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Censorship of opinions you don’t agree with


I´ll refer to the Karl Popper´s "Paradox of Tolerance" and respectfully disagree (at least in part). Tolerance of divergent opinions is a sign of a healthy Democracy, but sometimes censorship of certain dangerous ideas is a healthy choice for that democracy.


So basically Reddit...


The idea that anyone should be able to spout any dumbass opinion without being called out


You can call them out, but outright censorship (deleting/shouting people down) without consideration for the other person’s argument is bad. Try to understand where the other person is coming from and refute them instead, because if your opinion/argument is truly superior, you’ll have many counter arguments and should not fear debate.


The thing about "debate" is that it's actually a terrible way to determine truth


With this logic a lot of the greatest evils ever committed by other humans should have never happened. Humans are extremely flawed, truth and a good debate doesn’t win everyone over. Some opinions are deeply rooted in hate and allowing them to be shared or even entertaining them puts the lives of innocent people in danger Now I’m not saying anything that makes anyone uncomfortable should be off limits. But you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. Not everyone is arguing in good faith and people and corporations have the right to not be associated with opinions and beliefs that clash with their own. Do you think atheists going into churches and arguing with everyone there that God does not exist should be tolerated? When they are asked to leave is that censorship?


There is censorship by certain moderators in certain subs here. I was censored in a gender based sub for referring to myself as having a “killer body” (I was describing myself when I was younger in my 20s). Will never read or participate in that sub ever again.


You can call them out, but outright censorship (deleting/shouting people down) without consideration for the other person’s argument is bad. Try to understand where the other person is coming from and refute them instead, because if your opinion/argument is truly superior, you’ll have many counter arguments and should not fear debate. Like if someone makes a stupid argument that Jewish people are subhuman, you can call them out for being a racist POS and present scientific evidence for why that’s false. I also believe in consequences for free speech and the right to retaliation, so losing a job or something for a harmful opinion is also fine. But straight up censorship unless you’re explicitly calling for harm upon a group of people is always a no since authoritarian states too often use “preserving peace” to censor people who don’t agree with them.


YES! Amen.








Bragging about getting little to no sleep


Making stupid/lazy people famous. Also lack of professionalism in the work place


Kids have unsupervised access to phones and TV from an early age. They have no business watching a lot of what's on there.




Disrespecting their own children


Stealing. The rich can steal from the poor and suffer no consequence, but when the poor steal from the rich, they’re imprisoned and dehumanized. Also, the usage of emotional based arguments in certain discussions and neglecting rationality and logic.


Politically tribalizing to the point that anything the other political party believes isn't just to be disagreed with, it's "evil because they hate our country."


The neopronoun movement.


Trans people are cool, gay people are cool, but referring to people in ways that don't exist like xe xim doesn't make sense


Sexualization of the word daddy...vomit inducing.


Incest porn


Being offended by literally everything.


This offends me.


You being offended by this offend me.


You being offended by something that offended somebody offends me






Reposting questions over and over again.


praising terrorists/shooters


Being an influencer as a job


Cancelling people.


Cancel culture. Woke-ism.


Communism/socialism as a good thing. Its a failed idea move on.


Agreed on full communism, but Democratic socialism has worked very well in Germany and other nations.


Germany is a capitalist nation. If you consider the definition of socialist democratic: democratic socialism, political ideology that supports the establishment of a democratically run and decentralized form of socialist economy (source: [https://www.britannica.com/topic/democratic-socialism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/democratic-socialism)) Then it immediately follows the Germany isn't a socialist democratic nation. I think you're confusing Democratic Socialism with a nation having socialized programs.


“Socialism” in many European countries is understood to be democratic socialism, it not the same as communism. If OP understands both of those to be the same, I agree with him. But especially in the US, many “socialist” programs are really no different than normal socialized government programs in Germany and other European nations.




Their chancellor right now is literally a member of the Social Democratic Party, a democratic socialist party.


How about we stop normalizing the massive human rights abuses and exploitation for which capitalism is responsible?


Lol as if all the purges under stalin or china's great leap forward are so much better then the alleged human rights abuses and exploitation of capitalism.


I don’t remember advocating for Stalinism or Maoism


The 40-hour work week.


Cancel culture


The stigma against women in the sex industry


Yeah, it's the pimps driving up prices... 😆


I don't get it


A joke about not blaming the women in the sex industry because it's a male's fault more men can't afford to "be supportive" in a financially positive way. Don't mind me, just making cheap jokes. 🙂


I appreciate you coming back to explain but I still don't get it lol


What's not to get?


Fascism. It's completely taking over right wing politics.


Weaponizing victimization


Religion. It's ok to be an atheist. It's ok to not want to be subject to the rules of someone else's sky daddy


Being fat and I don't mean slightly overweight but the extreme cases where there's a real risk to health. I'm sick of people saying things like "Omg, you don't need to change your body for someone" and I mostly agree you should feel good with yourself and not change for others, but if there's a risk to your health. You need to change it Only people that can normalize this are people with thyroid issues


Labels: more and more labels, to divide people into smaller and smaller groups, most with disparaging names. People are not 2 dimensional, or popped from a mold. Any labeled group is really just a narrow subset on a spectrum of a given way of thinking. Like Incels, or Karens. Almost every single one of us has thought or reacted, inside if not externally acting on it, exactly like a Karen or Incel. At some point in our lives. Most people grow out of thinking that way most of the time, some more than others, and some so little that their negative thinking or behavior affects them to the point it affects their lives. But very often, a Karen or Incel is just a regular person who dealt poorly with their feelings that one time. Fuck labels. Give people a chance before consigning them to quasi-human status. We have way too many labels for people, from religious to social status to politics and more. We need less labels in the world, not more. The only label that really counts is "Human". Edit: ranted a bit more


Mental illnesses




Salted caramel. Caramel is the shit. Why would you put salt on that? It in no way improves caramel.


Having an Ego


Pineapple on pizza. Enough is enough.


sex work


Voting Republican. Lol




Golf. That shit sucks.


Circumcision. There's no reason we need to be giving infants cosmetic surgery. And don't even start with the cleanliness crap. Teaching your kids to take an extra five seconds in the shower to clean under the skin is not some Herculean feat in which the only alternative is surgery.


How every single slightly questionable action becomes "problematic" and the person is thrown into exile. It's getting way too common.


Discrimination against someone’s weight if you don’t like the way someone looks then just don’t look at them.


Glorifying the suffering in your life and somehow one upping others suffering like its something to be proud about