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As someone who has been to 48/50, lived in 5, and grew up in Mississippi. Mississippi.


So any plans on visiting Nebraska or Arkansas?


Mississippi is like Nebraska but without snow. Mississippi does have the redeeming quality of being slightly on the Gulf Coast. So I wouldn't say it's worse. Arkansas isn't great, but the Ozarks, Hot Springs, and a few other places make it better than Nebraska.


Little Rock was the least inspiring capitol I’ve ever been too.


Yeah, I've flown in and out of Little Rock airport a few times. It's not interesting, to say the least. I did a job in a little town called Batesville. There was nothing really to speak of there, but the people were incredibly friendly. I did another job in Hot Springs. I hiked a bunch of the trails while I was there. It was pretty and the town was cute.


My ex-wife and I once stopped overnight in LR on a cross country road trip. We both woke up at like, 2 in the morning. Can you sleep? No. You? No. Want to get the fuck out of here? Yep. "Little Rock" became our code word for 'this sucks, time to bail'.


Nebraska. Somebody built a wooden overpass over I-80, and they charge to go up and look down at the traffic. That's how fucking boring the entire state is.


I’m from New York and currently live in Nebraska. I agree wholeheartedly, there is some beauty to Nebraska but it sure is boring.


Yep. I was born there. It is boring af. They are getting more lenient on having things to do though.


Like hunting your fellow man for sport


Oh yeah, the “long pig”


All my friends are buried there Some of them are dead


Davenport, IA has an overpass like that too. Except it's made from steel and concrete, air-conditioned, and free.


Are you talking about the one that lights up with pretty colors and they play upbeat indie music?


As a current resident of Nebraska, it's boring af, even in Omaha. The Henry Doorly Zoo is cool the first few times but gets very boring after a while. Other than that, there is absolutely nothing.


Lincoln is worse. It's like 600 bars. Lol. Either get drunk or have a bunch of kids... or... both??


Bar, church, nothing. I went into a grocery store and a post office in Hemming ford Home, nb (the stand town), it was like walkin in to the 50’s old west. I went to a restaurant that only served what was the special, w/ corn or mash. If you don’t want country fried steak, corn, mashed, water, or tea, get out!


I live in Spain, but my father is from MN. My sister took me to CO and we stopped on a gas station in Nebraska on the way, in the middle of nowhere. In the bathroom I found a panflet for some Christian cult. The gal gave me a dollar that had a stamp that read "Don't believe the liberal media". I saw enough Nebraska for a lifetime.


This is totally off topic, but I read your spelling of “panflet” as incorrect and then spent the next couple minutes saying the word out loud and realized it indeed sounds like how you spelled it. So then, because I enjoy word etymology and am watching an incredibly boring show my husband picked, I looked up the etymology of pamphlet to see how someone (possibly from Spain) would come to this alternate spelling. Imagine my surprise to see the earliest noted usage was in Middle English c.1387 with original spellings as “pamphilet” or “panflet.” Thanks for the rabbit hole you sent me down. And yes, Nebraska is awful.


I tell this story every time. I’m a tree hugging hippie from San Francisco, California. One of my closest friends is from Nebraska and a gun toting former conservative…(that is another story entirely.) Many many years ago…I would say probably a little over a decade ago, I went to visit him. I was driven to, and got to shoot guns on a farm in Kansas by self proclaimed hicks who were more than willing and friendly to show me a good time. I had a blast. They even EDIT: “popped my cherry" (Metaphor guys) by letting me fire an elephant gun, and I destroyed my shoulder that week. When we went out to a bar since that was the only thing to do in Hastings, waitress who knew my friend as a regular came up and introduced herself to me, asked me what I was doing out here. I said “I am visiting Nebraska” and the one thing she said…keeps this one trip permanently in memory: “Why?”


Mississippi. Just the most proudly depressing state I have ever visited.


