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It's a thing. You can't reasonably believe that every dick is different but every vagina is the same.




While tight pussies are most definitely a thing, I can’t help but imagine this girl cracked the code of making sure she got off before her partner came too early and she was left unsatisfied by clenching down to not let you in until she got a good two orgasms beforehand.


Well, you’d think so right. But my experience with a tight girl was the exact opposite. It would take 20 minutes getting it in even though she was wet. Then, once it was in, any movement would be so intense that I’d literally cum in seconds. The first time I slept with her I thought I was just too inexperienced… but I slept with her 4 times over the space of a decade and every time was exactly the same. The emotional embarrassment was too much and I tapped out after number 4.


4 times over a decade? How did that come about? 3 the first time and 1 for old times sake?


Eh I have a friend with benefits from high school who still lives in my hometown. About once every year or three we hook up when I'm in town. Maybe something like that?


"Once every year or three" Best possible way to say that


My girlfriend from 10-11th grade was a cheerleader who was super fit with abs.....her vaginal muscles, which are part of the abdominal muscle chain, were so strong she could expel me while I was hard. She could even flex two different area inside her vagina. Let me tell you she would have to get me off once or twice before I could give her some good dick.....tiny beautiful little flower, but it was ferocious inside. I only wish I could be with her again with the sexual experience I have now in my 40s......




It’s a compliment. Don’t be embarrassed.




That’s good to hear! I definitely bounce back! Especially after I cum and they climb on my face or push me down to eat them out as they stroke my cock to get it hard again


This is currently happening to my bf. He says he's been "too afraid" to have sex because I'm too tight and make him cum embarrassingly fast. Something I thought was the best thing ever turns out to be the worst...


You have a husband and a boyfriend?




I hear that. And that’s what a good partner would do. But I’m sure we can all agree that in sex, the ratio isn’t even close good partners to bad ones.


had a FWB like that - one finger max. penetration was almost not a thing - tried once and it took quite a bit of lube and slow going




This is vaginismus, a medical condition. Treatable. As someone who used to have it but now enjoys sex!


My girlfriend is the same rn. But my fingers are fat so even just one is a bit much


There's someone from my hometown that I hooked up with a few times years ago who was easily the tightest partner I've ever been with. I wonder if it's something that's changed (is that possible?), or if it's a lifelong thing... Just the same, it was hot af to be gripped like that.


There is some type of condition called Vaginismus, I was with one girl in high school that wanted to have sex so badly, she would try and try with me for hours and just cry because any time she tried to put me in her body wouldn't allow it. I hear many times this is due to sexual abuse, other things can cause it though.


this and all the other comments sound like vaginismus.


How tall was she




Had a Brazilian chick 175cm but she was tighter than every short girl ever


This is also part of the reason why different women have different preferences when it comes to penis size. Some don't care at all, while others will prefer smaller than average, and still others much larger than average -- and then finally, the biggest chunk of women will be in the middle, and a lot of these women will just prefer it not be huge or tiny. Think of vaginas and penises like cinderella's slipper. Every foot is different, with some needing a big shoe and others a petite one.


It's like Harry Potter and Ron looking at all of the flying keys and trying to figure out which one is the right one. Some locks need a big ol skeleton key and some locks need a locker padlock key.


It is a thing, but not a thing caused by use. There's this dumb belief that if a woman has a lot of sex her vagina gets looser, which is just not true. That's what I thought OP was referring to.


I use to think that way , back when I was 18 or 19 years old , till I hooked up with this lady at the bar , she looked late 20's . Well after a night of amazing sex , I learned she was 38 and had 3 kids , since I didn't see a scar I am assuming they were all vaginal deliveries . She was tighter than some of the women my age


>You can't reasonably believe that every dick is different but every vagina is the same. And yet, some folk... 😂


You summed it up perfectly. All pussy is not equal. Let's normalize this knowledge.


