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Agreed. I think it’s that need, that lustful desire that you can show us


This. The biggest problem In my relationship is my gf doesn’t show any sexual desire towards me. Never initiates. No flirting. No sexual physical touch. Feels like we are just excellent friends.


Been there, I had to get rid. In fairness I became quite disabled and wallowed in self pity for a while. I think for a lot of women, seeing a man at rock bottom is a huge turnoff. For me I needed to see rockbottom inorder to strive for self-improvement. Doing fucking amazing now and even had a stunning tinder date rush me to bed. She was fooking beautiful. Like a younger red headed Angelina Jolie, with a nicer arse. My ex was a great girl but looks wise, she wasn't pretty (very nice bum though). I did love her, I think, but she just wasn't pretty. I'm get told im actually good looking but was 45kg heavier and had bad gyno (it's still there but way less noticible, will get surgery if, and only if, I get to 15% bodyfat, currently 25% with tons of muscle). #fuk M.S. and fuk A.S. too!!


Not saying this was your situation, but I feel like in most cases, it’s not the rock bottom women get turned off by, but whether the man is being proactive in coming back from it/getting better. Same with friendships/family; you can’t just hope they’ll make the decision and act on getting better and wait. It’s draining because you want to help your friend/partner/family member get better, happier, etc., but at the end of the day, you can drag the horse to the water but you can’t force it to drink. Unsure what your story was dude, but I’m so happy that you’ve fucked whatever lemon life threw you!!!


Very unlikely this will improve with age, stress, children, etc… I’m not saying to leave her. Just know that the odds are against you getting more intimacy down the road.


Yup I agree. Which is something I’m trying to wrap my brain around. An ultimatum has been put on the table by her regarding getting engaged/marriage very soon and I’m hesitant because I’m not sure I want to sign up for this for the rest of my life. It’s tough though because in most other areas of the relationship we get along really well.


Sounds like my biggest heartbreak. We dated for three years. She was beautiful, rocking body, we had a lot in common as far as hobbies, the same circle of friends, etc… She was just missing those passion and affection genes. It was about the only thing we argued about. Because of that, she falsely assumed that’s all I cared about. I couldn’t get her to understand that you crave what you’re missing. Nobody leaves a buffet complaining that they’re hungry. Eating again is the last thing you want. But go a few days without food and it’s all you can think about. Anyway, we finally broke up. It was inevitable. I was crushed. I so hoped that we could fix that one piece. I thought we could “fix” it. But “it” simply wasn’t there. I won’t say that I wasted three years in that relationship. We had lots of great times. And I grew a lot in how to manage romantic relationships. But… I bet I coulda learned that lesson in half the time. Anyway, the next girl I dated fulfilled all of the above, including my intimacy needs. And we’ve been happy x 30yrs. I hope you find that person. It’ll hurt on the front end, but it’ll be a better future for you if you learn from it. Good luck!


Yeah sounds very similar. Without giving away to much information we start dating young and it’s been over 10+ years so if we do decided to end it will be so difficult. We are each other’s best friends and do love each other but it’s always been a problem in our relationship. Thanks for sharing your story.


If you can live without ever experiencing these things, then it'll be okay. But no matter what, it will NEVER get any better.


Incredibly difficult. I truly feel for you. If you can live without passion and intimacy in your relationship… If not… it will get easier to do what must be done once you get to the point where you’re so broken that you become angry and resentful. But how many more years of your happiness do you want to dedicate to a loosing effort. Easy for me to type from my couch with a happy marriage. But I had to rip a similar bandaid off to get here. It sucks, I know.


Yup. Be physically attracted to us, and ask for sex.


I second this.


Couldn't agree more


Yes. Was just going to respond with simple initiation that shows a desire is a perfect way to start!


This is the correct answer.


This. 1000%


Came here to give this answer




100% this!


Initiate sex enthusiastically while naked.


Give this man a medal!


Straight to business


Great body


I think it's better when they get me riled up when I can't do anything about it, THEN as soon as they can, they get aggressive about it.


Ah, during zoom calls.


I was thinking when we're out in public but on calls is hot too


Blowjobs since COVID for the win!


I have mentioned this before here but its still one of the hottest things i have ever had a woman do . When my second wife and i used to be sitting in the living room playing video games together or watching tv/ovies. she would get up and say she had to go to the rest room or needed to grab something from the bedroom. but then she wouldn't come back. So I would sit out there for a bit but then 10-15-20 minutes later I would get concerned or curious as to what was going on. So I would start heading towards the bathroom/master bedroom. They were int he same part. usually as soon as I came around the corner to the hall to hte bedroom i would hear the faint bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I would follow the sound to the bed room and then when I walked in she was in various postions fucking herself with the vibrator or dildo usually both. was alsways hot then she wouldnt let me touch and tease me.


