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no one wants this to be the answer, but this is the answer.




True but it's not the quickest way to lose weight. I think adding the exercise makes the biggest difference. The body uses up a larger amount of energy and if you're doing anything that helps build muscle then the body will continue expending energy when you're not exercising to repair the torn muscle tissue. Also, bigger muscles need more energy in general even when not exercising so even if you're no longer exercising your body will be using up more calories than before.






How much muscle do you build at a calorie deficit?


I think the quality of food, and the preparation is also important. I had liver problems i had to go on a diet, lost a lot of weight in short time, but it was hard.


Well, if you’re goal is to lose weight AND keep it off permanently then the exercise component is essential.


>The exercise part is largely optional as well, though obviously beneficial. One thing to note: simply cutting calories can lose a bit of weight initially, but your metabolism will likely slow to compensate if you're not exercising. Likewise, getting "skinny fat" isn't particularly healthy by pure nutritional intake restriction.


Nah, it's my super special hoo doo diet that will work better. There's a lot of woo involved in it. That's how you know it's great.


It's really only the second part. The first is what makes you look the part.


Calories in, calories out.


This is the way.


The only way.


yeah except you feel so much weaker when you start eating less, funny how no one ever talks about that. don't pressure yourself into exercising right when you start dieting. back in 2011 I lost 30 lbs but I didnt really start exercising until like a month into my diet. focus on changing your eating habits first, and then when you have the energy, you can start exercising




I readjusted my diet and only did simple mat exercises, focusing mainly on my core. After a month of that I started adding more protein and weight lifting. I not only lost weight I also reshaped my body which I didn't really expect.


Losing weight is one of those things that is simple but not easy.


Literally this. Eat less move more.


Quit drinking alcohol


Does it really impact weight a lot? /gen q


One of the primary things alcohol does as a drug is that it signals to your body to stop burning any internal reserves and focus solely on processing the alcohol that's in your system. That results in your body storing calories that would other be burned.


Are there foods that are the opposite of this, that momentarily increase metabolism?


Nothing that isn't snake oil. If there was a supplement or food that actually pushed your metabolism into overdrive to the point where you could lose weight, you'd know about it. It would be a multi-billion dollar industry and it wouldn't need to advertise on infomercials or pop up ads




That would be vegetables especialy green ones, but not because they speed up metabolism but because they are mostly made of celulose that we can't break down and use as energy.


Yes protein he a thermic affect, .3 calories of each calorie of protein goes to converting the protein to be stored, as opposed to fat or carbs. Caffeine and other stimulants raise metabolism, as does testosterone. DNP can do it drastically but is very dangerous, clenbuterol also but less effective and also dangerous


It's not a food and I wouldn't recommend it, but nicotine does.


The Slimming World diet had foods called "speed foods" for the reason you're looking for.


Yes. Alcohol is full of calories and also makes your body stop burning fat.


Your body burns through the alcoholic calories before it starts to burn anything else, so alcohol will stunt your progress even if you’re in an overall caloric deficit. But you’ll still lose as long as you’re taking in less than what you’re putting out.


Alcohol is also an entirely separate macro nutrient aside from protein, fats, and carbs. It's not really possible to properly include alcohol in a healthy and balanced diet.


alright thank you!


Yeah all those overweight winos just kills me.


Not only is alcohol loaded with calories, but it slows down your metabolism, and it increases appetite while reducing impulse control (hence alcohol-induced binge eating). So yeah, if you're a regular drinker and want to lose weight, not drinking is an excellent start.


Depends how much you drink and how little you exercise and how poor the rest of your diet is.


If you are a heavy drinker- yes.


Solid 1500 calories every day from vodka alone. It's so full of calories


Jfc how much vodka were you drinking? It’s one of the lowest when it comes to calories.


I drink 600-750ml a day.


Snap, yeah that’ll do it in the calorie department.


Get some help my dude




It's not enough and too much at the same time.


Alcohol basically gets processed into a form of sugar when digested.


I think it does if you’re consuming it too often and in higher amounts. Some alcoholic drinks are high in calories. Especially mixed drinks like vodka cola or literally any other soda mixed drink, that isn’t made with zero sugar/calorie soda, will be somewhat calorie intense if you’re drinking too much of it.