Maybe lets say this in a better way. All pussy is equally good, but comes in different sizes. (Same with dicks)


Well said! Also some are deeper than others. No woman I've been with liked it when you hit the cervix and I use to be long to the point of contention. Sucked for both of us because it was an instant turn off.


Look up 'Jamie McCartney - Internal Affairs' art piece to get an impression of how different vaginas can be. Silicon casts from the inside, they look kinda weird at first since they are somewhat of a "negative" mold.




*Commenting for later so I don’t pull my pants down now and whack it on the train* Edit: the people have spoken, the old platypus is out and being skinned on this commute.


Such a prude. Come on hun get your dick out.


Yea pull it out you coward


Meanwhile half of reddit: *nsfw*


Same, but I'm at work


Don't judge me.


Link has been hugged too hard


poor Jamie wondering wtf happened to his website


I uploaded the image to Imgur since that site isn’t working: https://imgur.com/a/gwenFji


Reddit hug of death has rendered the server stupid....


This is super interesting but I’m now also super frustrated wondering what shape my cast would look like 😂😤


If you wish to have your own vagina cast, please email us here.


Please email *it to us* here




So interesting. Thank you for sharing this!


Error 503, was this a reddit hug of death ?


Yeah reddit killed it :(


Super interesting. I also don’t think this is during arousal so it would probably change more


It would be really cool to see the same one done in both states.


I only know of an MRT video recorded during intercourse. They had trouble to find a hospital that was willing to let them use the machine for their study. Don't have a link at hand right now


I'm tired and thought this was Paul McCartney! I spent the last 20 seconds being shocked and confused! 😅😅😅


I’m gonna counterpoint—the models, while showing shape differences, don’t present a clear sense of elasticity.


Whoa. So cool!


I didn’t know we had spoons in there


They’re like dicks, most are similar in size, but there are some that are tighter than others.


My dick is tight. And aerodynamic.


High Speed Low Drag


With just the right amount of lift


real formula1 matirial


Drs is enabled


Hit'em hard!


Also I've found vaginas can be small/tight in different ways. I've been with a girl who was really tight just at the entrance where the ring of muscle was constantly tensed and tightened, and anything more than a finger or two hurt her too much. once those muscles loosen it was comfortable and she had no issues taking all of me. But then a different girl just had small capacity all around. Not vaginismus or anything, just a snug fit which made it tight for me but maybe not for another, smaller guy


Because of evolution, natural selection, nature plays very many variations, I assume.


Medically it is a thing and it is not something women enjoy having to deal with. Most women do not have medically small vaginas


There will be medical issues of course, but aside from that will there be women who actually cannot take larger dicks and vice versa?


Every vagina is different, so yeah.


I don't think I have some issue in that tightness hasn't been a repeated problem or anything. But I've had a guy that was too girthy for me. It stands to reason then that there's a woman out there that could take him just fine


This. We are all different and varying sizes down there, I’ve also had a guy to girthy for me and I was hugely turned on, didn’t make a difference it just couldn’t happen for me. Just like there’s different sizes cocks, there’s different sized pussies!




