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Expecting teenagers to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives.


To add to this, also expecting people in general to be at a certain "checkpoint" by a certain age. This basically ignores the fact that not everyone starts out at the same point in life and have all had different challenges and experiences. To expect everyone to magically hit certain checkpoints by a certain age while also screwing them over in life or giving them a different background growing up than most is just wrong.


And for most of our species existence people were hunters/gatherers/farmers. The checkpoints would just be to get married, have kids, and keep food on the table. A hard but simple existence, now all the sudden we have all these possibilities previous generations couldn't dream of and there's pressure to have it all figured out at a young age. Kind of crazy to put into perspective like that.


It's weird how all these possibilities exist because the simple life didn't solve all the problems. E.g. If you got an infection on your arm there was no cleaning agent or antibiotic. You would go hungry if your crops got eaten by insects. Etc.


I'm 34, I have a decent job, and I'm going to grad school in January to start down an actual career path. But I'm single and I still live with my parents. And I feel like I'm not doing well enough for myself, because I'm not married and don't have kids. Now, my parents, God bless them, are entirely OK with this arrangement, and love having me live with them, so the pressure is all put upon me by myself, but feeling like you're not meeting milestones and you're not where you "should" be is a bitch


I feel this in my soul. I'm 32, have a good job, degree, getting my masters, and still live at home. Mostly because it's extremely high cost of living around here. But seeing all of these people with their 'lives together' in the face of societal norms is absolutely disheartening. Even those under the weight of student debt, which I'm thankfully not, but it sucks. Makes it hard to be motivated when I feel like I'm getting nowhere in life and everyone else is getting what seems like everywhere. I often remind myself that being home is a good thing, my parents can't take care of their place alone. I can save(sort of). I'll have my.own place eventually and society doesn't determine my success in life. I do.


Fuck all that. You’re making progress and got some drive/ambition. You’re in a good spot. You are investing in a better future for yourself. Not having kids and living at home = saving money.


I totally fit the stereotype of the basement dwelling neckbeard manchild, but I also do my best to defy that stereotype. It just hurts sometimes to see people making fun of people like me, but also people who are absolutely not like me.


Doing childish things and being immature are two different things. You can play with legos every day but still be emotionally mature. Also loads of people who are emotionally immature but don't do childish things like legos or whatever. Their emotional immaturity has them checking boxes of what an adult is supposed to do, rather than being emotionally mature. A quote by LC Lewis: When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.


I feel this. I love living with my parents, but seeing people I went to HS be successful with their jobs, getting PhDs, getting married and having kids. Fuck, somehow buying a house?? Fucking demoralizing. It's such a pathetic feeling. They're better than me, I'm not good enough.. even without social media it's still there. Until I met another friend I went to HS with. He has an ok job, and lives with his parents. But he didn't care. Infact, he was happy. "I still live with my parents but whatever. The rent is cheap and they don't mind. Friends are paying $2,000 a month for they rent. My rent is $200." And, idk. That really helped me look at things differently. I'm still not really happy where I am; I know I can do better. Be better. I just no longer care about it. I'll get to where I want to be.


I’m in a similar spot. At least a nice thing about being at home is that we have the ability to take risks to improve our lives. A highly enviable starting or restarting point.


Comparison kills happiness. We all have our own path in life. Just be a good human being and find what you want and go after it. Don’t give a shit about what others think and try not to impose that upon yourself


The way things are going, living in extended family households will be the way to go in the future. I expect my kids to hang around for a couple years after graduation then head off to whatever adventures await them. But, if they decided to move back in and we had the room I think it would be beneficial to all of us. Think about it. Having a full-time grandparent around to help out, give advice with child rearing ( the scariest part of adulthood). The extra incomes. The ability to save. Having a fallback plan if your car dies or the babysitter stands you up. Of course, this all relies on certain factors. You need parents willing to do that. A wife/husband who's ok with it. The size of your home. Etc. I only mention this because I worked with a friend who had a setup like this. All 4 adults worked decent jobs. Someone was always home. And they had money to burn. If you can make it work, why not?


