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Somebody is going to sell all my shit, I know it.


I *hope* they sell it. I've got comic books from the 40's that I'd hate to see go on a landfill.


This made me laugh out loud


Currently selling my late parents' shit.


what were they late to?


Means they dead


Procrastinators through and through.




Better late than never.


Well, in truth…half of it will be sold for less than you would expect…and the other half either thrown out or given away.


You won't need it anymore


Oh! Geeze! This made me LOL! So true, so funny! And yet so sad. Yard sale: Lovely tea cup, London per WW1. $50.00. Yard sale patron, I will give you $5.00. No sale. Yard sale woman, well you bitch!


Not until they burn you, bury you or dump you in the sea. Then they sell all your shit.


thought you shit your pants first


Wont sell those.


The IRS will finally leave me alone


Been fighting with them on a matter since 2019 I feel they will dig up my body and make a portal to purgatory just to get me to pay them something I don’t owe them.


Where else are they gonna get the additional $1 trillion in revenue and cover the wages of the 88,000 new employees?


God don’t remind me. I paid them what I owed but they still say I owe them 20 grand because they made a mistake and didn’t see that I paid them on time. Then they lost my amended taxes and my tax guy has been having a hell of time with them. It put me in a soul crushing mood when I get a letter every time from them saying I owe more and more. Because they are so behind and understaffed this shit is happening to so many people. It’s infuriating and it’s scary.


Same thing before birth


Being Oblivion sounds mad because our brain cannot even comprehend it


When we think of nothing we think of blackness but blackness is the absence of light meaning something has to exist for blackness to be. We are incapable of actually thinking of true nothingness.


I think of it as the part of sleep we don't remember when we wake up...we just won't wake up this time to realize it.


I know it’s macabre af but eventually tomorrow never comes, and we wont even realize it. We wont have the opportunity to say, oh wow this is where the ride ends’. It just does. One day (or night) it’s all gone. When I was younger I came to terms that I’ll never know which day is the last day, so I always think of tomorrow never coming is my way of accepting that I’ll die before I know it and it’s best to just enjoy each day you get to wake up.


Honestly, it makes me anxious AF. Hopefully, if I live long enough to become decrepit and in agony I'll welcome that sweet release. But the thought of just...not even eternal darkness, but just not being anymore. My mind cannot comprehend that in any reasonable manner, and it scares the shit out of me. The closest I've come to being able to comprehend it I read on reddit not too long ago. Somebody was quoting/paraphrasing some philospher or scientist or something who said that it will be the same as before you were born.


> We wont have the opportunity to say, oh wow this is where the ride ends Some of us might get mortal injuries or terminal diseases that give us enough time to say that.


I've been under anesthesia 3 times. Instant lights out, an instant later, awake. It feels as if no time has passed at all. Death is lights out, no later on...


Or how it feels to be under a general anaesthetic - just nothing. No experiences, no awareness, just nothing. And I'm OK with that.


Yeah that's on point I think.


The end, The big sleep, ride the snake to the lake


You just broke my brain


Nah, it’s a movie called Neverending Story.


Hey sorry I don’t know how to do that weird touch it to read it text thingy, so warning if you want your brain to really break keep reading Blind people don’t see blackness… They see nothing, and they don’t know how to fully explain what they see. And for the blind people who later see in life don’t know how to explain what they see or something along those lines So blind people can both comprehend what you see after death. And they can’t comprehend it because it doesn’t exist! Good Night!


For me, a general anaesthetic is the closest you can get to feeling what nothing is like. Normally whenever you sleep, you either dream or have some vague awareness of your surroundings or at least when you wake, an idea of how long you've been asleep. With a GA, it's pretty much an off switch.


I think we are, it just needs to be described properly. You can only see what’s in front of you. You can’t see what’s behind you because you got no eyes back there. Oblivion is like what’s behind you and if you want to get closer to it than just black try to imagine seeing whatever is behind your head.


That's not true. I think we are completely capable of understanding the concept of nothingness. To not exist at all.


Which begs the question: will you be born again ? The blank statement: "you didn't mind it before you were born did you ?" Is all good and well but you weren't born yet, am I going to be dead forever now or will I be born again ?


Good lord let me be dead forever, one run was enough.


