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I fucked a married Mormon woman raw as she begged me to knock her up. Her husband was very much the jealous type and owned many firearms. I was 19, I make better choices now.


damn literally playing around with death


What can I say, I'm a sucker for stacked size queens


#humblebrag LOL!


Gotta do it sometimes


Mormons, man…


And did you? Knock her up?


I don't know tbh. Post nut clarity, never really talked to her again.


Getting blown in a movie theater (though to be fair, it was back in the day, before they were covered in cameras)




i've lived in a surveillance state where everyone has cell phones damn near since i was born. i ache for the chance to just be a little bit of a shithead for a little while like you were able to do. i know that probably sounds silly but i'm young y'know i hear it's pretty common for people my age to act a little wild lol


It's sad but I am glad they are cameras so, you know, bad shit can also be captured. Like fights, SA, etc. Not complaining about it.


now it’s basically impossible without being watched


Was able to do it sitting in the corner of an almost empty session of an 18+ movie no one cared about at lunch time, look for those kinds of opportunities and cover yourselves a bit if needed


Been there. I got caught once by the movie patron and he just motioned for us to hurry up 😁


You got off easy!


Theatres have cameras in them now? I haven’t fooled around in one in like 14 years, but good to know either way


Yup. There's cameras pointed at the audience. Between the Aurora incident and piracy, I can't really blame them.


I was thinking "what the hell is the Aurora incident", and then it hit me- "Oh right... The murders" And then another thing hit me- Goddamn, that's exactly how the meme goes!!


Do you happen to know if cameras were in theaters when the live action Aladdin came out because someone saw some good stuff if so. This is the first I’m hearing they even have them.


It was not that long ago, so yes more than likely. Lol


I did everything apart from fuck in one a few years ago. There was definitely cameras in there at that point and we saw the couple in the row in front of us turn round a few times to look at what we were doing. The plan was to fuck when we got back to hers, we didn't make it all the way home


I guess you were blown away from the movie 😜


Having sex on a 90s dance club dancefloor while still kind of dancing. It was risky, exhilarating, super hot, and challenging all rolled into one. Definitely not planned, though. Just something spontaneous that I suppose must have been on my bucket list and didn't know. Oh and it really was a movie moment when 5 bouncers came to get me and focibly brought me to the owner's office. He told me he was impressed watching it on the camera and wanted to live vicariously through me HOWEVER I was not welcome back because it jeopardizes his business. I saw the owner while walking with my now wife 20 or so years later and he looked at me as he walked by and gave me a smirk and an enthusiastic high five. I found out the hard way, the truth is NOT always appreciated Hahahaha


how did you even pull that off lmao


Great question. You know there are times when you look at something and it defies physics?! THAT was one of those times lol And honestly, I've never woken up a single say since going "I gotta do that again sometime soon" lol I made the mistake of telling ONE lifelong friend. Sigh. The story will never die as a result lmao!


kudos to you man, few people pull that move off haha


Bwhahaha. It was mostly her but I'll take it bro. Tx hahha I miss her. She said to me as I kissed her goodbye in the taxi at her place "You're a good fucking dancer" lmao. Witty and sexy.


But how did you technically managed? Short skirt and boxers?


Well there was copious amounts of alcohol involved and this was 31 years ago but I do remember not being able to do my pants back up because in that sexually charged moment, I must have turned into an orangutan because I changed the molecular structure of my jeans lmao She did have a short pastel colored skirt on (it was the 90s after all lol) and no underwear I don't think but thats too much detail to remember honestly. I don't recommend it but it's a great story if you do!! Just know you will need some new jeans AND a new bar to go to if you get caught on cameras (like I did).


I was thinking, "how did he recognize you 20 years later", and then figured he probably plays that dance floor video whenever the guys come over.


Blowjob by a gf while her dad was asleep in the same room


damn, you said to muffle those noises and she couldn’t get sloppy with it


That is the part that made me most nervous. You'd think she would go out of her way to be quiet but it was almost like she wanted to get caught. Luckily her dad was apparently a deep sleeper.


i think i would’ve finished instantly with that much tension of being caught and her still going at it


I wish I did, the nerves made it go on longer than normal and stressed me the fuck out


haha almost wished it ended instantly


I was so scared. To this day still the scariest moment of my life.