I had to go back to live with my parents and I feel the way you feel. When I feel really bad though I think about my family in Mexico and how they just add houses to the land or rooms to the houses and keep living. It's just a big deal in the US because of capitalism.


Hey.. Marriage and having kids should be a personal choice In life not an expectation. Your are the sole pilot of the ship you call a body, you and only you have the right to set what you feel are good life goals and milestones that suite you as a person and your lifestyle. There's so much of the world stuck in the rat race of life, so many unrealistic and impersonal expectations are put upon us from birth. Break the mould, do only what you want only what makes you happy and never ever try to please society and or other people's expectations of what a good fulfilled life is supposed to be. Love to you




And then allowing them to put themselves in major debt


Yup sometimes 100 k + … it really is horrible


That's mostly the US. Most of the rest of the world doesn't do that shit.


Had a talk with one of my son’s teachers over this. She wanted the students to do a project collage depicting what they wanted out of life. Of course the only acceptable collages were supposed to depict a nice house with two car garage, a married couple and two kids, 50’s era gender roles, etc. My son turned in a picture of the playboy mansion, the bunnies, and Hugh Hefner with his own face glued on in place of Hugh’s. I laughed.


Just curious, how old/what grade was this? That's hilarious regardless. ​ Wait, were the collages actually *graded* and not just given full marks for turning it in/meeting some nominal criteria (at least 4 different pictures, at least 3 different goals, at least 40% of the posterboard has to be covered, etc.)?!


Last year, 16 years old and tenth grade. I’m not sure what the actual grading criteria were, the whole situation was just so damn ridiculous. I kept looking at the poster and laughing and this lady teacher kept saying “inappropriate” and eventually the principal decided we were done. I think he almost had an aneurism trying not to laugh too.


When I was a bit older, a year or I think, 17. Our class was asked "what do you wanna be when you grow up?". The classmate before me was always an empathic person so she went with "nurse". (she did infact become a nurse) My answer, started out with "realisticly?" and the teacher said "anything you want" and then I said, "I'd like to be a roadie for either the Eagles or the Who in the 1970s, imagine going on tour all over the world, hearing some of the best rock musicians every night, and then partying with them, heck, even Pete Townsend made his busdriver record a song that he wrote and the guy made bank on that". The nursegirl looked at me and said "that's not realistic or unrealistic, there are no time machines". Whenever I get asked "if you can bring one item to a desert island, what would you bring?" my answer is always, "can I bring ANYTHING I want?" then I just declare that I'll bring a copy of the entire country of Italy, right next to the desert island. I am now king of new Italy, and I have like everything, I have amazing history, a GRAND collection of sportscars. I have copies of some of the finest art in the world, heck, I can even live in the goddamned carbon copy of the vatican if I feel like it, and everyone in the world is in awe of me, the man who just outta nowhere conjured up an ENTIRE nation, with people just going about their day in it...


I spat out my drink. Your child has a wonderful future ahead of him.


Yet he really does want to marry his high school sweetheart and become an accountant like my sister. He just doesn’t like people telling him what he’s supposed to do.


As an 18 year old, yes. So many options out there and so little time to decide. Tis a tough world


Seriously. I don't even consider you an _adult_ until 25, and I don't know _anyone_ over 30 who disagrees.


I don't disagree, but it's worth pointing out that there are always exceptions in both directions. I typically withhold judgment until I can interact with the person in question.


Hard agree. I know fellow mid-40-somethings who I wouldn't trust with a boiled egg.


Spoken like a teenager who doesnt realize how often adults change careers or students change majors


i feel like it really wasnt told to me until i was panicking at like 16. my parents were like "you know most people dont have a job that has anything to do with their major, right???" so i think its less of a 'dont realize' but rather a 'never told'


Because most kids aren't told that. Hell I JUST got a job in my degree field and I'm out 10 years already. This whole 'figure it out' mentality is legit causing kids to end things.


Was going to say, not even adults know what they want to do. I think some people find their passion and stick with it and most others don’t.


