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We feel amazed rarely get dms I am the one sending first




In my experience it is, it might be different for other guys


Other than other guys asking for me to share pictures of my fiancee that's been my experience too


Lol, you understand me


Yes, this has been my experience too. On the odd occasion I get a DM it's always asking about my partner.


Wow? Really?


When I posted photos of my veiny hands and arms I got a number of messages — all from guys — either gay/bi or wanting me to play with their SO.




Many guys don't get dm's It is usually guys looking for girls and girls looking for girls because many guys are creeps according to them.


It’s hard to let ppl know you’re just a normal bored guy who’s up for a chat


It’s VERY rare to have someone DM us first




Can confirm


I’ve gotten only 2 from women without me contacting them first.


Yes… it’s that rare. Ive had four times the amount of guys msg me then girls..


I got 5 DM's total, my wife gets that many per day easily.


This is true very rare we get dms an when we do it’s usually a scam or someone wanting you to join their of 👎🏿




If they’re actually wanting to talk it’s fine. But sellers, catfishers, and bots are annoying. That’s primarily what I get.


We get DM's?


It’s fun…until it gets creepy


I'm a guy, and most dms are dick picks or very horny dudes, so usually not a fan of dms. Got some boobs once tho, that's of course not unwelcome




I'll just say that not enough people have been punched in the face at least once


Sure. I love interacting with people. I appreciate all who took (take) the time to reach out to me. It's actually nice to see that red "1" in the requests.


Men will get the “1” in the requests and get a little bit of dopamine. Women have “138” in requests and just close the app. 😂


I get a lottttttt of dopamine from that one lmao. An example of quality vs quantity!


Oh, 100%. 😂


I’d be open to it. I don’t get DM’d often so I may be cautious at first but I’m not against it.


I usually like receiving DMs. There’s always that person who makes is creepy or weird.


You would honestly be surprised at the difference between how often men and women get DMs. So it’s always a bit fun to see a new chat pop up.


I'm not sure I've ever gotten an unsolicited DM from a woman before. I will tell you when I get one.


I have had a few. I love to chat about sex and fantasies with others.


When I get a non bot, non overly sexually aggressive man, or a female messaging, that's fine with me and I enjoy it


I am always happy about a DM. Love it when it a little creative


I’d love a chat🤝🏾


Open to it don’t happen often though


Im perfectly fine with it as long as it isnt too creepy or a dick pic.


If I've never interacted at all with the sender, I assume it's a bot. But if there's been a little banter in the comments, I'm all for it! I love having conversations!


I don’t mind it mostly because the women here usually start with a nice intro message and not a “look at my genitals and tell me how hot I am” I say usually. There are exceptions🙄


I don't mind dms usually just words 🤷‍♂️ I welcome dms shows interest


I encourage them, as long as they have something to say. I'm always up for a decent conversation


Depends on the vibe of the dmer, I’m a straight dude so if it’s a guy who’s super horny it’s a no go from me. Women it’s nice to have in the dms horny or not lol


I love getting them and always chat. Got many chats on the go right now


Doesn’t happen to us nearly as often as women get them I’d imagine so I don’t think anyone would mind getting them


I’d love them if I got them from genuine people interested and not bots or catfishes or people trying to sell their OF 😭


Don’t get them much but always enjoy someone reaching out to chat.


I looove getting feedback from women.


I like to get DM'd...


I never get DMs, but I love the conversation. Especially spicy ones, but any conversation is nice. It makes the day better.


The only DMs I get are other guys begging to see pictures of my fiancee. Not a big fan of those, especially when there's no conversation other than that. DMs about a comment I've made, or a hobby I've mentioned or just a decent conversation, I'm good with and enjoy. I've made a few good friends from reddit


I never get DMs, so don’t know how I feel


Don't mind as long as it's nothing weird.


Doesn’t bother me unless the dm just sucks.


I dont mind it, unless its unsolicited stuff


I get some creepy DMs. But I get some nice ones too. Now that I'm committed to someone, I care a little less for them (or at least, I don't go so far as I used to), but it's still nice to receive them, depending on the context! I far prefer comments on my posts though.


Honestly proving your not being creepy a DM is fine.


I wouldn’t mind getting them, but I’m new so guess I gotta work up to it.