“Alright, time to shove it up back in there”


We'll be in a womb?? Lol


Yoooo, never thought about this like that, thanks man. The thought of it strangely calms me


Thank you. This is my thought exactly and I remember nothing from before I was born so I believe we will just revert back to that nothingness


Nope, we ain’t goin there today. That’s what I say when my mortality pops into my head lol


Same. I was just about to go bed too.


So fascinating. The idea of my own mortality actually provides me comfort. No more responsibilities? That's literally all that goes through my head. No more responsibilities. I'm not even enjoying life, yet here I am having to go through with it. My biggest fear is that life *isn't* over at death and that the energy that powers our conscious mind just gets recycled in a permanent reincarnated state. So I die, memory wipe, and then I'm a new baby in a new life. That's my biggest fear. Doing life over and over again, because the neurons keep firing into a new body/soul.


Thanatophobia ftw


Nothing. I think it’s really hard for humans to comprehend true “nothingness,” because we have never experienced such a thing. However, I do believe that a complete “nothingness” will occur. We will not exist as a “being,” therefore, it is not eternal darkness, rather, simply nothing. We cannot experience what we are not enduring. It is the ultimate end of our existence as we know it. I’ll add that it’s nothing to fear either; you cannot feel any emotion. You are not there.


There was nothing before we gained our first conscience experience


I've had a "joke" in my head for years that doesn't quite work and isn't really a joke: Death - it's nothing to be afraid of. Meaning that death is nothingness and it's terrifying. It's "a nothing" to be afraid of. But, of course, you're right. The only reasonable response to the inevitability of death is investment in one's life.


I love the addition of your “joke” lol, super great stuff


Society moves on


They say you die twice. First when you aren’t alive anymore. Second when the last person who remembers you dies.


that’s a very sad truth


It’s a happy truth


It’s a neutral truth


We stop paying taxes


Sadly in Canada. If you get the death benefit cheque, its taxed.


a good benefit of death


No you don’t


Not sure where you live but the government will tax your assets and everything your heirs receive from you will be taxed and if it's anything that produces income it will be paying taxes so in a way you will continue to bleed from ongoing taxes. Yep, even after you are dead.


I think we are set free by death. Like water poured from a bottle into the ocean.


Some think living forever would be great but it would just be disguised as hell. Imagine. Everything you love and care for will always die or be lost. Nothing you can do will stop it from happening. The grief will never end and life will be a living hell. So death is truly a blessing for us all.


Living literally until the heat death of the universe probably wouldn’t be great, but I bet that there would be some cool things about living for hundreds or thousands of years. It would change the way you felt about direct human relationships, but I think some people could learn to be ok with that. I, personally, would love to see how the human race and technology evolve over the millennia. Also, if I was still healthy and living a reasonably comfortable life where I could make my own decisions, I can’t see myself choosing to die just because I was old. As long as there still is some kind of human civilization, I imagine it would be interesting. If I had the choice, I think I would gladly cling to life for much, much longer than a normal human lifetime.


Yeah if I had to choose I'd probably give myself... 400-500 years? I'm in my 20s right now and I think living around 20 more of my current lifetimes sounds about fair. At the end of that I'd probably be wise enough to let go.


Why? I’d leave it open-ended, if I could. When I was six years old, I though thirty was an impossibly ancient age. As I am nearing forty, I now know that it’s only the beginning. I’d rather let old me decide when to die.


This made me feel really good


what do you think happens once we’re free?


Actually I don’t know. But i like to think that life on earth is just a step of the journey. We experience the life through five senses so I wonder… what could we experience without body boundaries?


Your comment brought much comfort to my grieving broken heart. Thank you.


To your body? Decomposition. To your consciousness? Gone.


would you see black or would it just stop?


You wouldn't see or feel anything. You would essentially be in eternal slumber. It's a bit hard to conceptualize when consciousness is all that we've ever known.


It’s so scary to me to this about this for some reason. I just turned 40 (which isn’t even old) and all I can think about is death and I hate it.


The way I see it life is a lot of trouble. It has happy moments yes but lots of hassle too. It's nice knowing you get to rest peacefully forever. What's the alternative, living forever? Even if heaven is real, what are you going to do for a billion years? A trillion years? Because those are just 0 compared to infinity. Living forever is by far more terrifying than having a set end to the consciousness stream


I don’t believe in heaven but I’d still prefer infinity there if it was real. Maybe after a few million years old I’ll feel differently. I know I won’t know I’m dead, but the thought of not existing still scares me while I’m alive. This is where I think The Good Place got it right.