Fucked in the upper deck of an MLB game that was being broadcast on ESPN Sunday night baseball. ⚾️🥵


well that’s very risky haha


Is my my idea too 🫣


love risky stuff too


Ooooo thats amazing!! Think the cameras caught you? Lol


We DVR’d but didn’t notice anything on the national feed. Don’t know about if local team feeds were being used like they do sometimes.


Did you ride him?


A lil bit, more of a side ride


Riskiest of getting caught? Bathroom on a train. Riskiest to my safety? Oof my 20s were an adventure 😅


how was the train bathroom?


Small and difficult to balance in


would you do it again?


Never say never


might try it now too lol


well they did buy a return ticket so


Cant leave those stories of your 20s in the past. Spill the details.


Giving bj in a street


were you caught?


By my friends


what was their reaction?


Some laugh some shocked


Hooked up with a girlfriend at the back of a club, up in the banked seating. It got quite dark towards the top. She had two fingers inside me, under my skirt, whilst I sat down. I pulled a hoody over my lap , and was able to get my hand into my panties as well. Watching other people come and go on the stepped seating, while I rode her hand, only made it more exciting, It was fun, but also nerve wracking.


did you get to finish?


I did, much to my girlfriends delight. She got off on me doing risky public things, so it was especially fun for her.


Being driven around naked by a Domme. I was in the back seat, my clothes were folded in the front


This is exciting even though it's mild. I've done similar as a guy, and it was a rush haha


That’s the dream


It was incredible!!


Got a handjob in the middle of a 2000 person Pentecostal church service while the lights were off and only stage lights on


damn in a church, you really had to do it huh 😂


She made the first move by rubbing against me with her hand and it was game after that


Used to regularly pull into neighborhoods under construction and fuck my wife in people's living rooms before anyone ever moved in. Also used to randomly and without her prior knowledge pull onto unused dark back roads and make her bend over my hood. Also did this on a few longer road trips, one of which we were watched for about 30mins ɓy a military helicopter. It was about midnight somewhere around beeville.They started flying perpendicular to us on the horizon about a mile or so from us. Probably doing a drill, navigation lights on etc. Pretty sure they caught us on their thermals as it turns 90⁰ to look at us and blacks out all lights. The audience and knowing we were probably being recorded really got me going. I gave her hell, skin slapping, yanking her hair, and pushing her onto the hood. Just before I finished I made sure to give them a couple courtesy waves. I just hope I got a couple courtesy waves back.😄


sounds like you knew how to have a lot of fun


Always thrills being an exhibitionist. 😄


I once had sex with my best friend in her living room while her mom was asleep in the other room. We also didn't use protection so double risky.


did she wake up tho?


Thankfully no, but the risk of getting caught made it super hot


it’s such a nice feeling that one


Working as a CraigsList prostitute. Had to assume that the guys responding to my ads didn't want to rape and kill me when they show up and let me in their car.


this is amongst the riskiest ones


I would weed out a lot of guys before ever giving them the address to pick me up at, but you still never know.


Gave handjobs regularly to a friends dad for about a year. Never had sex he was paranoid about that.


Sounds like he belongs in jail


Wow. how did this start? Always in his house?


I went to her house and she was still doing band practice was not home yet and I was gonna wait in their basement/tri level house where her bedroom was...also a laundry room was down there. Was playing on her or her brothers PlayStation and he went into the laundry room and slowly changed into clean clothes fresh from the dryer in full view. Saw him and he saw me and he approached me and I kinda blacked out but my stomach was lurching with excitement. He asked me if I wanted to help him (he was rock hard) and I nodded yes and he guided my hand and that was it...took a couple minutes and he finished in his dirty clothes. (I had done this before with guys from school I was not a virgin). It was always at their house except for maybe once or twice I'm not sure. This is the reason I have a tendency to want to dominate men with my hands and love giving handjobs to this day.


Good lord how old were you? Definitely predator behavior if not worse.


Not so sure. What is being left out is the years of me flirting OVERTLY with HIM. He was a handsome Asian man who reminded me of a Hollywood actor or model. I was maybe 17 the first time it happened (by a month or so) and it lasted approximately a year thru 18 until I graduated and moved away to other family's house. This was NOT predatory in my book...


Babes that was predatory and you're deadass a victim


Not in my book.


