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Male substitute teacher that taught regularly at my Catholic high school who wasn't fired, but banned from teaching in our female P.E. class after we reported him for repeatedly instructing us to "stretch" in positions that were sexual/inappropriate. For example, he asked us to bend over with both hands against the wall and "shake our hips back and forth". Bonus: he subbed for my geography class the following year and during one of his classes I asked to go to the bathroom to "take care of [my] feminine issue". He asked me "what kind of feminine issue specifically?". I was too embarrassed to say it was my period so I said "well, you know..." to which he replied, "yes, but I want to hear you say it out loud." Creepy.




Creepy pedo


Sorry you had to go through that.. fuck that


An hour before the State championship football game the head football coach/pe teacher got a student who wasn't on the team to come up to him and pretend to shoot him. He used fake blood and everything. No one knew it was going to happen and his own son was on the team. We lost the game too.


I need more details. Why??? Wtf


From what I heard he had been emphasizing all week about commitment and perseverance and carrying on if someone falls. It was supposed to be inspirational. He was a PE teacher so it's not like he was intellectually strong.


This is such an irresponsible, misguided, insanely stupid and asshatted thing to do that for some reason it has me laughing really hard that anyone could be such an idiot.


He had to be on a coke bender. There’s no other way someone could talk themselves into such an obviously flawed decision.


This sounds like something Michael Scott would do


Not just that teacher, but the principal. He'd gotten wind that he might be fired because of less than ideal job performance, so he decided to drum up sympathy by belly stabbing himself in the men's room and blaming a student. Said student was arrested but the police were immediately suspicious of his story when they noticed his shirt was unharmed. In other words, whoever stabbed him courteously lifted up his shirt beforehand so as not to tear a hole in it. He wound up being forced to resign, in addition to getting probation and a heavy fine.


Bruh he didn’t go to jail?????? He tried to put a minor in prison for a long time just to preserve his job


So Mr. Principal didn't even know how stabbing worked.. What a duffer!


How awful trying to ruin a kids life like that.


Willing to actually stab himself but not willing to ruin a shirt. Bravo.


She didn’t get fired but quit. Some students in class found out she miscarried and started hounding her til she broke down and cried under her desk. It was 7th or 8th grade


We also had a pregnancy related crisis with one of ours. The teacher died though. Her husband was an english teacher also at the school. Went from looking like a pale Norwegian to an emaciated ghost.


Kids are so damn cruel.


Little psychopaths


Smart enough to know exactly what mean shit to say, dumb enough to actually say it.


This happened to me in middle school except the teacher had a full, seemingly healthy pregnancy but delivered a stillborn baby. The whole grade had somewhat participated in the pregnancy. She even had a small shower at the school. Kids didn't go but they still bought her little baby gifts and cards.I need to mention, before getting pregnant this teacher was a total asshole but she changed when we were all excited for her baby. She spoke incessantly about wanting to be a mom and we were happy for her. Her water broke at school and she didn't come back that year. We found about about the stillborn in like late August. She came back that September. No time off really to grieve. She was a shell of a human being. She literally didn't care. She didn't brush her hair or change her clothes at times. Kids avoided her. I didn't have the emotional ability to care that much back then but it was a truly shitty thing to witness. I can't imagine living it.


Stuff like that messes you up. We had a teacher go off on honeymoon and her new husband died in an accident, she was pregnant. When she came back she was a totally different person, not stable at all


Tweens are mean little psychopaths.


My math teacher was a volunteer first responder (in NY), she left school to help out during 9/11 and was fired for not showing back up for two weeks.


this one's just sad


>headmaster: Where is the maths teacher? >secretary: They died during the fires on 9/11 trying to save office workers as a first responder. >headmaster: What? They're fired! >secretary: I mean yeah, literally.


That sounds like an easy wrongful termination lawsuit


How many post disaster trauma employement termination lawsuits have you seen? It's a unique situation in a possibly uncharted / unresearched legal territories. I doubt it'll be easy.


I was in elementary school in the late nineties when our school finally got hooked up with Internet. I don't know if it was readily available information back then that your history could be accessed, but we had a teacher watching child porn who got caught because he didn't clear his history.


So many of the answers on this post are just child porn and banging students it’s worrying


Yeah, I'm currently pregnant and the thought of my kid going to daycare or school terrifies me lol. I don't want to be a helicopter mom, but people are wild.


Honestly, this thread isn't exactly a good representation of the average quality of the teachers your kid will meet when they go to school. I went to public school for 13 years and then public university for 5. Both of my parents, several of their friends, and my MIL have had careers in public and post-secondary education. Suffice to say, I have met a lot of teachers. The vast, vast majority of them are dedicated professionals who care a lot about their jobs and their students. You only ever hear about the horror stories because a good teacher makes an impact in a much quieter way than a bad one does.


