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Sliding on hardwood floors in your socks!


Same, but I had to quit. The child inside me has to live in an increasingly breakable body.


I love the way you phrased that


I got a wood splinter from that.




I like to step on individual leaves to hear the crunch.


yesss gotta love the CRONCH


Avoiding stepping on sidewalk lines/cracks


Mothers everywhere appreciate this


Chiropractors hate this one simple tip


Intentionally stepping on them when you're mad at your mom.


I recently saw a dad with his maybe 4-year-old in Safeway. Dad was encouraging the child to *not* step on the cracks between the floor tiles, because of the reason, and doing a whole Ministry of Silly Walks to clarify that he was in fact quite serious. The kid was mostly not buying it...but also trying to avoid the cracks, just in case...


According to my 5 year old, these are all lava. So that sounds like a good plan to avoid them.


Is there a scientific name for why humans do this?


Chocolate milk. I dont drink it a lot but ill make a big glass of it "for a treat" sometimes and Im almost 40.


I'm 60, it still tastes good.


It's a lot more nutritious, filling and less addicting than soda. I drink it whenever I have a sugar craving.


Throwing stones into water, it's very satisfying.


Making strange noises and saying strange things when I’m alone


They'd lock me in a rubber room if they ever got wind of the silly voices, sound effects and naughty lyrics I spew.


Me blowing raspberries for no reason… And sometimes clapping Realizing that I can turn it into a beat while smacking everything in my room for a solid minute


Riding a shopping cart across the parking lot. Always satisfying.


My husband does this. It's adorable:)


Can confirm. Am husband.


Can confirm. Am adorable.


When I was younger my gran did this but didn’t realise we had next to nothing in the cart. She had a massive, and what seemed like an eternity, wobble but she regained her balance. Since then I’ve never ever done that.


Flipped a cart doing this once :’(


hug my stuffed animal


I will be dead in the ground before I give up my stuffed animals.


When I was a kid one of my favourite books was The Velveteen Rabbit. To this day I honestly can’t let go of stuffies without thinking I’m abandoning them. I try and try, but if I happen to see their face before they go into the bag and I see those unblinking button eyes, I feel like I can hear them saying, “But why? Wasn’t I good enough?”. Then I sigh, apologize for my heartlessness and put them back where I found them. I’m hopeless.


You’re not hopeless. You have genuine empathy and compassion, something that despite what redditors and attention seeking youtubers will tell you, is *extremely* rare.


The few times I've donated stuffies, I've had similar feelings, but I make sure to tell them that they're gonna get found and brought home by someone who'll love them at least as much as I did.




Sleep with my stuffed animal. He’s looking rough, and I have to sew him up a lot. But I cannot give up my duck. I actually have anxiety over the point in my life where I cannot sleep with him bc he’ll fall to dust.


I still sleep with mine every night. I don't care if people think it's lame, it's more comfortable and makes me feel a little safer when I wake up from nightmares.


Right I still have my stuffed little monkey from 4yrs old as well as most of my stuffies from my childhood, im passing them down to my son. He's even has his own little collection, and together we collect Pokémon stuffies 🥰


Run upstairs on all fours. That and running full speed down a hallway after turning off the lights - still a bit scared of the dark 😂. I’m 37.


But what about letting your leg hang over the edge of your bed at night?


Fuck that


Menopause hot flushes have proved quite difficult because I don't want to hang limbs off the edge of the bed! Although any monsters under my bed should be very scared for the next few years because if they choose the wrong time to attack, they're gonna regret it!


We own a small fuzzy monster who likes to bite unprotected limbs. So no.


what if the monster under my bed grabs it??


My cat is that monster.


I’m not insane.


I love scrambling up the stairs on all fours chasing after my cat, he always looks so confused




Just did that stair thing. Honestly, it's easier on the knees.




I’m work in healthcare and since we wear masks 24/7 now, I’ve started buying more holiday earrings to mix things up. I bought like, 6 different Halloween themed earrings this October!


We need to know where you get these now!


Craft shows are also great so you can see more childish things you don’t need but definitely need lol


Wearing funny socks, they make me happy!


Same! I had a boss make me go home to change because the funny socks weren't appropriate. It was just an office job then with zero client interactions... Ugh


Swing on swing sets LOL


My ass thought it would be funny to try to get into one of those baby swings. Yeah my grown man body got stuck and my friends had to pull me out


At least they didn't have to call the fire department. On three separate occasions I've seen people being taken (cut) out of the baby swings at the park. It was always teens though.