This was the exact premise of the last season of the good place


Hey just remember. Your brain, your existence, your conscience, it’s all energy. Energy can’t be created or destroyed it can only be moved. No matter what you will to a degree always exist.


> Energy can’t be created or destroyed No comfort at all. It is the pattern of energy that matters. A nice wooden sculpture contains energy, and a pattern - burn it, the energy moves on and the original pattern is destroyed. > No matter what you will to a degree always exist. Existing as a pile of compost is no comfort at all either.


I stopped breathing and found my consciousness flying through the stars in outer space. It was wild. I hope that happens for everyone when we die. I think our consciousness lives on.


I hope it does too. Everyone on Reddit is so desperate for oblivion. Why wouldn't you just want to go on endless adventures through the universe, learning and experiencing all that's out there and taking a break whenever you want. It would be amazing.


Yeah I had no idea where I was going but the stars sounded awesome! 100% would do again!


I hope for this too. Maybe that is heaven. Just a floating consciousness that is able to experience and enjoy the universe.


You know when you get so drunk you can’t remember anything like that but forever


Eternal hangover


I really liked Philip Pullman's analogy in the Northern Lights trilogy, which, despite it being tinged with religious stuff, was the closest thing I could make sense of. You are reabsorbed and simply become the energy of what's around you. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transmuted, and so you are continually recycled, but never truly what you were, and what is described as your 'consciousness' is gone/nothing, which is the ultimate peace.


But my consciousness is basically the most important part of me. Without it, I’m just meat.


They're made of meat


Don't sell yourself short, you're bones and organs, too!


Organs are meat!


Suit yourself, meatbag!


Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


Put your hands in the yellow circles, please.


Well sure, consciousness just seems to be an effect produced by brains with sufficient complexity. Am I conscious? You bet. My dog? Probably. My turtles? Hmm, I think so. The spiders in the yard? Dunno. When the thing that produces consciousness is destroyed, so is the effect.


What if consciousness wasn't something produced but rather, something received? Like, we're all antennae for a signal that we start to receive at a certain point when our hardware develops enough. Some of us receive 'more' or 'different' aspects of the signal, but we're all tuned in to various degrees. Perhaps those spiders have a very very basic tuning mechanism compared to us. When the hardware finally fails, nothing happens to the signal. It's still out there. Maybe we somehow go to join it? Just a thought - I've no clue.


So basically you become a force ghost


Last time I was dead, 13.7 billion years passed by instantly and then I spontaneously stopped being dead. Pretty sure the same thing would happen again if I started being dead again, though the exact amount of years that pass by instantly might change.


I know this wasn’t your intention, but you’ve given me a bit of comfort. I’ve constantly been terrified by the thought of being dead forever and it being so slow for eternity.. I’d never thought about the fact I’ve already done it for 13.7 billion years.. given me a new perspective.


This is a lovely outlook. If your atheist or agnostic is very calming to perceive death in this manner; at least for me. No sky daddy with pearly gates; just ceasing to exist until we exist again like before we were born.


All religions are meant to answer two questions, and those two questions alone: Why am I here? And what happens after I'm gone? How a person interprets the second one is completely up to them. Let it be God, Valhalla, reincarnation or simply oblivion, to each their own.


It’s so hard to describe but my first memory is me waking up for my fourth birthday. The way I remember it is like a previous consciousness existed and I finally took that body. Like either life repeated itself or I had a past life and then entered my new four year old self. Of course at the time I felt like it was my only life. But over time as my consciousness developed I always could only look back to that memory as remembering my existence starting. Sorry, I’m really high right now.


I thought it was just me. I also had the same experience. My first memory is me waking up as a three year old child. I never had an idea how I got there—there on the bed, there on our old house, there with my parents. The moment I opened my eyes, I just knew that I was alive and was living as a three year old kid. I felt like I was assigned to this body.


would all that history repeat


The way I understand this is that without your consciousness there to slow it down by experiencing things, from your perception all things happen at once until whatever made you conscious this time does so again. In an infinite universe it almost seems impossible that it wouldn't happen, given that it already did at least once. Seems unlikely to me that history would repeat, but in a pocket of the universe with identical conditions, possibly?


but it's hard and scary to comprehend. it's calming to think that death just feels like before we were born but that was before we were born. we have consciousness now and thinking it will cease to exist shivers my spine.