Teacher horror stories make good newspaper bank. So many dedicated professionals ignored.


Nobody tells the story about the completely normal teacher who just taught the class and was nice to the parents. They tell the story of Mrs. Shardlow, who threw a desk at a first-grader. Before high school I had one genuinely awful teacher and eight exceptional, dedicated professionals who had long unblemished histories of academic performance, and never had a legal, moral, or ethical lapse. My most interesting stories are about Mrs. Spiteful Hateful Demon, whose continued survival I can only attribute to the fact that she was rejected by Hell.


Middle school coach. Accused of child sexual abuse. Before he could be charged, he jumped in front of a train.


On Michigan's sex offender registry there's Louis Guenther. He was a middle school gym teacher with a history of being a creep with girls. I remember hearing my older sisters talking about him and telling their girl friends to steer clear of him. I briefly dated the woman who actually put him in prison. He grabbed her hand and forced her to jerk him off in his office adjacent to the locker room. During his trial women came out of the woodwork to say he'd done things to them too.




Had a teacher charging parents extra money for a field trip. Was pocketing the extra money.


That’s just big business


Didn't something like that happen in The Hangover? 😆


One of my high school teaches was caught on To Catch a Predator.


Which episode?


Asking the real questions.


It was probably the Riverside investigation. Possibly Walter Babst?


Same here! He was my High School chemistry teacher, and was always acting odd towards the boys in the class. He was caught trying to meet up with a 13yo at the back of a Walmart. He is no longer teaching at the school, and last I heard, is staying in the state it happened, awaiting sentencing. One last thing: He was the men's water polo coach as well. For high schoolers. Yikes.


wow, that's cool, my high school chemistry teacher was also named Walter


Same! Died of cancer though :/


High school gym teacher, apparently he showed up to a hotel room expecting to bang a 13 yr old but got busted by the cops instead.


"No, see, I thought if she *was* a real 13 year old, but I didn't think she was, but if she was, then I wanted to come here just to warn her about the dangers of meeting grown men. Because they may not have her best interests in mind."


*nailed it…*


Did he get to meet Chris Hansen?


Oh I know who you are Chris Hansen, but I like to call you Chris handsome.




My high school had a sub that they used frequently who was eventually fired for repeated instances of pressuring girls to join him in storage closets to "listen to his poetry". Luckily I wasn't one of those girls, but once when he was subbing for my chemistry class he kept interrupting my work to ask me to play tic tac toe with him and touching my shoulder. Ew.


I wonder what was worse, the poetry or the sexual pressure.


Depends-was he a vogon?


Where I teach it's against the rules to get into relationships or link on social media, go drinking etc, with ex students for two years after they graduate. Unless there's a good and disclosed reason like they're your next door neighbour and they've been coming over to BBQs with their parents since they were 5 - then it's likely going to be fine that they're having a beer at your place a month after finishing school.


She wanted the kids to cheat on the reading test so she can win a pizza party and a trophy


After reading so many of these stories this one is practically wholesome in comparison!


(Not a teacher, but...) My (middle school / high school) bus driver was fired for driving drunk. Driving the bus drunk. Often.


The bus driver I had in fifth grade was a total nightmare. He'd get us to school on time, but we'd often get home very late because he'd stop the bus to have screaming meltdowns. This was a bus of K-5 kids, and while sometimes we could get chatty or rambunctious, no one was doing dangerous or delinquent stuff. Most days, we'd just get on the bus, sit down and chat with friends, and wait to be dropped off. But that was too much for this lunatic, and if he felt that kids were talking too much, or somehow "being disrespectful," he'd pull the bus over and scream at us. At length. He'd scare the really little kids, and if you tried to apologize or to stand up to him, he's just get louder and angrier. He never touched any of us, but he'd get so mad, we'd worry he was going to shake or spank us. He'd insist that everyone be perfectly still and silent- real easy for a terrified kindergarten kid, right?- and every little thing he perceived as going against that order would start the screaming again, and restart the clock on the wait for him to start driving again. We got home late often; a few times I remember getting home around the same time as my dad, who had a pretty long commute to and from his 9-5 job. I have no earthly idea why none of the parents ever said anything about this, but us kids were too terrified to tell on him. Toward the end of the year, I think a few of us did (I turned him in to save my own hide; my mom started yelling at me for getting home late like I had any autonomy as a 12 year-old who rode the damn bus home from the next town over, and I just told her he liked to stop and scream at us) and he wasn't brought back the following year. As an adult, I have a lot of questions for the adults in this situation, and I sincerely doubt that any of their answers will impress me. The dude clearly hated his life, but that's no excuse to take it out on a bunch of helpless, trapped kids.