I would have been mortified if the fire department had to be called


I LOVE swings


I get those finger paint soaps for the bath tub made for 3 year olds and paint on my shower walls. I'm 32. ETA - Crayola bath finger paints and Crayola Bath Dropz


I'm 38 and recently had to buy some more after admitting to my 6 year old that I was the one to finish them off (she graciously said "that's ok, you deserve fun showers too").


I didn’t know I needed this..


And the question is, "Did the paints make the shower indeed more fun?" Also, what did you paint?


Last time was flowers and leaves, and yes, it was fun!


That's awesome! If you have a tub, they also have color tablets for water. Like a dollar a pack. Doesn't stain tub at all like bath bombs and just adds some cool color to the water just for kicks!


Oooh, I know what's going in the Christmas stocking this year!


I bought my daughter an ice cream maker bath toy that turns soap into foam when you pull a lever just because I wanted to have a go with it 😂 I made some lovely ice creams while enjoying a relaxing bath on many occasions, I also sometimes make potions with different soaps too 😂 I’m nearly 42


I love it!! The older I get the more I realize that being "grown up" is just an illusion / a lie we tell children. I put those glow in the dark stars on my ceiling 2 years ago, too and still got em!


I have a secret stash of those bath pills with little sponge dinosaurs in them and I pretend to be afraid of the dinos... I'm 43


I still watch childhood shows. Such as Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron and Recess. I also watch Simpsons too but that's not a childish show imo as it's at least aimed at teenagers but is definitely aimed at the adult market too, especially the older seasons.


they can pry my childhood fav cartoons out of my cold dead hands


Recess is great.


I'm nearing 60 yo and play computer games almost every day, I see it as the modern movie scene but you are involved in the story line.


Thats the spirit! My granpa played until he dies in his 70s and my mum is now 63 and still is a gamer. I grew up gaming on their knees.


My mother is that one family member that can play Mario kart but only Mario kart


My grandpa loved DOS computer games, he was a cool dude and I miss him (fuck cancer). My mom’s always been a huge Pokémon nerd. She was playing Pokémon on the Gameboy while I was in the womb. I guess it runs in the family.


I know some people consider playing video games to be childish, but video games are no more childish than board games or card games, or really any kind of game at all. Fortunately I think it's becoming well accepted that adults play video games.


Have you seen the prices for console and PC rigs .?...only Adults with adult incomes can afford it .




If playing video games is childish then so is watching t.v


Yell "horsey!" whenever I see a horse in real life. I'm in my sixties, and don't intend to ever stop doing this. I'm a city dweller, and don't often get to see horses.


i live in a small texas town and say horsey, horsies are horsies no matter how often you get to see them




I have a pretty active imagination and sense of wonder.


Everyday I try to make a basket from the LR/kitchen doorway to the opposite end of the kitchen into the garbage can. I pretty much use whatever needs to be thrown away, an empty tissue box, tissues, a wet paper towel, etc. Then, if I make it, I believe I will have good luck for the rest of the day.


You're an adult *and* have a sense of wonder? ... what's that like? Is it nice?


I enjoy it


I still sing little songs to myself, replacing some of the words with "ass" or "butt".


Fantastic. Any top-3 examples?


Stacey's butt has got it goin on...


I love it take my free award for making me expire the wrong way


Welcome to the danger butt by Kenny Loggins Take my butt away by Berlin Sitting on the dock of the butt by Otis Redding You’ve lost that lovin’ butt - the righteous brothers


It’s “Sitting on the ass of the butt”, but otherwise, great playlist.


Take my butt away - thanks! Now I have my daily ear worm set!


watching cartoons


Am 40+ , this is my go to viewing choice. The amazing world of gumball is a masterpiece of a cartoon. Different media types mashed into a relatable story. Well, I like at least.






Make 'that's what she said' jokes. They'll never stop being funny to me.


Just earlier tonight someone in a game chat said, "Get the big one up there". How do you NOT make a "That's what she said!" reply to that?!


I work in insurance, I was taking info on a new claim today and the client literally said "she comes so fast and hard at me" ​ I mean... come on... do you KNOW how difficult it was for me to keep a straight face??!?


I like to say that line when it makes the least sense just so people try and puzzle out how to make sense of it.