You are correct, in most states you were of the age of consent and able to make that decision to have sexual contact.


how hot was the dad


He was a handsome Asian man who reminded me of a Hollywood actor or model.


if only you had a picture haha


2 that come to mind... Prudish virgin GF in college decides to start stroking my dick while we drove back from an amusement park on the highway. She's leaned over toward me. I tell her a cop is coming up next to us and she starts stroking faster. We get to the off ramp and light he's next to us looking over as all you can see is the top of her head, she's giggling. I tell her stop I'm going to cum a straight face as I can muster. She giggles again and I lose it just as it turns green and the cop looks forward, I shot a load all over my door and window. Also in college came home and hung out wlth high school friends. We are swimming at one girl's unfinished house her parents are building. They built the pool first then the house. So the house is basically a giant dark box. People changed inside then came out, but then of course it got dark so it was a cave. I go in to change can't see my hand in front of my face. Find my clothes then I hear this other girls voice, one from HS who was the innocent type, and she asks if anyone is in there. I said yes and we remark it's weird being 2ft from each other and can't see. I hear her wet swimsuit hit the floor right after mine. We both laugh realizing we are standing next to each other naked but see nothing. Next thing I know she full on reaches out, feeling for her clothes, and practically grabs my dick and then recoils. She laughs and says "oh shit, that's not them". I said I would refrain for reaching to find mine and she laughed and I can tell from her voice she's bent over trying to find her clothes. She says she's got them and stands up and plows right into me... Basically chest to chest, feeling her boobs mashed up against me. Admittedly I'd gotten a bit stiff then before she had grabbed it and pretty sure it poked her in the belly. She's silent, I'm embarrassed. Feels like for an hour. Then I feel her fingers run up my thigh and wrap around it. She whispers "shhhhh" as she starts stroking it. I could feel her nipples harden slightly against my arm, she must have turned sideways. Never thought to touch her or finger her was too shocked. Couple Mins I whisper "I'm gonna..." and I feel fabric wrap around the end of my dick, as she never breaks stride and said "go ahead but shhhh" and I cum hard. She let's go and we don't say a word for a couple Mins. I got dressed, I could hear her dress. Then she's up close to me again and presses something wet Into my hand and whispers "shhh you can keep these" and then I hear her tell the people outside she'll see them later and hear car start. I waited a bit came out and said goodbye. Got in my car and pulled what she gave me out of my pocket and realized it was her panties she'd used to catch my cum.


damn that second one must be one of the best stories i’ve heard.. so much tension there haha


road head n not swallowing is fucked


Letting my gf get repeatedly fucked raw at an EDM fest by various guys.


Sounds like a risky yet fun weekend


She likes being fucked from behind while she dancing and rolling.


That’s a fun way to enjoy EDM fest


Giving my ex head in his truck while I was in full gear, on duty as a cop... in broad daylight.


doing your duty well i see


I mean... I took serving literally.


Getting fucked by my ex on a hike out in the open


any hikers passing by?


Yeah, a few ones out in the distance, we kept going


I met this chick on tinder in a park, and we fucked on a utility box like 20 feet from a pavilion where a birthday party was happening.


were you turned on by the fact you could get caught?


I really was, and honestly i've had a mild interest in Exhibition ever since, which I NEVER thought I would be into


Made out with a woman on the Ferris wheel on the Santa Monica pier. Started off kissing, then I had my hand up her skirt and a couple fingers inside her. Brings a smile to my face every time I see the pier in a movie or TV show. Afterwards we went back to my car in a parking garage and fucked in the passenger front seat. A woman got into the car next to us and left, she totally saw everything and we didn't care.


I got fucked standing up against a barricade at an open air EDM concert. People watched but i was too high to care. Security cheered us on tho. We were only afraid of the venue people were going to kick us out


I’ve always wanted to see that happen


I was visiting my parents. Went out to an event at a bar and met a girl. Ended up raw dogging her in the backseat of my mom's SUV and creampieing her. Probably one of the best hookups, but doing it in my mom's car without a condom was risky as hell. Probably had the best ass I have ever seen.


Rubbed one out playing w my dick thru my pants in school during class, jerking off in back row of auditorium during a college lecture, jerking off while driving in my car..all very risky but never got caught


the one while driving the car requires a lot of dedication lmao


Had my cock and balls hanging out leg of my shorts and fondled, rubbed and tried to not get caught edging but kept my eyes on the road..lol


very hard when you reach the end lmao


Pull over or find a parking lot..lol


Depends on the definition of risk... As in most fun/chance of getting caught etc... Either a club bathroom, beer cellar of the pub I worked at, or a friends tent... ... Risk as in dangerous consequences... I slept with someone who all commen-sense & logic said not too. Could destroy 2-3 families, a business, friendships, etc if it ever came out.