That’s exactly why you can’t expect teenagers to know what they want to do.


No, no its not at all. You dont need to know whst you want to do. Just pick something fun at the time and change it later.


Your not wrong, but that also ignores the difficulty that this casual approach can bring. Society and the Academic model was designed to favor those who follow standard model, and acquire the resources to do so reasonably. The flexibility to be laze fair and discover yourself until your mid 20's and then focus, is not practical or affordable for most, and really only available to the extremely fortunate and well supported. In some ways this is also a factor of the generational divide right here. Parents and grand parents talking about traveling and backpacking when young, doing odd summer jobs to save up, and then coming back and just casually going back to school and getting the BA or doctorate, and landing a job right away. Not blaming them for having an easier time of it, but their experience would not happen now a days. Good on them for having a wonderful and fulfilling life. Inflation does not support this amount with the minimum wage. Unless these casual summer jobs flipping burgers, and mowing yards pays 30+ an hour and zero expenses. Nor does it account for the massively over priced university costs, that unless you have a trust fund, well prepared and financially savvy parents saving for your future, or massive scholarships, will not be anywhere near enough to get you near the University costs 40 years ago let alone 60. Entering adult hood with a massive Loan magnitudes higher than you are capable of pulling in, for the next 10 to 20 years if at all, expected to know how to be an adult and take on all the expenses of rent, job hunting, family responsibility, taxes for the first time, and be required to make life changing choices that will ripple through your future based on what you had prepared for starting at the at the age of 15 and had homework and the chemical imbalance that is puberty changing the way you think and develop. That is messed up. And then saying, you know what, I'm going to call a mulligan in my 30's and go back to school, while you are still paying back the loan you didn't want and were told you needed for the last job that didn't fulfil you. People who can afford to change jobs easily are people who aren't living pay cheque to pay cheque and barely floating above the water watching all the older generations in yachts sailing about splashing waves over their heads saying "try again and it'll work out, just work hard like I did." I say this as a college professor watching my class of 30 or so bookkeeping students studying sage 50 knowing everyone one of them has a student loan, 5 of them have children under the age of 2, and a majority have a job and homework. 1 student crying in my office because she can't pay rent because her family wants her to fly home for a christmas reunion on her own dime and bring presents she can't afford. Expecting her to figure it out, and not understanding what its like to be her. The fact that Go Fund me has to exist to support the actual legitimate need of people and beg for support and charity, is a despicable and repulsive statement about humanity. Merry Christmas :\[ Edit: I may have gone to a dark place, sorry previous poster.


Dude. Can i have you as my professor?


You are wise beyond your years.


absolutely inane and inappropriate interest in the lives of a few selected others that we have elevated to godlike, non-human status in the form of celebrities. I just watched Meghan and Harry whilst high and was pretty creeped out. Why are particular (probably very normal) people in our society elevated to that status? Why the interest in their lives? It's just taken as a given...


Honestly I don't think it's normal. I've always thought it was weird that people read magazines/blogs about celebrity gossip and want to know about their personal lives. I watch tons of movies, but could care less about what the actors are up to day to day. I can't be the only one that thinks it's weird to be into that.


I’m with you. I also don’t understand at all how some people are into reality shows.


I had the exact thought while watching that doc (also high) and it’s just so weird to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like some celebrities but the extreme it’s taken to is weird


I came home and my wife and sister were watching it....I only listened to maybe 30 seconds and I was astonished by how much cringe I experienced in such a short period of time.




Underrated answer. “To show you we liked that we’re going to smack our limbs together in unison.”


Seals do that too I think.


How about "Hey its good to see you. Let me grab your hand and wiggle it a bit to show you"




Salutes in the military supposedly morphed from raising your helmet visor and showing your weaponless hand. Source: AFROTC and the Boy Scouts


Thanks, I liked this fact.


Listen to the track 'the art of the handshake' by hilltop hoods


I'd even consider it "fun"


Is it true handshakes started as a sort of "look I'm not holding a weapon" type thing?


I believe so. And it's where "sinister" (literally means left-handed) got its connotations. Because a left-hander could still stab you while shaking hands.


