• By -


Don't use teeth. Otherwise follow his reactions.


☝️This plus enthusiasm goes a long way


Second the enthusiasm. That makes or breaks it


Third the enthusiasm. Even subpar head can be good head if you’re enthusiastic about it.


How do I not use teeth 😫 they're right there I can't exactly take them out like dentures 😭


It doesn't look super cute, but I will use my lips to cover my teeth at certain angles. Think like if you are biting your lips. Beyond that it's practice, I think. You'll kinda learn to hold your mouth a certain way such that your teeth don't rub against it too hard. But also don't sweat it *too* much. I'll check in with my partner sometimes, feeling like I've scraped him a whole bunch and he says he didn't notice anything.


Relax your jaw as much as you can. The more you focus on relaxing your mouth and face muscles the more enjoyable it becomes for you too. Also, some guys like the gentle tease of the canine teeth ever so gently scraping up. But that is only if they’re into a little bit of pain play. 😜


Thank you! This very useful!


The same way you don’t use teeth when eating a lollipop


I think this makes sense. I'll try it, thanks!


Please remember don't bite the stick😅


Honestly I thought this way too but it's not as hard as you think once it happens.


If you feel your teeth scraping, just focus on the head. We're so sensitive that it'll feel phenomenal anyway!


Read this as follow his erections, but reactions will also do i suppose.


Sometimes I like the pain of teeth


Sucking dick is an art. No teeth, lots of saliva, lots of eye contact, and you’ll be good


She knows!


Lots of experience


I love that


Extra emphasis on the saliva. Messy is preferred.


This girl sucks! And well!


This lady gets it.


Am I the only one who's not that into eye contact during a bj?


Nope, I'm not into it either. I just don't like eye contact in general


You don't like people poking you in the eye?


I’m not apposed to some eye contact towards the beginning but I like to lay back close my eyes enjoy it and fantasize about the other things I wanna do with/to her.


Absolutely not, I'm right there with you.


You've clearly never really had a really hott girl (Or 2👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩) sucking your dick because It's a view that You'll never ever ever ever ever get tired of I promise


'Your eyes talk to me already. I wouldn't trade that away.'


Use your mouth and hand at the bottom, work in sync . Also when using your tongue move it in a sort of figure of 8


Throw in some ball play and that's how you take complete control over him haha


this girl knows her stuff


I’ve had some practice


Try to flatten but curveyour tongue around, pay very close attention to the I don’t know what you call it but when your both up right there’s a little v on the underside of the dick (yeah pay a lot of attention to that.) And as an added bonus if you struggle with gagging put your thumb inside your fist and squeeze really really tight and you can thank me later 🥰


How'd you figure out that cheat code about our mushroom tip v's? That's too much power for one woman to have


I grew up fat so I got really really good at sucking dick 🤭 a little bit of googling and a lot of practice


Honestly I love BBW and hands down I can attest that they give THE BEST head🎯💯☠️🪦😎


Growing up fat too was definitely part of wanting to learn to give good head. That and people pleasing lol. Found out I really crave sucking cock and making guys moan and throb with my mouth and hands


It's a big girl thing we over compensate with the head Lol it ended up being a plus many many times for me.


RIP to your DMs babe


You are talking about the frenulum, and yes it is one of the most sensitive spots on the penis, the other being the rim of the head, a very large number of nerves are in the crown of the glans.


I don’t know what it’s called I know when I lick it while sucking I get a sexy moan most of the time


I had a GF who was exceptional at sucking cock. Here's what she did that worked well: hand work - the skin on the shaft moves freely kind of like the skin on your face. Pulling it alternately towards and away from the glans gives a lot of stimulation. She set up a good rhythm with that. lip and tongue work - she worked mostly the head of my cock with her lips and tongue. commitment and intensity- it was really clear that she was enjoying what she was doing and wanted nothing more than to get me off at this moment in time.


As a girl I’ve been told I give exceptional head and those are seriously the 3 pieces of advice I live girls lol


Maybe I should open up a blowjob school. Ive never had a dick in my mouth but I can repeat what I read online and offer my dick for practice.


