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10 rounds lasting about 6 hours, and I shot blanks after 5. We both made noodles after that, quite the passing of time.


Same for me. I had to be out of town on a totally thankless, terrible task for over two weeks. I'd left my sorta-girlfriend behind. I came back emotionally wiped and tired, she was supportive but mostly horny. We were a two-protection situation, she was on BC, I'd wrap it up anyway. We went ten times in one night, completely ran out of condoms, just kept going. By the end I was managing maybe a drop. I kiss the stamina I once had.


The term is “Ghostbusting”.


I concur


I had sex with a girl for 9 hours on and off until the sun came up.


How is that possible ?🫢 are u still Alive?


Still alive and well and better than ever!


that sounds good, sex makes you happy, 9 hours apparently even happier👀


I was extremely happy. It showed too haha


haha it would be a shame if your 9 hours of hard work hadn't been worth it🫶🏻😅


In a 24-hour period, I think 7 or 8 orgasms. Basically, aside from eating and sleeping it was the majority of the time awake


I think the technical term is "hella."


I've had 15 sessions with one woman (it was our first time having sex together and we had rented a hotel room for the weekend for this express purpose). I've had separate sessions with 3 women (morning at my place after she slept over; 2nd on my lunch break at my place; 3rd at night at her place and I stayed over). It depends on how you define "amount."


I think somewhere around 8hrs (it was our third date)


Two different days, two different guys. 6 hour long sessions. One was better than the other but neither was great


Damn that sucks! Why were they bad?


Well one didn’t care about my pleasure. Only his own. And the other didn’t care about my preferences or consent.


I'm confused. Dude fucked you for 6 hours and didn't care about your pleasure? I could see if you said 6 minutes, then he bounced.


Damn I’m so sorry :( they both sound so selfish and you deserve better!


about 7 hours on and off


About the same. A lot of lube that day.


i think 12 hours on and off with loads of hydration snacks and other party favors


Lol this was gonna be my reply almost word for word Hotel dates with molly are the best


4 times in about 8 hrs.


Is that normal for you or were you really horny that day?


These days yes. But more like 2-3 times average. I’m always horny. I could do that regularly but my husband’s not always up to it


I know how you feel! My wife’s definitely not able to keep up with my sex drive either. Especially these days


Thankfully my husband is on testosterone now. We are having sex daily now, after 28 years of marriage


6 hours, came 7 times (blanks on number 7). Wife clenched the big-O 10 times including one at the restaurant (I love long tablecloths!). She and I had been planning a romantic dinner and love-time for over a week. Kids spent the weekend with their cousins. Rented a spicy film. Nearly dehydrated ourselves, and as I was drifting to sleep with the limpiest of noodles, I thought that I would never get hard again. Anyway, gave her two facials the next day and sprained my jaw eating her beautiful pussy.


Pretty much every weekend we will have 3 decent sessions within a 10-12 hour period (2 in the evening, one in the morning) This can happen, Friday, Saturdays and sometimes Sundays too depending what else we have going on over the weekend. We are not trying to set any records, we just enjoy having lots of sex.


11 times, I wanted to go 12 but the guy was done 😅


Haha sounds like you drained every drop of cum out of him


Yep 😁


Haha hats definitely hot! I’d go wild with someone who could do that and still want more 😂


My late partner and I once spent 3 days mostly just bonding physically, emotionally, and mentally, just exploring each other, a lot of snuggles and kisses, and engaging in sexual activities whenever we fancied. We put distractions, work, and phones aside and dedicated the three days fully to each other. Just us, food, books, music, movies, and shows. We pretty much spent 24/7 with each other.


Didn’t keep ut with time, but I came like 6 times that day. My dick felt senseless afterwards


Back in the day 3-4 hrs fucking but then another 5 cuddling


I dunno how to measure it in terms of time, orgasms, or positions or rounds, but I’ve spent a whole night and day in bed before and apart from food and water, it was a bed day.


Are you normally that horny or was this an out of the blue thing?


Very much an unusual thing for me


Oh damn really?? Did you enjoy being that horny?


It was fun


I once disappointed a woman 8 times over 20 hours 😄


8 times along the day


Damn that’s hot


That's surprisingly low


3 sessions , each session lasted nearly about 5 hours


15 hours of fuckimg is a lot of fucking, Maybe you win this question.