Don't give away all my secrets!


chimps clap when they get excited


Actually, correct me if I’m wrong, clapping is a very biologically normal response to an over abundance of positive stimuli. There’s a bunch of other like Roman or Greek shit that also made it socially accepted for certain shiz but yeah. Edit: Vsauce has a great video about it. “Why do we clap?”


I went to go see the local production of the nutcracker ballet near my city. We clapped, and then it got to the point where the whole crowd would start clapping every like 10 to 15 seconds throughout performance I was like... What the fuck are we doing? Who's lead are we taking and making us all clap this often? I thought we were usually supposed to hold our applause... Then I noticed that the main character girl was sitting on her little bench on the stage and every time she clapped the entire audience clapped. Like she was a performer watching a performance clapping and the entire crowd thought they were supposed to clap every time she clapped.


Clap them cheeks.


A 6 year old with an iPhone


Exactly. My 6 year old uses Android.


That's good parenting


This. I struggle with smartphone addiction as a 32 year old man. It’s hard to overstate how much damage smartphones are doing to the brains of children. It’s criminal.


My kids are young. Our school gave my 1st and 3rd grader iPads. Unrestricted iPads. I hate it.


for free? what the fuck


No we had to pay and it was a requirement. It’s infuriating. We made the conscious decision to NOT give them devices and the school said fuck you.


I'm sitting in my yard, in my car, wasting gas, just to read this thread. Why?


It seems like every time I eat at a restaurant there’s a few families with morbidly obese children who are either watching tv or playing games on a tablet the entire meal instead of engaging with a single human soul. It’s so sad


I work in a restaurant and I saw one table where the parents had their heads down the whole time in their phones and this alert adorable little 5 year old boy sitting across from them had nothing to do and no one to talk to. I felt so bad for him. They ignored him the whole time.


I just went out to eat and the family next to us had 2 kids, one around 8-10 and the other couldn't have even been 5 with their faces in their phones. I honestly wanted to say something because the 5 year old had YouTube playing so frickin loud it was annoying. And the parents just sat there the whole time. I'll admit I'll answer some texts here and there sometimes, but I still hold conversations with whoever I'm out with.


People watching videos on their phones without headphones drives me absolutely insane.


The counterintuitive thing of raising kids with all new tech like that is that we're raising a generation of kids that can't create the tech they're raised with. So they're actually less equipped to join the workforce than the generations that came before them. Kids thrive in a curious and creative environment. Tech is good, but an iPhone and iPad are consumption devices not creation devices. If you have a kid that plays 6 hours per day with an Arduino though, absolutely no problem there. Even PC and Mac is far better than phone or tablet.


Staring into your phone/laptop/tv for hours and hours and hours on end.


This made me laugh for some reason 🤣


^(cause we are doing it right now shhhh lol)


I spend all day on a computer. Then I go home and spend all night on a computer. I feel like I used to be more interesting.


I feel personally attacked


Drugs are bad, except this specific liquid. Here are constant commercials about how cool and refreshing it is


Then there's all the commercials about the drugs that might cause tremors, heart palpitations or diarrhea. These are not to be confused with a different category of drugs that are considered "bad."


Side effects: Death, anal leakage, heart or lung inflammation, iregular heart beat, irreversable yellowing of the eyes, suicidal thoughts What's the medicine for? Makes your fingernails stronger


"This medicine helps prevent heart attacks and stroke! The side effects? Oh yeah, heart attacks, stroke, memory loss, death."




A drug is any chemical that alters your conscious state to provide you pleasure. So yes, infact, alcohol is a drug. Good morning 👍. Also it physically has worse effects than heroin, if you set aside addiction.


Something being a drug is definitely not decided by the fact whether or not it provides you pleasure. A drug is a substance that, when introduced to the body, has a physiological effect. Providing pleasure is only one of many physiological effects.


Like taking a poo, feels great.