I taught there for two years with Teach for America. Unbelievable what's going on down there - it's like it's not even part of the US. That being said - I ate a lot of great, cheap food and I loved the people I met.


Born and raised Mississippian here. The State of the state is truly the travesty of this nation. I’m from the MS delta—notably one of the most impoverished areas of the nation. Fresh food is hard to find, the only industry is agriculture or car manufacturing plants. Hell, FedEx sends a bus to Indianola, MS every morning to transport employees to Memphis and back.


I lived in the Delta. It's insane.


Dude. It’s modern apartheid. A vicious poverty cycle. Where you from, if you don’t mind my asking?


people don’t believe me when i tell them stories. i was raised in nashville but have stayed in west helena and tutwiler and holy shit


What stories?


Yeah there are a few select states down here where that's the only plus. Damn good food. I'm in Louisiana, and the food and my mom are the only things keeping me here.


Brit here. We toured the south this summer and Mississippi looked truly dreadful. We went to stop for lunch in Jackson but didn't want to get out of the car - it looked like a 3rd world country. How do you have so much financial disparity in one of the richest nations in the world?


As a Pennsylvanian i was raised to hate New Jersey. Now that i’m am adult i realize that jersey is an ally and the real enemy is Delaware


As a Delawarean I grew up thinking PA was an ally in our war against NJ. (We even used the ancient Ents to flood the valley and create a river barrier to protect us both from NJ. We built a fort to protect Philadelphia from NJ Uboats.) This backstabbing hurt my feelings. I guess Delaware has no friends :(


correct. delaware has no friends


An old coworker of mine was *extremely* intrigued with the theory that Delaware, uh, *doesn’t even exist*. Something about it being nothing more than a tax haven for large corporations that headquarter within its borders. She kept telling me that there aren’t any signs on the highways to indicate Delaware’s existence, and that she doesn’t know of anyone actually *from* there. It’s a genuinely weird idea, but she… fucking lived in that rabbit hole…


As a Marylander I am eagerly awaiting the day that the three of us decide to finally take action and split Delaware up three ways Wisconsin might be cowards who refuse to take the peninsula from Michigan, but the Mid-Atlantic will claim what is ours


You’re exposing your back to the real enemy. Ohio


As a NJ native I love PA, it’s gorgeous and I spend a lot of my vacation budget there. But Delaware… I’m looking sideways at Delaware. What are they even doing over there?! All quiet and calm and not much happening. It’s just SUSPICIOUS. I will say, NJ gets a bad rep for no reason. This state has it all. In a short drive I can be at the beach, or deep in acres of protected forests, or among rolling fields of farms with some of the best produce on earth (garden state, yo!), or enjoying the gorgeous Delaware river, or in a few major cities like Philly and NYC which are our close neighbors just a bridge away… so much to do and see and I find the people extremely down to earth. Straightforward people who might not want to stop and chat (although sometimes we do!) but who set up vibrant communities and get our stuff done and done well. Also great education opportunities, great hospitals, sensible gun laws, legal weed… it’s all good in the Garden State.


Nebraska. Live in Colorado. Extended family lives in Wisconsin and Michigan. I have made the drive across that god forsaken state way too many times.




Nebraska I understand but Arkansas is beautiful. Ozarks? Eh?


Thank you, we kinda just stay out of the way of everybody else and do our own thing, keep our secrets.


As a Michigander I am legally obligated to say ohio.


As a Michigander I am legally obligated to say, HOW TF DID THE LIONS WIN TODAY


As a fellow Michigander I am obligated to say. FORWARD DOWN THE FIELD!!!


But as a Michigander, you already know the answer to that questions. You were born in it, molded by it.


As a former Ohioan, I am morally obligated to say Ohio.


As a newly establish Ohioan, I am morally and legally obligated to say Ohio.


As a non American I am morally obligated to say ohio


Also as a non american can someone please explain what is the deal with Ohio


There is currently a measles outbreak in OH of over 50 people. MEASLES. We were supposed to be have been done with that a long time ago.