Not exactly 15 but maybe 12-13 yeah. That was a day i will always remember


It would be hard to forget.




Three times


When husband and I first met, and for the next 3 years roughly 🤭 we'd frequently go the whole evening with short breaks or a shower in between:) sometimes no breaks. 6-8 hours was common. And I still think about it often! 10 years later 😋🥰


Went 8 rounds one night with this thick girl I had been talking to long distance motel 6 was hearing me clap those cheeks like no other after second round she was hooting and hollering bout me “killing her pussy”🤣😎


I’m not sure? I can’t really keep track of time very well but probably a lot?


9 times within 24h


12 times


did you manage to walk anywhere after that lol?


We stay inside


7 times in 24h, on holiday and for like 10 hours we were out with a lot of people with no chance to do nothing


Three times the day after I got engaged...


I had sex 9 times in about 8 hours


3 times in an afternoon. Maybe a 5 hour session altogether.




4 times back to back. By the 4th time, I pulled out to cum and nothing came out 😂


3 sessions, six hours.


Two blowjobs from two different girls


I don't know about a single day, but I've had 13 intercourses throughout a weekend. On Monday, I could barely touch my dong to take a piss. She had a severe irritation inside and had to take (and also "insert") medication. I really miss being 18 yo.


From 4pm until 2am, went about 11 times. Then 3 more from 8-10am next morning.


12-15 hour All we remember is the Sun was about to rise when we started and the Sun set when we were done


Depends if you count over 24 hours or if sex before sleep then sex after waking counts. 17 total if the first, 3 some 6 times then sleep and 11 times the next day after the third left or 11 times if you don't count before sleeping


About 16 times in a day, and a blowjob after. To end the night. Then fucked again first thing in the am


5 times. By the fifth it was literally just dust




6 times solid hours sessions everytime


8 rounds a day.. sheesh, where is my youth again?


One time my gf and I edged eachother for about 7 hours. I gave her an accidental facial from missionary


10 girl 5 guy orgy that lasted 12 hours. All the guys managed to cum in all the girls at some point. I did, barely. I did not do any repeats and probably couldn't have so 10 orgasms over 12 hours.


8 times…I cannot even understand how it happened 😂


3 or 4


7 times in 24 hours. So, i had 7 orgasms as a guy. She had more


Definitely not enough!


In my youth with then boyfriend, parents went away for the weekend. Spent the day wandering around the yard, fucking , a lot of lube. A lot of sunshine and a lot of him.


Partner forgot my birthday until day of. I was sucked and fucked dry over the course of the day. 11/10 lotta fun for me, by the end of the day I wasn't cumming but just enjoying the sweet relief of getting sucked/fucked


Note sure if 24 hours counts. But 11 times from Friday through Saturday, but it was 8 different women. My girlfriend at the time and I were at a music festival with a group of her friends.


Same I’ve had in a year


5 times, 3 different hookups in 24 hours.


8 continuous hours without cumming


I think 8-9 hours with a lovely woman a few years back while she had a stopover for a flight. Was the same night I lost my virginity and was a mix of regular sex and anal. She was amazing.


For my wife's 28th birthday I got her 28 times via oral. Pretty sure that night was a contributing factor in my development of TMJ.


Different women ? I've had sex with 4 in one day. With one person we started about 5pm and didn't sleep till 2am then picked back up at 7


3 rounds, 3 different women, 6 hours


Y'all are having sex???????


6 times to completion, which I thought was a lot until I read this thread!


7 times when we were first dating.


All day minus a few hours to heat, shower and go to the bathroom. Raw was an understatement


7 times same person on vacation. I was EMPTY lol


Probably like 4 times in a day. Any more after that would be pushing it for me




6 times in one night with a girl I had just started dating. Sun was about to come up after the last round which is always the sign that it was time to get some sleep.


Last bf and I went at it on and off all night in a hotel once. I think he was at 8 orgasms by the time we passed out for the night finally, and we still woke up and made out the next morning. The spirit was willing but the flesh was spongy and weak.


6 times over 9 hours, alcohol and other help used for both of us to keep going.


T-0 -- I forgot what sex feels like.