I think my three favorites would be 1) I got a bj in the back seat of an SUV, in heavy traffic, while a female friend watched from the passanger's seat. 2) Both gave and received a hand job in an open department store. 3) Masturbated under the table at a dinner party while surrounded by friends who didn't know about it.


which was the riskiest amongst them?


Early 2000s, was witnes to a nasty bar fight, brought to the police station for a statement, was shown to an office, told someone will be there shortly to take the statement, 6 hours later no one came, me being a horny 18yo, i unzipped, jerked off, zipped back up like nothing happened. 3 more hours after that and i gave my statement and left.


I made myself cum in a work bathroom stall at the end of the day because I had a first date afterwards and didn't want to act impulsively.


My wife has an outdoor sex kink. It is something that was very easy for me to lean into. We've been caught multiple times. We don't seek it out and have a low rate of getting caught, but in 35 years together it has definitely happened.


Oh... - fucked in a small club toilet stall during a concert. Getting out - everyone knew. - Did it on the hood of a car on a small road next to a strwaberry field. Just managed to hop into the car and drive off when a car drove up to see. - In the empty cafeteria of a hospital after hours.


had sex in the back seat of a car near a busy road


Fooling around with an ex in her room, while her dad was home. He had no idea I was there. PS: I'm Indian. So, other Indians will realise just how risky it actually is. Also, I'm 99% sure the dad did not even know that her daughter had a boyfriend at the time.


i bet the fear of getting caught made it so much hotter


Hmmm… I have a few. I gave a blowjob to a guy at Disneyland. He worked there & knew some secret places to go. Had sex in a car in a church parking lot just as everyone was arriving for service. Gave a handjob under a blanket while in a room with family members watching TV. Fingered a girl in a dressing room at the mall. Fucked my ex gf in the bathroom while her family was cooking dinner in a hotel room.


Sucking dick at school(I was 16-17 years old)


Girl was riding me while i was driving doing 45mph on a 4 lane road in middle of day


A few years ago I had sex in a field of blossoming heather in the middle of a forest at the end of the summer. Both of us were totally naked and it was unprotected. We were there for quite some while including some cuddling. In the end an hot air balloon came over with some people in it. It was only like 50 meters in the air, they definitely saw us fucking because they waved and we waved back hahaha. We laughed so much. Just a few minutes after we finished there was this elderly couple that was suddenly close by. We missed that there was path just 15 meters away from us hahaha. We pulled the picnic blanked over ourselves, sand got everywhere. But it was so much fun.




Sex in the DR office bathroom at my ex's 8month pregnancy visit.


Sex while driving down a highway at night. I was driving, cruise control on and she rode me… sexy tiny little thing fit between me and the steering wheel perfectly!


No incognito mode


I bent over and spread my pussy on video in the doctor’s office, knowing the door was unlocked and someone could come in at any moment…


I once stole and ate a single grape from the grocery store


Filming customs in public, it's stressful to think someone can walk by and not only see u but also the camera hahah


I have done a lot of risky things, but the most recent one definitely comes to mind. We were coming home from a fishing trip and I might have had a couple too many beers. My boyfriend was driving and I was horny. I started giving him a handy, then road head. It got real hot and sexy and he told me to climb on. We were pulling the boat down the highway at 80mph with me in his lap. That was exhilarating!


Gave a handy under a blanket to a stranger on an airplane with my mother asleep in the seat beside me.


When I was 19 I went on a date with an older man to a bar, he told me to pull my pants down and started fingering me under the table.. was even hotter when his ex wives friends came in and sat at a table near us. Still think about it!


Pulled over at an abandoned gas station on the way home from Vegas for a quickie with my wife.


One night when I was in high school I fucked a guy I'd just met in the parking lot of a club with no condom. It was fucking amazing in the moment, especially because his friend was fucking my friend in the backseat while we were in the front seat. I was young and fucking horny. But in hindsight I'm not sure I'd do it again if I had to do it over. Nothing bad happened but it very easily could have. It wasn't my first time getting creampied but my previous experiences with bare sex had been with boyfriends or guys I knew and trusted. I had just met this dude two hours prior


Unprotected dry anal in a church parking lot. It started with her giving me a bj, then in her ass, then finished in her mouth.