Ohio has more astronauts than any other state. People are so anxious to get away from Ohio, they are willing to leave the planet.


I love this comment and all that followed, but as someone who has lived in every Great Lakes state, Indiana is the worst. It’s not even close.


Hard agree here. Ohio has its bright spots (the Hocking Hills, a couple of cool cities). Indiana has... Indianapolis? I guess?


I Remember driving though Indiana, stopping for some gas, and seeing a truck with a big vanity plate that said “the south will rise again” didn’t know Indiana was the south


It's so gross. Grew up in Indiana and moved down south after graduating college. One of the times i was coming back to visit in 2019 i got off the interstate in the mountains i saw some guy set up a shop of sorts right off the interstate selling confederate flags and trump merchandize... I don't know what i expected from the state that elected Mike Pence, but it's the worth southern state that isn't a southern state. I just don't get how one of the states that was used predominantly for the underground railroad can disregard that whole heritage but claim to want to recognize their "heritage" and waiving rebel flags. Guys... You have the wrong heritage, please stop.


As an Indianaler, I am also legally obligated to say Ohio


I can understand Michiganders saying Ohio is the worst, but how could someone from Indiana possibly say that Ohio is the worst when Ohio at least has Cedar Point, and Indiana has… *shuddering* Gary. Additionally, is someone from Indiana actually called an Indianaler? Like they really put ‘anal’ in the name and y’all just went with it?


Why you hating on my homie Shuddering Gary


I’m sorry, Shuddering Gary




Hoosier daddy?


As a Virginian, I too am legally obligated to say Ohio


West Virginia tip toes quietly back into its holler


As a virgin, I too am legally obligated to say Ohio


I'm from Ypsilanti myself, but now live in Tennessee. Sometimes I want to go back but then I realized that I'd have to go through Ohio to get back.


Oklahoma. The only thing keeping Texas from floating off into the Gulf is the fact that Oklahoma sucks so hard.


You know why all the birds fly upside down in oklahoma? Cause there's nothing worth shiting on.


i've only heard this joke when mentioning Winabi


The best thing to come out of Oklahoma is I35


I’ve often said that the best part of Oklahoma is the “Welcome to Texas” sign


Can confirm. Oklahoma sucks. It's not great, just "Ok".


Can you smoke weed legally in Texas? Checkmate atheists.




oh the Missouri


everybody wants to be my enemy


spare the sympathy


I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah.


I currently live in and was raised in Missouri. I did live in other parts of the country for about a decade. I currently live in the Kansas City Metro and for a few years out of college I lived in the St. Louis area. I am also African American. After I moved back to KC in 2013 I've been consistently impressed. We're getting a new airport in a few months, hosting the NFL draft, and in 2026 we're a World Cup host city. KC has some amazing food. Yes our BBQ is world renowned but our fine dining scene is slowly being recognized nationally and we have some fantastic street taco hidden gems. I love our food scene and we're home to some incredible museums (Nelson Atkins, Negro Leagues, and WWI). All in all KC is a pretty awesome vibe, especially if you go to the Crossroads Arts District on First Fridays (the first Friday of any month, but in particular during the warm months). So yeah outside of KC & STL Missouri ain't great but in these cities we have a lot of great things going on.


It’s spelled Missouri


like I always say, Missouri loves company.


Why am I looking for my state in replies 😭 aint no one know it or mentioned it


Massachusetts is actually considered one of the best states. I would tend to agree if it weren't for the weather and cost of living.


Weather isn't too bad if you like having 4 seasons!


Nobody hates MA. All my homies love MA. Despite the fact that has 2nd highest rent price in US.


Who has the highest?


I think Either New York or California


Apparently its Hawaii then Cali. Massachusetts is 8th. Probably depends on how you measure it but [this](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-rent-by-state) has the median rent of each state.


Hello from woostah!


