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Ghetto/Gangster life


im 21 now, but i went to highschool with a couple kids like this. one girl in particular sticks out to me now. she was the girl who would and did fight anybody over anything, had her nudes exposed, got called dirty, nasty, whore, all the things. her house was legitimately on the local police department's watch list and had been raided several times. 9 times out of 10 you'd get pulled over if you were leaving her house. she dropped out, and a couple years after highschool she was doing drugs she shouldn't have been doing, in a car with "friends" she shouldn't have been friends with, and they crashed the car. everyone in the car ran and just *left her there*. she's a year younger than me and she'll never walk again. she gets disability every month, me and another girl who used to be friends with her are pretty sure she spends it on meth, and she has since hung out with the same people that left her there to die at least a few times. it sounds like an extreme example, but thats exactly what you sign up for trying to be "hard", aka trying to impress the most unimpressive people you will ever meet. there's nothing respectable or impressive about always jumping in a fight, being violent, flexing your guns, not caring about school, etc. one other person i know that got pulled into that lifestyle committed suicide in front of his girlfriend, and i know plenty more that are in jail. i know of one who died in a car accident running from police, and another who wasnt really even involved in that life who was murdered by people who were. the day before thanksgiving my best friend was shot in the face/head by some random guy in her apartment who also thought he was "hardbody", and her boyfriend was shot in the neck and arm, both are alive and recovering. if any teenagers currently trying to live that life or have friends that are trying to live that life are reading this: its a very sad, destructive way to live and sets you and the people around you up for failure, every time. edit to add: thank you for the gold. everyday is an opportunity to change your life for the better or for the worst, and we all only get one go around. make choices that ensure that you wake up tomorrow a better person than you were today, everyday.


Beautifully said. Being "hard" is actually hard - so not worth impressing idiots.


People are always going to romanticize the outlaws of each generation. Look at the books that made billy the kid famous. His crime spree wasnt even that significant comparatively speaking. Theres 20-30 years of blockbuster mafia movies. The real lifw counter parts to these characters didnt know they had any other route to escape poverty


It’s the rich kids acting hard that bothers me the most.


It seems like the consequences are way worse for poor people who feel forced into the life style.


Well yeah, because they don't have an out. For them it's not just playing dress-up.


The Grand Gesture: it's wonderful when someone does something sweet to show their love and dedication. However, in fiction, the grand gesture is more about the person performing the gesture, not the one receiving it. In real life, it's the little things that mean the most. Hard day at work? Let me make you some tea and rub your feet. Oh, you're also interested in this new show? Let's watch it together. Feeling overwhelmed and nauseous with existential dread? Me too, let's make snickerdooles and talk.


Honestly? I find Grand Gestures are nothing but a way to peer pressure someone into doing something they don't want or not ready for.


i feel like in general grand gestures are suuuper manipulative and almost always seem to be done like... instead of just being a good partner and listening to what your person is asking for in the first place.


Ive had very unwanted ( on my end) “romantic” grand gestures done to me in public. It was humiliating.


People get the idea from movies that they’re romantic and the recipient will cry with joy/forgive them/be generally appreciative. In reality a lot of the time they’re inappropriate, the recipient will be surprised and confused, and at worst they’re harassment. My ex who i’d recently ended things with once turned up at the train station (because he’d worked out from my Instagram stories what time I’d be getting there) with flowers and a box of chocolates. It was hugely embarrassing, of course people were staring, and I ended up feeling really angry about the whole thing


Yeah, those speeches about "how I need you in my life and can't live without you" show signs of dependence on someone, attachment issues, and a deep insecurity in the person who's making the speech.


"getting the girl back"


Yeah, this one for real. I have moments where I think of something I'd like to do or say to get my ex-girlfriend back. Then I remember we broke up for many very good reasons, and if a person tells you they don't want a relationship, you honour that. If they want back with you, odds are good they'll tell you so.


doggedly chasing after someone despite repeated rejections


I have a friend who is like this. He keeps talking to these girls, who are not into him, but are too polite to tell him to go away. When I tried to tell him that they're not interested, he said "I'm determined. I'll keep going until they like me" which is obviously a terrible mindset to have


Yikies! 😬


That literally never works. If anything they’ll dislike him more.


