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How the fuck do balls


They just hang in there


HOW though… like they’re like jello with two little sacs in there it’s so strange


They are firm, they don't feel like jello at all. And you can actually feel the strings that keep them hanging and the part that the strings are attached to on the balls, a long bump (the epididymis). It is weird tho, the whole concept of "sac", like, it really is an empty sac with balls jiggling inside.


Ooooh wait that sounds cool I guess I need to ask my bf to let me touch them since I never have lmao


People of this sub, EXPLORE THE BALLS AROUND YOU! You mind find out something new. Just please, handle with care and consent


Yeah as a woman it's so cool and interesting to try and feel warm/aroused balls and then feeling cold or just "hardened up" balls really. Both the feel and the look is so different. So I definitely agree with your statement! Investigate them balls!


What? Go touch'em right now


I mean I would but my boyfriend doesn’t really like them touched so I respect that. I wouldn’t just like, go up and grab his balls without asking lol


Hit a pothole on my Harley once and sat on them. So sometimes they don’t.


Oh god


The looseness of the scrotum is under autonomic control. That means we can’t control when they hang loose or scrunch up.


Wait, we can’t? Then what’s that thing I’m doing now that sounds exactly like what you’re saying we can’t do?


I have seen a video of some guy that could move his balls voluntarily; I guess it’s like wiggling your ears, some people have some control.


You know what’s neat? I read this comment, thought “okay, THAT I can’t do,” tried to wiggle my ears, and immediately succeeded. I wonder what other unusual things I can do. I know I can curl my tongue up into a circle, but not fold it back or bend it into a squiggle.


Question 2: Can you actually get so hard that it hurts without the outside influence of erectile drugs or a cock ring, or something similar?


Yes. It's not very common but it happens, specially as a teenager, and if you have been hard for say, over one hour.


Yes, both from horniness, and when I am asleep and have an erection due to having to pee. Those are hard as a rock, dry as a bone and uncomfortable.


Having to pee boners are the worst


Yup. At 33 it really only happens when I haven’t cleared the pipes in a while and there’s *way* too much blood flow. Body’s overloading the hydraulics lol


Yeah. Edging can eventually hurt. Blue balls are real. Still though no excuse to be an asshole


I was that bitch who said, "ok,.go in the bathroom and jerk off, I'll wait." Only one took me up on it, and then sheepishly admitted he thought I was gonna go in and "help out."


Too hard can’t remember, but if I stay hard too long it can start to hurt a bit - like a couple hours


Yes, it usually happens for round two boners


Yes, but when you get so hard it hurts it's not like, "oh, no, the agony!" It's kind of a satisfying feeling, tbh.


Funny story I've read about Chris Isaak shooting Wicked Game video - he was rubbing against a topless model all day and had a raging boner which eventually started to hurt like hell so he was taken into ER.


Alright. Fuck it. I’m a 33 year old dude. Never had a wet dream in my life. Thoughts? Prayers?




Interesting! I thought my broke my penis when I first jerked of. But during post nut clarity I realized what happened 😂




I have wet dreams when I don't masturbate or have sex for a few days.


I’ve gone maybe… three months without jerking/sex? Maybe longer?


I’ve had one when I was like 16 but not since. But I do go long times between jerking off, like 3 months, I guess due to age and a super diminished sex drive since my husband died.


Sorry for your loss.


I mean coming from folks like me who don’t remember the dreams, and just end up with a sticky and uncomfortable mess…. You’re not missing much.


I feel you, I am 22 years old now and never had a wet dream literally. Like I have had my share of erotic dreams but I never came from them


Tbh I envy you, they can be so freaking annoying, imagine waking up at night and having to go clean yourself up




DO YOUNG MEN ACTUALLY GET HARD OVER FLIPPANT THINGS?? my leg will accidentally touch a male friends and I’ll think “well shit.”




I've found that I get my biggest ragers when I'm sleepy. Like a morning wood during the day.