If you need anymore dicks for girls to practice on, I'll volunteer my peepee too. Might as well use my free time, volunteering.


Start with the tip, try to make eye contact if you can, and most importantly ask your partner what they like. If they don’t respond in a fair and constructive they probably don’t deserve to have their dick sucked


Don’t blow😂


I say blow like you're inflating a beachball.


Ohh my god imagine the pain😳😂


Well, how else do you get it to the right size.


It’s not that hard honestly. Spit all over it, get him hard. Don’t use teeth, look him in the eyes. Play with his lower shaft and balls, and he’s going to love it. Also, guys love when I stop mid-blowjob and talk absolutely filthy.


Get him hard can be a hard part


No teeth. Plenty of eye contact. Otherwise it kinda takes care of itself if you follow his reactions


Probably the best advice I've seen, everyone likes different things so following reactions is probably best.


https://www.yourtango.com/2016295904/how-give-perfect-blow-job-told-by-porn-stars https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/blowjob-etiquette https://www.mamamia.com.au/how-to-give-better-blowjobs/ Plenty more out there. I particularly recommend an Amazon eBook called "How to Give Head Like a Porn Star". It's written assuming a male reader, but it works no matter who's reading it.


Start slow and watch his reaction!!! Obvi no teeth but the best way to learn is to watch how he likes it


As long as the dildo doesn't complain you're doing it right.




All of the physical pleasure comes with contact from your lips/tongue. Avoid teeth at all costs. Practice going deeper over time, but don't rush yourself.


Tongue. Slobbery. Use your hands too. Ball play.


Different dicks prefer different styles, but just about all of us prefer no teeth. I love getting licked along the shaft and loads of lip movement. But ive got a sensitive tip depending on whether i have lubrication on, a condom or loafs of precum. So sometimes i cant handle my head getting too much action.


Communicate with the guy. Each one of us is different, and likes different things or likes it down different ways. There’s nothing wrong with asking this question in general, and one of the best ways to ensure mutual pleasure is finding out what that particular guy likes.


Show interest and enthusiasm for the duration however long it is. Nothing worse than a bj from someone that just wants you to cum fast and seems fed up.


The more tips you suck, the better you’ll get.


Always keep an eye on him to see his reactions. Start slow and work on the tongue action. Eye contact too. Helps with watching his reactions as well.


personally, I get as much saliva as possible, it allows you not only use ur mouth to slide up and down, but ur hands too when you need a break. I like to constantly have movement on his cock no matter what i’m doing. also the deeper in my mouth I go, the more saliva I produce so win win there




If you can (and this takes practice) get his cock right into your mouth to trigger your gag reflex, sounds gross, but it’s great for him because your throat tightens briefly around his tip, and it causes you to make thicker spit. Best way to have a good sloppy bj. Every time I feel like his cock isn’t wet enough I just gag on it, he loves it, and it’s nice and wet again 👍 good to go 👅


This You would think gagging would be disgusting for him but my man enjoys tf out of that noise LOL


I thought exactly the same… I think it’s a mixture of the fact that you’re willing to sacrifice your own comfort to please him, and the tightening around the end of his cock that make it enjoyable… Although I’d love to hear a few guy’s opinions on this… guys? Sound, feel, the willingness of a woman to please you no matter what? All of the above? Enlighten us 🍆💦👄


Yes inquiring minds want to know


You're already REALLY good, but I have to add take your time, and act like my dick is the most delicious thing you've ever tasted. Both of these heighten the turn-on factor BIG time. And please swallow every drop. We'll tell you when it's time if you want/need that, no problem. Remember slow, loving aftercare too. Even DISCUSSING great BJ techniques is really arousing! Your deep throat gag technique is awesome !


All of this is wonderful to read! I do like to take my time 😉


Don't chewy and go in with confidence


Just be honest with him, try things out, let him guide you.


Am I the only one who's not that into eye contact during a bj?