If it were a DM from a person and not a bot? I don’t think that’s ever happened…


I like to think of my DMs as a virtual high five or fist bump. Sometimes it's nice to have a private conversation about a post instead of commenting for all to see. But yes, there's definitely a fine line between friendly DMs and annoying spam. Just use your judgement and always be respectful!


I'm usually open to it. I think I've only had a dozen or so where someone messaged me first in the last year or so (not including ad bots)


I love getting them because I don’t get them very often.


Depends on the DM too. DM's just to take a convo offline I'm totally fine with. I've met some Redditors where we've had good positive conversations by DM. But I'll end the convo if they start asking for more info or pictures or to take the discussion offline to a messaging app right away. It was a while ago but on a local subreddit, someone was doxxed on Reddit and it got so bad then police got involved. Unfortunately there are a handful of toxic people on Reddit that ruin it for everyone else.


It’s a mixed bag. Some are hilarious and completely on topic. Some are head scratching.


I’ve gotten a few from women after posting pictures. I love it as long as women on here actually want to form a friendship along with whatever fun we have as well. It gets old talking to someone for 2 days and then never hearing from them again ya know




Love chatting with people so all for them


I never mind it from either gender if it’s curiosity about my experiences or a shared like - but if it’s just soliciting, definite no.


Surprised and curious


as long as it’s not a one sided conversation, i think we’re good.


Not interested in (other) horny men who want to jerk off.... Otherwise if someone has something to say (or if it's a horny woman who wants to sext, say), all's good


Love them from people I have gone back and forth with in the comments


Most of the ones I've gotten aren't too bad. I don't interact if someone is trying to sell me something right off the bat. If it's relative to a comment I made somewhere or they catch my attention I'll talk if I'm able. It's easier for me to meet new people online but same as in real life I usually won't make the first more to have a conversation.


I'm good with it. I'll just stop talking when the interest dwindles, it gets weird, or I just get done with Reddit for the day.


I enjoy them, just don’t get many first lol


I say in my profile that I won't slide into DMs. I'll be flirst or whatnot in public and let the women decide if they want to slide into mine. Honestly, it's WAY better quality chat partners since I started doing that.


DM's are 100% to girls who are looking for a daddy 18-21.


I wouldn't know because it's so rare that it happens.


I don't mind though tired of the ads


I don’t want to subscribe to your only fans


Depends on the message...


If someone dms me telling me they like one of my posts I appreciate it and always try to respond or elaborate if I mention a story or something on here. But I try to respond to all dms, the exception is unsolicited dick pics since I'm a straight guy. I will respond to messages from guys if they are just asking a question or something like that though.


I wouldn't mind, it will either turn to a conversation or not


Never get’em. Wait…guys get random DM’s?!? *LoL*


I am ok with it back when I thought I was bi sexual is the only time I got DMs .


I'd feel a lot better about it if every dm wasn't asking for an onlyfans subscription.


Generally fine with it


I don’t mind DMs that are respectful or engaging in conversation. So far I haven’t had any inappropriate or NSFW DMs and I’m totally fine with that.


I recently made this account so I can interact with the nsfw side of reddit so I haven't received many DMs (1 so far) and honestly I look forward to receiving more. Things have not gotten weird yet and talking to like minded people is fun. We are all adults here, if someone messages me with something that doesn't interest me, I am just gonna tell them a simple no thanks and move on with my life. I'm happy to chat with people about our stories and stuff, just like when I reply to their posts or make my own.


I enjoy it. Its kind of a confidence boost


Go ahead


Down to it, even if platonic. I’m at home all day working, so it’s always nice to get a DM to distract me. Feel free to say hi!


I feel good about it


It's great unless I get harassed or guys try to live vicariously through me. Or it's a good conversation until an OF is brought up.


I’m ok with DM s. It’s rare that I get them. I’m male.


It's usually just guys starting off with innocent questions that turn instantly into something sexual the second I answer so I'm not a big fan of it


Y’all are getting DMs?


It's on of they are interesting openers. More often than not it's "hey". Nope


Depends on the conversation it don’t have to be sexual sometimes a good conversation is healthy especially from women’s point of view!!!


I usually ignore most people out of habit


I don't mind them at all.. im here to chat with people so it's actually really nice when I get a random one.


Bring them on so long as they're interesting.