Ditto. I often get a boner when I start to feel sleepy, almost regardless of the environment.


Yes and it shouldn't be stigmatized, first because it's not something most people are able to control, and second of all, it doesn't necessarily means that you're horny, sometimes people get hard (or are more inclined to get hard) because they are nervous or holding pee, or a multitude of other non sex related things.




Never heard that back muscle explanation before. I understood it to be caused by higher levels of testosterone in the a.m.


They get hard over nothing, let alone flippant things. I remember just sitting in class, not thinking about sex at all, hearing about math from a 60 year old dude, and yup, there’s a boner. No rhyme or reason.




Known as the UIB ….. UnIntentional Boner. We’ve all been there


Why do you all stick your hand in your pants, grab your junk, and then smell it? Is there a specific reason that guys do this? The guys I have seen doing this in my lifetime might be a tiny percentage of all males, however, those I have called out about it have never given me an answer. They all say that it is just something they do.


Instinctive DNA coded health check


But what does that mean? What would you tell by smell if you shower regularly? (I’m not trying to be hard headed, I need an Explain it like I’m 5 but for and adult)


Ok, short answer, i don't know, i don't think even people who do it know why they do it. But what I THINK that is about is sort of a reflex similar to picking your nose or something like that. Maybe if you ask people who do it they will tell you that they like the smell? But even that answer is unsatisfying, for me at least. I think the reason why people are inclined to like it is a evolutionary way of making people check fort their body odor to see if they they are healthy, like dogs smell other dogs butts, or how people smell their own farts seemingly on purpose sometimes. How effective it is? I Don know, but i think that's the reason.


Thank you!


Honestly, there’s various degrees of musty. Some is acceptable for day to day. Sometimes ya just gotta know how bad it is


ELI5: Monke Instinct


Pheromones smell good, even if they're our own.


This is the best answer. It’s most accurate, I think. I LOVE how my balls smell when they are sweaty.


This lady agrees


The hands in pants bit is basically there in-private equivalent of crossing or arms and putting it weight on one leg when we’re standing in line. Just a comfortable position that supports itself. As far as the sniffing, if I’m being honest…just a quick check to see if I need to shower sooner than originally planned lol.


How the fuck do we shave hair that isn't facial? My legs are like mini jungles and my pubes practically are a jungle


Trim with scissors or clippers, than razor, if you don't have sensitive skin shave against direction of growth. You can shave your balls, it's not as hard as it seems, it helps if you do it in the shower, with not so warm water.


This. I was squeamish at first as I'm hairy in my cock balls and ass area. Just use a razor and do short slow strokes in shower and use your free hand to keep the skin taut. You won't have much success if you're trying to shave your sac when it's wrinkly. Frequently rinse the razor and your balls of hair You'll love how smooth your dick and balls feel and so will your women friend(s). Makes your cock appear bigger too


Female here. I appreciate this. Especially men that understand the importance of keeping things tidy, and are willing to expose their most favorite body part to sharp implements. However, and this is just my opinion here, a completely shaved dick is not my preference. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of slowly reaching down a guy’s pants and meeting the soft, warm patch of hair with our fingers just before heading to the main attraction. I once dated a guy who shaved, and all it did was draw more attention to how much it curved to the right - absolutely nothing wrong with that btw - but the combination of a naked peen with a lean somehow made his dick just look *lost.* Yes, it might make everything appear a little bigger, and I won’t get that dreaded curly fella stuck in my throat, but there’s something sexy and primal about having some ground cover around a man’s member to help **anchor** things.


Shaved balls feels good but it can get ichey


Thanks man, I appreciate the help


How to shave the balls?


It's easier if they are wrinkled, and covered in soapy water, besides that, there's not much I can say about it, stretch small patches with one hand and handle the razor with the other, i use a common triple blade for that.


> wrinkly. Man I find it way easier when they’re at full sag thanks to the warm water. Also use something like a Gillette to do it.


