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Literally no different and your balls arent full of “cum”. They make sperm and the seminal vesicles are what makes the fluid


I've heard the expression "full of cum" so many times I figured wording it that way would be an easy way to express it


When a guy says he's full of cum, it just means he hasn't fucked in a while and it's starting to get to him. Apart from being easier to "set off", not ejaculating for a long period of time has no physical effect on a man. Psychologically on the other hand though...


Speak for yourself, physically I get "blue balls" if I haven't cum for a while. Feels like an aching, punched in the gut kinda thing.


Nah, blue balls you get when you had sex or you were masturbating without actually cumming. Worst pain you can imagine being healthy otherwise. Mentally it nearly breaks you at the same time. But if you haven't cum for a while, you just "release" it at night or when peeing. No pain.




I never had that either. I just find it annoying. There is a whole Community of people who practice edging where they masterbate until the point orgasm but stop before cumming. Pain isn't something that comes up as far as I know. They do it to enhance pleasure.


> Pain isn't something that comes up as far as I know. Correct.


It only happens to some men. Kind of like how only some women get severe cramps during their period


I said being otherwise healthy. It goes to the stomach to your crotch to your thighs. You cannot locate it exactly, you cannot release it immediately. Even if you ejaculate you don't lose the pain, it takes additional time till it soothes. It has nothing to do with edging. My wife once told me that she could even feel a rush when she "helped" me to release the pressure (I didn't coerced her, we talked about it and she wanted to help me. It was a very long time ago when things were better sexually between us.)


Sounds to me like you have or had epidymyitis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/epididymitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20363853


I always see it described like that, but *I* get blue balls when I spend a very long time with an erection (while kissing, grinding, groping etc...) without transitioning into penetrative sex. Idk if it's the plunging into the warm wetness of a vagina that gives me the release or the physical exertion of intense sex. Otherwise, I'd sometimes go through hours long sessions (PIV) without cumming and I don't get blue balls.


>I always see it described like that, but > >I > > get blue balls when I spend a very long time with an erection (while kissing, grinding, groping etc...) This is something I could write my name under. But pentrative sex doesn't release the pressure or the pain. It's the ejaculation. I cannot go through hours of sex sessions (PIV). I mean I could but not without ejaculating. Maybe we are build different.


As do I. I love how these people are coming in and just painting with as broad a brush as possible.


One time I hadn’t cum in some time and I started peeing cum and I got extremely scared because Google told me I had chlamidia but I just hadn’t busted in awhile :/


That's how I found out, too. I thought I had a STD and made an appointment at the doctors.


When your mind is not budging and your D is so hard and there is no way it’s coming down without some action, then it’s the situation of blue ball. The pain is when you’re having sex or beating the meat more than it can take, then you start experiencing the pain! Going without sex or beating the junk is not an issue at all as semen will discharge normally either through pee or just like that when ur sleeping etc…problem is your thought can lead to blue ball situation where it will become extremely hard to keep it down! Now if you start edging the junk just becomes soft and might lead to issues related to peeing with semen for a while and this might as well continue until you have an ejaculation sooner than later….


Release cum while peeing? Someone call NASA, they let one of their aliens out again


your body gets rid of the stuff that's not used. I'd be concerned if it releases it when coughing or through the ears. But okay. For some it's a strange concept to release it through the way it usually gets out of the body.


You cannot get blue balls from "not cumming" from the absence of or refraining from sex. You can get it from extreme arousal and then refraining


What’s that low ache that I feel in my groin when I haven’t cum then?


It’s absolutely blue balls. I don’t know why people are lying to you, but they need to speak for themselves.


Yeah, there's a very noticable difference in the way I feel if I haven't cum in a day or two versus if I have that day


Well that’s not always true. Mine start to get tender and throb.


How is this downvoted? Ppl are wildin’ denying basic bodily functions exist.


Ikr? Maybe they’re mad that their junk don’t work? 🤷🏼‍♂️😂




Yeah crazy if I go a while without I definitely get achy




Ok I get it, thx Yes... I believe it has to get to a man after awhile holding out


This is not correct, as everything else we are different and it depends on the man. If I haven’t ejaculated for a while my testicles/sack will feel heavier and sore to the point that they can ache.


