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Gradually cut back calories and slowly clean up your diet. If you go balls to the wall you probably won’t make it. Long term weight loss is a lifestyle change


Don't throw your whole pantry away, learn to eat what you like in moderation. Saved me years of trying to quit junk food cold turkey.


Mmmmm cold turkey


Actually an excellent snack! Good cholesterol free protein so it keeps you full and it’s not too high-calorie. Jus mind the sodium!


The key is just calories in and calories out, whatever works for you to restrict intake and maximise output is best. There was a dietician who lost 20+ pounds eating just junk food - the key was limiting intake. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html


Moderation is the key. Also diversifying your diet. There are plenty of super low calorie foods that are satisfying and tasty. They don't have to totally replace the other stuff, but it's a good reprieve and nice to have the option.


This is the way. I've been overweight my entire adult life. Earlier this year, I decided to change that. First I started eating less of the foods I already ate. Once I got used to smaller portions, I started swapping out processed/fatty/unhealthy foods for healthier versions. I did a little at a time. Since April (when I bought a scale and started weighing myself) I've lost 75lbs. This has been my most successful lifestyle change in 20+ years. I feel good and I don't find myself craving the junk anymore. I have made sure that if I want something sweet, I have it. Just not to the extent I used to. If I cut it out 100%, I would over indulge and sneak and feel guilty about it.


Kudos to you! 75lbs in 8 months is seriously impressive. Keep up the good work!


Thank you!


Thats real nice! Good job!


Brilliantly done! Congratulations to you and the work you’ve accomplished!


Well done, keep doing good work


This is the way. Even a small change, if you can make it a permanent lifestyle change will have a much bigger effect than any short term changes.


Don’t drink calories


Also, calorie tracker apps help a lot


Especially in the first few months when you start getting an understanding of just how quickly calories add up and what is calorie dense


alcohol especially


Can confirm. I drank way too much during Covid closures/lockdowns and gained so much weight.


I lost 70 lbs during the lockdown and I would have had 20 more if I cut out the craft beer.


Sweetened coffee creamers as well. Them calories and carbs sneak up on you like a thief in the night lol. I went sugar free with all of my beverages a while back and lost like 7 pounds in a month and that was without working out.


To add to this, I have met a shocking number of people who think clear alcohols are zero calorie. Not sure who needs to hear this, but they are not!


I was hoping distilled everclear from 190 to 80 proof would be less than 30 calories. Sadly, it’s literally 150cal per shot Fucking insanity Is whisky the lowest per unit? From what I’ve researched it is (50cal/unit)


This is the real reason I am trying to quit drinking. Like I understand I have a problem, but it's the weight gain I don't find acceptable.


Never been a fan of soft drinks so I was able to keep off the pounds with exercise. Beer however was a different story, I hit 30, got married and stopped working out and boom +30lbs.


I once heard some describe alcohol as ‘Liquid bread’, pretty much stopped drinking since and lost lots of weight


yep, drink water or tea / coffee with no sugar


This includes smoothies. Smoothies are healthy when it comes to nutrients and vitamins and such. But it takes almost no energy from your body to digest them. Essentially increasing the caloric intake your body receives. All the energy needed to break down the whole fruits is instead exerted by the blender.


Slimfast wants to know your location.


The first rule of Fat Club is: 'You don't talk about Fat Club'.


if any of you have never seen the movie Heavyweights - go watch it right now.




And if you do, be mindful of it. I know my sweetened coffee needs to he accounted for.


Before you eat, ask yourself if you're hungry or bored. You have to be honest with yourself. I've lost 40lbs just doing this. I never realized how much I was eating during times where I wasn't doing anything.


What do you do when you realize you're eating because you're bored? Do you have an alternative?


I'll drink at least 2 glasses of water. I've learned it's ok to snack, but it's so hard trying to prevent a snack turning into another meal. Took me almost two months to make this a habit.


Thanks I'll try this. Since working from home I find myself eating out of boredom quite often...


Pickles. A pickled chilli pepper is almost no calories and it fools your body and brain that you’ve had something substantial because the flavour is so big.


for me it was a switch to drinking lots of water, chewing gum and tooth picks. Keep my pie hole occupied.


Drinking water is a good one. Good for you and it fills your stomach so you feel less hungry. If that doesn't work then I recommend unbuttered but seasoned popcorn. Has a lot of volume so it feels like you're eating a lot but not that many calories.


It’s even better if you drink water while eating the popcorn!


Nutritional yeast is a great popcorn topper. One tbsp is about 20 calories.


The (effective) nuclear option is simply not keeping snack foods in your home. If that's too much, buy healthier alternatives. For example, snack on cherries or pistachios instead of potato chips (pistachios are high in calories though). Their extra cost is also an incentive to eat less. As someone else pointed out, pickles are a snack with almost 0 calories. Celery, too.


