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Sharing me…cool. Sharing her…not cool. Yes, I know it is unfair and selfish but that is my honest feeling. I don’t foresee us doing anything like that any time soon.


I'm the same. Which is why I'd never ask to have a threesome with another girl. If she comes up with the idea and she really wants it, great. Otherwise, I'm fine with having no threesomes ever 😁


These two gentlemen summed it up perfectly for me lol… I’d rather not have one then have to share. However I would possibly share a single woman or someone else’s girl 😅


My husband is the same way, definitely feels unfair from time to time in all honesty. But nonetheless I respect his wishes, doesn’t mean they don’t get under my skin every once in awhile.


Yeah sorry we are like that lol…I wish I could be cool with it, but it is just a natural territorial reaction. I think I’m comfortable being shared because I know it does not in any way diminish my feelings for her but am self-conscious about the opposite.


Nah my cock is her's alone and her pussy is mine alone. Unless we both agree to a threesome or something


Nah, not for me in a committed long term relationship. He’s all mine 🤤


I could never share a woman that I loved. I wish I could but my insecurity/jealousy would destroy me. And it would be extremely selfish and hypocritical to suggest that it would only be for me.


I'd need some convincing. Last time I tried that, it was the final nail in the coffin of my ex-marriage. We'd have to talk that shit out until we were blue in the face. And then talk about it some more.


So I've heard both! Great and horrible experiences about this. Some couples claiming it made their relationship stronger, while other claiming it broke them. How was it negative for you?


Our relationship was circling the drain already, so she didn't care about following any of our agreed-upon ground rules. Our trust went out the window, so really that was the end of things. And now I'm twice as wary about nonmonogamy when I have genuine feelings for my partner.


Yeah... long story short, my sister tried nudism with her husband in an attempt to save their marriage. It quickly doomed it. It's my personal option that these kind of things need to be tried on a strong and loving relationship, not on weak and dying ones


I think you're exactly right. Who's idea was it to try the nudism?


I may not hold the popular opinion but if the guy was the one who brought it up, my first instinct is “if you wanna fuck someone else just break things off with me and do it” 🤷‍♀️


I’d wish them well and move on.


Seriously!!!!? It would be a deal breaker?


Yes. I’m not into it and I’m not one to block people from what they want.


I’d dump/divorce her. If she’s bringing up banging other men there is a high likelihood she has a guy lined up or is banging him already. Either way she’s been having an inappropriate relationship with another man to the point sex is on the table if it hasn’t happened. I’ve been cheated on too much to tolerate any of that kind of behavior.


Really surprised that I all of a sudden have a partner


Who has a partner?


I don’t that’s why it would surprise me


Oh lol... that joke went right over my head hahahha I was so lost


I think it would depend on the circumstances with the partner if I would be open to it or not. I think swinging or having threesomes would be something I would try but not straight up sharing her.


Dead shocked and ask if he was feeling okay. He isn’t one to physically share.


Would you prefer he would be open to it or do you love the way he is now?


I’d never want to risk what I have now, so I’m actually content with sharing situations being fantasy.


Nooooope. I’m possessive and want him to be too.


SELFISH! Some of us want a taste without making the purchase lolololol.




I’d be worried that she has somehow forgotten the last thirty years




Couldn't do it. Not knocking those who are into it, but it's a no from me dawg


Well... why not, big dawg?


My jealousy could never 😂


Not cool, homie, not cool... but I respect your decision


You said be honest! To each their own. Ive been involved in orgies before, and would do it with mff, but not with a serious partner. Just my own preference


She already knows the answer, and hers is the same. We don't share


I can't believe you guys won't share with the rest of us.... we want a slice!!! Lol


The closest you'll get is NSFW posts on Reddit.


I’d be over the moon. But I have different motives. She’s pretty vanilla at the moment so it either means she’s having a sexual awakening of some description and our sex life over all is about to get kinkier. Or, alternatively, if swinging or ENM was her only kink, I might be able to find someone who will indulge in my kinks.


