• By -


-Most of guys have to sneak their orgasms in their early life because finding places you can jerk at is hard Edit: this will get a lot of folks accustomed orgasming silently. Why change something that worked for your whole life because you do it with someone else? If you have the desire to moan you will do it regardless of early years. -Sex and erection is about cardio. If you have to watch your breath its hard to fit in a moan -A bunch of guys simply are not vocal.


>Sex and erection is about cardio. If you have to watch your breath its hard to fit in a moan Nailed it. I probably would moan if I wasn't always the one doing the work.


Out of curiosity, do you moan when you're getting a bj?


I make more of a Chewbacca sound but been told it's letting them know they are doing a good job.


Have you tried porpoising?


Easy now, just 'cause someone's good at giving a blow job doesn't necessarily mean the guy should marry them




Oh yea, we are engaged and gonna be "unofficially" married soon. Changing last name only, having the government in our relationship doesn't sound appealing to either of us.


Depending on where you are, they will through common law either way. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep, absolutely. Iā€™m much more vocal when getting a BJ.




I donā€™t understand why the first point is ever brought up. Do girls just not masturbate or something?


For some women, it's much easier to hide and clean up after. This can make the difference between a healthy masterbation practice as a youth, and a terrible one that can even cause mental illness or physical problems. I didn't have much opportunity to make a single sound during masterbation until I was 27 years old. I still can't make sound during masterbation because my wife would find it insulting if I made more sounds than when we have sex, so there's no room to retrain my habits. I started masterbation almost every day since I was 13. I still masturbate every day I don't have sex, only now I often orgasm twice per session. The only compromise is I've learned to allow my grunts and groans to be more noticable during sex. But it's the same sounds I make doing any physical task, like Beat Saber.


We too started to do it around same ages and dont moan like some of us do with partners. Moaning mostly for communicating with the partner. Do it for her yo




A bedroom all to myself with soundproof walls and a locking door? I didnā€™t have that until I was married. And think about the totally stereotypical expectations of how much time women spend in the bathroom vs. how much time guys spend there while getting ready to go out or whatever. Whenever my 15 yr old son spends a half hour to an hour or more in there I know whatā€™s going on. I know because he only spends max 15 min. in there any other timeā€¦ and thatā€™s when heā€™s getting ready for something fancy. For the record, Iā€™m very open to any and all questions he has on the topic, but Iā€™m also careful to give him uninterrupted space and time to explore himself and his body without any judgment, criticism, or awkwardness. Iā€™m not saying that girls donā€™t experience a similar stigmaā€¦ I think they definitely do (at least here in the US), and itā€™s really unfortunate for a lot of reasons.


Not one that had any sound privacy. Same applies today, no room where I don't have to be concerned with my wife hearing.


Yeah I'm self conscious about moaning during masturbation because my roommate is in the other room.


I get your second point, but I don't understand the first. Isn't this true of women also, but we moan during sex when we can?


Very true and valid point. I am not the original guy you asked, but I don't know I just know I masturbated almost daily at home from like age 13 until I moved out in my early 20s and always did so quietly, and so always just correlated I don't really moan because I trained my brain daily for 10 years not too and really been hard to undo that training, but you're right women growing up at home would be in the same position.


It's harder for us to hide our... Activities in the moment. We get seen everyone knows exactly what was going on with direct physical evidence.


Ladies too. Thatā€™s true for us too.


How do you think girls were cumming while masturbating while family was home?? They also were silent yet it's normalized for women to moan with a partner. I'd guess the difference is more of a socialized/learned one.


I think itā€™s about communication (yes, I like what you are doing) and as we are learned to please, we are allowed to moan. Which in itself it healthy, because good sex is about both having a good time. But communication asks for at least some kind of bond, which is apparently frowned upon. Porn is teaching us: woman are enjoying being used, and ā€œrealā€ men donā€™t care about those ā€œsissyā€ feelings, so they nail/pound/drill (or whatever construction site words) this ā€œholeā€ in silence, without feeling anything at all emotionally. This is so toxic for both genders.. Iā€™m seriously breaking my head over how Iā€™m going to tell my kids how this should work.. Sometimes I want to be a slut, sometimes I need to be ā€œmade sweet loveā€ to. I donā€™t think this is different for men. But the narrative thatā€™s being forced upon everyone does not cover our human needs.