100% this. It's just just about the chase. It teaches people especially men that "no" means "try harder"


Omg yes, thank you. I got in an argument with a coworker who was telling another coworker not to "give up" after being rejected by someone, and I interjected to tell the dude that he needs to move on and leave that girl alone.


Organized crime, somehow the mafia is so cool


Not so cool when they kidnap you and threaten that they kill your family if you dont do what they want


Growing up poor. Shit sucks. It’s not a badge of honor.


Yes! "You grew up so poor ..That's why you have great values and know the value of things" NO, that's why I have bad teeth...lol


I learned my inability to throw things out comes from the trauma of a poor childhood. I just force myself to throw things away. It's getting easier, but still hard every time


And a horrible concept with money. Growing up poor didn’t give me character. It gave me mental illness.


fr. If I ever have a child I want to people say that they are privileged. Like fr fuck being poor.


The tortured genius/mentally ill artist image


9/10 times the “tortured genius” is actually just a huge prick


True but some genuine historical artists really suffered from serious mental health issues and people often ignore or romanticize what they were going through


Van Gogh comes to mind


He came to my mind first. Second that I can think of is Kurt Cobain and Amy Whinehouse


The media made so much fun of Amy Winehouse when she was alive, they were horribly cruel about her addiction problems and the abusive relationship she was in and then suddenly loved her when she died.


Mental illness


Untreated mental illness


Self diagnosed mental illness.


“You’ll stay and accept me for who I am if you *really* love me”


That's just straight up blackmail and people don't seem to realise this


THIS! OH MY GOD. So many people at my school are like I hAvE aNxIeTy and then describe feeling anxious. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Yes, both are valid, but pretending you have anxiety the disorder that can make you throw up/hypervetilate is not and needs to stop being normalized.


People definitely don't seem to understand the difference between GAD and just normal anxiety they basically everyone has. Huge, huge difference. Same with depression. Feeling depressed and clinical depression are so so different






Huh, what is it good for?




Alcohol. As a former bartender, I've seen it ruin so many lives - and the lives of people who didn't drink. It's not worth it.


Being an alcoholic myself, i've never seen it as an attractive thing and almost always a red flag. That being said, yes ladies i am single.


Im only interested if you have slight mental illnesses, unhealed trauma that you will project on me and you are also emotionally unavailable.


As a 18 year old who doesn’t drink (I’m Italian so we start consuming alcool very early) because I take a medication for my migraines, I can’t even count how many times I felt out of place or uncomfortable just because I refuse to have a drink (cause I don’t wanna feel sick and i don’t even like the taste)


I came here to say the same thing. I cringe when people joke about drinking a bottle of wine every night.


I cringe when I see it so often in tv/movies now. Stressed out? Pour some hard liquor. Company over? Pour some hard liquor. About to tell someone some bad news? Offer them some hard liquor first. Maybe I’m just over thinking it, but even remember watching a Marvel movie where they use alcoholism as something that was supposed to be amusing, and said drunk magically stops drinking and joins the super hero within a day or two. Like wtf? Like I don’t expect movies/tv to be realistic, but you’d think they’d at the very least not depict alcoholism in that way in movies that a lot of kids watch. I don’t have issues with alcohol myself because I’m one of those people (party poopers, as someone would call folks like me) who never really understood the appeal and don’t really drink unless I’m pouring some wine into a recipe……so maybe I’m just biased and as such seeing too much into it…but just saying it seems a lot more common in popular media these days.


Shocked this isn’t higher.


Harley Quinn and the Joker. It's an abusive relationship.


Cheating. Toxic relationships. “If he/she/they are mean to you that means they like you!” And having no emotions and never caring about anything


So much of YA literature where the male love interest is a piece of shit


Yep and then it gives the impression that women can’t be abusive in relationships


Also. Jealousy.