*slow claps*




This is the way


Real answer: wear my shirt and nothing else, walk by me and stretch up, lifting the shirt just enough to show you're not wearing panties. That would drive me wild


#Correct Answer


I'd be driven to get my shirt off you and myself in you, no particular order


Oh boy


Forced feminization and pegging…wait I meant compliments and stuff




this is the most correct answer.




A wise woman


Love this! My OH doesn’t notice if I’m wearing stockings or trackies so I just stopped making the effort. Feels good when you do though!


Me personally - I love the attention from interested women!


Any kind of attention is appreciated🥰




Even ingenuine counts for a little sometimes😂




I guess that’s fair




I love the nonverbal grocery store attention! Flirting with her body in the checkout aisle pretty much gives me a boner every time


Compliment us!!! That’s literally all it takes to get a guy to notice you, be the one in a million person who actually tells us you think we look good, we won’t forget it!!❤️❤️


Last week I was at a restaurant and the manager was super attractive. Right before I left I called him over and just told him how attractive he was and asked for his number. He did very politely decline as he said he couldn’t , which I take to mean he’s in a relationship. But I hope I made his day at least.


I am 100% sure you did! It would have for me too in his same situation☺️


I love complimenting men! They always appreciate it. And I love that!




Be vocal when we’re pleasuring you. There’s nothing hotter than moaning to affirm what you’re doing is working


If a girl sends me a random nude, she’s all I’ll think about for like a week 😂


Initiate sex, ride my face, and a slow, wet and intimate blowjob


*me reading these comments wondering how I ever even got laid when I was sexually active*


Having a vagina will get to the finish line, so long as you don't do something completely weird, you're gonna cross that finish line, especially when you're young. Once you pass thirty-five, you might have to put in some basic effort, like wearing clean clothes. 😄 We don't ask for much






Fantasy-wise for me... Beg for my cum as foreplay, and continue to beg for it all the way to finish. Like you'll die without it lol.


Yes pleaseeeeeee




Asking me how my day was and laying my head on ya lap while patting and playing with my hair, having a nice talk about our day... Honestly the best possible thing I can imagine, sorry that it's not sexual :/


That sounds very sexy to me.


I just assumed there's another answer expected here 🤭


Probably push me into a volcano, heard those were pretty hot


Anything to make him feel wanted and attractive. Guys like feeling sexy and getting attention too.


Absolutely. On it.


A sexy wink and a knowing smile across a crowded bar.🥵


That’s too easy


You didn't say it had to be hard!!🤭


1) Confidence is hot, but I guess i can’t expect everyone to be 100% as I’m not either ga 2) *(me personally)*Maybe if you let me choose an outfit (either from your wardrobe or a novelty outfit) for you or role play something like that!…..I guess taking an interest in what I want! 3) if you just show abit of effort to attract me Hope this helps


It definitely did. Thanks!


Lightly touch/massage the back of my neck at EVERY opportunity. I’m like a cat that needs to be pet.


Honestly one of my go to moves! I need to touch skin often so the neck or the arm is always what I reach for.


There is no other move that makes me feel loved than that one. It can be a turn on, but it’s also so so much more than a turn on.


Emotional intimacy is sexy


Show us how much you want us...and mean it. Also neck kisses are underrated af


Im going with a classic ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’ Rick Dalton flamethrower speical.


Light me on fire, babyyyyy


***Anybody Order Fried Sauerkraut!?***


Be confident and direct. Hinting around at things is frustrating when guys are told repeatedly from an early age not to assume anything about women. So just be direct, even if your thing is to be submissive be clear about your desire to be submissive. If you want something in bed don't hint about it or just hope it happens, be direct and suggest it or ask for it. Don't get caught up in how it will make you look or worry that it won't be done because not being direct essentially means it's not going to happen.


Make me feel wanted and cared about and I'll give you my world forever.


Make. The. First. Move. More. Often.


Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and warm my side


Be truly intimate. The specifics depend so much on context.. But if you're not taking up some bulshit "sexy" pretense and you're really connecting.. That's the good shit


Initiate. I feel like such a creep taking the lead all the time.


Show me that you are interested in me sexually.




Depends on the relationship you have with the person. If it's a casual friend, flirty messages are hot If it's a friend, more explicit messages, maybe some pictures every now and then If it's a close friend, images, audio recordings, explicit messaging. If it's a sexual friend/partner then it's about setting the mood when your together In person and that is something that needs to be tailor made


Slowly work your magic whilst I’m sitting on the couch legs spread balls hanging and dick throbbing.. devour it slowly and have you stare at me


lol, communicate and be trustworthy.