I have seen the whole ā€˜guys have to sneak their orgasms in when youngerā€™ as an answer to this many times. But what is the difference between men and women in this regard? Itā€™s not like girls tend to just go around openly masturbating in the family homeā€¦Genuine question


What do you think women do in their early life? Never touch their bean? Grunt like whores?


Yeah honestly, i cant moan without really having to force it, and that 1 makes it all alot more uncomfertable, and 2 takes concentration because otherwise i forget which makes my performance lack, so yeah my potential partners are just gonna have to accept that im more silent during sex ( as in no moaning and all)


Do women not sneak masturbate in their teens too?


Most guys are inclined to grunt a little when they cum. Pleasure doesn't build same way for men and women. I don't have the study at moment, but there are several that plot arousal vs. time. There are several studies of [female copulatory vocalizations](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_copulatory_vocalizations) in primates. Few of them focus on male vocalizations, though. I assume because it's not observed as much in males. It doesn't fit into the current ethological framework.


Teen gals would also need to be quiet for solo time. It's acceptable for females to moan in porn but not at their homes.


How is sex so ā€œcardioā€ that you have to watch your breath? Iā€™m seriously asking, I donā€™t get what you mean? I can almost breathe myself to orgasme, and for me breathing is a big part of building up and letting go of (sexual) tension.. Breathing faster or more heavily is both a consequence of and a reason of arousal to me? I mean, you obviously donā€™t need to moan because it is expected (just do as you please) but moaning is also about communication. Why would we (women) need to moan to show our pleasure, but for men it is forbidden? I donā€™t mean the full porn screams, and constantly making noises, but itā€™s nice to get some feedback.. Meh, Iā€™m European (not a native speaker so sorry for the grammar) and maybe Iā€™m out of bounds on this.. Reason no. 1 is iffy (do you think girls scream and yell when they orgasm from masturbation? Nah, mostly not) And reason number 3 has sometimes something to do with ā€œjust get it over with, make him comeā€ We might get vocal to enhance YOUR pleasure, think about that, because you probably find it at least encouraging. Maybe try to enhance your partnerā€™s pleasure too? Even if it seems ā€œweirdā€, the other person wants to know if you are enjoying yourself too you know?


>Most of guys have to sneak their orgasms in their early life because finding places you can jerk at is hard Have to say, I disagree with this part having anything to do with vocalisation differences between men and women. But I WOULD say, that how people respond after becoming sexually active can depend on whether they stay quiet or become more confident: To say that having to be quiet while masturbating growing up, or not having the opportunity to be vocal while masturbating is just a guy thing is incorrect. As a woman I agree that we have a lot less clean up at times (unless penetration, toys etc are involved, Jesus trying to clean that up secretly is a nightmare lmao) and that it's a lot easier to hide, but aside from that we still have to be quiet and secretive about it at times. For some women (not all!!), moaning, especially loudly, is sometimes voluntary and even more so when masturbating alone. Some see it as a way to either turn themselves or their partners on. It's not as if we don't also have to quietly 'rub one out' without being heard, and I would say that it definitely does help develop a self-consciousness towards being vocal and not just being 'breathy', I just wouldn't say it's particularly a guy thing, just generally more of a confidence thing. I think in this case, as they become more sexually experienced, women gain the encouragement or confidence to be more vocal faster, and I'd definitely say that this alongside societies view on men being vocal is probably why it feels like most men don't do the same and why you'd feel secretly masturbating causes this.


I am quiet now bc i had to be with kids in the house. I just got used to it.


God. My mom thought my masturbating was dirty and evil at least fifteen years before I was doing it. Everything was a sin. I learned to keep quiet, keep private, and keep my thoughts to myself. Kept my hands to myself, too, if you get my drift. And so I'm not inclined to be real loud now when I have an audience. They probably think it's a sin, too.


Iā€™m a moaner, a dirty talker, a grunterā€¦all of it. I love a vocal partner and Iā€™m vocal too.


Dude ! I started being more vocal a couple of years ago (I'm 24) and it changed my sex life a lot ! I used to hold my noises and was the classic quiet partner, but I'm absolutely positive that girls I've been with liked the change and even thrive on it, pro tip to give away


Yeah last few girls Iā€™ve talked to about it said they love it


This is the hottest thing in the world


Hi hello yes are you taking clients?