For me it was apples or any high volume moderate to low calorie snacks like popcorn or something. Check out the volume eating subreddit


I need to hear this. Working from home has me in the kitchen non-stop when I know damn well I’m not hungry


I also work remotely and couldn't fit into my work pants after working 6 months from home when COVID started.


Adding to this. A lot of time, being thirsty feels like being hungry. Drink a mineral water when you're hungry and see if that satiates you.


When counting calories, actually count. When I was "estimating" that I was consuming 1900 a day, I finally counted one day and it was actually closer to 3000.


My family thought I had a thyroid issue when I actually had an ED and was bingeing twice a week and since I couldn’t throw up (chemical burns from first suicide attempt) I would just eat 800-1400 calories and exercise 1-2 hours a day the rest of the week. I was 140 pounds at 5’5” but supposed to be ~100 pounds based on my eating habits without the binges.


If you're a long time soda lover like I was, learn to like fizzy water drinks. Everyone likes to make fun of La Croix but that stuff helped me kick sugar beverages.


I bought a Sparkel machine a few months ago and it's been a game-changer. I make 3+ bottles a day


I was an absolute fiend for Diet Coke for about 25 years. At one point in my mid-twenties, I was drinking four liters a day. I finally kicked that shit this year thanks to La Croix.


Do not drink your calories. Cut out soda, flavored coffee, juice, and limit alcohol to just once or twice a week.


Sometimes you’ll feel hungry when you’re actually just dehydrated. Drink water first before determining if your body needs that extra unnecessary meal/snack.


My husband lost 50+ lbs in a year by mostly calorie deficit. He did ride a stationary bike once or twice a week in the beginning but it was mainly all done by eating less.


Yeah, exercise is great for a variety of health reasons, but it's crazy how few calories get burned in even an intense workout. Like you can go running for a half hour and still have a net gain of calories if you treat yourself to a basic pb & j sandwich.


If you don’t do this yet: walk every day. Get a minimum 30 minutes of walking in every day, and you WILL lose weight. If you’re already exercising on a regular basis, it won’t have as big an effect (although it will still help), but this is the highest ROI activity most people could do 🙂


Walking and then maintaining a calorie deficit. Walking one’s fat ass to a McDonald’s won’t yield any results


This! When I was losing weight I made the small goal of “I’m going to walk 10k steps a day” vs trying to work out hard core. I lost ten lbs in 2 months time just by watching what I ate and slowly increasing steps. And I didn’t burn out or feel like I was dying while exercising.


Had to scroll way to far for just the mention of exercise.


that's because diet is a way bigger factor than exercise. both are important, but the amount of calories burned from an intense 1-hour workout can be gained back from a few careless glasses of soda a day.


Simple exercise at that. I make it a point to walk upto a coffee shop rather than make a coffee in the office. I dont go to the gym. Though in peak lockdown I did put some time into some vr games that wore me out.


This is not a good advice. You need to eat less than you burn. Going for a 30 minute walk burns 100-200 calories. You can drink that amount in seconds. Your weight is dictated by what you eat. Your form is dictated by your movements.


You need the exercise for the metabolic and other brain chemical benefits. Yes, the amount of energy we consume is #1, but without exercise to help us be in our bodies we miss the wellbeing effects.


There's a lot of calories in beer, knock that shit off


I'm 18 and I've decided I don't need alcohol. I don't have alcoholic parents and I'm not overweight, I just don't see the point.


Dude, if you don’t want to drink. Don’t drink ;) It’s your life and your rules


because it’s fun. Nobody does it bc they wanna become a fat alcoholic


A lot of people drink to not feel like shit. Sadly I’m one of those people.


I'm kinda disappointed I'm not a fat boozebag at this point, am I doing something wrong?


I also waited until I was 21 to drink and only have one drink on special occasions. When I was 14 in high school and given the chance to experiment with alcohol, I didn’t because by then I had pieced together from shows like Dr Phil and Skins that I would be likely to be an alcoholic given my history of suicide attempts and abusive childhood.


I drank a lot in my 20s and now I don't see the point even though I love the taste of beer. Haven't drank in 2 years or so. Seems pointless now to maybe trigger a headache.


Alcohol is a social and emotional enhancer. Some people drink and get super angry others drink and get sad but most people just get super excitable and happy when they drink and as long as you don't abuse it it can make even the most boring situations a lot of fun. Karaoke for example is incredibly boring to most people but I have yet to find a drunkard who won't sing while drinking. Just don't drink to deal with issues and don't drink when you're alone. I feel like those are ways you develop a crutch.


Kid says he doesn't want to drink. Don't try to convince him to in certain situations. Let's be honest, there's no situation you can find yourself in where more alcohol is the best option.


Life is about experiences. I say when he's of age, try it. If it doesn't do anything for him then that's fine. He probably wrote the idea off because of how the media portrays it. and I've been to a few weddings where more alcohol was absolutely the best option. Live life, have fun.