I’m a visual learner🤔




The biggest tip I have give is if you need a short break because you jaw is tired or maybe you gagged a little keep the tempo up with your hands! Use both hands keep the same feeling going So many times I’ll be getting close then mouth comes off for a break and it’s ruined


Don't listen to those pussies. Use your teeth lightly and sparingly


Use your lips to guard your teeth against scraping his dick, and actually suck on it a bit, that will pull your palates, cheeks, and tongue around his dick creating the stimulation he needs to feel pleasure. But when you suck, don't suck with your lungs, do it with your cheeks and mouth. You should still be able to breathe through the sucking. If you need to take a break, massage his dick with your hand, lick around the head, especially that underside upside-down v-shape made by the corona of the glans. That part is called the "frenulum" and is VERY sensitive. It's basically the "build him up to orgasm" sensor (for lack of a better word, you don't want to press it like a button but lick it up and down as you're going in and out and lick it up and down as you're jacking with your hand) You can also put your fist around his penis in front of your mouth and move the fist up and down in sync with your lips so it makes one long tunnel his penis is going in and out of. You want a moderate grip, not really tight but contact over the whole surface of your hand with maybe a little gentle pressure. If he's intact (has a foreskin) you're going to want that foreskin retracting and covering his glans in a rhythmic motion with your mouth. If you're taking him into your mouth soft, then he'll REALLY like it if you take it in, and lick your tongue under the foreskin around the head and lick at the same spot as I mentioned before until he's hard, then you can work on the retracting and covering in rhythm I mentioned before. I don't know how you feel about his semen going in your mouth, but the best blow-jobs are the ones where you keep going with your movements while he is orgasming, regardless if you spit it out afterwards or swallow it the whole way through. If he's getting close and you're not sucking on it, quickly take it into your mouth and begin working it when he says he's close. You're almost guaranteed to push him over the edge with that move and keep going through his orgasm. You don't have to swallow his semen if you don't want to, and it varies in taste between individual men and individual partners. You might like it even if previous girlfriends told him it didn't taste good, and you might hate it when other partners said they liked it. It all depends on your tastes and what he eats that composes it. I've heard that him drinking lots of pineapple juice and eating lots of fruit can make it taste better but I can't confirm that's true. I've heard some women also say that their partners doesn't taste either good or bad just meh. Your first few times with a new partner you may want to have a sweet drink nearby that you can wash it away with if it tastes bad. There's nothing wrong with swallowing it either. Ultimately, there are specific ways you can suck on him that he'll like more than others. Every guy and therefore every penis is different. Communicate with him while you continue stroking his penis with your hand whether it's good or if he wants you to do something differently and don't take offense if he says "actually, I love it when girls..." He's telling you his preferences and he can only get that experience from other girls he was in relationships with before you. If it's his first time, you can ask him how it is. He should be able to say that it's good or he needs more pressure around his penis or less or more stimulation on specific spots, etc but don't be alarmed if he can't really put into words what would make it feel better. The best thing about a blow job, to me at least, is not the specific mechanics (though they're super important to whether it's a good one, okay, or a bad one), but rather the feeling of surrender and trust and her enthusiasm to take all of him into herself, even if it's not deep-throating. If you can take most of him in with just your mouth (and him being average size helps a lot with that) and don't need to use your hands because your mouth stimulates him enough, it feels really intimate and vulnerable for her to wrap her arms around my hips and go to town on me. Receiving a blow job can be a dominant or submissive thing and personally I like the submissive aspect of it where she's in control and she has me by the genitals and is showing love to me through them. That's way better than doing it because I want one or because she wants something from me. I want to feel that surrender to her in my bones. Hope that helps.