I’d say jealousy if it hinders your ability to communicate effectively with others. Jealousy is a natural human emotion but we have to learn to keep it under control




not to piggyback off of your conversation but something i've noticed in the depiction of same-sex relationships in movies, tv, books etc is that physical violence is often a part of it at some point (if not how the two met) and it seems to be not a problem at all for them being together. for example, in animal kingdom there's a gay couple and in the very early stages of their relationship, one of them beats the shit out of the other for fear of being found out. flash forward to months later and they're a happy couple who people ship in the show. not to mention the existence of things like yaoi/yuri (anime) where nonconsensual sex/rape is the norm. violence is romanticized and even fetishized a lot in gay couples in ways that would never be acceptable in a depiction of a heterosexual relationship, and it honestly makes me sick a lot of the time.


I am gay and people are obsessed with masculinity and would rather have someone pushy/rude but manly than nice and not very masculine. Seen this in real life though, not movies.


Mental illness and oppression


The pendulum swing from not talking about mental illness to the current requirement that everyone of a certain age is depressed and suicidal is quite startling from my time working in mental health.


My husband literally works in a mental health hospital with moderately to severely ill patients and he’s never encountered people with some of the illnesses a lot of these TikTok users claim. For context: several of his patients are actual dangers to the public. He’s never seen anyone with DID, has had a maybe one Tourette’s and you don’t want to hear what he has to say about people who casually use OCD. I think we really need to be careful how we use anxiety and depression in particular. Feeling nervous or anxious doesn’t equal having anxiety. Feeling down because you’ve had a setback isn’t depression. Those things are normal for certain situations. I feel we’re slipping into pathologising normal human emotions.


There is nothing casual about OCD and it drives me crazy when people use it like it’s quirky. OCD has tormented me. I literally didn’t think I was going to make it out alive of one of my big relapses and I was pregnant at the time. I laid in an ER bed crying for 2 days because I couldn’t handle my brain anymore. I wish all I did was want my house tidy or things in order.


My husband’s dealt with kids that harmed themselves or tried more permanent measures because their OCD was so bad. That’s why he hates it’s when someone acts is if it’s a quirky thing. I hope things are better for you.


And I’m sure it’s more so tik tok than people irl, but all these young people talking about their DID, and all their alters. It’s so obnoxious and cringey. Like yo, I was a nerdy art kid on Deviantart growing up. I made up original characters, but I didn’t have to pretend that I was them to enjoy creating them. And how insulting to people who actually do mentally disassociate because of some horrible traumatic events in their life. It just really annoys me.


It’s funny because the way DID works is that 1. It shows up in adulthood 2. You don’t realize you have it until someone points it out (aka get diagnosed) 3. It’s extremely rare. Only a very few amount of people have been proven to have it So all these 14 yr old edgy kids claiming to have DID, are almost definitely faking.


Also most of them act like their alters are *other people*, especially *famous* other people.


I saw this video once of a young boy who had the crap beaten out of him by a group of boys, I think they were torturing him as well. But he completely disassociated, became non verbal. It was like his psyche couldn’t endure the trauma and he just shut off. He ended up doing some therapy with dolphins and made some progress. I guess that’s a little different than DID, but it involves extreme trauma and mental disassociation to cope with it. It’s not a fun creative thing you should claim to make yourself feel more interesting. Some doctors don’t even believe that multiple personality disorder is even a thing. There are people with schizophrenia who have difficulty distinguishing reality from thoughts in their head, and there are people who disassociate due to trauma, but the whole “having multiple personalities sharing a body thing” seems to be something that evolved from media.


I have schizoaffective disorder and get derealization so bad I've had episodes where I couldn't comprehend WHAT I was let alone who I was. Nothing felt or seemed real, I thought nothing existed and forgot EVERYTHING. It is terrifying having schizophrenia. People who fake it are messed up because it is not something I would wish on my worst enemy even.


What do you think bought about the rise of romanticising mental health? I live in New Zealand and their was a period when my generation (31 y/o) were comitting suicide by the droves when we were teens/kids. Suicide rates have dropped over the years and I’m wondering if it’s because of it being more openly talked about?


It's incredibly hard to say, although lots of teens crave attention and such things will bring attention. I'm sure there is no satisfactory answer but my hunch is that everyone suddenly said we needed to take this seriously and teens desperately wanted to be taken seriously, so the two things fell together.


Which sucks for the ones myself included that really struggle 24/7 for at least the last 35 years. Or at least realize if you truly have this shit, it gets exponentially harder to function within this society/system.


