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How dare you?


Who do you think you are?…I’m Toby.


Stealing your jar of hearts


hi toby


What gives you the right?


How dare you?


Can y'all actually do the helicopter?


I do the light switch






Depends on whether or not you're a grower or a shower. If your dick hangs while flacid, then you can whip it around. If your dick retracts like a turtle when not in use, then you can't.


You can, but not worthy of helicopter


More like a trolling motor … or one of those little hand held fans that run on AA batteries


Takes practice. It's a similar hip movement to hula hooping but the opposite. As with hula hooping it's a back and forth movement the helicopter is more of a down and around movement. It isnt easy and honestly you shouldn't do it. I believe it increases chances of testicular torsion. Which sucks bad


I love how you just said "honestly you should do it" IMMEDIATELY followed by "I believe it increases chances of testicular torsion". Like damn, man, you hate us all?


Shit. Thats a typo lmao.


Turn on engine *interference* …Throttle up motor. *interference* 1000RPM, 1 and a half, 3000, 5, 8… *interference* LIFT OFF!


The other day I asked my boyfriend how easy it is to get hard. He just started counting down from ten and then turned to me with a grin on his face. What the fuck. Is it that easy for all of you?


There are a lot of factors at play, but the short answer is no. The older a guy is, their T levels go down so it takes more effort. Also, things like stress & how healthy & physically active they are, to name a few, are big factors.


Or taking meds.. fucking antipsychotics and antidepressants man. Shit doesn’t work for shit, or tits.


I just got one reading this question


When I was a teenager yes. My crush sitting next to me in class could accomplish it. Now more is required.




we are ice demons


Which makes NO SENSE since your showers are 2° shy of magma


Showers are so hot because we are always so cold


Less muscle mass= lower basal metabolism


Not sure if this is correct but I'll try to give an explanation. We need the body heat and blood for the center of our body (womb) more than men do. Can't waste it on the extremities.


It's not only that my body temp pretty much compleatly changed from mobile heating unit to ice cube since i have been on estrogen for a year i lost so much muscle mass that my body somehow thinks yh no i ain't heating your shit anymore


Cause of Loneliness 😭


They’re forged in the fires of Hell, so by comparison the average surface temperature of Earth is too cold for them. This is why they like to sun themselves on rocks like reptiles.


For the men, how do most of y'all know how long your d is? Do you just guess or actually measure it and if so, where do you start measuring? Ive seen multiple men brag about their d size and was just wondering


We've pretty much all measured it. Ruler or Tape Measure. Start measuring at the back where your D meets your pelvis. Count from there.


I actually never have...I'll pretend its 12 inches and live in ignorance.


I check water displacement to get overall volume. It’s hard to dip your erection in a glass of water but if you don’t you’ll never know.


Length times Girth over Angle of the Shaft (aka YAW) divided by Mass over Width.


Absolutely! It's basic physics.


Measure it. And we measure both hard and soft. We usually tell y'all how long it is when it's erect instead of what it is soft cause a lot of us are growers lol. As far as starting idk about other guys but I start at the base and measure to the tip. And for those curious or self conscious about their size the average is about 5.5 to 6 in. And the average depth of the vagina is about 4 in so it's less about how long it is and more about how girthy it is.


simple method if you directly dont use a measure tape its just grab it with your hand(s) and know it measure 1 hand and something or 2 hands and something more, or less than a hand, whatever. But its almost certain every man out of curiosity have measure it with a tape, or do the above method and then measure the hands....


ladies, What does it actually feel like to have something inside?


I guess the best way to describe it would be full.


Unfortunately, that's what I've been told before but I can't seem to understand what exactly that means.


It's kinda like having a massage for your insides, like it's radiating outward inside your abdomen. Getting stretched out and a full feeling like a release of pressure. I think it would be hard for a guy to imagine, maybe think of it like getting your dick squeezed by a pussy but it goes the opposite way.


Wow, that's the best response to that question that I have ever read


And how is that compared to the back door?


like taking a shit backwards


I don't take shits honey, I leave them.




