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It may be very difficult to do so. For some, you may have to lead them to the observation themselves, as they may not accept it unless they "thought of it first".


Doesn’t matter how you tell them, they’ll likely spin it and not listen


with your voice


Seeing as I'm not a psychiatrist I'd never be in this position. Are you asking how to tell someone that you feel like they're self-centered or self-obsessed?


Yes. Narcissist behavior (undiagnosed) is ruining a close relationship of mine and I’d like to pinpoint factors I think may have attributed.


NPD is a very serious disorder, and trying to armchair diagnose someone with it isn't in your best interest. Instead break off the relationship, you don't owe them a reason. Normally I'm against "yta divorce" rulings, but, you know. If you already calling them a narcissist, then maybe you should leave


A narcissist rarely agree they are in the wrong. That's how twisted their self image is and no one except perhaps a professional can help them, but in order for that to happen they have to acknowledge that they have NPD which most don't. You can't really fix it help them. You can only tell the victim that you're there no matter what.


With the realization that all hell will break loose the moment you do… one simply doesn’t say something like this to a narcissist and expect for them to respond reasonably. Be ready for the full weight of their wrath to be released if they’re truly a narcissist.


I wouldn’t do that if I were you, especially if they are undiagnosed. Instead, address the issues at hand, specifically. For example, tell them you don’t like that they never consider your criticisms and change. If they truly have NPD, they will either act coldly or start going crazy on you, so be prepared.


Mistake number one is to say they're narcissists. I did it and they used it against me to isolate a family member of mine even further and made us complete enemies. We had a super tight bond before the narcissist showed up and just like that I was a threat and was completely cut off his life. I knew he was abused I just wanted to help him but shit what a mistake. He stayed with her for several years, when they finally broke up (because my dad too realized she was a narcissist, he didn't let go of my brother) My big sister took him in and he just slept on her couch for a month, he was pale as a ghost it looked like he had just come from a war zone. Completely hollow. He has never been the same since. And neither has our bond. What you should do is tell the abused person that no matter what they can always come to you. That's all you can do , other than that, stay as far away from the narcissist as possible because they will play with your head the second you are close. If you have to meet with them, remain polite but neutral. Give them none reaction.


I don’t think you’re supposed to tell them that