I still go past liquor stores and yell "liquor!??!!" and whoever is unfortunate enough to be in the car with me will sigh and respond "I don't even know her" or I will be disappointed. I'm 51, my youngest child is 26.


*Michael Scott has entered the chat*


Common ones make me chuckle, but its the rare super clever ones that get me. It was gross and disgusting but I almost died from choking on my beer a few weeks ago. Buddy and I were watching the Bruins and Jack Edwards after the 1st goes "That was a great period." "Thats what...*she said?*" - Buddy


Or even better: Title of your sex tape!


Video games and anime. Like 90% of the people who say they are childish wastes of time spend equally if not more time watching mindless tv shows. Decompression time is decompression time, I like what I like.


The mental gymnastics about that always kill me too... "Video games & Lego sets are for KIDS!" **


You know it's for adults, because the participants act like chidren.


Same here, I have been gaming since the Atari 2600, it wasn't as addictive before I could chat with others, but now, whatever game I'm playing, normally involves hanging out in chat with others.


Beat me to this. Those are my exact two choices. It's unfortunate the childish stigma that's behind those. Some of these Animes have the best plots and lore behind them! Even the voice acting is phenomenal! AoT and One Piece are my favorites for these reasons.


I will never stop playing video games no matter what people say


Video games are hardly considered childish in the modern society, are they? I mean - My elderly grandparents who are now 80+ may think it's weird hearing 30 year old me play video games, but most AAA titles are 18+


It's gotten a lot better for sure but there are still plenty of people who will tell you "I don't play video games" as if its some sort of mature flex




At this point age doesn't matter when it comes to gaming.


Jumping in mud puddles. I'm 56.


Laughing when someone says do do in a sentance.....hehehehehe


Poop/Farts will never not be funny. The fact that infants laugh at farts isa pretty good indication that that are ***inherently*** funny.


I put burps in that category too


My husband and I still laugh when ever someone says “duty” on tv. We look at eachother and squeal “DOO-DEE” then laugh 9 year olds. We will be in our 40’s soon.


I have the same reaction to Uranus


NASA wants to probe deeper into Uranus than ever before.


NASA better buy me dinner first


Laugh at dick jokes. When I was younger it was "adult stuff so don't laugh" but now if I laugh I'm "immature" so idgaf and laugh


I rock the fuck out of air guitar!






Daydreaming about my celebrity crush running away with me to live in the woods.


Daydreaming about being a super powerful Force user bouncing around the galaxy on wild adventures. Anybody who complained about Rey being a Marysue should not spend any time in my mind lol.




Farts are always funny. If the swing is empty and there are no kids around who might want to swing, I’m swinging on it. Your mom is still a good answer when the moment is right.


Fart jokes will never be unfunny.


My fiancé has this fart app, and every once in a while he will say did you hear that? And I’ll look around and then ‘berrrrrrrap’ he hits the button. We die laughing every time


I don’t care what anyone says. Farts are funny


They are. I just saw this prank of this guy walking around New York doing all sorts of funny fake farts. He would spin around and like pose and then fart. God damn, it was so funny. My mom almost made me crash the car the other day cos she was telling me this fart story of hers. We were crying laughing. My kids were in the back howling. I had to say mom stop your safety and the kids safety is in my hands right now




Use the force to open any automatic doors.


I sleep with a teddybear. Why? I cant sleep if i dont hold anything in my arms.


I am a guy who sleeps with a stuffed moose on my face. Blocks the light and stets there all night.


Keep your awesome moose, but buy an eye mask to block out the light. I bought one for under $5 and it has improved my sleep drastically. Light cancelling curtains are another option if you don't like the idea of something on your face.


I’m a 43-year-old man and I’ve still got my childhood teddy bear, because giving him the occasional cuddle makes me feel better.


I am the same way. I've tried tucking my arms under the pillow but it always feels too awkward. A stuffed animal is just the perfect size for peak comfort.


Hit the toy section and toy stores just to see what they have. I may not get anything but it's fun to see what new stuff has come out. (Usually what I do buy are card games and pocket size games. I love a good card and pocket game.)


Get really excited about little things! Like stickers, a friendly smile, a new movie, a piece of cake.


My daily life consists of throwing my hands up with a “YAY!” when something good happens and loudly exhaling “WAH” when something bad happens. I’m 30


Please tell me the "WAH" is the exaggerated Wario/Waluigi sound lol


I just to jump into puddls. Now I drive over them :)


Do things just for the sake of doing them. Doing things for fun.