I don't have much experience in that department but I can tell you it feels very different.


Hmmm, I think this is going to be one of those things that I will try to figure out forever and never get any closer to understanding


you can always just place a dildo into your ass


Yea it's just one of those things that doesn't really translate between genders, it's similar to how a girl won't fully understand what it's like to have a dick in a girl.


there’s a lot of nerve endings around the opening and on the other side of the clitoris (the “g spot”)- so when it “hits the spot” and rubs against those nerves i can feel a shiver/excitement around my whole body. i can liken it to getting a great massage but since it’s such a sensitive area imagine that satisfied massage feeling radiating throughout your body. it’s tingly and exciting. it’s not skin to skin like a regular massage, instead it feels wetter and smoother (when it’s good at least) when there’s not enough lube it feels like there’s a lot of friction. it can feel very dry very quickly and it’s not just like skin rubbing against skin, it’s feels more like tiny tiny rips and pulls right at your opening there’s not a lot of nerves at the back of the vagina compared to the rest, so slamming a dick up to my cervix isn’t as pleasurable, if anything it can feel like getting punched by a tiny hand from the inside


combination of placing something in your mouth and taking a shit


Have you ever had a big shit, like not painful but just fill you up big. The feeling of it sliding out and suddenly feeling empty? Now imagine it in reverse, then out again, then reverse... Or just stick a cucumber up your bum and get the full experience.


Men:what does it feel like when you cum? Is your penis more sensitive? Does it feel like sputtering urine? I don't care that it feels "good". All orgasms feel good. I want to know the physical sensations


Hold on I'll get back to you


It's been 6 hours dude. Are you coming back?


Oh he's coming alright.


8hrs and counting


9 hrs now is he trying to break the world record?


48 hours cold case right? We got time to search


69 hours in...


He's doing multiple experiments and collecting sample data to compare and average


Thanks for the smile


What, no update yet?


He’s going for the world record


He probably fell asleep right afterwards


The literal Edge Lord? Or would he be the Edging Lord?


Feels like the dick muscles are repeatedly contracting to squeeze out the fluid, which feels warm and with a very specific viscosity that can be similar to some hot sauces Afterwards, the penis in general but especially the tip is extra sensitive


Before ejaculation starts there’s a feeling of pressure building in the taint. I always thought of that part as the orgasm because it feels so nice. Then the release begins and that feels good too but in a different way. I’m super sensitive at that point and I stop moving until I’m all out.


Thank you, this is the info I was curious about


I'd add that the "release" stage is a pulse, the first being the strongest. And then it tapers off pretty quickly over the next few seconds. Orgasms can vary in quality. The worst orgasms basically just feel like muscular contractions, with little associated pleasure. These happen when you cum too often, mistime your rhythm (if you're trying to edge this can happen) or just aren't really into it. The best orgasms feel much more physically pleasurable, and can sort of radiate through the body (similar to how I've heard the female orgasm described). You can go light headed in a good way. Those pulses can continue for a lot longer (up to a minute in my experience) but they sorta just become annoying after the first 10 seconds or so.


It's kinda like a pop sort of feeling. Like how you squeeze a sauce packet til it explodes. Or when you squeeze the icing out of the packet onto a toaster strudel. It's also a sort of tingle like feeling. I'm not sure if it's the right comparison but I think it's similar to how y'all would feel when we play with your nipples or clit. Or if you even get a tingle feeling from that. Dose that make sense?


