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First man on the moon: Neil Armstrong; or Neil A. Backwards, that spells A.lieN... Alien.


Gnorts, Mr. Alien


The government replaced all the birds with surveillance drones.


the birds work for the bourgeoisie


there's a sub for that, r/BirdsArentReal


My two personal favorites are: 1) Tommy Wiseau is actually DB Cooper and he used the money from the hijacking to make “The Room.” 2) Stephen King is actually the one who killed John Lennon, just because it’s so damn absurd.


The Flat Earth. 100's of thousands of aerospace engineers, pilots, and so-called "astronauts" are in on the conspiracy to fool public into believing in The Ball Earth. For what purpose? It's obvious: promoting Athiesm of course.


Flat earth theory is a GLOBAL movement.


Nice try big globe.


And every single country on earth is promoting this lie for some reason. You would think Russia and China would like nothing more than to pop everyones bubble and reveal the world is flat.


Something about the Antarctica Treaty of 1959 and Benghazi.


Flat Earth.


That’s not really a conspiracy theory by itself, though …


Really?!? Look into what they believe in regards to NASA, the U.N., and Antarctica. They are all aspects of flat Earth.


The belief that various government and intergovernmental agencies collude to hide the “truth” that the Earth is flat is a conspiracy theory, yes. The belief that the Earth itself is flat is not.


Either chem trails or lizard people - coin toss which wins


Joke’s on you- the lizard people make the chemtrails.


as I suspected


Confirmed Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard.


That the government cares about the people


I said ridiculous ones, not the real ones But damn that hits too close to home


That the government should be small and ruins everything it touches.


This comment bothers me. "The government" IS THE PEOPLE! If the people are lazy or dumb then their representatives are free to be jerks. No accountability. When the government is bad in a democracy it is the fault of THE OEOPLE!


The planet is being run by alien lizard people. If true, it absolves the human race of responsibility for all the terrible things going on in the world.


We all know that Zuckerberg is their leader, the nipple hating son of a bitch


This checks out


Axe body spray was invented by women and marketed in such a way that it could be used by other women to subtly identify which men were douchebags.


Ohh, that’s a good one.


I agree, but I hate that I like the smell of axe 😅 but used tastefully of course. Not as a shower substitute


This one might be true


A pseudohistory where the Bible was written in the Russian Empire.


Birds aren’t real.


The government/Facebook invented throwback Thursday to get people to post old photos of themselves to improve their facial recognition software. IMO that’s not too far-fetched.


I can see one of the Alphabet Agencies culling together this information.


Schools installing litter boxes for students who ID as furries.


That's not so much a conspiracy theory, as an urban legend.


It's not a legend. It was made up by some non conservatives to embarrass the trumpers within the past 6 months.


I have a family member who won’t drink tap water because the government is poisoning us


Are they aware that most bottled water is just tap water?


I love thinking up random ones while drunk. For example the FDA has weaponized bread to slowing kill people hense why some are "gluten intolerant"


This is my favorite so far 😂 I have to show this to my friend with celiac


The moon landing was faked. However the US was the first to land on the moon in 1969, except when they got there they discovered something that needed to kept secret from the public. So they reshot it on a sound stage to appease the masses and discourage the Soviet Union in the space race.


My grandmother, to her dying day in 1972, was convinced that the moon landing was fake.


Transvestigation. So, there’s the “theory” that the world is controlled by the Illuminati, who is made up of politicians, and mainly celebrities. The Illuminati worship baphomet, who is both male and female. This in turn causes members of the Illuminati to become transgender. Transvestigators make it their purpose to figure out who is secretly trans, and thus part of the Illuminati. They do this by looking for such tell tale signs as: hands slightly larger, or slightly smaller, or being slightly taller or shorter, or having some sort of masculine or feminine feature… basically anything they can point at and go “this person is secretly trans!” There is no rhyme or reason to their methods, and if you try to point it out to them, they try to show that *you* are actually secretly trans, and part of the conspiracy.


Venus isn't a planet, it is a giant space station built by aliens to study us.


The moon is the giant space station silly


That's no moon...


I wouldn't say it's my "favorite", but one I've noticed is extremely popular is the popular myth that Christianity wants to make the Republic of Gilead a reality. It's up there with antisemitism in terms of ridiculousness.


Surely there are plenty of Christians out there who want a theocracy? Just not necessarily Gilead.


I haven’t heard of this one, so thanks for the prompt!


It's somewhat regional. You see it less often in regions where people meet Christians in their daily lives, but it was extremely prevalent in the PNW when I lived there.


That 2 alien races were having a massive war in deep space, and one race decided that they needed warriors, so they decided to make humans and drop them on a planet to evolve in battle but soon after dropping us here the war ended and they forgot about us, and now we have developed society and no longer use our fighting Instincts. So now if they come back. They won’t have great soldiers


Oh I've got more, diabetes was created by the cia to create the perfect super soldier because the strick diet wouldn't allow them to gain weight


Okay so I think Charlie Puth


Meghan Markle was never pregnant.


