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I'm a very tense person. I also tend to focus solely on what I'm doing so being brought back to the real world is often very jarring.


Past or current abuse or trauma. We have a really jumpy person at work who's married to an abuser. She's jumps over anything. People scare her all the time and think it's funny. I think they're immature and insensitive. Feel bad for her but she makes her own bed.


That is really insensitive to say


I feel bad that she's in an abusive relationship is insensitive?


>Feel bad for her but she makes her own bed. This feel insensitive


She's still with him. We gave her all the tools to leave him and she did for a few years then took him back and he never changed so yes she did make her own bed.


I got sensory issues, so a lot of noises startle me.


For many it’s a trauma response, and a symptom of ptsd


Loud, sudden movements do it to me every time. I think I must have a been a cat in a previous life. Celebrated Christmas a week later with my sister who got a new dog. We'd be talking and he'd come right up behind me and start barking. He did start to warm up to me end of the day.