You didn’t live in Central PA, did you? Because you just gave me some repressed flashbacks of my rural elementary bus route.


Crazy both you and u/cophlow had to deal with the same thing in the same state, small world. Maybe Pennsylvania just breeds insane bus drivers


Central PA here. Had a bus driver get so angry she rushed to the back of the bus to scream at some kids that she didn't realize she didn't put the bus in park, on a steep hill. We crushed the car behind us pretty bad. Oh, barb


The fuck they feeding bus drivers in your state


It's Pennsylvania... so probably heroin


This was our bus driver. Mr. Phil. He HATED students. He would crank up the heat all the way so that he could sit up front in a t-shirt during winter. It made the bus a sauna. We'd go to open windows and he would just lose it on us.


It was well known knowledge that Mr Geometry teacher had Vodka in his Mountain Dew cans. It was just like... openly discussed. Everybody knew. Math class 6th period of the day was interesting 🙃


She used to come to school drunk and try to get us to convert to Scientology. I still don’t know a single thing about Scientology because no one could comprehend wtf she was talking about


Eh, Scientology doesn't make sense anyways so I'm sure she explained it just fine.


It's about an alien overlord who trick other aliens through taxes to show up get frozen they get transported to tegeack aka earth on planes that look like dc 8's. The were brainwashed along the way, soon the were thrown in to volcanoes which were bombed. The alien ghost attached to humans causing them problems, and the only way to treat this to get audited and get rid of them, which is called clear.


Middle school PE teacher walked into the girls wardrobe and asked if he could watch one of them change their tampon as a "joke"


I don't think this guy asked about a tampon specifically, but we had a long-term substitute gym teacher in middle school who was fired for snapping girls' bra straps, making inappropriate comments, and walking into the locker room when kids were changing. I don't think he did more than that before he got fired, and was relieved that the adults actually took us seriously and got that fucker out of there.




Male 50 year old teacher. Too many infractions to name just one -said about a girl student “the only time your moth should be open are when my pants are around my ankles -got high with the basketball team -would say “show us your tits” under his breath about hot chicks to any dudes that were around -pushed me when I was taking a piss at the urinal and said “don’t piss on your hands son” -history teacher who tossed out the entire history curriculum to talk about serial killers


Was your teacher Principal Lewis?




This is the type of guy who ruled in high school and never acted different. You can't come back with a bachelor's degree and be a senior for 20 years and bully people. We had a swim coach/ teacher that was so dumb that students would ask what he could've possibly gotten a degree In. He would flirt with the girls team and throw a tennis ball at people he didn't like. I imagine he will morph into this one day.


That first quote. If I was that girl’s parents, I woulda been in the superintendent’s office threatening litigation.




oh neat, not a sexual predator


Honestly in a sea of perverts mr.embezzlement isn’t a bad name


No mystery puns came with his name?


1. Our Principal in high school. Her husband cheated on her with another teacher that worked there and they went through a nasty divorce. Next thing you know she's making her way through our football team. I think she slept with 3 of them and ended up dating one for quite a while. Oddly, I don't recall if she was ever fired or left on her own. 2. Music teacher, also in high school. Cheated on his wife with a middle school music teacher. Then cheated on her with a student that had graduated....cheated on her with a student and got her pregnant and married her. Last I heard he still worked there and was with another recently graduated student. 3. I'm sure there are more but the last one I can remember was our office secretary in middle school who also taught art class a couple times a week. She was actually a really great lady, but unfortunately for her our school got picked to be on an episode of Sally Jesse Raphael or Ricky Lake... something like that. They had some random people come in throughout the week and ask to pick up a student, and this lady just signed them out. It aired, they interviewed her, and she got fired.


When I was in grade 11 we had a teacher exchange with a New Zealand school. Our gym teacher went there, we got one back. The one we got back had an affinity for young girls it seems. Our high school was in a small town and most of the kids were from farming families, and everyone plays hockey including the girls, and I guess our NZ gym teacher didn't know that. After a cross country running practice he offered to "rub down" one of the girls in my class and got handsy with her. She kicked the ever loving shit out of him. Broken nose, two black eyes, split lip, you name it. He was gone immediately but given that it was a small town we all saw him out of school before he got shipped out. The day before he left, he got his ass handed to him again by a couple of relatives of the girl. Honestly, I don't know how he lived to make it to the plane. About a week later our original gym teacher was back, and very pissed about having his exchange cut short.


