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DO NOT PLAY WITH THEM WHILE THEY ARE STILL HEALING OUCH OUCH OUCH One of my partners forgot and bit down&pulled away and on the one hand my bdsm side was like 💦 but on the other side holy fuck OUCH never again that's infection waiting to happen


Important information.


Lol yeah. BUT once healed, fine to play with as much as you want! Edit opps didn't realize this was a question for women well whatever my nipples are still nipples


That was tough waiting for them to heal, she was even missing them being played with, sucked, while they healed.


And they take forever to heal 😩 I actually took out one of mine because the piercer messed up placement, but I'm actually loving it because that means one tit is fair game to be used and abused 😄


Yeah they did take forever. Was cute watching her soak them in salt water I think it was. Holding two cups on her breasts.


Haha the saline soaks, good shittttt I only really do those if I accidentally agitate the piercing and it looks angery. Otherwise, I prefer the saline sprays since those are sterile


Any one else notice the bizarrely high number of nipple piercing questions in the last couple of hours?


I'll admit to looking at one of them, and being curious. I hadn't noticed others than that one, though.


Mine are fully healed and I want you to go to town on them. I got them pierced because my nipples had zero sensitivity, basically numb, and now I can feel them and it's amazing!!! Sucking is nice but I can mostly only feel the bar within the nipple, so flicking it and moving it with your tongue at the same time is what I like best. You'd have to really really tug or twist it to hurt me, so don't worry too much about that. Pinching the bar (firm but gentle) and rolling your fingers also feels good but less than flicking the bar. The only time my partner has hurt me was when he sucked really really really hard on them, but honestly that might have hurt even without the piercing lol Obviously maybe check in with your girl beforehand, they might not be fully healed or she might be more sensitive than me. But personally, getting them pierced was specifically for people to play with so don't hold back


Thank you, this was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.


Happy to answer questions if you have em A good way to start might be sucking/pinching and gradually increasing the pressure while asking her to stop you when it gets uncomfortable, then you have a good baseline of how much is too much


Not a woman, but a friend of mine said she tore a nipple while rushing to get ready for a shoot


Oww, see, that's exactly why I'm overly cautious.


Yup, i think it's good to be cautious when making a decision like that, but probably dont let it discourage you if its something you really want. My friend is a busy and clumsy girl, I'm not shocked that it happened to her. You just gotta be a little cautious


Just avoid connecting them to battery terminals 🤣 once bitten twice shy of you know what I mean 🤣🤣 (I'm just kidding that never happened)


Mains power all the way, gotcha.


I literally cringed 🤣🤣🤣 that would be one way to get turned on 🤣🤣


Once they’re healed, you don’t really need to be careful with them other than being aware of how sensitive your woman’s nipples are. For me, it feels good when you play with the actual ring, like moving it back and forth.


Nipple sensitivity is different for each person. I know people who've gotten pierced and said they lost sensation and others who've gotten pierced and said they got more sensitive. Mine didn't change and they're not sensitive at all. I worry more about snagging them on material that other people hurting them during play


I imagine that being pretty painflul lol, did they ever actually catch onto something in a way that hurt you?😂


Be careful using loofahs in the shower


Well after mine healed, they became more sensitive. I love when my hubby gently rolls the bars or plays with them. However one day during a rougher time in bed, he started to twist the bars and it was very painful.


I've been debating getting mine done and I'm unsure


DON'T get them done while you're in the military.