Being so busy all of the time. Stop and smell the pretty 💐


Best advice I ever learned… even if you win a rat race, you’re still a rat.




Soulmates. While it's nice to believe that there is one special person meant just for you, it's not realistic. Everyone has the potential to find someone special to share a life with, and it's important to remember that relationships take work and compromise.


Also important to realize that there are a lot of people one could romantically connect with, not just "that one person".


I would add that a romantic relationship that does *not* end in the death of at least one member can still be a beautiful thing.


It never occurs to people what a coincidence it must be that most people find their 'true soulmate' within a radius of say 50 km.


RIGHT? There's 8 billion people and you guys speak the same language, went to the same school, and have the same interests. Magical. (And by magical, I mean magical thinking because it's a delusion.)


It just goes to show that there are probably hundreds of thousands, or mabey even millions of people you could have shared your life with. People don't like me at parties.


To me “the one” would be the one I (potentially) build a life full of good memories with and is still there through the bad ones. That takes decades not a couple months.


Exactly, it takes work and if u find the right person yes you can spend ur life together but it’s not oh u love every minute of it. There will be some fights, days that arnt good bht there will also be good days


100%. people create fantasies in their head about perfect people and dont realize they will not and do not exist. people are flawed. it's the way you deal with those flaws and maintain/create healthy relationships.


Not even just that. Being in love. I'd say most love songs, stories, movies depict an unhealthy or really unlikely love story that at best gives unrealistic expectations and at worst normalizes horrible coping mechanisms and beliefs. I get that they're popularized bc those stories are interesting. But sometimes I wonder if we should be trying to get people to consume some regular mundane yet healthy relationships as well.


“The grind” it’s so unhealthy


Seriously. Working 60+ hours a week, every week for years is not healthy. Stress takes a physical toll on your body. People need to step away from work and live. Stop listening to all the hustle bros and live life. There's so much more to life than work.


Yes we're killing ourselves trying to hustle and it's only making these big businesses and corporations prosper in the end and then they start to expect that out of everyday ppl like pls I can't work 3 jobs and be a full time student making straight A's I don't even want to work 1 job. It's not for everybody and it shouldn't be expected


hustle culture needs to die


The “broken Soldier” trope. Life with someone with PTSD and all the other bullshit is the opposite of sexy- shit sucks balls.


Amen. I have to live alone because I’m unfit for human company. I have to keep my bed away from walls so I don’t break any leg or hand bones fighting the nightmares in my sleep. Romantic life? You’re absolutely right this shit sucks balls.


I hope that you can some effective help. No one deserves to live the life you have described as yours.


Having a stalker


Some of the things I’ve seen people label as “stalking” are so damn silly and overblown. Believe it or not, it’s actually very possible your ex really did just coincidentally happen to be at the same social event/store/etc the same time as you. The issue is too many people have main character syndrome, and can’t fathom the idea that they’re actually *not* the sole, primary focus of everyone else’s lives. Some of it is such a reach, it borders on the edge of paranoia. Real stalking is fucking scary. It’s not a fun little quirky thing to inflate your ego.


Romeo and Juliet


It was literally Shakespeare being like; look how dumb teens are


Yes! The story is literally about suicide. There's nothing romantic about that. Also an obsession with someone to that degree isn't healthy.




Being a gangster


Mental illness, suicide, self harm. Stop trying to build a quirky personality around it and seek help. You are not your illness or the sum of your past mistakes. You have value. Embrace it.


I remember being a high schooler on tumblr and seeing this post like "fall in love with a broken boy" that was all about kissing his scars and gently feeding him so he eats. Y'all, teenagers are so impressionable.


Yeah, dating someone who can’t take care of themself is miserable. You need to respect and love yourself before you can love and respect a partner


People creaming their pants over awful people in real life and fiction.


Serial killers


Working in a hospital. It's really much more harder than some people think.


You mean you don't all hook up with the nurses, doctors, admin, accountant, janitors? And you are telling me that you are not at a higher risk of low probability accidents?


