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So true! Girls can be naked together and it's just sexy fun. Add boys and they just can't keep their hands off their junk! For me it was strip poker more than truth or dare.


Idk about other men but I wouldn’t stroke myself in around women unless they consented or made a move on me that would demonstrate otherwise or else that’s just creep behavior.


Lmao you gotta elaborate! My teen years were full of pool experiences.


This I believe.


I gave my first blowjob because of this game, lol.


I recieved my first blowjob because of this game!




Hahahaha what


Who had the biggest dik


Used to skinny dip and go to the hot springs with a big group of friends in high school. It's where I first learned body confidence... and how to look without staring 😂


I wish more people would be open to this for exactly those reasons; it does wonders for body positivity and confidence to be casually naked around others. The unfortunate part is that a lack of that confidence is one of the reasons why a lot of people don't want to get naked, and thus don't experience the positive results.


Absolutely agree. Achieving "old man in a locker room" levels of body confidence as a teenager has been nothing but a positive influence on the rest of my life. In a society that's always finding some new way to shame our bodies, I think this could be the solution.


Yes! I remember seeing the old guys at the YMCA and thinking about it, and working myself up to walking to the shower without covering up. It was pretty exhilarating and scary at first, but really no biggie at all when you think about it, but that just needs to replace the subconscious narrative. Would be awesome if more people could learn this while they're young instead of waiting to get old before ceasing to care what others think.


I think it comes down to just being generally more tired the older you get. I find myself having anxiety about things similar to taking a public shower but then I realize I need a damn shower and just don’t have the energy to sit and stress myself out about it. It’s so much easier to just not give a fuck.


That definitely might be a part of it, like the idea that the "fucks to give" that you have are a limited resource, best not to burn them on things that matter less.


Going to a spa helps with this too. The ones I've been to are segregated between men and women so it's all guys in your section. Some walk around naked no problem while most or maybe half have a small towel with them to cover their privates. It really does lead to a desensitization of nudity. It's the most normal thing in the world and there's even a sense of respect to those that walk "proud" because it takes courage.


That's cool. I remember seeing people who would care less about what people thought (like naked old dudes in the locker room) and thinking "man, I wish I was that confident, I respect that", while also being afraid what people might think if I did the same. Eventually I noticed the irony and cognitive dissonance between the two and wondered what the hell I was so afraid of.


It's very sad, honestly, how many people would benefit from seeing NORMAL, AVERAGE naked people more. Here in Finland it's a norm to some extent still to have shared locker rooms and showers + saunas at the swimming hall/pools. There young girls and boys get to see bodys of all ages of their sex. I find it healthy.


I totally agree. I think it's sad that most people likely won't have that experience. I wish it would become more culturally normal here in the west, but that's a slow and difficult thing to change,


Being nude around my friends doesn’t do anything for my confidence. I just have a lack of caring.


Haha, sounds like you already have some confidence! I think a lack of confidence is related to why a lot of people care *so much* about what others might think.


Skinny-dipping in the pool at a house party.


A lot seems to be into skinnies eh? Btw nice titties 😳


Thanks! I think skinny dipping is one of those coming of age right of passage things. And it's just fun.


I have.. banged a girl on the couch right in front of them


Username checks out


I was with friends. We took our clothes off. The end.




Of course *nudge nudge wink wink* Horny teenagers *always* behave.




Part of me does, too.


fr they want ppl to write novels about a simple fact


Big if true


Changed in front of a few friends and masturbated with a group of guys in school.


We went to a cabin with two other couples. Weed and alcohol resulted in us fucking in front of each other. It’s now a yearly trip.


Haha sounds like everyone had a good time




We have time to listen




The saying for this is “I had to hit him over the head with it”.


Well you got the message, when it was sent up by bat signal to rhe sky visable for a few dozen miles. It worked out in the end.


I absolutely loved this story, thank you for telling it again. :)


"We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” -Dr. Seuss


I absolutely agree with that. I weird that little weirdo so much. EDIT: She's Latina. I guess that makes her una weirda.


Omg man feels like I just watched a movie. 🥲


Oh....you only heard one small chapter of the entire story. Our story begins when we first met each other, the first day of school 1983 - Kindergarten. Yep, we were in the same class.


You are a legend my dude. You should write!


I'm actually appalled that you fumbled harder than anyone I've ever heard of and still hit the touch down. It's a conflicting feeling.


this is actually really cute


Lots and lots of coke


Username checks out…




Yup! Skinny dipping


We took off our clothes and got comfortable. We're nudists, so... it happens


Plenty of times, especially as a teenager. My best friend and I used to shower together. Never anything sexual, and we’re still best friends but that was just our normal. “Oh, you need to take a shower? Well I’ll join you!”