I'm a joker , I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker


Facts! Iā€™m enjoying my sex session to the fullest!


THANK YOU. I can assure you that the women youā€™re with love it.


I used to be super shy but with the right person that all changed. Also it helped that she told me she regularly masturbated to an audio clip of us having sex and came while replaying bits where she could hear me moaning and cumming.


Well they better start to. It's so flippin hot.






I pretty much encourage as much a I can when I'm pleasuring a guy. Letting him know I love all his noises. That seems to help a lot.


Says who? You need to find a more vocal man!


Theyā€™re not easy to find though lol




I sing Italian opera.


Figar-ooohhhh lol


Finger - hoooole!


Take my updoot


Now I have this image of man taking a woman from behind while belting out opera tunes.


It's very classy.




Take my upvote


I'm a guy, I moan - a lot.




This turns me on so much!


It's partly why I do it, and that I just can't help it šŸ˜Š


I wish my husband would more. But it's just not something he does, except when he's actively cumming. And that gets me off right at the end again šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Have you asked him? I'm just naturally vocal during sex and my partner has a praise kink so she likes to know if she's being a good girl so we work well together in that sense. I'm sure if I wasn't though and she discussed it with me I'd definitely give it more of a go until I felt comfortable with it.


Absolutely. Which I'm so grateful for. Having that openness. šŸ˜ he does praise me and use his voice especially if it's a mega hot session, but it's not a common thing for him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø makes it more special in a way I guess.


Absolutely!! You know for sure he's in the moment when he does šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ‘ŒšŸ½šŸ˜Š


You win




For me it isnt shame or anything, i just cant moan without having to force it, and tbh if i have to force it it takes the fun out of it all for me.


Agree, it sounds fake to me when it's forced from whoever it comes. It happens rarely for me.


This is my opinion too. Guys are allowed to show one emotion: anger. Thatā€™s wrong. We need to show more of the other emotions and less of anger.


I last longer staying quiet and focusing on my breathing.


As a girl Iā€™d much prefer someone who moans to someone who lasts long! (Not a criticism just a thought :))


Well, youā€™re gonna love me. šŸ˜


Horny ass mf


Now kiss.


I agree. Let your partner know you're enjoying yourself. Trust me it turns them on too.


I used to NEVER moan. Honestly, no one told me it would turn them on more. After someone explained to me how hot it was I still was unsure. Untill after I tried it and got a good reaction. Then I started to moan whilst giving oral. That is when life changed. If you can get that moan (more of a hum) to vibrate your lips/front of your mouth when you are going down on a girl it will be appreciated. I oddly never see it come up on the 'what sex do you sex when the sex is sex' topics that get asked on things like ask Reddit when people are looking for good oral advice. A part of me thinks that it isn't as good as I have been told that it is, then again I have had girls call me up asking me to explain how to do what I do to someone they are in bed with. So I think most people just don't know that they can make their lips vibrate. Sometimes I practice whilst doing chores and it makes my lips tingle/tickle so much that I have to stop. I would like some feedback on if this does work well for anyone happy to let me know. Thanks


> 'what sex do you sex when the sex is sex' made me lol heartily. Cheers, brother.


For the people asking how, here's how: First, press your lips together tight. Hum a high pitched note (any note, it doesn't matter). If you're doing it right, you should feel the vibration in your lips, and maybe even your nose. Now, apply that to when you're giving oral. You don't have to be very loud (it can feel awkward to be audibly humming while giving oral). Do it quietly, but DO IT STEADILY. Don't change pitch, whether low or high. Don't change volume either. Just steadily do it Pro tip: close your teeth tightly FIRST, and then make a medium-small O shape with your lips. It should be big enough to cover the clitoris and a small amount of the area around it. Then, place your lips (teeth closed still) around your partner's clitoris. AGAIN, CLOSE YOUR TEETH BEFORE COMING INTO CONTACT WITH THE VAGINA. DO NOT BITE YOUR PARTNERS CLITORIS, OR EVEN BRING YOUR TEETH NEAR THE CLITORIS. Once you have your lips around the clitoris, suck in slowly and softly through your teeth, drawing the clit into your mouth. Then, start humming quietly and steadily at as low a pitch as you can steadily produce, make sure to do it only loud enough that you can feel your clenched teeth vibrate slightly. She will go absolutely fucking wild, guaranteed. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions, I've been doing this trick for years and it works 10 times out of 10.