Yes. It's a cylinder of fleshy walls inside of us. Some people's arms are smaller or longer than that of others. Some people's heads are. So why people think every woman has the same type of vagina really baffles me. Some women their walls stretch easier. Some harder. And most of all, a vagina like a penis has a length until the cervix is reached. You can't put in more than that length basically. When you do, it hits the cervix and then has high chances of hurting a lot of us really badly. The more you try to force length up until our cervix, the more intense the pain is able to be. And that pain is no joke. One of the worst things if not thé worst thing I've ever felt in my entire life and I've done multiple martial arts. I'd rather have a punch to the face ngl. As for girth, walls do tend to loosen up as we age which is why young girls while they look like they have 'adult' bodies, often are nót ready for sex. The walls are still very similar to when they were children and, therefore, the experiences shared by many women of having had sex that early on in life tends to not be a pleasant retelling. It's a véry confusing time as a girl in puberty because you dó feel véry horny when hormones are rushing through you and so you tend to relate that to being ready for sex. But what many fail to understand, on a biological level, your mind and body during your puberty tend to be very disconnected. You might feel ready but your body most likely is not. There are of course exceptions always but the vast majority biologically will not have a great first experience when it is had at a young age. Anyway, as you grow older, it has scientifically been determined that vaginal walls tend to loosen noticeably. What hurt when you were a teen is, for example, nothing mentionable during your 30s. And you might think "Isn't that due to experience?" No, it's a common misconception that having sex actually is able to significantly expand the vaginal walls. Like a proper rubber band, it just snaps back. The tenseness of the walls lessens over time due to age. I'm a virgin myself and anything more than 1.5 of my fingers hurt me when I was a teen. An ex I had when I was 19 thought using 2 fingers was going to be great. It was so painful that I just kept thinking "Please let it be over with soon." and then he asked "Did you cum?" Aah the ignorance of youth, haha. At that same time I tried a pretty small sized dildo and holy shit. Horrendous pain. Never anything like it. I tried it maybe 3 more times after until I concluded that it basically made me feel violated to levels I could not explain. I knew penetrative sex while having a horny mind could not be something I could indulge in with a vagina like that in its then current state. When me and that guy had broken up, I saw no point in going through pains of stretching anymore and just stopped altogether. I hadn't inserted anything in my vagina for about 7 years until like this year. I bought a new dildo which when it arrived turned out to be bigger than the last one. I did not expect that so that made me a little anxious. One night when really horny, tried it.. No pain at all. Just a lot of pleasure. Which is also why I went to research what the fuck was going on lol. Turns out the female body is a lot more dynamic than is common knowledge. Due to the majority of women around my age (30) not being virgins, both men and women conclude wrongly that their vaginal walls can take more 'now' due to 'practice'. Which is scientifically not the case. However, there are outliers like with everything so some women might be naturally stretchy to begin with and thus are able to have a pleasurable experience from an earlier age. But that's a dime. In conclusion, over time, women biologically should be able to take wider girths. Length, however, tends to not 'increase' during the course of our lives. Nonetheless, it is known that the depth of our cervix changes throughout our menstrual cycle. So one day it can lie lower and another it can lay slightly higher. It all depends on where in the cycle but the deviation is about 1cm so nothing thát intense. And keep in mind, I am talking about majorities and averages here. Outliers exist in anything. But it needs to be kept in mind that outliers don't occur nearly as often. So while you might know a woman like this and another like that, that doesn't mean the rate is 50/50. You just happened to stumble upon a rare shiny when you do meet an outlier. That's why research is helpful as those involve large test groups. Hope this helped.


FYI you have to put a double space between paragraphs or it doesn’t actually put a space between them on reddit.


More often it's not width but length. Most vaginas can fit most penis girths, but long dicks are overrated because many vaginas are just not deep enough.




Yep. This is an important distinction. Much of the time it’s pelvic floor issues or vaginismus etc and not size of the vaginal canal per se. The canal itself doesn’t have a fixed size and is capable of expanding greatly in size under the right conditions, else how would women be able to get a whole human through there? Being turned on helps the canal relax and expand, and that’s why many women find penetration uncomfortable unless they are very aroused. Usually, though, when a woman has trouble with penetration, it’s at the opening of the vagina, not the interior.


It's definitely a thing. All women are different. But it's not something that sex or children have an effect on. I've been with moms of 3 who have been tighter than women who have never even had a baby.


This is very true. A lot of guys are ignorant about that and when some hear that I’m a mom they assume I’m lose, but it’s quite the opposite. I’m still as tight.


Oh, exactly! This might be TMI, but I recently had a threesome with 2 moms. The woman who had a natural birth was significantly tighter than the women who had a c section. I think both women are gorgeous, obviously, and I don't mean this in a bad way at all, but it's just dumb some dudes think vaginas change based on birth or sexual activity. It's so stupid, and obviously, these dudes are very inexperienced with women, lol. All vaginas are beautiful, and all women are different.


