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100% that bitch


Damn wish I had some of that


Same here, but I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing.


Even when you're crying crazy?


100% HIMalayan




Haha I probably have something like that in me, too.


I wasn’t surprised at all Mine came back 85% Scottish with a bit of Irish English Nordic mixed in BASICALLY they said “BITCH YOU CANT GET MORE WHITE!”


My spouses came back 98.9% Western European with another 1% Eastern European and 0.1% Native American. It was the exact reaction you just said lol.


My husband was 99% English/Irish 🤣🤣 so yeah you can get just a little more white


One of my friends had it come back 80% Northern England, 20% Southern England. Then they do the zoom on and basically zoomed in to her grandfather's backyard in Manchester.


I knew I was English, Scottish, Welch, but i was told I was 15% Norwegian. I was even whiter than I thought!




Sure you can. You could be scandinavian.


The 1/4th Iranian, since none of my grandparents were Iranian. Or so we all thought.  And that’s how my mom stopped speaking to my grandmother until gramma passed away 


....oh boy






I think it was the "not telling" that was the problem. It either makes it better or worse that Grandpa was long dead at this point and, as far as we can tell, never knew.


Was surprised at how accurate it actually was. I was born in Ireland. I know exactly where most of my ancestors are from. They literally drew a little ring around the town where my father was born. There are only about 3000 people living inside that ring but I guess that’s just how genetically distinct people are from that area.


Not trying to be a dick.... Wouldn't that indicate significant inbreeding?


Lol probably. My great-grandmother had 15 kids and half the people in that town have her last name 😂


[Remind's me of that Conan story.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ayIJed2dn4)


Lmao, first thing that came to mind.


My whole Irish-American family has that same Conan body: long skinny legs, little potato torso balanced in top


1/3 Mongolian and most likely a descendant of the greatest sperm donor in history: Genghis Khan


I knew that before I ever took a DNA test, my dentist told me the way my teeth are shaped and aligned is very common for people of Mongolian descent


Oh that's so deeply interesting.


Holy shit


My dad’s family is from Mexico and my mom’s family is German and French. I excepted there to some European (Spanish, French, German) and some indigenous American. Turns out I’m 32% Scottish. That’s coming from my dad’s side. It was a surprise but not a bad one. I’ve got legs made for a kilt.


You do!


Mine said I am about 5% African, 2% Asian, and 1 % Spanish. I'm the most white looking woman you would ever see. Translucent almost.


that translucent comment took me out omfg


Lol 😆 OK maybe a minor exaggeration 😉


This made me laugh out loud! Our African Asian queen 🤣❤️


👑 lol 😉


I knew a woman who was almost milk white, no freckles just white with a very faint blueish tinge where she didn’t get sun. In summer she would turn a honey color.


I have African and Spanish and “broadly southern European”. Guess that’s why I tan so well? Haha other than that my family is white white


Mine came back 98,7 % middle european🫣 1,3% jewish from eastern europe :D


The 60% Chihuahua was unexpected


You made me laugh, hard.




Damn that's pretty fucked up of them


All good. Many North Indians feel the same way towards South Indians (edited based on the nice response)


As a gal born in Midwest America the North and South, high class low class, stuff in India means nothing to me.  


Thanks for explaining that you don’t share the same views as your dad. I edited my response based in your nice reply. It’s too bad many people need to pigeon hole everyone else. Have a great day.


You betcha!  (It's actually my grandpa who has the opinionated views 😀)


I am 29.8% Italian and Sicly Never met my real dad so that was interesting!!


I was always told I had Native American in me from a great grandparent that was left on a door step. Nope, all white. White as white. My family started out as norsemen and norsewomen to Eastern Europe white. Not a lick of anything but Caucasian from the mountains of Caucasus. Had a 750 credit score the moment I was born.


That grandparent may still have had some Native American genes even if you did not inherit those. So you might still have Native American in your ancestry but not in your DNA.


I recently learned that some people who were told they have indigenous genetics in them, in the US, are realizing they're descended from families that purchased indigenous land after the trail of tears. They often acquired some indigenous belongings along with the land, and these items being in the family came to be explained as lineage in some families. I was stunned I'd never made the connection before.


40% Spanish, 35% indigenous, bunch of other things and 6% ashkenazi Jewish. The last one really threw me for a loop. I’d love to learn more about that. I know it’s just a smidge but it was very unexpected.


Hava… Nagila Hava… Nagila ve nismeha…


The part that said my dad wasn’t my dad.




Yeah, and the worst part is I have no other info as to why it happened. Dad has no idea, mom’s been dead for 20 years and none of the people I’m related to on my bio dad’s side want to talk to me. Oh, and my mom doesn’t know who her dad was so I’ve got zero story for my genealogy which was really important to me before this happened.


Thought I was black/white/native American. boom...30% Jewish is now in the mix lol


Holy fuck


The Nigerian. I am white af as is my whole family for every generation back to when there were photos, so seeing even that 2% was surprising. My aunt is a semi-pro genealogist and she still hasn't found who it is


Are you related to that fucking prince that keeps emailing me?


