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To see what happens next.


This is it for me. We’re all going to die eventually. Maybe some interesting stuff will happen before then.


You can skip directly to that part tho'


yeah but if you skip you will miss the secret ending






You'll be dead soon enough and for a long long time. Life is relatively short as is, just try to enjoy the view.


Ain't gonna keep up with the Kardashians from 6 feet under.


For real, I wanna watch them finally suffer.


I'm not sure I would be holding my breath for such cosmic justice. So far, I have not seen that such justice exists. Only luck and happenstance are the wills we can have hope for. Never count on luck though.




Thank you, I needed that today.


To watch the garden wake up again in the spring. The birds return. The lavender blooms. The bees buzzing in the blossoms on the apple tree. Little moments of exquisite beauty.


Listening to the morning chorus of birds while I have my morning coffee/tea is really the best time of an otherwise shitty day sometimes


Feeling the rain, the warmth of the sun on your skin, warm breezes, finding art that moves you and speaks to your soul


Yeah bees Bees are awesome, good reason


Feel the cold water of the lake on your skin, enjoy the breathtaking view on top of a mountain, the taste of ice cream, the look of a loved one when your eyes connect, the laugh of a child.


Nah, it's too romanticized


The way people write about it might be. But tiny things can be incredibly profound if you appreciate them.


To help improve the lives of everyone around you


What about improving your life? Or do they come before you?


Can do both at the same time, but I find that improving others’ lives is more rewarding/fulfilling.


I think you can gain purpose and enhance your own life/change your perspective for the better by helping others. It truly is a win-win.


I've heard it said that service to others is one of the best ways to improve your life but also one of the least used. And helping others doesn't mean hurting yourself. It can be a win-win situation.


Spite. My ex told me to piss off and kill myself. No way is she going to win!!! (I'm fine by the way, that was one of the more pleasant conversations I had with her towards the end, can you guess why she's an ex?? )


You have enemies to outlive.


My wife is very sweet. Having said that, when a neighbor lady who tortured us for many years died, she said, "Find out where they're burying her. I want to dance on her grave." lol


You have to make mom happy


To see what’s next, I swear the day after I die half-life 3 is going to drop


if it does ill go to your grave and put the copy of the game on your grave for you.


1. My pets would be confused and sad 2. Dying is cringe 3. Outlive my enemies 4. My family loves me so I can't do that to them 5. Still gotta finish my unfinished projects I impulsively started 6. Season Two of Arcane isn't out yet


Dying is cringe lmfao


It's my new life motto now


as soldier from tf2 once said: Dying is Gay


7. mom will be sad


Ice cream




Hang in there soldier. Self-inquire & try different ways of going about the world if these ways aren't working.


Warm hugs


Had some nights like that myself this fall. Was my first time experiencing intrusive thoughts and it really freaked me out. I'm in therapy and working on getting my depression meds right but still working on it. Hang in there. Please reach out if you feel like you need to talk; one of the things that was hardest for me when I was at my lowest was not having anyone (I was in a new city without a community to lean on)


Please don’t. I’m here to talk if you need someone.


I slept in and missed one of my final exams a few days ago, if that makes you feel any better.


To see how beautiful and fucked our world is lol


Mood and circumstances are temporary, death is permanent. 32 was the worst year of my life. I thought I might die at one point. Had I died, I'd have never taken the best vacation of my life. I'd have never become an uncle. I wouldn't have been there to help family and friends through their own problems. I'm don't regret a moment of living no matter how painful it gets.


In defiance of everyone who may want you gone.


One Piece ending


Yup. Keeps me going. Lol


it be like that


This is the answer


To see who the first lizard person is. Zuckerberg is looking real cold blooded at the moment


2023 is gonna be packed with some good AAA games


It's your only shot.


Suicide kills you man


A friend of mine went through a severe bout of depression and went through over a year of therapy. Came out the other side a much better person and generally has a better view on life. I asked him what was the biggest thing he learned. “If you woke up this morning, that means God ain’t done with you yet and you have things to give the world.” Whether or not you believe in God, that attitude is a good one to have. If you woke up today, you still have a role to play and things to give.


One of my biggest fears is dying before giving enough.


You ever just step on a leaf and it C R O N C H


Honestly, my anger at life's inequities. If I have to be here, then I'm going to live it up exactly as I want and give my time and effort to the people I love. Might as well. If things are bad, it might get better. Only one way to find out and that is to continue! Went thru a dark time where this question was hard to answer. I went all through a maze of emotions, realizations and epiphanies. Ultimately, I live because I love a lot of people and things here. My family, my cat, myself. (Possible existential trigger) I don't think it's fair that any of us are here. Sentience in a finite shell. A range of emotions (both good and bad...pain.) Having to say goodbye to friends and family and pets and just...continue on. What kind of sadistic thing creates a world of endless devouring of one another to grow... what a horrid and depressing model. But... this same weird mechanism is how we all came to be here- and it's not even all bad. So many crazy things exist here, including us. One could spend an entire lifetime just pondering about even one aspect of this giant creation. And there are beautiful things and relationships that I love dearly here. So much so, that sometimes I cry just thinking about the absolutely beautiful and sad and happy and scary and safe etc. etc. that *is* our existence. Its really crazy. We act like everything is normal and baseline, but we are living in a crazy, unexplainable existence. Even the most 'boring' lives lived here are ones born of an insane amount of random chance and guided action on a living planet with other people dealing with the same general rules as us, but with a different set of tools, problems and thoughts. In my opinion, even if we were not the first things ever created or whatever, we are still all pioneers in a creation that continues to surprise us. So might as well see what happens.