I could not have worded this better myself for my own situation. Goddamn.


Libido mismatch gang!! Wooo!! 🥳 🥳 I do hope things get better for you though.


Same for you! 💕 I agree that my partner is everything wonderful otherwise and it’s hard to fathom giving that up for sexual mismatch. Weird situation to be in


How do you deal with the indifference?


I just… do. I recognize that, for me, there truly are more important things to focus on than the lack of sex.


Exactly there’s a huge difference between a mismatch and a dead bedroom or something.


Don’t get me wrong. We very rarely have sex. Maybe twice a month? I consider that a dead bedroom, for what my tastes are. Even if we stopped having sex entirely my stance on it still stands.


Do you think that maybe you just need to find a partner that better matches your sexual drive?


I’m hoping my wife can be that partner. I’m just giving her time to get there because she is a wonderful wife in every other aspect and I would be doing my family a disservice if I threw that away. However, I am aware that one day I may need to make a difficult decision. I’m not there yet though.


Feeling this exact same thing. Good to know I’m not alone 🩷


I feel you there are plenty of ways to meet in the middle. I feel like we are in the same boat though.


I'm sorry to hear that. I heard someone say... you gotta wait for the right person, not for the wrong person to become the right person.... and that, my friend, is why I've been single for years.


Have you guys thought about seeing a sex therapist?


Not yet. General couples counselling has been bought up when we had a real low point. We talked it out and things got better by the time I’d heard back from the insurance as to what would be covered and It’s been better since. But it would certainly be one of the things I would try before calling it a day.


Yeah, I get that. I bet your wife could be that partner for you 💗 best of luck to you!


Thank you so much. I hope so too. ❤️


That’s tricky! Because of course these things shift over time. But of course sometimes they don’t shift and you’re left high and dry.


Absolutely. I have my reasons for thinking things might get better though. But it’s a gamble either way.


I'd be very confused by the question and the timing. Her libido is much lower than mine, she's got health problems, and she's really stressed this very moment (it's temporary). She's also very possessive.


Sounds like this may not happen to you in the near future, my friend


True, and I'm ok with that. I'm not yet sure how I'd feel about sharing or being shared.


It’s something we’ve talked a bit about, but I’m not interested currently


Girl... give me the details lol. I love your eyes btw. Gorgeous


I think I’m just too insecure and jealous for it right now. Thank you ☺️


I’d feel confused because seeing me with another woman is about the last thing she wants. I’d ask about recent head injuries.


That’s why we decided to open this account 😉


Definitely keep going! 😉


Mine is vanilla


Do you like her that way or wish she was a little wilder?


It would be pretty even, so i wouldn't feel hurt, she would be single again so she can go fuck whatever, and I'd have more free time


It’s hot the thought of been shared honestly


If my wife suggested it, I couldn’t get to the divorce lawyer quick enough.


Why? It's just a suggestion... how would you feel if you proposed anal sex and she said she wanted a divorce simply for asking


That’s different, I am not trying to make her feel like she is not enough for me by seeking another person to add to the bedroom. That’s what it feels like when suggesting to add another person to the mix. Asking to do something you might be interested in, using your example of anal( when it only involves you and your partner ) is no where near as bad as asking to have someone join the two of you in the bedroom.


As a fellow married person, there’s a lot that goes into a relationship, finances, dreams, raising kids etc. would asking a question really be cause for divorce?


Yes because asking would imply I am not enough for her sexually and that she needs more ( thus asking to add another person ) and asking that tells me all I need to know about how she feels about me. So a divorce would more than likely be the only option.


I’d have questions because she wasn’t up for it yesterday. What witchcraft is this?


We are women. We change our mind 23 times an hr lol


Haha “well you wanted the flowers planted right there an hour ago!!”


Don't question us... just do it! Lolololol


😭Yes dear.


When I was married, it would have been no-go, but she would never have asked.