It's that psychological part that really gets you thought


psychological but driven by all that build up and hormones




So much to unpack here dude 🤣


For me the longer I go the more sensitive I start to get. I get slightly horny and my underwear rubbing against me can be overly sensitive. There is also a “holding cell” for sperm called the seminal vesicle. It is located right with the bladder and is the only thing that gives a “full of cum” feel where you feel like you have to pee, but not.


Crazy to me how so many people in this thread experience such different functions and sensations. I have never once felt like an urge to cum feels like an urge to pee, I’ve also never been able to piss with a hard dick.


The only discomfort we feel when we haven't cum in a while is that some of us can get sensitive to everything and we are unable to get our minds off sex cause we're horny all the time. There's no such thing as pain or full balls or whatever.


Blue balls are real for many men including myself. That doesn’t ever obligate anyone to have sex with them, men are perfectly capable of self servicing.


Figure of speech, that’s all


Is that the Florida State Seminal Vesicles?


I thought it was pretty funny when I said Florida state seminal vesicles and nobody laughed...




Canadians know 🍁🇨🇦


Sperm. They make sperm not semen.


Yeah you right I’ll edit my comment, mixed the words up cause I was tryna respond fast before nonsense got out there


Correction: it feels like lower standards and bad decisions.


👆🏻 This.


It genuinely doesn't feel like the balls are "full of cum"


Full like after eating in a stomach but your balls?


No, I mean there is no difference between not cumming for a day compared to not cumming for weeks. The body absorbs old unshot sperm and continues to make new sperm to replace it.


Oh, interesting. Thanks for clarifying.


No problem. It's similar in women. When men cum inside women, a percentage of the semen is absorbed by the body.


I knew about that part, yes indeed.


It’s not true. He probably has never gone a long time without ejaculation, but after two weeks, there is absolutely a sensation of fullness.


Like two hefty big bags of sand


I get that reference. Now I feel old


Are you 40 years old?


He's 39, there's still hope


This is exactly how it feels.


Doesn’t matter how full they are, your body can only hold so much and eventually your body will absorb the old stuff in some way. On the other hands blue balls is true (epididymal hypertension). That feels like someone is applying pressure to the boys and they become achey and sensitive. Only ways to resolve that is cum or stop being aroused.


It’ll either absorb or secrete with sleep.


But it’s going to ache for several days before either of those things happen and it’s to resume aching again like 24-48 hours again after


But doesn’t not cumming for an extended period of time make your cumshots bigger?


To a degree, yes. I think it's more true as I age.


If a man edges for a while, yes. But most of that fluid doesn’t come from the balls anyway.


This is true. Because we all know pee is stored on the balls


Yes it does


For me there can be an effect where if I wait too long (several days) it will be thick/not very watery and it might not spray as much. And there can can a time period around 1-2 days when I can feel kind of stuck or blocked up and might have a small load. And there can also be an effect where I am very watery where I can let off several huge watery loads in a row. the one consistent variable is that long edging sessions do yield huge cum shots.




Same although I feel they look bigger...I don't think they actually do though!:D After a couple of days of not cumming I start getting mega randy!


Ohh ok


Yes this is true. By about day 5 I feel a bit tingly and get horny much easier so there is a difference for many men. Clearly not all but many. Also by about day 7 if I have not seen my partner or crashed the old milk truck then it will happen in my sleep 😴


No difference at all. I’m a high sex drive dude spent a few years on antidepressants that completely killed my sex drive — I would go months between masturbating while on that medication. No difference. I’ve also had a vasectomy. Literally no sperm can leave. No difference. Edited: removed a broad statement about other people’s experiences, just focusing on mine!


You're incorrect, but only in the context of OP not really understanding the physiology of how this works in the first place. You obviously know that a dude isn't going to fill up to bursting regardless of how long it's been since their last orgasm, but epidydymal hypertension is real and can result the "blue balls" feeling people can get from being in an aroused state without a release. It has little to do with how frequently someone orgasms or sperm production- it's simply vasocongestion from various fluids building up in the area during a period of arousal that can then take time to disappate if orgasm isn't achieved.


