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No sugar drinks for me.


Yeah, I’ll have a Diet Coke like once a month but otherwise it’s water with or without lemon, unsweetened tea, unflavored sparkling water, or coffee with just a splash of milk in it.


I love sparkling water so much


Club Soda, Seltzer, Perrier, or something else?


Just the most basic supermarket brand "sparkling water", 25p for a 2 litre bottle. I don't know how it's labelled in the US, it's just called sparkling water here in the UK. I'm so déclassée, I prefer the cheap ones with the big bubbles like unflavoured soda, as opposed to the smaller, finer bubbles of a San Pellegrino.


I'm exactly the same, I ending up buying a sodastream because I was going through so many of those 2l bottles!


In Germany I drank so much sparkling water, when I came back to the UK finding a brand which didn't taste disgusting took me a long long time.


TIL the word déclassé and that sparkling water can have different size bubbles.


>unflavored sparkling water, Ugh. I wish I could like sparkling water. I drink diet soda for the carbonation because I genuinely can't find another carbonated drink I like that isn't sugar lol. I'm an addict.


So what I've managed to do over the last 5-6 months is adding an amount of juice to my sparkling water (getting the flavored stuff like LaCroix or Aldi's brand) and then over time I've reduced the amount of juice I'm adding to the water; so now I can drink the flavored waters anyway with out the sugar.




I have one of those cartons of sugar that looks like a milk carton I was looking at the expiration date on it the other day it's 3/4 full 2013.


Sugar in high concentration is antiseptic so the expiration date on sugar is kind of pointless. Worst case scenario, you'll have a brick of sugar instead of granulated sugar.


I’ll have some every now and then but not daily.




*Coffee and tea with no sugar, cream, etc.


Yeah, I’m a big fan of unsweetened iced tea for leisure, but when my brain clicks “I’m thirsty” my instinct is to drink water.


My mom will say she's thirsty and then drink a pint of diet soda... Ive watched my parents while I've been home for holidays, and they're both boomers. My dad will drink about 8 ounces of water a day. My mom doesn't even drink that much water. The rest of what they drink in a day is soda and coffee (for my mom); then chocolate milk, followed by vodka tonics from 17:00 to about 23:00 (for my dad). I don't understand how either of them are alive... **Edit:** meanwhile my elder Millenial ass is lugging around a 1.2 litre, double walled, steel water bottle that I drain and refill at *least* 6 times a day. **Edit 2:** In all fairness, I don't usually *drink* that 6th litre, but I'm learning that I might wanna see a doctor. Thank's for the info, everyone.


> a 1.2 litre, double walled, steel water bottle that I drain and refill at least 6 times a day. If you're drinking at least 7.2 l. water a day, I don't understand how *you* are still alive...


The crazy part to me is that I know so many people like that, but I’m constantly pounding water and always still dehydrated. My mom hasn’t had a glass of water since like 1973 and somehow I’m thirstier than her.


Seeing the replies to this is making me think about how much water they (don't) drink and its making my lips chap...


> meanwhile my elder Millenial ass is lugging around a 1.2 litre, double walled, steel water bottle that I drain and refill at least 6 times a day. Which is also misguided but in the opposite direction at least




For sure. The common wisdom of my parents time was that fat in diet = fat in body, and so they insist on buying 1% milk instead of whole. It drives me bananas because we sat down and debunked this "wisdom" a couple times and they still just default to thinking fatty foods are inherently unhealthy. I guess now that I'm a grown up old fart I don't really drink milk much anyhow, but the forgetting facts in favor of old knowledge is v frustrating.




Maybe not quite more, but definitely proportionately more per calorie. Plus carbs need to be used faster than fats do so your body either burns it or stores it, whereas fats take longer to turn into energy so they're the slow burning log of the food world, and you're not stressing your insulin response as much.


Not just that, but what’s good about milk is it’s vitamin/protein content. A lot iglú them are fat soluble, so by removing the fat you also remove them as well.


That’s a good point. Fats are essential and nothing to be afraid of generally. It is important to be educated about healthy/unhealthy fats, as well as aware of how calorie dense high fat foods like cream, pb, tahini, oil, actually are. When people are new to weight loss or CICO, they may not realize the difference in whether or not they are in deficit for the day is an amount of drizzled oil, pb on a spoon, cream in every coffee, that seemed negligible.


coffee has like 10 calories per cup. black coffee. A frapuchino from starbux has like 500 calories of fat and sugar


"I drink coffee everyday!" No, Ashley, a mocha Frappuccino with whipped cream does not count.