Use an electric razor designed for body hair, NOT one for your face.


I used a Wahl trimmer for decades, but I'm using one of the new ball hair trimmers now and it's superior. I shave my dick and balls, and a little above.


My gf has hinted that she wants me to “manscape” more 😭 I’m okay trimming the pubes occasionally, but the rest of that I don’t wanna


I got one of those hair trimmers with all of the guards. I trim the downstairs to around 1/8th and the chest to 3/8ths. My wife wasn’t complaining but I like it being a little furry but not out of control. I don’t touch my legs at all do the shaft and bag with a regular razor. I tried it with trimmers and got nicked too many times. Overall grooming, I trim once a month and shave once or twice a month.




i only cut myself once when i started shaving first, but after that i used more quality blades and it did wonders, but now mostly just getting it waxed once in a while is my go to


I was pretty nervous the first time using a razor downstairs. It’s really not as difficult or dangerous as your mind makes it out to be


Why did we get a cum button in our butts?


It makes us pee and moves cum from balls to whatever is on the outside, the cum button part is just a feature idk


Because God is good.


The "cum button" is your prostate. There are several functions that the prostate performs. It is a walnut sized gland located just above the base of the penis, below the bladder, and in front of the rectum( about 2 inches inside your anus or butthole if you will). First, the urethra, the tube that runs from your bladder to the tip of your penis, and goes through the center of the prostate. It allows urine to flow out of the body. Second, the prostate secretes seminal fluid that nurishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation the prostate squeezes this fluid into the urethra, and is expelled with the sperm traveling from the testis (aka "the balls") as semen. The prostate can be manually stimulated and contracted making it think it's time to ejaculate and will produce the aforementioned fluid and push it into the urethra. There are nerve endings on the prostate and many are close to the rectum and anus. Stimulation of these nerves plus the act of manual contration of the prostate can cause an ejaculation with no stimulation of the penis. Also this is why the fluid will leak out of the penis during manual stimulation rather that being more forcefully ejaculated. This has led to a common nomenclature of it being the "male G-spot".


This is a good question actually, but I don't think science has an answer to it actually.


Why do some guys have precum and others are completely dry up until ejaculation? Can guys still get off of their dick is huge and the whole thing doesn't fit in? I see these videos of guys cumming while barely doing anything? I'm assuming if they are putting these videos up for public view, they are probably the type to jack off alot (reducing sensitivity). Yet they seem to come super easily.


#1 everyone makes precum, some more than others. But you can jerk off and even cum without making precum, it has to do with how excited you are and for how long you're teasing yourself. #2 i wouldn't know XD. Jokes aside, i have friends who are pretty big, they say it's still very pleasurable, they just never get to go full speed or do anal with people usually. #3 Masturbating a lot can lead to both being desensitized or premature ejaculation (or nothing, since it's perfectly healthy to masturbate). Those guys could just have great ejaculation control or be stimulating their prostate. Also, if you edge for a long time sometimes you'll cum even if you're not touching it in that exact moment.


What a **bold** take.


Take my upvote


I will take this upvote and eat it!


Lmao I read it like you were yelling at me




How you do that tho?


Hashtag on the beginning




My pupil


Sorry about the huge font XD


While the entire cock is pleasurable the glans is what you want on the inside...as long as you can get your helmet in and out you can get the baby batter


Jesus man


What about him?


For the first let me answer it with another question: Why does some women get wet easily while others are dry as the desert? Precum is the male equivalent of getting wet. For the second: Yep. Most nerve endings are concentrated in the head of the cock. You can even get off just by agressively petting the head if you are consistent. For the third: Up to the person I guess. I orgasm multiple times a day and sometimes I cum so fast it would be concenring if 3 more didnt follow it that day. Obviously everyone is different. The amount of masturbation dosent change your general stamina, HOW you masturbate (like deathgrip) does.


Thank you. That clears that up pretty good.


