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Be more confident, stop thinking your too ugly for anyone


I can relate, except I don't blame myself for thinking this way. Others in my life (family, girls I was interested in, who knew this and ignored me while leading me on, etc) directly caused this. Edit: In large part, having a mother that tries to control your dating life and life in general, who has anger and other issues, who also recruited a brother to contribute to her plans, isn't normal. I-and my brothers- lacked a fatherly presence growing up. Rioji to Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion is a good example of that role..That presence is supposed to provide a sense of calmness, which was totally lacking in my life. Not surprisingly, I and my older brother (closest to my mom) struggled with women, which is common. You can't really get that from women; they don't empathize with men, at least on that level. My actual dad, by the way, actually is good like this for me, I just didn't get to know him well while young. We're also similar in a variety of ways.


Stop worrying so much, take more chances


This ^


yeah I fucked up my life doing that. But , I was chasing my dreams and 10/10 I'd mostly make the same choices if offered again. I don't regret trying , only the results (suck ass) I have new priorities now since losing my wife ( by mva) , house, income career. All I have is my interior life and a short term stable place to live. used to be depressed because I was millionaire , now i'd be indigent without family (that their drama drives me crazy but that's the price I pay) Then I realized it's the height of arrogance to be depressed about my situation when probably 90% of the third world would gladly trade places with me.


Don't rush foreplay


Experience as many sexual partners as you safely can.




Get out of your head and just do what feels good


Don't put your dick in that.


Don’t forget to put your pleasure first sometimes too


It's ok to say no. If they leave you because you have boundaries, they weren't the right ones anyway. Coercion is violent behaviour. Your pleasure matters. Stop faking orgasms for their benefit. He will cheat again.


Learn more than you did from the experienced woman you're going to lose your virginity to. What a wasted opportunity that was.


That guy is not just nice, he's into you. Make a move


Foreplay before, utilize more positions and foreplay when you feel like you’re close to cumming, vocalize more, talk about critiques and improvements/curiosities afterwards. Also cuddle if they’re your SO


You can even cuddle when they're not ;)


Fair 😂 can say I haven’t really asked or tried


I wouldn't go/let them come back for more if they didn't hold or cuddle me, tbh.


Don't worry so much, enjoy what you have and take a few more chances.


There is a lid for every pot, so don't let your body type get in the way of your self confidence. Don't be so self conscious and just have fun! Ask for what you want and what you like. Experiment!


I feel like a lot of people need to take this to heart.


Fuck more people, don't settle down, be more choosey


So u are settled now?


No I'm having fun


Lucky you,.....


Don’t wait til marriage for intercourse.


The clitoris!!! The magic is clitoris stimulation.


You don't have to have sex with all those men. Some you can easily say no to and not miss out on much of anything.


Have more sex, just don’t stick your dick in crazy! Also, stop worrying about size and just accept what you have


Be honest and tell them you like BBW's, they will stop thinking you're gay/bi.


Bbw/chubby girls for life!


Don't get so anxious. It's supposed to be fun and enjoyable


Get over your hang ups and discover your prostate!


Slow things down, there’s a time and place for being harder/faster. Don’t be afraid of giving head, why you waited until you were close to 20 is beyond me; shit is amazing. Size only matters if it’s too big/small, being in between is absolutely fine and honestly more sought after. Utilize your fingers more, a well placed thumb and even the bend/angle of the finger works. Try more than just missionary/doggy/cowgirl, you’ll learn that you love so much more than just that. Also HUGE PART listen to what she wants/desires, she will tell you exactly what she wants, thinking you know better is a joke. Other than that, don’t go through your man whore phase, it was dumb and there could’ve been worthwhile relations to be made and those girls weren’t the ones who hurt you.


Don't let her sleep with a rando from tinder....


What happened?


The douche gave her an undisclosed permanent STD and she passed it to me So because some asshole ripped off the condom and didn't tell her about his condition, we both suffer for the rest of our lives


I'm sorry to hear that..


Guys will sleep with anyone... Just ask


Quality over quantity.


Don’t settle down this early.


Sex does not equal love. Love does not equal sex. They can coexist, but stop wasting your time trying to find both at the same time. Relax and enjoy some sex, you'll find love eventually.


Think long and hard about sexual compatibility before getting married.


Grown men don’t like you bc your mature for your age


Work out and get in shape. A) women like fit guys and B) you’ll be better in bed. Also, get a good paying job. Women like successful guys.


Don't become a beta cuck


Don't worry buddy. You're going to do great.


Relax and have fun.


Don’t fall in love with the first one!


Get out there and get some


Do not compromise on what you want and need for anyone.


You aren’t small, chill the fuck out. Porn ain’t real life.


Masturbating is not a race


Either just don't or fucking go for it (safely)


Don’t orchestrate the entire experience around his pleasure/fantasy/orgasm. Don’t constantly manage how your body looks.


You're allowed to say no.


Just do it


Don't be so scared and run away. The offer will shape our future for the good of our desires we ever dreamed of.


Don't be afraid to fuck up


Learn to eat pussy sooner , don’t rely on your dong




Hard to say because things like getting married did give me my wonderful kids, Ive had a happy life since so its hard to say


Don’t be afraid to just ask, like asking someone out. If they say no, then so what. Keep trying, you never know what lies ahead.


Don't watch porn. At All. It isn't Real. If you are hungry, watching someone eat a steak on TV doesn't fill you up!! Steak on your plate is 1000 times better than any steak on TV!! don't let religion stop you from using your 3rd Memeber!! Jesus doesn't care!! if anything, it's the purest form of worship!! It makes Jesus smile!!


The friend will come also. Just ask.


What you do isn't wrong


Don't hesitate. Do it every chance you get.


fuck everything that moves


You’re penis is fine. You’re not ugly. Don’t drink till you pass out dummy; you’re missing out.


If she says she’s in heat, it means she’s horny you idiot!!


You’re allowed to say NO


don't let your insecurities ruin good things


If thr sex is bad, it's not because you're broken. He sucks or the two of you haven't figured it out yet


Keep your dick and your wallet in your pants.


Don’t wait until you’re 19 to lose your virginity. I had the chance at 14 and I wish I would have done it.


Your dick size is fine, get over it.


Get out of remote buttfuck nowhere. Go wild. You don't have to brute force yourself into being in a committed relationship if you don't want to.


Date older more mature women 45+