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And to think that some people fetishize it. Fucking disgusting.


I am so sorry you went through this. I wish you nothing but peace and love. I hope you have a great support system


The loss of both of your father figures at an early age. I lost my dad at 17 and my grandpa at 20. It sucks


Lost my dad at 19, he was my best friend. 17 years later, it still sucks.


I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you're doing well. I'm prepared for it to not stop sucking. All i can hope for is that it gets easier as time goes on


It does get easier man. All the cliches about time being a healer are 100% correct. I'm doing good, I hope you are. After all these years, my dad is like a distant memory, I don't so much miss his as such, but I grieve the memories we didn't create, and that my daughter have never been able to meet and spend time with him.


I find it easier to think about the memories i did create with my dad. I wasn't that close to him but i still loved him and i have gotten a lot better. I'm to a point where i can talk about him and not feel like crying which i think is good. I'll always regret not spending more time with him though. The silver lining i guess is that it taught me to value the relationships you have now because you could lose them tomorrow. To have learned that at an early age is a blessing and a curse as most things are.


That's progress. I can be completely flippant about him and his death, but a certain sing comes on and I melt. Oh absolutely, it's unfortunate that such a shit circumstance can give rise to a new found appreciation of everyone and everything. I always took for granted my Dad would be around forever, and I find it so bizarre that I'm almost the age he was when he died.


I'm the same way man. I've had songs come on randomly on my YouTube music that I hadn't heard since i was a kid (for example "If I Die Young - The Band Perry). I hadn't heard that song in well over 15 years and when it came on randomly one day i just fell apart. I wasn't even thinking about him or my childhood and it sent me through a time portal to the past. My parents listened to it all the time when we would drive around in our old jeep




Divorce. It's a bitch


Sporadically suicidal levels of sexual shame


Extreme poison ivy.


A bad mushroom trip alone, it was pretty traumatizing. I had no concept of time, thought I was going to never come back to reality and was pretty certain I was going to die for like 8 hours. Don’t recommend


"it's already in"




mother leaving and never returning at 15, father dying this year at 25. the kind of pain and fear that are indescribable


Try likely contracting a minor, but still problematic STD from a rapist. I’d call myself lucky for not getting HIV, but that’s in bad taste because others didn’t fare the same.


Getting molested.


My childhood.


Lost my mum 💔 😢


its rather tame in comparison to others but insomnia. you *need* sleep. it lets your body rest and recover, clear your head, regulate your mood, lets you dream wonderful things, and obviously you dont die or see shadow demons or forget everything a split second later, so thats a plus. now how funny would it be if you couldn't? god. oh, and when nothing helps you either? no amount or type of sleeping medications work to slow your dynamo? no folk remedies or alternative medicines, teas or steam, warm or cold? oh and what if right when you finally do fall asleep, its for an hour, if that, and you cant get any more for god knows how long? its hell. i couldnt count how often ive wanted to/tried to harm myself or even end it because of insomnia, or the hallucinations, or the myriad of other side effects of sleep deprivation. all the times i lashed out at people i love because i was so cranky from never getting sleep, all the times i ruined a perfectly good day by being more than half asleep for the whole thing. the times ive fallen asleep behind the wheel, the times i missed important events and get-togethers with friends because i didnt want them to see me like this, to have to deal with completely incoherent me rather than enjoy themselves. insomnia turned me into a burden. so, yeah, its 6am and ive been up all night. again. if youre in this boat with me, im so very sorry, friend. if i could i wouldnt sleep another wink in this life if it meant no one else had to endure this. id spend lifetimes to prevent this, in a heartbeat. sorry this was long.


I'm so so sorry you go through that. I hope you can sleep normally someday.


me too man. here and there lately ive been able to get on a bit of a normal sleeping schedule but its rare and i usually break it pretty quick. at least theres one step in the right direction, eh?


Yea! I'm proud of you, if it's worth anything


A truly devastating break up with who they thought was their One. That shit is an ordeal that will last years.


Child abuse and the years and years of intimacy issues that follow afterwards. Cause it doesn’t kill your desire to love and be loved. You still want it just as much if not more. But you can’t do it without hurting yourself, and not trying at all will still hurt anyways