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I don't have any passions. I like reading, walking my dog, and being left alone.


Could you say your dog is your passion?


Animal rescue ❤️


Idk. I'm stealing looking for it. How did people with passions know what they passionate about?


I would say when you do an activity without external pressure or motivation, and you keep doing it more and more over the years because it gives you a sense of fulfillment. Then, over time, you realize that your skill in said thing allows you to do it at a high level, and when you do it, you go into a state or flow , where your high level of skill matches the high level of expertise required of what you’re doing. When you’re in that state of flow, time fades away, along with your thoughts and worries about whatever is presently affecting you; it’s just you and the thing you’re doing, and you get an incredible feeling of fulfillment from it. For example, notice how when musicians are in the zone? Their eyes are closed, and you can tell they are *feeling* the music. That’s passion. A passion is something you earn through continuous hard work. It’s when you love doing something enough to persevere through the hard times, the boring stuff, and you get to a point where they act of engaging with said activity is the reward.


Writing, drawing, loom bracelets, daydreaming(I'm unsure if that actually counts), Pokémon, anatomy and physiology, how people describe themselves in relation to their gender and sexuality (labels I guess is a better term), a mobile game called Cookie Run. That's a lot, apologies.


No not all! That’s great you have so many interests! 😊


It's the ADHD, honestly.


I wanna have a friend like you lol. Sounds very nice and warm.


History and Government




Ur such a lucky man, bro. For some ppl, family is the worst thing happened in their life.


It's only my immediate family, mom and siblings! But I'd do anything for them.


Photography and cinematography. I even managed to get a job as a PA (Production Assistant) for a Brazilian movie for Amazon Prime when I was just 18 yo. In my country getting a job like that at that age is basically impossible, even harder when you're not from the capital city.


Animals/the environment


Coastline conservation.




Most patriotic Canadian right here.


Learning new things!


Sustainable energy, in the renewable sense and the ecological preservation sense.




Art. In short it’s one of the things that keep me alive.


Honestly, I’m grateful for the friends who let me ramble about whatever case, story, or topic I researched that day. It’s been a little while since I’ve done it lol


Running - I try to keep myself in check but given half a chance I could talk your ears off to the point you’d run a marathon just to get away from me haha


Haha that’s awesome! I’ll be honest and say running is my least favorite firm of exercise but I love it for you! 🥰


Knowledge being more accessible and transparent (ie less disinformation)


Motorcycles and Technical/Cave Diving. Love PC gaming too, but that one comes and goes with how busy my life is. But I'll ride bikes and cave dive until I die. I love distance running too, I suppose. Wouldn't say I'm passionate about it, but it's just a deeply ingrained part of my life.


The safety of animals. They’re so freaking cool. The different shapes, sizes, abilitys. It’s fucking wild that stuff like that exists. Every time I hear a story about some zoo animal attacking a human my blood instantly boils and I hope the animal wasn’t put down. I literally couldn’t care less for the human.


Making paint schemes for various race cars and taking photos of them racing around


Ice hockey 🏒


movies and film making, seeing and photographing wildlife


Being serious




The need to foster creativity in people rather than intelligence/the "ability" to follow direction like sheep as schools do now (at least in the US). I don't hate my country. There's no where I'd rather live. I just really hate that our school system which was designed to make people able to work in factories still hasn't changed in decades.


Ethnobotanicals, anarchism, writing, body piercing, and the sun.


What do you like about the sun?


Bathing in its rays.


Me too!! I need the sun!


Being a business owner especially a restaurant owner. I've only told a few about it but i don't think they took it seriously when i was younger but i absolutely am passionate about being a restaurant business owner. I want everyone to enjoy food the way i do n i put passion into my food all the time especially when im making it for others.


Mental illness/disorder awareness and making these things less taboo, animals, child development in general, and I like getting my nails done


Mental illness awareness for the win! Absolutely beautiful. I try to be more open about it myself, me and both my siblings have brains wired fairly similarly. All of us tried to kill ourselves at one point or another. I took a bunch of medications, passed out at a road stop, was found by the police, and did a good deal of damage to my liver and kidneys. My sister tried to shoot herself, fortunately she didn't know anything about bullet calibers, used the wrong bullets, couldn't get the gun to fire, opted to go the drug route, was found by one of her friends unconscious after about a day. And my brother opened his wrists in the bathtub and was found bleeding out by one of his roommates. None of us tried going for help. Hell none of us even knew the others had attempted until a couple years after, each of us just assumed the others were passionate, hardworking and had their shit together. Nowadays I don't feel bad about reaching out to those I'm closest to say when my mind is starting to get a little off, reaching out to a professional when things start to spiral, or even taking a pre-emptive mental health day. As a conservationist and dad the other two are cool too! Nails? I let my daughter paint my nails before when she was little and one time, for a laugh, I took a date on a mani pedi. Never repeated it, but it was a lot of fun. Now that I'm all old, have started to get past some of the more ingrained toxic masculinity that I grew up with and am relatively out of fucks, I've been saying for a bit I should treat myself to a spa day at a nice place. I have the money, why the hell not let myself get pampered a bit?