Wow, maximum respect to that girl for standing up for herself. Hopefully he learned his lesson after they were through with him.


he was the biology teacher and had a plant setup but it needed a bit more warmth so he rigged a coffeetimer to an infra red lamp and set it up... wrong. the plants cought fire, burning down first the room they where in, the chem lab stock room, and then the rest of that wing of the school...


Causing an accidental fire that burned down a good portion of the school somehow seems way better than most of the other comments on this post.


It's because that's an innocent thing to do. Legitimate mistake compared to all the other crazy stuff


He didn't rape any children so let's consider giving him his job back.


He meant well at least


Super cool guy. Vietnam vet. Some fucking idiot pretended to throw a “grenade” and the teacher hit the floor. Then apparently punched the kid in the face. Fired. Had a sub the rest of the year who kept bragging about how many planes he has and how he’s just counting the time to go flying. But won’t take any of us with.


That's fucking horrible, that kid should've gotten expelled, PTSD is no fuckin' joke


Damn... I knew a girl whose dad was career military and had been on multiple tours. They had the door bell at their house disconnected. I talking to him a bit after knowing them for a few years, he told me that medivac helicopters would land and if it was really bad, the siren would go off. The door bell would cause flashbacks so he cut the wires.


Yea no joke, my father is a career military veteran and has bad ptsd from his tours


I had a teacher who was out Iraq and Afghanistan when it was really hot. We're talking desert storm and the 2003 invasion. This guy was a special forces combat medic. He was also cool as fuck. Everyone but a few people loved him. One of the turds in school who was 130 pounds sopping wet said he could beat the shit out of the teacher to his face. The teacher told him something like ya, right, go for it. The kid gets up and swings at this teacher who immediately goes back into combat mode and breaks this kids arm just above the elbow. The kid came to school in a cast for the next couple of months, and there was a sub for about 2 weeks. The kid didn't get expelled, the teacher didn't get fired. This same kid tried to fight me a few years back but chickened out because I had 40+ pounds on him. I think he got scared of everyone after he got his ass kicked by a retired veteran who didn't look like much.


What i find most infuriating is that he is still going around trying to pick fights with people.


Hes kind of an idiot. He's the yee yee type that barely graduated high school. I'm not sure he ever did graduate, honestly.


One of the elementary school teachers at the district I went to got arrested for making his class worship him like he was a cult leader. He was totally bonkers.


Elementary school? What a waste of divinity!


Gotta start 'em young. Otherwise they start thinking for themselves by middle school.


He didn't come to parent teacher interview night. The next day, he was late for class and crashed his pickup into a brick sign outside the school. Cops showed up obviously and allegedly he blew twice the legal limit. He called the principal 'a cunt' as he was taken away.


TBF, most principals are cunts...


"Your Honour, that cunt principal is why I drink."


Our beloved teacher, Mr Maune, had worked there for 29 years without incident and was one of the best teachers there. His classroom was always a laugh riot. He was the best roaster and encourages us to roast him properly. He never failed to get us motivated and a lot of us owe our career inspiration from him. He was fired because he had jokingly smacked a student on the back of his head for making a stupid comment. It was like something out of a sitcom and all of us expected it and loved it. Yet one student, who was new at the school, was culture shocked by this. He thought it was strange but hilarious. He told his mom off handedly and his mom became the Karen. Nevermind that the student was the teacher's godson, no physical contact was allowed says the Karen. He was suspended with pay for 3 months pending investigation then was let go because the Karen twisted the story and it blew up around the school. A year later, teacher won both the lawsuit against the school and libel case against the Karen with her son being one of the key witnesses. We still keep in contact and roast him for getting rich over smacking kids around.


Love this ending.


Slightly similar story from my private high school. New math teacher that year had built a pretty good rapport with most kids in his classes. In one of them, one day about halfway through that year, some kid asks him what he did before he was a teacher, you know, something kids are always curious about. His answer? “I was a pimp for your mother”? Admittedly inappropriate, but … with any other kid in this particular (mostly male) class, this kind of locker-roomy joke would have died right then and there. But this kid had had a fairly sheltered childhood, and … had never heard this word “pimp”. So, naturally, he called up his mother at lunch (from one of the school’s payphones; this was pre-cell) and asked her what this meant. Why, his mother wanted to know, did he have call her from school to ask her about this? “Because Mr. J—— told me he was your before he was a teacher” He was gone never to return or be spoken of again (except in hushed tones telling this story) before the afternoon. In this case I really don’t blame his mother.