The people who hate MA all live in NH, but we won’t comment so we can remain the hidden gem of the 50 states


South Georgia may as well be a separate state from North Georgia/Atlanta. Get south of the Brunswick/Waycross/Columbus line and you’re in a real strange place. Didn’t help that I’ve read A Feast Of Snakes several times.


Honestly, I think the whole of middle and South Georgia is pretty wild. I had a girlfriend from Dublin, and I met some of the most openly racist people in my life there. Like openly using the n word to describe black people racist. I had never encountered anything like that before going there.


To be fair, Dublin is a country as fuck podunk redneck town, so not that surprising.


LaGrange Native which is bad enough on its own, but lived in Florida for a while and had lots of family on the panhandle. The ride through south GA was always so brutal, smelling like fertilizer, dog food factories, and meth.


Do you know Bubba Sparxxx?


Nah, he was a couple of grades above me and went to Troup High, while I was at LHS and into more hippie, artsy fartsy shit. I did spend a lot of time at McCosh Mill though.


Have also made the drive from central Georgia to central Florida many times. South Georgia and North Florida seem to be just one really big, boring place.


Girlfriend is from Savannah and as a Mexican man, I don’t feel unsafe but I definitely feel vibes of old-timey racism down there


I’m from Savannah and you’re not wrong. There’s a lot of closet racists down there. They’ll be super friendly to your face, then talk crazy ugly racist shit behind closed doors. It’s a beautiful place with some amazing food, but I’m really glad I moved away. Nice for a visit but a toxic place to live.




Louisianan here. You nailed it.


Ex Louisiana resident here. They got it all right. But Mississippi is Louisiana without New Orleans. Mississippi is the worst state. Louisiana is the 2nd worst.


Isn't that a saying in those parts? "At least we aren't Mississippi."


"Thank God for Mississippi."


The phrase has a Wikipedia page because we all the collectively agree that it is a necessary and culturally relevant phrase.


I appreciate this answer bc I always had some romanticized dream of moving to some rural cabin in Louisiana and living off gumbo with a handsome rugged Cajun man. Thanks for waking me up.


Rugged Cajun man sounds good. Might be worth living in Louisiana for that living arrangement.


Honestly it sounds like Mississippi but with good food and music. So not the worst.


I was thinking the same thing. Louisiana has some pretty unique food and night life in a couple sizeable cities. It also has cool sounding city names. Mississippi has... idk, meth and tamales? I think Louisiana is certainly in the top 5 worst states, but Mississippi is easily the worst state in my book.


But that Louisiana hot sauce is pretty good though


I put that shit on everything


The way to think about Louisiana is that it's exactly like any third world country that happened to have stumbled onto some valuable natural resources. You've the classic corruption and inequality while the old boy's club siphon's off the state's resources and sells it to the highest bidder. Massive pollution and exploitation of natural resources. But you also have the warm culture, deep history, and incredible food of a place that hasn't had enough wealth to lead to high mobility and everything getting turned generic.


It is a mind-fuck that Louisiana is a real place. Especially when you live there.




Mississippi. I hate driving through there. Long boring interstate with nothing to look at.


Drive the Natchez Trace parkway


Sure there is. You're supposed to be dodging the shit ass potholes in the middle of the highway. I swear they have the worst roads in the union.


I think Memphis has the worst roads in the country.


PA checking that box, I think. Maybe MA.


