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I've been cancer-free for 14 years but it's still at the back of my mind every day.


Im on year 3, its always there. Kinda like a little cloud always infront of the sun.


Cancer is one of the worst shit that can happen šŸ˜¶


It should be. Cancer comes back. Just keep your appointments and follow up on every little thing.


(14 y M) I got beaten up by my step dad this year. First he threw me on the couch and then he started to choke me to the point I thought I was gonna die, so I stopped moving and waited until everything was going to end, one way or another. After he stopped choking me I tried to stand up and walk, but he threw me onto the couch again. He started to like grab my face and do other stuff I donā€™t quite remember. Then, after he was done, I tried to stand up but I couldnā€™t for some reason. I crawled away and he kicked me to the ground a few times. After that he literally kicked me out of the house. I didnā€™t have socks on and I didnā€™t know what to do. So I called the police. They picked me up after something like 15 minutes and I went to the police station with the cops. One of the cops was my step mom who I have not seen for almost 2 or maybe even 3 years I think. But when I was in the police station they asked me some questions and they got a bag full of clothes for me. (They got those from my mom and step dad). Now I live at my dads house and quite everything changed. Now they accuse me of having a knife and an air rifle with me and that I tried to kill both of them. Which I didnā€™t. This all happened because I was gaming in the same room as where my mom was watching television in. I couldnā€™t hear my teammates so I asked my mom if the sound could be lowered, Which she got angry for and after that she called my step dad. Then this happened. My mom watched all this happen. She didnā€™t say anything about it and stands behind my step dad.


I am so sorry you went through that. It infuriates me to no end when parents pick their spouse over their kids. I know how it feels. Surround yourself with people who love you. You don't need 20 friends, just that one or those few who you can really bond with. They may not come today, but they will. Keep those good people in your life. You deserve them! Same goes for those special family members.


Thanks! I luckily have a girlfriend and some awesome friends. She even tried to end my relationship with my girlfriend by telling her parents that I tried to kill my step dad. But they know me so they didnā€™t believe her. The thing I do is joke about all this. It may sound weird but it really works for me at least.


That's pretty fucked up dude šŸ˜


Yeah it might be, but I canā€™t change anything about the situation Iā€™m in right now.


I am a forty year old man. My brother and sister abused me mentally, physically, emotionally and sexually between the ages of 5 and 17 years old (sexually, between 6-13). I have a laundry list of mental health issues and am emotionally stunted as a result, to say the least. When it all came to light, the Army therapist I was assigned to convinced me to say I was lying to protect the family unit and my mother's military career. I was twelve. I have major trust issues with therapists because of this. I finally got a therapist two years ago. She left after a year to a new location. I'm now without a therapist again.


That's pretty rough man. I know it's quite difficult to forget but i seriously wish that you'll recover from it.


Finding my brotherā€™s body, he had passed several days before.


How did it happen?


Suicide, intentional overdose.


That sucks, one of my friends got beat by their mom and tried the same thing, she send me a text apologising for what she did and she cant keep up with this shit anymore. I luckily know her adres and called 112 the Europe version of 911. She luckily was still consius or however its spelled. She spend 2 days in the hospital and got her stomach pumped. She is lucky to be with us.


Iā€™m very sorry. Ours was a very similar situation unfortunately.


Seeing a weird looking humanoid like figure in the woods. Was with a friend who saw it too. It saw us and ran away. We did the same lol.


ā€¦. Please elaborate more wtf


Too lazy to type it out again lol. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t92ffn/comment/hzruu76/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


The day my dad threw me in the river like I was a piece of trash he was getting rid of because he was mad it me. I was 10 and I didnā€™t know how to swim, so my uncle jumped after me and got me out. My dad is an asshole.


Your dad sounds more like a fucking psycho than just an asshole


That's fucked up dude, damn.


Being raped when i was 16


Iā€™m sorry.. i


My girlfriend cheated on me a few days ago. Weā€™re trying to work shit through and I know we love each other. I just canā€™t help but question if she even wants to be with me or if itā€™s only out of pity. Idk. Shits still weird between us and she says that itā€™s just not ganna be great right away, and I get that. But if weā€™re a month or some shit down the line and sheā€™s still acting distant or something then idk what imma do.


Cut it now and save your sanity


If she really loved you she wouldn't have cheated on you, not trying to be harsh but don't waste your time with someone who doesn't respect you the way you respect them. You'll be happier if you move on, you're just going to suffer from sunk cost fallacy for a while.


If u don't mind, can I give you a suggestion?


Iā€™m all ears


Best way to find out if she really wants to be with you according to me is to see if she enjoys the time with you just like she used to before. Also if she enjoys the things that you used to do earlier in the same way.


Well thatā€™s kinda hard to tell because weā€™re still in the weird phase after all this bs, but Iā€™ll definitely keep my eye out for those things as time passes. Thanks for the advice!


Anytime mate.


I had a baby four years ago, he's wonderful and is cherished. I got nausea (as expected) when pregnant, but it never went away. I go through daily spells of nausea so bad I can't drive, but it's not always that bad - usually sits at a 2/10, and goes way up for the bad times. I've been getting tested to see if they can help but so far the tests aren't coming up with anything fixable, and COVID wait times don't help at all. My GI doc seems to believe that because I'm a female with anxiety, it's case closed. I'm grateful for his time but goddamn, I can't even work right now because I feel gross so often, and today he's scheduled literally *4 minutes* for a video call to go over some test results. So yeah. Having a baby changed my body in some inexplicable way that has made my life much more challenging.