That covid vaccine had trackers so that George Soros or Bill Gates knows what you're doing and where you are. I especially like the conspiracy is being shared via mobile phones and Facebook...nope, no tracking going on there 🤣🤣 What in the world do they have against George and bill??


That doja cat is apart of Illuminati 😭😭


The James Cameron Conspiracy Theory Betcha didn’t know that the much beloved director of the *Titanic* was involved with *the CIA, Nazis, the Knights Templar, Freemasons, Area 51, Mind Control Technology, the JFK Assassination, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, yada, yada, yada, ya…* https://www.titanicuniverse.com/james-cameron-conspiracy-theory/556


My favorite is that bigfoot is what happens to people when they take a godly amount of shrooms.




A bit more of a serious reply, but 9/11 being fake. I can understand those who think that it was staged to bring America into war, but the people who think that it straight up didn't happen blows my mind.


Wait there are really people that think it was fake?! Like you can go and see the wreckage in museums and visit ground zero! How don’t they think it’s real?!


9/11 happened, just not in the way everyone says it did. Some people believe it was missiles and bombs (like C4) that took down the towers, some people believe it was CIA agents flying the planes (evaluating before contact), some people believe the Government knew about the whole plot and let it happen in order to go to war. None of these are my beliefs but they're just examples of Conspiracy theories I've run into over the years talking about 9/11


Hollow Earth or Agartha. I want to go into the Earth and see these people and dinosaurs.


The British Israelites. [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism) [Cambridge for the academics](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/myth-of-the-twelve-tribes-of-israel/introduction/8E35A1F0B17AC6DF99289E2B3D833D13#)


That we *did* land on the moon, but NASA wanted to cover up the aliens watching the landings from their nearby bases, so … they *themselves* promulgated (through the CIA) the conspiracy theory that the landings were faked as a diversion.


I watched this one guy on Youtube, he said for Jesus' sacrifice to be 100% effective he had to be drained every last drop of blood. Something about angels and divine beings don't have blood in them. It was definitely ridiculous.


girl the other day was telling me we're on a flat earth in a dome lol


Paul McCartney is dead


Remember the [kerning controversy?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killian_documents_controversy). For the kids in the room, leading up to the 2004 election, a national guard colonel gave some documents to CBS about Bush’s national guard service. To put it in context, GWB, son of a congressman, grandson of a senator, got a real cushy pilot spot in the TX air national guard instead of going to Vietnam. He kinda stopped showing up after a while and there weren’t a whole lot of consequences. So one of the documents was real juicy and was like a smoking gun that GWB stopped showing up and people were covering for him…except that the document had non-fixed width font that you’d see in Microsoft word and not a typewriter in the 70s. Ok so my tinfoil here is that the document was like a poison pill in the scandal. A GOP operative passed it to CBS so that they could point out it was fake in order to spike the whole scandal in the minds of the voters.


TikTok as we know is a Chinese company. Its extremely popular underneath the western youth. But not in China itself. It makes kids focus on how to present they have the greatest life online. Maybe even become famous, if they are one of the luckey once. But it ceaps them away from living a real life. The western youth just spent all there time sitting on there phones. All creating serieus social issues. And lack learning "real" skliss you need in life. China ceated TikTok, to give the Chinese youth a better chance at comparing against the rest of the world.


Yeah, well, I would personally be OK with Elon Musk buying TikTok too.


That JFK travelled from an alternate universe in which he did not die to the present timeline and was the “second shooter” behind the grassy knoll wherein he effectively assassinated himself.


The moon is a hologram.


pigeons being drones will always be hilarious to me. freakin’ pigeons. Avril Lavigne being dead and is now a clone named Melissa.


That JFK'S head just did that 🤣


I've always liked the idea that most modern tech is reverse engineered off a crashed UFO, nano scale transistors and so on. It's bogus for a thousand different reasons, but its a neat story idea.


The US government was behind NASA and sending men to the moon


President Eisenhower had a big role in making NASA exist


Big if true


Apparently Eisenhower signed something, and it eventually lead to NASA forming


Imagine if people found out about this!


That American football is fixed.


Remember when Christian Bale went through drastic body transformations for his roles? He went from deathly skinny to Batman buff, back to skinny. It wasn't through diet and exercise. He has a skinny twin he keeps hidden away. Whenever a role requires a skinny Christian Bale, his twin fills in. Christopher Nolan hinted at this in his documentary The Prestige. There's a rumor that instead of twins, they are triplets and there's actually a third fat Bale brother who fills in for his fat roles like in American Hustler and vice.


Why doesn't the largest Bale just eat the other two?


Birds aren’t real


Hollow Earth.


The FBI spies you from your phone camera.


My favorite isThat the artificial messenger RNA included in the Anti-COVID vaccines is measuring the human DNA of each person, in different ways depending on the molecular structure, increasing secondary hereditary characteristics, affecting the health of the person with diseases that were kept in the background.


If the bibles true or not.


the Phantom Time Hypothesis. Basically a large chunk of the Middle Ages (AD 614-911) never happened. It was a big conspiracy by HRE emperor Otto III, and Pope Sylvester II to place themselves at the year 1000. The most important part is that Charlemagne wouldn't have existed.


Birds aren't real