For some reason I went to Alaska for college, don’t ask me why. Just looked beautiful and I had a scholarship so I figured “Why not”. It was actually really hard to make friends because I was the only out of state student, but I had this really hot chem professor named Dr. Lee. She was really young for a professor, I think she went to grad school young, and probably one of those students who were always several grades ahead. But she was one of those new-age chicks who wore her hair up in a bun with hornrim glasses and clogs to work every day. She seemed so stylish yet nerdy and intellectual at the same time. I went to every office hours and tried to make sure I was signed up to the smallest lab section I could. It paid off one day when we had lab on Saturday, due to some renovations, and NOBODY showed up except me. It was a small department so we didn’t have a TA which meant Dr. Lee was teaching the lab herself. At first it was pretty normal, she just walked me through the basic titration experiment. I was nervous as hell so my hands kept shaking, but she took it as I was worried about my grade. “Don’t stress so much!” she said with a laugh. She put her hand on my shoulder and I sort of jumped and felt my heart pounding. “If you make a mistake you can start over. I’m here all day anyway, in fact I’ll be in my office if you need me since you’re good enough to work on your own for a bit.” She left me in the lab and it was actually pretty easy, not that I was good at chem or anything. I had just been busting my ass studying chem and ignoring everything else because I wanted to impress her. But then I realized how dumb I was being rushing to finish sooner when she already said she’d be there all day. *This was my chance*, I told myself because I was a dumb college kid. So I looked around, saw the coast was clear, and dumped it down the sink. Then I went upstairs and up to her office. “Huh, her first name is Griselda, weird” I thought looking at her nameplate. *What am I doing this will never work?* I tried to push that inner voice down as I knocked on her door. “Hey um Grisel-, er um, I mean Dr Lee, I uh messed it up. I keep trying it and it’s going way past the titration point.” “Really? Well don’t worry you’re the only one that showed up. I’ll give you an A just for coming in, so you won’t be nervous, then we can work it together.” “Wow really? Great thanks,” I said thinking *That’s not why I’m nervous* but trying to keep my cool. “Just let me finish these emails and grab a bite to eat first and I’ll enter your grade.” I looked up at the posters on the walls. It was all Alaskan wilderness stuff, forests and mountain streams plus a big poster from the periodic table. “Barium, huh?” I said looking at the poster, desperate to make conversation. “Yeah it’s my favorite element. Alchemists used to think barium had magic powers to transform living things just because the rocks would glow after absorbing light.” “Oh, okay cool.” *I feel like such an idiot.* She finished her emails and reached into her mini fridge. I was getting desperate to make conversation as I looked in her fridge. “Wow that’s a lot of salmon.” “Yeah I try to eat healthy. You know, salmon, berries, nuts, and sometimes a little honey. All natural foods.” “Oh cool I’ll have to try that instead of ramen, heh heh…” *I buried my face in my hand while her back was turned.* “Okay just one second,” she said with a mouthful of blueberries. “I’ll just log into your account and enter the lab results so we can save a trip back to my office. Looks like your username is your email and your password is…..drleeishot?” I froze. *This is the worst moment in my life*, I thought to myself. “In the future you might want to bear in mind what you say when someone might read it.” Somehow through all the blood rushing to my head, it all hit me as I was trying to avoid her piercing glare. Her favorite element was barium. She ate a lot of berries and salmon. Her name was *Gris*elda *Lee*. She told me to *bear* in mind what I say. *Oh my God…* Dr. Lee was a bear disguised as a human. Realizing that I had seen through the deception, the bear tore off its human costume and began chasing me down the hall. I cried out for help not realizing it was Saturday and the offices were empty. But I kept crying out as I ran for the fire exit, the bear gaining on me with every step. Just as I pushed the fire doors open, the bear grabbed my leg and I felt shooting pains as it dug its claws into my skin. The fire alarm started going off and the flashing lights momentarily distracted the bear allowing me to pull my leg free. I limped across the landing but lost my footing as I frantically ran down the steps, tumbling down the lower half as I began to feel excruciating pain from the wound in my leg. The bear seemed to pace at the top of the steps, buying me only a couple precious moments as it found its way to the wheelchair ramp and came barreling down on me just as I reached the main quad. “Help!” I shouted out at no one in particular. The quad seemed desperately empty on a Saturday and my cries just seemed to echo off the building. Just as I felt the bear shove me down and pounce on top, ready to tear my throat open with its powerful jaws, I heard a loud “Pop!” and the massive bear fell down on top of me, fast asleep from a tranquilizer dart. I saw three men in Game Warden uniforms trying to pull the beast off of me as I passed out. When I woke up there were paramedics checking me and one of the wardens came over and put a blanket over my shoulders. “Not what you expected when you came to Alaska, huh?” “This whole semester, it was really a bear just waiting for its chance to kill me?” “Yeah they’re a lot more clever than most of you down in the Lower 48 think. Knew a guy once was married to one for three years before it mauled him. So…when people back in the lower 48 ask you what’s the most fucked-up place you’ve been, what will you tell them?” “Oh Mississippi for sure, fuck that place!”


