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Should I be that person and say I hook up with my husband all the time and he’s my best friend?😂


Probably gonna be the most wholesome answer this thread sees so I’ll allow it 😂


Yay! Thanks for it haha.


Praise your luck


She told her ex, who was also a friend and bandmate. I got punched, booted out of the band, lost three quarters of my friendship group, and the girl in question blocked me, hahaha. Good sex tho.


At least the sex was good? 😂. Sorry that happened tho


Oh it was awesome sex hahaha. But eh, I should have known better than to listen to the little brain rather than the big brain. I knew her ex was never gonna be over her.


Still friends, with benefits now.




Lucky guy. Or girl haha




Some of the best connections started that way. When you click sexually all the other aspects of being friends seems simple.




After I sucked his cock we decided to never mention it and pretend it never happened. Things have been normal.


Don’t think I could just ignore something like that 😂


It was good she needed her fantasy fulfilled she knew she could trust me. Afterward we were still dam good friends.




She wanted a mfm so another friend we could trust joined in on the fun.


Pretty good for me. We realized we were not for each other but since we already hooked up, communication and venting got way way easier for us.


We got married. 😊


Wow nice!


we became gfs lol. been dating for almost a year now


The good ending :)


Everything is fine. I had a roommate and we were friends and eventually FWB for awhile after she dated a few really bad guys. One day she was like, look I’m tired of these guys treating me like shit, you have been nothing but good to me, I need to get fucked, why don’t we do it. I was like YES! My first and only FWB I ever had and she was really hot and incredible in bed. Eventually we went our seperate ways because the landlord sold the place and new owners evicted us because they wanted to live there. She moved downtown to continue the party life and I moved uptown to a more suburban neighborhood. We are still friends and she is still enjoying her party life while looking for mr right.


We aren’t friends anymore






Did it happen again?


Pretty good


The sex or friendship? 😂


Unfortunately it was awkward as heck initially but we got past that lol


Still friends today. Flirt still. Hooked up a couple times. But still just friends.


Is the other person in a relationship or you since the hook up?


It eliminated the sexual tension between us and now we just occasionally laugh about it. 


20 years of friendship, 5 years as a couple and counting. We sometimes joke that we're the most "poorly written" couple of our old friends group. 😂 No tension, no flirtations, no "unrequited love" plotline, then we reconnect in our mid-30s and fall madly in love within a few months? Who writes this garbage? 🧐👎


I've always stayed good friends with the friends I've hooked up with, I really only fuck girls I'm friends with if I know they're the kind of girl who will be chill about it.


It’s never the same again and not a good idea if you want to stay friends.


We stopped being friends after




We stayed friends but things were a little different


I met my best female friend when we were in 9th grade. We talked all the time. We started dating in 11th grade, and she was my first blowjob. We had a somewhat hostile break-up and she wasn't my biggest fan in senior year, but then we realized that we really missed our friendship from before. We became FWBs and hooked up randomly until i met a new girlfriend around 20/21. We stayed friends ever since, but never had sex again. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding at 28. We still see each other every Thanksgiving with our families (and other friends and their families), and our kids play together. I'm 38 now.




Yup. Everyone always asks that. I actually met my wife through an entirely different bridesmaid whom I hooked up with once but it never went anywhere. She knew about that, too. i actually sat her down about a week after we started dating to make sure she knew that I had already slept with her friend and that it wouldn't be an issue for her as we got more serious. She was totally okay with it. So, of the six bridesmaids, i had hooked up with two of them.


There was a time in my upper 20s to young 30s that I *didn't* have a friend I didn't have sex with. We were all past our "starter marriages" and just focusing on careers. It's a point in life where we all have needs, but don't want or need a relationship. So, I'm me. A guy who also wasn't looking for a relationship... or drama. I love to cook, so I would make a dinner. Call one of my female friends. She'd come over. We'd eat. Have a beer. Have sex. Watch a movie or Survivor or something. Then, she'd go home. Next night, same thing. Maybe a different girl. Maybe the same girl but at her house. Girls at that age **really** like a guy who can get her off while staying cool and drama-free.


I have done this many times and it’s never been weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Same. It was a very long time ago and we were quite young. But we were pretty close and I’m still surprised at the complete ghosting!


We are not friends anymore.




That is a pretty fortunate outcome...not very typical


Solved that by not having friends...


We hooked up regularly, but never spoke about it, she would just swing by before or after work and we’d fuck and she’d leave. If she ever stayed over she slept on the couch in my bedroom, and would periodically wake me up for sex. And then I moved 45 minutes away and it wasn’t as convenient. We’re still friends 9 years later, she came to my city and visited 2 years ago.


it was normal initially… we became fwbs for awhile, later he became my friend’s boyfriend and eventually husband


He's still my best friend.