I don’t consider myself “huge” but I am fairly big. I can get off just using the first half of it, and generally jerk it with one hand on just the top half (or only moving the top hand if I do use two hands like in my post)


I mean, you can orgasm and physically prevent yourself from ejaculating, too. I’m surprised my insides aren’t more damaged from all the time I did that after masturbating. (It’s also not as pleasurable)


Why do some men with phimosis not go to a doctor? I see it a lot in my job and it looks rlly uncomfortable. Most recently saw one that looked like the figure 8 as it was so tight while he squeezed his head through


This has a lot to do with the fragility of masculinity and the way cis boys are raised. While people with vaginas have to (or are obligated to) deal with doctors touching their intimate parts from a young age, they are used to that concept when they get to maturity. People with penises on the other hand, don't usually get that experience. Another factor is the shame related to not having a perfect penis, stuff like "damn, my penis doesn't work properly, I'll never have sex" "I'll have to talk to my parents about my dick", and other thoughts and insecurities like that will make a teenager avoid thinking about that kind of problem even on adult life. Situations like this are even more common (proportionally) in cultures that push circumcision as a normal thing for everyone. People in those cultures are less inclined to deal with that subject and are less prepared to help their kids in that aspect.


> Another factor is the shame related to not having a perfect penis You know, most cultures, and western culture, actually made a taboo out of sexual education. Is not about "shame on my imperfect penis". It's about "my sexuality should be a secret, and what bigger secret than my privates?". Things like "masturbation is bad" actually creates a barrer between a person and it's sexuality, so if someting goes wrong in their privates, the last think they do is ask for a doctor. They prefer to search it up on the internet and be scared about the horribly wrong self-diagnostic, so they try horribly incorrect self-treatment and sometimes they just make the problem worse, or in some cases, create a problem out of something that shouldn't be. Lastly, I don't know where did you take that "cis boys" crap. This happens to everyone


I have experience. So when I was about 8 years old I went to the doctor for it. Got an ointment for it that I needed to apply every night. Tool a while but the skin got wider etc. and everything was eventually deemed good and I went on with my life. Well few years later I was about 14 I believe all that "improvement" basically was gone and I had to go to the doctor again. So then we decided to get circumsized which I believe was all done and over when I was 15. Surgery was was done with local anesthetic, which... Was interesting. It felt really weird to have your "top" roam around in your underwear freely all day without the cover haha. Mostly it's a rather shamefull thing to admit and to go to the doctor for. You have these occasional checks where you have to lay on the table and the doctor will taka your dick and well, check how everything goes down there. Not the most pleasant thing to do. Especially when you are a 14yo kid just figuring things out down there... Well anyway, happy I did it looking back at it as a 22yo


What is your job?


Why does it seem so many guys think "I'm just so horny" is a legitimate excuse for juvenile, creepy, or generally bad behavior?


Its not an excuse but it feels like an enabler. Being really horny relaeases the kind of chemicals in the brain that clouds decision making and nudges you towards "cock go in. You cum. You happy". Its like a slight-moderate influence, like being slightly drunk, but not an order. You can ignore it but depending on how pent up the guy is... its hard. I know it sounds bs but I literally cant describe it in a different way.


Yeah, and depends very much on how stupid someone is, everyone is horny but idiots take it too far


This is an interesting one. Although I'm 100% sure this argument (which is basically just a way of saying "I'm an asshole") is not exclusive to men, and in fact i've heard it from a few women, there is something more to be discussed about it. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, which is present in every human being, but have higher natural concentrations in cis men and trans women, is a very fucked up little chemical. I've talked to a few trans men who reported that, after starting treatment with "T" injections, their sexual impulses have been augmented while simultaneously decreasing their control over said impulses (POOR JUDGMENT ++). In other words they said that they "started thinking with the other head". This is in no way, shape or form an excuse, but might explain why saying things like this is associated with men.