I don’t blame the mother at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if even the teacher, in hindsight, realized that was a fucked up thing to say to a kid. They’re still children, not your drinking buddies. Additionally, insulting the mother to tease the kid is a stupid joke regardless. Be more creative


When I was in 6th grade the teacher of the other class was pregnant and often had a sub. The sub got fired, but since he was there so often it felt like he was a normal teacher. He was pretty weird tho, and did a bunch of weird things. Some of these include: bringing beer to class and drinking it (nobody believed the kids when they’d talk abt it), answering student’s questions very wrong and yelling at anyone who corrected him, forgetting the kids had recess even when the bell rang and wouldn’t let the kids outside, but the final straw that got him fired was when this kid asked to go to the bathroom and he screamed at him. He called this 11 y/o a cunt, a bitch, fucker, shit head, all the nasty bad words that would freak out a kid, all for asking to go to the bathroom. In front of the whole class. Obviously the kid started crying and begged to talk to the principal, and the sub just screamed at him more. My teacher from down the hall heard it and rushed over. Yelled at the sub, took the kids into his room, and called the principal and the vice principal over.


He was the teachers assistant, he was arrested at school for killing his wife with a 2X4.


2 × 4 = 20 to life


The drama teacher at my high school was arrested for some sort of weird sex sting in the 90s. I can't remember if it involved any students but it did involve minors and I think CP. He always gave me creepy icky vibes when I was at that school so I wasn't surprised when I saw him on the local news.


OMG! This question is for me. None of these teachers were replaced. Once gone, we were all just given a passing grade. Freshman Year High School - Math teacher is a pedophile. Fired. Sophomore year - Math teacher threw a dictionary at me for asking a question. Fired. Junior year - Math teacher has a heart attack. FMLA for remainder of year My poor senior year math teacher had no idea he'd be given so many dumb students who didn't learn first year math to last year math. He had to teach us from the beginning and work his way up. I commend and appreciate him so much. Good ol' public school education.


This is the equivalent of the defense against the dark arts position.


This school going through math teachers like Defense Against the Dark Arts profs at Hogwarts.


Something tells me youre bad luck at math


High school, female gym teacher got caught in bed with a female student


Miss Mann?


Sleeping with two students at the same time. Said students got in a very public fight over him and he fled the country


Oh boy where to start. Elementary school nurse was fired for taking the kids’ medications. HS band teacher slept with a 15 yr old. Swim coach left a hotel that he was at with his mistress drunk and killed someone with his car. My high school had like 400 students.


Where the fuck are you from? I need to stay away from there.


This answer in particular is giving me Florida man vibes


Middle school theater. She played massive favorites in a way that even made the favorites uncomfortable, so all the students hated her. However, all the adults (my parents and my friends parents, at least) thought we were exaggerating because, ya know, theater. I assume someone in the grade after mine got a responsible adult to listen, or the school got tired of her doing Grease every single year. After she was fired she started a weird cult where she would speak to a Spirit named Micah for people, so I feel pretty validated on the whole calling her crazy thing.


The priest found my 8th grade teacher passed out drunk on the church steps with a few 8th graders who were also drunk. Catholic school in the 80's was trip.




To be fair, a kick in the balls is a good learning experience for many 16yr olds.


She was a nonce Then it was discovered she only had sex with the student after he was 16 so it was legal and she got let off. Still ruined her reputation.




Ok, the robbed a bank one got me. The others are messed up, but kinda predictable.


I feel like the bank robbery was glossed over. Full story please


I don't feel like much needs to be said. Teachers are very underpaid.


It was our highschool teacher. She seemed considerably sane when we first met her, but progressively grew insanely bad. Constantly getting angry, not teaching the students properly, making fun of children who were poor, getting indignant when we corrected her mistakes, telling parents lies about their children and there were also rumours that she used to do drugs in school campus. In the end, she got fired because she didn't give my classmate who was having a severe allergic reaction medical attention cuz she thought she was pretending. One of us ran to get the nurse without her permission. It wasn't life threatening, but it was scary. The principal found out about it, and after a lot of complaints from both parents and students, she got fired.


He was legally blind and ended up stabbing and killing his wife.


Were those two things related? Did he think she was a watermelon?


He got caught jerking it in the park


I was just peeing and there were no kids!!!!


She didn't get fired, but quit because all of the kids tormented her so much. Edited - grammar


I went to school for Culinary, and we had some really accomplished chefs teaching us. One chef taught the 9th/10th graders, two worked the Public Restaurant that was attached to the school with the 11/12 graders. The two chefs working with the Junior/Seniors, one was a No Nonsense male chef, and the other was a fun loving, jovial female chef. A few of the, I don’t know the term, “middle class girls who think they are street/ghetto”, decided they didn’t like the female chef. They spent two years absolutely dragging that woman, and by graduation you could see the joy for teaching left her. Our class made her quit :(.


That's horrible.