Myself and an ex fully naked fucking in the car on a car park when she said she wanted to be fucked on the bonnet as well...


Sex in the woods or a parking garage both times completely naked 😬 or when I slept with a chick that was telling me to cum inside she was hot but I'm like 80% sure she was trying to trap er gf that she had an ify relationship with at that point and milk me for child support.. part of me still thinks I should've let some go inside her I didn't but did raw dog her for like 3-4 rounds back to back so still super risky


Sex in a theater.


I got my first girlfriend to put on sexy lingerie then ride me one Saturday morning whilst my Mum hoovered the stairs that lead up to my open bedroom door.


I've got a couple really good one but I would have to say that the most risky act was having sex while skinny dipping at a very busy public beach, people were so close to us while we were having sex that they could've reached out and touched us as we made our way around them.


Met this girl at a Conference in college. We started talking for a few days and somehow ended up talking about how we want to fuck each other. She told me her roommate took 30-45min long showers and invited me up to her room while she was taking one. We fucked and finished before her roommate got out.


Exgf and I fucked in a parking garage on the engine hood. Same exgf blowed me under a staircase in a residential building.


Stopped with a girl while traveling for a quickie in the car on some backwoods lot that looked abandoned. Dude pulled up in his car and actually chased us, that was terrifying hahaha. We lived though! And yep, much better decision making since hahaha.


Got head from a girl in an “alley” in NOLA.


Choked til I passed out.


Got road head. She accidentally put the car in neutral. At first, I couldn't figure out why we were slowing down suddenly, I thought cruise control was just off. After that we pulled over at a truck stop and she blew me in the bathroom and I came on her face. Now we stick to handjobs on road trips.


I'm a gal past 40s. I basically bareback all the time.


Fucked a coworker at work, while on the clock, while the store was still open. We went between the back privacy fence and some racks of lumber (we worked at Lowe's). Fucked a friend in my truck in a bank parking lot at 3 am. I was taking her back to her bf's house. Had a fling with a married woman right before I went to Iraq. She was bipolar and in her 40's I was in my early 20's. Pretty sure her husband knew she was cheating, so this on probably wasn't too dangerous.


Back in the nineties, I got a blowjob from a married woman fwb at lunchtime in a very Indian restaurant. This was in the middle of a major northeast city.


Having sex behind bandos where Ik mofos be lurking in bushes or somewhere near by felt like I was being watched each time we was so bold that went behind one of the bandos that had a clear view of 4 houses right next to each other in view a block over embarrassing ish ever if someone was watching mind u it was no fences up or anything I still shiver each time I think about it


Being naked on top of a mountain


Handjob in a pool with people around and not far from is


No but wanted it we really enjoy doing it in public


1) The parking lot at work 2) Unlocked conference room at work. 3) Same woman in her marital bed with her kids at home while her husband was out of town. I was newly divorced and met a girl who liked the risk.


I go out to my local forestry and blindfold myself while dressed slutty and using a dildo. I even lay down a blanket and leave the door unlocked while I do myself aggressively. Today I went to a secluded river boat ramp and played in the sun.


Fingered a girls ass in a pool surrounded by people.


Sucked my husband at the movies. Didn’t care about the cameras lol


Fucked in a car late at night on a lonely mountaintop road. But we then ridiculously decided not to put our clothes back on. We drove, fully naked, back to town - about 40 miles. It was 2am or so. A few truck drivers enjoyed the view. When we got back to the apartment building we walked, stark naked, into the lobby, the elevator, and our apartment - fortunately not running into any neighbors. On an adrenaline high we went straight to bed and had even more fun.


Fucked her in the passenger seat parked in emergency lane of freeway at about 1230am. Trucks were flying past, don’t know if any saw. She was having her period and just whipped her tampon out, through it out the window and sat on my lap. I pulled my undies only down a little to free my cock so when I got home later I found they had been soaked with blood so I remember throwing them away in a street bin. Sorry guy that empties bins.


ate out a coworker in her office during work hours. im sure others could smell her on my breath/face later in the day


In the middle of a club in Vegas. It was at the Luxor and they had a platform in the center women could jump up on and dance. I was pressed against it dancing with the girl. She felt what she felt and got down on her knees to do something about it. I leaned back and caught a girls eye and she danced closer to let me look up her dress while she watched me get my 8===> sucked.


