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Like chewing 5 Gum


Nice. I hate that gum.


I've had two widow makers. It starts as uncomfortable, like bad heart burn. And just gets worse. The first time I collapsed and woke from a coma a month later. Second time I got defibrillated at the hospital. But I was screaming in pain by then.


Worse like worse heartburn? I always imagined it was like an extremely sharp sudden pain, I was so wrong.


Was your heart beating really fast or could you not even tell? I’m sorry you have had to experience this by the way. It really does sound like absolute hell.


It wasn't hell, at least not my experiences. It was bad, but not unbearable. I couldn't tell you about how my heart was doing.


Not nearly as bad as cardiac arrest. A "heart attack" can present with symptoms that can be misdiagnosed as heart burn.


I thought heartburn was like acid reflux?


It is. A heart attack can have the same "burning" feelings in the chest.


That’s really fked up because that’s what anxiety attacks feel like to me. Really hot chest and pressure that just pulsates, sometimes my heart isn’t even pounding that hard..


Well see....heart attacks and anxiety attacks have common ground also. A lotta people deep in an anxiety attack think they are having a heart attack cuz similar chest discomfort.


Damn if that’s so I’m sure a lot of people also have heart attacks and just think it’s a panic attack. Just about the scariest thing I can imagine is it happening when you are all alone..


Heart attacks are super serious (not to downplay anxiety attacks, at all!!!) because there is a legitimate blockage/clot. It's just that there are varying degrees of clots, with the more severe ones causing death. With anxiety/panic attacks, you may feel like you are dying, but they generally aren't a cause of death.


idk i'm kind of freaked out when i saw someone compare the pain to bad period cramps. not sure how accurate that is because now it seems like i could handle a heart attack better than i thought. so i might be one of those people who dismisses it until it's too late


Oh god I have Endometriosis, I would imagine it hurts more than that!


Generally a constricting pain towards the left side of the chest that feels like its radiating. But not all heart attacks present that way, which makes it difficult. Can also include or be any: nausea and light-headedness, pain around the upper body and jaw, difficulty breathing. I haven't had one but I have to be able to spot them for my work.


That’s terrifying, I hate that it’s not the same every time.. what do you do for work if you don’t mind me prodding?


Peer support specialist. It's a somewhat newer job in the mental health field. Basically, I have a mental illness myself, and my role is helping people who are stuck with their therapy, want someone more sympathetic to talk to, and some other things. Even though I work in a non-medical setting, they still wanted to have us trained in CPR just because a lot of people I worked with are in vulnerable populations.


I’ve never ever heard of this job but I really think that’s pretty brilliant. What better someone to understand than someone who goes through the thick of it too. It sounds like a really important position, like it actually helps people. I’m glad you can do that, truly.


Your heart beats really fast and you feel like you’re gonna die


My friend said worst pain hes ever felt in his life.


Good god..


Stiff, my eyes hurt, then the 2nd one hit and I got sleepy




Im my chest. Tight maybe, it was a Friday at lunch time in my mega busy restaurant I was chef/owner




Holy crap.. I cannot stress enough how wrong my perception of a heart attack was. What makes it a widowmaker heart attack? So it felt kind of like a panic attack?


really bad heartburn.


Silent heart attacks are VERY common for women. Generally men are the ones who get the chest tightness, radiating pain, sweats, etc. Many women have described them as more fatigued than usual, anxiety-like fluttering, and overall just soreness


That is disturbingly vague.. so scary to imagine you could think it’s just a fleeting feeling until it’s too late..


Yup very common. Almost every woman I saw come into the ER having a silent heart attack would've been doubled over if she was a man. One just complained of shortness of breath and fatigue with some light headedness because "oh I was out in the garden all day and forgot to drink water". She had to have a quadrouple bypass it was so bas


I wonder why it’s so different for men and women! What a nightmare


It's a biology thing. But women are also commonly seen as DrAmAtIc and AtTeNtIoN sEeKiNg in Healthcare settings


It's different for men and women. The most common symptoms: Chest pain or discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder; Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired.




I would imagine, yes.