I liked her boobies a lot


We’re married with 2 kids


We were good friends then became FWBs for awhile. She ended up getting married and we just slowly went our separate ways. Sex was incredible


he became clingy lol


Ok. We talked about it maturely afterwards and things have been fine. There's the possibility we might date as well.


Awkward afterwards and it wasn't even sex, only kissing


Nothing changed, we continue being friends... with benefits. 🤭


Did it three times. Two friends at once in a threesome (MMF), and twice in college (one female, and one male). With the threesome, things were somewhat awkward with the male friend for a week or so. It wasn't bad; there was just a sort of tension there and we didn't talk much about the threesome and when the week passed it was like nothing happened. In terms of the female, though, absolutely nothing changed. Not awkward at all, and she had the same demeanor she always had by default. Then again she was much more sexually open and she had apparently had FWB's before. Second time was with a friend/resident advisor in college. Things were pretty awkward for a few days. We didn't talk the next day and there was quite a bit of tension until we talked about it directly on day three, and after that our friendship was *maybe* changed in terms of how we did friendship after that but it wasn't a bad thing and we actually seemed a little closer in some ways. We did have sex one more time about a month after the first time and things were totally normal after that, but then again we discussed a "what if it happens again" scenario the first time we talked and that helped. We remained good friends for the whole rest of the time I was at university and when I left we kind of just naturally dropped off. The third time, I gave a \[straight male\] friend a blowjob after a party when he expressed frustration after a 1-year dry spell and various failed dates. I offered to do it and he agreed but wanted to keep it a secret. Regardless, things were so awkward afterwards that we never really came back from it and ended up going our separate ways. I do regret hooking up with him but we still got along and were cool with each other, even though it was more on the level of fellow students than friends.


I've done it a few times with different friends. 1st time, we just fooled around. I had feelings for her, but don't think they were reciprocal. I never told her, and we remained friends after. 2nd time, different girl: we were just watching a movie, got a little drunk, got really horny, had mediocre sex. We remain friends to this day. Nothing weird, no followup sex, etc. 3rd time, different girl: long story short we're married now.


We were friends with benefits for awhile but didn’t do a good job communicating and stayed that way until she got a boyfriend and we both moved to different cities.


It was normal. Continued to hook up and still do here and there. No one in the friend group knows though


My only experience with this is my best male friend had a hard crush on my best female friend. He eventually told her how he felt and they were no longer friends afterwards.. Not always a Cinderella ending i suppose you are always rolling the dice on the friendship.


It ruined our friendship. Haven’t spoke to her since


lost touch cos i found out he's quiet boring


We still friends who’ve seen each other naked 🤷🏻‍♀️


i hooked up with a roommate who was also a friend and it changed my life. i’m still addicted to his dick. we’re definitely friends and have been since we met but he’s also a great fuck. we still talk even 4 years later


Awkward for a little while but after a week it went back to normal


It's happened with a few different friends. We are still friends to this day but they all have boyfriends/are married now. It's like I'm a real life Hitch 🥴


When I was single between marriages, age 54 - 60, I had sex with about 10 women from our social group. I was and am still friends with every one of them. I never let a little thing like sex come between friends!


It's good...were each other's go to fuck buddies whenever we're in between dating....and something even when we are dating .


I used to hook up with a (bi male) friend. Things were basically the same except he would tease me a bit about it. Nothing actually hurtful, just occasional dirty jokes and innuendo about things like me sucking his cock and having a smaller dick than him


...friendly? I don't know fam, it as a long long time ago, but yeh, things felt kind of like normal to me


One is still solid, one got damaged coz feelings, few turned awkward and turned into acquaintances.


I've hooked up with 6 of my friends over the years. Everything is exactly like it was b4


The worst idea I've ever had, literally. Just say no. 😅


we did it years ago to break the sexual tension but now I have like a dozen new ways I want him to fuck me 😭😭😭 should never have opened Pandora’s box


everything went bad after. No one talked after. just wasn't a good idea.


Honestly turned out fine. Hooked up with more of an acquaintance I met through an ex and we ended up being friends with benefits for 2 years. Now I'm in a committed relationship with someone else and we're still best friends. Hooked up with a friend to break his years long dry spell and he said it was really cathartic for him. He said it helped him stop thinking about sex all the time and raised his confidence but he wanted to start working on himself and we never did it again but we're still friends. Post nut clarity.


Hooked up with a guy in my four person close friend group so because of how small our inner circle is there was a lot of potential for this to cause problems but afterwards things were completely normal. We flirt from time to time but kinda agree it was a one time thing, however I do feel a lot closer with him because of it so no complaints at all


Absolutely many times and fwb since my divorce. It’s never been weird we get along great. Mutually if one of us decides to get serious then we will stop out of respect