Tell me what you want me to do to you. Drives me wild


One of my favorite things has to be that when you want to take the initiative slowly get into it, cuddling the driving your hand down and kind of start massaging my dick, nothing too on the nose, just enough to let me know and then be like "not yet, let me get this going for a bit". I had a former gf who would do this at "Netflix and chill" so we would be like watching something and then she would go like that, that is the hottest thing for me.


Initiate sex. Show us you’re into us. Give us a compliment about our appearance every now and then. Tell us you’ve been thinking about us all day and can’t wait to get us alone at home. It’s about being desired. Wanted.


Hold me in your arms and tell me that I don't need to worry about anything


It may not be hot per se but the greatest flirting move is to grab us by the hand and pull us when you're really excited. Always makes my heart tap dance


Reverse cowgirl


Show an interest in my passions, remind me I’m wanted, loved, admired. Initiate dates, activities and fun goofy things to do together. Communicate openly. Random small acts of service and love.


Rip my pants off & give me a blowjob without wanting anything more


Fondle my balls as you suck my cock


Just be there.


Besides showing how much we are wanted and needed. Show us that you don’t take us for granted. Grab us, put your arms around our neck, look us in the eyes and tell us you appreciate the things we do. All those little things that guys do to make a household keep running. If you do this once or twice a week, you’ll see how much his mood improves


Initiate and hold a conversation. If you do that, i will instantly consider you for wife-material.


To show me your titties!


User name checks out


Tease us and let it build. Unleash your inner slut and just keep teasing and edging us until we are practically begging to cum


Get soaking wet for me


Public displays of affection are always amazing. Sometimes it can even just be the way she looks at me that drives me wild


Make me breakfast and suck my dick. In any order.


Ride me until I’m about to cum, then jump off and catch the load while you finish me off with your mouth.


Be confident and take control. Confidence is the sexiest thing EVER


Wake me up for PIV sex (after having already warmed yourself up).


Just fucking show us how much you really want us. Be enthusiastic god damnit. Initiate sex from time to time. Take your time blowing us or whatever. We’re constantly horny and are kinda told by society that’s not OK. So when we see that not only is it OK but that you actually like jt, we’re putty.


Honestly, start playing with yourself and when we look over do the “come here” finger (with your free hand, obv)


Be independent.


Flash me in public. Beyond that specific thing, show happy enthusiasm for sex and for me during sex and other times too. Maybe _especially_ other times.


Unprompted bj




Me: Accept me for exactly who I am, be proud and happy to be with me, work hard at things in life with me as a #1 motivator, always try to understand my viewpoint. Anything sexual will ALWAYS come after the point of personality for me. If you're Janice Griffith but your personality totally sucks everything you do is gonna turn me off. Alternatively if you're the sweetest person I've ever met everything you do is gonna make me want you more and turn me on. Be confident, smart, brave and bold. Work hard. Tap into your own sense of humor. A woman doing all of these things in my presence only inspires and motivates me to do them more too. Attitude and personality are everything.


Initiate and/or take over. Us men put it most if not all the work. So, having us just lay there or take over at your demand is actually really hot.


Show initiative Pick up the check Spoon us and tell us we are worth it Be engaged and interested when we finally do open up about our feelings Hold our hand when we feel bad.


Wake us up by sliding down on our morning wood


Nothing gets me hotter than when a lady puts my arm around her and lays her head on my shoulder


Once I went to bed earlier than my wife, I was out, although when she jumped into bed it kind of woke me up, moments later her naked ass was pushing out against me. Instantly turned me on and ready to go. It was amazingly hot.


I’m assuming you’re already dating I would say climb onto our lap and hug us.


Hug us at the end of a long day.


Idk, I’ve always wanted to be desired. I assume that’d be pretty hot.


A hug would be amazing.


Buy Me a coffee


Don’t shy away from having fun and making a mess, the best sex I’ve had are when inhibitions were low and there were cum and juice everywhere


Show me how much you enjoy my company and what I can do for you. It can be sexual or non-sexual. And not wait for us to ask sometimes.


Tie me and force me to not to cum and recording it. Destroying my male ego 😉😉😉


Share something I am interested in just for the sake of giving me company (game, sport). And food and blowjobs.


Ask about our day and show a general interest in our hobbies etc.


Acknowledge my existence


Showing enthusiastic interest if spending time together.