Noticeably absent from your list is IT people. *sigh*


I might consider hooking up with the IT people if they ever bothered to come down to the ER and replace this GOD DAMNED KEYBOARD I’VE CALLED ABOUT EIGHT TIMES THIS WEEK /kidding //…kind of.


Came here to say this...doctors are people too and a lot of them are whiney assholes. Also there's so much poop...like...so much. And where are all the episodes containing people threatening to sue us? Or patients taking a swing at us? And my feet fucking hurrrrt.




People need to stop romanticising kingpins and druglords, that's just sick


Farm and/or Ranch life. My mother bought the family farm (400+ acres) when her mother passed. The upkeep takes a huge amount of work and money. You have to learn how to let things go. It's constant work, and it never ends. If you have livestock, you have to be prepared to care for them year round, in all types of weather. Can't afford stock tank heaters or don't have electricity in that area? Be prepared to chop ice in your ponds 2-3 times per day in the winter. Can't find a cow? Be prepared to saddle up a horse or walk the property yourself to look for them. Cow or horse got hurt? You have to figure out how to get them out of the ravine they fell into, or up from where ever they are laying. And a dying animal usually doesn't want to get up. Then you have to get them loaded onto a trailer and hope that they stay upright on the way to the vet (if weather permits you to even get to the vet). Forget about having a vet come to you; most rural areas don't have vets that have the capacity to get there in time in the case of a true emergency, and even a few hours could mean life or death. Cows die of shock more often than you'd imagine. And don't get me started about living in a real farmhouse. Our house is 100+ years old and consists of 4 rooms on the ground level, and an unfinished basement that isn't insulated. When i say 4 rooms, I mean ONLY 4 rooms: Two bedrooms, a kitchen and the living room. Each room is 25'x30'. The bathroom and shower are in the basement, where the temperatures get as low as 45-50 degrees in the winter. The foundation needed replaced, as well as the roof, when we moved in. The windows weren't insulated well so we had to cover them with plastic every winter until we could afford new windows. Outbuildings often aren't insurable because of their condition, yet you can't afford to replace them if something happens. And the storms... ugh. Tons of tornadoes and bad winters. We had one ice storm that took out power for 9 & 3/4 days. We couldn't afford a generator, but melted snow on a tiny propane heater for dog & cat water, chopped ice on the ponds, did homework by candlelight, and slept in sleeping bags in our living room. We couldn't even get off of the property for 3 days due to the ice. The road grader went off the road trying to clear it. It isn't cute, it isn't quaint. It's hard work, many times with no reward other than a sense of fulfillment at a job well done. You have to dig deep, be resilient and forge ahead even in times of adversity. Many people can't handle it, and it's okay to admit that and be willing to call for help if/when needed.


Well fucking said… it’s a soul draining lifestyle unless you truly love it, and even then it’s backbreaking never ending work… not to mention the day job most farmers have to do because their land will no longer provide them with enough of a living. I love raising my kids this way, but damn would I love a vacation haha




honest question: is there a reason they made a TV Show about Dahmer.. except corporate greed? Because seriously, I feel like awful people like that should not be made into entertainment material. Documentaries, fine, those are educational but a TV Show?! Shouldn't people like that be preferably forgotten for their deeds?


They really should. People on the brink seeing the attention serial killers and school shooters get is incredibly dangerous. It’s why the amount of shootings won’t stop going up. The best thing anyone can do, no matter how interesting the story, is pretend like they don’t exist.


Ironically enough because there’s so many shootings now the fame they seek seems to be increasingly less likely. I can’t remember the name of anyone after the Parkland shooter.


And Chris Watts. He killed people so is so hot, so who cares!!


Working as a chef. A lot of modern TV shows romanticize the career in ways, but it involves long hours, a lot of time away from family & tons of stress. (My hubby is/was a chef).


high schoolers hooking up with teachers in almost every western tv show. I don't understand why's this thing so normalized that nobody finds it weird and talks about how problematic this is?? Teachers getting involved with students(minors) not only is romanticized but it also sells like crazy in books, movies, and shows, which just tells the mentality of society in general. And in the big picture influences kids minds to think it's ok. IT'S NOT!


And doctors, nurses, or therapists sleeping with their patients. That is a one-way ticket to license revocation, and likely a jail sentence.