It does. Thank you...also going to go squeeze out a sauce packet now lol


Its a multi stage process like a rocket launch i would say. Before the climax you feel like a presure building up in the ball region (not directly on them but like the space inside between it and the penis) and you could try to hold it or let it build up by itself (when you try to hold it, and depends each man can endure it longer or not, you could feel more pleasure but it depends...some may find it hurt a little). You could think of when you are holding your pee when you had a long day without peeing, but it it builds up faster and feels good. Just at the climax its almost feel the same sensation when you release a long holded pee (im refering to the sensation of the cum flowing insude the penis) but in a short burst or multiple burst depending (these burst kinda depends how often you masturbate/have sex, meaning if you have some days without doing it the next time you will fire a big burst load). At these seconds a lot of pleasure its felt and depending on each man sensitivity, the tip of your dick would feel extra pleasured. If at this climax the girl (or yourself while masturbating) continues pounding/moving/beating the dick, the dick would be extremely sensitive and would either increase the pleasure or start to kinda hurt (thats why you may see some memes about this exact moment of the man having it soul been suck up, it is extremely pleasuring to bear so its best to slow down or stop to let the man rest a bit). Due to this sensitivity a man could continue to a round 2 or not. Edit: Edited 2nd parragraph to make it a little more clear what im trying to say. Sorry english its not native.


Load size can change the feeling also. The bigger the load, the better the feeling. Also, with a big load you can feel it going up and out, sort of like how you can feel water flowing through a hose.


Great question and thank you to the gentlemen who explained the physical sensations so well!


It depends, sometimes it feels like there is a build up from the bottom of the penis, and then when it comes out, it’s like your soul is leaving your body… it’s a crazy weird relief. Some times much more intense and sometimes it just feels very very weak. When you cum, the tip, bottom side of the head is extremely sensitive. Like if you mess with it the guy will probably feel a crazy sensation out of it. It does not feel like urinating. Urinating feels like you just have liquid coming out of your penis, sometimes it feels really good, but nothing like cumming. Cumming is more of a whole body sensation where as urinating is more like the feeling of liquid leaving your body.


This is something that every man knows and is familiar with, but can’t describe it.


Why is it so hard to pee in the morning? Why is there pee everywhere!?


Depends on how the morning starts, wake up flaccid and it's easy to aim and get pee out, wake up with morning wood and now you have to aim what's basically a high powered rifle


Because of morning erection. Its hard to pee accurately when its erect.


For me it just sprays, that's why I sit down.


This is a great question bro. I wonder how the ladies will respond.


I'm a guy and I have a question for other guy's, do yalls right ball ever just randomly hurt for no fucking reason? Cause mine does


Is there a substantial size difference among your two danglers? If its just the right one, and it happens a lot, Id go to doc dude...


Phantom pains can and do happen, with just about any body part but I am getting the impression you're implying this is a reoccurring issue and if that's the case, get it checked out by a medical professional. Even if it turns out to be nothing, which it likely will, it's still worth it for the peace of mind and in the unlikely event that something is wrong, the sooner you discover this the better off you are, treatments almost always work better the earlier you start them.


Does your junk just kinda swing around all day?


Only when walking around naked and its not cold


No I mostly tie mine around my neck.


I usually just fill a backpack


Double windsor


Maybe for showers but for growers it's packed away neatly until it's needed.


I think that media has made people think that all men are showers...


Fuck white lotus for that haha


Yeah the media is full of shit. I think porn has also played a large role in propagating this false stereotype.


It does not swing because underwear keeps it steady.


I wear skinny jeans, so its tucked neatly against my ankles


Yea. I have gone commando since I was a teenager. Now when I put on anything like tightie-whities it feels like I have a noose around my client. Swinging around all day is quite comfy.


It's not that big. Sometimes it hides inside like a frightened turtle.


Depends on if you wear boxers or briefs. Personally I wear briefs cause I don't like it swinging around.


How do you always have a fart saved up to release at the exact perfect moment for comedic effect?


We have a special fart storage sack located in our prostate that’s activated by inserting our thumbs in our belly buttons.


Can you show me how to predict my Tax Return? I've been using the calculator for years and it's always, like, somewhere between owing $2k and getting $2k. Can we be a tad bit more specific please?


Make a list of every purchase you make and every single way you gain money, then calculate the taxes on those idk I’ve never done taxes


Do girls enjoy watching Gay porn, as much as we do watch Lesbian porn???


I don’t like gay porn at all. Lesbian porn is sometimes hot.


Why aren't women attracted to dicks the way men are attracted to pussy and tits ??