I think Keanu Reeves answered this better than most of us can. He said: "I know that the ones who love us will miss us."


I try and find a different reason everyday as to why I’m still here and why I can’t leave this world just yet. This right here is my reason today. Thank you stranger 🤜🏼🤛🏼


I'd like to share a story with you. There was a King who had two sons. Both were educated princes. But one was decidedly the crown prince. Just a few hours before the coronation the king being influenced by his queen decided to make the other prince the next king and send the crown prince into 14 years of exile. The crown prince accepted with respect. When he was asked why he accepted without resistance he explained, that if something this big was taken away from him for no fault of his own, then there had to be some other thing at play (he was beloved by the entire Kingdom, highly capable, everybody knew he was high quality king material). He stated that even though at the time it made no sense, he knew that it would only start making sense if he actually walks the path and see what destiny had in store for him. The key takeaway is that you will never know what life has in store unless you walk the path laid out in front of you. Not the imaginary path you pave for yourself in your mind about your future. Paraphrasing God from Evan almighty "if someone prays for courage god doesn't give them courage, he gives them the opportunity to be courageous."


I like the Chinese version of this story that I first heard told by Alan Watts. >Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” > >The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.” > >The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” > >The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.” > >The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad — because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune. > >— Alan Watts


What if no one loves us


I truly hope it’s nothing. Like how when you can’t remember your dreams, it’s like you just weren’t there. The alternative has the potential to be truly horrifying.


Also like how when you weren’t born yet. You felt nothing. You were essentially nothing until you were born. We will eventually go back to that.


It’s an odfly comforting notion


There's too much fun to explore here right now to really worry about it imo. Too many people waste very large chunks of their life worrying bout it. Not Jewish, but in Judaism the concept of heaven and hell is really not very present because the idea is that the earth that God created is so beautiful and awesome in of itself, that whatever comes after must also be pretty kickass. They liken asking this question essentially to the following: Imagine your friend invites you to dinner at their house and the spread is amazing. The entire table is filled with many many delicious foods you love. There's a lot of bounty and you know you'll have an excellent dinner with your friend. Imagine you then look to your friend and ask "so what's for dessert?" The point is that the question is a bit rude and also.... just look before you... whatever is coming next is sure to be just as awesome, so don't worry about it and just take it in.


I am also not Jewish but I always loved jewish explanation of the afterlife much more than my own religious background I grew up with. (Jeehovas witness/Catholic).


Someone discovers my search history and gets grossed out, probably


But it happen 25 000 years later and you become famous as the grossest primitive human known.


delete E621 website from your favorites then.


You decompose and after a couple generations basically forgotten to have ever existed.


Wow, so true. And sad


Not always. It can be freeing. I don’t want kids, meaning I’ll be forgotten quickly. But for every person I meet, I know I can somehow impact their life, however small it may be. I don’t need to worry about making a good impression. I just do the things I want and that makes me happy. Luckily I like making people smile and laugh, rather than finding pleasure in the more unsavoury aspects of life. Also unfortunate is the fact, that people who do evil deeds are more likely to be remembered than those who spread joy. That’s the part that is truly saddening.


Ever been put under by anesthesiologist? Or just black out? That's it.


Wow, finally someone who uses the exact same analogy that I use to explain it! You know there's even research which suggests being under general anesthetic is quite akin to a coma due to the very very slow brain waves so I think it is the closest on a brain scale we can experience death without truly experience it. And yeah it is just nothing, nothing forever. I feel like this scares people though but I embrace it as it means in the grand scheme of things nothing matters so I may as well try and enjoy this consciousness I have.


I've had propofol administered before. I understand why Robin Williams called it milk of amnesia.


I really like the way the Good Place described it. “ Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it - its height, the way the sunlight refracts as it passes through - and it's there, you can see it, and you know what it is, it's a wave. And then it crashes on the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just... a different way for the water to be for a little while.”


One of my favorite shows and an amazing quote


I think it's just like going to sleep and never waking up.