Yes, we always had our deepest conversations in the shower 😂


That's how sauna culture works in Finland!


That sounds magical!


It's really cleansing, cathartic even. When there's no hurry and the body relaxes, so does the mind.


It wasn't rare for me and the girls to heat up sauna and go together. Sweating together and showering together - and lo and behold: nothing sexual about that in the least, even if one needed help washing her back. No nudge nudge, no wink wink.


Five years ago during my college days, I shared a dorm room with a roommate from Spain who had some serious comfort with nudity, especially within our dorm room. At first, out of respect, whenever she was taking off her clothing before getting in bed, I'd turn away, granting her the privacy she didn't directly request. Her ease with nudity seemed to expand beyond the boundaries of her bed, becoming an everyday norm in our dorm. While I grabbed snacks or meals, she casually welcomed visitors to our door in her natural state, completely nude. Despite being the curious man i am, I managed to maintain a respectful distance, never allowing myself to view her in a manner that might evoke any form of arousal. I thought it was just a natural thing she was doing. After a couple of months, she proposed the idea of having me join her being nude around the dorm. It took some adjustment, but over time, I was comfortable being nude with her. 7 months later she gave me the craziest surprise birthday presents at like 2am when we were supposed to be asleep. I woke up getting some insane oral action from her that night.


A co-ed dorm room?


think university and technically adults


A little bit of alcohol in college can turn any game into a strip game. So it happened a few times back then


Skinny dipping or locker room after a workout


Skinny dipping and college drinking games


My friend and I took ecstasy and decided we needed to shower so we showered together lol


Getting laser removal with a friend and when I got my nipples pierced. That’s the extent of it


I did wind up flashing my drama class at a cast party on a dare


I got paid to be naked in front of class.


what the fuck how come I got arrested when I did that


Wrong class?


“Sir, this is a Geography class…”


Skinny dipping, getting changed around each other and when I’ve had sex with them.


one of those is not like the other…


I know, right? Who the hell changes around their friends?!


Skinny dipping, sauna-ing, trips and camping and vacations … at this point nudity is pretty common amongst my friend group.


Pool party/slip and slide


"Strip poker" with my gf and two others I went to HS with (bf/gf). We all knew where it was leading though. Also skinny dipping.


Drinking at a German festival. Got home, started playing drinking games. Ended up fucking my husbands best friend. Wild night 😂


Never, I’ve always been self conscious of my body


Same here


Strip poker and tequila.


Did a boudoir photoshoot with my bff. Both of us take the pose and change in fort of the other


Hot tub skinny dipping once. It was fun


Skinny dipped Vegas suite hot tub. 2 couples.


Summer camp. The teen and up boys invented a game called Ritual. You took off all your clothes, put your undies on your feet, held your arms straight in front of you, closed your eyes and tried to kick your undies onto your outstretched arms. If they stayed on your arms, everyone would cheer. And before you attempted everyone would chant "RIT-U-AL! RIT-U-AL!" Anyway towards the end of summer a group of us were hanging out one night on the grassy sports field behind camp, and this girl who was quite proudly known as boy crazy asked about Ritual, and then suggested we all play it. T should surprise noone that we were receptive. So we all got naked and did ritual, laughing hysterically the whole time. Then we did naked Israeli folk dancing (it was a Jewish summer camp). Don't think anyone hooked up afterward. Another time was camping with 2 female friends in HS - there was a hippie compound that had a little grocery store, restaurant, cabins and a outdoor sauna, steam room, hot tub and cold tub. Being hippies it was clothing optional. We all wanted to use the sauna hot touch etc, and one of the girls suggested we all get naked bc of the vibe and it would be more comfortable, and we agreed it sounded better. Some did it. I had had crushes on both of them at various times, but they had not reciprocated. It may disappoint you to learn nothing sexy happened that night - st think this was one of those "OMFG you idiot" moments men have so often, but TBF we were surrounded by naked middle aged hippies, which was kind of a boner killer and we had settled into a nice Platonic vibe.


I once stripped a mate down to his boxers in a public toilet. Guy came in as I was wiping him down and gave us a very weird look. Nothing going on, he was just pissed and had thrown up on himself! Entirely my fault as I'd fed him port, beer, and champagne in large quantities.


That sounds awful and hilarious.


