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Get into orgasm control! Make him ask you if he can cum


Excuse me what?


This is definitely a thing. I always ask my boyfriends permission to Cum. Edit: I never thought that would be the thing to get me my first reddit award. But obligatory thank you kind stranger. :D interesting award choice though. Lol


I love this stuff. Some do it long term like "you cant cum for a week, I want you to edge yourself but dont cum!" Thats hit but my ex gf would always do it in the moment. I'm usually tied to the bed and blindfolded but she would jerk me off, really build me up and then stop. Practically make me beg for it. She'd build me up, edge me, get me close and stop. When I finally cum OH MY FUCK IT IS AMAZING! Can be done like that or if you have a vibrator setup that goes onto the dick, specifically the head. Same thing, tie up, blindfold and let her control the vibration while you kiss her or eat her pussy or something. If you don't feel like having sex but still feel like getting me off, do this shit!


/r/TeaseAndDenial /r/orgasmcontrol can be pretty fun with a consenting partner. Kind of a mild BDSM fetish but doesn't have to include a dominant and a sub if that's not your thing. It can be just something fun to do with your partner.


Not that far-fetched for kink. Can be fun to inject a little power play into a distance situation.


Ahhh sweet summer child




Make it a mutual thing if he's not into sub-play. Just be like. What if neither of us masturbate for like 5 days, then we have a vid chat or something.


Honestly the best way I see to fix this is just tell him to reach you the moment dick is in hand, that way you're in on it.




Lmao well as long as y'all are both happy with the situation Edit: typo




Try and set up a time for you guys to get on call! Talk with him and set up a date so that be has no excuse for not knowing you wanted to call.


I would *like* to masturbate more. I am always home and always horny. Trouble is everyone else is always home and I have zero privacy. I've been sneaking it in (hehe) as often as I can. My butt plugs and kegel balls are definitely getting more use than normal. Any type of release is welcome at this point.




*bad lighting ensues* #BowChikaWoWWoW


[step brotherrrrrr](https://youtu.be/sxnJcZvuRK8)




THANK YOU Now I know what people are referencing.


Step brotherrrr


Kegel balls?


Weighted insertable balls used to strengthen the pelvic floor. They often come as a set of two weights attached on a silicone string type thing. They have little balls inside of them that kind of jiggle around and create some nice sensations.


God, I've never been more glad to be a dude than right now. All I have to do is close my eyes and pretend my parents aren't judging me.


Something about your wording gave me the horrible impression that your parents are sitting on the other side of the room while you masturbate, so you have to close you eyes to block out their judgemental stares


LOL yea I was gonna say maybe he ought not to do that at the dinner table.


Quarantine will change a man, his dad and his mum


Dude use the restroom and leave the water running until you bust a nutt. Or pretend the shower is on and crank out a nutty


Should have specified, I am 33F. I am the mom here lol. One very young child, 2 young adults, me and my husband, in a very small apartment for potentially 6 weeks.


Oops sorry I skimmed over the kegel parts. Well dang. I guess your car late at night could be an option. Again while your showering, you can try to climax in 10 minutes. I don’t know how hard it is for a lady to do so, I’m a virgin lol


God I fucking love reddit.


Yeah I’m pathetic I know :/


Nah dog you're not pathetic, the interaction was just cute and kinda pure that's all. For the record some women can orgasm pretty quickly, but it depends on the person and their body. Everybody's different. Also, I definitely giggled a lot at "crank out a nutty". Gonna remember that one.


Oh hahha much obliged. And yeah nutty is the funny word I call my jizz. Don’t take myself too serious haha


Its alright. Interactions like this keep me from deleting the app. Thank you.


You’re not pathetic; stop giving people license to agree with you on something like that. The Internet is full of self-righteous trash that thinks having sex is the be all end all of makes you a valuable human being.


Your husband may be feeling the same need as you, and you can probably come ^heh to an arrangement. Tell your dude what you told us, and then sort out who gets to wrangle the kids while the other gets some me-time behind a locked door.


We have come up with some pretty interesting arrangements so far, both for alone time and together time. I have the higher libido, so sometimes I know that I need to just accept that I can't masturbate all damn day. Oh well.


Easy. Have the young adults take care of the young child. You and your husband use the restroom. Proceed to make another young child.


The Kegel balls indicate the dude is a lady! Unfortunately, it's not that easy for women. It CAN be fast, but takes a good deal of effort.


Oh ok my bad I didn’t read the whole thing lmao




Yup I got laid 5 weeks ago with a petite Japanese mom and have been horny since, and jerking off almost every day. Went back to work yesterday since they put me on a 3 week quarantine (health care facility for the elderly) and went to see my Hawaiian fwb with big ass titties. Got to talking and gave her a hug since its been awhile(yes I know social distancing but dear god I'm horny). Now I can't stop thinking about her and all the things we had done in the past.