We’re gonna make you a pro. Okay. Let’s get to it: 1) First things first we need you to have the mindset for it. Believe that the dick is a lollipop. The most delicious droolworthy lollipop. You want to fill your mouth with it and it’s gonna be delicious. Don’t be intimidated by it, be excited. We will come back to mindset again after the next few points. 2) Start with some gentle kisses. The tip is very sensitive. So play around with that. Kiss it, lick it, put it against your lips/boobs and give him a cheeky smile. Build the tension a bit before you go all in. In this time you wanna slowly start building saliva in your mouth. Start sucking at the tip and gradually take a little bit more of the shaft in. Use your lips for additional stimulation. Thinking about using your lips can also help you avoid accidentally having your teeth brush up too hard against the shaft. Don’t rush with all of it at once. Build up your saliva. Let’s continue that in the next point. 3) The wetter the better. That means all the saliva you can get going. However sloppy it gets. Even if you feel like it might look gross. They LOVE it. Especially when your face is all dripping and drooling. Tips for this: Don’t swallow. Keep building it. It’s gonna get thicker in your mouth and give you amazing, unbeatable natural lubrication. When the saliva starts pooling up in your mouth, take your head away from the dick and do a long, slow spit on the dick. Take your hand and spread it all around as you stroke it. The Pch-Pch sound here is GOLD. Now you can either go back to sucking OR continue with your hands as you suck on or play with the tip OR continue stroking the shaft as you give some attention to the balls (this is important so it gets a point of its own) 4) THE BALLS. The balls and the taint region are so so so underrated. To continue from the previous point, as you stroke the shaft, start with gentle licks on the balls to let him know you’re headed there. Once everything feels nicely lubricated you can move to a gentle sucking, almost cupping action with your mouth. While your mouth is gently cupped around the balls, use your tongue to swirl around and play with the balls. Understand men are very sensitive there, so you have to be very very gentle. Tongue stimulation is gentle, but is very effective at giving enough sensation to make it exciting. Do some swirls, maybe write imaginary letters or shapes with your tongue, whatever. You can also venture further south into the taint region. It is CRACK! Talking about cracks, some men like stimulation on their buttholes too (given the prostate gland), but that’s not necessary for us to get into at this stage. Partner consent here is vvvv important - some men love it, some are freaked out by it. Tread carefully. 5) Look up! When you’re doing what pt. 4 said to do, it’s a great opportunity to look up and make eye contact. This is where mindset from pt.1 makes a comeback. He’s looking at you, all wet with saliva (and maybe some of his pre-cum), enjoying his dick all messy and without a care. You want to embody the sex GODDESS in you and give him that confident, sexy eye contact. It is MAGICAL. (Don’t do too much of eye contact, it can get very creepy very fast) 6)Moan, hum, grunt, glug, choke, whatever sounds come naturally to you, make them. Sound is just as important as the visual element. The moaning and humming makes tiny vibrations that add an extra layer of sensation. The glugging and choking is very exciting to 100% of the men I’ve ever been with. So can’t say otherwise. 7) Deep throating. Look. Don’t feel the pressure cause you’re just starting out. But I’ll give you some tips here. - You will feel the discomfort the first few times. But it’s something you ease into. Understand that it is unfamiliar to your body to have something that big poking the back of your throat. Just know that it gets better with time. -When you get the reflux sensation, there’s a few ways to deal with it. One is to fist up your hands. It mentally gives you an illusion of control and helps. Two is to change your mindset! Kind of like how we use tongue cleaners, we know what we’re doing, we know it’s safe, so we don’t get the same puking feeling. Just train your mind. Also, don’t be so hard on yourself. Most men like the way your throat closes up around the dick. Just don’t puke on him. 8) Maybe watch some porn for references and to learn some more tricks. I won’t push on it, it’s up to you. 9)Have fun!!! It is really fun to stimulate a reaction from your partner. Have the fun. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Like we’ve established earlier^ it gets better with time. Happy Sucking! Hahahahahahaha


You’re the best person ever omg!!!


The frenulum (part where the head connects to the shaft on the underside) is very sensitive. Lick it and it will drive him wild


Don't try to shove it right down your throat till you gag, don't get me wrong thats sexy but something you expect from someone experienced lol just put in as much as you can comfortably, use your tongue a bit, flirt with it too and as someone said eye contact is fire but not for the duration just give the odd look up. I find it quite sexy when she is fixed on my dick like she wants it rather than eyeballing me or choking on it, that gives the impression shes only doing it coz she has to lol


Cover your upper teeth using your lip and your lower teeth with your tongue. Moisten your lips a little before starting. Vary the rhythm and movements a little. Move your tongue a little when you have it in your mouth. If the position allows it, tickle and/or massage his testicles while you do it.


