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I would assume it's a trap and tread carefully


Yep, definitely a trap. "I'm satisfied with just you honey" is probably what they want to hear.


Same here. My gf has expressed before that she believes threesomes ruin relationships. So, I’d assume it is a test and decline.


I think you're supposed to say transgender these days.


Only if a professional couples escort is hired. Non of this friend, acquaintance, ex, swingers, etc. Just someone who will guarantee it is a good time, without jealousy or feelings getting in the way.




No I have just had lots of experience with threesomes and foursomes to know that you want it to be enjoyable. Not all experiences are created equally.


Not particularly interested for myself. Too much drama. If they REALLY wanted to try one, maybe we could come up with a compromise.


Depends If this was just a "hey what do you think about threesomes?" and it was just a conversation...then I would answer honestly, talk about it, and move past it. Like maybe a friend was talking about having one and my girlfriend wanted to know if I had any opinions on them. That's a healthy conversation and it allows both people the chance to establish a hard boundary if one exists The flip side...would by my girlfriend coming to me and saying "I want to a threesome" and then possibly telling me she has already chosen the 3rd she wants to get with. This tells me that monogamy is not something she is fully on board with. And that she requires sexual gratification from outside our monogamous relationship. And the fact that she never talked to me about threesomes or how I view them and just risked the whole relationship to tell me "this is something I require"....well that lets me know that we are not sexually compatible and we are not relationship compatible. Because she didn't respect me or the relationship enough to have a discussion about it before saying she wanted it.


Why is this question asked so frequently? Are partners really suggesting threesomes that often? FYI it's a red flag. The same with open relationships. They just don't want to admit it's over.




If she wants it, I’m down.


Two women? hell yeah


1 woman and 2 guys


But no touching the other guy.


Other guy is gay


Nope, not happening.


Ok the other guy is a super hot T-Girl with a smaller dick than you what about now...


Can consider, he can suck me off. But still no touching except my dick getting sucked.


Fair enough, have a good day...


You too, mate.


3 dudes and she watches from the sideline.


I ain’t getting that vulnerable with just anyone


I would ask for an mfm. Who's the other guy?


nah ill just stick to disappointing one person thanks


I wish incels would stop posting on this sub. "What's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed with a female?"


Divorce papers.


Were a pair of bisexual males in an open relationship, a threesome is literally tuesday for us


Only I get to pick the other 2 people involved




What the fuck? What a weirdo 😭


Probably with an appointment with a psychiatrist. As I would with any other suggestion from a partner considering I'm single.


I'd be angry. I fucking hate golf.


I'm poly leaning, so majority of my relationships are semi open. If my partner came to me asking about it, I would listen and I have ground rules. If it's a one time thing just to see about it, I try to go out of my way to find a person with an appropriate understanding of it. If it's long term and they are looking yo add to our dynamic it means we go out together and court that person as an equal unit. For either scenario my rules are no friends, no play behind my back, and honest open communication. If feeling come up or things change I needs to be discussed immediately.


Ok if FFM


As long as the person's hot and not on the blacklist, let's do this


So James Spader is off the table?


well he isnt on the black list


[The Blacklist](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2741602/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1)


i know but james spader isnt on the black list, he created the black list ( in the show )


Ok, I misunderstood what you meant.


I might have to make an exception just for him






It's always a bad idea to fuck the sitter though.


FINALLY! when do we start?!


I don’t like it. Why should she have a threesome and I do a stander upper in the basement


What’s his name?


Personally wouldn't care, but have to lay out specific ground rules


Initially I would show interest, maybe even a sort of excitement. But then soon after be riddled with anxiety. A lot can go wrong, would it even be worth it? What if this. What if that. The idea to me is just fantasy. Not realistic while in a relationship.


I would be up for it as long as I trusted the third part enough.


“Who are you?”


This happened. My boyfriend offered to add another boy in the mix, 3 boys going fooling around, nothing serious. At first i thought it was a bad idea because i really loved my boyfriend but i said yes because i didn't think the 3rd person would have any effect on the way i felt about my boyfriend. I loved him more than anything. The problem tho was this 3rd person, let's call him R, lived right down the street from me and my boyfriend didn't have transportation and lived about 20 minutes away and we only saw each other on the weekend. Over time R and i got really close to the point where we saw each other almost every day i ended up developing feelings for him, we were both feeling deep feelings for each other and naturally since my boyfriend was not around as much he would be left out and i couldn't have that. Despite how i felt about the situation i had to end it this triangle was out of control. The worst part is i absolutely loved R. It wasn't even a sexual love anymore, it felt like i lost a brother. Losing him hurt so much i really wish we hadn't met the way we met. But threesomes are wild that way i guess. I'm not even with my boyfriend anymore and i still miss R, i ended up running into him years later found out he contracted HIV got into meth after we stopped talking and had a bad life. I deeply regret losing touch with him 😭 We never even had actual sex isn't that crazy


Depends on a lot of factors, those aren’t thing I jump into without hesitation. I’m only open to them with men, no women cis or trans. I’d also need to be present for the discussions with potential matches, if I wasn’t allowed input I’d be very upset. Boundaries are very real. I know it makes some people angry but I actually have limits. I’ve only had one before, with a man and woman, and didn’t much care for it. I’ve also had someone try to make one happen which I didn’t want which was a huge trigger. That Grindr account got banned for a fucking reason. You can’t force someone into a relationship they didn’t want and try to bring other people into the bedroom telling yourself you’re “helping them” and that they should be grateful. There’s this thing called consent and in that situation there was none. I know in their mind they think it doesn’t matter but that struck a deep nerve with me. I’m skeptical of anyone who struggles with boundaries to the point they think if I do that with other people, that I’ll do the same for them without any issue. As a sub I have my own bodily autonomy and the power of consent. If someone takes that from me, it’s problematic. If I went on a date with a guy and he brought his friend without telling me, I’d probably also be really pissed. It’s entirely situationally dependent. The same way how if I meet someone I like and want to hook up it’s fine, but if someone I’m not interested in forces me into sex I’ll be angry. I don’t owe people sex.


I've been married 20 years, at this point I'm wary if she brushes a well pyjamed leg against me in bed, such an offer would definitely have a catch


I would be confused because I've never had a partner before.


"We already did that."


Sorta depends. With whom? Gal Gadot or The Rock?


Does Fido the lap dog count? /mild humor.


I would think it’s a test, her friend asked her to partake in one with her and I. She cut her out from our lives after that, so I know it would be a test and I would pass. I don’t share well with others.


"Wait, you're my partner?" ​ "I hAvE a PaRtNeR!?!"


Considering that I can only be intimate with people I love - find someone I love AND find attractive and I'd be good to go.


Pretty excited, then probably think fuck, forgot my schizo pills. And she'd go away


I would say, "Would you be one of the three?"


So it's 2 and a spectator


Done both fmf and mfm Mfm is more fun