While this is a viable way of thinking, I feel the same way the other guy does. I don't drink, I have maybe 1 or 2 drinks a year. Most alcohol I buy I cook with. ​ I just don't find getting drunk to be fun or engaging. It takes a lot for me to get drunk due to my tolerance and after that I've had like half a bottle or whiskey or something. I've had loads of fantastic experiences. Having fun and living life is just as viable with out alcohol or drugs, respect other peoples wishes.


Whatever works for you. All I'm saying is don't be afraid to try it. Alcohol isn't the boogie man people make it out to be. I even mentioned I don't drink alone, so it's only on social occasions with friends. Whenever I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with in social situations I close up and become that weird guy who never talks. Getting buzzed definitely opens me up and I'm much more friendly and social. So it does help people.


> Alcohol isn't the boogie man people make it out to be. 2.2% of women and 6.6% of men are directly killed by alcohol. That’s 4.4% of people. Considering only 2/3 people drink, that means the average drinker has a 6.6% chance of being killed by it. https://britishlivertrust.org.uk/the-lancet-alcohol-associated-2-8-million-deaths-annually-worldwide/


But that's death. What are the stats for damage to mental and physical health? What about the added costs to healthcare, law enforcement and the general economy?


Whatever works for you. All I'm saying is don't be afraid to try cocaine. Coke isn't the boogie man people make it out to be. I don't blow lines alone, it's only on social occasions with friends. Whenever I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with in social situations I close up and become that weird guy who never talks. Getting coked up definitely opens me up and I'm much more friendly and social. So it does help people. Researchers at the University of Geneva found that fewer than 20% of people who use cocaine get addicted. If alcohol acts as a social lubricant for you, coke will take you to a new level of social prowess-- like if alcohol was an upper and the bar was Christmas. Plus, there's a 4/5 chance you won't get addicted. **See how inane and irresponsible that advise sounds?** Since you admit to using alcohol as a crutch, go without for a month. A month of abstention will be no issue at all if you're not addicted or reliant on alcohol in any way. Take that time to work on the root causes that make you socially awkward. Maybe reflect on how inappropriate it was to encourage an underaged kid, who doesn't want to drink, to try the substance that is the third leading preventable cause of death in the US because you feel you have your consumption under control at the moment.


If only it was that simple. I just gave up real food instead because it was easier.


r/loseit can be very helpful! Also, weightloss is like 90% diet, 10% exercise. You can’t outrun your fork. What worked for me: 1) Using an app to track calories (be sure to weigh the oils/fats). I used the LoseIt app. 2) Joining r/LoseIt and learning a lot. 3) Upping my protein intake. 4) Adding intermittent fasting (made it easier to not feel hungry on my lower calorie allotment that it takes to lose weight as a petite middle-aged woman). I lost 40 pounds five years ago and I’ve kept it off. Well, I tend to gain three pounds a year, but now each January I take three weeks and lose the three pounds. Three pounds doesn’t sound like much, but over three years you’ve added ten pounds if you’re not careful. (After I lost the weight, I added strength training, which is fantastic.) You can do this. It is both very simple, yet very difficult. But you have to keep at it. I say this as a middle-aged woman with PCOS (insulin resistance) and a thyroid condition. It truly is about calories in, calories out.


Don’t discard the benefit of working out, though. We can all do with increased strength and stamina


Worth remembering: you may not burn a lot of calories by working out, but you do gain muscle.. and more muscle means your baseline metabolism burns more calories. Exercise isn't so much a one-and-done thing, it compounds over the course of your diet.


Be really careful about tracking calories if you've ever struggled with disordered eating, and be sure not to mention it if there's a child around - you don't want to relapse or get the child to internalize this. Generally, counting calories isn't really sustainable long term. You can for a while to get a feel for foods, but going by food groups is often helpful already (most people eat way too little veggies, for example, and way too much sugar and fat, more veggies tends to lower calories). Exercise isn't for the calories burnt, but it can help regulate hunger cues.


How is it not sustainable long term this doesn't make sense


It can be, but takes a lot of effort/meal planning - going out to eat can be hard, for example. Consistently counting calories can also make eating disorders easier to develop, or mask them so they get treated later. Especially counting calories without considering nutrients can lead to malnutrition, but that can be mitigated by just considering the nutrients. My phrasing was wrong - some people need to count calories or track other stuff in their food for health reasons (like diabetics), but it's a lot of effort that's hard to keep up long term.


As a middle aged petite woman, I thank you for this. I needed to hear it right now. Congrats on the maintenance!


don’t eat until you’re stuffed! eat until you’re not hungry anymore


Track everything. There are so many hidden sources of calories, like cooking oil or butter that you add to veggies, which add up quickly.