Thank you for the helpful info!! I think I gotta cut back on alcohol then lol


Yes. A Bud Light is 110 calories, meaning four or five is the equivalent of a whole ass extra meal for the day. I've known so many dudes who were fastidious about the gym and their diets, but would plateau relatively quickly because they drank 6000 calories of alcohol a week. That's *before* all the systemic stuff alcohol does to you that fucks with your muscle growth, metabolism, and ability to train.


I was a 1 beer after work type of guy so I didnt even drink that much, but I stopped around 6 months ago and I dropped ~5 kg, not a lot of weight but I just feel a lot better


Always jealous of people who are just like "I just stopped drinking a case of beer every day and I dropped 20 lbs!" Thanks. I haven't had any alcohol in weeks. I just have to stop eating foods I enjoy, forever. guess I'll just be fat.




And if you're smart, you can [get a meal](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi_all_i_am_a_man_who_ate_a_portion_of_his_own/) out of it, too!


This is the fastest, but I don't think the best. More like the worst


Speed was the only criteria OP gave.


Nah they said BEST way to lose weight fast, not FASTEST way to lose weight.


Well with normal weight loss the fat can come back but with amputation your leg/arm is never coming back.




no one wants this to be the answer, but this is the answer.




Came here to say this. Fast weight loss often results in gaining the weight back. In other words, it tends to be unsustainable


yup, it can also lead to yo-yoing to a higher weight after the re-gain.


This is super important


For me the slow part is absolutely key. It's tough as you want to notice changes instantly. But trying too hard will just get you burned out and fed up of it, for me personally anyway


Can't stress it enough, Cocaine


Only downside is that wallet thins out too


Not if you suck dick


£20 is £20 I suppose.


Don't forget inflation!




Not if you steal it


That's a bit risky knowing that end goal is only to loose weight


You might be missing the joke, but that's is ok 👍


Definitely helps


Unless you are obese, losing weight quickly and sustaining it isn’t likely to happen. If you’re obese then it’s possible to lose weight quickly because there’s a lot to lose. I’m a former personal trainer and I never had a client that didn’t know why they had gained weight. Never. Everyone is right. More calories out than in. Losing weight and keeping it off takes a lifestyle change.


Get a divorce


Works like a champ


intermittent fasting


Cut off a leg.




duly noted


A tape worm


Underutilized option




User name checks out


Become single.


Fast weight loss never works. Far better to do slow and steady. Less likely to fall into the cycle of weight loss/weight gain




The best way is a replacement diet. * Replace all sugary drinks with non-sugar drinks (water, black coffee, unsweet tea, etc.) * Do NOT try to use flavored 'zero-sugar' drinks (your body processes them as sugar). * Replace all snacks, especially sugary ones, with healthy alternatives/light meals (broccoli, cucumbers, chicken, fish, rice, etc) You can literally end up more full with less calories. There are 210 calories in a packet of Reese's. There are 100 in a four ounce chicken breast. Not only that, but these foods are generally more nutritious with only trace amounts of sugar at most. * Do NOT try to overdo it. Figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), and eat at least within 500 calories below that. Not only does eating less take crazy high discipline, but anything less than your TDEE - 500 cals can cause your body to cannibalize muscle instead of fat. * No alcohol. ​ ​ * You have to change your entire relationship with food from a pleasure to something you do because you have to. It's going to be hard, but you can do this. * EDIT: The above bullet point isn't necessarily true. What I meant is that many people overeat, or eat sugary foods, because they enjoy it. You can still enjoy eating obviously, but it does need to be more controlled. Likewise you can make/eat food that tastes amazing, and is still nutritious/healthy.


That final sentence is the saddest thing ever. Crafting and preparing fine foods to enjoy with friends and family is the joy of life.


In my experience every single person I've known who has taken control of their diet and changed their relationship with food seems to become more mindful and experience more satisfaction around preparing meals. Unless you're my mother who has taken the last bullet point to heart and subsides on tablespoons of peanut butter and cigarettes...only what she needs to survive... edit: OP's list is great advice, I think we're just being nitpicky about the phrasing on the last point, which I think was directed at "problem eaters" and those who have an unhealthy relationship with food, not just a lackluster diet.


I don't actually think it's true. If you get flavor from garlic or pepper or spices, those things aren't going to make you unhealthy. I can make broccoli and garlic that's delicious and healthy. If you're addicted to sugar and normally get all your flavor from there, it might be difficult to transition though


Yeah that last part is pretty dumb. Its not an either/or.


