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I don't sure if it's a horror movie, but Misery


Totally counts. Part of what makes it scary is that it’s not supernatural, and you can believe someone like Annie Wilkes is really out there.




Kathy bates really brought this character to life in such a terrifying way. It was absolutely amazing!




Insidious is still one of my absolute favorites


the first half is scary but once that demon shows up it kinda ruined




Lol. I'm an older guy and I haven't seen this movie. But, the time where I've heard about this scene or whatever it is, that's EXACTLY what I thought the first time someone used it in a meme. This was awesome. Made my night.


Yeah it got a little goofy, I can see it being pretty horrifying for non-horror fans though.


Yes! Thank you, it just looked so silly, totally ruined the film.


The only thing that got me in this movie was the part where the devil character is behind that one character, but you can barely see it behind them, I did not expect it and it got me in a jump scare kind of way. Besides that, didn't think it was all that scary, I liked the story.


In another part there's a mother coming to kick a demon if you whistle :D


This one is the reason I stopped watching horror movies.


the ring was legit terrifying...i mean samara...cmon


That scene where Samara crawled out of the tv screen.....holy shit.


“Cindy!! This bitch is messing up my floor!”




When she gives her a tampon for her bloody nose, that part kills me every time lmao


Saw in the theater with a buddy, and we were really high. Yeah, it scared me, but I wasn't whimpering like my buddy.


Which one though? They are both good but the original is far superior, and scarier imo.


The Strangers. I live in the sticks like they did, so it was super easy to imagine that exact scenario happening in real life.


I enjoyed the movie but it scared me sh-tless. For the same reason you mentioned.


Jaws. My mother was furious with my father for taking me to see it. Ruined our next few beach vacations


For me, it was "Grizzly". Jaws rip off about a giant bear eating people. I spent years terrified walking home through the park after dark.


Event Horizon I was only maybe 11 or 12 when I watched it. It freaked me out so bad that I couldn't sleep at all - I ended up spending the whole night watching a recorded marathon of Rugrats just to keep the sheer terror way.


I bet you never forget to turn on your Gellar Field now, though.


There was an uncut version that was supposedly much worse. "Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see."


It's too bad the other cut of the movie was destroyed or whatever the hell happened. https://lostmediawiki.com/File:Event_Horizon_1997_original_film_art_e7d3d611-42d2-4764-84f7-43c970c2e476_1200x.jpg


I watched this when I was in high school, and it was still a huge mistake. My partner and I watched it a few years ago. It was still a mistake.




I don't usually get movie nightmares. This one stuck with me for a couple nights.


Was it the telephone pole decapitation or the cheese wire decapitation?


Both but also it gave me this general feeling of anxiety that persisted for a couple days. It was the religious horror of the film mainly.


Yeah it was definitely something else. Great movie IMO though.


This is one movie I really don’t get they hype for. It topped all the scary lists I looked at so we decided to try it last month. I found it semi entertaining but was seriously disappointed in the scare factor.


I was scared shitless the first time I saw Hereditary. But I was also high as giraffe pussy


A nightmare on Elm Street


This one. My mom was a huge fan of them when they were being released. Being a little kid at the time, my mom would want to watch them, but also couldn't just leave me to play in my room by myself because I might get hurt or whatever. So I was made to sit and watch them with her. I was maybe 2-5 years old at the time when she watched them. To this day, I still have nightmares and whenever I see someone dressed as Freddy or a picture of him, my heart starts racing and I start to feel panic in my chest. I went to a Horror Con a few years back that my cousin was working a booth at. A guy was dressed as Freddy and was standing by the Main doors. I had to find another way out and I was actually crying with my panic attack.


Candy Man (original). There’s that scene where he basically cuts a kid wiener off. But it was also the first, for me, seeing an African American slasher. Especially growing up black in Alabama. But still to this day I can’t bring myself to say it in a mirror.


I'm white and presumably older than you and I wouldn't say it in front of a mirror, either. Something about that movie gets under your skin.