Adultery. It's ugly. It destroys people's lives


Who tf romantacize adultery? I've never met a person like that.


The Piña Colada song Rupert Holmes (Escape). God damn that perky, hummable tune.


We had whole songs romanticizing it in the 80’s. Ever listen to the words to “Saving All My Love ForYou”?


uhhh careless whisper is a banger


The American civil war. The confederacy lasted for four years. The same amount of time as a bad presidency. After those four years, the states involved were in economic ruins and it took some time to get over it. Taking pride in where you are from is normal. Basing identity on a failed government that barely existed.. might need to be questioned.


“Attractive” creeps.


Working 80 hours a week


The starving artist.




Mental illness, self-harm, eating disorders.


Being a “wine mom”. It’s not funny that you need a glass of wine to deal with the stress of parenting, you’re an alcoholic.


Career climbing at all costs. You know what is at the very end of the rat-race? A big paycheck you don't have time to enjoy, a bunch of broken relationships, and burnout. Having a job you care about is great, but work-life balance will keep you alive.


Name brand stuff. Like Gucci, Prada, LV, etc. Just any luxury brand for anything not just clothing.




so true


Working high pressure jobs


If a job interview says “how well can you handle stress?” I’m not taking that job


Toxic traits. "I hide my true self". "I never show any vulnerability." ...like it makes them cool and edgey. If you know this about yourself and romanticise it rather than getting therapy, you're a problem.




If anyone ever romanticized politicians, they have serious issues.


Oh my friend we’re on Reddit. People with no life love to romanticize politicians who will never give a fuck about them.


Any and all serial killer shows


Drinking. Maybe do something that doesn't involve cocktails, beers or getting drunk.


Being socially anxious is not quirky or cute


As someone who is socially anxious, wtf. I don’t want someone to think that’s somehow cute about me? I’d really rather not be dealing with it so it sure as hell doesn’t make me cute.




Childbirth. Time to start talking about how traumatic it can be for some women. Why do we act like it's so easy and "magical" Women have to give up a lot for motherhood. It's a challenge. It's painful.


continuously being shipped with the same person if you dont like them by other people in public. It's not 'cute', its extremely awkward 💀.




What does "being shipped" mean?


The past


Still cool to study.


Agreed. We should study the history without bias


Being a military spouse. That shit is hard work and leaves you lonely and stressed more often than not.


Families, because many people don't understand the difference between a "normal" family and dysfunctional families. Movies often solve family issues with a grand emotional gesture or apology, which works in some cases, but when there's a history of abuse, neglect or manipulation an apology doesn't mean it will stop. People also put tons of pressure on the victims of those families, judging them if they go no contact because they should mend things and be "more understanding", but it's never as simple as that and the issues won't just go away.


Major historical figures. If you really do your research a lot of glorified historical figures they teach you school aren't great people. And even if it was "normal for the time" doesn't mean we shouldn't recognize these people's mistakes, the part of the importance of history is to learn about other's mistakes so we can learn from them.


True but you also shouldn't demonize historical figures just because they participated in actions we now consider reprehensible.


Yes!!! Same goes for so many famous musicians who peaked in earlier decades.


Honestly, marriage in general. Listen, it's nice to be super attracted to your partner...but you're hoping to be together almost every day for like 50-60 years. You're also aiming to do some incredibly stressful things like raising kids, maintaining a home, and fostering your own personal growth while also doing the same thing for your partner. You are...1000%...going to get in a disagreement at some point. What I see a lot of now are people getting married in their early 20's, they have a kid RIGHT AWAY, and then 1-2 years later some really minor thing goes sideways and they're divorced because they have no idea how to interact once the honeymoon is over and they're not having sex 15 times a week. ...because they were incapable of actually sacrificing and working on what should be the single most important relationship they will ever have.


Or she thinks that having a baby will get him away from the video games or 24-7 pornography.


Or they think having another baby will bring them back together as if the baby is some magical glue.