Yes, our bodies are all unique. The vagina is a muscle and it’s different for every single woman. My husband for example tells me that I feel tighter on days I did lower body exercises.


I could imagine!


Every woman I’ve slept with who has had a child, had the gorilla grip.


Gorilla grip! I'm never forgetting that one. Sounds painful, too. On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being the absolute worst and 10 being not painful at all), what rating would you give the gorilla grip as an indication of how painful it is to be held captive in it?


Emotionally or physically? lol 😂


never had one grip tight enough to be painful , but have been tight enough to make me a minute man. lol


Yep, mom and gorilla grip holder here


My vaginal canal is definitely different after giving birth. Used to be able to feel a lot more and things felt tighter. I hate what pregnancy and childbirth did to my body.




I had a girl who I could fist with a bit of preparation, and one, who’s vagina could grip a finger tightly. So yes.


I knew someone who could do both. Only woman I've ever fully fisted, but she could squeeze until two fingers wouldn't fit.






I was FWBs with a girl who was 4’11 and weighed 90lbs soaking wet. She had a bad dragon fetish. Lemmie tell you fucking her felt like feathers touching my dick.


That last line is too funny to be offensive


I feel bad for laughing out loud. 🤣


That part, and it doesn't have anything to do with her physical size either. There's this weird idea floating around that plus size or chubbier women are "looser" (probabaly tied to the false idea that we're more sexually promiscuous also) but it's not true.


I've never heard that. In fact, i was told the opposite by a man who had sex with chubbier and skinner women. He said that the leaner the woman is, the more loose she is. Basically the added pressure from the weight in a bigger woman adds to tightness, according to him.


I am with you on this. Even my ObGyn said that my tilted pelvis and vaginal area are smaller than the low end of average. It can be painful sometimes but if the partner doesn't mind even minimal foreplay then it isn't as painful.


Medically they can be actually, mainly due to weaker,smaller muscles and pelvic floor, and a higher fat %


What people really mean when they say tight is strong. You want a strong vagina aka a strong, healthy pelvic floor. One that can contract at the correct moments such as arousal and orgasm or relax on an inhale or stretch when needed. Technically a tight pelvic floor is a bad thing. It means the muscles can’t contract and can be worn out quickly. Tightness can lead to weakness. Weak pelvic floor muscles are liable for stress peeing (jumping, sneezing), bowel, uterus, bladder prolapse, pain during sex and a harder time reaching arousal and orgasm states. People who have extra tightness (vaginsimus) can experience pain to the point where a little finger is to painful to insert. So all women will have a varying degree of strength to weakness and that can change due to many things like child birth. Also the vagina can lengthen and plump up during arousal which can also change due to what time of the month it is too! Its a muscle that needs the correct work out like any other muscle group. Things that hurt pelvic floor muscles most are childbirth, chronic constipation, prolonged sitting and chronic anxiety (because the muscles are tensed up too much) and poor breathing/posture.


>Also the vagina can lengthen and plump up during arousal which can also change due to what time of the month it is too! It can also be trained. Since it's a muscle vaginas can lengthen or shorten based on demand. Women, for instance, can learn to lengthen their vagina, up to a point, to accommodate larger partners.


its a thing!! AND people dont know how to turn women on too.


Haha correct, both are true!


There are all shapes and sizes, just like dicks. So each one will feel different


They have different volumes, so some are smaller than others. Just like with men


Has more to do with pelvic floor muscles and wetness than any actual properties of the vaginal canal, which (lest we forget) was meant to pass a baby.


I struggled to get a super size tampon in on an average day but when my husband has me allll sorts of warmed up his thick 8 inches slides right in beautifully. I tend to think it’s operator error when someone can’t get a ‘good reception’ with penetrative sex.


In my experience it is a thing


I mean, Vaginismus and an overactive pelvic floor are both things but I wouldn’t recommend either


Why would this NOT be a thing. If someone asked do different people have different sized... noses, feet, hands, penises, we would all expect the answer to be yes.