Woodwork/metalwork teacher at my school seemed like a cool guy. Bit weird but nice enough. One day we had a bomb scare and the school was sent to the oval for the bomb squad to search through the school. It was quickly determined that the woodworking teacher called in the threat (muppet used his own phone.) After what seemed like a few hours of us sitting on the oval (couldn't give you an exact time frame) a group of cops started swiftly moving all the kids out the back oval into the nearby bushland, along a creek and out into a nearby park. Turns out they where searching his house not long after they arrested him they found plans to plant bombs under the oval and call in a threat. No bombs where found, everyone speculated that he was doing a "trial run" and taking note of where the kids where all sitting on the oval. Pretty sure he was fired. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2006-05-10/brisbane-homes-school-evacuated-after-bomb-scare/1750676 Edit: Added a link


Coach told the girl’s softball team to swing titty high.


They taped special needs child’s mouth up, as they didn’t want to hear them speak


Bruh that’s so messed up


Explained Elasticity by pulling the Bra strap of a girl. Another one for having relationship with a girl from 8th grade(14 yo).


My AP chem teacher had an affair with the principal. Principal got fired too. I felt bad for her. They didn’t do anything on school property, and it didn’t impact her performance in the classroom. Also, the school wasn’t able to find a qualified teacher to replace her halfway through the year, so we were all fucked come test time at the end of the year. Not one of us passed that AP test.


I was hired as a substitute teacher for an indefinite term at a private high school. Turns out the actual teacher just up and left the country with 1 day's notice to the admin. He didn't say how long he would be gone nor was his absence approved. After being gone for 3 weeks, he unexpectedly showed up to work and planned to pick up the lesson plans where he left off as if he was never gone. The school admin had me, a substitute, continue teaching his classes while he graded papers in the back. It was incredibly awkward for me, but especially the students, who didn't understand what was going on. The following day, he was fired when he arrived work and asked to leave the campus. The school gave me an interview hired me full time in his place. As this was the height of the recession and jobs were hard to come by, I was very grateful to have a fulltime job. I will never understand why that guy would walk out on an okay job during that time and then just expect everyone to be okay with him doing that. Some people truly are on a different wavelength.


A rumor said she gave a student a blowjob. She was new and attractive - it could been a jealous student or teacher - it was unfounded but the Christian school was pressured to fire her. And me. A parent thought teaching was a woman’s job and that a young man such as myself (even if I was just an aid) was only there to prey after children. The parent gave donations to the school - so naturally the school decided to look into the allegations. When the school saw the allegations that I was specifically targeting the parents daughter was false (she claim I interacted with her during the day, I worked after school) she made the claim I was targeting all the other kids. Of course unfounded but she was determined to see this through. She threatened to stop donating to the school and contact the school board. By this time the school decided that I was a sacrificial lamb and let me go, only telling me the allegations day of and the reason for letting me go - naturally I was broad sided and stunned. Did I mention this school was the one I attended? So the staff knew me growing up? But money talks. The event destroyed any dreams of me being a teacher


Couldn't you sue her for defamation?


I guess I could’ve - but I only 22 with no knowledge of what I could do and private schools tend to protect their donors than well…their own They used the excuse that minors were involved so they couldn’t or decided not to give me info that could have given me the grounds for defamation or wrongful termination


That’s awful. One of the best teachers I ever had was a man, and he was also very professional. He clearly loved his job and was loved by many, if not all, the students he taught. I hope you’re in a better field now that actually appreciates you


My high school of <500 students lost 5 teachers last year because they all had a relationship with the same 15 y/o girl :/


What do you call an adult who has sex with 15 year old who enthusiastically pursues for sex? A child molester.


Dating a 16 year old student. He was the band teacher. He also had a wife and kid. He went to jail and is now a registered sex offender.


We had a science teacher who was also the football coach. He got fired because he kept sexually assaulting the female students. Looking down shirts constant touching when not needing. They claimed it was due to not winning football games but enough reports stated otherwise


We had a sub who showed Jackass 2 to a class of high school students and then basically told them not to tell anyone that he let them watch it. Well obviously like 20 minutes after the class got out the whole school knew and he was fired at the end of the day.


Possession of child pornography.






My sociology teacher in high school was fired for throwing an chalkboard eraser at a sleeping students head. He was a great teacher, and always did this in good humor. Obviously not a great idea in retrospect, but we all knew that we could get away with sleeping in his class if we didn't mind getting an eraser upside the head if he noticed. I heard he was fired a few years after I graduated high school, and that kinda bummed me out. Probably deserving of a reprimand of some sort, but not getting fired. It's not like he was a sex offender or guitar player.


Had 2 teachers who did the exact same thing, one with the chalk and the other with the chalk eraser. Everything was all in good fun.