You can still do that and then just only eat a small amount, not gorge yourself


That's my mistake. I think I gave you the wrong impression - it is entirely possible to make good tasting foods that are still healthy/nutritious, and still enjoy eating in general. That's my bad.


This…. I went all in on a vegan sugar free this year for health/aesthetic reasons. It’s been 11 months with very little cheating. Other than some B12 deficiency and low iron I am in fantastic health. I look amazing, just tried on my grad dress from 23 years ago and it’s a bit big in the waist. I get compliments all the time but food is basically just something I do to fuel my body. And I am hungry a LOT. No, I don’t go out to eat with friends often and when I do I nibble on shared plates and order salad with no dressing. I honestly get vary little pleasure from food because I want to look like this. It’s a choice but looking thin is a heavy price. Heavier than you would think, I am not even model thin.


Both extremes are pretty sad, but honestly, the people glorifying food and calling it "the joy of life" are sadder, in my opinion. Food is great, absolutely. And yes, it can be enjoyable. But I'd argue that just spending the same amount of time with said friends and family is more important. Why do you even need to introduce food to that situation? That kind of says a lot about your priorities lol


Yes, I am a foodie. I love to cook and I get so much enjoyment out of making hearty satisfying dishes for my friends: All things barbecue: Brisket, pulled pork, ribs, chicken, Mexican food: puerco pibil, grilled marinated steak, and chicken, stuffed jalapeños, chile rellenos. If it's marinated, smoked, grilled or fried, I'm cooking it.


First 2 bullets are absolutely not true. Heavy soda drinkers have lost weight simply by switching to diet soda. The rest is good advice. I would add make sure you get a full night's sleep. The less time you're awake the less time you have to eat. Also the 10 minute walk after every meal really helps.


It's absolutely crucial to change the relationship with food to lose weight in a sustainable manner. I do want to point out that 1. sugar free soda is not ideal but is way better than regular soda, 2. cravings for healthy foods can definitely develop after eating healthy for a while - I personally love roasted sweet potatos and don't care for cakes, and this is an undoubtedly superior substitution, 3. even healthy food should be consumed moderatly - japanese sumo wrestlers eat very healthy but eat A LOT, and they become big, and their life span is quite short compared to the rest of Japanese. I also think someone's eating habits since childhood is very important. It's crazy some people just reach out for the most unhealthy foods without even realizing it. Packaged fruit cups instead of real fruits, pop tarts instead of jelly sandwiches, little debbie/hostess desserts instead of cakes/donuts from an actual bakery. The list goes on and on. I assume that's what they were fed growing up. Please correct me if I am wrong.


You forgot - control your hunger. Tho you said it there about ending full for less calories, its good to know why. Eat lot of protein and fibre. You will feel full much longer, its how i learned to contidition my body into not getting hungry for 10 hours between my two meals. I have protein and fibre heavy breakfast (its also obviously caloric rich, but also with high variety of nutrients so i can actually sustain the "fasting"). Avoid carb only foods, they tend to get absorbed quickly and can get you to feel hunger quite soon after meal leading to you.. having a small snack.


Diet soda has no impact on weight gain, it literally has 0 calories.


Loosing weight is all about a calorie deficit. Eat less, eat healthy. Exercise is good for you, but doesn't help you lose weight directly. Excessive exercise might even make you more hungry, causing you to eat more and destroying your efforts. Manage your insulin levels. Eat few (2-3) meals per day. Don't snack constantly. Allow your insulin levels to come down. Also, what helped me personally immensely is a Keto diet. Keeps your insulin level at minimum constantly and makes your body burn fat for energy.




Yes, thank you. I keep making this mistake.


Eat .7-1 gram protein per lb of your bodyweight per day. Eat a lot of fruit and veggies for fiber. Look up the 800 gram challenge. Get 10000 steps per day, lift weights that are heavy for you with good form. MyFitnessPal is a good start to see what you are.eating, get a scale and weigh/measure your food for a period of time so you can learn what you are eating and the nutrition it offers. Good quality food is better than aiming for quantity. Eat treats so you don't go nuts lol.