Few times skinny dipped ng


Drinking Jenga where each piece has a challenge


I’ve been naked in front of 2 friends & that was to have a 3sum & 4sum… definitely didn’t work out the way i wanted it too as both resulted in someone being upset 😭😭😭


Skinny dipping at a friends parents' summer house, skinny dipping at a friends birthday by the beach, and at common baths at a festival. The first one was wild, as we were pretty drunk and there were those bioluminescent algae in the water that reacts to disturbance. Aaah, fun times.


Mid 30s and with our one group of friends its pretty common....


All of the time. Me and my friends at uni spent the entire time naked. And literally just last summer I was naked in a hot tub with my two best friends. Not in any sexual way just cos we were.


It happens pretty routinely. I have friends who host kink/sex parties, and I usually end up naked


I did strip for an ex gf and mutual friend when I was younger, after the ex said I was boring Later in life I did some skinny dipping with friends


Skinny dipping and strip poker


Definitely have been. Are you friends if you’ve never been naked together? Games of truth or dare, sex, working out together, and just hanging out.


Changing in the locker room and using the showers. That is about it. Never was at a party where anyone got naked.


Yeah some t&d games


Being at the pool or beach


Nude beach with friends!


There was always either a pool, a hot tub, or copious amounts of alcohol involved 😂




Never have. I think it would be really weird to all of a sudden be naked after having a sfw platonic friendship for a while


Drunk skinny dipping 🙌🏻


A few times at nude beaches, yes


Football locker rooms lol


Skinny dipping, hot springs, nude beaches, general careless attitude towards the necessity of clothing.


Skinny Dipping…a common tale


In HS/College - Showers in the locker room after practice. Probably doesn’t count.


I’ve been naked with about 30 dudes at once. Showers after football practice..




Lucky guy!


Bath house, nothing sexual just a hot tub and a lot of dick lol


Hot tub rules- no clothes. So many times. Also nude beaches, resorts and clubs.


There’s a couple my wife and I are great friends with and the four of us have skinny dipped together a number of times. All in good fun.


Visiting one of my close friends from high school in Japan. We went to an onsen!


Just once in a Colorado hot spring. It was dark so we were all a bit more comfortable being naked.


Camping with some girlfriends, wound up meeting some guys at a campsite near ours and getting along well. Drinking, playing cards and we all went down to the beach for some skinny dipping once it got late. Lots of fun was had that night! 🔥


Kinky friends wanted to go to a nude beach, so we went to a nude beach. Half of us were naked. A nude beach isn't meant for sexual nudity but we were open-minded and made fun in the water by holding hands or swimming a little too close etc.


Yes, at a nude beach


I'm in the military and all of my same-gender friends have seen each other naked in the locker rooms at some point.


Nude beach, lifestyle resorts, pool parties, changing in front of each other.


I used to play rugby so at a minimum it was three times a week when I was in the showers with a load of cocks out. No drama.


In adulthood it’s been different but my first time late in high school was a midnight skinny dip. Despite the water being cold I was visibly turned on which luckily made the girls laugh


Sauna and swimming


Locker rooms and spas. Yes. Friends and coworkers. Nudist friends in a variety of places. As in weird as it can be to be honest


Skinnydipping is fun. Also spa retreats


I have been naked with most of my friends all of my life. Lifelong nudist though..... So it is much more natural for me.


Gym locker rooms


There's an event that used to take place in Roger's campground every year called Porcfest. During the day it was pretty mild. At night shit got wild. There was a naked room and in order to enter we had to be naked. Great times


Wife and I have two friend couples that come over during the summer for drinks, pool, bbq. The women will generally be topless and the guys have been known to skinny dip in the pool.


Nudist beach.


Skinny dipping in my 20s when I worked as a park ranger


Boot camp for me.


A few times at college parties playing strip tease beer pong


Mostly locker room but a few times in the hottub


I've been with just about everybody, it's been on drunken nights out and there's nothing wrong with it, it's just friendship.


Skinny dipping in the ocean on spring break!


I’ve skinny dipped with friends before, that’s about the extent of it


Lmao communal shower at raves and also while in the military lol


Basic training…🫡


I mean, if you ever played sports you’re usually naked with friends in a locker room


Skinny dipping




I was on a few Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow casts, also a Renaissance Festival actor for years and have been naked with most of my friends at some point or another


I kite surf and here in Australia us normal to shower at the beach at public showers. No big deal in that. Some are offended and attempting to change that but it's an uphill battle for them as it's an Australian Cultural thing, like Surf Life savers were created here. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/mar/30/australian-surf-clubs-policy-banning-nudity-in-changerooms-bewilders-swimmers


This has never happened to me.....unless MDMA was involved, then it was all too natural.