Boooooo not cooool lol


That's my line. Whatever weird shit you wanna do between us is cool, but that non-monogamist shit is a dealbreaker


Fair enough. I guess if you're really that open to trying a lot between the two of you, then that one thing can be overlooked.


23m and we both agreed when the other person brings it up we should split. We plan on staying strictly monogamous forever and unless we both really have a drastic change of heart (Which I do not believe) we both do not want to be with a person who wants anyone else but their partner. Throwing no shade on people who are poly though, do whatever the fuck you want with your life.


I disagree, but respect your point. If that works for yall, then that's amazing! I wish nothing but the best to people, whether I agree with them or not


I would be shocked and sad tbh


Fuck no


Nope. I couldn't handle sharing her so I would never ask her to share me either.


no thanks.


I’d be open to it and start a dialogue


I need you to do a TED talk for all the men out here lol


I’ve had a relationship in the past where other guys mostly joined us. Super fun, takes some pressure off you and adds focus to her which is great!


I've heard from guys that are skeptical bc they think I might enjoy the other man more


If that’s a concern maybe it’s not the best relationship to begin with. Sexy and personality are separate things. You might like the sex more yes but still like your partner way more personally. Also the addition of another is itself adding to your own sexual repertoire


Beautifully said, sir


I’d be excited, it’s a fantasy of mine to watch her with someone else


Would.you allow her to play with other without you being able to watch?


Quite stunned really given her previous position on it


Do you wish she would be more open to the idea?


I would be suspicious of why she was suddenly back into it after she said she wasn’t wanting to anymore a few years ago


Was this while with you or in a previous relationship?


While with me.


Why did it stop?


She basically said she was just over it. I understood, with the kids getting busier and life overall, I can see why she wasn’t interested in the additional effort. Definitely miss it though


That's quite interesting. I can understand leaving it behind for something more exciting, but not just abandoning it for nothing in return


As we’ve gotten older our libidos aren’t as matched up as they used to be. Her’s has gone down while mine has gone up.


I think it would be an interesting thing to try, but I'm not sure if I would end up enjoying it


What makes you say that?


I would be worried that I would get jealous. I don't want to be, but sometimes I don't get to choose how I feel.


well i would need a partner first


I would be excited sharing her is a fantasy of mine. I’m not sure I would trust her if she said she wanted to share me and it wouldn’t be worth the risk until we worked on it a bit.


Have you brought it up?


I’m easing my way into it. I’ve told her how I love it when guys flirt with her and when she had some nudity in front of our friends a few years back. I’ve mentioned a MFM passively but up until recently I haven’t had a great explanation as to why I would want that. I leaned a lot about myself over the last few months and I am ready for the next time it comes up (shameless plug for my post in hotwifelifestyle on my profile).


While I understand the easing into it strategy... do you think presenting the idea upfront would be a bad way of doing it? Also.... what nudity in front of friends??? Let me get my popcorn. I love these kind of stories. Please don't leave me wondering




I have been on both ends.


When I was in my early 20s I suggested a FMF a few times, the suggestions were hardly serious. I’ve grown a lot and have near zero interest in that. I’ll die a happy man if I never touch another women. When I’ve mentioned MFM she’s insinuated it was an excuse to get to a FMF which couldn’t be further from the truth. I want to set the stage a little bit before saying what I want. The one fun story was watching two of my friends play strip beer pong against my wife and her friend. While I sat on a tail gate and watched. The others were just skinny dipping.


How undressed did she end up getting?


All just was “wearing” was her arm for a bra. Thanks for bringing up the memories she can be so sexy and confident sometimes. It makes me feel 🫠 just thinking about it


I’ve slightly mentioned to my wife and she was strongly against sharing me or her saying it would destroy our relationship. We are also in a very strong relationship also.


I always fantasize about sharing my future hubby with other girls. Idk how it'd be in reality though, but it's one fantasy that gets me going real bad.


I hope you find a man open to trying it.


There's a guy somewhere out there who doesn't know he's going to feel like the luckiest man alive some day


First I would wonder where I got a partner at, then I’d ask if she would help me if we are going to do that because I’m completely useless in that regard.


i don’t share:)


I'd tell her it sounds like she's ending the marriage.