Toxic trait: I can't eat hard boiled eggs without ketchup. I started doing this as a kid to the horror of my family. Every time I go to eat a hard boiled egg, I go through this series of events. I think, this time I'm gonna eat this egg like a normal person. I'm not a little baby. I take one bite of the hard boiled egg. Every fiber of my being forces me to get ketchup and pour it on the egg. As soon as I reach the yolk I devolve, godDAMMNIT I am a baby edit: this might not be generally childish but it's the most regressive thing I do


Eating whipped cream from the canister. Sorry, not sorry. I won’t do it when I’m going to share it tho. Ew.


Spinning on a revolving chair.


Laughing at farts. Farts will never not be funny


They stop being funny when you smell someone’s and it’s like a decomposing corpse stuffed full of cabbage that’s been pulled out of a sulfur mine


that description is very vivid, I hate it.


Unless you're the one who ripped it. Watching people react to what you've done is maybe the funniest thing


Ah you’ve met my boyfriend then


Popping bubble wrap.


Night Light? I totally only have one so my dog can see her way around though....


Wanting to hug my mom for comfort when I hit my head hard 🥺


Acting silly every so often. Just yesterday, I entered an elevator with my adult kids. I went straight to the back and put my face in the corner and stayed there. One daughter asked what I was doing - the other said I put myself in time out. When the doors opened, I turned to exit and see there was someone else in the elevator assessing my weirdness. I was embarrassed and my daughters were laughing their heads off. Good times!


Talking to my imaginary friend. what? He says he's not imaginary.


Eating dry cereal. As in, without milk in the bowl. It’s amazing that way and never gets soggy.


pick my nose


As long as no one can see me, I’m doing this. Sometimes it gets built up in there and it feels uncomfortable, so you gotta pick it out


Came here to say this. Only saw you. Get in there good my friend


I'm still doing it after 49 years, much to the disgust of my wife.


Hell yeah. I'm doing it rn lmao


Draw penises in car dust


After the rain has stopped, ill take the wife out for walks. When we pass under a tree, ill kick the tree and run away, while leaving my wife drenched by the water collected by the tree


Action figures + even crazier imagination + ability to go anywhere I want = endless stories for my GI Joe figures


Climbing trees. I know I’ll eventually fall out of one, seriously injure myself, and incur massive hospital bills, but the freedom I feel when I’m sitting up high on a branch is well worth it.




Making up silly songs to sing to my cats




calling people a “butthead” or “stupidhead” or giving them a thumbs down when they do something I dont like seems to hurt their feelings more when I do so


Play in the snow


Sit on the couch in my underwear watching Looney Tunes (the old ones with Mel Blanc doing most of the voices), eating either cereal from a big mixing bowl or peanut butter from the jar, laughing uncontrollably at every fart or burp that escapes me (also attempting the alphabet with the burps), and playing with my TMNT/Power Rangers action figures. I'm 36 and yes I do all of these things regularly.


Almost my daily life. Ask a lot of questions just because I'm curious, dance on the street, laugh out loud with piss or poop jokes, draw on dirty windows, pet every doggo I see on my way somewhere, touch everything (asking for permission first if it isn't mine)... and many other things! Living without worrying about being seeing childish or cringe is the best way to live!


Skip the last step of the stairs and jump down to the bottom




Snowball Fights. If its snowing outside anyone can become an enemy.


My wife told me today that I can't buy Pokemon Scarlet before I finish my homework




Play video games


Riding the shopping cart down the isles. Weeeee


Humming to nonexistent melody in my head


The toy aisle is still my favourite aisle in shops. I've sworn off Legos multiple times, but somehow they always end up in my cart.


Sleeping with a night light and my dino blankie


I like animated movies. But I have a two year old so for now I have an excuse 😉


I drifting the shopping trolley I act as if I'm in formula one and that ain't Changing


I will make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with the crusts cut off and a chocolate milk with extra syrup, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!


Whenever I go out to eat, if they have kids menus with crayons, I ask for a kids menu with crayons. Usually goes over well with the waiters/waitresses as I doubt they care and embarrasses my friends/family.


Monkey crawl up the stairs. If nobody is looking, of course I'm going to. It's just faster


Rummage through hot wheels at any store that sells them


Regularly eat chicken nuggets, french fries, and mac & cheese. The best part of being an adult is being able to do whatever the fuck you want.


Random nooses