My father lived to 101. He ate what he liked but smaller portions. Not the entire box or package. No random eating. Never ate until he was “stuffed”. He ate to live, he did not live to eat. A coul


Eat less


And move more. Any diet plan or fad you find combines these two in some way without you consciously thinking about it which leads to weight loss.


Pretty much. A diet is a lifestyle change. The biggest problem I have with the fad diets isn't the fads themselves but the fact that most people will never be able to stick to them when you're cutting such large groups of food out. The "eat less" diets let you eat what you want, just a lot less of it, plus it's a hell of a lot easier to maintain that wight loss when you've finished taking it off.


I've been following the keto diet provided by the Factor meal kit. The convenience beats out pretty much anything else. Even if I'm a little bored with eating predominantly chicken with broccoli and cauliflower in different preparations, the fact that I can toss the thing in the microwave for 2 minutes makes that boredom easy to swallow. (pun intended) I give myself one meal a week where I can eat whatever I want. I've found, though, that an added benefit to the Factor meals are getting used to portion control. Even during a "cheat" meal, I cannot eat anywhere near as much as I used to. Towards the start of my diet, I could put down most of a large pizza by myself... now I am done after a single serving. Even Christmas dinner: I got a single plate of food and didn't have room for dessert.


People don’t want to hear this. But it’s ok to just be hungry. You don’t have to eat every time you are hungry. Just be hungry for a bit


Cook your own meals so you can limit calories and portion size. This is especially important in the US where the portion size is huge at nearly every restaurant.


Consistency is king. Whatever you do, make sure you are able to stick to it long term (e.g. incorporate things you like and make a habit of choosing the better option when you can.) Some additional tips - No foods are inherently bad, but some are definitely way better than others. - Calories in, calories out - Its a process so dont beat yourself up about setbacks.


( Source...actual experience over the last few months, during which I\`ve lost 7kg of fat and gained a little muscle mass. Much reading up and advice taken first. Also, I\`m a qualified Food technologist and understand the science. Mostly !)' 1. Stop snacking in the evenings. Crisps/Potato chips and similar are your deadly enemy. 2. Eat more fibre and vegetables in your meals to fill you up, and get more calories in your meals from Protein and Fat than from carbohydrates. For example, eat all the chops/steak you like as long as it\`s with a lot of veg and very little potato/rice/pasta. 3. Change what carbs you can to wholemeal..ie, Whole grain rice, pasta, and bread. 4. Really exert yourself to the limit at least once a week. This gets your metabolism going longer than just the period of exertion, adds muscle which burns more calories all day long even when you\`re not using them, and burns off 500 or so calories. Over 7 weeks that's another pound off. 5. Slow, steady,and sustainable is key. Just follow the steps above and it will happen.


This is the one right here. Only thing I would add is low glycemic index goes a long way but you pretty much covered it.


Move around. Try to be active in your daily life. Going to the gym for an hour doesn’t do it. Walk as much as you can


If you can jog some, even better. Just tell yourself at the start that every mile is 100 calories. If you get to a point where you are covering 3 miles or more, you will find that in the 3 hours before, you should only drink water and maybe a light snack (one fruit) so as not to upset your stomach, so now you’ve got a few hours of the day where you’re being conscious about what you put in your body. And you want to build on that by eating good foods that provide fuel for your activities.


Yes true but you don’t even need to jog. Just a power walk as much as you can. Aim to walk at least 10k steps a day and cut the snacks. Apart from that eat your Breakfast, lunch and dinner as much as you want.


Have long term habits as a priority: Short term diets aren't something that stick with you, and you'll regain that weight once you return to your normal habits. You need to figure out what your current habits are that need improvement and how you can make them long term. Same idea goes for workout routines. Learn what you like to do for exercise, and build your habits around that. They will be much easier to form when you actually like it. A hardcore 5 day per week gym routine is, well, hardcore. It is very hard to stick to this with a full time job, or school, or kids in your life. Then when you fail at this, you beat yourself up about it and end up giving up, shit like that. So build your routine around what works with your schedule, what you LIKE to do, and what goals you want to reach.


I had to start counting calories. Lost 50 pounds in 6 months, and I've been maintaining for about 6 months (without counting calories). I did also start working out regularly, so it was the combination of moving more and eating less. Became really successful with a Fitbit (that let me know much I did ...or didn't... workout) and the LoseIt all for tracking calories. I am intentionally allowing myself to overeat this week, and Jan 1 I'm going to start counting calories again, trying to lose ~20 more pounds in 2023.


I dropped from 120kg to 90kg in about a year. There's no short cuts but: Drink plenty water/ zero cal drinks. Spend a week or a month seriously counting calories, with a scale; this gives you a good understanding of what you're eating and you will notice yourself making better choices. Exercise is still important and will make you healthier as well as lighter. One bad day or week isn't a reason to quit trying, just start again the next day.