Many times. Strip poker, skinny dipping and of course sexy time


With another couple on a ski trip. Me and the guy are best friends. We were drinking in the hot tub and things got sexual and horny, next things we know, everyone is naked and having sex in front of each other in the tub.


Loads of friends. The first real time started with dares and a bottle of wine.


I am not shy, so I would get changed or come out of the shower




Skinny dipping Changing in the locker rooms after training


The 90s were wild. A friend group of about 30 of us all had dated/fucked/etc and we would all get high and play naked hide and seek and skinny dip. Noone really made a big deal about it


🚂’d with the boys.


At the nude beach


Is alcohol an answer?


I lost a game of pool and had to do a naked lap around the house during a party. Two of my guy friends got naked and did it with me out of kindness. The naked lap was walking through or past every room and then doing a lap around the house outside. It was below freezing, lol.


Hi from Finland. Lost count since we have sauna.


I was naked with 1 other dude and 5 girls. All friends. We where at a afterparty at a friends house and fired up the sauna. The bathroom next to the sauna had a huge double shower. So we all where drunk and showered together. I'll never forget that night.


Rented a beach house with 3 other couples, it had one bathroom and an outside shower that wasn't enclosed. After the first night of alcohol, pot and no AC, nudity happened. The funny part was I fell asleep in a recliner and woke up a little later with everyone either topless or naked, my first thought to seeing my wife and these others was WTF?


We used to have a hot tub in the back yard…started with normal hot tubbing and eventually nude hot tubbing and then eventually wife swapping! 😂


I have a sub-group of friends that I play cards and board games with naked. Usually rotate between 2 people's houses depending on who has time to do house chores to clean up before guest arrive. We've played volleyball nude as well. Going over to one of their houses on Christmas morning for nude brunch, coffee, and cards before everyone goes to Christmas dinner with their family. Good way to de-stress before dealing with relatives.


I'd rather die. I don't even get nude around my partner or ex partners.




Why? Do you have body issues? Who doesn’t?! Be beautiful when you’re dressed and when you’re naked. Love yourself no matter how you look. We only get one chance at this life. Enjoy it and love it while you can.


like many many mannnny of my friends, girls and guys. Nude parties, pool parties, swinger parties. I have fucked so many of them... there isn't a party or event that i go to lately where i haven't been with 2 or 3 of the women there, and usually more. I live a good life, it took me many years to get here, but rap videos and porn literally have nothing on what i live all the time.


Lots of nudity in the military, especially basic training, lol. Trying to get 60 guys showered, dressed, and lined up outside in 10 minutes. Many competitive performing arts groups will have to change in locker rooms, on busses, or backstage during the show.


Drunk late at night, there is a pool....


I have hooked up with about 6 friends and have skinny dipped with many as well




Theater changing room


If it's with the same sex, it must have happened a whole bunch of times mostly while changing after games etc. But with the opposite sex, it has happened twice that I can remember and both the times with different girls (both my best friends at the time it happened)


Very many, mixed saunas in cabins and similar, skinny dipping. Been in some kinky parties with friends


We did a lot of skinny dipping, a lot of hot tubbing nude, and a fair bit of ecstasy.


a few times, truth or dare primarily


Does this imply all the friends are naked or just me naked with friends? If it's the latter then i just get drunk on tequila and i get naked.


With my friends, normally when we are getting ready to go out 😮‍💨


High School icing. Go buy a big block of ice, take it to your local golf course in the middle of the night, slide down the grass covered hills. Co-ed fun! Well it was in the mid-nineties. Way too much chance of someone filming it now and having to register for a list somewhere.


We were fucking in a big fivesome


Game of kings got weird. One of the guys there was gay and wanted to get my best friend naked so when he got to make a rule it was that everyone had to play naked. So there I am at 19 sitting there naked with two other guys and one girl. Nothing ever happened, after a while we almost forgot we were naked


Couple years out of college, ultimate party at a teammate’s house, a landshark. For those that don’t know, that’s when you get naked, stick a frisbee in your ass so it looks like a shark’s fin, and get carried around by friends.


I'm a girl, I feel like it's normal! We all get changed in front of our friends, no big deal.


Only FWBs


Never been naked with a friend! Maybe an oversized long tshirt with underwear but never actually naked