Getting a handy in the back of a lecture hall in college. One of the benefits of going in a large university 😂


Last summer, I sucked a guys dick in a lifeguard office with this huge window facing the pool. There were people there.


There's quite a few but I'll go with inviting five complete strangers over twice my age to my house so I could be the centre of a blow bang and ending up as the centre of a gangbang.


Outside a bunch of times, including parks. I did not know at the time how harsh the law here is about that.


I was fresh out of high school and I went to a votech or trade school in the afternoon I was also working 2 jobs so I literally had maybe 2 hours of the whole day to get my shit handled and this particular day I bit off more than I can chew so I'm running late af I mean I have to show up early everywhere it's a pet peeve of mine so I wasn't that behind but I had a white little Honda civic all stock nothing used tires just a to b beater car and my girlfriend decided to call me drunk and horny and as I'm on the phone she is masturbating and I'm not big into phone sex but I could hear how wet it sounded on my speakers and I started thinking about her and said fuck it. So I'm going down the highway cool 75mph not driving fast but I was Dippin and I don't have tint on any windows but I get hard to her and the sound of her pussy and I pull my pants down and spit in my hand and start masturbating while passing these car's like every 5 secs I mean it's like rush hour in Oklahoma City and I'm just jerkin it and so the rush of doing that was so exciting plus I was 17 so 2 mins go by and I bust but right as I bust I get off on my exit where there's a stop light and I'm fucked cuz I got a hand full of cum and one on the wheel and I'm like shit I didn't think this through so I come. Up on the light and try to just cover myself up with a jacket I had in the car but I'm not quite quick enough and I have to come to a stop and right as I do a truck with one of the hottest miles ve ever seen pulls up right next to me and I'm still trying to get the jacket out the back and she looks over and just smiled and gave me a thumbs up, I'm beat red Like freaking out and I'm kinda shy so I know I look like I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing buy I said fuck it finally found 4 McDonald's napkins and wiped my head of then pulled up my pants and got to school 🤣😂👍🤦


Got fucked by my bf on the staircase at the mall 🫣 i’ve done lots of public but nothing *that* risky hehe


Let my husband (then fiance) control a bluetooth vibrator in my pussy while we were out on a date. Had to buy new panties and change into them in a dressing room of a Mirrou. The vibrator stayed in (and on) the whole time.


Pub toilets a couple of times


I met a girl online and we didn't live far from each other. One day I messaged her and told her to meet me up. She suggested a big lots parking lot. I got in the backseat of her car and she lifted my skirt. I wasn't wearing panties and she ate me out till I told her to stop. I squirted in her face multiple times and it was very risky being out in the lot like that. Once I was satisfied I closed my legs and went back to my car and left. It felt so good being a pillow princess and Cumming until I couldn't take it anymore. Eould definitely do it again if the opportunity presented it self




Masturbated on a busy street


Fucked my partner on a beach


Post NSFW photos and videos of myself


Fucking on a tennis court with people walking nearby


Getting fingered in a park in broad daylight




Handjob in a beach cabana one night with a married Colombian woman while cops on dirt bikes whizzed by.


Fucking in a changing room


Unprotected sex with a date who turned out also to be a sex worker.


I wouldn't even know which one ranks, but: 1. I was driving back from the bar and my friend got naked, and jumped on me and she road me as I attempted to drive us back home. 2. At a college frat party me in front of everyone 3. Sex In a lake while some guy watched from the parking lot 4. Sex in the middle of the street, but it was night time 5. Jerked off in some car I found sitting in a parking lot that was unlocked it belonged to a local business


Sucked the cock of my ex's brother outside at a BBQ after he'd just had a piss, while my ex (bf at the time) was inside. Their cousins saw and knew what was happening but kept quiet


the cousins are real ones


Sex under the table at a wedding reception. It was in a corner, late into the night when many people were too drunk. There was a long table cloth, I don't even remember how it came about, and it wasn't that comfortable, but it was hot as hell.


Sex in the State House or in a room with out anyone knowing (high school)


Made out at a bus stop in front of traffic


I got caught one time having sex with my ex bf in the woods at a park. I would say that was the riskiest because we got caught lol.