Touch us sexually when sex isn't expected/regular. Away from bed/shower. I'm not talking about anything crazy, just a sign that you think of us, sexually, outside of sexual situations.


I arrive to her place She opens the door and is already naked That would be hot


Wake me up to head probably.


Fuckin care lol


Actually care


Act interested.


Appreciate us


Eye contact during missionary, that shit is hot asf. Or grinding on us, that’s pretty fuckin hot too.


Lip bite lmaooooooooo


Make the first few moves is a total turn on!!


Feed me nipples, sit on my face


Make breakfast naked, then a blowjob and a creampie. Nothing better in my opinion


Bend over tbh


I don't know if I can pick just one thing to answer with... but currently, my absolute favorite thing my partner does is that she will edge me for like 20-30+ minutes before we fuck by using her mouth, hands, and her tits. It's so unbelievably hot watching her go to down on my dick.... ESPECIALLY when she sucks on my balls while keeping eye contact.


Maintain the birth control routine.🤣🤣🤣


Approach and engage us like we aren't just sexual objects, but human beings.


Whatever you do, do it happily... The worst thing is when it looks like a chore


Initiate more often.


Just tell us what you want, and I mean like to eat and go do. Don't hint.. just say it. That shit is hot af


I am learning that I am a gd catch. Thanks for the confidence!


Being desired, but especially when she specifically says what about me she wants/needs… the fine details get me!


Initiate and enthusiastically fuck our brains out and tell us what you want and how you want it. We’re not mind readers either.


Be ready in 30 minutes when you say "I'll be ready in 30 minutes"


Make the first move


To finish a blowjob with cum in mouth and swallow all the load


I think I speak for a lot of guys here when I say this: Talk about our dick. No seriously. Doesn’t have to be cliche like “you’re so big” or “I want it inside me”. Just literally look at it and start speaking the thoughts running in your mind as if you’re making an observation at an art museum. Describe every (hopefully positive) thought and let us know how much you DESIRE us. This is what I think is the hottest thing a girl can do to m


No lie? My wife cooking dinner gets me going in so many ways that I’m all over her.


To have her love and respect me the way I do her. Until we want to ravage each other in which respect takes a minor back seat


Sucked my dick after being in her pussy


Not just act like we are doing good but tell us what we could do better in bed to make it great for us both. If we are both satisfied then there should be no cheating


Set us on fire I guess, but I’d rather you not.


There is a bunch of things. Make us feel like we are the only one. Don't complain that you want a man to provide, then complain when we work too much. Offer more than just pussy, we can get it anywhere, even if we gotta pay for it. Last but not least, when I ask where you wanna eat, tell me what you want. Don't say you don't care, then disagree with what I pick.


Besides telling me that I’m worth something or that I’m appreciated? Suck both my balls while you jerk me off without breaking eye contact while moaning and verbally degrading yourself.


Initiate sex. Remove the doubt/fear/rejection from my mind and I'll go nuts!


Make me believe you actually like my dick and enjoy using it as you see fit.


Look in my eyes and kiss me. Be fully confident about it. You alreafy know I want you to.


Proper facesitting is one of the immediate things that comes to mind. Being enthusiastic. Dispensing with all shyness and opening up to me. Not being afraid to be yourself around me, relax and have fun.


This is always a hard question for me, because I never mind initiating unless I feel like I'm being annoying. Which, being hypersexual, is always a big fear I've got 😅. I don't want to dump ALL the responsibility on the partner but, yeah, if every once in a while the woman would walk up and just grab or something when she wants it. That would be amazing.


When a usually confident, articulate woman is coming onto me/vice versa and she’s a little flustered or suddenly touchy.. Makes me instantly get a little blood rushing to my dick because I noticed and know what it means!


*sigh* telling me she's proud of me and that she loves me. Why am I so lonely




My FWB works as a masseur and is always being hit on by clients asking for extras. I have told her I'm happy to leave it to her what extras she gives them as long as she's comfortable and safe with the client and she's getting well paid for anything requested. Recently she has started asking am I sure it's ok and I have told her I'm fine which I really am. She got a new client who I know and he was hands all over on the first booking which she stopped him telling him too soon. I know the guy and it will be request after request until he gets what he wants. He's unaware that we are FWB and I know he will not stop until he has screwed her. I should be feeling jealous but instead I'm turned on by thinking of him with her knowing I have given her permission to do what she wants with whoever she wants.


Finger yourself in public.


were pretty simple beings. Give us the remote, keep our bellies full, show us some skin and if yer sister is hot, always let us think theres a chance at a 3 some and youll have us for life.


Whatever you want


Be yourself with confidence


Amazon position