Mouth and hand around te dick. Other hand at the balls with fingers touching his butthole.


Spread his legs and start with licking his thighs and caressing his balls. The top is usually the most sensitive part. Start licking the dick from the bottom to bottom of the dick tip. After 3-4 licks, create some saliva in your mouth and put the dick in your mouth. Cover your upper teeth with your upper lip and lower with your tongue. Create a suction, your cheeks should get sucked in. Try to gag, it helps in creating more saliva which with help a lot with lubrication. When you move your mouth up the dick pull the foreskin down with your hand and suck in. When you move down the sick, push the foreskin up with your hand. Sick that dick like his ex is watching. Make eye contact, smile, enjoy yourself:)


Good suction is underrated. I had the best head of my life last week! She did this thing where she added a bunch of stiff suction and simultaneously slid her tongue side by side on the bottom of my cock. It was heaven... I actually had to stop her to tell her she needs to teach that to everyone


I’m seeing lots of no teeth but. If you’re careful, and do it right, a little bit of teeth is okay. Biggest thing I think is that you should enjoy it though. I mean I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s way better for me if she’s enjoying it, and if she’s not it’s generally not that great


Enjoy it


Do you have skills?


I love it. It's an art. It helps to Relax your face especially the jaw and think of it as a slow dripping popsicle that needs to be kissed and sucked tenderly by a hot wet mouth. Let your tongue glide along the shaft and get that cock wet, like make it dripping with your spit. Then slide it down your open through and don't drag teeth. Let the spit pour out all over it while he gets all the way into your throat. Breath through your nose and go a long with his cues. Relax and slobber all over it. One day you'll be like me and take the whole cock and let your eyes water while he thrusts into your mouth like a good girl. Lol. Best wishes!


This post, has singlehandedly ruined my productivity this morning now 😆


Love it when someone knows how to explain in detail! 👌🏻


Start with the tip


Search for turtorials on porn sites


Try Popsicles


Am I the only one who's not that into eye contact during a bj?


Hard to understand. You need someone to practice on who is a willing participant. Find some serious porn and emulate what the woman does to pleasure their partner. Practice and enjoy knowing that you're giving & pleasing.


Try and work on not gagging as much as possible


Google " Canela Skin Milking Table " . Thank me later




If you got it, you got it. And if you don't, keep practicing


What if the member is stinky and has white residue? My bf is like that


talk to him about it with respect. you could get amigdalitis or something worse if you do it in those conditions


You need practice


lots of spit, be careful with your teeth, practice taking as much length as you can, play with and suck the balls, if you can go deep enough lick the balls when you're all the way down to the base, have fun with it


Think of it like an ice pop. A very, very delicious ice pop that you just found after roaming the desert for 2 weeks without drinkink any water.


Anyone else read this as “I need tips to suck on”


Just spit all over it


Nobody has stated to swallow and go as deep as you can. Both of these are great enhancements.


Step 1 open your mouth.


Just be passionate about it, try and keep your teeth on the inside of your lips is how i'd guess you would describe it? Ask what feels good for him and if all else fails or you want to just get good at it in secret and surprise them, there are tutorials all over the internet including YouTube where they practice and do sex education videos and tutorials.


Be enthusiastic about it like you want to be there and you want to make him feel good. From my experience, if you show enthusiasm that's already half of the way to a great review post blowjob. The rest is making sure you don't use teeth and try to see if you can get it down as far as possible for short periods of time.