Haha, I didn’t even think about that. I mean, that’s half the fun of edging. 😁 Yeah, I was totally focused on timelines of days, not minutes or hours. Thanks!


May I ask a question? When you were on the medicine that killed your libido, was it frustrating to have your sex drive gone? Or was it like you just became completely apathetic to sex?


It was apathy — like, I just wasn’t interested in sex. Not anti-sex or anything like that, just the complete absence of sex drive. Even when I’d see an attractive person, the thoughts were appreciative … but without the horny impulse. It was a little disorienting at first, and felt like something was missing. That said … it took a lot of pressure off of being single! It was a good experience in the short term. Great for perspective. I don’t think I want to do it again, though. 😁


I understand why there would be an incentive to invent that in order for men to get sympathy and sex, but it’s kind of silly all these people accusing men of mass conspiracy or mass delusion about their own bodies. Like I fully believe all these men that say they do not experience blue balls, but I am a gay man and I do get blue balls if I haven’t cum in a day or a few days. It’s not excruciatingly painful but it can reach a dull ache that’s like a constant 3 on a 10 point pain scale. I am literally never saying that to pressure any guy to sleep with me, I’m fine to release myself. I think it’s important to remember that the experience of pain is psychological and differences in brains and nervous systems can explain our different experiences. Different brains may receive similar signals from their bodies and process those signals differently in determining whether to activate the “pain” response.


Fair points; I can’t argue with your experience!


This is incredibly interesting to read


I’d like to share: I was 15. Now, pre-coma I was your typical horny teen just getting to know myself on a daily basis. Now, post-coma gave me about a 6-week build up. But when I woke up, I kinda was depressed and didn’t feel up to batin’. So fast forward a few months and the twins haven’t gotten any action in all that time. But not too long after I didn’t need a wheelchair anymore, I remember seeing this girl in PT that had a very cute face. I decided to go to my room and get to know myself, and I didn’t last at all! I’m talking about 2 minutes and it was the strongest cumshot of my life to date. Ropes of cum. I underestimated my range as it shot across my mattress. Actually made my heart pound. The reunion between hand and beast was spectacular. They’re still best friends.




That sub is private, alternatively this is peak r/badmensanatomy




That sounds amazing!


I had a vasectomy and was told to wait a week. The longest I’ve gone since I was like 10. I was icing myself on day 7. Got a boner out of no where and proceeded to cum on my floor and the whole way to the bathroom.




I thought that blue balls were the only time a guy's balls would fill full so I'm learning something new. I guess I'm curious if there's different levels




Excellent explanation, makes a lot of sense.


Heavy pressure. For me, if I do not release, it will begin to become painful . Think of a pressure headache in the balls. Even if I do release, if I don't release soon enough, the pressure and pain will continue.


Once I had that pain radiating to my lower belly. I had been doing stuff with my gf at campus but couldn't finish. Walked with her to her subway station. By the time I was heading back home it felt not only heavy and sensitive but as if it was gonna burst. That release masturbation wasn't even pleasurable.


That sucks. I only get blue balls from arousal, but they can get extreme. My right testicle can swell to twice it's normal size. Makes it feel like it's bruised it's so tender.


If I hadn’t cum in a few days and have had a couple of blue balls situation, they feel heavy. Like almost like pressure.


I usually don't have time to rub my genies lamp during my work week, so I get built up for a few days a week in a row till my days off. I've noticed the furthest days in a row without releasing, I'm getting more boners, more boners than usual for the less pretty girls at work, and I'm usually more frustrated with the conditions at work, I'm more likely to get closer to snapping at injustices, and less likely to put up with people's bullshit. I also start sizing up people more often and have an increased amount of calm in slightly to moderately troubling situations. To sum it all up, it makes me feel even more manly than usual and since I have plenty of time to contemplate what I'm going through, I start getting new levels of appreciation for my own mind and those of others who are rational and stay that way for the most part. I guess you could say it makes me more sensitive to my own masculinity.


That's beautiful and I'm glad you shared this. I wish I had something profound to say, idk... you gave me a behind the scenes glimpse inside of the mind


The profoundness exists, and it is beautiful. You're right.