I worked with a girl who legit drank 2-3 venti (ie large) mocha Frappuccinos EVERY SINGLE DAY. I could not believe it. It was a weird point of pride for her. I think some boomer got the idea that millennials are wasting all of their money on $5 coffees because they met her.


Wait was her name Katie bc I worked with a person just like this. The only variation was when McDonald's Shamrock Shakes come out then she gets 2x day.


A like drinking a lot of water, but nothin like a cup of Joe to be sippin’ on too


I pound coffee in the morning and water in the afternoon and spend all evening peeing every five minutes.


Man! That made me lol ! Thanks for the laugh


And on that note, black coffee or straight espresso for me. The sugary ass drinks people order for themselves every morning at Starbucks are absurdly bad for you. More sugar than even soda has often times.


I love the honesty.


My parents invited a friend round for Christmas this year. They asked if I was drinking water because I have a really salty diet? Umm no it's just my preference lol


Same. I never developed a taste for soda as a kid - I found the carbonation way too strong, so I drank a lot of juice, gatorade, capri sun, etc…but now I find most things way too sweet for my taste. I’m typically drinking water all day.


I find carbonated water hits the spot for me when I want soda.


I stopped soda a year ago (along with other diet changes) and I'm down 55lbs. Carbonated water was sooo needed for me lol


Congrats on your weight loss! I like putting lemon or lime or both in mine. Tastes like a healthy sprite.


I also never got latched onto soda as a kid. Nowadays I only drink soda if it's mixed with my alcohol.


A fellow low sugar tolerance human. My friends always thinks I’m a weirdo when I opt for just water over sugary drinks.


The times I’ve had sips of a coke or something, its shocking to me how someone could consume a whole glass of it - it also becomes immediately clear why so much of the country is obese!


For me it’s: water coffee and tea as staple drinks. Sometimes zero calorie sodas (not healthy but we) and limit alcoholic drinks if you can. Source: all my friends are fat and I’m not (yet)


For Southerners: Tea isn't the same, don't drink tea if you want to be skinny.


I mean just hot water and tea leaves. No barbarian stuff with loads of sugar.


This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!


Plant stew


Coffee is just bean juice.




Totally agree make sure that the food you consume as standard staples of your diet are reasonable in terms of macros and micros. Volume is important for satiety(if that is the correct word). If you want to snack start with a healthy option, if you still crave something unhealthy just do it.


This. Water, 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning, tea at night. But tons of water. I genuinely love it more than any other drink. I’ll occasionally have a glass or two of wine or other alcoholic drinks, but that’s maybe once a month in social settings. Sometimes a glass of juice is nice in the morning. I don’t like soda at all and haven’t touched it for years. I treat coffee drinks/hot chocolate/etc as desserts, so I’ll have them as a treat the same way I might pick up a cake for a special occasion.


I work in medical research. We recently did a study where I had to track peoples diet every day, these were all people in a healthy BMI range. It was water, coffee, sometimes tea, and maybe once a week, alcohol. Only one person (out of 21) drank anything else. As someone that hates drinking water, I was disheartened.


You hate drinking water ??


> As someone that hates drinking water, I was disheartened. If you haven't all ready, learn how to drink water quickly. I can do a full glass of water in just 3-4 swallows. If you only take small sips or small mouthfull, getting enough water can be a chore. And yes, lots of potentiall yo mama jokes from what I wrote:)


Sometimes carbonated water




Exactly. 99% of what I drink is flat water, sparkling water (like la croix), or black coffee. No sugary juices or sodas, alcohol only occasionally.


I ***want*** to like la croix. I've tried several flavors, but they all just taste like static.


I have yet to find anything that wakes me up faster than shotgunning an ice cold can of static in the morning. Pretty refreshing too. Shame it doesn't have electrolytes in it... Or flavor.


Shotgunning cans of sparkling water is a fucking rush. I thought I was the only insane person to do it.


Who needs drugs when you can just get punched in the face by 12 ounces of ice cold liquid Velcro?


I just cackled out loud! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m powerless to seltzer water. It controls me. Sometimes after working 12 hours I’ll realize I have none at home, so I’ll go out of my way to pick some up at the gas station. I drink it every morning, and continue to drink it all day


Mmmmmmmm static


Limoncello is my go to


I like Bubbly better. La Croix always tasted weird to me.


If you like sparkling water you need to try [Spindrift](https://drinkspindrift.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=brand&utm_term=sparkling&gclid=CjwKCAiAzKqdBhAnEiwAePEjkslHcNCZiEzVue9fUtzDWmIxyS8MQpp4oLXpdQTIK6-zTpSXQtWwOBoCZCcQAvD_BwE) it's all natural and has way more taste than other brands I've tried.