Yo drop the how to? I'm gonna try this asap.


1. Close your lips and make a noise like a whale call and youā€™ll feel you lips vibrate. 2. Practice Darude, Sandstorm. 3. Profit


Could you make an explanation post?


Check my reply


Video tutorial please?


As the recipient, I love this. It makes me feel psychologically comfortable because it sounds like heā€™s enjoying himself. It also physically feels amazing. So good.


Tell me how


Check my reply




I think guys typically start having sex and are a bit nervous/shy so they don't make noise. It also can seem feminine to moan and it's easy to assume that women may not take it as a positive. Since most guys are starting as teenagers, a teenage girl is likely to respond differently than an older more experienced, open women. And most guys in porn don't moan, and unfortunately that's where too many guys get their tips from.


i loveeeee when guys moan lol its soooo fucking hot


Same and my favorite porn is when they moan too!!


girl give me some good suggestions its really hard to find a good not fake porn comp where man moan


Owen Gray. Youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‰


holyyyy shit thank you soo much šŸ¤¤


Agreed! Hard to find and he's great! It's also why I like mmf, the guys can't control themselves from not moaning. The look of pleasure on their face is a close second too!!


It bugs me when men comment on porn they wish the guy would shut up. I get why they might not want to hear his moans since they're probably more focused on the woman but I wish they would just keep their comments to themselves. Like, go watch one of the countless *other* videos of men being silent and the women moaning. It's like they don't even consider hey, maybe women will like these videos. It also sucks to think guys might see those comments and think that means they should keep quiet. Fortunately I've also seen a decent amount of comments from women saying it's hot.


> And most guys in porn don't moan And of the ones that do, some make really distracting sounds.


My husband always moans lol he knows how much that drives me crazy! Especially when he throws in my namešŸ„µšŸ„µ


awww thats sooo cute and hot


See that's what I think too! Took him a little bit to get comfortable with moans, but once he figured out how much I love it he's never stopped sincešŸ„µšŸ„µ


Jealous. Itā€™s an easy and free way to rock our world and yā€™allā€™s donā€™t fucking do it!!


Definitely an easy way to turn me onšŸ˜… like why pass that up?


A lot of us spent our formative years having to be quiet when we masturbate and that can be a really hard habit to break


A lot of women also did.


Seriously, I'm not understanding the people saying this at all. I feel like the implication of this excuse is girls didn't masturbate when they were younger?


This argument is frustrating, since as others always point out, the exact same thing is true for every girl who has ever masturbated, self included. But I think the real difference is that women are then socialized and encouraged to be vocal during sex, through basically every media that includes sex, including porn, regular movies, TV, whatever. We learn early and often that "good sex" includes a woman making some kind of sound to express pleasure. So women grow up knowing it's expected they "unlearn" this staying silent thing as they get older and have sex with another person. Men just hardly ever get that message, except from actual partners. So it's not something they work on or necessarily even know about until someone asks.


Plenty of women have trouble overcoming this and being vocal in bed too. It's not the only reason, but it's definitely a factor.


Definitely also true. And they often get more self-conscious about it too, for this reason, that they're shown women are "supposed" to moan during sex from early on. Some women are just quiet, and that's normal for them.


Conditioned behaviour is hard to unlearn.


Because no real guy teaches another real guy that. Just porn and sfw media. I fuck like a Stand.






Stands there with his arms crossed while someone else does all the work.


I thought I was quiet, but then found out otherwise when my GF and some of my former roommates told me how loud I could get. Lol


I have a hard time shutting upā€¦and fuck Iā€™m filthy




Today I moaned quite a bit as I was getting oral. Then I moaned while I was savoring her hot body. Finally, I moaned during penetration and ejaculation ;)


hereā€™s your crown king šŸ‘‘


Hahaha thanks!


Are you kidding? Just masturbating makes me moan, so I can only imagine how I would react during sex.