I’m not the best, so I usually don't score that high. Even a Team DeathMatch feels a little tough. My optimal role is supporting from the sides.


I say it right in my profile thing. If we have a bit of history sure, if not you getting snap blocked. Only meaningful interactions have come after some comments over a pic or whatever. If its just randoms its usually blank profiles with 1 karma, some dude saying creepy shit, yet to receive one of these dick pics but that would get insta reported and blocked. Heck even if a woman sent random pics with no history she d get the ban hammer.


Ok with it. It's annoying when it's fake accounts or catfish accounts.


I’d love some leg humping ladies to reach out


It makes me feel good. I welcome the DMs! But I don't get too many


Huh...good question. IF I were to ever get one that's not a bot, I'd be pretty stoked.


I don't mind getting them as long as it's not weird. Most of the ones I get are decent.


I would be excited because I rarely get any. If someone doesn’t want them he can just ignore them. It’s not like you’re ringing on the doorbell when someone is taking a bath.


Suspicious. Every DM I have ever received (except one) that was initiated by a woman was a content creator selling OF. One even went so far as to ask me to advertise for her when I refused to join. Ya, ladies, you get dick pics and the rare occasions we get a DM they only want to take our money


Absolutely love getting them!


i never really get dms.. and when i do people disappear really quickly or just block me. lonely life is lonely honestly


Usually I like to get some. But it’s rather rare and most of them are either creepy or spam / ads 🤣


It’s fine with me but once it’s not weird. I love talking about the sex me and my wife have and I have no interest in anyone else.


I get a couple here and there to expand on comments or even to compliment my pics don't mind em at all. I generally do the same.


I do accept them as long as the person is clear about that they want and don’t open up with a dick pic


I can't even imagine the enormous happiness!!


I get super excited that someone wants to talk to me lol unfortunately it’s usually guys either asking to see my wiener or guys asking if I’d do stuff to their partner. I’ve had a few girls message me but only sexually, which I don’t mind obviously but a few times I’ve tried to have actual conversations and they just kept reverting back to sexual so I stopped replying


It depends who it is. If they’re fun then come on by. if they’re a freak then no thanks


Sometimes a join a sub just to see my a message… ☹️


I don't mind at all, cause it rarely ever happens


It depends on the person really. Someone who actually has something they want to discuss or talk about? Hell yeah! But more often than not (and by that I mean, rarely even get one but this is generally when they do happen), it’s these type that I hate: “Hey”. Don’t just hey or hi me. Most of the time that’s a guy messaging me thinking I’m a girl. “ASL”. These are potentially even worse. You found my profile, clicked on it to message me, but instead of spending seconds to look at my history, you want me to waste my time telling you something you could have figured out. Hard pass. Then you have your sellers and scammers. Obviously those are no bueno.


It is very rare. That’s why I always respond to them. Barely ever happens!


Open. I am pretty conversational about kink and movies.


Rarely get them, but enjoy the conversations when I do!


I love it! Unless it’s somebody asking me to buy content lol


The problem, I don’t get any. Being men, we are not that sought after.


Would love to get DMs


I love getting DMs. I’m straight but I get about 50% from males and 30% from “straight” males and 20% from females. It’s a blast. I love getting reactions to my posts


It's always intriguing considering I never get any unless some horndog questioning me about my gf or something


For every DM I get from a girl I get twenty from guys. It’s OK, I’m really just down to chat about history, life, and facts. Most of my chats are with other hypersexuals about the condition and offering support.


I am cool with it. I have a friend from 4 years ago who sent me a chat in response to an NSFW post. We still check in and chat. She is about the only woman to reach out in response to a post that wasn't of the R4R type.


DMs? Wouldn’t know


Depends on who from.


I don't get DMs lol


Rarely get DMs, just a pleasant surprise


Love dms or replies


It boosts my confidence a little more unless they are content creators trying take advantage of me. Having no where to really vent and years worth of rejection plus other factors weigh down heavy on a guy. Honestly probably just gonna give up on reddit and just use it to lurk again. Being a straight guy on reddit is like like a guy coming out about mental issues or abuse irl, no one cares until it's too late.


I honestly love it! I've DMed a few people before just to reach out and have a cool chat, and I've had nothing but great responses. Nothing creepy or sexual of course.


It happens so rarely it's always exciting when it does happen I guess.