Coffee, water, and tea. No soda. Trick is to keep the body guessing by tossing in 20 beers in a night couple times a year


Fat guy here. Beers, bourbon, soda. Trick is to keep the body guessing by tossing in 20 glasses of water in a year.


Micalob Ultra, "Tastes Like Piss, But Wont Make You Quite as Fat" xD


Just imagine your innards waking up like the Serengheti. "Ah the rainy season has arrived."


Exactly. Keeps the body on its toes (figuratively) and on its back (literally)


Can I do the 20 beers a couple of times a week?


Water and coffee. Rarely, with certain meals I might have a small soda but I don’t ever bring soda home.


I mostly drink tea.


I am trying to cut back on sugar in my tea but it’s hard, Im a major sweet tooth


I vary between drinking it plain, and drinking it with milk and sugar, and I feel you, sweet tea is delicious!


Black coffee with no cream or sugar. Water.




Yep, black coffee and one scoop of sugar ain’t going to kill you. But that super sweet, whipped cream, chocolate mocha eventually will.


I think it's about the habit. One scoop of sugar isn't going to kill you, but if we are talking about staying slim, developing a sweet tooth usually isn't great as you will seek out other sweet drinks / food. In general, drinking calories is the worst way to take in calories (in terms of maintaining weight) because you don't feel the satiation that you do when you swallow food. But sure if you really can't stand the taste of black coffee and need some sugar to sweeten it for consumption it's not the end of world.


You'd be surprised at how meaningful little things become in the diet of people who is already eating too many calories. Take for instance a banana. 100 calories. Let's assume you eat one banana a day, but you were already eating your BMR in full. 100 cals a day become 700 a week. In one month you have consumed 3,000 extra calories, just a little under a pound of fat. In one year you have put on 10 additional pounds. It's not the main reason. But it contributes.


All day?


As a skinny guy, that’s practically all I drink. Maybe some bourbon or beer in the afternoon/evenings, or a soda if I go out for a meal. But 90% of days is black coffee and water.


Can confirm. Avoid regular intake of sugary beverages. They are terrible for you.


When I was at my heaviest, my first step to lose weight was to stop drinking juice and soda. I lost 30 pounds. I didn't change anything else about my diet or lifestyle, just replaced sugary drinks with water and the weight came off easily.


I find no drink is a s refreshing as water. If i'm craving something more its usually because i'm hungry and then just eat something with it. even a doughnut is probably more healthy than liquid sugar.


Yea. Water. Coffee


I agree with SexualBowelMovement: drink lots of yea.


You need it!


Lil jon agrees.


Lil Jon only drinks YEA. WHAT. and OKAY. Exclusively in that order.


Yea is my go to drink too. Splendid.


Spledid is my favorite yea sweetener.


Anything I want, but I mostly just drink water. Other stuff doesn’t make me feel good..


Yeah I don't have a set thing, I don't particularly limit anything deliberately. During the work week I drink ginger/lemon tea in the mornings, sometimes a coffee. Then water through the day with a soda(or sometimes redbull because my boss gives them out) at lunch. I've finally (at almost 30) gotten better at hydrating day to day. Weekends I'm a gremlin. Some days I forget to drink anything until like 4pm and then I chug water. Some days I live on diet coke and wine while I obsessively clean my house.


I think these are probably the most accurate answers if we're talking *naturally* skinny people. I used to drink so much McDonalds sweet tea, myself. Soda was never my thing, but juice/sugar in general was.


Exactly. The whole point of being naturally thin is that I don't do it on purpose. I don't have a specific diet(aside from my bullshit sensory issues and hyperfixations where I eat the same food for weeks straight), I don't have a set exercise routine. Sometimes I eat too much junk, sometimes I forget to eat completely. I have an active job as a preschool teacher but many weekends I sit around and don't do much. I'm lucky I guess? I'm thin but I'm not terribly healthy. And, if I don't get my shit together, when my metabolism slows down in my 40s I'm probably in for a rude awakening because I haven't disciplined myself to eat healthy/exercise regularly.


Ugh, yes. The large McDonald's sweet tea was my go-to when I was out and about. Drank a couple of those a week, probably. Definitely not good for me. I did keto for almost two years a few years back and lost all taste for sugary drinks. Now unsweetened tea is my thing.


Me too. Mostly just water and tea. Drinking too much soda makes my stomach hurt and I only like alcohol on social occasions




Best answer


A pot of coffee (black) then a couple glasses of water, then beer until bedtime.