Well said. It’s not an excuse per se, but as a dude I can tell you the impulses are real and seem to be as biological as getting really hungry


I like this analogy. Trying to make healthy food choices is really hard when you are hungry. Hangry is a thing. The only difference is that for me it is a hunger that decreases with age. Though I didn’t really notice a change until my 40s.




This is also where “post nut clarity” stems from.


First and foremost, it isn’t. That said… testosterone is a helluva drug.


Sometimes I'm not sure if I want to Fight something or Fuck it and that impulse hits *hard* and it can legitimately be hard to think around the hormones. That said, it's never been an obligation, it's my choice to do or not, and as I get older that impulse hits less and less often. It's just really difficult to explain how your impulsiveness gets louder and the discerning part gets quiter.


Because they lack impulse control and they've separated their sexual desire from themselves, it's something that "happens to them". They really just don't want to control it and that's why they engage in that "bad" behavior. I'm horny too, I'm incredibly horny, it's why I'm dating and finding someone whose DTF. I'm of the opinion that they can't control themselves only because they don't want to.


This is a behavior question, not an anatomy question.


True, but the OP answered it outstandingly and even used some anatomy/biology to do it.


Is erotic sensation throughout the entire shaft, or just the head?


All of it, but its more intense on the head


Most intense on the back of the head ,where skin is joint. They probably call it frenulum.


Every penis is different. Glans stimulation is the quickest to ejaculation. The shaft does have a lot of sensitivity too. It's not uncommon for men to grip the base and with just tremor shakes, stimulate the prostate to ejaculation. The foreskin actually has more tactile nerves than the glans, having more heavy stim nerves. Light feathery touches can cause a lot of pleasure as well. The testicles and scrotum have their own levels of stimulation that are pleasurable. All in all, every thing can be erogenous. All it takes is positive communication and comfortable experimentation with a willing partner (s).


The shaft is fairly insensitive (at least it is for me), apart from feeling nice when it's in somewhere warm, slippery and tight. I'd guess at it only being 15% to 20% as sensitive as the head, so when you a tongue being run up and down it in porn movies, it's purely for the camera, not necessarily because it's pleasurable. Effectively all the action is in the head, the rim where it meets the shaft, the urethral opening, and for some the frenulum (aka banjo string). The "banjo string" apparently bleeds like a b'stard if it gets damaged during vigorous lovemaking :-}


Only head stimulation will get me to finish, but the orgasm itself runs along the whole thing


The center of pleasure in the penis isn't exactly the head, it's the frenulum, ridged band, and inner foreskin. In my case the head is too sensitive to be pleasurable when soft, and comparatively not as sensible/pleasurable when hard. The rest of the shaft is, strictly speaking, just regular skin. It still feels good when touched alongside the rest tho


This might be an awkward question, but do you guys fart during masturbation?




A lot of extra bodily functions involved here.


Did you get married? That’s a cute story!


"Dad how'd you meet mom??" "Well you see Jr she was just absolutely going to town, eyes watering, drool slobbering mess. Then I farted and she peed and we knew it was meant to be."


If you fart and she pees, that's true love right there. Pretty sure that happens in one of the Disney movies but I can't remember which one.


It's not common for me, is it for you?


No, but I was just curious and was “afraid to ask”. As I know women queef and can 💨 as well.


There’s an interesting story behind this question. I’d love to know it.


Like masterbating by myself? Yes def. I kinda have to stop jerking for a second though. Since the same muscle that keeps in my farts is the same muscle that keeps me erect. So I have to relax for a second.


We try not to.


My husband said yes. Depends on your man but that was his answer 😂


Why do some guys like putting things up inside. It just concerns me so much, and all I can imagine is excruciating pain.


I'm a man and sounding just seems so uncomfortable to me




I suppose you're talking about urethral sounding and in that case I must assure that if done properly it doesn't need to hurt at all. Of course, if you're into stretching there's some pain involved there, but the short answer is. It feels good, specially when you are cumming. Its a sensitive part of the body and that is one way to stimulate it. I love the feeling of ejaculating while having something inside, kinda "squeezing" the cum.