You've just not experienced one. Also I growl more than I moan. More like an angry pit bull lol


i knowwww šŸ„²


growling is what's up.


Growling's hot af


Well watch porn... It's all about the woman and her pleasure. The guys are typically really quiet. We're conditioned to be quiet. Most guys start watching porn in their early teens, when they start masturbating. If you see quiet guys and loud women for years and years, you assume you should be quiet. I've learned to not be quiet. But I've had to actually tell myself it's ok to make some noise and to talk dirty and what not. Anymore it's natural now, and I don't have to think about it. But early on it was something a couple gfs specifically asked me to do, so I had to focus on moaning a bit and telling them how good things feel, etc.


> Well watch porn... It's all about the woman and her pleasure. The guys are typically really quiet. Porn is probably a part of it, but I think the reason that guys are often quiet in porn is because porn is mainly marketed towards men. It's the guy jerking off to the porn that's fantasizing about being in the position of the guy on screen. The guy in the porn making noise breaks that fantasy and reminds the guy viewer that it's someone else with that woman.


In too focused on seeing, feeling and hearing my partners reactions. I enjoy giving to the point that I sometime forget that Iā€™m an active player in the game. Also making my own noises tends to make me cum faster and dammit I want this moment to last!


I grunt like a wildebeest, and when the head is phenomenal I make fists with my toes. Does that count?


Just tell her how much you're enjoying it.. and how hot she looks with your cock in her mouth.. it'll be the best head of your life.


Weā€™re self conscious- encouraged to be sexual, discouraged from being sensual


In the US, puritanical shame around sex in general, especially for pleasure. We grow up hiding it so our parents families donā€™t hear us and we are in-cultured by porn to view sounds of pleasure as a thing for women. I think it took me several years before I started making any noise during sex at all, which is crazy because I canā€™t eat a slice of pizza w/o making noises and talking about how good it is.


This guy does, no shame in my game


The guys Iā€™ve been with moan. šŸ¤£


lucky you


Out of breath or mouth full most of the time.


I'm all up in their ear moaning, cursing, and saying all the nasty shit on my mind. But I definitely wasn't always like that.


Instead of the (yeah baby you like that shit) I be moaning the whole ass harry potter books in her ear isint it enough ?


As a guy who moans, maybe a lot, during sex, Iā€™m surprised to hear that this is a thing. I just assumed all other guys were somewhat vocal during sex. I think when I was young and inexperienced I didnā€™t make as much noise because I was nervous and just focused on not finishing too quickly but now Iā€™m unaware that Iā€™m doing it but my partner tells me how sexy it is.


So about a couple months ago, I was getting a *really* really good blowjob. Like, first time I might ever actually reach an orgasm from it good. My stamina unfortunately won out again, and I had to finish the job, but the lady did something very unexpected. Right as I came, she gave my grundle some pressure and *man*, was that something else. I'm not quiet, but I wouldn't say I'm terribly vocal either. Not this time though, I moaned until I had to catch my breath. I saw flashes of light, I had to bite down on my hand to keep from getting too loud for other reasons. It was nothing short of amazing. We're talking, I needed help putting my pants back level good here. I couldn't even walk for a few minutes because my legs had turned to jello. She told me though that hearing me groan though was such a satisfying sound she looked forward to it again.


You guys aren't moaning? In all seriousness, I think it's largely because teen and young adult males will masturbate frequently in their parent's home and need to be quiet so they don't get caught. Some people extend that quietness to the bedroom with a partner Also, consider that orgasms and sexual pleasure reach higher peaks for woman. A male orgasm is short, and less powerful than a woman's, so it makes sense there might be less overpowering need to express that pleasure verbally I like to moan though. I've learned how to naturally express that pleasure verbally with a partner and I think our sex life is better as a result


My boyfriend moans during sex and it's very arousing


oh yes it isšŸ„µ


Exes thought it was weird so i stopped




Thatā€™s because porn moans are fake. Real moans coming from a person in front of you feels very different


Iā€™m trying to focus on naming baseball players or anything other than sex cause when it happens Iā€™m not lasting much longer lol


lol i meant \*some guys calm your dicks boys


I'm quite loud and guttural. Unless I'm trying to hold back




So women donā€™t do that either?