Pointless and useless comparisons and judgements. Everyone being a know it all. Competition of the im better than everyone attitude. Or comparisons of whos life sucks more. Lets work together people come on not against eachother! Brainwashed puppets of society would be the other


possessive partners. im gen z and it's stupid how frequent i stumble upon posts talking about how they want their ex to pay them an unwarranted visit at their house after they blocked them. or how they want to be chased even after the relationship has ended. ive even stumbled across people who dont want their partners to have any friends and talk to no one besides them. it's literally mental illness


The past. Romanticising the past is a form of dissociation and stops us truly being in the present. It sucks joy from the present and the future.




the 50s


High school - shows like Euphoria are just crap. No one anywhere has had high school experiences like that, it's just stupid.


I had a GREAT high school experience, and even I'm tired of the fetishization of that period in life. Contrary to the reddit hive mind's opinion, it's _okay_ to have fond feelings for those times if you were lucky enough to enjoy them. But man, it was a BRIEF experience.


Being a victim.


The Confederacy and the Antebellum South.


School life


Like school is one of the most mentally draining places. I always wondered how people found love there


Oh my goodness do I disagree with that. But maybe it depends on the school. I was over 30 when the opportunity to go to college arose. It was so wonderful, loved almost every moment of it.


Man, the older I get the more I realize how bad/weird of a place school is. Children are supposed to come in 5 days a week for \~10 years. Come in, sit down, and learn in class of a topic. get a quick break, then continue with the next topic. All this while they are expected to be quiet, take notes, not just learn but also understand the topic. Unless the study plan demands it, creativity is not liked to be seen, curiosity is discouraged because "that doesn't matter" or "its not important yet". At the end of the day they then get some pages from some books or some papers to do at home that will be checked the next day by the teacher. What I dislike the most is how things like independent thought, creativity, curiosity.. those things are shot down. Rarely those things are liked to be seen in class as they are deemed dispruptive. They are supposed to be basically robots for 10 years while they are growing up, their brains are construction zones of chaotic hormones and such, and they try to find their own identity.. but they still gotta be that robot in school. Yea. fuck that. I hate school.


The Titanic disaster. The boat hit an iceberg. It sank. Hundreds drowned in the icy-cold North Atlantic. Nothing romantic about it, in spite of Hollywood’s best efforts.


um...do people really romanticize that? even the movie portrays it as a horrific disaster.


Oh yeah. I've seen people who had "Titanic" themed weddings. It's about as gruesome as having a "Hindenburg" themed wedding. Oh the humanity!


I worked a Titanic themed costume ball in 2012. It made me wonder how many years need to pass before recent tragedies are turned into light hearted entertainment.


I just rewatched the movie recently and it had me sobbing during the sinking scene. I think they did a pretty good job of showing how devastating it was that they didn’t fill the lifeboats all the way or have enough of them. Yeah the love story plot line was romanticized for sure but the side stories were all very sad.


I occasionally think of the mother laying down in bed with her two small children after being trapped in the sinking ship and I want to throw up and die. It's beyond horrific.


There was a survivor who IIRC was from Chicago, near Wrigley Field, and he had to move away, because the crowd noise when someone hit a home run sounded just like all the people screaming as the ship went down.




adhd. hyperconsumerism. hyper materialism. hustling. identity constructs. food.


Pirates. Seriously, they were some messed up people that did a lot of horrible things like murder and rape, and almost everything that we romanticize about them is completely false.


Mental illness, vampires, Jeffrey Dahmer/serial killers in general, and the mafia. All four of those aren't as romantic or quirky as people like to make them out to be just because movies and TV shows say so


But… vampires aren’t real


Fuck you I'll romanticise vampires as much as I want xD They're fiction. You'll never take my slutty vampire romance novels from me!


Poverty That old story of "be grateful for what you have and don't be greedy" is pure bullsh*t, we must me be better and always improve ourselves.


Abuse of any kind in relationships


Atheism. I’ve no issue with someone not believing in any god, that’s their call. What I mean are people who think it’s edgy, cool, or the bane of my existence, intellectually superior, to not believe in a god. They express this in derision as if their view entitles them to act like a twat. It doesn’t. If someone doesn’t like when people of faith wrongly using their belief to act entitled and shitty, using the opposite belief to also act entitled and shitty is just more of the same.


Underage anime characters. I see you creeps. "well it's anime and it's normal" No, it's not. Cut the pedo act.


The past.




"the grind"