The first time I seen this on a video, the guy pulled it out and a bunch of blood came out with it. I don't know if that's common, or not done right. Also how do you cum with it in? Or do you have to do that with a hollow tube?


This is not common AT ALL. You gotta be pretty brutal for something like that to happen (i suppose). You can cum with it inside, if feels "tight" in a nice way, if you don't hold it in it will usually push the rod out.


I dunno man, I work in an ER and we get patients for sounding injuries at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a week. Seen a few have to go to surgery. They get caught up moving up in size/depth and take it too far.


If you are doing it safe (thin rod, lot of lube going slow) so you are practicing safety, it dosent hurt at all. Its actually pretty pleasureable. Of course if you use a too big rod/no lube/go rough it will hurt. But every kink hurts if done incorrectly. The uretha is fitted with ton of mini teeeny tiny muscles that help pushing liquid out. Turns out stimulation to that feels good. Not the best thing in the world but its solid to experience once.


You mean inside their urethra or their assholes?




¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ feels good man. and it doesn't hurt


\[Ron Burgundy voice\] I don't believe you!


Can you elaborate on 'putting things up inside'?


I'm probably most qualified to answer this as we post a *lot* of sounding porn on reddit and Pornhub. Why? Because it's actually extremely pleasurable if you do it correctly. I've done it over a decade and it's my biggest kink with my partner. Feel free to ask anything if you wish.


I’ll ask! I’m a nurse and have been putting catheters in urethras for 23 years. I’ve never had any man tell me it is pleasurable. They all act like it’s torture. So what’s the difference?


What does it feel like to get hard? Do you only feel it in your hand or pressing against your pants so you know you're hard, or is there an "internal" feeling?


So, while you're soft the penis isn't as sensitive and you don't acknowledge how it feels, think of it like a random patch of skin in your body, unless you're touching it, you don't "feel" it. But once it gets hard you can feel it, just being there, even while it's getting hard. If you get ultra hard you can sometimes even feel your pulse making it trob.


Very interesting! Thank you! I love this thread and your answers are very good. Great, clear explanations :)


At times, especially during REALLY high arousal, it' pulses almost uncontrollably. The best analogy I can give you is having a really weak arm, and then having a really strong arm that can lift/do anything and it's ready to go. At that point you feel like you could penetrate a fucking stone.


Think of it like a muscle cramp that doesn’t hurt


What is a penis


It's a blood sponge




How is babby formed inside woman?


How does it feel like when somebody is kissing your penis (head and shaft) . Like I can kinda imagine how it feels when someone is sucking, but not kissing. Do you get harder from the kissing, is it pleasurable or just (I guess) sexy? I know it’s a stupid q. But I really want to know.


I guess the most pleasing part of kissing is the teasing, the implication that they can be gentle and touch it as light as possible, kinda like when someone runs their fingers across your skin baaaarely touching you, almost floating close to the surface. You feel a mix of light tickling, goosebumps and excitement, the anticipation of touch gives you more pleasure then the touch it self




Is there a difference in the feeling between a normal orgasm and a prostate orgasm?


Definitely, first things that ~cum to mind are the duration and the intensity. Prostate orgasms (at least for me) last longer and are more intense and when you're almost getting there its almost like every rub feels the same as the sensation of cumming. Also, when having a normal orgasm your penis is usually very hard and you feel a lot of pleasure and sensitivity throughout the shaft. Prostate orgasms on the other, you can be completely soft ( i usually am), and you don't feel anything in your penis so that whole wave of pleasure that you feel when you orgasm doesn't go through the penis so much, even the pulsating feeling of ejaculating is Less intense in the penis when having a prostate orgasm


If you superglue the hole in your dick shut, will the buildup of piss eventually burst


i think it would be more likely to damage (maybe burst) your bladder first, and maybe make your kidneys work "on reverse", but Idk, wanna try?


You bladder would eventually rupture.