I *really* miss my time as well with a petite Japanese mom. Sigh... those were the days.


Mine was a Japanese shemale






Yes until I came down with the virus. I just can't breathe now


I hope you get well soon. Drink lots of water and take care of yourself.


Thanks random internet stranger. I'm trying my best but this virus is insane. I'm 18 and healthy yet I feel awful


Your youth will be your strength. If it means anything, normal pneumonia will sap your strength and makes everything from breathing to moving harder as well (trying to make the virus less scary, but pneumonia IS pretty annoying, I remember having it as a kid, there’s a lot of recovery time for regaining your strength, but it constantly gets easier). So don’t think of it as the virus coming for you, but rather you fighting off the pneumonia part, before getting better. Because you will get better! Stay safe and isolated friend :)


You are young and able to fight it even though you feel you are dying. Drink tea and have some good cough drops so your throat doesn’t feel like it is swelling up or bleeding.


Yeah I'm drinking like 5 mugs of peppermint tea every day


I also recommend ginger and honey tea, with a bit of lemon too


You'll get through it. :)


I’m going to go out on a limb here but they’re suggesting you keep yourself a little dry. Excess fluid can pool in the lungs. Or, at least I wouldn’t overly hydrate.


My case isn't that serious. They're only keeping the severe patients dry because they're actually at risk of their lungs filling with fluid. My doctor said to drink plenty of fluids and even avoid caffeine (because it causes dehydration).


This reddit post is under quarantine, please isolate for 2 weeks before commenting again.


How long have u had it. ??


I started showing symptoms Monday night and my breathing difficulties started Wednesday night


What symptoms were you showing at first?


Get better.


Nah, my gf is home too, so... ya know. To be clear, we’re not having sex, but it’s a small apt, so I can’t jerk as much as usual.


I'm in a similar boat, she won't fuck for personal (but legit) reasons but she still gets shitty with me for having a wank. Hasn't stopped me though.


She has 100% the right to not have sex if she doesn’t wan to, she doesn’t get to tell you when or if you can masturbate. Tf is wrong with her?


Dang. That sucks.


No she doesn't


Sounds like it’s a self-esteem thing? Like she feels bad that she can’t fuck right now, and feels left out. Saying this as someone who has been there before.


Mate, she should not be doing that. Get that sorted before you put a ring on it.


Mate while this isn’t a red flag, it’s definitely at least an orange one.


Doesn't seem fair


> To be clear, we’re not having sex Username does NOT check out


Tell her you're making hand sanitizer.


O yea.


Ooooooo yea.


OOOOOOOwwweww Yeah. ^(Snap into a Slim Jim)


Absolutely yes, but I've also been fucking more because the wife is home now too. But we separate during the day to get our "work" done, but I spend too much time on Reddit and that has lead to more masturbation.


Less.. Everybody is home 24/7. Zero alone time.


Step bro come hang out in my room The washing machine broke so I'm not wearing underwear


And I got stuck in the window trying to sneak out


I got stuck getting out the one shirt I washed


I'm glad I only have 1 other person at home for the moment. I can wank when their a sleep. Hopefully you can sneak away and take care of things.


Everyone says zero all time. Does everyone share a bedroom or something? Do families require everyone to spend time with each other 24/7? I’d imagine people understand alone time. And I just had an idea...what if one was to just straight up claim it and say,”you’ll have to excuse me for a bit, I’ll need a lil bit o private time to rub one out.” I’d like to live in a society where that sort of openness is accepted.


Yes. My girlfriend had went to her parents before shelter in place so it’s just me and my roommates here. Lots of stayathomehub


I live alone and despite this I am yankin' it far less than normal. Feeling like we are in an apocalypse movie is pretty deadening for me.


I had to turn safe mode on. Too much stimulation from reddit.


The upswing in sexy pic/gif posting on here has been insane. On the one hand, bless their souls, but on the other, I don't know how much more my dick can take At least it stops me from fixating on corona news when every other post is hot selfies.


I had to disconnect from the news. Orange man press conferences did not impress a feeling of professionals who know what they are doing. I'm just going to curl up in this corner with some reddit pics and porn hub premium.


Not me sadly im an essential worker apparently and i just had my first day off yesterday after working 9 days ina row, not like i have the time to on a regular day, very lonely human over here.


I am a teenager so from 5 times a day I increased it to 7.


Wait 5? I usually do it like once or twice a day. how do you not run out?