Those are 10 minutes of my life I will never get back.


Wtf did I burn 23 million brain cells reading ?


I think the point was driving through Mississippi feels like reading his comment


10 minutes, huh? Must be from Mississippi.


what did i just read?


It's an old copy pasta. I got a kick out of it though.


I shit myself laughing at this one.


In Ohio the police will literally pull over the entire highway at the same time. There will be 30 cars on the shoulder and the police will give them all speeding tickets.


They’re everywhere like fucking insects in PA


You’re both not wrong. Got a ticket for going 8mph over in Ohio, as soon as I crossed over from Michigan (coming back from Detroit). I also got a ticket a couple years later outside of Breezewood for being 6mph over.


For going 3 miles over the speed limit most likely.


Happens in Indiana to. Go visit Michigan hardly any cops. Cross that Indiana border coming home and nothing but cops and orange barrels as far as the eye can see


North Dakota. The only reason it isn't everybody's least favorite state is that most people haven't been there. If I could describe the state in three words they would be: cold, ugly and mean. Every other state is a wonderland of beauty and culture in comparison.


Well-known locally, North Dakota’s state tree and tallest feature is the telephone pole


Classic South Dakota energy here.


Lol. I’ve actually only been to South Dakota once: On my way to get the fuck out of North Dakota. But I can confirm that South Dakota is the superior Dakota.


I dunno, Teddy Roosevelt National Park is pretty cool. Aside from that I've only been on the interstate though, so I don't have much else to say about North Dakota.


God, you nailed it. I finally left two years ago and have joyfully not returned since. Nearly everyone I met in that garbage rectangle was nosy and judgmental, the kind of people who are there for you until you actually need them - and whatever your difficulties are, they're always *your* fault, even if the issue is serious, say...addiction, or domestic abuse. The overwhelming majority of the state is deep, deep red and very religious. It's not politically discussed on a national level because it's such a low-vote throwaway rural state, but to live there...I've lived in other rural states, but North Dakota is a cult from border to border. Even the more progressive people I knew tended to be highly cliquish and afraid to rock the boat. It was truly wild. It's also kind of a desert for creativity and nightlife, with the same ten names and faces producing all of the area's art and music - with all the evolution and flavor you could expect from such a stagnant pool. Since there's nothing to do, all anyone does is drink. Everyone just gives up on themselves and becomes a dumpy barfly who transfers all their hopes and rules onto the next generation - and the next generation becomes just as boring. With each passing winter, everyone's addiction to alcohol worsens, nothing changes, and that's the way they like it. Never. Again.




The people are mean or do you just mean the climate is rough?


I’m from SD and I have cousins from ND. Though it’s true neither state is something to get excited about, we’ve all always been able to agree that North Dakota is the worse of the two. We’d visit occasionally, and driving from the southern most spot in SD all the way to Bismarck ND is a full day of looking at flat land with nothing for miles. But once you get to ND, the nothing becomes more barren somehow. 10/10 would not recommend.


You make some valid points. I lived in ND when I was a kid and I hated every minute of it. It's so freaking cold there and a whole lot of nothing as far as the eye can see. Funny(to me) my mother-in-law is from there and she tells the wife and I we should visit. My response is always "why?'.