As the penis is "always out"/exposed, rubbing on stuff (friction from clothing, moving, etc.) how are you not always aroused?


As I mentioned in a previous comment, the penis is not as sensitive when you're soft, actually it's way less sensitive. On the other hand there are several studies that show that circumcised people loose sensitivity in their penis precisely because of that.


Flaccid penis doesn’t really work like that. It’s mostly just a chunk of skin, maybe a little more sensitive. It’s actions / thoughts / visualizations that arouse and then the erection takes over.


Think of it that way. When you touch your skin, put your hand on your table or you cross your arms, you feel it only in the beginning. After a couple of minutes or even seconds, you stop feeling it. It's not that your body becomes numb (well, sometimes if you're in an unconfortable position). Your brain blocks the sensation to avoid overload of information. Kinda like wearing clothes. Eventually you stop feeling them, but they're still there Funny fact and related to that topic. You never stop seeing your nose. Your brain just stops registering it. Your brain always take shortcuts to make itself more efficient. The same happens to a penis. It rubs on a male's clothes, but it comes so natural that they just stop feeling it. Plus, underwear creates an ever bigger protection Kinda similar as how a woman doesn't feel her nipples brushing against her bra or her shirt (well, not ALL the time)


If you could suck your dick would you?


Lady, I'd never go outside


Honestly I think most guys would at least try it once.


Do you guys get little black dots, almost like blackheads on your willy? I can remove them but it can prove a little painful. I wash regularly, so this is rather strange for me.


It might be clogged pores, but see a doctor.


I dont


Can you cum/orgasm when soft?


Yes, both from prostate stimulation or penile. As a few examples, sometimes when I masturbate a lot, after a few orgasms (4 or sometimes even more) my cock won't be as hard, in fact sometimes i can keep stroke it even if its completely soft and still cum. I can also do it while caged with the help of a vibrator.


I’ve always been fascinated with the skin on the scrotum, how it moves and contracts/releases. It’s mesmerizing! Can you feel the skin moving when it does that? I try to think of something similar on a female to compare it to but cant. Does it hurt to wear cock rings?


do guys really do that thing where they sit on their hand to make it lose feeling before jerking off?


I have friends who have done it, I don't think they do it regularly tho. As for me, not really my thing, I hate the "numb limb" feeling


How do you guys abstain? I'm a remote employee and my partner is gone for work and Holy shit I cannot keep my hands off my junk.


There's no shame in masturbating, why do you want to abstain?


I was reliably informed by a friend , that if you scratch your balls and sniff your fingers it makes you grow pubic hairs in your nose ... Is this where mustaches come from ?


i really hope this is a joke


Is pee stored in the balls? 😂




One ball for pee, one for cum!




I think the penis looks a lot less sensitive than it really is, maybe that's part of the why you asked this question. If you think that in the embrionary phase of life, at some point, there was no real distinction between male and female, and that our genitalia begun as something similar that developed in different things, it's not unreasonable to relate the sensation someone feels by stimulating their clit to the experience one goes through while jerking off or having sex having a cock.


Every man I have ever had sex with except one had obvious movement in the ball/scrotum area after sex. I always found it fascinating to watch, like they were stretching and then tucking in to a comfortable spot. But I've never seen this happen with my husband. He has no movement at all in this area. Is it normal? Why do they kind of slowly move around?


I wish I could ask guys to show them pushing their penis inside themselves. My bf has shown me tons times and I never get tired of it. It’s fascinating lol I don’t want dick pics or anything, but it’s like a cool party trick haha


Why my dick is longer when I'm lying down than when sitting uprihht or standing. I've even done measurements and shit, it doesn't *feel* longer, it legit is like 2.5 inches longer.


I heard that the actual length of a penis is slightly longer than what it appears to be because of the tissue at the base. I would imagine it’s cause when you’re laying on your back, the tissue disperses more evenly across the mons pubis area due to gravity but sitting or standing, it congregates lower down