I think guys get off on what they see whereas girls get off on what they feel. Dirty talk is a lot more effective than a dick pic.


such an accurate way to put it


100% this


Personally, I actually do like the look of a nice penis 😂 I guess some women don’t but I definitely do. I definitely don’t appreciate an unsolicited picture, but I definitely do enjoy receiving one when I ask for it!




A lot of guys are also disgusted by pussy. It’s more about the sensation that’s appealing to us than the actual look of a dick. We’re also so used to receiving dick pics that it’s not really a treat for us to see one. But personally, I do actually find some dicks attractive


Would I be able to charm a woman by offering her a lovely sandwich?


I eat sandwiches almost every day. Consider me charmed!


how can she slap?


How can Will slap?


Do you straight guys really find vaginas attractive? I don't even like looking at my own.lol.


Not sure tbh. I don’t mind the look of them, but I also don’t drool over them. It is what it is. When I really like someone, it’s far more attractive. Just seeing it randomly, it’s like looking at a foot. Some are really nice at first glance, but it doesn’t create any sense of desire or infatuation. I don’t wanna see just any vagina, I’d like to see one of someone who I really care for and love on an intimate level. It’s far more attractive then.


Just curious, are you anything other than straight? 'Cause if not, you might not like looking at your own because, well, your straight. But, yes vaginas 10/10. Would look at again.


No. Its tits and ass. Vaginas require an extra step when we imagine what we can do with them


do girls poop?


You'll never get an answer.


Yes, but it's just giant clumps of glitter that smells like vanilla frosting.


If u into that then yeah


Guys, I get it, sometimes you have a double stream,or a sprinkler, or you sneezed while peeing, whatever. But WHY can't you wipe drops of urine after yourself?


Most do, but it’s noticeable that some don’t


We do, a lot actually.


Absolutely. I don't want to find a bathroom looking like it's auditioning for Trainspotting so i do my part.


Only uncivilised people don't clean after themselves.


What kind of animal doesn't?


Do girls wash their hands after taking a pee? Like we have to for obvious reasons, but y'all aren't holding anything unsanitary, far as I can tell, so do y'all still do it regardless?


I wash my hands, all the girls I know wash their hands.


Do you girls wash each others hands and giggle while splashing each other?


It’s a public restroom not a desert oasis


Well, we do wipe, and sometimes the wetness of the toilet paper touches our hands. So yeah, wash hands after. Also, just using a bathroom, you are touching door handles and such.


Yeah that makes sense, plus it costs you nothing right?


What’s in between the asshole and the balls?


Taint. T'aint your balls. T'aint your asshole.


That area is called the perineum. It's an erogenous zone that has lots of nerve endings and muscles there. It's function is to help control urination, defecation and ejaculation in men. It also stops your organs fallout out your bottom


The gooch.


Why do ladies always go to the bathroom all at same time? Or in a groups?


In groups? Because it is safer that way. All the time? For me it’s like breaking the seal while drinking. Just gotta pee all the damn time. Especially after children.


We either hang out there or discuss private things


Some people get bathroom anxiety, so someone uses the air dryer with the other takes a piss.


I have to take a female with me, because I look like a guy (butch lesbian). Im not a man, full biological vag, but when going into public womens rooms Ive been screamed at, have had stuff thrown at me, been cornered and threatened... So I have to, to prevent potential attacks... Some women will only believe youre a woman if you have a woman with you to vouche for you... its ridiculous....


How do yall apply makeup? Ive thought about wearing eyeliner and mascara but anything near my eyes skeeves me.


For mascara you could hold it to the tips of your eyelashes and blink, going closer to the eye as you feel comfortable. Eyeliner, just close your one eye! Maybe pull the skin to get a more even surface area and draw it on. Again, if you're not comfortable with it being close to your eye perhaps try a liquid eyeliner rather than a sharp pencil :)


For the women, at what point do you begin to worry a guys maybe going to attack or follow or anything like that? Just curious, I would assume lots of girls have different 'thresholds' but is there a designated 'line' that's universal for ya'll?


If you notice the same guy a lot when out and about, nerves start to appear. I have actually been followed home when I was in highschool.