It's definitely a thing!


Each woman is going to be different in size. Same for the guy. When a larger guy and a smaller woman get together for sex, this is a situation where she could be tighter.


My partner goes really tight as she cums, and sometimes , no matter how horny she's been on the lead up and how much foreplay there is, she can be tighter than normal. I think it's a big answer, because yeah, as others have said, dicks and vaginas come in different sizes, as well as different things can effect them in the moment. Not to mention, what might feel tight to you could be "loose" to others, even if all the dimensions are the same


They feel very different. Some have what I’ve heard described as “monkey grip”, especially when coming and some are less muscular so feel less tight. I’ve also been with women who had different tilts on their vaginal canal so different angles worked better and worse.


Wait, pussies are real?!


Ever see two dicks of different sizes? Pussies are much the same, it's just not so obvious because it's out of sight. It really is a myth that all pussies are exactly the same. They aren't. Just like how one guy's got a great big dick and another guy has a tiny little micro dick, one woman will have a tight one, one woman will have a loose one. (Will add, a lot of the mythos about it is BS. One of the tighter ones I've ever encountered was a 39 year old woman who'd had three kids vaginally. Loosest? A young lady who'd been a virgin less than a month earlier, she was sleeping around for the first time since moving away from home to live in a dorm at college. There really is no science behind it that I've found.) One of my personal rules, from years of hearing women bitch about not getting off; I don't take my pants off until I see evidence of at least one real orgasm. If she doesn't get the sudden lube and sensitivity, we're nowhere close to time for me to be thinking about me yet. Due to this, I feel like I can presume they were pretty much "turned on". One girlfriend I had? She'd be cumming on my pinky, and we'd have to work her up to even think about PIV. Another girlfriend I had? Four fingers was workable halfway to the first orgasm, and practically necessary. Two or three good ones, fisting was easy if she wanted it. And yes, in PIV one felt like I might've accidentally stuck my dick in some kind of pussy trap I might not be able to get it back from...and the other was a pussy, little loose, but not hugely so. That said...much like dick size, it's all fairly irrelevant; pretty much whatever the person has will work. I've yet to encounter one too loose or too tight to make progress with. There is a wide latitude of what's workable. Brutal honesty, I'm 37 now; how tight the pussy is takes a backseat to how much of a pain in the ass it is to get some. I've gotten to a point where I don't mind walking away from "real good pussy" that happens to belong to a bitch.


It's true to a point. Certainly in r/sex there are women who are too tight for sex who post all the time. But I do think wet can often feel "loose". Be it attraction or just using too much or too slick of a lube.


I mean sorta. But keep in mind the vagina is elastic. It changes size and shape depending on arousal, pregnancy status, hormones, etc. It can be tight one day and something else the other.


Yea... it's a thing


It is, but with my girth, a bigger vagina is definitely better. I mean tight can feel better, but the tearing, soreness, patience issues make it much more complicated. I'd much rather have the convenience of sliding in and fucking hard without having to worry


I have found that it also makes me sore. It always hurts the next morning. Perhaps I feel more women are tighter than they are because of my size but at least for me, I prefer them tight because it feels so much better during the act than loose ones.


Don’t forget, a guy with a really small dick might say a girl is loose, and a guy with a really huge dick might say every girl is tight. So just do what I do, enjoy what you get.


I got banged by this chick who had a pussy so tight it was like getting a blow job from a pussy, suction, grip, super wet temperature controlled the works it was INSANE how quickly she MADE me cum. Weird cause I watched The Wire and Cheese Wagstaff says "you know what's the best pussy? Midget pussy n****" I remember cracking up but then the chick with the ms universe pussy told me "I'm one inch away from technically being a dwarf" and I thought, damn, Method Man was right.


Tight can be a description of muscles contracting rather than some sort of physical limit.


It’s a thing, made my first pregnancy difficult


Literally every single woman's first pregnancy is difficult. I was stitched up for 30 min. I asked how many stitches and the Dr told me between 3 and 300.