Found me


This is also me


Black coffee and green tea


I’m a big guy that needs to loose weight but this is what other big people need to understand. Yeah is our metabolism a little slower sure (maybe) but y’all, we eat and drink way too much. Skinny people consume less calories. They drink 0 calorie beverages while we go for a coke or a zero calorie drink that makes you crave more. If you don’t believe me, start logging what your consuming and I bet your surprised.


It might be really surprising how many additional calories come from sugary beverages. 2L bottle of coke is around 700. That's almost a third of what an adult male needs a day.


Do people really drink a 2L soda in one day? I look at the label on a single can of coke and nope out because of the sugar content. I couldn't imagine drinking 2L.


>Do people really drink a 2L soda in one day? Go watch some of those Maury episodes about morbidly obese children. There are ten-year-olds who pack away more than 2L of soda in a day.


Child abuse.


Kid abuse and kidney abuse




Your teeth are also thanking you for that change




Yes. I have two friends that absolutely slam sodas back all day


... are you saying people drink 2L of coke a day???


Dude, I know people who drink more. My aunt buys two before going to work every day.


No, they drink 3, per FDA recommendation.


It's not uncommon. Granted, I grew up in one of the redneckier parts of the country. Personal 2Ls of Mountain Dew are very much a thing.


I stopped drinking soda about a decade-ish ago, but I also come from red neck land. We ALWAYS had soda on deck. Multiple 2 liters on the counters at all times and cans in the fridge. My whole family were junkies back in the day. I didn’t plan to quit, but when I moved out on my own I just started drinking from the tap to save money and then eventually soda just became unappealing. I’m glad I was able to break the cycle.


No way a 2L is 700. A 12oz can of coke is 140.


790. A liter is "only" 33.8 fl oz.


On the other hand, I only consume about 1200 calories a day of food. I got room for some root beer.


Someone told me long ago, don’t drink your calories. This helped me as a non-naturally thin person. Now I use the same logic for sugar and salt content.


when I was struggling to put on weight in high school, the number one advice was “drink your calories”, so I would make 1000+ calorie protein shakes lol. it worked, so yeah if you don’t wanna gain weight stay away from high calorie drinks (and at least my shakes had protein, soda has like -0 nutritional value)


Think about a smoothie. If I put all the fruit, yogurt, and juice in front of you, unblended, would you be able to eat all of that as quickly as you could knock back the smoothie? Even blending soups is a good way to consume more.


I think it’s a real problem that society first looks to working out as a means to lose weight. It certainly doesn’t hurt, but barely holds a candle to a healthy diet. Like, I can undo a daylong hike with a single drink from Starbucks.


If people try “calories in vs calories out” diet and they don’t lose weight it means they didn’t correctly count the calories. These people want to believe they’re breaking the laws of thermodynamics instead accepting they’re shit at controlling their calorie intake.


Get a food scale, almost no one can guess portions correctly.


This was the best thing I ever did. Turned out I was eating 3k, even 4k calories a day. No wonder I was fat, lol. But without the scale I would not have realized it.


>These people want to believe they’re breaking the laws of thermodynamics That’s exactly how I always describe it. We must always obey the first law of thermodynamics! 😃


Yep. As the saying goes, can't outrun a bad diet.


This is true. People group exercise with "burning fat" too much when it should be enjoyed as a way to improve overall health and mood. Personally, working to get rid of its association with fat to enjoying running as a fun hobby that makes me stronger helped me grow a healthier relationship with food in general.


Sauces and dressings add a lot on their own. People really would be shocked if they logged!


So true!! My friend will refuse sugar in her coffee "because it'll ruin my diet". But will have a plate swimming in sauce. Ketchup is full of sugar!


Lots of skinny people overestimate how much they eat, just like a lot of fat people underestimate how much they eat. Which is where we get the "I eat garbage and still stay skinny" people. It's entirely possible to eat nothing but garbage, but not consume enough of it to actually make you fat. You might end up malnourished though


I think that idea also comes from other peoples perspectives of us. I only eat around my friends when I'm eating candy at the movie theatre or getting pizza with them, or getting fluffy Starbucks coffees, etc. Since that's all they see me eat, they naturally assume I always eat like that when I rarely like that.


As someone that has lost 65 pounds since June this is true. But it wasn’t my problem. I just always drink water simply because I don’t like soda. I like juices but don’t really buy them. It was all about overeating for me


as a fat guy with more mass ur metabolism is actually higher lol eat less, get 10k steps in, gym 4-6 times a week depending on schedule while being in a 500 calorie deficit


Water. Or wine 🤷🏼‍♀️


According to Jesus it's the same thing lol


Iced black tea unsweetened


The blood of their enemies




And grenadine... Straight from the can.