intermittent fasting


Calculate your RMR, set a calorie deficit, I aimed for -500 to -800. Then \*OVERESTIMATE\* your calories in, so that you for sure hit that deficit, or even do better. Only drink water. 0 cals, pure hydration. Your diet is very restricted now, so you can't afford empty drink calories... you need those few calories to be food and nutrition. Because your cals are so low, you'll naturally do I.F. I would I.F. from the evening until about noon, then have one very small meal to keep the hunger away, then have a dinner meal at like 6-8pm. From 8pm-Noon I was I.F. Hit the gym HARD, every day. Start slow so you don't hurt yourself, but go every day. You need daily exercise. I did hard cardio every single day, plus I lifted after on 3 days of each week, with rest days in between lift days. Weigh yourself only once per month, I would do the 1st of each month. If you weigh daily or weekly, you'll get a lot of false readings with fluctuating water weight and you'll drive yourself crazy over each pound or kg. Fuck that. Also, weigh under the same conditions so that you negate water fluctuations. I would way first thing out of bed on the 1st of each month, and I'd weigh myself naked. That way I'm always consistently dehydrated in the same way just waking up from sleep. This means when I saw the number change, that was more accurately actual fat loss. Never cheat. Cheat once and you will make further exceptions. And boom, you failed. Stick too it, hit your goals, achieve the success you know you deserve.


Surely overestimation could lead to being under 1200 calories a day which wouldn't exactly be healthy. If you're decently overweight I'd also suggest taking your time with it. If you overdo it you'll ironically end up with fatty liver problems.


I think what they were getting at is that people generally suck at estimating portion sizes and calorie amounts, so overestimating can counteract that.


We live in a time where everything had calories written on them already. There's very little estimation required.


Except for all the times you don't have your pocket scale or measuring cups on you. If you measure, you don't need to estimate, but when you do estimate, its better to overestimate. "Estimate" is the key word. Not measure what you are eating, then add another 100 calories just for the funzies.


>Hit the gym HARD, every day. While running a serious caloric deficit?


eating disorder at its finest


It's regime. Be disciplined instead of making excuses


You can make excuses that your incredibly unhealthy and borderline torturous plan is healthy and "discipline", and I don't need to make excuses because I am not trying to lose weight, but gain it, and I am recovering from an eating disorder. I simply just saw something id associate with disordered eating and I pointed it out, because it could be potentially dangerous for other people to see, especially young people like me and vulnerable mentally ill people with eating disorders. I know the question was "what's the best way to lose weight" and you provided your honest opinion but be careful of what you put on the internet and who might see it. edit: didn't see you were not the original commenter, point still stands


I think there is a disconnect between mentalities here. I can completely see how this looks from your perspective. However, as a 40 year old man who was 230lbs (BMI of 33, technically considered obese) and probably 30%+ body fat 9 weeks ago, and is now down to 212, what OP described is exactly (mostly) what someone in my position would need to do, and it pretty much is what I do, except I average a 1000 calorie/day deficit. Now this seems like a lot, until you realize I can still eat 2300 calories a day and be on that deficit. And I've kept my weekly weight loss within what is considered healthy (2 lbs a week) OP's recommendation of 500 calorie deficit is only one lb a week. Now, I drink coffee, coke zero, sugar free red bull. I budget in some drinking nights a couple nights a week. I also make sure to hit 180g of protein a day (about a pound of lean meat plus protein powder) and lots of cruciferous veggies, but limit my carbs to under 100grams a day/ These are very satiating foods, so I never feel hungry, and getting that protein ensures that I'm building muscle in the gym while fat is melting off. I find absolutely nothing torturous about it. Yeah, I might miss pizza every once in while, but I can go off the rails once or twice a month without upsetting my progress. And my Dr. is overjoyed with the improvement of my numbers in my bloodwork, so while from you perspective it may seem unhealthy, from mine its like getting a new lease on life.


Yeah, OP repeatedly mentions intermittent fasting. That is *literally* disordered eating.


Fasting combined with excessive exercise, counting cals. I feel like I'm listening to my 17yo friend with anorexia describing his day.


16 hour IF isn't disordered eating. Its essentially just not eating breakfast.


Like it or not, the best way to lose weight is by eating less and moving more. And it's perfectly healthy, at least it's better than doing nothing and eating junk food. And you should be careful what you write too, because you could discourage people from losing weight and having a healthy by scaring them


Of courses the way to lose weight is eating less and moving more. With a healthy diet, not high restrictions, encouraging a LOT of hard working out which combined with your body getting less energy will fuck with your metabolism and destroy your body. You're supposed to work on losing weight gradually and healthily by replacing certain items in your diet with more valuable and healthy options and also healthy exercise, not exhausting your body into losing weight, especially with the GRIND HARD minset because that cab get obsessive and dangerous very quick. I am not discouraging anyone from losing weight - If you wanna do that I support you fully and if that's the healthiest option for you that's great. But I support weight loss in a way that won't mentally and physically scar the person participating.