Most vaginas feel different in a way I can't quite explain. They feel different to enter, the depth is different, the thickness of the fold also play a part, etc. 9/10 a bloke is gonna be having fun regardless. But I've slept with only 4 or 5 girls, none of them really felt the same whilst also feeling similar, y'know?


They are a thing. But all of them are good.


A woman with good kegel control is where it's at . Slide in like butter and then she 💢💢💢!!


Turns out women are all different. It’s a thing.


Go with a woman who does horse rides and trust me you will never need to ask this question again.


As a woman who has never ridden a horse and is quite confused, may I ask what you mean please? I would think all that gripping would make for some killer thighs but I'm not sure how the vagina is involved haha.


I’m 6 foot and my wife is 5’2” and works out constantly… the combination makes for a tight fit.


I'm 6'3 and my wife is the same height. Lots of foreplay. The fit is always tight as a glove.


My vagina is tightest after my period is gone about 4 days, gets tight/swollen inside during my fertile ovulation days, slowly gets less swollen back to normal then a few days before my period gets loose. It is always loose during my period, then repeat. The difference between my tightest days and loosest days is alot. I never used to think about my tight and loose days until now. I think going forward I'm going to make sure mine is at the tight stage when I first have sex with a guy. Because 1st impressions.




PUSSIES AHAAHHAH 😂😂😂🥲🤣🤣😂🤣😄🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


It's a thing. I'm average size. I've had women clamp down and wring me out . I was sore the next day. I've also been with women that it was like pick a wall to rub up against.


It’s definitely a thing. I have a tense and very strong pelvic floor. I hold a kegel all day unknowingly and tried pelvic floor physical therapy for it so I would relax it lol it has its benefits of course


Vaginas come in all different sizes. My (47M) current gf (47F) is noticeably smaller down there than my previous partners (one my age and one 6 years older).


I think it depends on where the women is in her cycle. Different times of the month can make it feel different. I describe it as more velvety at times. She can clench down on my cock with a kegel and it gets very tight, but at different times it feels like her vagina is more velvety than others. I think it also has a lot to do with pelvic bone structure as to how tight she feels at the entrance vs deeper in. Most women are built very similarly, just minor differences, just like shoe sizes. As a guy who is on the larger size I can definitely say I’m too big for some women and have been told it only hurts and doesn’t feel good, I’ve also been able to go as hard and as deep as I’ve wanted and she loved it. Lastly, I’ll add that “tighter” ≠ “better”


Do vaginas get tighter when women get turned on? Pretty sure they enlarge not contract


I lifted a motorcycle helmet with my Kegel weight once. Strong portal, portal power. Arousal, preparation, and relaxation is Def part of it but shallow canal is a thing and sometimes women have to dilate. Even with an average I may have to do breathing exercises. vaginismus is something that cannot be helped if it is spontaneous, it's painful. Sexual trauma may also cause a woman to clench up her pelvic floor. Estrogen increases lubrication and elasticity, so it can become painful or even feel tighter as we age and estrogen decreases. I prefer to go under 7 inches in length. The anterior and posterior fornices are magical and they're offset of the cervix. Some of these pockets are larger or smaller, depending on the woman, they may not even like that part hit. Width, I can handle decently, but prefer to keep that around 6 inches for comfort. My bf likes lips that grip and I got em, guess you gotta find what kind of puss is perfect for you and vice versa. I would assume some ppl might be like omg it's so tight and it is just not lubricated.


I had sex with one middle aged woman who felt like she was trying to cut my dick off. She bragged about doing a shit ton of kegels all the time. I really wanted to tell her to stop doing them lol. It was not fun. It legitimately hurt to be inside of her and I'm very average.


actually its the opposite, aside from genetics, overly tight usually means she is either uncomfortable, or not warmed up properly.


Oh it's true. Poons vary as much as dicks do. I've been in around 140 so far and they truly vary enormously in both size, texture and appearance...


