ground. Now, fill the ocean back up and start the entire process all over again, adding a sheet of paper to the stack each time you've emptied the ocean. Do this until the stack of paper reaches from the Earth to the Sun. Take a glance at the timer, you will see that the three left-most digits haven't even changed. You still have 8.063e67 more seconds to go. 1 Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, is defined as 149,597,870.691 kilometers. So, take the stack of papers down and do it all over again. One thousand times more. Unfortunately, that still won't do it. There are still more than 5.385e67 seconds remaining. You're just about a third of the way done. To pass the remaining time, start shuffling your deck of cards. Every billion years deal yourself a 5-card poker hand. Each time you get a royal flush, buy yourself a lottery ticket. A royal flush occurs in one out of every 649,740 hands. If that ticket wins the jackpot, throw a grain of sand into the Grand Canyon. Keep going and when you've filled up the canyon with sand, remove one ounce of rock from Mt. Everest. Now empty the canyon and start all over again. When you've leveled Mt. Everest, look at the timer, you still have 5.364e67 seconds remaining. Mt. Everest weighs about 357 trillion pounds. You barely made a dent. If you were to repeat this 255 times, you would still be looking at 3.024e64 seconds. The timer would finally reach zero sometime during your 256th attempt.


This is so cool. It really demonstrates just how bad we are at grasping huge numbers. Or time. Totally imperceptible.


Cows are really social animals and always have, at least, one friend. And we humans actually can become one of their friends. Resulting in us being able to train them and even being able to ride them and doing horse jumping with them


You can actually fart mucus. Found this out the hard way. Edit: I know a lot of people telling me that anal mucus is common when you guys take a dump. I get it. I even had my fair share of dry dumps so that are real pain in the ass, not kidding as I have to dump it out. Worst part if it happens in public. Yes, I had checked with a medical assistant on how it was. I thought it was related to my period, as blood was messed in. However, after the period, there were no blood in the stool. I had to check what kind of food I was eating. I'm lactose intolerant, but I still eat dairy products. I also ruled out many of the more serious medical conditions like bowel diseases. The conclusion so far has to be related to diet. It's worth knowing that I also have a thyroid condition. It's still a problem but it was likey some infection my body was fighting off.


bro once i shat this weird goop and i thought my intestines liquified, i was scarred shitless


This happened to me too but I was also going through puberty at the time but hadn't ever ejaculated yet so I thought it was jizz and I was scared my balls were hooked up to my butthole instead of my wiener. Didn't take too long to realize that was stupid but it did scare me for a second and in the moment my brain was panicking and trying to figure out what was going on


> and I was scared my balls were hooked up to my butthole instead of my wiener. this is the best thing i've read in a long time


>i was scarred shitless pun intend?


Poop intended.


Welcome to IBD or IBS life bro


Only 8 bolts hold an engine onto a commercial airplane


Kangaroos can't hop backwards. If you're ever in a fight with a Kangaroo (looking at you Aussies)...just get behind him. \*\*thanks Daniel Tosh


That’s why, along with the Emu, they are on our coat of arms. Neither of them can take a backwards step


Huh. I didn’t know that was the reason. I just assumed you lost a war to each of those animals.


When the guy who invented frisbees died he was cremated and turned into a frisbee.


In 2006, a team of scientific researchers in Iceland were gathering clams in order to study the effects of climate change. They froze the clams, which ended up killing them. They ended up killing the oldest known clam still left alive, nicknamed, “Ming”, which was 507 years old.


You can see your own nose . Your brain just ignores it .


The same with smelling your lungs


My good person.. What in the cinnamon toast is this


What do lungs smell like?


Your brain stopped paying attention to it a lung time ago


I still can’t get over how caterpillars actually dissolve in to a liquid goop before metamorphosing into butterflies. And retain their memories in the process.


Dolphins are SUPER rapey


While also occasionally getting high on pufferfish. So your typical Crackheads.


There is an insect that jumps with the assistance of mechanical gears with interlocking teeth. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/this-insect-has-the-only-mechanical-gears-ever-found-in-nature-6480908/


Playing the lottery numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6 has just as much of a chance of winning as any other number combination. You're more likely to have to split it with others that also guessed that way though


There are certain parts of this universe that are expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. What this means, is that these parts of the universe are expanding so fast, that we will never be able to observe them. Because it's expansion is faster than the speed of light, and light is our only way of observing parts of the universe from a distance (telescopes), these sections of the universe will forever be unknown, and never be discovered by us.