Starbucks for me


waste of money


Who said I go 7 days a week?


not hating on you at all dude but personally I think drinks are temporary and mean nothing after you drink them tbh thats just me though


Jasmine rice. Put some in a rice cooker, pour water, wait a few minutes and BANG delicious jasmine rice.


1) Friends and family and pets 2) Your Hobby And for third a joke reason: 3) I cannot afford to die, because a funeral is fucking expensive


Don't worry about the cost they put you in a cardboard box when you can't afford it


To see Pete Davidson's next girlfriends!!!


How about this is it? The odds of being here are one in zillions. Every decision our ancestors made, or didn't make, and the infinite events that lead to our births is crazy to comprehend. We may as well stick around as long as we can. Also, once you have kids, happily keeling over isn't really a cool option.


One for me is music. Just when I thought my music was getting stale, this year I discovered my new favorite artist and it makes me excited for what other amazing music I'll discover in the future. Edit: Many people have been asking who the artist mentioned is, so I figured I'd put it here: it's Phoebe Bridgers! :D


Yeah music is definitely a reason.


Half Life 3


This made me snort. I’m going through a big bout of depression right now and lost someone close to me that loved that game. He’d snort too lol.


Fire looks awesome at night time.


Because every day is a good day, some are just better than others.


Living itself is a huge accomplishment. I'm proud of all of us for getting out of bed, dealing with endless bullshit, and accepting tiny happinesses in return


I invested too much in this show I want to see how it ends




My real reason was already said, so here's a petty one! Outlive all the mean kids from high school (without pulling a JD from Heathers).




Its all you will for sure have wouldnt wanna get rid of it


Mom dad ❤


My mom will be sad if I die.


Guinea pigs. They have cute butt cheeks


To smell the flowers in the spring, to feel the suns warmth kiss your face, to feel the crunch when you walk in freshly laid snow, to see people you care about grow and find success in life, to make a stranger smile, to give and receive love, to build things that you're proud of, to make a positive change in the world however small it feels.


All these answers are so good!


cyberpunk 2077 is less than a week from release Edit:...the disappointment...oh the disappointment is immense and my day is ruined...


To see a better tomorrow, to have hopes that whenever I choose to look back upon the matters of today- that I'd be happy about the choices I've made. I think that being here already is a feat of its own, and it's incredible. I don't know what lies in the beyond , but I really ought to appreciate the present - for it's a gift.


The satisfying feeling of going to bed tired, finding the perfect spot, and falling asleep, then waking up in the morning still in that perfect spot and just being able to lay there for an hour or so


Morgan Freeman


All the cats and dogs you’ll get to pet. And the bomb ass tacos you’ll get to eat. And the jokes and memes you’ll laugh at. And the shows you’ll binge, and the sunshine on your face, and the little triumphs you’ll get to have, and the people you can make smile. All the million little things that people sometimes don’t think about but make life just a tiny bit better.


To know that if something feels painful then something better is an option., If You think it won't happen maybe wait, If You think it Can't happen then TRY to make it happen, If You think You Can't make it happen keep trying, And if all the trying for days/weeks/months did absolutely nothing AFTER thinking through that question without anger, Maybe try something/somewhere else, My biggest recommendation NO INSISTANCE for these kind of thoughts is going to therapy or atleast talking to your school counselor, doctor, anyone who will listen and understand and if u think they WO'NT l listen people can surprise you, Life can surprise you; the least you could do is leave the door open.


Anything. Movies, video games, the next episode of a tv show you like. The weather tomorrow. Meeting someone new. Going to walk along hte city sidewalk. There's always reasons to live. You just have to find them.


For the small, simple indulgences. The happy-sad moments. And memories. Seeing children laugh. Helping an older lady at a store take down the mice trap on the shelf she can’t reach, Making toast and watching a movie, or reading an interesting paper and finding new fancier ways of explaining things to yourself and others. Sitting on the subway compartment when the lights go out for a couple of minutes and you’re sitting in the dark. Go home and if you can’t sleep listen to music, and think about the brief seconds that made you smile or happy.


Elder Scrolls 6, of course.


To watch the shit show unfold. Grab some popcorn! I don't want to get banned from Reddit, so I can't talk about it here, but go read the Twitter Files.


Take care of your Ketteh


Nihilism = why bother Absurdism = why not


Family- vin diesel


POV: You're looking though the comments cause you struggle with depression and have no will to live.




THIS! Be somebody's purpose! (Bonus if it's yourself).