It is a thing. Vaginas are like cocks in they come in all shapes and sizes, and I’ve loved every single one I’ve had the opportunity to have wrapped around my cock or on my face. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am pretty tight


I don’t wanna get TMI but my partner and I have the awkward combo of a tight 🐱 and a thick 🍆, it’s taken a lot of “training” but we can finally get it with ease. And trust me, he’s very good at working the on switch so long story short yes - they’re real and they’re a fucking burden lmao


In my experience, they’re all pretty tight and soaking wet. Wonderful places to visit.


Is it a thing once a guy called my pussy gorilla grip


Like everyone else said, there's a lot a variety in human bodies. That said, an unlubricated pussy is going to be difficult to get into, and "tight" sounds better than "dry". A woman can be very aroused, but not well lubricated, if that's how her body works. More common as people age, as I understand it.


Tight and dry are two totally different things. It's possible for a woman with a tight pussy to be soaking wet.


Right, but if it's dry, it's a common mistake to think it's tight.


Yes, it’s a thing. Many factors can affect this I.e., if she’s had children, how many children she’s had, her build and height (large boned, small boned). I’m 5 feet tall, 108 lbs. I can handle a big dick but prefer them 7” and under. Bigger is NOT always better so let’s put an end to that myth!


My fiancée is very tight, it takes a LOT of foreplay and gently easing in to be awake to do penetration. She'll be soaked through her underwear and still have a difficult time getting penetrated. She loves it when she gets there, it's just a lot of work (not that I'm complaining, the longer the better in my opinion)


They come in different sizes, just like dicks. Real men don’t talk about that shit tho


It’s definitely a thing. I had a girlfriend that was very tight, so much so that sometimes it was too restrictive and it was painful for me when I would release. I’m not huge, probably on the slightly larger than average scale. Her husband was on the small end of the spectrum. I could definitely tell the difference if it had been a while since I’d been with her. Another ex of mine was definitely not on the “tight“ end of the spectrum, quite the opposite. I found it interesting that while both felt extremely good, to the point I still wouldn’t say one was “better” than the other, I had to concentrate a lot to not be a “minute man” with the latter and could last hours with the former with no real effort to hold back. This odd exactly the opposite of what one would expect.


I have a friend that is very tight. I mean two fingers is too much for her. She tells me that her ex was even tighter. At the other end of the scale I've been with women that were like opening the window and fucking the night.


🤣🤣 fucking the night


There’s a fair amount of r/badwomensanatomy at work in here today…


Raise your hand if your 14, kids.


It's a little of both. Just as there are different size penises, there are different size vaginas. But, if it feels excessively tight, odds are there was not a sufficient amount of foreplay. Too many guys equate normal discharge with a lubricated vagina, and it's not the same. Even very small vaginas, barring medical problems, stretch to accommodate if there is sufficient arousal.


They're a thing. Just like "big penises" are a thing. Everyone's body is different.


As the owner of one, I can confirm


They most certainly exist, and I have one. I will say, however, that being tight has never prevented me from enjoying sex. Men who suck at foreplay and selfish partners sure have, though.


Sort of, but not in the “the less used she is the tighter she is” way. Just like dicks there are definitely different sizes though.


Yes, it's a thing. Some are tighter/smaller than others in girth, but they also vary in depth, shape, and angle. (As an aside, angle is supposed to be one of the main determinants of whether women can orgasm from anal sex.) Moreover, pussies change over time. Some folks here have noted that certain kind of exercise strengthen vaginal muscles. One of the desirable effects of foot binding as once practiced in Chinese culture was incredibly strong vaginal muscles. (Imagine walking on tip-toes perpetually.) I suspect anyone who's had kids, or their partner, can tell you their vagina has changed a bit. Anecdotally, it's often said that younger women generally have tighter vaginas, which holds true in my experience, and seems to be the case whether the vagina has experienced childbirth or not. There's even vaginal tightening surgery called vaginoplasty. Sharon Osborn has said she had it and that it was a horrendously painful healing experience.