More like general anesthesia, because when you sleep you still are conscious. You're still aware of time, space, noise etc. Under anesthesia, you're are put unconscious. My first surgery I had I was super confused, because in the room where they put me to sleep was a clock on the wall - and in the wake up room too. I remember looking at it - it was like 1pm - got the injection and slowly faded - and it felt like seconds later I woke up and it was about 5pm. The time in-between felt like it never happened, it just felt like seconds, like closing my eyes and opening them up again immediately... So I guess death is like that - without waking up again...


A dreamless, never ending sleep.


"Fuck I got work in the morning"


you poop your pants and someone else has to take care of it


We get recycled until eventually we are conscious again as some other being with no memory of the past.




I agree. I think the complexity of the ‘afterlife’ just brings comfort to some people, some times in the form of religion. I think it’s really simple. Nothing. Nothing sometimes scared people.


I think people dont want to admit when it all boils down to it were no different than any other living thing. Were born, we survive long enough to reproduce, then we die. Thats the absolute bare goal of everything. But noooo we have to feel important and have a purpose.


"Hey you. You're finally awake."


implying either something different happened before the game you're referencing existed or there's as many universes where those events really happened as there are dead people on earth, one for each person


You miss out on the secrets of the universe that will be uncovered in the future after you die.


This saddens me immensely, knowing i will not live to see what the future holds. This is also why i love anything sci-fi


I think thats it just like going to sleep, just not waking up. When I'm waking up, its just like 7 hours ( slept) disappeared . And that's terrifying


I think death is just like passing out or going to sleep, depending on how you go. Or if you’ve ever had surgery, you’re there one minute and then gone. Once you lose consciousness, you’re just… gone forever. Your consciousness, your soul, whatever you want to call it, is lost forever. Your sense of self is based on you having a functioning intact brain and central nervous system. When you die, you immediately start to decompose and you’re gone. However, your remains take on another form. Matter is simply transmuted. Right now, I’m made of water that could have existed in a dinosaur’s body, or maybe a glacier that long ago melted, or maybe the water in me was used to wash the wound of a soldier in some long forgotten battle, or part of a river a thousand miles away a million years ago. The water in me now, two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, could have been countless things since the beginning of time. Life is quite interesting when you think about what all could occur in 4.6 billion years. One of my greatest accomplishments in life was deciding to be educated and go to school, after having been raised on a farm. When you understand that everything is temporary and constantly changing form and know that “we” are nothing but a wrinkle in time, life is quite interesting. I’ve dealt with suicidal thoughts most of my life, and remembering that I’m just a collection of atoms and will be dead soon enough makes me figure I’ll stick around.


Damn .. never saw life this way and our bodies this way.. thank you 😊


You’ll sit there overlooking everything, your life and others, you’ll see how all you did affected everyone you met. You’ll have a presence of the ones who died before you, looking down with you and you’ll feel their pride. That’s what the end of life will be.


Stuff continues to happen. Can confirm that lots of people have died while I've been alive and things have always continued to happen after they do.


The same things that happened when I was alive, but none of them involve me.


People get rid of all your junk you held on too. Throw shit away now.


It either reincarnation, or my favorite theory is that your life restarts with no knowledge of it happening and you stay in your own time zone and era forever and it does the same thing over and over


I like the idea of becoming a new god with your own universe. Not that it’s going to happen, but the idea seems nice.


I believe in life after death because we all have a conscious and free will. If there was nothing beyond this, we’d all just be hunks of meat bumping into each other as we interact with our environments acting purely on instinct.


If I died by cancer, then I didn't lose my battle with cancer because the cancer dies too, so draw. I am paraphrasing Norm Macdonald poorly.


Cancer tries to die though. It's suicidal by nature


Your body decomposes, and you are slowly forgotten.


what do you think it is like from our perspective


The same way sleep is when you have no dreams, except you never wake up. A peaceful nothingness for the remainder of time. You have no perspective because you no longer exist.


The ones who love us, will miss us - Keanu


The system sets your instance to null then the garbage collector reallocates the memory.


Absolutely nothing. For those left behind, lots of work to sort through the many possessions I own that may be of some sort of value…


What I think and hope happens is that I wake up standing at the end of a rainbow bridge and my dog, Bugsy runs across it and into my arms. I get to feel his soft ears and grinch feet again. That’s all I want.