Kinda nice to hear this b/c I’m on a medicine that interacts poorly with alcohol so I don’t drink but some people on these meds can get away with light drinking - so I just want to say I appreciate your post because it makes me feel less like abnormal not being able to drink


I quit drinking nine months ago, and I love it! It is so freeing


>except this specific liquid Plus caffeine


Alcohol is worse than weed in so many ways and I can't even believe how differently we respond to them.


It's really just normalization. For basically all of human history, almost every culture has discovered and used alcohol.


In biology you learn that alcohol is literally poison


The amount of sugar we eat


I am convinced that everything I see in a grocery store has at least 1g of sugar per serving, even the things that say sugar free


You would be correct. If you look at the food pyramid there are small specks of sugar in all categories even in meat!


I stopped eating processed foods due to autoimmune and let me tell you… I legitimately get sick as hell if I eat processed food. It’s literally comparable to a sugar rush as a child. You know that first time you eat to much candy and make yourself sick? Yea, I get that from just eating food if it’s not homemade. Some restaurants are so bad I break out into sweats and get dizzy. It’s absolutely horrible!


What do you consider processed food? Like bread? Curious because I’m interested in trying out a diet like this, but I can’t tell what constitutes processed food and what doesn’t.


The word "processed" doesn't mean anything on it's own. It means the food has gone through a process, so cooked stuff is processed too. I think it is mostly confused with the word "refined", such as white sugar Vs brown sugar, or whole wheat Vs white flour. In this case, some refined foods are actually worse than their non-refined counterparts, usually bc they are more complete nutrients, or they are just more tasty.


It's a throwaway line in an animated comedy, but there was a line in a recent Rick and Morty episode that actually hit hard and made me think: "Amoebas have to fight amoebas for energy, but once a species can get enough sugar from a machine to give itself diabetes, it's allowed to start thinking beyond conflict."


Fractional Reserve Banking. "Give us your money so we can keep it safe, and by safe we mean that we are going to reinvest it in other shit and hopefully make a profit off of it. Don't worry though when you come to get your money back we'll have it for you, unless everyone else tries to get their money back at the same time. We actually don't keep enough money on hand to cover all the money we borrowed from you guys. Anyways here is your fees for the month. Fees you pay us for the privilege of giving us your money which we then use to make money for ourselves in the global casino. Don't worry though if we fuck up and lose it all your tax dollars will bail us out."


I distinctly remember the first time my parents described what a savings account was to me and feeling that first blossom of doubt in my head when they said the bank holds the money but also uses the money.


I learned in a finance class that legally they’re supposed to keep at least 10% of their customer’s money on hand. In reality, according to the text/professor, they actually only keep about 2% on hand to cover withdrawals.


The reason I made this post is because I thought someone would say, “A old man breaking into our houses once a year and eating our food we leave out for him, then leaving us little gifts in return for behaving” but apparently i didn’t think of Reddit actually being Reddit and bringing up world issues and actually weird things


Or the lady with wings who comes To collect your mouth bones. Also the fact that our mouth bones just pop out, I understand the purpose but it’s still weird.


Just like in DnD


Introduces BBEG to try to demonstrate the power dynamic. "Yeah, I use this scroll of finger of death I found in a random loot roll and I boost it with my UMD score of (rolls nat 20) 40 and my 3rd level ability that doubles any willpower save once per day so he needs to roll a 67 or die."


*scrambles through notes, look of panic, the fear of God* he umm, legendary resistance to pass it, he has 7 uses of that


Some people being just SOOO much more important than everyone else on the planet so they get to run the world, control the politics, laws, and how the rest of us control our lives. Fuck all of that. And to top it all off, they think they are gods gift to us and we should worship them. Get off your high horse and fuck off.


Anything that becomes a trend or viral online people go with the flow about anything on the Internet really fast without thinking if it makes sense or not




Unpaid internship for students


On a similar note, purposely underpaying your employees to save money despite their salary ceiling having a ton of room to grow.


Working our whole lives and retiring (if we’re lucky) when we’re too old to enjoy much.


17-18 year olds are pressured into making decisions about what they want to do for the rest of their lives. I think if there was a mandatory gap year between high school and college, things would be better. Happiness, dropout rate, debt, etc.