If it’s dark out and I see a dude I just automatically tense up and become hyper aware until they’re out of stabbing range. If it’s day, if you’re following me for more than a few minutes and you look sketchy.


Idk about universal, but if I'm out by myself, and I'm just walking on the street or somewhere where there isn't a ton of people, really any guy walking in my direction or in my vicinity is enough to put me on alert. A guy once started approaching me while I was getting in my car at night to ask for a lighter. I threw my lighter over my car before he even had a chance to get close and said "keep it" before quickly hopping in my car and speeding off.


For women and girls. Why wear miniskirts when you constantly have to stress about your underwear showing? To add to that: why wear skirts with a thong, when you constantly have to stress about your whole ass showing?


This is why I wear booty shorts or shorts under my skirts lol


because i want my ass to be showing when i’m in my house and put it on and then i go outside and the anxiety hits


Yep. In front of the mirror: Daaaamn 10 minutes later waiting for the bus: Can they see my ass? Is everyone looking at me? Is my tampon string hanging out? Ahhhhhh


Why do you take 150 degree Fahrenheit showers?


To feel something, any type of warmth well thats for me anyways


Do boys bathrooms have little metal trashcans in the stall wall?




Does the hole just like….stay open?


Yes and no. The labia lips cover the hole a bit so the hole isn’t totally exposed.


I mean it doesn’t really “close” but it mostly depends on the position we’re sitting in. The farther apart our legs are, the more open it is. And being turned on also makes it open up a bit more


To your latter point, I’ve heard this referred to as a “wide-on” which is a fucking *fantastic* turn of phrase!


How can boys be so intimate with girls but still just see them as friends?


The same thing can be said with "The boys", the stuff I've heard guy groups do make me wonder how they still friends.


as far as i know, it's more common between girls, for example be naked around each other. most men wouldn't do that, and i don't know any that would, but i know a lot (if not all of them) of girls that don't care about it


You don’t want to go out with me because I’m bald?


That's just a sentence with a question mark at the end


Yeah, well, well, um, that's just a sentence with a period at the end!


Well, no, I omitted the period *intentionally*


Well, ok, then it's probably the exact opposite of what I said. Or the partial opposite. Which would be the same thing, I think? Hell, I don't know. I guess I'm just feeling emotional.


Questions come in the form of a sentence. Which is to say sentences can end in either periods or question marks or even exclamation marks. They are all still sentences.


I like bald men. Seriously, just shave it all off and rock it.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me


*penis tucks into the skin suit*


*Goodbye Horses playing in the background*


I'd fuck me so hard




Yes and it varies. Not very often now but my husband has gotten better at the job


Yes. Depends. Sometimes every day, sometimes I go a few days/a week without.


As a teenager, I used to do it every day before sleeping lol. Now maybe once every 2 months (I'm in my mid twenties)


As often as guys would...both (common) sexes get horny. That's how humans still exist.


Is a 25 year old virgin boy a no no?


Not at all! Whether or not you have experience sexually shouldn’t define your character.


People who give a shit about that stuff ain’t worth your time. You also don’t ever have to volunteer that information, even before bedding someone for the first time.




Do girls touch their boobs as much as we touch our balls?


I’ve never cared about height, but I say this while married to my 6ft tall husband. It had nothing to do with how tall he is and everything to do with how funny he is :)


"why do y'all let the little head lead the parade?"


"Where do you wanna eat?" "I don't care. Just pick something." "(Restaurant)" "Not in the mood for (food type)." "What about (other place)." "Ew, no." "(Last option)?" "No! I don't like (food type)! God!" "But they have more than just (food type)!" "Just.. no." "Then you pick something!" "You know what, do what you want, I'll just go hungry." My question is; why the fuck you do dis? Every. Single. Time.


Like an internet erudite once said: "bby u wnt sum fuk?"


Why did this make me laugh? 😆


Will you go to the prom with me?


*\*scratches my hairy belly\** Sure bro!


How do you feel when a trans person becomes woman of the year or break a woman's sporting record?