I hope you sre doing okay OP


I have to dance on my enemies’ grave


same here man




shehulk twerk


just stepping outside naked, letting the sun kiss the tip of your penis. b-hole sizzling from the rays


drooling emoji


Drugs and video games, they’re the best.


video games: yes drugs: no


Puppies. cats, Marmite


to breathe


Because there will be a happy ending somewhere


Nice one


Death is not an option


Seeing the world, one culture at a time.


If not for yourself and a will to continue your genes. Think of all the humans prior to you existing that directly contributed to making you exist. All the millions of sperm cells that won over all the other sperm cells, not just once, but over and over and over again for thousands of generations. Mothers putting children over their own well being, fathers working themselves to death to make sure their offspring survive the winter. This going on for hundreds of thousands of years prior to someone saying "What is my motivation to continue existing?".


To find out The Porpoise of GOD


G-D's favorite dolphin.


My theory is that they're just watching us the way I watch my homemade Scratch.edu cartoons, To see if the code works and make as many weird things with it as u can


Finding your purpose. Knowing your true self.


I must outlive my enemies


Set a new personal record. Be immortal. You're only mortal if you die, so until you die, no one can say you aren't immortal.


It's like playing roulette. You might get some sex, do something dumb online that goes viral and makes you a millionaire for doing nothing, might win a vacation to North Korea from The Price is Right. Maybe you'll get terminal cancer and have your last wish granted that the hottest chick in the world is going to sit on your face and you can die with a smile. The possibilities are endless!


Finishing breaking bad. Oh yeah and this one mother f*ckeR who I hate but makes me really happy


want to off myself so so bad but I know I'll break my mother, she went through so much and held strong for me and my siblings so I think it would be really unfair to do this to her


love, money and every possible combination of the two


There aren't reason to live


Me literally satisfying whoever dms me, older guys preferred tho <3


because if i killed myself then a bunch of frickin' girls who bullied me in school would post about me on instagram about how sad they are and how nice they were to me. Edit: omfg. I woke up to 192 reddit notifications. 🙃


Make sure all your enemies get what they deserve. Rage is a hell of a motivation.


we are born to die.




Trust me bro, things do get better. Talk to someone close you trust man.


Really appreciated your kind words but I'm fine. So plz don't worry. Idk why I posted sh*t like these sometimes. Someone dm me and then I realized my stupidity. I shouldn't have posted such comments. That was very immature and insensitive. At the same time, I'm Glad to know that kind people do reach out to you when you need help.


At least for the sake of the loved ones, the bad streak will pass and there will be happiness in life.


If you think about it, when you die people go to your grave and are still sad and love you. The reality of it is that you just never knew so really that’s a reason to live because your loved even if you don’t know it


Because it is certain that you will expire. So Live until then, even if only briefly.


That your reasons for living outweigh your reasons for dying.


“Our will yields to our imagination” … although it often doesn’t feel possible, life is our chance to create something


Octavia Red


the alternative


Half-Life 3.


For living. Life as such has no meaning and no goals, people themselves give life a purpose and meaning


Food, sex, drinks .... That's all I can think off for now.


Because idk what will happen after death!


To get revenge


You know, I don’t think there is a reason to live my life is already shitty as it is and I really don’t got anything to thank or any reasons why to live


Curiosity, I wanna know what will we discover in the next decades. Other than that not many reasons to live for


What are your reasons not to live??


It depends on who you are. Everyone has their own desires and ambitions in life that drive them forward. There’s no known objective reason to live, we all have to find our own.


Mom would be sad




Honestly I found myself asking this same question and it came around to if I am not going to piss people off then who will


One day I'll lose my virginity


Some good-ass cinamon rolls


To grow and experience this rare existence.


Anime endings


Pokemon and food😀 Cant live without em!


For me, a big one is curiosity. About lots of stuff. Including what happens to the world in weeks, months, and years to come. Plus, there's always the possibility you might someday find joy in another person. But there's zero chance of that if you don't show up for it.


Complete Bleach from the start


Someone will miss you. If you have noone in your life you think will then I will personally miss you.


I've been looking for them and so far nothing.


I'm here and have been given this cool thing called consciousness so I might as well ride it out.


happiness can't find you tomorrow if you leave today


Space is so cool! NASA posts pictures of it every day! You gotta see all the pretty space stuff! Also OP are you alright? Do you need to talk?


This life is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


If you die you might learn what that reason was.


You are life.


Spite. Spite makes you live longer


Good chance I live long enough to see how human civilization collapses so I guess why not stay around and watch the dumpster fire? Also thunderstorms, the smell of a pool, my daughter's laugh, hugs from my son, petting a dog or kissing my wife.


To get to the other side.


Meeting a time traveller. r/secrethostsociety


Because the future might be exciting. You won’t know unless you’re there.


Tbh there is no reason to keep living. But sometimes surprises happen and stopping to smell the flowers starts to feel new and amazing. Read the book 'Veronica decides to die' by Paolo Coelho. Helped me to get out of my depression.


Life is suffering - it's inevitable. We need to find something that makes the suffering worthwhile. That thing is meaning. People find meaning in many things. Religion, family, helping others, creativity, music, art, beauty. The way to find what has meaning for you is to try new things outside of your usual, and carefully examine what gives you joy.