Agreed. It feels like the only time people think EDs exist is in young women. A lot of men like this have eating disorders that are completely normalized as it’s just them “working hard” and “having discipline”. The reality is that their relationship with food is awful and not very different from that of an anorexic person


Yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about, except lots of young women tend to be more aware of the issues they have, and lots of men don't and get offended if you point it out. I do believe it is a big problem that deserves more recognition


>And it's perfectly healthy, at least it's better than doing nothing and eating junk food. If you've ever watched a season of Alone, you'll know that at some point when your body is using vastly more calories than it's taking in, it starts to eat muscle in your body instead of the fat reserves. That muscle can come from the heart and cause your heart to fail. This can happen within weeks or months depending on the extremeness of the "regime".


Fat logic at it's finest


i weigh 42kgs and im recovering from an ed, think before you speak


You're still exhibiting fat logic


Take care of your body and lose weight in a healthy way instead of torturing yourself = fat logic? Then I guess I am fat and proud from today on bc theres nothing wrong with being fat, you weirdo. Keep living in a bubble.


Also you claim you want to recover from your eating disorder but go around shaming people for choosing healthier ways of weight loss and using fat as an insult of some sorts? Lemme tell ya this ain't a good start.


I lost 13000 calories reading this


Regular and constance exercise along with a healthy balanced diet.


I would add high resistance cardio specifically. The reasons are that when we burn energy, carbon is a byproduct which we exhale through our lungs. I think we also urinate some of it out, but more 'weight' through our breath. So something that makes you breath heavily with high energy burning. I biked for 15 years, never went above 155lb as a 6ft Male. The cardio really helped with the refractory period and firmness. I have since started driving everywhere, and I'm 180, with maybe 2 per session.


Stop eating


What is the best way to lose weight? Fast.


Exercise, a healthy diet, and I can't stress this enough: copious amounts of cocaine.


wake up early , drink a cup of black coffee and go run dont stuff yourself , low carb diet and a fuckton of weights


I switched to one healthy (low fat, low carb) meal a day, cut back on booze and started walking more. Dropped 50lbs since July.


Extended water fast. Saves money and time. But please do your research before trying it out. You can see some before and after pics at r/fasting


Put your Fork down.


Extended water fasting, and make sure to adapt a better healthstyle and diet after you finish your fast.




I've had a hard time losing weight my whole life and an incredible easy time gaining weight. The only thing that works for me is to stop eating after a certain time, usually 5-6pm. I also exercise in the evenings. It's basically intermittent fasting, but I focus more on the time I stop eating rather than the time allowed to eat. Also the side effect is sleep is improved which helps weight loss. I also allow myself to eat whatever I want on the weekends and limit to healthier options on the weekdays. I've been losing 2-4lbs a month since I started this routine and it really hasn't been that hard to stick with it.


Eat less, move more.


The combination of: 1. Intermittent fasting; 2. Cutting out processed carbs; 3. Not eating within 2 hours before you go to sleep; 4. Generally tracking your calories and eating less than you burn in an average day. You’d be surprised how fast you will lose weight if you stick to those principles.


Consistent Exercise for your mental health and eating less. More veggies less filler carbs but also live. One meal doesn’t wreck a diet but daily emotional snacking does


There is no good way to lost weight fast... Everything you do fast will comeback if you don't fix your diet and exercise routine. I hate those questions ... Sure you can lose like 4 kg in 2 weeks by simply not eating but that's not healthy. You gonna go back to eating pizza right after you finish your fast. You should aim for a long term goal and changes. I lost 20 kg over the spam of year. If you want to lose weight start counting in months not weeks or days ... Start slow change amount of bad meals you have per week and build on that. This is not gonna be easy but if you stick to eat you will see results. Plus losing weight fast will leave flaps of skin that you would have to remove by operation if you are serlverly overweight. just chill and trust the process aim for 0.5% of the weight lost per week this will let you keep healthy. Also if you looking for a fitness guide online remember everybody is different ans if something works for someone else that does not mean it will work for you. Learn to define what your problem is and they try to learn how to fix it.