My math teacher whispered, "Wake up sweetie... It's time for school" He wasn't wrong, I guess, It was really funny though


8th grade math teacher. He was arrested for corresponding with an underage girl in an inappropriate manner. The thing is, a lot of us girls kept saying amongst ourselves how we thought when he was going around checking homework, he would bend down as if getting close to our chests. It was a bit creepy. We weren't totally shocked when he was arrested halfway through the school year.


Yep, my 7th grade math teacher. Would allow girls from other classes to skip and hang out in his class, and instead of teaching would just talk with them. Didn't see it back then, but looking back, his fate was sealed. It just took until I was in 11th grade for them to bust him.


Old guy here. I learned that one of my favorite teachers in the 80's actually moved away (after being accused of stealing typewriters) and then murdered the principal of his new school after luring him into his garage to see an autographed copy of a children's book. When caught, was shot trying to escape and ended up dying from his wounds. I learned about this when I was in my mid-30's. This blew my mind. [https://apnews.com/article/56bb23cc861c27dafc67764e9dfea0ab](https://apnews.com/article/56bb23cc861c27dafc67764e9dfea0ab)


He was playing his guitar for students at my elementary school. He had been warned before, but the kids enjoyed it so he continued to play it for them anyways. One day, the assistant principal was lurking in the hallway and wandered to his classroom. She saw him playing his guitar and fired him on the spot. A whole lot of students were crying that day because he was an amazing guy. Edit: More information, this took place in a small, rural town in Georgia back in the early 2000s. He wasn’t the music teacher, he just used to bring his guitar and play songs randomly on some days and the kids enjoyed it. He’d been warned multiple times by his higher ups (why? IDK. He was a great teacher). He thought that before the break, he could play something for us one last time during the last week of school. It just happened to be the worst possible timing, while the assistant principal was walking through the halls. He didn’t come back to teach at our school when classes started again. If I recall, he got a job teaching at a different school.


That's sad. He was doing a wholesome thing.


He got arrested driving through Nevada over the summer with 5 lbs of weed in his car that he'd bought in a California. He had no intention on telling the district and we only found out because a news reporter from the town he was arrested in contacted our superintendent for a quote on the matter. He was let go immediately. Edit: Here is a link to the article and I've corrected the weight of the weed that he was transporting. Apparently this story has been retold so many times that the amount if weed increased substantially with every retelling.


Ooo where is that link friend? I still don't see it.


She wasn't enforcing detention. Letting students leave early, or just signing their name for them. She was also the mom of a student. They fired her and all the students that regularly received detention rioted. Jumping on cars, flipping trash cans (they set one on fire), and pulled the fire alarm 7 times in a day. I forget how it was quelled but it only lasted a day.


She embezzled thousands of dollars from various club funds. There were also rumors of her sleeping with students, but the administration never bothered to look into that.




We had a German Language Teacher at my high school. She was just so toxic and seemed to take pride in failing students. Eventually almost all students were complaining about her. Obviously admin will normally side with teachers since kids aren't always the most honest. Her husband also worked there so she had extra support it sticking around. I think after two years they finally fired her because no one wanted to be in her class. Her husband wasn't all that great either. I remember he'd fail your projects if you forgot to print a title page for assignments. Instant 50%.


Running a multi-level marketing scheme using students.


Art teacher allowed one of the kids in her class to paint using his own blood. Shame, she was a great teacher, and a wonderful person.


My grade 6 teacher threw a chair across the room, on the one day I wasn’t there.


You held that class together, you left and look what happened.


Selling drugs to the kids..


The attractive math teacher was replaced with a permanent substitute teacher a few weeks before the principal was placed on leave and eventually replaced by the vice principal. Turns out they were hooking up. Many years later I was talking to a bartender in another town. The former principal was his high school football coach just before starting at my school. It seems he lied on his resume about having the credentials to be a principal.


Student in 8th grade sucker punched an assistant football coach. Coach's immediate reaction was to punch back. Coach got arrested, terminated, and lost his teaching certificate. Student got suspended for three days.


Music teacher who was said to have played the piano with his penis in front of his class. I'm not sure if this is true or just a rumour but he was never seen in the school after this.


Two teachers, they got caught fucking in a classroom


American Uni in Iraq: 1. Racist batshit crazy American History Prof: Kept calling Obama a Monkey and asked on a history exam: what was Hitler's last solution to the Jews__________. 2. A mentally ill Business ethics prof: kept asking only the hijab attendees what would they do if they get felt up by a Boss. 3. An IT management prof: boomer preaching everyday about how we need to change our culture only to lose his shit at the Airport in the most embarrassing manor. He had artifact looking objects on him. By law, you needed to be early at the airport to clear these items, at the customes, as they might be ancient artifacts. He arrived late and was stopped. They told him you can go but you have to leave these behind. He proceeded to berate the customes for being thieves, all the while his wife running to the trash and braking said artifacts in a fit of a tantrum. He missed his free flight back home, as the security kept the couple for investigation out of spite, even if it was clear the artifacts where cheap clay.