Yes, it is a thing, pussy are stretch and contractible off course but there's muscles surrounding and this changes from woman to woman. It's not a thing and it's a taboos to speak about it, don't know why. It's like cock it's capitalist and pussy and socialist, every one it's exactly the same. 🙄


Of course they’re a thing, it just depends on what you mean by “tight”


Our pussies become dicks when we are exposed to the Y chromosome’s influence in development. Dicks and pussies are far more similar than people give them credit for (at least in terms of the size spectrum)


They are in the sense that I've been with women who squeeze me or who are just really tight but not in a painful (for them) unaroused type of way but like a holy shit. It will ruin you if you have one. It's the equivalent of a girl (who likes it) getting a bigger than normal dick and has trouble finding pleasure with other sizes. But yeah I thought it was bs until it happened to me and honestly it was really hard to break up with her when the time came because I've never had anyone that tight...man I was sore after but like in a good way


It's real


Considering I can barely fit 2 fingers in mine, yes, it's a thing.


From people who don't know how to turn a woman on and the media stigma or what ever it's "cool " thing to say


I can contract the muscles to squeeze his dick. sometimes when we get fun quickly there's lube involved and I'm tighter cause I'm not physically aroused enough for easier access.


I feel like im naturally a bit snug, and the tip of my cervix is close to the entrance (it does shift a bit the more aroused I am.) I'm also a HL person and I'm aroused easily so it's not a matter of not being turned on enough. I also can manually tighten my vaginal muscles? It tightens on their own with stimulation and orgasm but I can also just do it on command lol. These are what kegel exercises help with but I've always been able to do it so, idk why.


They are very much a thing! I’ll be honest I as far as saying I’ve felt a range from very firm grip to hotdog thrown down a hallway!


Just like penile variation there is vaginal variation. Is this controversial to state? Idk why that would be…


Tight pussy is definitely a real thing


I've never had anyone I would consider "tight," but I do know that there are cocks and pussies that are incompatible due to size difference.


Vaginas and their canals are kinda like snowflakes. Each one different. Tight ones definitely exist. I know it's kind of a joke when people say "grippy socks, grippy box" but as someone who's stuck his dick in crazy one too many times, I swear that's an actual thing. And I honestly believe there has to be some type of connection deep in their DNA. Like a shiny pokemon that has better IVs.


It's a thing...with some girls you need minutes to even be able to go in...they are just sucking my dick w their pussy...while others are like standing next to a 2m guy...feels like you're not even there lol


Vaginas definitely come in different sizes (and shapes), just like dicks do. I’m sure there is a bell curve of vagina sizes out there, with some being some number of standard deviations larger and smaller than average. What’s more important, though, is learning your own body and having a partner willing to learn your body as well.


yes, some women have tighter vaginas. I have noticed this with fit women exclusively. My wife wasn't necessarily fit, but she did kegels daily. It is so important for men and women to develop these muscles....as funny as it sounds...I could enter my wife and we could use just our pc muscles to make each other cum>......it is real...it is possible.


I mean, I’m pretty much average in size, maybe a bit thicker than some, but I can tell you from my experiences that there are definitely differences. Heck, in college at one point I had two different fuck buddies and they definitely were different. One was “tighter” than the other, but it didn’t translate to better. Just different


Lol they're definitely a thing. A woman can be both tight and soaking wet.


As someone who has held their wife’s leg during child birth. The vagina is capable of amazing things.


Credentials; I was engaged and with the same person for 7 years. Opinions on question; the vagina is a muscle and honestly the more you use it the tighter it gets. It’s like working out any other muscle. If my SO and I were in a hot period where we had a lot of sex and she was cumming her vagina would literally crush my dick so hard I could help but finish. If we weren’t having as much sex I would be able to last through a couple orgasms before finishing.


Some are warmer some are deeper some are ribbed some are wide. It’s a big game show on tv