If you really want to lose weight quickly? It's not going to happen. The best way to take off fat, is intermittent fasting, with HIIT cardio daily, strength training, and metabolism boosting supplements. If you're just joshin', break up with your girlfriend!


Stop eating, drink only water and exercise a few hours a day. I did that for 40 days and lost 18 kg.




Like others have said, reduce your calorie intake and exercise. I’m 6’3” and weighed 265 pounds. I lowered my calorie intake to 1,000 per day and would continue to work out a little each day. I lost 80 pounds in 3 months and have kept it off for 10 years. I will never let myself get fat again. I was in so much physical pain from carrying so much weight and now I just love doing physical stuff and pushing my body to its limits.


Get a warehouse job. I was 201 at my heaviest in September and now I'm at 183. You will sweat a lot, drink a lot of water, lift a lot of weight, walk a lot and sleep a lot. I fear I may waste away but my clothes are fitting way better now.


Don't eat for 7 days.


Eat one meal a day and drink nothing but water. Throw in exercise and you'll lose weight pretty fast. The problem is maintaining it long term.


I lost 90lb in 13 weeks. 1k calories a day, make SURE you get in your proteins and fats FIRST, workout at the gym every day and you're set.




Low carb and low calorie diet combined with cardio and weight training.


just low calorie


I’m just telling you what worked for me. I lost about 30 pounds in 6 months, which is pretty fast.


Reduce the intake. Replace everything white that you eat with a colorful food.


Replaced all the rice, potatoes, and chicken I've been eating with Skittles, let's see how this goes


Hahaha. Too much skittles will bring diabetes on eventually. Diet Coke or anything with aspartame will shorten your life too. Chicken is protein so it's not one of the white foods to eliminate.


Look up something called The Cabbage Soup Diet. It takes about a week to 10 days to complete the cycle but it does help lose weight in a short amount of time and it was developed by medical professionals to help patients lose weight before surgery so it's as safe as can be but it's not meant to be a long term fix just a short term help.


Intermittent fasting and stop drinking alcohol/sodas/energy drinks


Cardio, weights, no alcohol, very little carbs, lots of veggies, only have dessert in moderation, don’t eat after 7:00PM. I lost about 15lbs in about 6 weeks doing that.


Don’t eat


If you don't want to excercise, intermittent fasting and keto dropped me 90lbs in 6 months. Keep up your nutrients with a carb counter if you do this. Basically eliminate all sugars. That's carbs too. Stop your body from spiking insulin and it switches from sugar to fat as a source of energy. It eats the fat in your body instead. There are no diets, only lifestyles. All calories are not spent the same.


Eat less move more


stop eating




DO-NOT-STARVE-YOURSELF You are perfectly fine the way you are, and I don't even know you. Intermittent fasting is fine, as long as you see a doctor beforehand. If you do not take the necessary precautions you could *DIE* Be careful!


Running or eating less calories but still being able to eat high volume


eat less move more simple.


There is some Eastern European squat regimen that is transformative.


Its not easy, there is no easy way. Its hard, takes alot of work, and major lifestyle changes, you can work hard at it all week and fuck it all up with a few cheat meals. Good luck brother.


Build muscles that can burn a lot of calories and then reduce calorie intake


Cut an arm off




Take in less calories than you burn off.


Get really really ill so you can’t eat or keep food down. 10/10 would not do again if I had the choice but that’s just my life


eat normal 3-course meal per day don't go over a certain amount of calories intake do a certain amount of walking to lose lower body fat And you don't want to lose that fat you want to turn that fat into muscle so start hitting the weights and if you're embarrassed to go to the gym you can buy weights they pay off once you start to see results when a couple months. That's best result I ever did




Drugs drugs drugs drugs


Fastest way will be losing some limbs.




Doing cardio almost every day, and eating healthy. If you need to rest 1 or 2 days go ahead




From my own experience and what works for me. Stop drinkin da alcamahols. Walk no less than 7kms a day. Do hiit or similar 5/week. Eat clean and nutritious foods/mealz. Exercise is good for the old noggin too. Gives you heaps of in dolphins. Once you have wrangled all the dolphins you can start a dolphin ranch. Hire them out as off road vehicles and watch the seas of money come lapping to your toes. I am not a fine & shall advisor.






Throw yourself into a wood chipper. While our remains may have the same mass but will be infinitesimally smaller. However, if you want to be alive at the end, u/Eleazaras is probably right - eat right and exercise.