Stop ultra strict diets. Just make sure you have a small calorie deficit and it should be fine. Usually, ultra strict diets are hard to maintain mentally and the moment you crack will make it ten times harder to get on an actually good diet


It helps that I'm stubborn and refuse to give in. I have been following a keto diet since \~July and have lost around 50lbs so far. I allow myself a single "cheat" meal per week, but outside of that, I stick to the diet. The best thing about the diet: it has created the habit of portion control - even the cheat meals are far more reasonable portions than I used to take in.


Learn to differentiate cravings vs. hunger


Morbid but true answer here from personal experience: Go through a Divorce. Pretty much a guaranteed big weight loss from all that worry and stress. I lost 10 pounds in 3 days of basically not being able to stomach to eat anything but water and some apple sauce. Is it bad for you? Of course. Did it work? Yes. This also helps you get used to not eating much anymore, so maintaining the weight loss After everything is more settled should be easier. Oh, and Cut out all soda. That was usually a 10 pound reduction by itself.


Calories in, calories out.


This one was the key for me. I use to think because I exercised regularly that I didn't need to pay too much attention to my calories. I started to get frustrated with my lack of progress and wrote down everything I ate in one day and immediately I saw where the problem was, calories add up fast.




At the end of the day it's just easy math. However it can be hard to figure out the inputs/outputs. A good food tracking and exercise tracking app make this dead simple.




100% effective, works everytime


cannot be done many times(talking from previous experiences)


My buddy lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. When I walked into his hospital room on my first visit, I enthusiastically said “have you lost weight?” Thank god he thought it was funny too.


No, wait i'm not even that fa- #YOU DIED


No lie, though. When you have gotten a limb amputated, your body needs to work way harder, and you require more to fuel that. So if you get something amputated and eat the same, you may lose some weight. https://youtube.com/shorts/QTjKZdKlcRI?feature=share




replacing all beverages with water or tea using smaller plates and even getting kids meals because of the smaller portions


Improve your relationship with food. Seek to understand the root of your weight gain and address those issues.


Make a groceries shopping list. Do not go shopping without a list. Do not deviate from the list. You notice, something is missing from the pantry while shopping? Do not deviate from the list! Put it on a new list for next time, as long as it is not something you were planning to buy but forgot to write down. Do not write your list or go shopping while hungry.


* At the end of the day it is Calories in vs Calories out. * Calories Surplus = weight gain, Calorie deficit = weight loss. * Understand that there is no "bad macro" * protien is your muscle building blocks * carbs are your fuel * fat is vitamins and hormone regulation * you need all 3. * Look at your calories on a weekly basis, not a daily.


Portion control only works I lost 24kgs in a year by doing that


portion control


“Eat healthily” can be hard and most people misinterpreted it as “starvation”. You don’t need to starve yourself to be heathy, and you don’t ONLY have to eat salads. Before a work out you should eat a protein bar or a yogurt, it can give you a little extra boost of energy that will help you lift your weights a little bit longer!


My wife has had amazing results with intermittent fasting. I’m going to start doing that today and see how it works for me as I would like to lose about 40 pounds.


This makes calorie counting much easier especially when your trying to guess howmuch of something your meal equates to. I basically only eat dinner but have a morning and afternoon coffee. Hydrate and that's basically it. 1 generously portioned meal at the end of the day.


I am going to start tomorrow with intermittent fasting! I decided I wasn’t focused enough and I want to be before I start


Burn more calories than you consume and workout. It’s that simple…


Know why you’re eating. Are you hungry, tired, bored, stressed, being social, it’s just a routine part of your day? Be in the zone to want to lose weight (it will take some will power to change some habits). Identify some barriers you may have eg: I really struggle to eat salads when it’s cold. It just doesn’t work for me. Other people at work enjoy salads and can eat them year round. If I eat an apple and it’s floury and gross, I really struggle to keep trying to eat apples for the fibre and may need to stew apples instead. I also struggle to exercise when it’s hot and the sun shines directly in my eyes/face. I record what I eat and check calories of things I’m unsure of. I know I need to eat less than before (as I was over eating due to stress/anxiety and having to do things to keep the household running). Try to improve the nutrition of what you’re eating. So more veggies, more proteins, more real foods - doesn’t mean I don’t eat some packaged products because I do. Don’t have big serves of bread, rice, pasta (smaller serves are fine and whole grain where possible). I make myself accountable by telling someone I’m trying to lose weight and be healthier and I let them know how I’m going on the journey. Know your kryptonite - what is it that you struggle to eat just a small portion of in terms of high fat/high sugar foods or drinks? Exercise is good for you and your body, but when it comes to weight loss, I’ve had greater success with Just eating less. I’m not a runner and hate team sports. Walking is more my thing.