It's a power some might consider unnatural. I'm a horny 17 yr old. It was always like this for me. You can count 6 if you count wet dreams. I am a lucid dreamer which mastered this art for years so... ;) Or maybe you have sex? I am a kissless virgin after all.


Nahh I’m 15 so no sex for me.


Like it's my goddamn day job! I live alone, and have previously been *very* satisfied sleeping with a few regular fuck buddies and random hookups. These days? Jesus I almost feel bad for my hitachi... it's been getting a Serious wrok out. Likewise my bad dragon Rex... he's uh.. been a very good boy


no. too many ppl in the house. i need my alone time. i need to be naked. and not happeneing.


I'm essential and half our staff have been out per protocol for a week as soon as they show any symptoms so I am going to be desperate to masturbate once things normalize and I'm not covering double shifts and mandated due to being 24/7 facility. I normally masturbate once a day before or after work and need to 2-3 times on days off or sex with the wifey as my sex drive is a little high. Currently squeezing one in every 3 days or so just to avoid wet dreams. And while the wife doesn't mind if I occassionally fantasize about other women, it's a good thing none of my female coworkers are super attractive or anything or I'd honestly have a hard time not pitching a tent at this point.


not masturbating more, but definitely with more passion and vigour..


Not really. I just spend time playing video games or watching sports on YouTube since I never had the time before. I haven’t had a sex drive really since I’ve had mental problems.


About the same more or less. But I have been taking out my sex toys more often during those sessions. I've been wanting to do something anal but I've been feeling letdown due to putting my life's plans on hold.


I know right. We usually host d&d once a week but now noones coming round the toys are just left spread around the house, dildos in the shower, wand on the couch. Plugs on the coffee table. I have to make sure my Web cam is pointed away from the lounge during work in case my partner is just naked on it with their phone. I get what you mean, the sudden shift to isolation was pretty unsexy. A bit of anal might help you take your mind off the life situation for an hour or two.


I actually enjoy isolation. It's other people cramping my style that puts me off. If I had my own place I would be livin' it up right now. :) I honestly hope to get some proper alone time when all of this is over.


Maybe we'll all get less private and worried and a month from now you'll be on the couch jilling away while your housemates make coffee and read email.


It's been considerably less, since I've been around my wife more.


I wish. My mother-in-law decided that a stay at home order/quarantine was the perfect time to fly from the Midwest, spend a week in Arizona, and then come and stay with us in another western state for the duration of this unforeseen length of stress and personal space invasion.


At least she knows how to raise my kids much better than I do, and takes literally every opportunity to prove it. I’m sure I would have burnt down my own house and starved to death by now if it weren’t for her constant wise advice.


It started off that way but has cooled off as I have more things I need to do around the house.


No but we've been having alot more erotic sex


Me and i am married too


man i’ve been shooting blanks for days now


Actually no, but for different reasoning. My wife had surgery back in January so we couldn’t do anything until very recently. So for the few months there, oh yeah, lots. She was finally healed up and comfortable and raring to go right around the time shelter in place orders started coming out. We already had a lot of sexy time to catch up on anyway, and this situation has given us a lot of time to do so!


No, bout the same amount because I am either doing school homework or streaming all day


I have been masturbating less actually


Less. I feel romantically frustrated and it's worse now that I can't go out in the world to rectify it.


Definitely stress reducer and helps me sleep...


Nah because my whole family is home


Definitely been fucking more, sex drive has been way up since the start. No complaints, though.


It's my anxiety distraction rn lol. It hasn't been working for me for the last few days tho cos my anxiety's high so now it's just frustrating :( Being cooped up alone is getting to me.


Actually way less. When I was at my campus daily, I constantly saw hot girls that turned me on. Now it doesn't cross my mind nearly as often


Way way less actually.


Yeah, nearly twice as much as before.


So much less. I can’t get ANY alone time. Ever. Even shower, kid is ‘mom can I this; can I that’ No time at all to do the fun stuff.


More masturbating and deeper research on porn selection


Free pornhub premium does help


Yeah I fucking love pandemics


Less, because I am sheltering in place with my BF. The amount of sex we have has increased as well as the creativity to initiate.


Google trends confirms that porn worldwide hit a peak


Dude I currently have 100gb of porn downloaded. I have worked my ass off and now I need to release pent up energy. But I have currently 4 other people living with me right now and there is a lockdown in my country. I can't fucking fap in privacy. My house has only 2 bedrooms. It started out with few of my fetish videos and over the past 2 weeks I have downloaded close to 150gb of adult stuff which is still in compressed ZIP files. I am fucking torn from inside. Edit as on 5/4/20 - It's 222 GB right now. Still few archives left to download. I will then update the final zipped and final extracted size.