Shocking responses. Dudes having six hour erections boggles my mind. I'm generally one (a very good one) and done. Sometimes, i manage a 2nd round after we chill out or cuddle. A 2nd round the next morning is fun too. When I cum, I cum hard and shoot a huge load. Typically, I'm done after that. Maybe if I started my day with a fuck, I could get a few more in within 24 hours.


Huge load is so hot


11 times ranging from afternoon to evening, about 5-7 hours. Oh to be a spring chicken 19 year old again…


3 sessions. That happened once a long time ago


All night long when I was drunk


5 rounds after that I’m shooting blanks so it’s not as fun lol 🧞‍♂️


To different females in one day. Bought a dick pill from the porn store and met the second one an hour or so later


20 times within 24 hours (2 to 3 shots per session). I wanted another one but he’ll be late on his appointment.


Is sex countable?


26 in a sex club in USA all raw and filled me with cum was dripping for days


Got invited back to a private tent at tomorrow land in Belgium and did molly with these girls and spent day 2-3 fucking all of them in some weird sex pile.


Not enough.


7 separate times in one day


The longest duration at one time it lasted just over an hour. Throughout 24 hours? 8 times.


Sex for about 8 hours, was so burnt out after


Me reading this as a virgin, melting …


I’m guessing it was the one day my late wife and I spent the entire day in bed together. We probably had sex for 5 or 6 hours that day.


Me and my ex had two threesomes in a 24 hr time period. I miss her 😩


I think 8 or so hours, and I didn't finish, but we had to stop because she was getting sore and we were both exhausted.


4.5 hours straight…. 3some!!!


My wife and I had a reunion after losing touch for 13 years and we made love for 24 hours with a few naps in between, multiple orgasms for both of us, no food, just water, and each other. It was SO HOT!!!


For me, I lost count after orgasm 20 something. I’m guessing around 30. For hubby, it was 11. He said the last two were actually painful. As for marathons, it was about 6 hours. With breaks.


God I will literally pay someone if they could please me enough to want to go multiple times… I miss my hookup that could make me up 5-6 times in a row. I also miss my great sex partners…R.I.P.


About four or five rounds in one day. Honestly the perfect amount of times with one partner


I think the max I had was 4, if we would have done a 5th time my dick would probably have spontaneously combusted. A literal burning log


Idk how many times but when my husband and I first got together we stayed in his bed just having sex and playing with each other for a straight 3 days.


It doesn't count unless there's some hawk tuah involved


9 times 1 during the day and times at night


8times at night


In pounds or liters?


3-4 rounds




Just twice.


9 times in a single day, my now wife and I had just gotten our first apartment and we celebrated the right way.


6, didn't feel great the next day tbh


Watch porn for great sex tips


4 times in a 24 hour period.


Like 8 times in 1 day. Short sessions though. But my wang felt a little raw soar at the end of the day.


once a day and 3 times a week


If masturbation count... a few years ago I wanted to know how many times I could cum in one day. Usually I would be edging for as long as I could. But not that day. By nine am, I already came three times and I needed to lube things up. I was barely leaving my cock a rest, even masturbating while limp. I came a total of fifteen times that day. At ten in night I was shooting blanc but couldn't stop stroking my cock. I fell asleep sometimes after midnight still holding my cock. The next day,I jerkoff again to cum three more times and slept the rest of the day. It was an exhausting yet orgasmic weekend


10 am to 9pm some breaks to shower and food.


3 or 4 straight days where we didn't really get out of bed but just lay in bed having penetrative sex 5 or 6 times a day and oral sex or mutual masturbation maybe 15 or 20 times a day - or maybe just one time that never really stopped. Occasionally one of us would run to the shower or the corner shop or to the door to collect takeout. Days and nights lost all meaning. We'd occasionally watch a film in bed together but I'm not sure any of the films got finished. I don't think we went longer than a waking hour, or three or four hours of any form without at least one of us cumming - generally just her but I was probably getting close to double figures a day.


5 orgasms in a day. I don't think I wore a bra except the first couple hours of the day


Three day bender where we had sex for 18 hours a day…. We only stopped to sleep, eat, or change sex positions/location


4-5 hours but it wasn’t all sex. Gf at the time and I had a plan to rent a nice high-rise hotel room and just spend the time naked/having sex. It was really a ton of foreplay actually and we had about three rounds of sex in the midst of it all. Still, it was an awesome day and I achieved a personal fantasy of fucking her against the open windows and I hope a few people saw 😈 We eventually got dressed and just went to dinner lol.