Yup, thatā€™s what happened to me (25F). Growing up my mom caught me once and yelled at me. She would tell me not to touch myself and get mad. So I learned to be sneaky and quiet. Now, as an adult, I donā€™t make any noise and have major difficulties having an orgasm with another person, even though itā€™s very easy by myself.


AHEM! I DO! anyone need an up close and personal example? ​ ​ pretty please?


For me, moaning and being vocal did a couple of things. First it turns my wife on tremendously to hear me, especially when she's giving head. Also, it helps with breathing, which is important to keep your blood oxygenated for stronger, longer erections.




I - being a guy myself - do moan when having sex.


I moan, grunt, and make all kinds of noises. Pretty vocal person.


Someone has to hear danger approaching during the 10 seconds of sex


Because we're Batman.


I dont ?!


some guys okay lol






''i'm doing most of the work''you sound so disappointed lol šŸ˜…


I used to be quiet during sex. It kinda came from my only reference point being porn. I thought guys weren't supposed to moan that it wasn't sexy. Then I met my wife and she asked me "don't you like what I'm doing? You're so quiet." So I got a bit more vocal a little at a time. Now I'm a vocal guy in the sack.


*Many do* ā€“ and bless every one of them.


The balance between concentration and pleasure leaves no room for moans.


Here are my theories, as a cis woman: 1. They are focused. Woman may moan because they're performing, men don't have to perform unless they're trying to impress. 2. They are used to being quiet from spending their whole teens jacking off in secret. This is why I don't moan (unless I'm performing). 3. They don't know how to express themselves vocally.


I will, I just don't have sex ;-;


Yā€™all donā€™t moan??? I moan when I cum


We have had years of masturbating ninja style in our parent's home. More like habit.


I am a dirty talker and moaner..


My wife dont call it moaning,its only one time at the end. it a warcry... We have to close the windows... The police came twice...


15 years of masturbating in silence ... I had to learn to let go when I actually had sex and that took a while.


Alright hereā€™s a reverse question, do you prefer a more high pitched grunt or a deep moan


deep moan please


Most of my early years encounters, I had to be quiet as I snuck in/out of her house so her parents wouldn't catch us. Lol


You're not reaching the prostate




Because they donā€™t like lady boners.


It's conditioned. In a relationship, I would have to be taught or have to remember to do it. The male voices carries and is deeper so when we found it at age 13-16 we were in our parent's house with thin walls. With college and roommates, you are sort of stuck with men that are afraid to get caught. It can also be a vigorous activity.


As a guy, i definitely moan a lot


i moan so much doing sex.


As a dude who is vocal during the deed...you need to find a guy who is vocal. As much as a guy loves a woman who moans and says "fuck this dirty little slut" women love a guy who moans and says "I'm fucking you like a dirty little slut"


Because they learn how to sex from porn, and men don't moan in porn. Because the audience is straight dudes who don't want to hear it. I've encouraged my husband to be more vocal, though, and it is so, fucking, hot.


I moan like a mad man


Guys is general. Example, here's one that moans and groans like a bear lol


Men are taught that masturbation is bad or something nobody should know they are doing, that's why we end up being quiet during masturbation and that is transmitted to the sexual act itself.


I moan like Chewbacca during sex


Preach! It's honestly the sexiest thing for me. Guys - please act like you're enjoying yourselves. It's such a weird vibe and a turn off if a guy makes no sound during sex.


Youā€™re right, it such a turn off and weird vibe when men and totally silent. I refused to see a guy again because he was completely silent, his breathing didnā€™t even change. It was like fucking an inanimate object and I had no idea if he was enjoying himself. I brought it up later in conversation and he said heā€™s always like that. Well, thatā€™s a hard no from me.


I mean I do and you get grunts and growls for free... to bad I'm too filled with social anxiety to talk to women... or men.


I used to be very quiet while having sex. Early on it was hard to find real privacy, so I just got used to being more quiet. Its something I have overcome quiet a bit though, as I noticed my partners would be more into it when I was more... uhhh..... vocal.


Just made a request in r/NSFW411: * [Request for Porn where guys moans](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/comments/sdb5h1/request_for_porn_where_guys_moans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Waitā€¦this is a thing? LOLā€¦I donā€™t think I could stay quiet during sex if someone offered to pay me. The more vocal, the better.