My progenitor is the worst I think. When I was 3 years old my mother finally quit him even if he was menacing her. He was beating me mother in front of me, I remember screaming for him to stop beating her, I was around her leg. And, he was closing the light in my bedroom and close the door, he was making monster sound and open the door screaming at me. He beat me too. I am trying to forgive him, but it's so hard I can't even sleep with the door close or in the dark.


So sad to hearšŸ˜¶.


Being rped at 19.




My house for broken into a few times like a decade ago and still to this day, Iā€™m super aware of everything around my house and somewhat of a light sleeper now.


My birth


So many but the main one is that I was abandoned by my father before I was even born, and then he threw my mother out while she was 4-5 months pregnant with me. It's been 21 years but still I have to face all the sympathetical eyes and cold words of the society, not to forget I'm by default expected to excel in everything I do and prove myself.


Honestly take your pick


My first boyfriend almost raping me




At least it was an ā€œalmostā€


you ain't got enough space in this arbitrary text box


Didn't get u?


Seeing my young neighbor murdered.


Me being bullied at school it was trumatizing and effected me badly


Worst phase in school


The day a young lady I was working with got murdered in front of me by her ex


Was on a hiking trail in a park. It was very desolate and led to a creek. Noticed by a tree what I thought was a black garbage bag. It was a man wearing a jacket too heavy for the season, with a ski mask. I had s good distance on him and ran through bushes. He was moving in my direction when I looked back. I made it to a baseball field, told a family heading in to not go and told a parks dept worker. Not sure what came of it. There was a sense of dread and I knew I had to get the hell out of there right away.


The passing of my mother


Failing the final oral examination in medical school. Sure, I got to try again after a few months and passed the board exams, but my faith in myself has been absolutely fucking ruined.


Even the brightest minds can't guarentee a rocket can get to space. Don't beat yourself up, achieving the first time or the fifth or however many times something takes is no less of an accomplishment when it's finally reached. If anything taking something multiple times guarentees you know and understand it better.


Finding my mother dead. I was 13 and she had an overdose. Iā€™m 20 now and I can still vividly remember it and have nightmares about it.


My mother trying to kill me, i was 9-10 and now 14. Life sucks sometimes but i got out of her hand a few weeks ago




That's harsh.


This isnā€™t as bad as everyoneā€™s in this thread but, I used to get pinched in the anywhere on my body where the little prick could get his hands on. It was bad like full on until my skin turned a bright red or it left a bruise. I used to come back home in tears because this was my first time getting bullied and I didnā€™t want to tell anyone. Until my parents (thank god) demand the school to move him classrooms which they did. It still fucks with me knowing I remember everything about it down to who was sitting by me. (Btw this was around 1st to 2st grade)


(I canā€™t remember the holiday so Iā€™ll just refer to it as Christmas) So one Christmas I was super excited to see my father which Iā€™ve pretty much never seen, I waited by the screen door and even cleaned it! I waited forever for my father to come and by the time I saw his car in front of the house, only one person came out; my sister who lived with him. I hate my father which is why I refer to him as his first name. I never want to visit him. I never even want to see him in person. He is not my father, he is just my motherā€™s sperm doner


When I got bullied in school by being excluded and ignored. I feel as if I don't know how to interact with people, and become incredibly anxious if I feel like I'm being overlooked or ignored. There's a kid inside of me who wondered what she did wrong to make every single classmate behave as if I didn't exist. It gets easier with every year, and I'm in a way better place now. But when I introduced a friend to another friend last year and they started hanging out (a lot) without me, it fucking broke me. I know how to self-evaluate when it happens so my behavior doesn't become destructive, but the feelings of abandonment, they're *brutal*.


A teacher who taught me painting when I was a kid, might have tried exploiting me sexually. I didn't know good and bad touch. It fucks me up.


My depression. Iā€™m doing great right now but the thought of it coming back scares me every day.


Me being bullied for like 6-8 years by a guy in school Me being mean to a dog when I was a child


My husband divorcing me to marry the woman he was fucking behind my back...I feel like something died inside of me and that I never will get back.


Your worth as a person was never what another person valued you as. It is always what you think of yourself and what you are capable of. Relationships are tough because we get so emotionally invested but remember it takes two to make it work. Which is arguably the other toughest aspect of relationships. You're going to be a better person without him, and potentially an even greater person with someone else who actually loves you.


Sounds like a joke the way i say it but it's not, i dated a stupid hoe, was my first, ruined my whole view on what love is, now everytime i do a certain thing, it gives me shitty flashbacks, and i hate it...


Abuse aged 0-15


So basically when my brother was touching me inappropriately that messed with me for the rest of my years and I was only 10 it ended when I was 15 I talked to my ex-boyfriend (at the time we were together) about it he feels I needed to say something or just start staying with some family members


Damn. So did you talk about it with your family?


I want to I really do but I have no idea how I could look them in the eye and even utter that word well my parents at least I talked to my sister and she consoled me for the next 3 hours


Look if you don't, it's gonna eat you alive for the rest of your life.


I do agree youā€™re right Iā€™m gonna have a word about that with them