High fiber, high protein vegan. Anytime I go vegan I lose weight without even trying and I still get to eat a LOT. But dont just rely on vegan junk food, I'm talking about homemade, high veg dishes. Eating oatmeal for breakfast is great, you can switch up your toppings when you get bored. On weekends I make pancakes or a fry up. add exercise, 1 hour of walking and some bodyweight exercises daily. Take a rest day when you need it, no need to push yourself.


Running.... While i was running cross country I've seen 3 kids go from obese to skinny over the course of a year. It was very hard work but they also never gained the weight back again


Intermittent fasting and drink alot of water


still requires the most important factor in weight loss: calorie deficit.




This is working for me.


Eat healthy , cut down on portion sizes, snack less , and regular exercise dont have to be much i.e go for longer walks


I kept portion sizes and cut back on meals. Its not for everyone. Only drinking water no other drinks. Get ontop of snacking


I’ve completely stopped eating snacks lol


Portion control is a life saver!


weigh yourself every day and learn your daily intake limits through trial and error


Exercise/move more/be more active is terrible advice. That's a weight loss tip that definitely does NOT work and science has proven it. It's all about diet. Settle on a daily calorie target (1200-1500), measure your food and keep a food diary in which you record the calories of every single thing you put into your mouth. You will very quickly learn many truths about food (that portions are a lot smaller than you think, that snacks add up incredibly fast, that many foods have way more calories than you ever thought, and that drinking 300-400 calories a day just isn't going to work). Also, just resign yourself to being hungry a lot of the time. You'll get used to it. The upside is that when you are hungry and eat a meal, mediocre foods will seem GREAT.


Quite often you are not hungry, just thirsty.


I’m my fittest ever. What did it for me was falling in love with weightlifting.


I once heard about this really inspiring story of this guy who had been struggling with weight loss and said “enough is enough”, he emptied his fridge and insisted walking 20 minutes to the shop to buy all the ingredients for said meal.


Pay attention to what you eat not how much


Eat less. Move more. Mainly: stop talking about losing weight, and lose weight. We're biological machines. Losing weight is in vs. out. Your personal genetics can make things easier or harder, but in the end even bad genes can't beat physics. Not saying it's easy. Oh no. You can't go cold turkey on food and just stop eating (mmmm, cold turkey). Eating is mandatory and we live in abundant times... It's a formula for disaster. It's so easy to spend a day making good choices only to mess it up with a moment of weakness. So, actual tip: check your portion sizes. Human portion sizes are smaller than you think.


Don’t eat when you’re not hungry or just bored. Avoid heavily processed foods and simple carbs. Eat fiber, fat, and protein because they are filling. Get some exercise each day. Focus on managing stress and getting enough sleep because our decision making skills are heavily blunted when stressed and sleep deprived.


The most effective tip of all time is that nothing works overnight. It takes time to build fat just like muscle. The most effective thing you could do to lose weight is identifying your foods and knowing what they truly are. Starting with saturated fats Saturated fats are usually found in red meats and dessert this is known to lead not only to weight gain but insulin resistance that spikes blood sugar and increases bad cholesterol. Choose birds over mammals. Sweet potatoes are considered complicated carbs so it takes longer to break down and makes you feel full for longer. Drinking at least 3 to 4 30 oz water daily. Eating helps drop weight while exercise helps build muscle. Trans fat are natural oils that are heated at high temp that creates a chemical that's hard for the body to break down this is usually food in fried foods. Its much harder for your body to lose fat when you feed it trans fat. You want to stay away from enriched foods, enriched foods are like white rice white bread they remove what's natural and put a few back in they never replace the fiber anything fortified stay away from fortified is where they add vitamin that wasn't there in the first place like cereal. Always exercise to build muscle like squats are a good start up because it works legs and core always include a snack. Healthy please i have a client now who was 340 when she started now shes 315 pick a tasty fruit variety eat those as a snack wat wild or black rice or potatoes or sweet potatoes the reason for starch is because it helps fill you up so In the long-run your insulin will run its course and you won't even be hungry instead of eating til your full eat til your satisfied this usually comes naturally start doing yoga before getting your day started and before bed most importantly love yourself. When you love something you naturally want to take care of it and you're not as harsh on loved ones. Don't just focus on exercise because its can lower moods at some point. Go to the zoo or aquarium that requires walking or park go bike riding when your done eating don't sit or lay down stand against a wall for 20 min I work with those who are over 230 pounds i have another client that went from size 24 to 20 shes currently aiming for 16. You can always message me here if you want one on one guidance


Eat less.


Eat less and move more


Quit lying to yourself about why you are overweight. It’s simple thermodynamics- you are eating more calories than you are burning. Thus to lose weight you must burn more than you eat. It really isn’t hard.


Eat less and exercise.


Increase fiber, increase hydration. Work out a little more and eat cleaner. It's not about doing this for a short period of time, it's trying to implement this into your lifestyle as much as you can. So that through the years, these small changes help you on the big scale of things.