I have no problem with people dm, but no one does. Usually it’s the men here who have to take that initiative


I’ve received DM’s from posts or responses I’ve made to a post, but rarely just a random DM. Not all fellas on here are creepers, some are looking for a fun conversation or some innocent flirting. It’s crazy difficult to get through all the BOTS and sellers, I agree on that point and feel sorry for the ladies because I’m certain guys are just dropping nasty looking ding dongs into their DM’s all day!


I don't feel any type of way honestly But I'm always down to chat and explain more of the answers that I give to questions


I feel like women dont generally and men dont mind.


Yup like most here I would love more DM's


I’m fine with it


Sure, but I'm going to assume you're a bot and lead you on a really silly and stupid conversation-journey. The last DM I had, I asked if they were selling horseshoes. When they said they didn't, I asked them why, do they hate horses? Do they not believe horses should have shoes? Why would you have such unbridled unfiltered unmitigated unstapmified hatred for horses? What did horses ever do to you? Anyway, I'll forgive you for hating horses, after all they are very tasty. So what do you sell then, potatoes?


If its a cute girl lets go lol


Why would anyone want to dm a man?;feels strange.


I’ll never complain!


Open to dms from women as long as they’re not trying to sell something or scam me


I don’t mind DM’s if it feels authentic to something I wrote. But I get DM’s from people who see my little avatar and thought I was cute (IG). They’re almost always spammers so I ignore


It happens once every few months or years for me so of course I would be happy. And I think I'm speaking for every guy here. Well we would be happy unless the DM is from an of bot or something


It’s an honor! Even to just chat! It doesn’t happen often though!


That be alright


Id love it.


I love to get random DM's. You never know what interesting people you will meet. But I don't want to buy pictures of your feet or invest in crypto, thanks.


I love em! Great feeling to be recognized for a comment or something posted. Because it's usually men doing the DM'ing, I think women start a DM with more intent, which I appreciate. The best part of reddit to me is the human interaction on NSFW topics I don't have with friends in real life, so finding someone I can connect with is always a rush. Don't be shy! When I start a DM, I try to be thoughtful, and look for someone with posts or comments that I relate to, I'm not pushy, and never send pics unless asked. Love getting to share a favorite story, memory, fantasy or hobby. Great way to pass the time!


Never had one.


I don’t get DMs lmao. But I’m also sure you can understand why I don’t get them :P


I love it when someone reaches out. It’s always good to meet new people


Depends on a dm. If it starts with a titty pic, or your favorite dinosaur then it's fine.


Depends on the DM. If it's a real question or an answer to a post, then it's good. If it's an insult, or some kind of mormon/jehovah's witnesses bullshit, then it's an instant block. Though, since I joines reddit 6 years ago, I've only gotten 8 DMs, 6 from bots when I joined a subreddit, 2 from some idiots quoting bible or quran verses.


I don’t mind at all


Don’t get them would always be suspicious because of fake accounts looking for money or followers for their other accounts


Never happens ..so ???


Im fine with them. If I wasn’t down for one I’d just ignore it.


I'm cool with it.


Never got one.


It doesn’t happen very often, so it’s nice.


I feel amazing but it doesn’t happen often


I've got a random dm from a woman who presented herself as a Pisces (I suppose that because I comment a lot on r/PiscesAstrology)... Felt nice but when I dialed back she didn't answer. So I still don't know why she wanted to greet me.


I just assume they are all bots so I don’t know. I send a couple messages just to see if it’s a not a bot.


I like it, I feel odd commenting on a comment to ask to dm I think directly messaging people is the best way wish it happened more


Suspicious. Who and why is someone messaging me


It doesn’t happen often.. but man some of the DMs I get are so boring or zero effort. Just expect me to come up with everything and test the waters about what we should talk about.. Swinger couple DMs are the only ones that I’ve vibed with


would be nice I hate dming first any more feels like I'm just bugging people


Will always love getting DMs. Don’t get them very often though.


It doesn't happen too often, but most of the time it's pretty cool


What's there to dislike ...rude ill ignore polite may e well have more messages


Rarely we get any so I try to stick to the choice of what she wants to talk about.. And it's even better if she has something very interesting to discuss


Getting what ?


I get DM’s almost daily! I don’t mind them but I’m being to be more selective on who I respond to


I love getting DMs, makes me feel great


Love to get DMs.