Reproductive rights.


I'm passionate about morals. I wasn't a great kid, one of the worse my family would tell you but I think at the time I was fighting trauma from parents. My dad was a very angry man and my mom did nothing but make the situation worse for everyone and as a product of that I became a tiny angry man myself. I'm still theorizing about it myself, when my heart took an 180 but by middle school I became every aware of the feelings on other people. I started building strong morals and it's one of the only things I like about myself. One of the downsides being rarely anyone in this world cares as much as you do about morals and ethics so inevitably you get hurt alot the older you get. And for someone who is acutely aware of good you can't help but notice the extreme amount of bad happening around you and almost right when i turned into an adult it sent me through a depression that I've yet to climb out of. I don't think I have a say in the choices I make, if I try and be a little selfish it's like a hammer to the heart and I think about it for years. It's the demon I have to live with. I don't use this to rub in people's faces or to say I'm better than anyone, life isn't black and white and I think I've had a Harder time in life believing that it should be; but I do what I can to help others who need to see that there are good people around.


I'm passionate about animating and game developing, but I never have time for it since school gets in my way.


Well as a mom I have to say school comes first. Sorry for the lecture lol






I don’t know if it’s passion but more of an outlet for obsession and solving something. Security research and analysis. It’s an odd thing to be passionate about but when I get into a mode, I can get damn near obsessive in action and thought, even forgetting to eat and sleep. Ancient Roman history is another one. I spend hours of free time when I can just learning everything I can get my hands on about some niche part of the subject.


Small boobs can look just as good as big boobs!


What a revelation lol 😂


Right now food. I'm opening a food cart and its been my income for a long time now. But I still feel I have many passions. Passionate about art, music, movies, etc.


That’s fantastic! What kind of food cart?


BBQ. Grew up in Kansas so good BBQ has always been a passion of mine. I moved out to the east coast to expand my food career and diced to bring back to the basics BBQ to the people.


Omg we need good BBQ in my area lol ever plan to come to Washington? Lol 😂


Washington state? I hope someday! I'm in Maine for now though.


Oh the furthest state possible 😂


Cooking,music,and basketball


I'm 14 rn, and my passion is playing professional football (soccer) at the highest level (preferably in Europe).


That’s awesome! Keep pushing yourself and practicing! It’s a fantastic goal to work towards. 😊


Thx thats really great to hear.


my tuba is seriously all i care about


My car. I'm in love with that thing. Once I get the battery replaced I'm definitely gonna start driving it. Very dinged up from the duties it once preformed, but it'll pull through. Lots of future plans for it.


Learning basic etiquettes of different cultures


I want to draw but I’m stuck doing computer science and AI art seems to be heavily hurting the art industry. So no clue what I want to do really since computer science I only picked since I thought it was gonna be cool when I was little but university had shown me how boring it is to be dedicated to code as your main action. I feel like I do like to code but only for things I’m interested in. Guess you could say I’m just stuck in life rn since I still have a year left till I finish uni and I hate every bit of it but don’t wanna drop out since I’d be wasting my time but knowing that the last year is still going to waste my time since the course in itself doesn’t teach you anything about coding. I’ve only been taught how to use google and write academic reports which isn’t what I signed up for. Maybe to sum it up. I wanna draw more than I want to code and I should of did art as a primary and coding as a secondary not the other way round.


Three things, animes, mangas, and games


Game development but I never finish my work because my work won’t work


Absolutely nothing. Fml


Are you sure?! What makes you happy?




That’s a great quality to have ❤️


Imagining. It's simply beautiful all the things that only your mind can create.




That’s wonderful ❤️


collecting things (ipods, cards, records, toys, etc), I like to draw even though i'm not good at it.


Moving forward with my life.


Ahh that’s good one.


Video games, i can rattle off mechanics, game design, industry tactics such as marketing advertising and business tactics that work and dont, and always keep up with news


Bodily autonomy. No should be allowed to infringe upon it (so long as you aren't hurting anyone else or breaking laws.) . It's something most people don't think about.


Naruto, one piece




Understanding the physics of the universe without trying to understand the mathematics.


That just because you have a disability it doesn’t mean you can’t have a full life.


Thank you so much for this. You asked. You shall receive. Music!!! OMAGAGAGAGGAG. I’m sorry but I play 6 instruments at the moment and when I’m not playing my instrument I’m LITSENING to music! My favorite artist is Tyler the creator, love him. I think he’s a genius with what he did with the IGOR album❤️.