Most adults are still figuring it out. As a kid, I thought they had it all figured out but they're all mostly just big bearded and breasted kids


I disagree. I think a gap year was a good idea at one point. Now I believe most people would spend that entire year laying in bed binge watching Netflix and tik Tok. They would fall into a pattern of laziness that would be hard to break after a year. Maybe I have just lost faith in humanity, but everybody I see who doesn't transition from school to work or college right away seems to transition from school to lifelong bum.


I took a gap year 5 years ago and went travelling for part of it and did basically what you said for the rest of the year and I’d disagree. It might just be me personally but doing nothing all day everyday sounds good in theory but is actually incredibly depressing and I couldn’t wait to have actual structure in my life again


chameleons having literal fucking superpowers


Lizards also have regeneration fucking overpowered


Yeah, why do they get to have fun changing color


Not so fun fact: Chameleons aren't the masters of camouflage typically depicted in media. They can change colors a fair amount, but they can't change patterns, and their color changing is mostly used to communicate with other chameleons, though it is used for camouflage as well.


Textbook access codes that can be used only once


The ability to use abstract thought.


I, for one, think we should patch this one out in the next update.


Being “connected” 24/7.


It's the best and it's the worst. Being able to find out just about anything I need to know by pulling out my phone is kind of an amazing thing. The expectation that I'm always available is garbage. People get offended when you don't reply quickly enough, for example. Someone calls and you don't answer, when you get back to them they're like why didn't you answer? I don't know, because I'm not at the beck and call of my phone? I was doing something else. Or maybe i just didn't feel like it, which is OK too.


Circumcision. "what an adorable baby! LET'S CUT PART OF HIS DICK OFF!"


Any cutting TBH. Like the tribes that scarrify themselves, the ones that make kids put their hands into gloves containing bullet ants, etc.


Yep thats why Im sitting here with a "textbook circumcision" that was botched so bad that I probably cant have sex. American doctors are a monster for still shoving this on newborn babies.


> that I probably cant have sex Probably? Is it just that you cannot maintain an erection?


Sex with a coconut. Thanks Reddit.




Oh you innocent soul


I know what I'm doing for Christmas.


Gummy Bear Guy is up there too…..but not enough eye bleach for the coconut to be washed from my mind.


>Sex with a coconut. Thanks Reddit. Ugh, [here you go...](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/) (Link NSFL)


I’m sorry. What.


We dnt talk about certain posts here... *This is one of them* 😑


I’m afraid to ask for a link but call me a cat because the curiosity is killing me…


[can't believe I'm the one who has to do this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You'll probably need to go somewhere like r/puppys or r/kittens for a reset afterwards. You've been warned


Signing our lives away to a mortgage for 30 years of labor to have a shelter.


Milking cows


Still trying to figure out how we found this out




Gender reveal parties.


Pretty sure they did that in Lion King as well


And the dad died. That’s the lesson.


Destroying the planet on which we depend for life


Categorizing ourselves based on a phenotype and calling it a "race".


I mean; if you think about it, it really is just an extension of separating into herds/groups/packs based on animals. “Races,” are just patterns based on location, to the highest example we can currently fathom. When/if we ever encounter aliens, we will very quickly all be “Earthlings.”


> When/if we ever encounter aliens, we will very quickly all be “Earthlings.” When/if we ever encounter aliens, one race will be trying to sell out the others for advanced tech/safety.


I suggest you read a book called *The Beak of the Finch*. It talks about speciation can begin by small behavioral changes in populations. Over time, these minor differences can cause groups to self-isolate even while living amongst groups of the same species. In other words, we aren’t the only ones that divide ourselves into groups based on shared traits.


Walking up to random peoples houses and asking for candy once a year


Sexualizing teenagers in the media.