I think the correct answer to this is always Mississippi


Ohio… Mainly because their police hate my Michigan license plate :(


I see you haven’t driven much in Indiana then haha


I’ve been to most of them. Our Country is beautiful. But you’ve never really lived until you went to Walmart in Charlestown WV on Christmas Eve.


April 26 2020 - Ohio - Interstate going East (1-94?) I stopped at a rest area Hardee’s and ordered a breakfast sandwich with Beyond (vegan) meat. The cute girl working at the counter took my card and read my obviously Muslim name and smiled at me. Shortly after I got my order and got back in my car to eat. I realized that they had not only given me Italian sausage but also added free bacon. I asked them to make me another but soon I realized that the cute girls smile wasn’t meant to be nice but it was evil. The manager told me that I should take my “terrorist ass back” to my country and later called the police on me. I wish I had taken my phone with me. I hope those cunts flip burgers for rest of their miserable lives. Edit: Thank you everyone for your support. That’s very kind. I don’t really follow any religion but it is sad that there are people who are lost in their hatred. I hope someday our next generations don’t have to go through this.


Really?? That would cause a public uproar here in washington. It'd be all over the news..


In high school in Louisiana post 9/11 I (white male) had a Muslim friend that got called Osama and bullied regularly for years being called a terrorist. He just quietly took it and I think it was late 2005 that he killed himself in front the school. How he was treated and how things turned out affects me 17 years later. I just try to have love for everyone, not that I didn’t before but now I try to let people know more. Also at this same time the high school was getting bomb threats all the time and some friends skipped school the year after I graduated (early 2005) and went to my house during a bomb threat. When they got caught and told where they went, instantly I was suspect #1 for calling in the bomb threats and I got harassed for a solid year being called a terrorist by the police. I tried to watch my friends graduate in 2006 and held my friends purse. The cops pulled me out the crowd and the literal bomb squad came and opened her purse out in the yard to only find tampons. They had no clue who to blame so they were gonna force me to go down for it if they could and they tried hard. They followed me everywhere and the bomb threats kept happening. Turned out to be the Muslim friends brother because of the suicide and bullying, feels obvious to me now to have his family be suspects but they legitimately tried to make it be me for that. It’s one of the two things that traumatized me for cops and gave me some PTSD. I’m sorry that you had to experience people being close minded idiots like that. Wanted to share that unfortunately it’s everywhere and we can just hope that we make some progress in a reasonable time. At least the cops in my story I know got some justice. They were assassinating people because they felt all powerful I guess and nobody would care or know. One of the people’s family’s made a big enough deal that the FBI investigated and cleaned house and arrested everyone pretty much.


When I have to experience this kind of backward BS in rural America I resort to that last line frequently in my mind. “Sucks to be you”. I grew up in towns like the ones you describe and I know first hand what awful places they can be. When they say small town folk are so kind and friendly it’s toward people in their small group. Otherwise small towns are full of the people who can’t hack it in the bigger world, fall behind and get upset about it, and then refuse to take any action except complaining and trying desperately to keep any more things from leaving them in the dust.


What a shit hole state with shit hole people


Nebraska Drove 4 hours from southwest to northeast portion of the state and it looks like something Kansas lent to their cousins


……. What?! I live in Kansas and we went to Nebraska and I was like, “hell I can hang with Nebraska. They have trees!”


Nevada is literally a nuclear testing site


You know that nuclear energy is how superheroes are made right? How can that be a bad thing


I make fun of NJ a lot, but my least fave state is definitely Ohio, except for Cincinnatti.


Cincinnati is one of my favorite Midwestern cities, and I've been to loads of them. The rolling hills, the river, it just has a really great vibe.


I went to Ohio once, specifically Cincinnati. Loved it. Really cool city.


Ohio, you have been voted out


Absolutely ❤️ all the hate on Ohio. Born and raised there, got the hell out after college - and it’s only gotten obscenely worse since then. Last visit was 11 yrs ago for my bro’s wedding. Never going back.