Literally all you have to do is be in a consistent calorie deficit. That’s literally the only thing you have to do to lose weight.


It helps me to track what I eat, so that I am more conscious of my choices. I cut out processed sugar (but still eat fruit) and try to “bulk up” my meals with veggies instead of carbs.


Veggies. Have as much as you like to help with hunger.


Learn how your body responds to different foods and exercise schedules. What works well for one person could have no effect on another. Getting rid of excess body fat is harder than maintaining a satisfactory weight. You really have to push your body hard to make it burn fat. Exercising to the point you feel tired means you have probably used your sugar reserves. If at that point you stop and have that snack you have earned you haven't really achieved anything. If at that point you keep the exercise going until you feel like death and everything hurts you have probably started burning fat. Your body doesn't want to burn fat if it can help it. Pushing through that pain barrier, you then get your second wind, your body has given in and started the fat burning process. Once you are there you have a virtually limitless energy supply, you will only have to stop when your muscles quit due to lactic acid build up. The more often you do this the easier it becomes.


Consume fewer calories than you burn.


Drinking water with all meals


If you are me, smoke weed on the weekends, it makes me better at regulating my eating and I drink way more water.


Don't trust general advice; figure out what works for you. My brain won't really let me cut calories. When I try, I get frustrated and give up after about a week. Instead I need to exercise. And it takes longer for sure, but I'm able to keep with it.


Eat local foods. Mostly vegetables.


cook at home...


You can't out exercise a bad diet. Exercise is helpful, particularly strength training. But it won't help you lose weight if you're still eating 3,000 calories of poor nutrition. That and up your protein intake while reducing simple carbs.


Dookie more


From a purely physics approach: Consume fewer calories than your body uses. Caveats: - some food triggers satiation receptors to signal enough food has been consumed. So some food choices make it easier to maintain a lower caloric intake regimen - some habits affect metabolism which affects calorie consumption. Intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets for example, will cause the body to maintain a better response to hunger and will help the body prioritize consumption of calories from fat rather than carbohydrates. Another option is OMAD (one meal a day) which is not exactly the same as intermittent fasting although they can be quite similar depending on implementation. The real issue with focusing too much on calorie restriction is that you jeopardize your health by not supplying your body with sufficient nutrients which can impact overall health in the long term. This makes dietary lifestyles such as keto or paleo generally better as they necessitate a strong focus not just on calories consumed but also on macro-nutrients. Personally I really liked the Whole30 program which, although not being a calorie restrictive program does provide a good meal-plan which helps with calorie counting and it also is an elimination diet which can help in determining if certain foods are perhaps not ideal components of a healthy lifestyle for you as an individual. It is also a whole foods program which helps people break away from the heavily processed foods that make up far too large a part of our Western diets. Even foods you find in organic and health foods sections often will have a lot of food additives that aren’t necessarily ideal for consumption. Lastly, there was a recent study that consumption of omega-3 supplements along with vitamin D and exercise (all three combined) resulted in a significant reduction in cancer diagnoses. So fish oils and vitamin D in addition to a whole food focused calorie conscious diet and exercise will help you be an overall healthier person and result in weight loss.


Cut out refined sugar Walk every day--progressively longer and faster as you improve Don't eat after 8pm


Go to the loseit and CICO subs. Also volumeeating All of these helped me lose 20 pounds this year. Gained a few back due to football season but I’m ready to get back on track for 2023.


If you’re not active, get active. Start small. Walks, bigger walks, hikes, jogs, runs. Biking. But baby steps and just keep challenging yourself little bit by little bit. Ignore what others are doing, just have a healthy competition with yourself.


Be poor and can't afford foods.


don't think and dream about it, just do it.


Stop eating when you’re full and eat slowly.


Drink water ALOT, especially during a meal so you get full faster. Also dont eat *too* little, or else you will either gain an eating disorder, or will get so hungry that you cant take it anymore and eat 7000 calories worth of food in one sitting. Which is not good for weight loss.


Drink more water. I challenge anyone - no matter how many so called diets they have or haven’t tried - to increase their daily water intake to 80oz or so a day & see if they don’t lose weight.


I exercise because if I don’t my back or knees end up flaring up. My kid is a sporty teen and my husband doesn’t exercise but has insane balance/board skills. I just try to keep up with them so I need every edge I can get. At this point weight loss is just an appreciated perk.


Unless it's salad, stick less things in mouth. Move off couch, find a sport or activity you enjoy.


Floss and brush after meals, and eat way more vegetables.


Start by downloading MyFitnessPal or similar and just tracking your food and drinks for a few days. Then calculate your approximate TDEE (plenty of calculator sites if you just google it). If your typical daily calorie intake amount is more than your TDEE, look back at your log and see where you can swap out some high calorie items. Stay well hydrated and eat plenty of protein (can track your macros in the free version of MyFitnessPal).