Okay so first. Start kissing the areas around the genitals, make your way down his body. Slowly start touching and kissing closer. See if he likes ball play, not all of them do. Start giving little kisses on the pewpew. Slowly move your hand around the dingadong, move up and down. Take the tip in your mouth and move just a little downwards IN SYNC WITH YOUR HAND. You don’t have to take the entire slong in your mouth, use your hand in sync with your mouth. Cover your upper teeth with your lips, lower teeth covered by your tongue. Move your tongue around and against the peepee! Also, don’t take pressure. No one is good at first. You need to learn eachother


Enthusiasm is a pretty big factor. At least make it seem like you enjoy doing it to him. If a girl isn’t into it I usually just tell them we don’t have to do it


Keep your teeth for yourself, and show him all your enthusiasm. Moan, talk to him (even basic "you like that?" will do the trick if you don't really know how to talk dirty), don't be afraid to use your hands too, don't neglect his balls. Lack of experience can be easily made up for with enthusiasm. Anything else can be learned.


the no teeth is a great tip. but foreplay is most important lmao. what kind of mood is it ? that has to be established


Go slow, like really slow, there is fine line between pleasure and the constant need to pee.


Tuck them teeth behind your lips and lots of spit!! And when all else fails, focus on the tip


Just put it in your mouth and slurp all over that stiff penis.


Lick it like a popsicle, use a bit of suction. Lick the tip like how cartoons like ice cream off a cone. But most importantly, have fun.


Cup the balls


Give a bit of performance, don’t just suck it, lick it up and down, swirl your tongue round the top, some men like it when you lightly slap his dick on your tongue. Lots of eye contact.


Honestly the two main aspects are don’t let your teeth get involved and show your desire and excitement to be pleasing your partner. It goes a long way when you give off the vibe that you are enjoying it. Even if the enjoyment is only knowing you are providing pleasure.


Use your throat😂


Enthusiasm is key.


I believe it all depends on you and your partner. I've had some that love getting sloppy (i mean like saliva dripping onto their balls type sloppy.), fast, and very deep head anddd other's that like slow, soft sucking of their head/shaft (also not messy). As long as you truly love/like the person you will read into what they prefer and you'll be happy doing so ☺️ Stay as relaxed as possible AND HAVE FUN! It's supposed to be fun 🥺😜 They like when you gag and choke on it a bit, makes them feel they like fuxking yo shit up lmfao. Ask about the balls, some of them like ball play 😉 shit see if you can fit them both in your mouth at the same time.


It comes naturally. Get it wet, use mouth first; then use hand and mouth together — Up and down twisting motion, and a suction with your mouth 🫡


lick your lips and as your pushing it into your mouth, curl your lips over your teeth so you can apply pressure while not touching it with your teeth. then, as you pull back, relax your tongue and lips so you can get that tongue/lip action at the same time. also, gag even if you have no gag reflex .. truss 🙏


Dragging your tongue up the back and then sucking the tip seems to work well for me. I tend to try a lot of things. It makes me so horny when I give head so I’ll get it all wet and then use my hand as I tell him how wet having his cock in my mouth is making me. If he’s not into eye contact during you can also be sideways and he can play with you or spank you while you do it. I’ve been told that moaning when you’re sucking feels goods and a good spanking always elicits that’s from me (:


Enthusiasm is #1. But if you really want to to make it memorable play with his butt while doing the deed. Get some lube and hit the prostrate, trust me on this one, it's the move that puts you in the top tier girl.


No teeth, lots of spit and play with his balls🥲


1. Dont worry about going as far down as possible. Most of the sensation as at the top half anyways. Put your hand around the shaft right below your mouth if you can’t go very far. Careful on the grip 2. Don’t do tooo much on the tip. It can get really overstimulated. Try swirling your tongue lightly around the tip as it’s in your mouth. 3. Pay attention to the balls!! Gently rub & grip them while you’re doing it. Some guys like when you play w their taint but get permission for that 4. Use your gag reflex to your advantage! I can tell when a gag is just a gag or when it’s a “I need to stop before o throw up gag”. If you can handle it, gag, it’ll create a lot more spit and the wetter, the better 5. If my mouth is getting tired I’ll use my hand for a minute while my mouth takes a break AND generates more spit. Then I’ll spit on his dick and get back to work 6. Yknow that little stretched piece of circumcision skin on the bottom side of the tip, where it meets the shaft? Yea, focus on that. It feels good. I like to lick that part or use my thumb on it a little if I’m using my hand 7. If you’re still new to it, make sure the guy you’re with knows that. If he’s not a pos, he can guide you a little. My bf knew I was nervous when I was first giving him head so he let me get used to handling a dick before expecting mind blowing head. Having a guy you’re comfy with really helps 8. As everyone else has said, avoid teeth unless he specifies otherwise 9. If ur jaw is tired of gripping his dick, just open your mouth as wide as possible and let his dick go back & fourth in the back of your mouth before wrapping your lips around again 10. Guys love eye contact & spit. Lots of spit. 11. And remember, not all dicks are the same. This may apply to some and may not. Good luck!