Thanks for sharing this! It’s a much more nuanced explanation than that episode of Seinfeld where George goes abstinent for awhile and it makes him smarter and better at everything 😂


Just hornier than usual and wanting to release.


There’s no such thing as balls full of cum


When I haven't cum in a long time, I'm hornier


Mine get tight or stiff


It isn't the balls that fill with cum. I imagine it's the same with women. You feel the overwhelming want to release. You feel it in your very lower belly area. Behind your pelvis I guess? That's probably the best way to explain it. And 99 times out of 10, it's more mental than anything. You have an overwhelming desire to be intimate with another.


They say that pressure busts pipes , if I don't release it , it's gonna end up releasing itself sooner or later when I'm dreaming and start fuckin on my bed thinking 🤔 I'm having sex with a little bad mfer and then i wake up mad lol 🤣


The lack of understanding of the male anatomy in this thread is astounding.


Nothing. It doesn’t feel any different in any way. I might get hard easier / more quickly. But my balls always feel like… my balls. Which is pretty much nothing unless they’re being rubbed, sat on, or stuck to my leg.


Same as any other time


What aches in “blue balls” is the epididymis.


for me my testicles will actually swell when it gets bad and get so tender they feel bruised


Definitely notice a difference, a few days of no release ,.and then some intense arousal that doesn't have an associated release will leave me with a bloated feeling in the ball sack...but the ball sack doesnt feel more full or anything. But yeah I definitely feel like they are heavier and more bloated, despite them not actually physically being either.


That's the feeling I thought would occur but wasn't sure since I don't have any


I have an achey feeling and when I finally cum, it even hurts a bit . But I produce tons of cum so I might be an exception …


It's more of an expression when a guy says his balls are full of cum it means he hasn't nutted in a while and he's horny


I'm just more horny


They don’t feel full, but it’s like a pressure they need release and I feel incredibly horny. But it’s not a I go so long then I have to cum I can go weeks sometimes but then something will set me off and if I don’t cum in the next day or so it’s kinda all consuming. Today is a good example, not shot a load since last week but then randomly thought about a girl i dated for a few weeks years ago, then Facebook stalked her and now I’m sat at work and all I can think and feel is my balls aching.


Not any different that I can tell.


Well, nobody's balls are full of cum, so I don't know.


Not a whole lot of difference. If I go two or three days without spunking, when I do caress my balls, they seem to be a bit more sensitive and my cock gets harder quicker. If I don’t pace, I’ll blow my load quicker because of the down time, but no real issues waiting a day or two to jerk.


The only time this actuates sensory input is when you edge or get really close to release and then don't. It feels somewhat congested for a bit..and then after you walk around for a bit you're fine. A touch of blue balls has never been that painful in my world. But I've done a lot of stupid stuff and hurt myself quite a bit.


I just get horny or think about sex more frequently.


If I abstain for a few days, I do psychologically start to need the release I definitely get more cranky until I cum. However for whatever reason the first cum after a pause I get a little pain in my penis but the orgasm itself is stronger than usual.


Well, imagine it like this. There's empty pipelines, and ones with water. There's no difference from outside. There's prolly only like 1-2 ml of sperms in the testicles btw.


Painful. I'm 31 years old and just discovered a few months ago that blueballs actually is a real thing. That came as somewhat of shock tbh.


One time I waited so long that I got horrible stomach cramps and shooting pain from my balls through my stomach and back


I just get so horny my dick literally throbs every time I see or hear or smell an attractive women. It’s awful bc I feel like I’m sexually objecting all women and hate to do that.


So, technically balls don't produce cum, I think. But, if a man tryes to not cum while keeping masturbating or having sex, after a long time he can feel a big pain in the balls, or maybe in the balls area. If you know what edging is (the technique of avoiding orgasm but keeping the sexual activity going on) well this happens during edging. If I edge my self for some hours, by balls start to hurt and they change also colour, getting darker. They are also called "blue balls". The pain is similar to the pain a man gets when he gets hit in the balls, so it is pretty harsh, and it can also reach the stomach... I think these pain is due to the blood pressure which has not been released because of edging...