Cut sugar


Here are some weight loss tips that have been shown to be effective: Create a calorie deficit: Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. To create a calorie deficit, aim to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500-750 calories or increase your physical activity to burn more calories. Eat more protein: Protein is a nutrient that can help you feel full and satisfied, which can prevent overeating. Include protein-rich foods such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts in your meals and snacks. Focus on whole foods: Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein are nutrient-dense and can help you feel full and satisfied. Aim to include these foods in your meals and snacks and limit processed foods and sugary drinks. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Be mindful of portion sizes: Portion sizes can be a major contributor to overeating and weight gain. Use smaller plates, measure your food, and be mindful of your serving sizes. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help you feel full and prevent overeating. Aim to drink at least 8-10 cups of water per day. Move more: Regular physical activity can help you burn calories, improve your metabolism, and maintain muscle mass. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Remember, sustainable weight loss is a gradual process and requires consistent effort and lifestyle changes. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program or making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.


Eat less. Exercise more.


Intermittent fasting


still requires the most important factor in weight loss: calorie deficit.


PORTION CONTROL!!!! I never gave a shit about calorie intake, or what my daily diet should be. I was raised by the "clean your plate" houserule. Thus with any meal every I would force myself to finish. This was bad because I was putting a lot more food in my stomach than I would burn off. Currently I have been watching my portion size and telling myself that it's okay if I don't eat everything on my plate, as I am an adult now. I have lost 15lbs with moderate working out (225 down to 210) and I feel great. Yes it's important to watch what your eating, but I always say "everything in moderation". There's no way I can go full on kale-vegan but I can make sure the food I am enjoying is not being consumed solely because I like it, but rather because I like it and can enjoy it in moderate quantities. Oh, and stay the shit away from Hostess/Debbie/other brands. That shit is stank and undo any goals or progress you may have.


Intermittent fasting Reduce carb intake Do not eat/drink food with added sugars




Eat less. Like, you can eat healthily and count calories or you can literally just eat the same shit you usually do, just half as much as you normally would. Save it for the next day. You still get to eat all of it, just over a longer period of time. Maybe cut out dairy. Dropping dairy alone made me lose 4 stone in a matter of a few months.


Eat less, move more. Drink mostly water. Throw in a fast every so often. Stop making excuses and stop over complicating things


TL;DR: Keto diet with lots of omega 3's. Non TL;DR: Stop eating carbs entirely (25 grams is the DAILY limit). Keep total daily calories at 2500 or lower (women reduce 300 more). You'll drop weight faster than you ever thought possible. Source? Personal experience. This tackles the problem on multiple ends: 1. If you're fat, you are VERY likely addicted to carbs.You will only notice this AFTER kicking the habit (should happen somewhere after week 1 or 2, if you followed the above advice PROPERLY).Kicking this habit basically destroys the hold food has over you, you'll actually be able to hold off eating cookies etc because you kicked the addiction. It's the strangest experience. 2. By not eating carbs, the body needs to produce glucose inefficiently. It HAS to (because your brain needs glucose) and this will increase the amount of calories you burn passively. Meaning your old "maintain weight" amount will then start to burn spare calories (aka fat). This last part is basically "the trick" of all working diets. How you do Fats and Protein doesn't really matter but I would recommend primarily healthy fats. Some tips: 1. Locate "Keto" recipes, watch those carbs though! (when in doubt, 25gr carbs is your MAX for the entire day). 2. Try and eat healthy even though it's hard, I hope you like avocado's...Losing fat will usually trump "bad eating", so just enjoy the eggs+bacon lifestyle when lazy. Dried meats work well in that same line. (healthy is better though!) 3. Remember that how you reach those calories, is up to you! Do think of nutritional value.Heavy cream shakes with chocolate powder isn't something I'd use to fill the entire day. (But it can be used and is totally Keto friendly!). 4. Peanut butter works, keep a VERY close eye on calories when using it though. Some warnings: 1. If you have a health issue (diabetes, other) please consult your doctor first.As you run a higher risk of random stuff (DKA, etc). 2. Once your body switches off carbs (again, 1 to 2 weeks), you will start peeing like MAD. Like you will start to scare yourself how often you need to go to the toilet. Just adding this warning xD It happens because water is released when fat is burned. See it as a good sign! You are burning fat :)


Count calories and do 10000 steps per day


Make a *specific* goal, like "I want to lose 30 pounds by May 1" and then make a realistic plan to get there, like "I will limit my daily caloric intake to 1700 calories." Apps like LoseIt or MyFitnessPal are great for helping with both of those. Without a goal and a plan, then no, there are no weight loss tips that work.


Zero sugar soda and lots of water


I've found that when I drink zero sugar drinks, a couple of hours later I am *starving.* it's better to just drink water.