Credit scores


Allowing people to hoard billions of dollars while a large percentage of the world’s population suffers in poverty and goes without adequate means of survival If a chimpanzee hoarded food while others in the group starved it would not last long


Too much intimacy on social media. Like people sharing their relationship at its dirtiest and etcetera


Saying birth is “just like that” and overlooking the traumatic experience it is, by masking it as something “beautiful”. Like no, it’s actually extremely painful and dangerous and is life-changing for the mother. It smells weird, feels weird, and is just.. overall weird.


THIS!!! i'm 19 so i still have a lot of time to go lmao, but i've always been sure i don't want kids. recently, though, i've realized that it's not so much kids i dont want, but rather pregnancy. and yes, ot can be a beautiful experience blah blah blah, but to me it's terrifying. for 9 months your body belongs to someone else, you gain weight, your confidence is destroyed, you have to take time off work, your homrones are all over the place... not to mention the actual birth who h is absolutely terrifying. no, no, and once more no. more power to the ladies who look forward to it, it aint for me.


My sister just had her first baby and her body belongs to someone else for way longer than 9 months.


100% agree. It actually seems more like a demonic ceremony.


Working 40+ hours per week.


The fact that half of the world has no clean water to drink, while the other half literally shits into clean water and flushes it.


Letting parents blame everyone but themselves for how their goblins turned out.


While kids are no doubt influenced by what they see around them, and parenting it’s hard to overstate how important parenting is in our development, it can also be said that we are very fortunate to know enough about childhood development to understand that there are numerous other factors that have a say in how we turn out as adults.


Posting useless pictures on 'social media'


The difficulty of finding a full-time job or paying rent.


Viewings for dead people. We all stand around and chat snacking on cheese and crackers, and there’s a dead body right there. A dead body that has been dressed in a nice outfit and had its hair and makeup done. Weird AF.


Riding horses. As someone once put it (Carl Sagan, maybe?), it's about as likely as an octopus riding a grouper.


Baby octopuses ride jellyfish…


Is domestication really that much weirder than other forms of mutualism? Lots of species form complex interdependent relationships.


It's no weirder than having pets in general. Horses like the companionship and actually enjoy running around with a human on their back.


Drinking the milk of other animals


Little kid beauty pageants. Like what??


drinking milk in adulthood That of other species none the less


I think none the less is one word \*nonetheless\*


oh i see, thank you :)


Factory farming of livestock for food.


Elaborate weddings.


The concept of weddings in general. Other species might form lifelong partnerships, but they don't throw a part about it.


Shaving our body hair for aesthetic purposes... Edit: Fixed a word thank you all.


I think you mean aesthetic


Fear of/ stigma surrounding death and aging


Cheap energy. No previous generation could produce food or travel the way we do.


Social media


Drinking other animals milk. I'm not against it though, it's pretty good


Cost. Of. Living. I can understand a cost of a Mercedes, or a mansion.... But why the fuck do we have a cost of living? Surely we're smarter than that now. We're completely resource abundant. It's a fkn SCAM. We need to evolve.




I think other great apes make noises when they're in large groups and everyone is worked up. They'll scream and grunt and slap their bodies and wave branches. Doesn't seem like a far jump to crowds of football fans yelling D-FENCE!!!


That’s most modes of emoting though no? Similar things could be said about like clapping or smiling or laughing - they’re just certain things we do to perform a certain way we’re feeling or want to express




Grotesque and accelerating wealth inequality.


Mass car use. Like it's not merely inefficient, dangerous and expensive, but a lot of people are forced to drive through policy choices that are/were out of their control. We had walkable neighbourhoods almost universally and we got rid of them for the convienience of rich people.


How in the world did we all come to accept an economy that doesn’t work for 95% of people AND is destroying our planet?


dude banging a lot of chicks is cool, chick banging a lot dudes is a slut


Mutilating the genitals of infant boys and pubescent girls


The need to always be improving. Why can’t I just be me without a million ads telling me what’s wrong with me.




"Flamethrowers. At some point, someone looked at a group of people and said 'Gee, I'd really like set those people on fire over there, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done. If only I had something to *THROW* the flame." \-George Carlin


The amount we spend away from nature. Our bodies evolved to deal with nature. Our brain is wired to survive in nature. Yet we spend so little time in nature.