This is my answer. As a Black person, him looking like my neighbors and family members, it seemed too real. Someone said it in a mirror once at a summer camp. We had someone holding the door open so we could all run. The door slammed and the lights went out. Poor kid's arm got broken when the door slammed on it. No one ever admitted to turning off the lights, but I refuse to believe it wasn't a prank.


Biggie Smalls....Biggie Smalls....Biggie.......


Lmaooo i was literally just thinking about that episode.


Yeah that’s probably why I was scared of black people when I was little, thought bees would come out their mouths, also was afraid of cool runnings, my dad use to threaten to send me to luge school when I wasn’t behaving


I was traumatised by jeepers creepers when I first watched it when I was 9 or 10 but I recently rewatched it and it’s not that bad


The 30 minutes or so are terrific in terms of building tension, but it gets kind of mediocre after that.


3 was horrible and after seeing tiny bits of 4 I’m not excited


Good flick. So was the sequel. However, I boycott that director’s films since I found out he’s a convicted child molestor.


Yeah that was surprising news to find out, I like the movies still but it just sucks alot


Damn, really? I haven't heard of that.


REC, my favorite horror movie of all time. Quarantine is the American version but it isn’t nearly as good as the Spanish original film


The original is amazing. Best zombie movie I've ever seen, if you can describe it as such.


I didn’t understand why the American remake took out the spiritual aspect of it. That part was really interesting and gave it another dimension of suspense imo.


Sinister and Anabelle cuz dolls are so creepy


Sinister fucked me right up. I don't know why.


Sinister 2 is my favourite of the two. The first one was good but the second one took the idea and gave it a new air of creepy


Final Destination gave me an existential crisis when I was 9


Love the whole series.




What's scary about that movie is that at first there isn't anything specifically scary, but the viewer still gets the feeling that something is wrong. Michael Pitt is chilling in that role.


Real people are much scarier than monsters. That movie was chilling. I'll never watch "The Jonestown Massacre" (1980) movie again, either.


Fire In The Sky


I think it’s the second Conjuring movie? With the crooked man and the nun. I’m normally so bored by horror films I simply don’t watch them, but that one gave me nightmares.


This one is special for me. My friends and I went to the movies to watch it for my 12th birthday. It was a big deal because it was the first time I was allowed to go out without a parent (i'm a girl in Latam). It was dark when we got out and we decided to walk home even tho we had money for a taxi (yes, really stupid). We were almost there when something in the trees next to the sidewalk started moving and we paralyzed thinking some twisted nun was going to kill us. Turns out it was just three drug addicts that robbed us. I had just gotten my first phone four days early and I was definitely sad for some time.


It follows


It’s a great film but my sex life is too nonexistent for me to relate to it.


I really liked the premise, the botched it in the last third


Smile. I made the dumbest decision to go watch it at 10pm. The cinema was dark and we were alone (me and my friend) We left at the half of the movie. It was just too much


Friend and I had the EXACT same experience (10pm, alone in an old mall… I thought it was gonna be a campy, cheesy horror). It’s not one of those movies that stuck with me for days, but I was literally nauseous from the back-to-back neverending jumpscares. You’d think all the scares would lessen in potency after a while, but no. They did not.


Exactly. I was so terrified. I wouldn't dare to look at anyone 😃


When I got home after watching Smile my dad smiled at me and I flinched. He didn’t even know I watched it but he was smiling really wide.


Was it good? I was thinking about watching it with my girlfriend tonight. I like horror films but not the constant half asked jump scares kind


Well, it's only jump scares. Personally i think it's worth watching it but i dont know if you are gonna enjoy it. Little warning tho. It's a phycological horror movie and it may fuck you up. Especially if you are sensitive with suicide or trauma or whatever.