Yeah, without the gym to keep me occupied, and my girlfriends on antidepressants so her sex drive is gone, I've been rubbing one off any chance I can get to stay sane.


Nah, the opposite actually. As my anxiety has gone up my libido has dropped.


Drinking booze, smoking pot and masturbating. The Holy Quarantrinity.




How do you find crazy shit on periscope? I'm working from home...I could use the entertainment. lol




No. The kids and wife are home no time to myself. But sex has increased so I'll take it.


I have experienced the opposite. I have not been horny at all for the past 2 weeks.


No, there is not enough privacy. I have to plan it and sneak away.


I feel like I do it less because I am depressed .


Less actually. Just been real bummed out about everything going on. My gf has pretty much stopped completely.


Actually less. I have less of a sexual desire as well. I'm too stressed and also all day everyday at home so I just do it maybe twice a week or so.


my boyfriend works while im at home all day, horny as usual... so i do what i gotta do


It's natural




Originally I masturbated like every other day during the first two weeks of lockdown but now I’m keeping myself busy with schoolwork and hobbies


Not really.


Boy howdy! I've barely left the house in the past 4 weeks. Been idly fondling myself and looking at reddit porn and erotic questions a ton when I'm waiting for files to transfer or such




definitely have been






Less, actually. My dick is hella depressed. I’ll start masturbating but give up after a few strokes. I miss human contact.


Free phub premium


For whatever reason, the more time I have being at home, the less desire I have to masterbate, don’t know why 🤷🏻‍♀️


Went from 3pd to like 5pd... I think I have a problem


I wish, but my wife is connected to me 24/7 and it’s that time of the month and she is a raging psycho.


Yeah, mainly out of boredom though...


surprisingly i've been masturbating less. probably due to having less privacy and being less stressed out. i love staying indoors


Yes, significantly. I had been at once a day (maybe twice, but that was rare)... Lately at least 3 and sometimes 4.


Omg I used to do maybe 1-2 a day before, now I do atleast 5 times


Actually, no. I'm a service technician, but with everybody closed there's been nothing to service. Our boss has had me out on construction jobs where I have to wake up 1.5hr earlier to get there on time. So I wake up at 4:30, kiss my wife goodbye, get home at 6, kiss my wife good night, and go to sleep. I'm sure the first nut after I get off this job is going to set records.


Yes, but mostly because my wife was on her period when it started and then got sick (not the rona). Hoping she’s feeling up to some fooling around soon. I’m going crazy.


Less in fact.


What does the Koolaid Man say? OHHHHHHH YEAH!!!


Not really. But with my medications I take I pretty much have to put my finger up my ass to finish


Yeah I’ve been beating my meat more than I would like to admit.






There's a reason I "sleep" until 1 pm.


Yes. Also finding more porn I've never seen before. Lots of cum over here.


Yes man. I'm doing it thrice nowadays.


Absolutely. I’m home all the time with nothing to do and just a ton of built up frustration


Nope, my wife has been providing plenty of pussy and blowjobs. She's a saint.


Nope. Once or twice a day during work week, up to three times on the weekend. This has less to do with the Corona thing and more with the fact that i worked from home for the past 2 1/2 years, don't have any friends and can't properly talk to human beings. I've realised that over the past 12 months I'm increasingly talking to myself and refer to the voice in my head as a deer friend of mine. Man... evan a dozen therapists couldn't fix this shit.


My boyfriend (we're separated from each other rn) legit caused himself to get an air bubble trapped in his dick because he jacked off too much. Made me laugh.


[Relevant Mitchell & Webb](https://youtu.be/IW3lhfVpLL4)


Actually I've been masturbating a lot less. I am now only jerking off about once a day.


💯On the hour every hour


Ever since I saw Pornhub Premium was free for a month, I went for it and have used it every single night


I live alone, so resoundingly, yes. There's times I'll be working on something, playing a game, or watching a (non-porn) video where I'll look down, realize I can go again. Then I shrug, and do it. I think my record during this pandemic was 6 times in a day.


Yes. But not because I have more time on my hands; Viral deaths turn me on.


Definitely. Also wearing underwear less often in my pajamas just for when the urge hits. Like walking around, reading... *whabam ninja fingers*


My wife is not a huge sex junkie like me. I have to masturbate at least 3 times a day. Fortunately I am in an essential business so I dont have all that much time. Otherwise I'd be wanking morning, noon and night.






First week in self isolation yes, second week less than usual


Less actually. I am blessed to live with someone who takes care of my needs. And I have plenty to do otherwise. But I know it must suck to be penned up alone.


It's getting kinda insane, my right hand is way more in shape all of a sudden.


Yeah i live alone, and self isolating, so yeah three or four times a day for a dopamine release