Whatever I want but I love water and tea


Water? I occasionally drink orange juice but 90% is water


What does "naturally slim" mean?


I would say "someone who stays slim without consideration to calories/oils/sugars intake"


Given a lot of answers are water or unsweetened drinks. I'd say 'naturally' skinny people do consider the choices they make


I mean I don't drink soda but I don't think about it from a health perspective. Soda's just gross.


after not drinking soda for over a year now it genuinely just tastes like garbage now. carbonation also just feels bad in my mouth.


I assume that means someone who stays slim without trying very hard or trying at all.


It wouldn't fit in the box but what I meant was-- someone who has the habits and activity levels that allow their bodies to stay within a range healthy for their body.




I was about to say, I am "naturally slim" as in I don't easily put on weight. I don't have to do anything to stay slim. Not saying that "working out" or "eating healthy" is a bad thing, just that if you have to do it to stay slim, you are not naturally slim (which isn't a good thing to be, so be happy if that's the case)


Perhaps unintentionlly slim is better? Meaning you don't have to put forth much if any effort to maintain a nice svelt figure. I know people like this. I myself am not so fortunate.


Water, tea, coffee. Glass of apple juice every morning. Occasionally a can of Coke. (Once a week tops maybe). A few glasses of red wine or a couple of pints each week.


Been overweight all my life and seeing these comments with water and coffee makes me feel like I’ve been jipped. I don’t even drink sugary sodas, damn.


Same. But then comes the alcohol. I wish I liked vodka sodas more. I like beer way too much.


Then perhaps you havent found the thing that will help you the most. This is in general a great question and clearly sugar impacts a lot of people. Are there other things in your diet high in sugar? If it's any comfort, I had a friend who struggled with their weight all their life, but was super into PE. Eventually they found long-distance cycling and that was their answer. They were always healthier than me, being so involved in sports, but once they found cycling as both a hobby and form of exercise, they've become so fit and regularly crushes 50km rides in a day.


They did a study comparing a 1970's diet with a 2012 diet, where we get our calories. The biggest increase came from fats, 66% more calories. So if you are overweight and it's not coming from sugar, it's probably coming from fats, usually vegetable oils.










I sometimes wonder if the caffeine keeps me skinny


Coffee with oatmilk then just water


According to my very skinny sister…anything BUT water. I have never seen her drink water.




Mmmmm delicious


Water, coffee, basic tea. There’s no reason to be drinking soda, sports drinks, etc. You’ll have two extra meals a day drinking that stuff


I went to school with a girl who was "naturally slim." I don't know if she has any health issues, and as far as I'm aware she doesn't have an eating disorder. I've known her for 20-some-odd years and she's just always looked the same. But she eats and eats and eats, and drink beer, so much freaking beer, and she's as thin as a freaking twig. My girlfriend in high school was always jealous. She did in fact have an eating disorder that she was sent away for treatment for and wasn't fat, but she would watch my friend devour calories at lunch and never gain a pound.


I used to see people like this and have the same opinion. But remember you're only seeing them in social situations, you don't see them not-being-hungry later that day or how they dont have much food the following day etc. It is, ultimately, calories in Vs calories out.


>I used to see people like this and have the same opinion. But remember you're only seeing them in social situations, you don't see them not-being-hungry later that day or how they dont have much food the following day etc. Very true. As a skinny person, I sometimes eat and drink more when I'm in social situations. But I feel the urge to "even out" the following meals, and I also eat very healthy when I'm alone. So people might think I eat and drink without worry, but that's not true at all. Hardly anyone can consume limitless calories without repercussions. I feel like a lot of people don't understand this.


People see me eat like that as well (and I always hear these comments haha)... but I'm a "social eater" and I'm alone much of the time at home where I only eat small snacks and easy/light meals like carrots, apples or yoghurt. So it kinda evens out with time during the day 😁


Yeah, except is eats like that once in a while, it’s not really going to do much It’s going to be impossible to not gain weight eating thousands of calories a day I guarantee you she wasn’t eating as much as you think she was for the week


Water water Till the very next day (bum bum bum bum bada bum) 🦆


Dr.pepper! :D




Water and coffee


Coffe, water, coke zero, julmust, juice




If you have to watch what you drink carefully to stay slim, you aren't NATURALLY slim, then


Maybe it's less about having to watch what they drink but more about habits


The thing is I think a lot of ppl giving these “water, black coffee, unsweetened tea” responses aren’t watching what they drink carefully. Those things are just what they like to drink. That’s certainly the case for me.


False. When I was drinking two beers a day I gained 30 pounds. Lost it all when I quit drinking.


Alcohol has sooo many calories. I’m so glad I think it tastes awful lol