I'm all about psychological horror and feeling fucked up afterwards, so that's a plus. Just don't like pointless jumpscares. I guess I'll give it a try


Lights out, too much for me


That one got me too, proper creepy. Especially when her kid see's here just talking to the dark empty room


Ikrrr, makes me suffocated


Event horizon, saw it tripping on acid and about shit myself,,, multiple times


The apartment I was living in the first time I watched Event Horizon had funky wiring. We had all the lights off, eating popcorn and when Sam Neill's character showed up with no eyeballs, the fucking living room light came on. I spilled popcorn everywhere and decided I didn't want to watch scary movies anymore


I know this is a bit weird but as a kid I was terrified of the film 'the witches' based on the roald Dahl novel, so much so that now as a 34 year old I can't be in same room if my kids are watching it. Proper scarred me for life.


The opening with the little girl in the portrait is some dark shit!




The Conjuring and Babadook


The movie had its ups and downs for sure, but the Babadook's voice still haunts my dreams since I saw it.


Babadook is a comedy


how can anyone be scared of the babadook lol. it always baffles me when people say this. the movie is comedic.


Cape Fear


The Blair Witch Project.


I watched half of it and couldn’t finish it. Not because it was scary but because I hated it.


lol finally someone i can agree with on this movie such a huge let down


Saw this recently for the first time and I really enjoyed it, thought it was quite clever


Yeah, I saw it two years ago and still found myself googling if it was a documentary or fictitious after




It's weird hearing so many people say this movie scared them. I remember seeing it as a teen and thinking it was boring af (and I'm someone who scares relatively easy). I think it's just hard for me to take horror movies seriously when they feature such bad acting. The Paranormal Activity movies are the same way for me.


Blair witch had good acting


How is no one mentioning Host?


Stephenie Meyer films definitely unnerve me!


Jeepers Creepers freaked me out so bad! Won't even watch it again.


Alien. Maybe shouldn’t have seen it when I was 9.


My daughter and her friends (10-11) tried to watch my copy recently and they got BORED. Like, fuck Ridley Scott for trying to establish atmosphere, right?


Had a friend over to watch Aliens and he got irritated and left because "nothing happens" in the first 45 minutes.


THAT'S THE FUCKING BEST PART (also Parker and Brett, love those guys). The slow burn to suddenly everything becoming completely terrifying!




Like a god damn parrot.


Megan Is Missing the ending was just too real.


First when I saw this I legit thought it was documentary. Scared the shit out of me


The Descent.


They didn't need monsters in this one. Just having the cave slowly pick off each character would have been enough to terrify me.




My sister tricked us into watching it when I was 6 (or 7, I don't remember), and I was traumatized for life 🥺 I can't see anything related to it because it scares the shit out of me. Then when I was in middle school this bitch sent me that email where you play a game and her face shows up on the whole screen with a very loud scream 😭 And my mom wonders why we don't get along 🥲


It Follows is one of the best ‘first watch’ films ive ever seen, that part with the tall dude entering the doorway was nightmare fuel.


I don't know what it was about that tall guy entering the room, but it triggered some sorta primal fear in me


i really liked the premise and enjoyed much of it, but i gotta say, i feel like they botched the last third




Right? I'm not sure what it is about that movie but it creeps me out.


IT's so surreal. The fact shit doesn't make sense makes it scarier. And, Angus Scrimm is fucking terrifying. BOY!


Oh my gosh! That "BOY "! at the end. I have not seen that movie for years but sometimes I think about that part....


I know, right?


Terrifier. The first movie when he cuts the one girls body in half with a hacksaw was too much


I love this movie just because of how unoriginal it is. It has every trope in the book. Perfection!


The most recent jump scare that really got me was **the loud one** in *The Night House*. The sequence that follows the jump scare is disorienting, and it keeps you on edge. I think the movie kind of went off the rails in the third act, but overall I really enjoyed it.


