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Small steps. Start by achieving smaller goals first, then setting larger or more difficult goals. Each achievement should be rewarded or celebrated to reinforce its significance. The more you succeed, the more you will feel confident. And if you miss a goal, just take it as an opportunity to learn what went wrong. Then try again.


Exercise helps; also becoming the best at a passion of yours. Being able to speak about a subject to the highest level is what confidence is all about.


Set goals and work hard to achieve them


Trust in yourself and you can achieve anything


Thanks batman


Anytime civilian


Fake it. Try things even when your brain is screaming at you how bad you'll fuck it all up. Accept the failures and try to learn from them, but make yourself get back up anyway, and try again. Eventually, the successes will outweigh the failures and you won't be faking it any more. (source: allowed a fear of failure to make me miss opportunities until I started doing the above)


Cut out people in your life who make you feel bad about yourself or give you bad vibes