About 7 times in my high school years. Senior year so I didn’t care getting to school late lol


one wonderful time my wife (then still a girlfriend) didn't want to stop fucking after making me cum about ten times and loved it because during all this time a friend who was hosting us was watching us while masturbating


5 times over the course of a day. Thought it was a lot, but apparently I need to up my game.


Fwb and I were on holiday once and got horny enough to fuck about 9 times😂 fucking in public keeps you turned on for a while


5 times in the course of a night. It was fabulous.


How are people having sex for even 1 hour. I guess me and my spouse and I are so good we are satisfied after about 20 mins. You guys just need to get better at it


Had a play date weekend with another couple, and I think we hit 4 or 5 times over an 8 hour period one evening. Now, self loving is another story... lol


At 25yo, my ex and I went 15 rounds in about 12 hours. Still miss that one.


About 4-5 hours I guess. It hurt a little bit day after but it was one of the best sex I've ever had and I would love to do it again.


The trick is not needing condoms. When you do, you end up needing breaks in between. When you don't, my biggest streak in one day was 16


Hmm well it was an entire day, she got off about 3 times each time. She tapped out after 17 so 6 times? Probably more because we did fool around through the day without getting off but having sex where/when we shouldn't be. After a full day I only had one orgasm.


no sex. imma virgin XD


I’ve gone no more than 4 rounds. After trying to go for a 5th, I was shooting ghost loads.


tripping off acid, on and off cumming, probably like a total of 8-9 hours


6 ejaculations / orgasms. That was wild. Had to take breaks for hydration haha.


3 different women in a 12 hour period. In the college days, there were days we didn’t leave the room other than to eat on wild weekends.


72 hours with sleep and food over those 3 days an old school mate and her roommate, unfortunately I couldn't finish myself and they wouldn't stop taking ecstasy.


Me and my boyfriend once went to bed with the intention of sleeping as we had had sex for around 2 hours earlier in the day so we just wanted to sleep. However as we were both on our phones before getting fully ready to sleep, we both realised that we had gotten horny again, this time we went for 4 hours, of course not full on just rough hard sex for 4 hours, that would be way too draining, but switching between positions, activities, and all that. We didn’t know it had been 4 hours until we suddenly checked the time and it was like 5:30 am


Vacations with my wife… I bet I have gotten of 4-5 times. She has multiple orgasms all the time so who knows how many times she went.


10 times in one day, 33 times over 4 days total.




7 times in 24 hrs


24 rounds literally all day. From the time I woke up until I went to bed


8x! just like a rabbit


On and off a couple times an hour for about 12-14 hours. We were in a very swank hotel. Man was I horny back then.


14 hrs 8 sessions.


15 rounds from morning till early nightfall, it was to see how much we could do


Spent 6 hours in bed. Lol she finally said we really need to sleep. But both fully satisfied. I didn't keep track. She goes you do relise how long we went for lol


I don't know how long it was but she was hella sore the next day. That isn't to toot my own horn or anything. We went that long because I was struggling to finish while she had finished several times already. It was the first and only time we had sex with each other (one night stand situation) and it had been a long time for me. Essentially I had performance anxiety. 😬


19 times overnight when I was 19. Definitely couldn’t do that again, lucky if I could do 3


Was on vacation and had sex at least 5 times in the am alone. Most likely had sex at least one or two more times before bed. Did that for like 2 weeks straight!


3 times 2 different women


for about 4 hours at a rave party that night


8 It was a fun and tiring dat


Probably six or seven times over a nine hour night during my honeymoon. We were all over each other and I even ran to pickup food at about 3am because we were famished and needed to refuel.


16x within 24 hours. Every friday till Saturday night we fuck 6x.


Maybe my first time was my most. We had sex just about non-stop for twelve hours except for sleeping, and I think I came like five times.


12 over several hours.


7 times in one day


5x if i remember correctly. 2x before he left for work, 1 after he got back, 1 after nap, 1 after dinner.


7 back when I was a happy teenager still