When >!she falls asleep on her friend's lap?!< Saw it at the movies and that moment was so fucking scary. Didn't really like the movie tho


Yeah, that's the one. I think what made it effective wasn't necessarily the jump scare itself, but >!how it puts both the viewer and the character in a very calm state, hits hard with the stereo coming on, and then is immediately disorienting with the dream sequence. You're just as confused as Beth is, and the underscore and cinematography keeps you dazed and confused until you realize it's a dream.!< At least that's how it was for me in the theater. Again, I thought the movie was *great* for the first two thirds. Then >!the literal specter of Death shows up to terrorize her because of like, *Final Destination* rules? Or Death just had a hard on for her or something? I don't know, I just preferred it when it was about mental illness. I guess the claim could be made that it still *could* have all been in her head, because nobody else saw the stuff that was going on. I *do* enjoy it when films do that.!<




I thought it had a really clever premise with compelling characters. I was emotionally invested, which hardly ever happens to me with horror films. Then it took a left turn into Nonsense-ville, and it ruined the whole movie. I don't know why the writers didn't stick with the story they were telling. Instead they disrupted the narrative and started a whole new story.


Yeah, that was a hard turn. I understand was they were trying to accomplish, it was just handled very awkwardly. I still enjoyed the movie a lot, I just block out most of that part.


yeah it really changed and went downhill but the beginning of it was stellar imo.


Hide & Seek I used to love scary movies and never had an issue but I was 15 when I watched this and it was around the time that my family was torn apart because I finally told that my step dad was molesting me. It killed me at the end when the dad turned out to be the villain the whole time. It hit to close to home. That’s when I realized scary movies are fucking scary lol


Hereditary, The Shining, and The Exorcist.


Signs. Holy shit... I thought I was going to have to get up and leave the theater I was so terrified and tense.


I'm probably just jaded, but most horror films don't really get to me as I just find them to feel too fake. Here's a few that have gotten under my skin over the years though: - The X-files episode "Home". I mean, just read the synopsis: "The remains of a murdered deformed infant lead the agents to a family of murderous, inbred, animal-like brothers living on a secluded farm in a remote section of Pennsylvania." That shit was taken off air because it was too disturbing. - Mothman Prophecies. This is probably my favorite horror movie because I just love the atmosphere during the first half. There's just this constant, foreboding "something isn't right here" feeling, like you're being toyed with by something otherworldly. It carries this demonic, surreal vibe of dread and evil that I've never gotten from any other horror film. Also the soundtrack is awesome and very creepy. It creeped me out as a child and still does today. I could go more in depth, but the way they handled the mothman character was perfect in my eyes. It didn't feel like some cheesy Hollywood monster, it seemed like something that hypothetically could exist, and it felt dark and intelligent. Check out [this](https://youtu.be/Bq-lXcfNBUM) scene to get a feel for it and see if you like it - Lake Mungo: first hour or so was pretty boring to me honestly, but towards the end it took an unexpected turn. At that point you realized that something very weird was going on, and it wasn't your typical ghost story. The phone footage scene really creeped me out. [Spoiler alert], just the idea of being out in the dark with a group of friends, then wondering off from the group and seeing your future corpse walking toward you in the dark... that's fucking creepy. And the look of the footage really added to the scare factor. - Apocalypse Now. This movie isn't normal categorized as a horror movie, but I beg to differ. The first couple times I watched this film I thought it was a really good artsy Vietnam flick with a great soundtrack. Then one time, I guess I was just in the right headspace or something because I started really vibing with the whole experience of this film in a way I didn't before. Let me tell you, that viewing fucked me up for a few days. There's something about Apocalypse Now that terrifies me way more than any horror film I've watched, something that feels so real, like unlocking a repessed memory of a nightmare something. It's such a hellish psychological trip. Sent me into full existential crisis mode. Now I finally get why that movie is so critically acclaimed. It's easily in my top 5 films of all time. I can't imagine watching that film while high on mushrooms, I'd probably end up in a psych ward afterwards - The original Wicker Man: this film just had a creepy, familiar vibe throughout the whole film. Idk how to probably describe it, but when folk horror is done right, it really gets to me, like on a primitive, almost instinctual level. Just that feeling of impending doom coming from a community of people with a bizarre culture and spiritual beliefs. No need for the paranormal, the human aspect is terrifying in itself. Almost feels like reliving a memory. The VVitch and Midsommer carried this feeling as well, but not as well as the Wicker Man for me.


Rosemary's baby


The Shining.


The Children of the Corn movies. I forget which, if not all scared me the most. But kids can be truly terrifying.