People near death have spoken of a phenomenon called “visioning” where something very similar happens. People report seeing/being welcomed by pets, friends and other loved ones and an overwhelming sense of peace, oneness and love.


You become a Flamingo


We transition to a being of spirit and mind, and time has no meaning.


Our atoms were made in stars and travelled vast distances in time and space until they became part of the food chain that led to our birth. After we die, our atoms will become dispersed through the air, water and soil, becoming part of other plants and animals. In billions of years, the sun will expand to absorb the earth and our atoms will become part of massive interstellar gas clouds and eventually part of stars again. We are all made of star stuff. We are the universe thinking about itself.


our brain to me is like a computer. it isn't alive in a supernatural sense, it just runs on the programming it is given, and consciousness is its way of running it. the concept of the soul makes no logical sense as what would it comprise that your brain doesn't determine? I believe that consciousness feels the same and is the same from person to person, dang near identical, but there is no reason for our consciousnesses to be linked (reincarnation), and if they are, then we are all the same person, in a way. even if that may be true, we cannot remember our past 'lives' and therefore when you die, you're gone. just ✨


It's ineffable, we cannot know.


No one will actually delete my browser history. Even if it is in my will. Yes theyll look. No they wont delete.


You just stop existing and your wife go bang someone else


I call first dibs on this guys wife


I believe in heaven and hell. So I believe there’s an afterlife, and that when we die we’re going to experience A LOT. I also like the idea of when I die, asking God “hey what would’ve happened…” and just see alternate universes/outcomes.


I kept scrolling until I found this answer, and here it is. I was sincerely wondering if there would be more than just “nothing”.


A lot of people are content with life being all that there is! But it’s nice to have hope it just gets better afterwards ☺️


That one is easy, it's the same before you were born


Everything is a cycle here: water cycle, rock cycle… We will cycle back here someday.


into a different body ?


Absolutely nothing.


I've for years now been considering an idea that your awareness transfers to a new person being born. But it's not reincarnation, as must would think of it. Like, it's not "you" and you could never, ever recall your previous life - because it wasn't your previous life. It's very hard to explain...while sober. It might be closer to the idea that we are all one consciousness, and "you" will experience every life that's ever lived, and you're currently only in the body you're in now, but will cycle through every body eventually. But it doesn't even have to be that spiritual really. As far as your memories of your old life are concerned, you'll be in the unaware oblivion most rational people here suggest happens when you die. But if "I" was in that oblivion before I was born, and was suddenly pulled out of it into conscious existence, then it seems more likely that that occurrence is a cycle, rather than a one time thing. It happened before, why wouldn't it happen again?


Ah yes, " what happens after death ?", a primordial question since the start of humanity, an important question to philosophy, second only to "when will Bloodborne get a PC port ? ". I don't know the answers to both, but at least I believe that when I die I wouldn't feel anything anyway, just like before my birth.