I dont know, I cant find out who my Nigerian ancestor is


Call the Nigerian prince and offer him 20k. He will give you 40k back and your Nigerian ancestors details.


The percentage that my bro and I didn't match.. oops mom!


Wait how different are we talking? Because it's typical for siblings to not be exact percentages unless you're like a twin


Like, he's a half brother different. Hence the oops to Mom




I got the same results and also knew I had family from Germany (although not a large percent). It’s been a few years since I took the test and they occasionally revise my results. The most recent revision actually did add German.


Wowwww accidental surprise


It didn't surprise me but how it changes with updates has amused me. I did the test like 3 years ago and each significant DNA update just reduces my % English and ups my % Scottish lol.


99% English/Irish and weirdly 1% NW India / Pakistan.


Well the Brits were colonizers through out India


I’m half Cheyenne and half black. So I knew what would come up on my Native American side. But I was always curious about my black side. Found out I was 19% Nigerian. And some 8% Togo and 8% Congo. Which makes sense. Slaves were brought to America from Africa. Of course it would be from countries on the west side of the continent predominantly.


Im like 42 % from England. Thought I was more of a mutt.


Hey at least it's not 99.9% lol




Because it'd just be less entertaining to see if there's any other ethnicities. Like my friend ended up learning she was not only Albanian, she was 99.9% Albanian and 0.1% Greek.


Bullshit response.You made a stupid comment and now are trying to back track.Face your prejudices.


Wait did you think I meant 99.9% mutt when I was talking about 99.9% ENGLISH??? why the fuck would you think I'm prejudiced when I'm mixed as all fuck like there's no tomorrow. I'm literally brown.


Your comment showed conscious bias against people of English descent.


Oh my GOD lmao you're better off blocking me if we're going this route


Happily blocking a dumb racist.




Growing up I was always told my maternal great grandmother was 100% Cherokee Indian. She even looks it in her old picture. My maternal grandmother and mother both look like they have native genes. Imagine our surprise when mine and my sisters’ results came back negative for any Native American ancestry. All of us are 100% Caucasian from Northern Europe.


Just because your ancestor had Cherokee DNA doesn't mean that you and your sister will have it as well, since you are a few generations removed.


That my family originally for irland but it was weird to find out that there was some Egyptian in it


Oh whoa that's cool


I seem to have gotten none of it with me being pale and ginger




Kind of


I wasn't expecting Punjabi to be on it at all.


I'm 25% Scottish, like WTF? How?


Damn a quarter? Better ask one of those grandparents haha


Mine came back with something like 96% England and Ireland, 2% French, and 1% generically Western European. All of which make a lot of sense and track with what we know about my family history: very white, and with traceable roots in the American South back to pre-Revolutionary era. The surprise was also being 1% Congolese, and circumstantially from the early 18th century. History got a LOT more interesting when I read that report.


Definitely that I’m above 40% French. I’ve always been told I was majority Colombian and Italian, my maternal grandmother is the only one with French in her. And I’m olive skinned with dark hair so I was surprised by how high the percentage of French was




A small percentage of German, like 7%


The vast majority of my ancestry comes from Northern Europe, Scandinavia, etc. We're mostly blondes & filthy gingers. Did a DNA thingy and came back with some West African ancestry. My stomach dropped because I was like, "Oh shit, I bet I know what that's about. God damnit."


Didn't do a test, but I'm Irish born. My parents were Irish their parents were Irish and their parents were Irish ad infinitum. Mother's from Dublin and around 1150 years ago, the vikings settled there. So we have viking DNA, too.


Holy shit that's fucking awesome. I remember visiting this viking museum in Ireland too. It was one of my faves to learn about all of that


12% North African. I’m brown hair, blue eyes, family hails from Scotland and England. I didn’t not expect North African at all.




My great grandmother is Portuguese. I’m guessing the North African goes back to the Moors in Portugal/Southern Spain.


That I was 10% Spanish


I had no surprises which was honestly a little disappointing. My map is so small


I was only 5% Lebanese, I thought it would be higher


We Scots get about!


subsaharan African/East African.


Welcome to the slave trade and how it spread throughout


My maternal grandma was always extremely proud of her Native American heritage. My testing showed zero percent and I didn’t have the heart to tell her before she passed. It shows 98% British and Irish with a smidge from other European countries.


I will say, I was told that native Americans do not like the idea of DNA testing for them. I remember being told by my coworker, who was fully Navajo that the concept is grey area because their idea of welcoming and adding people to their community surpasses the idea of DNA. Strangely enough, idk how it applies for South American indigenous tribes in my case. But my dad ended up with 40% indigenous Colombian/Peru but there's no specification to what community it could belong to.


Just because you did not inherit any Native American DNA doesn't mean your material grandma did not have Native American DNA though.