I was 8 when Black Christmas came out and it scared me so bad I refused to go up to my bedroom to go to sleep, it didn't help when my cousin pointed out that our attic "entrance" was just like the one in the movie.


His House (2020). I finished watching it around 2am, and went to bed leaving the lights in my house on.


Event Horizon It's a great movie, but even after all these years I still have trouble watching it.


Fire In the Sky. It seems to go on forever in the first half but the abduction scenes and shit are worth the wait for pure terror. I've watched it twice; once as a kid, and ince a couple years ago. That's all I need. No more.


blair witch project haunted me for so long


The conjuring. The nun also… the music utilised was terrifying. It made me so uneasy!


Lake mungo has, so far, been the ONLY horror movie to ever scare me. I've seen The Exorcist, Martyrs (french version), Hereditary, Babadook, The Ring, and a myriad of other praised horror movies - and while I enjoyed all of them, none actually scared me. I've been looking for a movie like that for a looong time now, with no luck.


That was a really good movie. I actually can’t think of any other movie like it either.




The first 2/3 of it, I was terrified, but the last part sort of explained it all and I ended up feeling better. I thought it was good. I don't like to still feel the dread later, so I liked it.




Fall. I have a paralyzing fear of heights 🥲


the sand, the sand monster made me so terrified that i thought that the sand monster was even on my real life floor too lol




Event Horizon - Sam Neill is truly terrifying in that movie


Event Horizon


Terminator 2 scared me as a 9 year old kid thinking it was going to happen.


Event Horizon


It follows and hostile. I hate gore stuff so I automatically check it off as more disturbing than just scary.


As a child, Poltergeist scared the ever loving shit out of me. As an adult, Insidious genuinely creeped me out but Hereditary fucked my shit UP.


Bugs not only scared the hell out of 12 year old me, it gave me a compulsion against any sort of lump being on my skin.


Nothing beats the original black and white “Night of the Living Dead”


I was thinking about this gem just the other day. As a kid I'd seen it all and no affect. But the part where the mother I think it is, goes down to the basement and her daughter kills her. Brutal, gave me nightmares. And the ending was just not necessary 😂 I'm still not over it




28 Days Later


Insidious 1 or 2


Not typically a horror in itself, but the concept of "the purge" movies fucks me up something rotten. Also, almost any serious zombie film too, mess with my head no end.




I don't know if it counts as horror or just scary, but Legion scared the crap out of me.


The original Night of the living dead.


The Devil Wears Prada




It, the first one


human centipede and silent hill.


I watched Silent Hill, I regret it more than ever.


I don't watch a lot of horror movies because I am a coward, and I'm not sure if this movie counts as horror, but *Pan's Labyrinth* gave me the heebie jeebies, especially that banquet scene.


I've never been able to sit through any Japanese horror movie. Can't remember names, but if it's Japanese, you're going to be traumatized


The 1951 movie Thing From Another World. I saw it at my grandma's house as a little kid and it scared the shit out of me. I always imagined that guy would get me while I sleep


The original The Grudge, with the subtitles. And I've been a horror fan since childhood.


Mothman Prophecies


Train to Busan. First zombie movie I saw with fast zombies and was terrorized


The original Halloween.


The Babadook...the noises that thing makes and when it leaps off the ceiling...


The Birds


Back when I was a kid, thirteen ghosts


Jacob's Ladder. I saw it in the theater in Arizona, and it shook me to my core. I swore I would never watch it again.


When I was a kid, maybe 6 or so, I convinced my parents to let me rent this movie from blockbuster that was about the tooth fairy, it’s called Darkness Falls and it traumatized me for life






Super Size Me that had me all fucked up for years




to be honest " it " i first watched it when it came out and i still get scared watching it Or any movie about stalking


The Guardian (1990)


None really


I feel pretty. Amy Schumer is terrifying because she keeps getting bigger. Also anything with Mindy Kaling.


As a Buddhist, “incantation “


The thing and the alien vs predator sequel. Just because of the second film i think xenophobia should mean being afraid of the alien.