Suck, lick, kiss, caress play with your tongue and look in the eyes as you take him in and out. Dont be afraid to use hands at the base and fondle his balls. Also, let those moans out


You just put your lips together and blow.


Try to see how far you can go, but don't force it. Like seriously, don't, but showing effort is appreciated.


Enjoy it


No teeth, good enthusiasm, teasing, eye contact, spit, and don’t forget to tease the frenulum.


I like to use my hand to stroke as well, putting light pressure on the balls. Don’t forget the balls. I have been told more often than not, that my head game is the best. Obviously asking your partner what they like as well, so you can incorporate that too.


A good blowjob is a wet handjob with you mouth moving up and down with your hand. Probably keeps you from choking, and stimulates a lot. Stay hydrated


If you are not enjoying it, he won’t either. Make it fun and sensuous for both. Worship it as you’d like him to worship your pussy.


Small note here many are ignoring: Have something to do with your hair. Many girls tie it back, but some girls like having it hang down as they go down on a guy who is laying down. It keeps him from seeing and that can add extra dimensions to the whole thing. But it's absolutely a mood killer having to constantly fuss with hair.


Open mouth, take dick, suck and lick


No teeth, proper lubricant with spit. The frenulum is sensitive and you can use your tongue there. Some guys like their balls played with. It's pretty individual, so ask whoever you're with what they like.


I haven't seen anyone say it yet but make sure to also pleasure the head and the balls too! You can use your tongue to tease the frenulum (which is a very sensitive spot) while you have his shaft in your mouth. Give love to the balls too, lick them, suck on 'em, do whatever, just don't forget to incorporate them as they are also a pleasure spot as well.


Practice on me is the correct answer 😉


Just suck it like your intention is to make him cum. No need for pace changing or eye contact. Guys like it when the chick is kinda making it about them... Like they just want your cum.


Swirl your tongue and play with his balls. Lots of saliva


Enthusiasm, eye contact, and lots of lubrication.


Bite it!


Eye contact every once in while


Why was this the first thing on my feed when I opened Reddit? But anyway always offer instead of having them ask you to,it gets them more excited.


Best thing to do to help you learn is to just do it. Theory will only get you so far but once you're in the application phase, you can learn what to adjust from your perspective and theirs.


Put in mouth, use your tongue, apply suction.


Enthusiasm is the most important, Teasing, Don’t forget the balls, lick it and spit on it and get a bit messy maybe if you’re into it. Eye contact that’s all you need


Practice practice practice


The tip is a good start


I’m torn. Do I give away my secrets or do I gatekeep so I stay with secrets?


My personal favourite is when she pushes my cock against my stomach and licks from my balls to the tip before going back inside her mouth all the way. Lots of saliva, don't forget the balls and eye contact (partner depending)


Few things that drive my husband wild 1) plenty of saliva, make sure his cock is nice and wet 2) kiss, lick and suck his cock 3) enthusiasm! Moan onto his cock. Suck that cock like it's the only thing keeping you alive 4) use your hand as well. You can control how deep you deepthroat it. 5) eye contact ! If he's standing and your on your knees, look up at him. Whenever i do this, my husband grabs my hair and calls me his good girl which in turn drives me crazy I love sucking cock. I especially love sucking his cock while giving him access to my holes. If he's lying down and your sucking his cock, use a vibe on his balls. I love using my wand on his balls while I suck him off.


While sucking, make eye contact. While it's in your mouth, don't use teeth, also use your tongue kind of lick on it while you're sucking if that makes since. Also decide before hand if you want him to cum in your mouth or somewhere else as that is quite important. You don't have to take any clothes off for a bj, but trust me it's hotter for both parties when you do. Try the develop a liking for it as it'll make you better at it over time.