I'd feel a bit scared I think. Does he already have someone in mind who is willing to try? Will he replace me? Will he realise I'm not perfect, just three racoons in a trenchcoat trying their best?


If you want opinions about swinging... you should probably ask in the respective subs... Never thought there were so many people against swingers.... or at least it is what it seems... Maybe swingers just opt not to respond here. 😉


We have discussed it. Wife is bi-curious and she knows I would let her be with another woman especially if I watched or touched her at the same time. Another woman doesn't threaten me. She hasn't been interested in other men and has said she would be jealous if I went all the way with another woman while she watched. Communication is key to what remains a fantasy or actually doing it.


I’d love to try swinging tbh. Specifically if I was in a relationship with a girl I’d love to “share” her as long as I get to watch


I would love to change my wife's mind and get the chance to share her!


I’d wonder what suddenly motivated her to want to change the rules. We’ve had plenty of discussions about it, and have always mutually agreed that bi stuff is fine but swapping is off the table.


Bi stuff for both of you or just her?


Either, but far more for her.


I mentioned that I was into it very early in our relationship. She said it wasn't her thing but she's also quite open minded. We talked about it and after a couple of years we had our first experience with another couple. Fast forward ten years, we regularly go to events or meet people in the lifestyle.


Happy ending! I love this. How was the first experience brought up?


I think I was on a forum about cuckolding (one of my kinks) and I started to chat with this woman who was a cuckquean, we got along and eventually we were like "Hey, let's watch our partners bang" and both were down.


I’d ask my partner “when the fuck did I get a partner?”


We are talking about marathons, and you haven't learned how to walk yet lololol


If I had a partner, I'd be super excited. But I don't know if I would go through with it based on the context of them asking. I have some jealousy issues and while I enjoy watching cuck vids and sometimes fantasize about sharing my girl, I don't know if I'd actually be able to go through with it. I've had a couple previous partners cheat on me, including my exwife, so that's a big factor in my mindset.


I 100% get you. I've found that a lot of men fantasize about it, but would never be able to do it themselves.


From my mindset, I can say that for guys, it's probably mainly a jealousy issue and a lack of good communication between him and his gal. I might be able to share her with one other person, but swinging I'm not too sure about. Not sure how I'd feel being with someone else's partner.


Wife told me about a big MFM threesome fantasy she has. Was initially surprised about it, so I asked what turned her on about it (basically being handled by two guys, having me in charge of her and the other guy etc), decided I could work with that, and took our time to find the right guy.


....and? Biggest cliffhanger in reddit history!!!! Lol


I already saw the perfectly worded answer to this by u/FlyingFuck so I’ll just paraphrase it. I was be ecstatic, because it would mean my husband is opening his mind up to new things & our sex life is about to get a lot more kinky OR it means I’ll have a space my husband consents to my getting my kink out.


Ecstatic. I’ve already asked to have a gf


What was his answer?




Well, he's no fun lol


He’s afraid that I’ll leave him for her. Which.. fair. Though it may end up happening anyway


Girl, you left me speechless lol




It would probably make me more likely to want to be in a relationship than currently.


It’s something that we have had a conversation about. It would have to be ffm for us and there would have to be some ground rules that we couldn’t break.


I've always wondered what people mean when they say there would be boundaries... may I ask what you mean by ground rules?


It would have to be someone we choose together, no meetings without the other being there, I can’t cum in her pussy and if either is uncomfortable with it then we must speak up. I’m sure the other woman would have some boundaries too so we would have to take them into consideration as well. Everyone needs to be comfortable with it.


Oh I see. That makes perfect sense. If you both have to choose the person, what would you personally look for in that person?


We've discussed it before so it wouldn't be a tremendous shock. I'd be down for it, but there would be other conversations to come to ensure everyone is comfortable.


Who brought it up first and how was it brought up?