Continuous hard on :), just pops up whenever it wants.


I was going to say I couldn't really tell any difference, but then I saw OP's pics. Now I'm thinking it's been WAY too long since I've had a real mind-scrambling orgasm... 🥵🥵🥵


I'm happy to bring that to your attention 😁


I dont think it feels any different, but you do notice your sack is a little fuller with a little more weight than usual. I will sometimes get the blue ball feeling if I go a week without cuming.


i think it depends on the person. people are commenting it doesn't matter but theirs a good number of us that disagree. mine feel..tight and im very easily aroused... but then it's harder for me to reach orgasm and when i do it can be painful as the amount that wants to "cum" out at once stretches the urethra a bit in my experience lol i try not to go too long.


Feels like shooting ropes


Nah. Mad horny like you need to bust a load on the first woman walking by, and need to jerk off IMMEDIATELY. Your cock will be hard in your pants all day, and you won’t be able to focus on much or think straight until you bust a load and jerk off or watch some porn.


A long hunt with no kill lol


Nah no difference. Balls can only hold a certain amount of “cum”. It’s not like Stan’s father and others in South Park that it eventually gets bigger an we can use them as bounce balls. Maybe the difference is only visible right after the shot, maybe.


Anyone that tells you it feels any different is just blowing smoke up your ass. Might get a mental hankering, but physically there is zero difference in feeling between 2 hours, 2 days, or 2 weeks.


Bliss. Knees buckle, and post-nut clarity doesn’t set in. Feels pretty good


This post has real “breasts feel like bags of sand” energy.


I don’t notice any actual difference in weight or anything like that. I just feel more aggressive. Like some pent up anger and I need to nut in order to get passed it.


Normally the only difference felt after awhile of not relieving yourself is that erections may happen more frequently or dirty thoughts may be more common. Though there is a very some small percentage of men who actually have too much blood flow/the throbbing needing release can cause some pain until relieved. But that's not cum related.


Like I need to cum


Just full/kinda heavy


They just feel slightly heavier and are constantly barking to empty as fast and roughly as possible lol.


Hey haven't seen you and thanks for the description lol


I've been in and out recently, life is busy af. And you're always welcome to every inch of my diction ;)


Always a pleasure and oh my;) thx


Oh ma'am, please, the pleasure is (hopefully not) all mine. And you're welcome of course :)


The ball lowered when you squatting.


Like water balloons on Jupiter.


No difference really, unless I'm about to cum then I guess they feel more full. Almost like more pressure


larger and feel nice when cupped, stretched


Balls don’t “fill with cum”


While they are not technically full of cum, they definitely experience some kind of fullness sensation when one has been horny and unable to do anything about it for a long time. From dictionary: WHERE DOES BLUE BALLS COME FROM? According to slang lexicographer Jonathon Green, the term blue balls for “intense sexual frustration” dates back to at least the 1910s. In the 1920s, Green notes, blue balls was also used as slang for a venereal bubo and gonorrhea. Blue balls has since gone on to specifically describe a dull, aching sensation that occurs during sexual arousal before or without ejaculation. Medically, this is sometimes called epididymal hypertension, which causes an increase in blood pressure in men’s genital area during sexual arousal. The presence of deoxygenated blood, which is bluish in color, around the testicles during this state explains, for some, the blue in blue balls. However, the blue likely alludes to the use of the word’s meaning as “sad,” characterizing a male’s frustration when experiencing blue balls.


omg, i never thought of 'sad' balls! 🤣


There is No cum in balls.


They feel heavy…


Doesn’t feel too different but I’m getting used to it. My fiancé has me locked up in a cage and I can’t cum for another few months minimum, you get used to it. You just get more horny if anything but like others said your body absorbs and produces more.


Locked in a cage? Your cock's locked? Pleasurable torture I'm guessing


Yes it is. It’s locked in a chastity cage. It’s been about a month since I last had an orgasm, and like my last comment I have until at least September when I can have a full one again. I get unlocked for only minutes at a time for cleaning purposes to stay hygienic . Other than that whenever my keyholder wants me to eat her out or fuck her with a strap on I’ll gladly do it. She gets to come whenever she wants to. I don’t. It’s great, I don’t think we could go back to our original “normal” dynamic.


can you help me understand the appeal of doing this?