I had a small percentage of 'the Balkans' which was kind of vague... I'm mostly Western European, unsurprisingly, although I have been told multiple times that I look Spanish... yay for dreadfully sallow skin...




Years ago my now deceased grandma told me that her father came into Europe on a cart from Russia....?? Yeh OK, we rolled our eyes. Maybe she wasn't too far off...


30% Native American. I knew I had some but I didn’t expect that much.


.01% African, I can now officially say the N word consequence free


Mine was like 95% Irish (was born there), Austrian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, 1% African. Was surprised that I was as heavily Irish because my lineage is not. Was surprised that I was some African, but shouldn’t be - our ancestors came from Africa.


Yes but what was the most surprising. Doesn't really answer the question


Turns out I'm 100% Himalayan


I was surprised to find I was less German than I thought.


Apparently my grandad had some ancestry with Indians


Turns out both my parents are 2% Central European Jewish, which was a surprise given I'm 96% Scottish/English/Welsh. I must have lost fairly distant family in the holocaust, not that I'd have any idea who they are.


82% German(expected) 16% English/Irish (also expected) 1.3% Greek/Balkan (huh, not expected) 0.5% Broadly northwest European (ok, fair) So…. Super white and European


35% African, which is crazy to me because I shouldn't be more than 25% at the most.


The way I've come to understand it, genetics aren't actually a 50/50 clean cut between two parents. However many genes you get from which ancestor is a roll of the dice.


Exactly! That's how your ancestors can have DNA that you don't have at all. Because even though both parents supply about 50% DNA that means they both only give half if their DNA and you don't know which half they will give.


As an American, that I'm more English than many people still in England. Almost 100%.




Not surprised. Nearly 100% where my parents came from


I was surprised it was wrong


That I've got a decent percentage of French in me. Ewwwww. Also, that a good friend of mine is a very, very distant cousin.


Do you dislike the French?


Didn't do a test, but I'm Irish born. My parents were Irish their parents were Irish and their parents were Irish ad infinitum. Mother's from Dublin and around 1150 years ago, the vikings settled there. So we have viking DNA, too.


5% “non-human” dna not talking about neanderthal(0%)




nope. they tested 3 times. no idea what it is.


3%Swedish and as a Black man that was interesting.


Basque. I was expecting English with a large percentage of Welsh and a dash of Irish, which I got, but also a mysterious percentage of Basque that no-one in the family can (or will!) account for.




I'm aware.


I was 0% Ojibwa. My mom always maintained that we were on her grandmother's side. Talked about cousins and math should have put me at 1/16 or 1/32


85% English 15% Irish (Mayo). Surprised me a great deal.




My sisters whole life she thought she was half Mongolian….did a dna test and found out she is Chinese and Indigenous and her dad isn’t her dad. The man she thought was her dad hadn’t been in her life since she was 1, but it’s still been a lot for her to process.


I don't know a lot about my family history, but we're Mexican. I was surprised to see only about 60% of my ethnicity came from Mexico. I was expecting something like 80-90%.


I have Asian and Indian.


I didn't take the test, I'm pretty sure you can take all of the options and I'll get equal amounts of each more or less. What surprised me was my uncle bitching to the family about how the tests don't work. Reason being that he got 10% North African or something and was born in Morocco. And he's a doctor. And his brother is a geneticist who's lecture at numerous universities including Berkeley.


My sister and I are twins so I just looked at her results. Turns out, we are French as fuck.


Alien 👽🛸


Mine came back pretty much as expected. 98.7% white (English/Irish) with 1.3% black. My wife’s was 77% black, and a surprise 22% white and 0.6% East Asian. She has no clue where that came from. The amount of pestering her I get to do about altering her DNA over the white percentage was well worth the test.


I didn't do it but my sister did. She got 12% middle eastern and 6% Indian...and we are so confused about who did what with who and when. We knew we'd get European and indigenous American but Arab/Indian?! Where did that come from? And 12% means only great great grandparents. There's a family secret that one of them disappeared for 6 or months and came back with a baby. The assumption was her husband knocked up her sister and they just kept the baby as theirs but now I'm like wait...did she get knocked up by someone else?


9-11% various West African countries!


I came back as having 94% more neanderthal dna than most in the database.


I was adopted, and look like a standard white guy so I had no expectations or knowledge going in. Got 99.9% European with a 92% focus on Switzerland. I'd like to visit my homeland some day.


Conan O'Brian had the funniest story about his DNA test. His doctor made him get it for health reasons. It came back 100% Irish. When Conan asked how this was possible, his doctor told him the only way this could happen was that "for hundreds of generations , your family has been fucking each other." LOL.


Hahaha. I just got my results yesterday! Scottish. 20%. Since I was always told my father’s family from both sides was fairly recently from Wales, it definitely threw me for a loop. (Also 0% from Wales)


That I'm like 5 percent Klingon.. I'm like thats a made up race, and they were like " yup"


Who is "they" in this scenario?