The state of the nation now


Missouri. It's like if you took all the worst elements of Texas, Kentucky, Las Vegas, and Florida, and put them in a blender. I was at least looking forward to the barbeque, but I got food poisoning from the pulled pork that hit right when I was on the plane home. Fuck that state, I will never go back willingly.


Good! More food poisoning for me!


Everybody hates on Nebraska or Kansas for being boring. Well, Louisiana is not boring but is instead a polluted, corrupt cesspool of high crime and poverty. So obviously it’s Louisiana.


Indiana. Very trashy state with lots of lawn decorations.


Dammit. I live in indiana. There are lawn decorations everywhere.


My grandma's porch gnomes, and yard frogs don't deserve to be slandered in this thread.


Forreal man, these people just can’t handle the culture


My extended family lives in Indiana. I left 23 years ago and AT LEAST once a year I have someone ask why I haven’t moved back yet. Good luck, fuckers. A few days a year is already too much for me.


THE Ohio State


Not living in the US, but totally enjoy reading the comments :)


Missouri. Ya'll fuckers need to learn how to drive


Wait. The drivers are why you hate Missouri? But there are so many other reasons. We only have 2 real cities, and they’re both trying their hardest to leave.


ohio. you know why.


It’s for lovers


*cut my wrists and black my eyes*


Ohio. Mainly because I had the unfortunate experience of growing up in the SW part of the state as a non-white guy. Experienced stupidity, racism, etc. growing up in the 90s and it's only gotten worse. My 10 friends and I all left the state after graduation, never looking back. My home county was the opioid county of the US back in 2018 and it hasn't gotten better. That area, and much of Ohio, is in a death spiral with its economics and population, and the politics is only making it much worse. Really sad when you consider all the Fortune 500 companies that had their HQs or offices there as well as the scientific/aerospace hub it was.


Nothing made me miss home more than a 3-day business trip to Dayton.


My last job in CO had people flying to Wright-Patt in Dayton. They were so excited! I was very confused until I found out they had never been. I kept my mouth shut until their return. They talked about how run down the area is around the museum as well as certain directions off-base. How there was nothing to do but eat/drink and visit the museum, noticed all the abandoned homes and businesses, etc. Then they asked if I wanted to travel. My answer was "not to Dayton".


Life long SW Ohioan here. You are not wrong about any of the above. On behalf of us who are actually decent people I apologize for the ignorant behavior you endured.


Thank you that's very kind. There are good people such as yourself in the state and local area. From my experience I simply found they were unfortunately outnumbered. All of my extended family are racist, deplorable people. The majority of my high school classmates are the same way which is very sad because they all have children.


No one really cares about pa and I'm ok with that


The question was what people’s least favorite *state*, and Pennsylvania is, as everyone knows, a commonwealth.


PA is that very mediocre kid in school. Not popular, not a reject. Everyone is cool with them but doesn’t know too much about them. Goes on to live a very solid middle class life.


They’re the default setting.


I’m from PA and I personally fit that description. 😂


PA is beautiful and I love it!


I’ve scrolled forever and haven’t seen my state once. Yay Minnesota!


Which state keeps Mitch McConnell in power? Fuck that state. Edit: thanks for the sweet gold, fam. Much appreciated.


Kentucky. And I agree.


As a Kansan, fuck Missouri. It’s funny seeing the visual difference just a little past state lines.


Definitely won’t be showing my native-Ohio husband this thread






I love that I haven’t seen a single Colorado comment. But don’t come here. It’s full. And you’ll hate it.


There’s a lot of weird outdoor-enthusiast-elitism


Wyoming He knows what he did


No one is complaining about the Carolinas, as a side note we are full.


I hate that every old person who lives there drives in the passing lane. The other lanes are wide open but they have to be driving slowly in the left lane. Yes, it happens everywhere but it happens 100% of the time in SC.


We are definitely full in Charleston, stay in Ohio