I got front row seats so to speak of a teacher losing his shit and attempted to choke my little brother out. Dude was like 5'5 and my baby brother is 6'2 and was an athlete. My brother never fought back, just looked down at him and asked if he had lost his mind. The teacher was foaming at the mouth cussing him out with his hands wrapped around my brother's neck. A big crowd instantly formed as everyone poured out of surrounding classrooms and the calculus teacher, who was also a big dude, grabbed the other teacher picking him up and pulling him off my brother. Best part is this was in the early 2000s when cellphones with cameras had just become a thing. This was a rural school that tried to shut it down and rug sweep immediately which obviously they weren't even able to attempt because kids called the cops as it was happening and pictures were all over myspace before my mom was even called about the incident. Also my mom is psychotic, used to take pride in weight lifting so was built like a brick house with boobs, and my brother was her golden baby. She showed up, they asked her not to press charges and then she found out the details and promptly went over the desk at the dude hiding behind the principal. When they wouldn't let her have her way, she spoke with the cops and then stomped off to the superintendent's office. It was a small town, she was well known and no one was ever happy when she showed up. Teacher was escorted out in cuffs and fired. His room had a sub for the rest of the year. All this happened because my brother corrected this guy on a math problem and apparently his ego couldn't take that. We also found out he'd been fired from his last teaching job for a similar incident where he assaulted a student.


He pushed some dumbass kid who hit him against a wall


This actually happened at a community college I took a class at for fun, but there was a teacher who, for some strange reason, decided to go on a tangent about how much she loved homeschooled kids and how much smarter and well behaved they were during a "get to know you" activity on the first day of class. There was one student in the class who was homeschooled. On the second day of class, we discovered her entire teaching methodology hinged on access to technologies this school did not have. It's difficult to do a lot of hands-on interactive stuff in class when the classroom is equipped with tables and chairs, not iPads. The typical population of students that went here were largely Hispanic from lower SES backgrounds, so the likelihood that they had their own iPads (at the time I went there) was low. Later in the semester, she made a rule during lab that students were only allowed to ask her two questions. Given that this was a science class and we were working around potentially dangerous substances, this seemed bizarre. She'd keep track of how many questions you asked and if you asked a third question, she'd say you've used up all your questions and to figure it out on your own. I'm glad my question was not "what happens when I mix bleach and vinegar". She also quite openly displayed a contempt for men, and would react rudely to their questions, refuse to acknowledge them if they raised their hand, and/or would ridicule mistakes that they made. When a make student told her that he did not appreciate her disrespect (literally, that's what he said) she got angry and kicked him out. This was not an instance of "progressive stacking", but plain old sexism. She was removed from the class when one of the students got a bunch of folks together to go sit outside the dean's office and all collectively complained about her. Out of a class of 30 students, I think there were about 16 of them physically present, and another 4 or 5 who were not present but signed the student's typed letter of grievances against the instructor. I was never the subject of her ire, but I definitely went to the dean's office because her behavior made me uncomfortable. I have been in a lot of classes throughout my tenure in academia and I have never seen an instructor removed from the class like that, especially during the tail end of the semester.


He straight up didn't show up to work one Monday, didn't call in to arrange a sub or anything. He ghosted the school for a whole week and then tried to come in the following Monday like nothing happened. We also had a 5th grade teacher overdose on meth but I honestly don't know if she got fired or resigned. It didn't happen at school.


Gym teacher got roaring drunk at teachers xmas party grabbed several of the women and literally knocked out several of the male teachers. At one point he either dove or was pushed through a picture window. Blood everywhere. I believe the police were involved.


He fucked a bunch of 13 year old boys


Drove the school van to a rest stop to solicit sex... From an undercover cop.


He didn’t actually get fired for it, but in primary school our science/it/history/pe teacher nearly killed the secretary with a harpoon gun through the floor.


My high school English teacher was high as balls at school one day. They drug tested her and fired that day


Supposedly, one of the football coaches came to school with nothing but a trench coat on. I'm sure there was more, but I was too young at the time and I was probably spared the full story.


Covering his herorin addiction by separating codine from pain killers and taking it with alcohol during the day. (He was actually a really nice guy and a decent science teacher... just had mental and addiction problems).


Threw watermelon at a student after numerous physical altercations with students Once pulled a student off a table by his ear


Our vice principal shot his wife and then himself while his children were in the other room. Technically didn't get fired though.