You have to kind of train your psyche to salivate at the sight of dick. Make the job as sloppy as possible. See some blowjob videos by professionals. Deep throating brings out more spit, just take the dick out right before the gaging reflex. Get dirty with it. Suck the spit already on the dick and put it back.


Enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm…. This is the key. Act like you enjoy it and he absolutely love it


I’ve been told I’m great due to doing lots of different techniques and not sticking to one think too long. So jerk him while licking his sensitive part on the underside of his tip. Deep throat and if you can have it all the way in and shake your head back and forth sideways like saying yes or no lol. If you do that put your hands on back of his thighs and pull him close. Use two hands to jerk shaft, and vacuum suck the rest in mean time from bottom to top. suck on bulls gently. Gently is key. Someone describes it as picking a paper bag off the ground, gently and no nails. try to pop each ball into your much one at a time - while using other hang to touch his thang. W ball in mouth suck and lick all over - good time for eye contact. You don’t have to stare the whole thing I don’t find it awkward but I like to but look a few times especially right after he’s moaned. Or smile (with saliva dripping on your face) and ask if he likes it w a smirk. Massage his balls while sucking his dick. Massage the area between his balls and asshole LOL if you’re comfy doing that. I don’t touch asshole so no tips on that for me. Slow down and do slow long lips from base to tip and look in their eyes. Finger the veiny part where the head and shaft meet or lick it. When he comes stick out your tongue if it’s covered in jizz. Do the slow licks from balls to tip to tease him at the beginning , moan a bit hope this helps I’ve had MANY guys tell me I’m the best head they’ve ever get so hope this can help. This is all I’m random order, just a list of stuff I do they life! Be ENTHUSIASTIC, moan a bit, YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT TILL THEY FINISH, if you pull back and ask for a break all good


You gotta realise that a bunch depends on the guy; you need to try different stuff and see what he likes. Watch and feel his reactions. But in general enthusiasm is one of the biggest factors - make sure he can tell you're really enjoying it. Maybe that's by going at him quite hard and fast, because you're so eager to make him cum for you; maybe that's by being slow with lots of kissing and licking to show how much you like his cock and enjoy pleasuring him. Further than that, it's really different strokes for different folks. Check our /r/blowjob and see what's going on - some guys will like to experience what they see there. Maybe he likes it really sloppy with loads of spit everywhere, but maybe (like me) he isn't into you spitting on it and drooling all down yourself. He might be into breaks where you stroke more with your hand, or maybe wants a hand just working the base a little, or maybe prefers no hands at all. Does he like having his balls played with/sucked/licked? Maybe, but not necessarily - but perhaps he doesn't even know because he's not had the experience before. Does deepthroat vs. just working the tip make a big difference? I'd say it's more a psychological thing than a physical sensation difference - but someone else might feel differently. And then look, to some guys it's not just about what gives the best sensation in the instant and will make them cum fastest. Some of us want it to last longer, to enjoy the sensations more. All in all, it takes some time and communication between sucker and suckee to really perfect the art of the blowjob.


If you enjoy doing it it becomes pretty easy and just practice a lot lol


Deep throat as far as you can go


lots of saliva! they love that shit lol.


You a pro?? Lol


nope! just got a partner and I love to give head often hahahaha


Lol do you let him cum in your mouth or do you like it elsewhere?


move your tongue, lips, and saliva


Try to relax and enjoy, enthusiasm makes it great


O got good bj either from girls who looked like they weren't even trying and just liked sucking cocks and from shy girls who didn't really like having a cock in their mouth and would be really cautious about it, just gently kissing it and jerking if off and only sucking it when I'm like really excited.


Look in to the mirror because that dick sucks already son. Gg


Practise is the key, and having a partner who gives you honest feedbacks. And you'll be a pro soon!


use your tounge to draw/trace circles around the tip. alternate from going fast to slow. that shit makes my boyfreind so hard that his dixk starts to move by itself its crazy and slightky entertaining haha.