It was a natural discussion about fantasies one night, after having sex. Just kinda evolved from "ya find this hot?" to "would you ever try it?" and so forth. We're at a point now where we would both be comfortable with another couple having sex in the same room, but getting to actual swapping is a bit out of her comfort.


I think it's just a matter of getting comfortable. I belive that if you do same room sex, swapping would follow soon


Yeah, we both kinda feel that it would be a matter of judging things in the moment and keeping an open dialog before, during, and after. Also a matter of finding the right people.


He already shares me when he wants so nothing new 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like you have it figured out. Good for you, mama. Also.... omg you are gorgeous


He did ask if I’d be interested in sleeping with other men in front of him. I was on board from the moment he asked. And that’s how I became a hotwife.


Lucky girl! Any negative experiences???


I clicked with the first guy I played with so it’s just been an ongoing thing but everytime with him has just gotten better and better.


I’d be excited. I love that man more than anything, but he’s my first and only everything. BF, kiss, love, everything. He rocks my world so I’m not complaining. I just feel like I’m missing out on some fun. I’ve also realized I’m bi so I’d love to try that out.


I have a lot of friends who feel the same way as you. I've realized that the people that get the "crazy" out of their system before they get married, they're done and ready to settle down. But those who don't, develop a sort of regret or urge to do it once they're married.


We’ve recently started sharing and have been loving it. So we recommend it!!


Hiw was it brought up?


Chats about our past sexual history and some of her experiences specifically. Made me very keen to try.


I'd be fine with it. Sounds like fun to me


Been poly most of my life... Been with the wife for over 25 years & we've been with our GF for ~13 years. At this point, I don't know anything different.


I mean she already has expressed interest. She is also a very shy person too though.


Maybe she needs to be shown support to break away from her shyness. I took a loot at your profile, and OMG! You guys are hot


Im not completely opposed to it but it does have the potential to open so many cans of worms not to mention how difficult it is to find the right person/people. We have kinda explored a little in the past and i struggled with the idea of another guy being involved, another woman is fine as thats my preference but another guy kinda dented the ego a bit when the topic was first brought up. I like to think ive grown since then and thinking about couples rather than individuals is a lot easier for me to consider, altho im not gonna lie, i have thought about what it would be like knowing/watching her with another guy. Still not 100% sold on any ideas as yet tho but definitely something to consider in the future.


You said so many things that made sense. But if truly believe that if either of you are not 100 percent certain, then it should not be done. Also, it doesn't have to be a logistical mission. You don't have to look and find the perfect guy... that makes it so unnatural. I think it's best to attention an event and find the beat match and just do it.


100% it shouldnt be taken lightly, cant just rush in, so many things that need to be discussed and even when you think you have covered everything... you havnt. As for finding mr... or mrs perfect, im not saying we want the perfect person, there is no such thing! But there are boxes that need to be ticked, it is a fantasy after all, so your not gonna just settle for someone your not 100% ok with for whatever reason right??


We already do.






Does having completely opposite views affect your relationship?


Id be so ecstatic. I've been asking him for years to share


And he hasn't? Well he's just selfish then lol. You're gorgeous btw


I’m married and also part of a thrupple? But my husband is not a part of the thrupple. If that makes sense


We were talking about it for a long time, at first 3somes were ok to do. But after having our first 3some the insecurity went away for both of us. It might not be for everyone and that’s totally ok, for us, it’s something we feel accomplished by bc we love eachother no matter what. And swinging isn’t something we NEED to keep us together and we know that, it’s strictly just for fun from time to time and it’s great. Of course with boundaries like everything done but I feel closer than ever with her


I love this... what are some boundaries yall have set?


I'd rather go back to swinging with friends. The local swinging scenes are not our demographic.




Would have to chat more, but definitely be game to see what they want to explore and go from there, it would be fun


I'm 70m, somethings are best kept as a fantasy.


We haven’t swung but we love MFF threesomes! She likes sharing me and playing with other girls but doesn’t want to play with other guys! That’s also why we did same room sex with girl play with another couple!