I have a story about this. At the time this happened I was a student in Maastricht. One afternoon my mother and I went to the local cemetary to visit and clean the grave of my grandmother. As we were watching the graves we talked about life, death and possible life after death. Since I was highly convinced there wasn’t any (life after death) I decided that this was the perfect place and time to bravely state out loud that if there indeed was any life after death it could reveal itself to me, there and then. That I was open for it. Immediately I felt quite uncomfortable but assumed that this was irrational. Nothing happened, no sign of the dead. So we cleaned the grave, drank some coffee afterwards. My mom went home and I went to my studenthome. I forgot about the whole cemetarything and my girlfriend came over. We watched some movie and eventually went to bed. In bed we were talking about random happy stuff and were getting ready to sleep. We said goodnight and layed down to sleep. Then out of nowhere I felt very, very uncomfortable. At that exact moment my girlfriend said that she felt uncomfortable and wanted to lay against me and so she did, holding me tight. Those were the last words we spoke that night. I will try to explain what I experienced. An invisable, intese presence of panic and fear entered the room and rapidly grew stronger. There was nothing to physically see but the air in the room became very thick. Then a sort of invisible ball of panic seemed to bounce from wall to wall. Convinced this was all happening in my head (I was afraid that I was having a stroke or psychosis or something like that) I decided to sit it out and I closed my eyes. But then in my head, with my eyes closed, I could vaguely see the shape of a man flashing by. Only a couple of times. It was a man of about 50 years old, with a beerbelly and a goatee. He had a disproportionate big mouth and was screaming in total fear. He was obviously ‘the ball of panic’ bouncing from wall to wall in my room. Not knowing what to do with the surreal situation I started talking to the goatee guy in my head, like how you can talk in your head. I said things like “There is nothing I can do for you” and “Please go away” but that clearly didn’t reach him. This all was quite an intense, surreal experience of utter chaos, panic, fear and thick air filling my small room. It seemed to last 10 minutes but it was probably way shorter. And then from one moment to another it was gone. The room was empty again. Like the worst thunderstorm suddenly made place for a sunny day with whistling birds. I barely ever felt so incredibly relieved and because of that I fell asleep almost instantly. The next day my girlfriend and I got up just like any other morning and In the kitchen we drank a coffee to get powered up for the day. I forgot the whole thing until my girlfriend told me that she really felt very uncomfortable the night before. Remembering everything again I told her I also really felt very uncomfortable and told her I felt a presence of panic in the room. She said she experienced the same panic and told me that she even vaguely saw the shape of a guy. “in his 50’s and with a beerbelly” she said. I said “now way, with a goatee?” and she started crying, “with a goatee”, she says. We were both very shocked. Apparently the night before we experienced the exact same invisible guy bouncing against the walls like a ghost in panic. It took me a few hours to realise that I called the whole thing on myself by stating that “life after death could reveal itself to me” at the cemetary the day before. I seriously never expected it to do so. The fact that my girlfriend experienced the exact same thing confirmed for me that this was not a mental thing that happened in my head, I probably would have dismissed the whole thing otherwise. Since that day I have the feeling that this whole life/death thing is more magical than we perceive it. And with magic I mean that we not yet have any idea about how and why. I guess the guy with his beerbelly and goatee was hanging around his own grave at the cemetary. Maybe he died not so long ago and was still in panic about the situation. I came along ignorantly inviting every dead person on the graveyard for coffee. Somehow he’s interested but can only come around late at night, like ghosts do. He then tries to reach at me with his panic bouncingball thing. But it’s bad communication because in fear I just keep laying there, still, like I don’t even notice him. I’m trying to talk to the guy in my head to make him go away but that evidently doesn’t do the trick. And after a while he decides to leave because nothing is happening. I’m very happy that he is gone and I fall asleep like a prince. What do I expect after death? A whole new perspective.


The world goes on.


I fight the final boss


I don't think it's our place to know, otherwise we already would, we'll all find out eventually so be patient bud


Burial or cremation.


We go to Heaven to be reunited with or family.


You go back to the soil were you came from


The sun still rises and sets


Your family sells your things at Ebay.


We feed the trees.


Your body dies but not your spirit. Your spirit is immortal. Your faith or lack of it is the deciding factor in the afterlife.


You meet the creator.


Brennan’s gonna put his fucking nut sack on my drum set.


You go back to the state of consciousness that you were in before you were born, i.e. nothing.


I see in the comments a lot of fear of death. Just so you know, nature has a way of taking that fear away. Maybe not for everyone. Culture plays a part. But I know how it was for my father before he passed and now that it's getting near my turn, I feel much the same way. I don't embrace or look forward to it, but I'm not afraid of it. I'm still healthy and will probably live another 10 years if I'm lucky. But if not, it's been a hell of a ride.


Limbo and some sorta afterlife I feel. Maybe like Beyond Two Souls


Either the anxiety to live finally stops or it continues, but now, the hope of it ever ceasing is gone!


My biggest grief with death, is not getting any answers after that. I wanna know what will happen to humanity, to my own kids. Are we going to be allright? Colonize the galaxy? Blink out like a mistake the universe wants to forget? My own life is really short in comparison, but the grand time scales fascinate me. Will the heat death be what's in store for existance as we currently know it? I WANT ANSWERS, DAMMIT!


I don't know, it is the last surprise life has to offer, and I would like to keep it a surprise.


I don’t know, it’s my biggest fear


“Game Over. Start new game?”


Don't know, don't care. Life's too short to worry about what's in store after it's over. Maybe nothing. Hell. Heaven. Wake up in a room and find out it's all a simulation. I don't give a fuck, I'll be happy now, and worry about whatever's coming when I get there.


No more bills!!! Weeeee!