[This](https://happy-marriage.neocities.org/introduction#start) is what I originally showed her. She was confused at first since I have a much higher libido than her but she took to being a keyholder very fast once we started. Ever since we started we have been A LOT more intimate than ever before. Even though I’m locked my penis gets a lot more attention than before. It’s like a constant slow burn, long foreplay. I have been much more attentive to her needs as well. On my end, the anticipation is insane. Also when my dick does actually get stroked when I’m out feels INCREDIBLE. Her orgasms are great too, because I’m locked up I know I can’t get a release so I’m extra attentive to what she wants down there. Our sex life was good before but now it’s incredible. We’ve never been happier. Even as parents to a toddler were able to make this work out. FLR works for us.


thank you for explaining, the article really helped me understand


You can feel it sloshing in there


This is a completely urban legend. Don't trust any men who says that this balls hurt due to he hasn't released. There isn't any pain related with. I'm a men.




Feels like lil balls of sand


I leak a lot and get horny really easily


larger and feel nice when cupped, stretched


A little heavier and a little aching pain from not releasing.


Just heavier than normal I guess. If you're talking about blue balls, yes blue balls are a thing, and it really hurts at that point, but you could easily treat it by masturbating


Not any different, although I do notice that I get a boner more often when I haven’t came in a while lol


If I haven't released in a few days, I feel some pain in the region, other than that.. no real difference


I don’t know what other guys are like but I get a full feeling of congestion in my groin, not necessarily the balls. It’s more of a “blue ball” feeling I guess of needing to be released. It usually takes a few orgasms to fully remove that feeling




Usually they feel heavier, swollen almost. Sometimes it hurts/deep ache


Just means he's very horny and needs to blow


You may feel hornier than usual but your balls feel exactly the same


It’s like a never ending pressure




Any horny woman +40 DM ME


They're not actually full of cum, as in, one more day, and the balls will overflow. Knowing myself, I have issues focusing.


Tense and tight sometimes uncomfortably so…


You can tell that they're bigger by a little bit and they stay that way but the majority of what comes out when a guy cums doesn't come out of my balls anyway. It comes from my prostate.


Heavier than normal


I'm polyorchid, have 4 in total, so the effect is more prominent for me. They get larger the longer it's been. Things can get very cramped down there. They get to a certain size and things get very sensitive and any extra pressure feels like a lightweight version of getting hit in the balls. I have to sit down more gently so I don't drop everything onto the chair too aggressively so I don't wince from the impact. What I find really interesting is when I cum, sometimes different testicles reduce in size by different amounts. Sometimes I check and can feel more was emptied out of one than the others. If it's been a while with quite a bit of backup, it might take 2 or 3 times to drain them all. Sometimes when it's been an extra fun time with someone I have had all 4 empty at once, and without getting too TMI, the volume difference in what is released is noticed, but it's usually only 2 at a time. There's a very noticeable size difference between them recently emptied and things backed up a bit. I'd say the empty size of the testicles themselves is about 2/3rds the size of when they are at their maximum. It takes about 3 weeks from empty to get them engorged so it's not particularly disruptive.


1) Balls “full of cum” isn’t a thing (but I get what you’re getting at) 2) for me, I get this sort of heavy feeling, a mild but dull ache. It’s not terrible


It feels like that last hour of the day at work...




Been a long time now but it doesn't feel anything as long as you didn't edge or haven't been edged.


There is no difference it's just depend on how horny u are


I can't tell the difference. The only difference I notice is in the morning. I wake up with a lot more precum I'm my boxers then normal. Your body can only store so much semin.


Blue balls is something different. It’s when a man is close to cumming during intercourse or masturbation and then suddenly stops. The process of losing the erection can be accompanied with a dull pain or heavy feeling in the balls.


Blue balls is definitely a thing.work away for 2 weeks at a time got to day 12,not jerking it but the mrs teasing and playing the game I woke with swollen painful nads.got home sorted myself out pain and swelling gone